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A Basic Research Proposal to be Conducted by



Through the Financial Support to be Provided by the

Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) of
the Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas

MAY 2022


The present COVID-19 pandemic has brought extraordinary challenges and has

affected the educational sectors, and no one knows when it will end. Every country is

presently implementing plans and procedures on how to contain the virus, and the

infections are still continually rising. In the educational context, to sustain and provide

quality education despite lockdown and community quarantine, the new normal should

be taken into consideration in the planning and implementation of the “new normal

educational policy” (Tria, 2020).

In light of the new normal, the minimum health and safety standards set by the Inter-

Agency Task Force (IATF) on Covid-19 have been given considerations prior to keeping

all teachers and school community safe amidst the Alternative Work Arrangement.

Furthermore, school activities have been modified and altered. Limited face to face

transactions in schools are catered and children are no longer allowed within the

vicinity. However, the pursuit for quality education continues as teachers find ways to

enhance their skills and update their knowledge on the current trends in education. One

of these is the Learning Action Cell or known as LAC Sessions.

According to DepEd Order No. 35, S of 2016, a Learning Action Cell is a group of

teachers who engage in collaborative learning sessions to solve shared challenges

encountered in the school facilitated by the school head or a designated LAC Leader.

LACs will become the school-based communities of practice that are positive, caring,

and safe spaces.

The researcher acknowledges the importance of the role played by Learning Action

Cell Sessions in ensuring the quality of education and that the process of teaching and

learning continue even in the midst of the health crisis.


Therefore, this qualitative research will focus on the experiences and challenges of

Elementary and Secondary LAC Leaders in the conduct of Learning Action Cell (LAC)

Sessions in the New Normal from School Year 2020 onwards.



In line with the implementation of Republic Act No. 10533, or the Enhanced Basic

Education Act of 2013, the Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed

policy on The Learning Action Cell (LAC) as a K to 12 Basic Education

Program School-Based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the

Improvement of Teaching and Learning.

Through this policy, the DepEd fully supports the continuing professional development

of its teaching personnel based on the principle of lifelong learning and DepEd’s

commitment to the development of teachers potential aimed towards their success in

the profession. This can be done through the school-based LAC, which primarily

functions as a professional learning community for teachers that will help them improve

practice and learner achievement.

This policy will remain in force and effect unless sooner repealed, amended, or

rescinded. All issuances inconsistent with this Order are hereby rescinded.

Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.



(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 35, s. 2016)




As an institution of learning, the Department of Education (DepEd) works to protect and

promote the right of Filipinos to quality basic education that is equitable, culture-based,

and complete, and allows them to realize their potential and contribute meaningfully to

building the nation. The investment of the DepEd in the development of human potential

is a commitment it makes not only to its learners but also its teachers. Towards this

end, the DepEd fully supports the continuing professional development of its teaching

personnel based on the principle of lifelong learning and the view of the teaching

profession as one that “requires teachers expert knowledge and specialized skills,

acquired and maintained through rigorous and continuing study” (UNESCO 1966).

The DepEd also recognizes that the quality of learning is greatly influenced by the

quality of teaching. Therefore, it is imperative for the DepEd to hire good teachers and

to support their development in the teaching profession. Organizing professional

learning communities will aid teachers in the construction of new knowledge about

instruction as well as in revising traditional beliefs and assumptions about education,

community, teaching, and learning (Little 2003) to suit the present needs of learners.

Affirmative bases for this policy are also drawn from the learnings of many interventions

in education such as the Program for Decentralized Education (PRODED), Third

Elementary Education Project (TEEP), Secondary Education Development and

Improvement Project (SEDIP) as well as empirical studies on similar professional

development programs that demonstrate that teachers’ participation in professional


development activities have a positive impact on teachers’ beliefs and practices,

students’ learning, and the implementation of educational reforms (UNESCO ISO


Successful teaching is a result of the systematic use of appropriate strategies for

delivering and assessing the learning objectives targeted for each lesson (UNESCO

GMR 2014). Successful teachers 1) possess a good grasp of content which they can

consequently convert to sound learning objectives, 2) are able to select and implement

the most effective instructional strategies and materials to teach the identified content

objectives, 3) make instructional decisions on the basis of formative assessment

results, 4) promote sincerely their students’ learning and holistic development, and 5)

are professional and ethical in the conduct of their work (Stronge 2007).

Different methods of teacher professional development are implemented throughout

the DepEd to improve teaching-learning processes. However, most of these are top-

down processes wherein expert knowledge is shared or transferred. Examples of these

are lectures or workshops during cascaded or echoed teacher training and short-term

courses. Other top-down training programs are done over time such as scholarships,

and distance learning programs.

Though existing in some schools or divisions in the DepEd, there are fewer instances

of bottom-up teacher professional development programs where colleagues study

content and pedagogies together, plan lessons collaboratively, and conduct action

research as a group. Examples of these are school-based learning action cells,

teaching circles, communities of practice, and lesson study.

