U4A1 Worksheet 1 Postwar Report Card
U4A1 Worksheet 1 Postwar Report Card
U4A1 Worksheet 1 Postwar Report Card
this goal is being achieved? NOT BEING ACHIEVED - include your
What do I need to see? reasoning
Civil fights, state wars, and The Universal Declaration of Korean wars were deadly. This demonstrates that conflicts,
Save succeeding generations other forms of violence get less Human Rights, signed in 1948, Despite UN intervention to save human rights concerns, and
from the scourge of war common. To stop wars, states was a big step towards peace South Korea, the conflict killed violence have been addressed,
and international groups must and security around the world. over 500 Canadian troops. Inuit but there are still considerable
work together to find calm In the declaration, basic human families were compelled to obstacles and cases where the
solutions to global problems and rights were listed, and it was move to Cornwallis Island for requirements are not completely
disagreements. Armed battles stressed that everyone's military facilities, causing great met. For instance, the Joint
may be less likely to happen if humanity should be respected. hardship. The government failed Defence Agreements compelled
there are more protections for To make a society that is more to notify and prepare Inuit the transfer of Inuit households,
human rights, especially against calm and fair, it is important to households for transfer. The UN notwithstanding the Universal
crimes against humanity, and have laws that forbid torture, Emergency Force ended the Declaration of Human Rights.
other horrific acts. Peace support freedom of thought, immediate situation surrounding The Suez Canal Crisis and the
education, teaching on how to morality, and religion, and offer the Suez Canal, but Britain, UN Emergency Force resolved
solve conflicts, and knowledge shelter. After World War II, France, and Israel invaded the immediate issues, although
efforts may help teach future Jewish children and people who canal zone and fought. violent engagements and
generations to be less violent. had lost their homes were given Peacekeepers only shot if deaths occurred during the first
Reducing poverty, injustice, and shelter all over the world. assaulted. The Cold War was invasion. Even if wars were less
other causes of conflict may Canada gave homes and better characterised by nuclear frequent, the Cold War and
lead to more peace and lives to Jewish children and proliferation and the arms race, nuclear weapons race
security. I need to see people all refugees. These actions show which offered a continual demonstrate that global warfare
over the world moving towards that people all over the world danger of a catastrophic and bloodshed were always a
peaceful answers and against are working together to stop confrontation. possibility. While there have
war. bloodshed and chaos. In 1947, been advances and attempts
the Canadian government towards peace and cooperation,
changed the Chinese there are still substantial
Immigration Act, which had problems and conflicts that
limited the number of Chinese need sustained work to realise
people who could come to the criteria's peace and security.
Canada. This was done to Thus, a level 3 indicates
recognise the rights and respect continued efforts and
of Chinese newcomers. The development with opportunity
change made Canada's for improvement and problems
immigration rules better and cut to overcome.
down on fighting between
different groups. During World
War II, Japanese Canadians
were forced to live in camps.
This was a sad time in
Canadian history, but the
decision by the government in
1947 to end removal orders and
in 1949 to end limits shows a
move towards justice and
Race, colour, gender, religion, John Humphrey wrote the Simeonie Amagoalik noted that It's a level 2 because despite
Reaffirm faith in fundamental nationality, and other Universal Declaration of Human the Canadian government attempts to promote women's
human rights, in the dignity and characteristics are not Rights in 1948. Article 1 says relocated Inuit households in rights and fair pay, the gender
worth of the human person, in discriminated against. Equality that everyone is born free and the High Arctic in the 1950s, wage gap shows that gender
the equal rights of men and and fairness should be present equal in respect and rights. It demonstrating ethnic equality in employment and
women and of nations large and in education, employment, and forbids prejudice based on race, discrimination. The government earnings has not been entirely
small public services. Education, colour, gender, religion, and violated their rights and reached. The government's
employment, and leadership other things. Article 2 of the traditions by forcibly relocating forcible displacement of Inuit
should be equal for women. The Universal Declaration of Human them. Many countries, including was an obvious violation of
gender wage gap should be Rights encourages equality Canada, have a gender pay human rights and inequality.
