Young Children Development Class Notes
Young Children Development Class Notes
Young Children Development Class Notes
8 4,831
3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Martina Kuvalja on 25 March 2020.
With contributions
Qatar Academy
P. 1
The views and opinions in this publication are solely those of the authors.
The recently adopted United Nations Sustainable Development Goals call
upon Member States by 2030 to “ensure that all girls and boys have
access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary
education so that they are ready for primary education.” In this regard
the UN is correctly responding to the plethora of research studies that
demonstrate the criticality of early childhood development in predisposing
children for success in school and indeed in many other spheres of life.
We know from recent research that both the quantity and quality of
care and interactions that a child has in the very early years can have
a significant impact even on the physical development of the brain.
A study by scientists at the University of Southern California recently
published in the journal Nature Neuroscience revealed that the
children of affluent parents had, on average, bigger brains than those
from poorer backgrounds. The study noted that the regions of the
brain where the differences were most pronounced were those associated
with language, reading, memory and decision-making. It is reasonable
to conclude therefore that this developmental discrepancy was the direct
result of the fact that the children of affluent parents enjoyed higher
quality nutrition, childcare and schooling than their poorer counterparts.
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of our young children regardless of the relative income levels of their
parents. In this regard, it is important to identify and agree on what we
mean by quality early childhood education. This is the purpose of this
report, which hopes to serve as a guide to policymakers and practitioners
presenting them with a robust review of the science behind early
childhood development along with best practice examples of successful
interventions in different contexts.
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There is strong and consistent evidence that high quality
Early Childhood Education (ECE) impacts children’s
academic development and their emotional and social
well-being more powerfully than any other phase of
At the same time, what is understood by high quality is often not well
defined. This report argues that, in order to assess and promote quality
in ECE, we must identify which aspects of children’s early experience
and development support and predict high levels of cognitive, academic,
emotional, and social functioning in later life.
Throughout the rest of the report, the quality of ECE and its various
elements are assessed in relation to key elements, including international
developments in ECE, methods for defining and measuring quality
in ECE, and international progress toward quality in ECE. This report
then examines a range of alternative ECE approaches, some of which
were developed by ECE pioneers in the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries and have steadily risen in popularity in countries all over the
world. Next, a range of high quality ECE initiatives across the developing
world is reviewed. Finally, the report concludes with sixteen specific
policy recommendations in order to ensure the achievement of high
quality ECE internationally.
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This first section provides a brief overview of the main
areas of research in developmental psychology (and the
emerging contributions of developmental neuroscience)
which relate to the cognitive power and emotional health
of young children and have implications for ECE. The
psychological journey from babyhood to adolescence is
fundamentally one of increasing awareness and control
by children of their own mental processes. The growth,
development, and learning which comprise this journey
enable children to become increasingly independent of
adults or, in the language of Vygotsky (1978, 1986),
to move from being other-regulated toward being self-
There is now a vast research literature addressing the emergence
and development of self regulation in children. The most widely accepted
definition of what is meant by this term in developmental psychology
is that offered by Schunk and Zimmerman (1994): “The process whereby
students activate and sustain cognitions, behaviors, and affects, which
are systematically oriented toward attainment of their goals”(p. 309).
The model of metacognition originally developed by Nelson and
Narens (1990, 1994), incorporating the complementary processes of
metacognitive monitoring and control, has been widely adopted, and
evidence has been accrued of young children’s much more advanced
abilities in these areas than was previously recognized.
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of performance, and evaluating when a task was complete. Control
behaviors included changing strategies on a task based on previous
monitoring, applying a previously learned strategy to a new situation,
repeating a strategy in order to check the accuracy of the outcome,
using a non-verbal gesture to support cognitive activity, and various
types of planning activities. Many of these behaviors were observed
when children were engaged in playful constructional activities or
pretence play involving small-world scenarios with dolls and action
figures or role play involving dressing up and acting out real world
narratives or fantasy adventures (Whitebread et al., 2005, 2007, 2009).
In the remainder of this first section, we set out key findings in relation
to children’s emotional, social, and cognitive development, the role
of language and playfulness in supporting self-regulation, and developmental
principles emerging from this body of research supporting high quality ECE.