Policy Statement

Good educational systems ensure that opportunities for both approaches to

professional development programs are available and accessible to teachers

(Whitehouse 2011). It is therefore incumbent upon the DepEd to ensure teachers’

continuing professional development (CPD) within the framework of School-Based

Management (SBM) and embodied in the School Improvement Plans (SIPs). As such,

this policy highlights the fact that the locus of learner development is at the school

where deliberate measures must be taken to improve student learning outcomes.

In effect, action points that directly address the quality of teaching-learning processes

must be included in the SIP. The space and opportunities for teachers to collegially

discuss strategies that will lead to better teaching and learning processes can be

integral to SIPs. Further, this policy reiterates that good teaching is the primary job of

teachers and supporting CPD is one of the most vital functions of school


In this policy, the DepEd institutionalizes Learning Action Cells (LACs) that aim to

develop and support successful teachers by nurturing their knowledge, attitudes, and

competencies in terms of curriculum, instruction, and assessment in their work stations.

In the DepEd, a Learning Action Cell is a group of teachers who engage in

collaborative learning sessions to solve shared challenges encountered in the school

facilitated by the school head or a designated LAC Leader. LACs will become the

school-based communities of practice that are positive, caring, and safe spaces.

Key aspects of the process are ongoing collaborative learning or problem


solving within a shared domain of professional interest, self-directed learning, reflective

practice leading to action and selfevaluation, and collective competence. The following

are the objectives of this policy:

• to improve the teaching-learning process that will lead to improved

learning among the students;

• to nurture successful teachers;

• to enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their

content and pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills, and attitudes; and

• to foster a professional collaborative spirit among school heads,

teachers, and the community as a whole.

LACs are the most cost-effective CPD process but may entail some expenses for

meetings and handouts. Funds for the LACs may be sourced from the school’s

Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE), subject to its utilization

guidelines. Other resources may be generated by the school or schools divisions to

support LACs as these endeavor to upgrade the quality of teaching and learning in their

respective schools.

Learning Action Cell (LAC)

Theoretical Framework

This policy provides the framework and enabling mechanisms for the conduct and

implementation of LACs in schools or in clusters if multigrade schools prefer to conduct

them by cluster. It is directed towards improving teacher knowledge, skills, and attitudes

based on established competencies linked to the K to 12 Curriculum.


The theoretical framework in Figure 1 shows that communities of practice, in this case,

LACs, enable teachers to do collaborative planning, problem solving, and action

implementation that will lead to improved teachers’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes that

will consequently and significantly improve student learning and development.

Topics for LAC Sessions

The content of LAC sessions may be determined by the teachers themselves

under the general guidance of the school head or LAC leader. This may be done

through needs assessment, the results of which should assist the LAC in listing their

priority areas of learning.

Special emphasis must be made on some key features of the K to 12 Basic Education

Program. It is important that the teacher-identified topics are consistent with the

following broad areas of discussion that enliven the features of the K to 12 Basic

Education Program as articulated in Republic Act (R.A.) No.10533, the Enhanced Basic

Education Act of 2013 and in various policies of the DepEd:

Learner Diversity and Student Inclusion

Successful teachers know and care for their students. Including learner diversity and

student inclusion in the LAC sessions emphasizes that learners are the reason for all

education processes. It is the central role of teachers to establish learning environments

that are responsive to learner diversity. It underscores the importance of teachers’

knowledge and understanding of, as well as respect for, learners’ characteristics and

experiences. Diversity emanates from a variety of factors (which may be in

combination) such as gender, community membership, religious beliefs, family

configurations, and special learning needs.

Teachers who celebrate diversity in their classrooms adjust and differentiate their

instruction to include all learners and to foster harmony in their class. Furthermore,

learner inclusion requires that teachers provide remedial instruction for those who are

experiencing difficulties in learning lessons. Such interventions prevent failure and

communicate caring by the teacher for students.

Content and Pedagogy of the K to 12 Basic Education Program

By studying the K to 12 curriculum, teachers will be better able to prepare for lessons

and will be more relaxed in executing lesson plans. Only a confident teacher is able to

implement developmentally-appropriate teaching methods that respect the individual

differences of learners. Additionally, they can jointly craft learning goals in collaboration

with their students. Content and performance standards and learning competencies

must be mastered by teachers so that they can plan lessons, deliver instruction

effectively, and assess the learning that resulted from their teaching.Teachers can

collaboratively plan weekly lessons during the LAC and these can be implemented for

the specified period of time, after which, teachers can share their experiences to

improve subsequent lessons.

While boosting teachers own critical and creative thinking, their skill in translating

curriculum content into relevant learning activities also grows. Student learning will

improve because the teacher will be more systematic and better contextualized to the

learning needs of students.

Assessment and Reporting in the K to 12 Basic Education Program

Every teacher should understand how to implement the learner-centered assessment

policies for the K to 12 Curriculum. Discussions about lessons should necessarily

include ways in assessing the learning of students and how data from formative

assessment can improve subsequent lessons.