reduced, and women should be between men and women. disparity despite women's rights Peacekeeping operations have
allowed to make life and body Women's rights and equal rights campaigns. Gender equality in been effective in certain
choices. Violence, abuse, and for men and women were employment and pay is still circumstances, but armed
mistreatment of people in pushed everywhere. The UN lacking since women earn less conflicts and bloodshed show
society decreased. No of their and NATO helped immigrants than men for the same task. that ending violence is difficult.
economic standing, everyone and people who had to leave Private Leo Barton and Lester The creation of organisations
should have access to their homes get medical care, Pearson highlighted the Korean and initiatives shows progress
healthcare, education, and schooling, and other social War and Suez Canal Crisis, in providing healthcare,
social services. No one should services. Article 18 of the which showed that violence and education, and social services
be mistreated for practising their Universal Declaration of Human war continue despite to people in need. Religious
faith. A society that cherishes Rights protects the right to think, peacekeeping attempts. While discrimination shows that
human rights should actively feel, and believe what you want. international organisations like religious freedom is not yet
encourage education and The Inuit High Arctic Relocation the UN and NATO have made completely accepted and
knowledge of these concepts Apology shows that people are progress in delivering basic safeguarded.
through schools, media, and trying to protect religious services to displaced individuals
public debate. freedom and not hurt people's and refugees, certain
beliefs. communities still lack access to
healthcare, education, and
social services. Religion-based
discrimination still exists.
Religious minorities are
persecuted, restricted, or killed
notwithstanding the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
Under international law, In 1948, the Universal The Chinese Immigration Act, Canada's dedication to justice
Establish conditions under countries should treat everyone Declaration of Human Rights World War II treatment of and international law
which justice and respect for the the same, no matter their race, established universal human Japanese Canadians, and the commitments earns it a rating 3.
obligations arising from treaties culture, language, gender, or rights that apply to everyone. It transfer of Inuit people without Canada has advanced equality,
and other sources of other qualities. States should promotes human dignity and consultation and assistance all human rights, and peaceful
international law can be accept each other's rights, equality. UDHR provisions show ethnic and cultural dispute resolution, as shown by
maintained except when international law promote equality, human rights, prejudice. These historical acts the facts. The country's
says they can't. Instead of using and peaceful assembly and demonstrate that Canada's participation in the Universal
force, international disputes association. After World War II, history did not always uphold Declaration of Human Rights,
should be solved through talks, Canada accepted Jewish war fairness and equal treatment. acceptance of Jewish orphans
or compromise. Accountability orphans and displaced The Korean War, in which and displaced individuals, and
systems should deal with and fix individuals, showing a Canada fought as part of the attempts to right historical
violations of international law. commitment to helping the UN, shows that armed wars wrongs with Japanese
Criminals should be held needy regardless of nationality. have happened despite Canadians show a readiness to
responsible no matter what. Canada's refugee policy diplomacy. Canada's treat everyone equally.
Nations should support and respects international engagement was to assist the Canada's membership in NATO
protect international deals and commitments and humanitarian UN's collective security efforts, and the UN shows its
human rights that are based on ideals. The 1947 repeal of the but the need for military action commitment to collective
common international law. Chinese Immigration Act and illustrates that international security and international law.
Governments should teach subsequent revisions ended disputes don't always end The research also shows
people about international law immigration policy racial peacefully. Canada has made obstacles and opportunities for
so that people will follow laws discrimination. This shows success in supporting human development. Discrimination,
and promises. progress in equalising rights and participating in NATO engagement in wars like the
ethnicities and safeguarding and the UN, but sustaining and Korean War, and inadequate
human rights. Acknowledging deepening these commitments accountability create issues
historical injustices and is difficult. Discrimination, armed about justice and international
compensating Japanese conflict, and territorial disputes law. Canada's efforts and
Canadians for World War II may impair justice and accomplishments are
incarceration show attempts to international commitments. admirable, but justice and
correct human rights violations. international duties demand
It shows a dedication to learning constant attention and
from previous errors and taking improvement. Canada may
responsibility. Canada's UN role improve its aims by addressing
in the Korean War shows its past injustices, increasing
commitment to collective openness and accountability,
security and international duties. and resolving issues peacefully.