Education at its best is concerned with the whole child, and learning
to recognize and manage our emotions, what has sometimes been
referred to as emotional "intelligence" (Goleman, 1995), is a fundamental
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life skill with enormous implications for a child’s development. Cefai (2008)
has demonstrated the inextricable links between emotional and
cognitive learning. The skills of friendship and the abilities required to work
effectively in groups with others, for example, are crucially underpinned
by the growing child’s understanding and regulation of his or her emotions.
An individual’s beliefs about the value of any particular task, his or her
emotional response to it (for example, feelings of difficulty), and the
reasons attributed to previous success and failure on similar tasks (Dweck,
2000) all impact “goal-orientation” (i.e. the attitude about the goal
of the task and ability to undertake it) and thus metacognitive performance
(Boekaerts and Niemivirta 2000; Pintrich 2000). This recognition has
led Paris and Paris (2001, p. 98) to refer to self-regulated learning
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as the “fusion of skill and will.”
Human beings are essentially social animals and develop a range of social
skills and abilities at a very young age. Work by Trevarthen and Aitkin
(2001) and Meltzoff (2002) has shown that babies expect other human
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beings to interact with them and imitate humans who do so. By the age
of 18 months, children imitate others’ intentions rather than blindly
copying their actual performance. Before they are two years old, many
children begin to offer support and help to others (e.g. by touching
the person in distress, verbally expressing sympathy, offering comforting
objects, or fetching someone else to help).
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and self-regulation and, hence, their success as learners. Authoritative
parenting has also been found to be associated with a range of positive
outcomes in relation to children’s social competence. As children, they
most easily make relationships with other children and adults and are
generally the most popular amongst their peers. This work provides us
with principles which can equally well be applied to the ECE classroom.
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learning processes. These include “statistical learning” through which
young children identify patterns in their experience and actively use
them to express themselves (eg; in learning language) or to develop
basic concepts and ideas about the physical and social world. This
has the clear implication that the role of the educator, at least in part,
is not to directly teach the rules or concepts that children need to
understand but to provide children with rich, playful, and meaningful
experiences from which they can develop their own, much more
securely understood ideas. Linked to this is the strong evidence from
a range of studies, for example, that children whose preschool model
is more instructionally and academically oriented make significantly
less academic progress in comparison to children who attend child-
initiated, play-based preschool programs (Marcon, 2002).
For the ECE educator, this indicates that practical demonstrations can
be very helpful when supporting children’s skill development, particularly
as adult modeling often leads to children doing far more than simply
copying. For example, in one study with children aged between 27 and
41 months, after an adult acted out a sequence of pretence activities
with dolls, the children’s subsequent play with the dolls included many
more imaginary acts which were as likely to be novel as they were
to be copies of the adult’s activities (Nielsen and Christie, 2008).
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Two further mechanisms which powerfully underpin children’s learning
impact upon them across the emotional, social, and cognitive spheres:
children’s developing oral language abilities and their playfulness.
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that children taught by first grade maths teachers who regularly made
suggestions of memory strategies the children could use and asked
metacognitive questions aimed at eliciting strategy knowledge from the
children, such as ‘how could you help yourself to remember this?’,
showed significantly improved strategy use and ability to remember relevant
mathematical facts related to these differences at the end of the first
grade, and that these differences were still present at statistically
significant levels three years later, at the end of the fourth grade.
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The second area of research investigating the specific abilities and
processes which significantly contribute to the early achievement of
self-regulation is concerned with children’s play. Neuroscientific
studies reviewed by Pellis and Pellis (2009), for example, have shown
that playful activity leads to synaptic growth, particularly in the frontal
cortex, the part of the brain responsible for all the uniquely human higher
mental functions.
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child psychopathology.
The accumulated evidence in this area clearly indicates the need for
educational provision, particularly in the early and primary years,
which affords opportunities for children to play freely, encourages parents
to recognize the importance of children’s play, and provides playful
learning approaches within the school curriculum.
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This section reviews evidence of the importance of
establishing high quality ECE, followed by a brief historical
review of the development of international ECE policies.
Next, approaches to defining and measuring quality in
ECE are reviewed, followed by an analysis of progress
in OECD and developing counties. Finally, examples of
approaches, social entrepreneurial initiatives, and
particular schools illustrating elements of high quality
ECE are briefly described.