Assessment provides teachers and learners with the necessary feedback about

learning outcomes. This feedback informs the reporting cycle and enables teachers to

continually select, organize, and use sound assessment processes.

21st Century Skills and ICT Integration in Instruction and Assessment

Bringing 21st-century skills into the teaching and learning situation is a central feature

of the K to 12 Basic Education Program. Teachers must enrich lessons with simple

integration strategies utilizing Information and Communications Technology (ICT) that

are developmentally appropriate. Instruction and assessment processes can be made

more collaborative with ICT, which teachers can implement with the tools and

equipment available in their schools.


Curriculum Contextualization, Localization, and Indigenization

Curriculum contextualization is the process of matching the curriculum content and

instructional strategies relevant to learners. Student diversity requires that teachers

always consider individual differences in lesson planning and implementation. Teachers

identify and respond to opportunities to link teaching and learning in the classroom to

the experiences, interests, and aspirations of the wider school community and other key


By linking new content to the local experiences that are familiar to students, learning

will be more efficient for and relevant to them. The localization of curriculum is an

essential feature of the K to 12 Curriculum. The teacher’s guide and learners’ materials

may be modified to accommodate the unique contexts of a particular locality.

Deepening curriculum contextualization through indigenization is essential for

communities that have cultural practices that are different from the majority of people in

the same locality. Providing spaces for unique cultures in the K to 12 Basic Education

Program is a key strategy for student inclusion and ensuring relevance of education

processes for all learners. Teachers and school systems must make sure that the

members of the community participate in indigenization processes, so that the

curriculum will be accurate and faithful to the culture in consideration.

In addition to the topics that the LAC members have identified and those enumerated

above, teachers should also find time to discuss how their community linkages can

support the curriculum and how the LAC sessions promote their own professional

growth. Furthermore, emerging and urgent issues or concerns affecting teaching and

learning must be discussed during LAC sessions. These may include school data such

as school participation, attendance, completion and assessment, child-finding activities,

programs to be offered so as to include more learners in schools, results-based

practices, and technologies, and school successes. LAC sessions also cover DepEd

thrusts and policies relevant to the above-mentioned priority needs.

LAC Implementation Process

Before the LAC Session. In order to plan for LACs, the LAC members guided by the

LAC Leader and LAC Facilitator, are expected to identify professional development

needs and prioritise issues to be discussed or addressed in the LAC session. These

can be recorded in a LAC Plan, which will also require details on how the LAC process

will be monitored. A template for the LAC Plan can be found in Annex 1. Schools can

revise the template to suit their own needs and contexts.

Assessment of Needs

Needs are identified with reference to the professional teacher standards set for one’s

career stage. These needs could be captured through different forms like

selfassessment tools, classroom observation results, critical reflections, surveys,

researchbased teacher development needs, students’ assessment results, and other


Prioritization of Topics or Agenda

From the needs that have been identified as focus of LAC, members could agree on

which of them should be prioritized for their sessions. The basis for prioritization could

be in terms of urgency of need, time needed in addressing the need, interest or in


whatever way agreed upon by the members of the group. These priority needs or topics

could integrate the areas mentioned above.

Formation of LAC

Every teacher must be part of a LAC. LACs could be formed based on the

prioritized need(s) and depending on the number of teachers in every school or cluster

of schools. However, these groupings are flexible according to need and context.

One LAC could be composed of five (5) to 15 members. A school may organize as

many LACs as may be deemed necessary depending on the identified needs of the

school. In all schools, teachers may convene in groups that are strategically decided.

These may be by key stage, grade level, learning area, or programs offered by the

school. Multigrade schools may be clustered in different ways by the district or division

supervisors based on the objectives of the LACs to be conducted.

Each LAC should have a leader, a facilitator, a documenter, and members as shown in

Figure 2. External resource persons may be invited when necessary though the

preference is for the LAC resource persons to be from among the LAC members.

The terms of reference (ToR) for LAC participants are found in Annex 2.

Identification of Appropriate Intervention

The LAC could agree on exploring interventions to address the identified need.

Interventions could be in the form of learning materials, instructional materials,

equipment, facilities, strategies in teaching, modality in teaching, program, etc.

Scheduling of Meetings

The LAC members can decide on the schedule, length, and frequency of meetings.

One to two hours a week is strongly recommended but the diversity of teaching

conditions may not always allow this. LAC sessions, however, should be conducted at

least once a month. Interactions may also be done through ICT when it is difficult to

have face-to-face sessions, particularly when involving clustered schools. There is a

need to prioritize the LACs because this is the support system for teachers who are

tasked to deliver basic education, which is the core business of DepEd.


Activities that do not support this mandate must not take priority over the learning needs

of students. Finally, all schools are encouraged to prioritize LAC sessions instead of

administrative meetings, which should be scheduled separately from LAC sessions.

Setting Up of Resources

Resources could be human or material that should be prepared or set up before the

implementation of the sessions. The human resources could be individuals who are

tapped as resource persons of the LAC sessions. Material resources could be the

supplies, worksheets, videos, equipment, budget, food, venues and other things needed

in the conduct of a LAC session.

