LP Lute Music Johann Sebastian Bach Sylvius Leopold Veis
LP Lute Music Johann Sebastian Bach Sylvius Leopold Veis
LP Lute Music Johann Sebastian Bach Sylvius Leopold Veis
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J.S. Bach and S.L. Weiss
Lute Music
The surviving works for lute by Johann many compositions by Weiss, permeates the
SIDE 1 daring harmony of this Tombeau to produce
Sebastian Bach occupy a modest place when
JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH (1685-1750) an effect of the deepest grief.
measured against the volume of his works for
Sonata No. 1 in G Minor, S. 1001
keyboard. Apart from the obbligato parts for 1. Adagio
Harald Hoeren
lute in the St. John Passion and in the Trauer- Translated by C. Cartwright
Fuge in G Minor, S. 1000
Ode (Funeral ode), we have seven solo works, Suite in C Minor, S. 997
of which three have survived in Bach's 2. Preludio
autograph. It is interesting that these are not 3. Fuga Konrad Junghanel began playing the guitar at the age
4. Sarabande
written in the customary lute tablature, but in of 10. In 1966 he studied the lute privately with Pro-
5. Gigue fessor Michael Schaffer in Cologne, and in 1971 he
keyboard notation, i.e., two staffs each of five
SIDE 2 continued his studies at the State High School of Music
SILVIUS LEOPOLD WEISS (1686-1750) in Cologne, again with Professor Schaffer. There he
Whether or not Bach himself could play the 1. Tombeau on the Death of Mr. Cajetan, received his final arts diploma and also passed the
lute will probably never be answered with cer- Baron von Hartig associated performers’ examination with “distinction.”
tainty. His interest in the instrument is shown Suite in D Minor Subsequently Konrad Junghanel has taught at the Royal
. Prelude Conservatory of Music in Antwerp, and many interna-
by his friendship with Sylvius Leopold Weiss tional summer courses, and since 1978 he has been a
and with the eminent Leipzig lute maker . Un poco andante
. Badinage lecturer at the State High School of Music in Cologne.
Johann Christian Hoffmann. Moreover, he left He has given concerts in most West European coun-
. Siciliana
his own plan of a lute-harpsichord, an instru- . Gavotte
tries, in the U.S.A., South America, South Africa, and in
ment which he had encountered in Weimar in . Minuet Japan, and has made many recordings for radio, televi-
1715> and which hes had >Zacharias sion, and record companies (Archiv-Production, Elec-
. Gigue
trola) German Harmonia Mundi, French Harmonia
Hildebrandt build. e
Mundi, and Aulos).
Konrad Junghanel, Lute
The Suite in C minor, S. 997 comes down to (Nico von der Waals, 1976)
us ina transcription by one of Bach’s pupils. In
contrast to the other two known suites for lute OTHER RECORDINGS AVAILABLE
by Bach, it contains only two of the four usual Saxony and the Polish court, where he died in MHS 1055K MASTERS OF THE LUTE AND GUITAR.
movements, namely Sarabande and Gigue. 1750; DOWLAND: Four Dances; MILAN: Three Pavanas;
Fantasia; MUDARRA: Fantasia; Pavana; NARVAEZ:
The Adagio and Fuge in G minor are In J.G. Walther’s Musicalisches Lexicon Baxa de Contrapunto; Cancién del Emperador;
transcriptions of movements from the Sonata (1732) his ability was assessed thus: “In arpeg- PISADOR: Pavana and Villano; ROBINSON: An AI-
maine; SANZ: Six Pieces for Lute and Guitar; A.
in G minor for solo violin, S. 1001. The Fuge, gios he obtains an unusually rich sonority, in SCARLATTI: Gavotte; WEISS: Ballet. Caceres, Guitar.
of which there is also a version in D minor for the expression of feeling he would be without MHS 4199X THE BAROQUE LUTE. DUFAULT: Suite in
organ (S. 539), appears in lute tablature in the equal, and he has a stupendous facility, an G Minor; GALLOT: Suite in D Minor. Schaffer, Lute.
hand of the Leipzig lawyer and lutenist Chris- unheard-of delicacy and grace in cantabile MHS 4628A 17TH- AND 18TH-CENTURY SUITES FOR
tian Weyrauch, who was a friend of Bach. This playing...” BAROQUE GUITAR. VISEE: Suite in D; CARBONCHI:
Folias; Ciaccona; CALVI: Aria di Fiorenza; GRANATA:
version appears to have been adapted to suit
Suite in E Minor; MATTEIS: Suite in G; DIESEL: Suite in
his abilities as a player. His music consists for the most part of D Minor. Strizich Duo, Lute, guitar.
suites, which often contain no more than the
The G minor Adagio from the violin Sonata basic sequence of four movements:
served Konrad Junghdnel as a model for his Allemande—Courante — Saraband— Gigue. and Chaconne in G Minor; Suite in A Minor
transcription of the lute pieces. Starting from Frequently there is a free Prelude in (‘Vinfidéle”) (Excerpts); Prelude in F Major; VISEE:
the surviving version, he has added in the unmeasured notation at the start.
Prelude and Chaconne in A Minor; Suite in D Minor;
ARR. MINKIN: Folia in D Minor; DUBUT: La belle
Fuge and in the C minor Suite fuller harmony
Ebraise, a sarabande; MANABE: Fantasia, omaggio per
and some bass octaves, which are strictly bas- The Tombeau on the Death of Baron von Maestro S.L.W. Minkin, Lute.
ed on Bach’s methods of transcription. Hartig represents an exception in the music
for baroque lute, with its basic key of E-flat Timings:
Sylvius Leopold Weiss was one of the last Side 1: 10:58, 3:13, 8:32, 5:00, 3:09/31:03
minor. A rich dissonance, which is typical of
great exponents of lute playing. He was born Side 2: 4:30, 2:03, 4:12, 3:57, 5:00, 2:18, 2:06, 3:03/27:24
in 1686 in Breslau, and soon achieved an ex- Recorded at St. Stefanuskerk, Melsen, Belgium, in September 1978
Produced and Recorded by Adelheid and Andreas Glatt
traordinary renown, which is reflected in his Mastering: Bill Kipper, Masterdisk Corp.
many journeys. He visited Dusseldorf, Rome, Cover Art: Lute Player (courtesy New York Public Library)
Jacket Design: Jayne Travis
Hesse-Kassel, Dresden, Vienna, Prague,
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 83-743413
Munich, Berlin, and finally settled in Dresden Manufactured in the U.S.A. by
Musical Heritage Society
Produced by ACCENT
as director of chamber music to the Elector of 1710 Highway 35, Ocean, New Jersey 07712 © Musical Heritage Society, Inc., 1984