Evidence now exists from around the world of these long-term benefits.
Following on from the original Perry Preschool Project (Schweinhart,
1993), there have been further studies in the US (Campbell, Ramey,
Pungello, Sparling, and Miller-Johnson, 2002) and many other countries,
including Argentina (Berlinski, Galiani, and Gertler, 2009), Bangladesh
(Aboud and Hossain, 2011), Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, South
and South-east Asia (Grantham-McGregor, Fernald, Kagawa, and Walker,
2014), Ethiopia, Peru, India, and Vietnam (Rolleston, James, and Aurino,
2013). Significantly, much of this evidence has further shown that ECE
programs specifically benefit children from low socio-economic
backgrounds. For example, results from longitudinal studies, such as
the Abecedarian Project (Campbell et al., 2002) in the US, showed that
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enrolment in ECE significantly enhanced adult outcomes such as further
education, employment, and participation in healthy behaviors and
reduced crime rates, particularly in disadvantaged children.
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the United Nations has worked throughout the second half of the twentieth
century and into the new millennium to establish internationally
agreed upon goals for the provision of high quality ECE. We set out the
development of these goals in this section and review progress in ECE
policies, provision, pedagogy, and curriculum internationally in the next.
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These targets were not achieved by the year 2000, but the Education for
All (EFA) movement was reaffirmed in that year and six new internationally
agreed upon educational goals were designed to meet the learning
needs of all children, youth, and adults by 2015. These Millennium
Development Goals were set out in the Millennium Declaration (United
Nations, 2000) which was agreed to in a summit of 189 world leaders
and included the following goals:
While, as we will see in the next section, these goals were not achieved
by the year 2015, there was considerable progress toward the general
primary education enrolment and gender equality at all levels of education.
Some positive developments included:
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• Government expenditure on education has risen very significantly
in recent years in most developing countries (Burnett and
Felsman, 2012).
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• By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality
early childhood development, care, and pre-primary education
so that they are ready for primary education.
• Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability,
and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive,
and effective learning environments for all.
• By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers,
including through international cooperation for teacher training
in developing countries, especially the least developed countries
and small island developing States.
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Process quality concerns the dynamic aspects of ECE programs. It refers
to the effects of ECE experiences which the child encounters in ECE
settings. Process quality reflects the social, emotional, and physical
interaction the child has with materials, peers, and teachers on a
daily basis (Tietze, Cryer, Bairrão, Palacios, and Wetzel, 1996). This also
includes the handling of everyday personal care routines.
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Evidently there are numerous factors to be considered when evaluating
the quality of ECE provision. A brief review of those factors which have
been shown to contribute to high quality ECE and to the positive outcomes
for children discussed in Section 1 of this report will be set out below.
Staff qualifications
One of the most prominent indicators of quality is teacher education
and training (Blau, 2000; Mc William, Ridley, and Wakely, 2000; NICHD
Early Child Care Research Network,, 2002). Pianta et al. (2005) found
that teachers’ education, training, and experience with four year olds
significantly predicted classroom quality. Van leer (2008) found that
teachers with more than a Bachelors degree had higher scores on the
ECERS teaching and interaction scale (see next section) than teachers
with an Associates degree. However, it has also been argued that
experience gained within ECE settings might contribute to the skillset
in delivering a high quality ECE program (Early et al., 2007). In line with
this, research has also found that classroom quality is higher in
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classrooms of at least moderately experienced teachers (Phillipsen,
Burchinal, Howes and Cryer, 1997). Beyond this, ECE practitioners
with specific training in ECE and children’s development have been
found to engage in more interactions with children and have been
rated as more positive and less authoritarian in their instructional
style (Arnett, 1987; Roupp et al., 1979). Children of such teachers have
been found to have greater social, language, and cognitive abilities as
opposed to children of teachers without specific training (NICHD Early
Child Care Research Network, 2000). Systematic in-service training has
also been shown to be a stronger predictor of program quality than
teacher education and experience when it includes i) active workshops,
ii) a curriculum model providing both theory and application, iii)
multiple workshop sessions, iv) classroom visits with observations, and
v) feedback and opportunities for teachers to reflect upon learning and
shared experiences (Phillipsen, Burchinal, Howes and Cryer, 1997).