The LAC Leader or School Head shall take the lead in identifying the needed

resources, ensuring their availability and sustainability.

Assignment of Work

The LAC members could be given specific roles to perform during LAC

sessions. These roles could be rotated among the members of the group.

LAC Implementation Norms. Norms are the framework from which team

members commit to conduct business. Developing norms and adhering to them ensure

the success of the group, and facilitate the members’ ability to deal with critical issues.

Norms have several components that clarify team dynamics. These are some elements

to address:

Time and Venue: Where and when will we meet? Will we start on time?

Listening: How will we listen to our peers? How will we discourage interruptions when

someone is speaking?

Confidentiality: What content is to be held in confidence? What can be shared after the


Decision Making: How will we arrive at a decision? What if everyone doesn’t

agree with the group decision?

Participation: Is participation optional? Will we have an attendance policy? What

will we do if a member constantly misses meetings?

Expectations: What do we expect from team members? Do we need a method for

ensuring each member comes to the meeting prepared with appropriate data or other


Preparing Line-item Budget

The budget shall come from the school’s respective MOOE and other external

grants, provided that only expenses allowed under the school MOOE may be included,

subject to existing accounting rules and regulations.

Writing of LAC Plan

For a guided implementation of LAC plans, they should be written and documented

following the template in Annex 1. Schools are allowed to modify the template based on

their needs. This plan should be integrated or linked with the School

Improvement Plan (SIP) or Annual Implementation Plan (AIP).


During the LAC Session

The priorities set out in the LAC Plan are implemented through a variety of activities,

which can include stimulus (e.g. lectures, practicum, orientation, coaching, workshops,

development and utilization of instructional materials, etc.) followed by collaborative

discussion of possible ways forward. The final activity of the session will involve

individual and group action planning in order to implement agreed activities in the


After the LAC Session

LAC members are expected to implement the proposed strategies or activities in their

classroom or school or community as appropriate and evaluate their success. LAC

members should be prepared to report back on the success of these activities in future

LAC sessions. LAC facilitators and LAC leaders should monitor these activities and

evaluate how far they are contributing to improved outcomes for learners at school.

School heads or principals should support the LACs by doing class observations and

encourage teachers to continually improve instruction so that student learning will also


Roles and Responsibilities of Various DepEd Offices

School Level

At the school level, the School Head should lead in organizing the LAC and in ensuring

that the practice of holding regular LAC sessions is established, maintained, and

sustained. The School Head should also take the lead in monitoring school LAC

activities and in evaluating their impact on the total school improvement. Likewise,

active participation of teachers and involvement in various LAC activities should be

captured as an objective in the Individual Performance and Commitment Review Form


It is expected that school heads or principals will be vital in facilitating and

implementing effective LACs within their schools. This function will be included in the

performance evaluation of school heads. They will create safe spaces where teachers

can engage in dialogue with each other so they may learn from and provide support to

one another.

Providing administrative support and academic leadership to the LACs will strengthen

the schools’ development of professional learning communities that value their

communities of practice in favor of student learning and holistic development.

Schools Division Level

Through and with the District Supervisor, the Schools Division Office (SDO) Curriculum

Implementation Division (CID) should support the schools in establishing, maintaining,

and sustaining their LAC practice. It should provide technical assistance (TA) as may be

required. The SDO shall lead in identifying practices that are potentially replicable as

well as in highlighting accomplishments and setting up reward systems.

SDO personnel are expected to provide technical assistance to schools and conduct

systematic monitoring so that good teaching happens in all classrooms throughout the


The SDO should also find ways to encourage the schools to conduct action research

about pedagogies and assessment methods that successfully support student learning

and holistic development.

The SDO is also expected to ensure that there are LAC plans across all the learning

areas and key stages as this is consistent with the DepEd’s mandate to ensure good

quality teaching for all subjects and all students.

When organizing LACs sessions at this level, District and Schools Division Level LAC

may also be constructed flexibly, but could include any of the following: teachers, district

supervisors, division supervisors, and school LAC leaders. These LACs may have a

variety of purposes which are agreed upon strategically at a local level.

Regional Level

The Regional Offices (ROs) through the Curriculum and Learning Management

Division (CLMD) should provide more explicit guidance to SDOs and schools regarding

the conduct of LACs. It should provide TA to the SDO that enables them to support the

schools in their LAC practice. It should also be able to scale up practices that are found

effective and conduct research for this purpose. The RO shall also conduct a regional

event to highlight and reward LAC accomplishments.

The ROs should monitor school data over time and see if the LAC sessions are

effectively improving teaching and learning processes.

When organizing LAC sessions at this level, the membership may be

constructed flexibly depending on the purposes of the LAC and the strategy agreed


Central Office

The Central Office (CO) shall review the policy and its implementation in light of the

feedback gathered from the field. The CO through the Office of the Undersecretary for

Curriculum and Instruction shall coordinate efforts at the central and field offices to

ensure that the support systems and mechanism to sustain LAC practice are

established and responsive such as putting in place a rewards system and allocating

funds for the program.

