PerDev Lesson 4 - Coping With Stress

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(+) Dear Almighty Father,

Opening Prayer
We come before you today with heavy hearts and burdened spirits, seeking your guidance and comfort as we delve
into the topic of stress. In the midst of life's challenges and pressures, we turn to you, the source of our strength and
Lord, we acknowledge that stress is a part of our human experience, but we also recognize that you are the ultimate
source of relief and solace. We ask for your presence to be with us as we explore this topic, that your wisdom may
shine a light on the ways in which we can manage and overcome stress in our lives.
Grant us the understanding to identify the causes of stress in our daily existence and the discernment to choose
healthy coping mechanisms. Help us to remember that we are not alone in our struggles, for you are always by our
side, ready to provide comfort and guidance.
As we discuss and reflect upon stress, may this time be an opportunity for growth, healing, and resilience. Fill our
hearts with hope, faith, and the knowledge that with you, we can find the strength to overcome even the most
daunting challenges.
We offer this prayer in gratitude for your unwavering love and presence in our lives. In your holy name, we pray.
and Managing Stress
Presented by Lyka L. Astoveza, LPT
Learning Competencies
• Discuss that understanding stress and its sources during
adolescence may help in identifying ways to cope and have a
healthful life EsP-PD11/12CS-If-5.1
• Identify sources of one’s stress and illustrate the effect of
stress on one’s system EsP-PD11/12CS-If-5.2
• Demonstrate personal ways of coping with stress for healthful
living EsP-PD11/12CS-Ig-5.3
• What are your insights after you watched
the video?
• Did you experience a certain situation just
like the main character in the video?
• What do you call to the things you are
• What do you know about stress?
It is a state of mental,
emotional, or physical tension
as reactions to threatening or
demanding circumstances or
situations that
produce stress.
It can be classified into work-
related, physical, environmental,
and social-emotional factors
which are either external or

Physical Social-
Work emotional
Usual Stressors in the Lives of Adolescents
1. School/Academic Pressure
2. Physical Appearance
3. Family/ Home
4. Social/ Peer pressures
5. Loss
6. Frustrations
7. Romantic Relationships
8. Future
Reactions to and consequences of Stress
• Physiological reactions and consequences
• Rise in bloodConclusion
• Lower the immune system

• Psychological reactions and consequences

• Fear
• Sadness
• Anxiety
A state of physical, emotional, and mental
exhaustion due to persistent demanding
Coping with stress
“expending conscious effort to
solve personal and
interpersonal problems, and
seeking to master, minimize or
tolerate stress or conflict”
(“Coping,” n.d)
Practical Suggestions of Coping with
and avoiding stress
1. Talk about it.
2. Find time for rest and recreation.
3. Eat right and exercise regularly.
4. Manage work and schedule well.
5. Have a sense of humor and
Other tips on Coping with Stress
1. Thinking positively.
2. Doing physical activities.
3. Engaging in activities that are
4. Acquiring social support.
5. Getting ample rest and sleep.
6. Being realistic
7. Learning the art of resilience.
Are you stressed out?
This activity allows you to identify some
sources of stress and their effects on you.
In the table below, write down at least five
(5) stressful situations which you experienced.
Identify the source or cause of each of the
stress and its effect/s on you.
Are you stressed out?
Stressful Situations
or Cause
Share with theConclusion
class at least one of the
items in your work (mention the stressful
event, source of stress, and effect/s on you.
Elaborate if necessary. Your classmates may
be called to either ask you a question or
give comments.
What is Your ‘Stress Tab?
Objective: Conclusion
This activity aims to enable you to think of healthful ways to cope
with stressful situations.
The teacher divides the class into five groups. He or she
distributes the five situations listed below to each group.
Members of the group discuss among themselves the stressful
event assigned to their group and come up with a list of healthful
ways to cope with the stressful circumstance. Afterwards, each
group is given a time to share their work with the class.
What is Your ‘Stress Tab?
Examples of Stressful Conclusion Situations
• You have just finished encoding your report which is already due in an hour.
• You are about to feed it to the printer when suddenly brownout occurs.
• You come to your class thinking that it is a regular school day just to find
out that it is the first day of major examinations.
• It is your first day in college as a freshman. You have been in a class for 30
minutes when you realized that you are in a wrong classroom.
• You parents announced that your whole family has to immediately transfer
for good to another country. For you, this means, among others,
withdrawing from school, leaving your friends, and moving to a new and
unfamiliar culture.
• Your boyfriend/girlfriend broke-up with you because of a third party. Soon,
the two will get married. Since the third party is also your friend, they want
you to be at their wedding.
What is Your ‘Stress Tab?
Discussion/Sharing Conclusion
1. Do you agree with your classmates about the way they
would cope with the stressful situations? Why or why
2. Do you have other suggestions in coping with any of the
listed stressful situations?
3. What did you feel when you were thinking of healthful
ways to cope with the stressful situations listed above?
4. Did you have difficulty in listing healthful ways to cope
with the stressful situations? Why or why not?
• Answer the following questions;
1. At present, Conclusion
what do you think is your
biggest stressor? How do you cope with
2. What is the significance of learning how
to cope with stress?
3. Which do you think is the kind of coping
strategy that best fits you? Elaborate
Journal Writing
Reflect on theConclusion
following questions. Write
how you feel about them.
• What are the challenges I face?
• What are expected of me?
• How can I handle them?
Thank You
M’ Lye ♥

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