In addition to teacher quality, it is essential that the backbone of the
operation, the leader/principal/head teacher/director and administrative
staff provide teachers with the support and guidance they need to do
their jobs. There is a dearth in research regarding quality of leadership;
however, the little research that exists suggests that a high quality
leader should provide guidance to staff and students, take responsibility,
show confidence and professionalism, communicate to a high standard,
build strong relationships, have the ability to meet staff needs and be
flexible in thought and behavior, provide a vision for the direction of
standard of the center, and participate rather than dominate decision
making (Morgan, 2000; Scrivens, 1999; Rodd, 1996).
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Early Child Care Research Network,, 2000).
• Teacher-child interactions and relationships play an integral
role in child development and academic achievement (Gerber et
al; 2007; Mashburn et al., 2008; Rimm-Kaufman, Curby, Grimm,
Nathanson, and Brock, 2009).
• High turnover of staff can have a negative impact on children
when their attachment bond with the teacher is broken; in
centers with high staff turnovers, a low level of child adult-interaction
has been found (Phillips, Scarr and McCartney, 1987) and high
staff turnover can lead to more aggression and behavioral problems
in preschool (Howes and Hamilton, 1993; McCartney et al, 1997).
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of children’s learning, such as reading with their children, capitalizing
on natural opportunities for learning, and making learning materials
available at home, too. Parental engagement, especially in ensuring
high-quality children’s learning at home and communicating with ECE staff,
is strongly associated with children’s later academic success, high
school completion, socio-emotional development, and adaptation in society.
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greater autonomy (Eurydice, 2009; Laevers, 2003) and provides
more space for spontaneous or emergent learning (NIEER, 2007).
• Arts activities can boost children’s attention, improve cognition,
and help children develop their mental representation abilities
i.e., how to think about what they cannot see (Litjens and
Taguma, 2010).
• Consultation with children to elicit their perspectives and their
active input in decision making can increase their self- esteem
and foster social competence (Broström, 2010; Clark et al.,
2003; Sommer et al., 2010).
• In order to maximize learning, development, and social outcomes,
ECE curricula should combine child-initiated with teacher-initiated
content and activities (Sheridan, 2011; Sheridan et al., 2009).
Measurement of quality
With a growing emphasis being placed upon the importance of quality
ECE programs, stakeholders strive to ensure that complementary
programs of the highest quality are being implemented to ensure the
best possible outcomes for participating children. ECE services must
meet a minimum standard of quality in order to have a positive impact
on development and society (UNICEF, 2012). In order to establish
ECE services of high quality, a variety of instruments have been developed
and tested to measure quality. Research indicates that instruments
developed to measure quality in ECE can be used reliably and demonstrate
validity also. Consequently researchers have been using such
instruments with confidence all over the world (Whitebook,1989; Peisner-
Feinberg et al., 2001; Zill et al., 2003).
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and educational settings (Sakai, Whitebook, Wishard and Howes, 2003)
and examines both structural and process quality. First developed in the
USA by Harms and Clifford (1983), it has been adapted nationally and
proven to be a valid and reliable measure in contexts all over the world
in countries such as Sweden, Great Britain, China, Korea, Hong Kong,
Israel, Australia, and New Zealand (Tietze et al., 1996; Harms et al., 1998;
Sheridan and Schuster, 2001). ECERS-R (revised version) was updated
in 1998 in response to researcher feed back and to changes in ECE and
also to include aspects pertinent to children with disabilities and
to incorporate cultural sensitivities. There is a new version, ECERS-3 in
development at the time of writing. A complementary supplement to
ECERS-R, ECERS-Extension (ECERS-E) has also been developed to provide
greater insights and evaluation of quality aspects associated
with curriculum.
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(Williford, Whittaker, Vitiello and Downer, 2013).
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seven children at most in a child care center. Family or domestic care
services tend to be regulated with stricter staff/child ratios, but there is
little data available on family day care. The average ratio, among the
countries with available data, is 1:5. Staff/child ratio is also an important
indicator of the resources devoted to pre-primary education. Another
indicator of quality often reported is “space per child.” In general, indoor
space requirements in OECD countries are largest for family day
care, followed by child care centers and kindergartens/preschools.