When organizing LAC sessions at this level, the membership may be

constructed flexibly depending on the purposes of the LAC and the strategy agreed


Progress Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

Monitoring and feedback should be ongoing throughout the LAC planning and

implementation phases. This will include a variety of forms including both qualitative

and quantitative approaches. A core principle of the M&E of the LACs is that evaluators,

such as principals and district supervisors, should not seek to establish overly simplistic

correlation between LAC activity and changes in student performance. This policy notes


• Schools or school clusters will need to be given time to establish

effective LACs.

• The process of professional learning and subsequent developments in

teachers’ quality will vary from school to school and cannot be easily


• The key indicators for the effectiveness of the LAC is that there are clear

evidences of:

• critical reflection amongst teachers leading to changes in classroom


• increased understanding and knowledge of the curriculum; and

• changes in teachers’ pedagogy or practices which are aimed at

improving learners’ participation and achievement in


Therefore, when evaluating the LAC, evaluators should remain focused on the way in

which the LAC is raising levels of teacher quality and contributing to improved outcomes

for students. When evaluating the effectiveness of the LAC, LAC members are

expected to assess the:

• development in teacher quality;

• impact on students’ performance; and

• effectiveness of the implemented strategies.

Additional guidelines for progress M&E are provided below:

Purpose. The purpose of progress monitoring is to provide everyone concerned with

the pertinent information about the activities so far conducted and whether the

standards are met in the process of the implementation in terms of quality, quantity, and

time leading to the attainment of the goals and objectives of LAC. This feedback

mechanism helps the LACs to decide on the direction to take and the adjustments to

make in the continuing implementation of the LAC.

Areas to be monitored. LACs should be monitored on the components of the focus

area (stipulated in the LAC Policy). For example, if the LAC was formed in the area of

content and pedagogy, components to be monitored can include members’ a) content

knowledge; b) skill in particular instructional strategies; c) skill in assessment; and d)

knowledge of learners and how they learn.

Monitoring the LAC’s progress can also be based on the protocols agreed upon by the

group for the implementation phase. For instance, the LAC Team Norms can be the

bases for monitoring attendance and participation, working relationships, teamwork,

professionalism, and efficiency.

Monitoring methods and tools. The members of a LAC should collaboratively

develop a variety of methods and tools for progress monitoring. These can include,

among others, a) individual members’ monitoring or assessment of their own activities;

b) peer observation or assessment; c) observation or assessment by supervisor or

mentor or coach; and d) monitoring or assessment of the LAC team.

Protocols for each of these methods should be agreed upon and developed

collaboratively by the LAC members. Such protocols can include templates and forms

to be filled out to make monitoring and record-keeping easy, (e.g., template for team

meeting minutes, form for individual member’s notes and plans, observation checklists,

journals or logs of classroom application of focus strategies, etc.)

LACs following a particular model (e.g., Lesson Study, Competency-Based

Collaborative Inquiry) will have protocols unique to the model. Appropriate monitoring

tools similar or in addition to those above should be developed.

Monitoring timeline. Progress monitoring is a continuous process throughout LAC

implementation. Data gathering and assessment should be done from the beginning of

implementation through the stages of development, growth, and


sustainability of the LAC.

Documentation, record-keeping, and reporting. Monitoring can only be effective if data

or evidence collected are authentic, valid, and sufficient. Thus, documentation and

record-keeping are vital aspects of the monitoring process. Individual and team

activities should be properly documented, with appropriate tools.

Team meetings. Proceedings of team meetings should be recorded. A template for

easy recording can be developed. This should include, among others: a) attendance; b)

topics of discussion; c) best practices that were shared during the meeting; d) current or

emerging needs and concerns (which should immediately be communicated to the LAC

leader); f) evidence of whether Plan is working or not working; and g) next courses of

action to be taken.

The appointment of documenter or recorder of minutes should be on a rotation basis.

Protocols should be developed for confidentiality or which items should be confidential

and which can be shared after the meeting. Guidelines should be developed on record

management: a) Who should keep the files; b) where should files be kept; and c) who

should have access to the files.

Each LAC member should build a portfolio about all activities related to the LAC.

Members can keep individual notes on a form developed for the purpose. It can include

items about what the LAC member will need to do as a result of agreements in the

meeting and notes on what to bring for the next team meeting. Members can also keep

logs and reflective journals on the actions they have taken in their respective classes

towards the achievement of LAC goals. These will be used in sharing of best practice,

problems or solutions during the team meetings.


Support mechanisms, both hardware and software, for documentation and record-

keeping should be put in place.

Reporting to administration or system. LAC members should agree on

protocols and timetables for formal reporting of LAC implementation to the system. The

October in-service training (INSET) of the District or Schools Division would be a good

venue for sharing the LAC experience. Assessment during milestone points (e.g.,

midyear, year-end) can make use of tools used in the planning stage.

