Shah Cultural Game
Shah Cultural Game
Shah Cultural Game
Chapter one
The characteristic feature of shah cultural game
The game of Shah cultural game was commonly used at Somali regional state and the
neighboring Dire Dawa and Oromia nationalities. The time and the place at which the
game was started in Ethiopia is not exactly known. But it is said that some Arabs around
the Fars Bay was playing a game of similar type that named Shatranz in Arabic and
Shatrant in Somali. Though no evidence was found about the transfer of the game either
from Fars to Ethiopia or from Ethiopia to Fars, it has a meaning in Amharic as a tabular
figured game.
Moreover the game is played by both sexes of all ages. These cultural games are played
for long at any available places such as under the tree, indoor or outdoor which is visible
to spectators.
The games are often common in eastern part of the country by farmers and pastoralists
and merchants after their agricultural or market activities during their spare time.
Different incentives and awards were given to the winner based on the culture of the area.
A winner for example around Jijgiga will be considered as a hero and he will be given the
daughter of a famous person in the area or leader of a tribe as his wife.
In the localities where there are nationalities of Somali and Oromo an object full of an
ash will be prepared before the game. After the game, the winner will paint the face of
the looser with the Ash. And if the winner losses the game in another round, he will also
face the same thing.
The game is now held in the national sport competitions by modifying some of its aspects
as it requires critical thinking. It will be a wonderful game at the national and
international level if it adds some sort of modernity.
Saha cultural game requires critical thinking and agility of the body like many other
indoor modern games. It initiates the nervous system of the body if it is coined with the
day to day physical exercises.
Rule Two
Article 2: Preparation and content of the playing materials
2.1 preparation of playing materials
2.1.1 The playing Board
The playing Board could be prepared from different materials found in the
environmental conditions. For example:-
From wood
From plastic
From a paper
From plastic and related objects
2.1.2 The playing Gravels
The playing gravels are made of materials found in the surroundings. For
Rule Four
Article 4: Rules of the Game
4.1 The two players should sit parallel putting the playing board in between them.
4.2 The players will divide the playing gravels based on their colors
4.3 The two teams will start the game after the lottery chance of the referee. Lottery
will be held on the first and the third round
4.4 If a player gets a chance to put gravel, the other player will pick and take one
4.5 A player who got a lottery first will put one gravel anywhere he needs and allows
his opponent to take his turn.
4.6 The players will put one gravel at each turn from the 12 gravels they have each
until the end.
4.7 The game will begin after each of the players put and arrange 3 gravels either
vertically or horizontally
4.8 The player who didn’t get the lottery chance will begin the game if the two
players are not able to put and arrange 3 gravels each with their technical
defensive plays.
4.9 The player who begins the game will pick one gravel from any place and the
second player will pick one gravel and gives the turn to the first player. And the
first player then pushes his own gravel into the free space.
4.10 It is possible for a player to pick up the gravel of an opponent player and score a
point if only it is possible to make a line with three gravels either vertically or
4.11 It is possible for a player to pick up the gravel of an opponent player with the
move of one gravel repeatedly
4.12 It is not possible for a player to make a move of gravel that couldn’t make a line
with three gravels either vertically or horizontally.
4.13 It is not possible for a player to pick up gravel if he forgets and continues his
move after making a line with three gravels either vertically or horizontally and
didn’t pick up the gravel of his opponent.
4.14 A player is forced to pick up a gravel of his opponent during the time that he
make a line with three gravels and found that he had blocked the opponent no to
make any move, he can pick one gravel of his opponent.
4.15 It is impossible to jump playing stations rather it is allowed to push gravels from
one station to the other.
4.16 A player is not allowed to change gravel after touching another gravel to make a
4.17 The game of Saha is completed in three rounds. The winner will be the one who
scores more points on these three rounds.
4.18 A player will immediately be a winner if he/she picks two or more than two
gravels and blocks the opponent to take a move.
4.19 If the number of gravels of a player became below three, the game will be over
with the victory of the opponent.
4.20 During the game at which two or more gravels block each other and if a player is
not able to continue the game, the player who blocks the gravels movement picks
up one gravel of his opponent and the game will continue after that.
4.21 The time for thinking during the game is only 30 seconds
4.22 Five minutes break will be given after the end of each round
Rule Five
Rule Six
Forbidden acts and the aligned penalties
6.1 Forbidden acts
6.1.1 Being violent on opponents’ players
6.1.2 Disgracing the referee and the decisions made by him/ her.
6.1.3 Not playing based on the rules of the game
6.1.4 Abusing, insulting, fighting or trying to fight with the referees
6.1.5 Abusing verbally or non-verbally the competitors, coaches, team leaders and
members of the committee. And fighting or trying to fight with them
6.2 Penalties
6.2.1 A player who violates the acts mentioned on the point 6.1.1 to 6.1.3 above
will be given an oral warning if he misconducts the acts for the first time
and will be given yellow card if he repeated that violation for the second
time. And if the player made that act again for the third time, he will be
given a red card and suspended from the game.
6.2.2 A player who violates the acts mentioned on the point 6.1.4 -6.1.5 will be
suspended from the game after given a red card.
6.2.3 A player who is directly suspended from the game may get penalties based
on the magnitude of his misconducts after his case is seen by the technical,
competition and protocol committee.
Rule Seven
Article 7: Duties and responsibilities of coaches, team leaders and
Rule Eight
Article 8: Duties and responsibilities of Referees
The referees of Saha cultural game are two in number, who serve as a
main referee and point scorer.
8.1 Duties and responsibilities of the main referee
8.1.1 The referee should be present before 30 minutes to the game locality
8.1.2 Controls the game
8.1.3 Checks and controls the appropriateness of the playing materials
8.1.4 Checks and controls the appropriateness of the names of players and their
playing card
8.1.5 Controls the symbols given to players by the coaches and their supporters
8.1.6 Controls the time given for thinking.
8.1.7 Performs different activities not listed in details.