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• Setting out quality goals and regulations
• Designing and implementing curriculum and standards
• Improving qualifications, training, and working conditions
• Engaging families and communities
• Advancing data collection, research, and monitoring
Developing countries
Unlike OECD countries, developing countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle
East, and Latin America still struggle to meet basic ECE goals defined
by UNESCO and UNICEF with the focus remaining on access to education
(UNESCO, 2014a,b,c andd). However, since the Dakar Education World
Forum in 2000, significant progress has been achieved in these regions.
Of the six goals agreed upon at that forum, gender equality and increased
primary enrolment rates have seen the most improvement, although
the latter remain modest.
However, within this overall picture, there have been great differences
between the developing countries and regions. For example, the pre-
primary education gross enrolment ratio (GER) in Sub-Saharan Africa
increased barely by ten percent in ten years from 18 percent in 2000
to 28 percent in 2010 (Sub-Saharan Africa 2013 EFA Report | Global
Education for All Meeting, 2014), placing the region behind all other
regions in the world. Palestinian Authority Territories showed a drop of
38 percent in their GER, and Iraq’s GER has been negligible at only
3.8 percent. The wars in Iraq and Syria and the Palestinian on-going
turmoil are key factors impacting children’s access to pre-primary
and government efforts to provide such programs in these countries.
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by 53 percent since 2000, in 40 of the 75 countries with data, less than 75
percent of teachers are trained to the national standard (UNESCO, 2014d).
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aims at helping countries develop modalities that make access to ECE
services in general and at community levels in particular easier and
systemic, through the involvement of the adults within the households,
extended families, and communities. The modules are grounded in
socio-culturally appropriate child-bearing, education, and care principles,
and practices are adapted to the local context of the child and the
family, employing the child’s mother tongue or local language as well
promoting the use of local play materials (Sub-Saharan Africa 2013
EFA Report | Global Education for All Meeting, 2014).
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Reggio Emilia places the child and teacher as researchers in the learning
process (Edwards and Gandini, 2015; Hall, Cunneen, Cunningham,
Horgan, Murphy and Ridgway, 2014). The child actively generates questions
and hypotheses about the world and carries out projects to test his
or her theories. Projects are conducted following the interests of the child.
Each part of this process is documented using multiple symbolic
languages such as art, drawing, music, print, and drama. The power of
cooperation with others is stressed as an important factor for learning
(Soler and Miller, 2003). Dialogue with others is proposed to provide the
child with an appreciation of others’ perspectives and ideas and raise
his or her awareness of the importance of sharing, discussing, and
reflecting upon ideas (Edwards, 2002). Through this shared collaboration,
children mold their personalities and direct their projects and learning.
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periods of free activity where they can self-select activities within this
“prepared environment.” Real world activities requiring practical skills
and using self-correcting materials are used (Edwards, 2002; Harris,
2008). Books with fantasy are introduced at the later age of five or six.
Children’s independence, self-direction, ability to make decisions, self-
esteem, sensorial, and practical skills take precedence over formal
education goals (Montessori, 2014). Classes generally consist of mixed
age groups allowing children to learn from expert peers and expose
them to the levels they will reach. Older children are reminded of how
far they have come and also have the opportunity to act as leaders.
Children tend to work independently or within small mixed groups.
The final approach, Tools of the Mind, directly targets the development
of self-regulation. The main focus of the curriculum is promoting
children’s ability to regulate their social-emotional and cognitive behavior,
to improve attention, concentration, and memory, to use symbolic
representation, and also to build a foundation of early arithmetic and
literacy prerequisites (Bodrova and Leong, 2007). Self-regulation and
symbol use is taught through structured play activities (Barnett, Jung,
Yarosz, Thomas, and Hornbeck et al., 2008). The child is active in his
or her selection of activities and play and is aided by the teacher in creating
a play plan. An element of direct teacher instruction is seen in Tools
of the Mind, but a greater emphasis is placed on guiding the children to
learn to use tools to facilitate their learning.