Conduct of the LAC Session. Limitation/Prohibitions.

Since LACs and LAC sessions are aimed at the continuous professional

development of teachers, the conduct of LAC sessions shall be limited to the purposes

stated in this policy. The holding of LAC sessions for purposes other than those

provided herein is prohibited. Prohibited purposes may include but shall not be limited

to the following: sale of goods and other merchandise; lending transactions; political

and religious meetings and other purposes which are not included in this policy.

Terms of Reference (ToR) of LAC Participants

LAC Leader

LAC Leader is the Principal or School Head. Being the de facto leader of the LAC

or all the LACs in the school, the following are his/her roles:

1. Oversees the implementation of the LAC(s);

2. Leads in the development of a LAC Plan and integrates such in the SIP

or AIP;

3. Organizes LAC groupings at the beginning of each school year and

ensures that each LAC has an assigned facilitator, preferably a Master

Teacher or senior teacher or senior member of the faculty;

4. Mobilizes resources for the conduct of LACs;

5. Provides feedback and submits LAC Progress Reports to District and

Schools Division Office;

6. Adapts and shares LAC best practices from other schools, thereby

developing a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement;

7. Ensures the monitoring of LAC sessions and related activities and

evaluating their impact on teacher professional development, quality

teaching, and pupil achievement;

8. Agrees with LAC Members on how to observe or monitor application of


9. Provides feedback to the teachers;

10. Gathers evidences of implementation or application of learning;

11. Meets with facilitator to decide on next LAC topic and to prepare or plan

for the next session; and

12. Monitors the LAC implementation vis-a-vis the school LAC plan.

LAC Facilitator

The LAC Facilitator could be the Principal or School Head, a Master Teacher or a

senior teacher or senior member of the faculty. This role could be assigned on a rotation

basis. The LAC Facilitator:

1. Convenes the LAC team meetings;

2. Provides technical assistance in the development of the LAC n, timetable

of team meetings, and other activities;


3. Checks and monitors attendance of members and submission of

materials and sees to it that team meetings start and end on time, and

that agenda for the meeting are covered;

4. Encourages active engagement and participation of members;

5. Serves as resource person on specific topics;

6. Assigns a documenter on rotation basis;

7. Invites external resource persons when necessary;

8. Reports regularly to LAC leader on LAC progress;

9. Prepares his/her session plan that identifies the topic, objectives,

materials needed, and outline of activities (at the very least) and where

necessary, consults the LAC Leader and members;

10. Ensures that the venue and equipment are available and prepares the

necessary learning materials such as reading materials, videos,

presentations, etc., when needed;

11. Announces the LAC session including topic, time, venue, and other

matters that the group should know; and

12. Runs and facilitates the session based on the plan and ensures that the

agreed norms of behaviour are observed and that the objectives of the

session are achieved.

LAC Members

LAC Members are the teachers who share common concerns such as grade level

assignments or learning area assignments or key stage assignments. LACs must be

organized well so that teachers are a member of at least one LAC. However, teachers

may opt to join other LACs. A LAC member:

1. Attends LAC meetings regularly and participates actively in LAC


2. Serves as LAC facilitator or documenter or resource person for certain

topics when assigned such roles;

3. Develops plans to apply what has been learned and implements agreed

action plan in one’s classroom;

4. Monitors one’s progress in relation to the LAC Plan;

5. Prepares and submits documents or materials as needed and brings

materials relevant to the topic;

6. Observes agreed norms of behaviour;

7. Captures evidences of implementation;

8. Reflects on the implementation;

9. Shares with colleagues in informal settings;

10. Prepares to share in each LAC session;

11. Allows LAC leader to observe how the learning was applied; and

12. Provides the LAC leader with evidences of application of learning.

LAC Documenter

LAC Documenter is a member of the LAC who has been assigned to record the

minutes of the team meetings. This role may be rotated (i.e., monthly or for every unit of

lesson). The LAC documenter:

1. Documents LAC proceedings following the template agreed upon;

2. Keeps records of attendance and output of members;

3. Helps the LAC Leader and Facilitator in writing the progress reports to

be submitted to the District, Schools Division, Regional, and Central


4. Devices innovative and efficient ways to document and synthesizes the

agreements during the LAC sessions;


5. Provides the information on the progress of the LAC and the insights of

the teachers about student learning;

6. Takes down minutes and captures the processes in the LAC; and

7. Gathers evidences of implementation (e.g., individual plans, etc.).

LAC Resource Person

LAC Resource Person can be a member of the LAC or someone external invited

to talk and lead the session on a specific topic. The resource person:

1. Shares current trends and best practices on certain aspects of

curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment;

2. Facilitates the activities during the session, which may include

workshops and demonstrations;

3. Mentors or coaches teachers on content and pedagogies for a particular

lesson unit;

4. Coordinates with the LAC Facilitator on materials and equipment to be

used during the session; and

5. Helps the LAC plan subsequent action based on the session.



This study aims to discover the experiences and challenges of LAC Leaders in

conducting Learning Action Cell (LAC) Sessions in the New Normal for School Year


Specifically, this will answer the following questions:

1. What are the experiences of Elementary and Secondary LAC Leaders in the

conduct of Learning Action Cell (LAC) Sessions in the New Normal?

2. What are the challenges of Elementary and Secondary LAC Leaders in the

conduct of Learning Action Cell (LAC) Sessions in the New Normal?


The participants to this study are the Elementary and Secondary LAC Leaders in the

District of Cauayan - Cluster II for School Year 2021-2022.

This study will be conducted with strict observance of health and safety protocols.

Permission letters will be addressed to the Local Inter-Agency Task Force Against

COVID-19, Public Schools District Supervisor, and School Heads before the conduct of

the research. The in-depth interviews will be conducted through online (chat/video call)

or phone call (whichever is applicable and available for the participants of the study).


Qualitative research is research that is intended to help one better understand (1) the

meanings and perspectives of the people one studies – seeing the world from

their point of view rather than simply from one’s own; (2) how these perspectives are

shaped by and their physical, social, and cultural contexts; (3) and the specific

processes that are involved in maintaining and altering these phenomena and

relationship (Maxwell, 2013).

One of the methods used under Qualitative Research is the Narrative Inquiry. It is a

form of qualitative research in which the stories themselves become the raw data. This

approach has been used in many disciplines to learn more about the culture, historical

experiences, identity and lifestyle of the narrator (Butina, 2015).

A. Sampling

According to Palinkas (2015), purposive sampling is a type of sampling which is

commonly used for qualitative research in order to identify and select participants who

can give in-depth information related to the phenomenon being studied.

The participants of this study are the Elementary and Secondary LAC Leaders in the

District of Cauayan – Cluster II, Municipality of Cauayan, Negros Occidental. The

researcher plans to interview at least five participants. Purposive sampling will be used

in selecting the participants based on the following inclusion criteria:

B. Data Collection

For the data gathering method, Narrative Inquiry Approach will be used. The

narrative approach involves inquiry directed at narratives of human experience or


inquiry that produces data in narrative form. Examples of narrative that yield narrative

data include interviews that solicit stories or oral histories, or written autobiographies

and biographies (Butina, 2015).

The researchers will conduct a face-to-face in-depth interview with the

participants of the study with observance of proper health and safety standards.

Permission letters addressed to the IATF, PSDS and School Heads will be provided

prior to the conduct of the study.

A smartphone will be used to record the responses of the participants and will

be treated with confidentiality.

C. Research Instrument

A researcher-made questionnaire will be used in order to gather the data

needed to answer the objectives of this study.
In order to collect qualitative data, an in-depth face to face interview will be
arranged by the researcher using a semi-structured interview guide with open-
ended questions. Prior to the conduct of the study, permission letters addressed
to the Public Schools District Supervisor, School Heads and the Local Inter-
Agency Task Force (IATF) against COVID-19 will be complied by the
Below is the researcher-made semi-structured interview guide with
openended questions. The first question will be used to stimulate discussion:

Semi-structured Interview Guide with Open Ended Questions:

Name of Participant (Optional):


1. How are you today?

2. How long have you been a LAC Leader in your school?
3. What does it mean to be a LAC Leader?
4. How did the pandemic changed your way of facilitating LAC Sessions?
5. What are your ways to cope up with the change?

6. What are the challenges you have encountered in facilitating LAC Sessions?
How did you overcome these challenges?
7. What are your meaningful experiences in conducting LAC Sessions in the
New Normal?

D. Ethical Issues

Ethical considerations in research are critical. Ethics are the norms of standards for

conduct that distinguish between right and wrong. With this, participant’s informed

consent will be provided and orientations will be held before the study will be

conducted. The names of the participants will not be stated and their personal

information will be dealt with confidentiality.

Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May Jun Jul Aug

2021 2021 2021 2021 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022 2022

Completion of

Basic Research


Submission of

Request Letter

to the District

Office and Local


Conduct of



Encoding of


etation of Data

Presentation of

the Results of

the Basic


Plan for
and Utilization


Narrative Analysis will be used to analyze the data gathered and to create emerging

themes from the common responses of the participants of the study.

Narrative analysis or narrative inquiry is a qualitative research approach whereby the

researcher analyses the stories people create, engaging in an inquiry of asking a given

question of the narrative 'texts' for a given purpose. This approach can help us to

understand how people are representing themselves, or their experiences, to

themselves and to others. It comes under the umbrella of social constructionism

(Petrakis, 2017).


A. Supplies

Unit Quantity Description Unit Cost Amount

Ream 1 Double A Short Bond paper (Sub. 20) 250.00 250.00
Bottle 1 EPSON L3110 003 BK 350.00 350.00
Pieces 1 USB 500.00 500.00
TOTAL 1,100.00

B. Others
Unit Quantity Description Unit Cost Amount
Load Prepaid Load for Talk N Text 700.00
TOTAL 700.00


A. Supplies - Php. 1, 100.00

B. Prepaid Load - Php. 700.00

GRAND TOTAL: Php. 1, 800.00


The results of the study will be presented by the researchers to the authorities.