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NGOs and social entrepreneur initiatives worldwide
Playeum Children’s Centre for Creativity
Asian culture places much importance on early academic training with
parents seeing little developmental value in play (Parmar, Harkness
and Super, 2004). To counter the lack of time children in Singapore have
for creative play experiences, Playeum has established centers for
creativity and play in which children can access high quality learning
through the medium of play programs. Playeum proposes that the lack
of play and child-led experiences leads to children losing a sense of
self and being able to think independently and creatively. While it is not
the only center to provide an outlet in which young children can play,
it stands out as the only establishment in which children have the freedom
to lead their own open-ended creative experiences. Their pedagogy
is child-centered, active, collaborative, cross-cultured, and play-based.
It is most closely aligned with that of Reggio Emilia. Adults are not
viewed as teachers; rather they are facilitators to nurture and encourage
the child’s activities and ideas. The values of the center are as follows:
experiential learning through art and play, the freedom to create, engaging
family and community, innovative environments, equal opportunities,
and self-directed learning. Key learning outcomes are to increase children’s
interest and engagement in learning, to support self-expression,
social and emotional well-being, collaboration, and also to encourage
creativity and multiple problem-solving methods and ways of thinking.
In addition to directly targeting these aspects of development, Playeum
also carries out workshops with parents and teachers and within the
community advocating the importance of play.
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an inquiry-based approach, student’s questions form the basis of the
curriculum by asking, investigating, and answering the questions.
The learner’s role is to “wonder, experiment, and learn,” while the teacher’s
role is to “observe, plan, and instigate.” Key learning outcomes are
to enable students to excel in the four I’s: Intellect (to become academic
and self-directed learners), Inquiry (the student as a researcher),
Imagination (the student as a creative, resilient, and resourceful thinker),
and Integrity (the student’s ability to stand up for beliefs, listen to
others, and make confident decisions). This is achieved by teachers
1) viewing the student as an expert such that the student’s ideas and
voice should be evident in every lesson, 2) ensuring mutual respect
between student and teachers, 3) ensuring students have purpose,
are persistent, and take action, 4) maintaining a passion for the job
and the learning process, and 5) using a wide range of evidence for
learning. Research undertaken by the Centre shows this innovative
approach results in high achieving students and a positive classroom
climate with positive relationships for students with teachers and
peers and teachers who bring about a sustained change in classrooms,
schools, and communities.
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approaches and combines this with the Sesame Street approach. Educators
must have a university degree and training in ECE. They are trained
with the Sesame Street philosophy and methodology and provided with
continuous support, training, and professional development.
Lively Minds
Founded in 2008, Lively Minds carries out work in Ghana and Uganda in
response to the lack of and inadequate preschool facilities available.
The aim is to improve all aspects of education by providing and assisting
in the provision of facilities, including toys, other play resources, and
training. In order to create a sustainable model, mothers are trained
to carry out educational play schemes within their communities for
three to five year olds. Free community-run play centers are set up with
the following goals in mind: encouraging children to learn through
play, promoting hygiene education, and training volunteers to run the
centers by carrying out best practices of educational play. Mothers
are educated on child development and learning and taught to utilize local
materials in their environment as learning resources. Using these
simple materials, they are trained to teach children numeracy, literacy,
and creative thinking skills through play. Children are encouraged
to explore and become independent, school-ready thinkers. Key learning
outcomes include school readiness, higher cognitive functions,
numeracy, literacy, creativity, socio-emotional skills, language development,
motor skills, and hygiene.
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and parents to support locally owned and run ECE centers in Kenya,
Uganda, and Tanzania. A holistic approach to early childhood development
is taken, guided by a curriculum which integrates key religious values
and teachings. Originally mainly Muslim, children and adults from other
faiths also attend now.
Right to Play
This humanitarian and developmental initiative trains local volunteers
such as community leaders and teachers as coaches to deliver play
programs in disadvantaged, war-stricken, diseased, and impoverished
nations such as Africa, the Middle East, and South America. The areas
of child development targeted are education, health, and potential to
build peaceful communities.
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Right to Play proposes improved quality of education in school as a
result of their programs with more open lines of communication between
students and teachers, higher attendance rates, and increased active
engagement in lessons. In addition, student interactions show improvements
with better teamwork, communication, and decision making skills.
Students also show greater confidence and leadership skills individually
and become aware of their role in society and how they can make a
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The teacher’s role is to create stimulating and safe environments,
establish relationships with parents through regular communication,
workshops, and home visits, conduct regular observations, and make
the learning process transparent. The school has a center which
runs training programs for teachers in different stages of their career,
which guarantees high quality teaching from kindergarten to
secondary school.