Furthermore, the results will be significant and useful to the persons involved in the

Department of Education: District Supervisors, Principals, School heads and Teachers.

The researchers plan to disseminate the findings of the study during In-service

Trainings and other work-related meetings and conferences.



De Belen, D.M. (2017). Using Marungko Approach in Beginning Reading

Legerén, A. D., Nentwich, J., Sontheim, T., & Weber, F. (2007, June 1). What is the
difference between narrative analysis and thematic analysis? Is thematic analysis
an approach of narrative analysis? Researchgate.Net.

Llego, M. A. (2016, June 7). 2019 DepEd learning Action Cell. Teacherph.Com.

Tria, J. Z. (2020). The COVID-19 Pandemic through the Lens of Education in the
Philippines: The New Normal. International Journal of Pedagogical Development and
Lifelong Learning, 1(1). Ep2001.

(N.d.-h). Researchgate.Net. Retrieved September 17, 2021, from

Internet References:

Appendix A

Semi-structured Interview Guide with Open Ended Questions:

Name of Participant (Optional): ____ ________________________________________

1. How are you today?

2. How long have you been a LAC Leader in your school?
3. What does it mean to be a LAC Leader?
4. How did the pandemic changed your way of facilitating LAC Sessions?
5. What are your ways to cope up with the change?

6. What are the challenges you have encountered in facilitating LAC Sessions?
How did you overcome these challenges?
7. What are your meaningful experiences in conducting LAC Sessions in the
New Normal?


Republic of the
Cottage Road, Bacolod City
Tel/Fax # - (034) 435–3960 email: [email protected]


The undersigned hereby validated the research instrument of Mr. John Albert S. Recto,
et. al., Teacher-in-Charge of Libas Elementary School, proponent of the basic research
paper titled Challenges and Experiences of LAC Leaders in Conducting Learning Action
Cell Cessions in the New Normal: A Narrative Inquiry.

This certification is issued upon the request of Mr. John Albert S. Recto for whatever
purpose that may serve him best.

Issued on May 20, 2022 at Cauayan, Negros Occidental, Philippines.


Validator 1 Validator 2


Validator 3

Appendix C

Letter to the Local IATF

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental
District of Cauayan - Cluster II

May 20, 2022


Municipal Mayor
Municipality of Cauayan

Hon. Mayor,

Warm greetings.

This basic research proposal entitled “Challenges and Experiences of LAC Leaders in
Conducting Learning Action Cell Sessions in the New Normal: A Narrative Inquiry” aims to
discover the underlying challenges and experiences of having LAC Session amidst the

With this, we would like to ask permission from your very good office to allow us to conduct a
face-to-face interview with identified participants of the study. We assure you that we will strictly
observe the proper health and safety standards as mandated by the IATF. Attached to this letter
is the proposal for your reference.

Your positive response regarding this matter is a great help for the successful conduct and
realization of this basic research.

Thank you and more power.

Yours truly,


Lead Proponent Co-Proponent

Recommending Approval:





Municipal Mayor


Letter to the District Supervisor of the District

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental
District of Cauayan - Cluster II

May 20, 2022


District of Cauayan – Cluster I


Warm greetings.

This basic research proposal entitled “Challenges and Experiences of LAC Leaders in
Conducting Learning Action Cell Sessions in the New Normal: A Narrative Inquiry” aims
to discover the underlying challenges and experiences of having LAC Session amidst
the pandemic.

With this, we would like to ask permission from your very good office to allow us to
interview at least five LAC Leaders in our district. The said interview will be done face to
face and we ensure that we will strictly observe the proper health and safety standards
as mandated by the IATF. Attached to this letter is the proposal for your reference.

Your positive response regarding this matter is a great help for the successful conduct
and realization of this basic research.

Thank you and more power.

Yours truly,


Lead Proponent




PSDS Cauayan Cluster I

Letter to the District Supervisor of the District

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental
District of Cauayan - Cluster II

May 20, 2022

District of Cauayan – Cluster II


Warm greetings.

This basic research proposal entitled “Challenges and Experiences of LAC Leaders in
Conducting Learning Action Cell Sessions in the New Normal: A Narrative Inquiry” aims
to discover the underlying challenges and experiences of having LAC Session amidst
the pandemic.

With this, we would like to ask permission from your very good office to allow us to
interview at least five LAC Leaders in our district. The said interview will be done face to
face and we ensure that we will strictly observe the proper health and safety standards
as mandated by the IATF. Attached to this letter is the proposal for your reference.

Your positive response regarding this matter is a great help for the successful conduct
and realization of this basic research.

Thank you and more power.

Yours truly,


Lead Proponent



PSDS Cauayan Cluster II

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