The Early Education Center (nursery) serves children from six months
to three years old, while Qatar Academy Al Wakra Preschool caters to
children from three to five years. Both offer high quality, play-based
programs in which the care, education, interests, and needs of the
children are prioritized. The local community is served by educating
children to become critical thinkers, life-long learners, and globally-
minded responsible citizens of high moral values and cultural integrity.
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approach facilitated and guided by teachers. Children are challenged and
encouraged to become critical thinkers and contributing members
of the Qatari society.
The daily structure is flexible, with time for independent learning, one
to one with the teacher or peers, or teacher-led small groups. Children’s
interests are followed to encourage inquiry, attentive engagement,
independence, and balance among social-emotional, physical,
cognitive, and language development. Children spend time in the sensory
room, outdoors, or in the art studio. The child may also spend time
with children from other classes/age levels in another classroom or
exploring another environment. Children are also taught strategies
to deal with conflict.
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Anji Jiguan Kindergarten, Anji, China
Playing, exploring, and experiencing for a meaningful childhood
Anji Jiguan kindergarten employs a unique, playful approach to learning
which encourages free thinking and learning, as well as the development
of relationships between children and the natural and social environment.
It is a public kindergarten, open to families from different social
backgrounds. It strongly values the child‘s connection with his or her
surrounding nature and community.
The lessons take place indoors and outdoors in real life societal and nature
situations. Learning and development is assessed by daily observation,
videos, and photos in class, play, and life. Parental participation is
encouraged with parents viewed as partners. The extent to which
parents become involved in the parents’ association, management,
pedagogy, and curriculum is at the parent’s discretion.
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The kindergarten and primary school are closely connected and engage
in frequent communication and meetings to ensure a smooth transition
to school for the children. Primary school teachers and preschool
teachers exchange visits in order to deepen mutual understanding of
pedagogy of both sides. Observations of the children’s performance
in primary school also enables improvement of curriculum for the
kindergarten also.
P. 48
develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas
of learning and development are equally important and interconnected.
P. 49
P. 50
Key characteristics of high quality ECE emerging from this review include:
P. 51
As we have seen from a wide range of evidence, achieving this level
of quality depends crucially on a range of structural factors which can
be directly influenced by governments and other policy-making bodies.
Most significant among these are those characteristics listed above under
the heading of “provision:”
7. Staff/child ratios should be set at 1:4 with the youngest children and
no more than 1:10 with six to seven-year-olds.
P. 52
meaningful, and developmentally appropriate for the children in that setting.
11. The state should lay down minimum space requirements per child
for preschool settings, including generous indoor and outdoor provision.
P. 53
P. 54
Dr. Aileen O'Connor
PhD Researcher, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
P. 55
The authors would like to thank Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson
of Qatar Foundation, and the leadership of Qatar Foundation, for their unwavering
commitment to the cause of education globally. It was the vision and guidance of
Her Highness that led to the creation of the World Innovation Summit for Education;
without her ongoing support, this WISE Report would not have been possible.
The authors would also like to acknowledge members of the WISE team for their
dedication and invaluable assistance in the various stages of producing this WISE
Report, including in particular Dr. Asmaa Alfadala, Malcolm Coolidge, Salman Khair,
and Natalie Lundgren.
This report was made possible thanks to the help and advice from the following
Any errors or omissions remain the responsibility of the authors.
About WISE
Qatar Foundation, under the leadership of its Chairperson, Her Highness
Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, established the World Innovation Summit for
Education in 2009. WISE is an international, multi-sectoral platform for
creative thinking, debate and purposeful action that contributes to building
the future of education through innovation and collaboration. With a range
of ongoing programs, WISE has established itself as a global reference in
P. 56
new approaches to education. The WISE Summit brings together over 1,500
thought leaders, decision makers and practitioners from education, the
arts, business, politics, civil society and the media.
The WISE Research Reports bring key topics to the forefront of the global
education debate and reflect the priorities of the Qatar National Research
Professor Jane Payler, Professor of Education (Early Years), The Open University
& Chair of TACTYC: Association for Professional Development in Early Years
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