Peace and diplomacy are
shown by the alliance to protect
South Korea. Canada's
involvement in NORAD and the
founding of the UNEF to resolve
the Suez Canal Crisis
demonstrate its commitment to
international cooperation and
peaceful conflict resolution.
To meet the population's Evidence 1 of the Universal The Universal Declaration of I assign it a rating 3 because
Promote social progress and fundamental requirements, Declaration of Human Rights Human Rights promotes gender the Universal Declaration of
better standards of life in larger education, healthcare, and states that all humans are born equality, yet Canada and the Human Rights, created with
freedom social safety nets should free and equal in dignity and world have made little progress. Canada and other states, shows
improve. Improved rights. This agreement Progress on equal pay for equal worldwide dedication to human
representation of women in establishes global gender work, women in decision- rights. After World War II,
decision-making positions, equality. Evidence 3 shows that making positions, and lowering Canada resettled Jewish
equal compensation for equal Canada accepted displaced discrimination based on gender, orphans and displaced people
labour, and expanded access to people after World War II, ethnicity, race, religion, and to improve their quality of life.
education and employment showing improvement in helping other variables is unclear due to Repealing the Chinese
show gender equality progress. victims of war and humanitarian a lack of statistics. The Immigration Act shows progress
Gender, ethnicity, race, religion, crises. Evidence 9 outlines evidence does not contain in decreasing discrimination.
and other prejudice should Lester Pearson's peaceful Canadian or international Joint defence agreements that
decrease in society. Health resolution of the Suez Canal statistics on health outcomes, relocated Inuit families during
outcomes, infant mortality rates, Crisis and creation of the United infant mortality, life expectancy, the Cold War raised worries
life expectancy, and access to Nations Emergency Force or healthcare access. This data about Indigenous communities'
healthcare indicate greater (UNEF). Canada's international is needed to assess societal well-being. It reveals past
quality of life. Literacy rates, cooperation and peacekeeping development in quality of life injustices that may have slowed
excellent education at all levels, efforts advance global social and healthcare. The Universal Indigenous societal
and research and innovation advancement. Evidence 1 of the Declaration of Human Rights advancement. Canada's support
should rise. Education promotes Universal Declaration of Human guarantees the right to for the United Nations
social mobility and personal Rights lists the right to life, education, yet there is little data Emergency Force (UNEF)
growth. As societal liberty, and security, freedom of on literacy rates or high-quality during the Suez Canal Crisis
development and living belief and religion, and peaceful education in Canada or shows its commitment to
conditions rise, happiness and assembly and association. elsewhere. Canada accepted peacekeeping and conflict
well-being indices should These rights indicate societal displaced people and refugees resolution.
increase. Global concerns development and freedom. after World War II.
including poverty, pandemics,
and humanitarian disasters
need international cooperation
and assistance to achieve
greater freedom and social
Comments (Did the United Nations and Canada live up to the expectations set in the preamble of the United Nations Charter?):
Together with Canada, the UN has made a lot of success towards meeting the high goals. Both groups have worked for years to
promote world peace, security, and working together. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights shows that they want to make life
better for everyone. Canada's involvement in security activities, like when it helped start the UN Emergency Force during the Suez
Canal Crisis, shows that it cares about world peace and resolving conflicts.
Areas to Review:
Even though good work has been made, it is important to recognise that there are still some areas that need more care and review.
One important thing is that Canada needs to keep working to promote social growth and inclusion. Even though we've made
progress in the past, there are still problems with gender equality, Indigenous rights, and income inequality that need specific actions
and policies to fix. Also, the joint defence deals and relocating of Indigenous families during the Cold War raise concerns about
respecting Indigenous rights and self-determination. This means that a full review of past actions is needed to make sure a more fair
and just strategy going forward.
Next Steps:
- Canada's internal policies should focus on promoting social growth, fair chances, and being open to everyone. Getting rid of
income imbalance, making sure everyone has access to great education and health care, and promoting gender equality are all
important steps towards meeting the goals.
- The most important thing for Canada to do to reach the goals is to recognise past wrongs and work towards healing with
Indigenous people. Indigenous groups will make more social progress and have better standards of living if they have a bigger
say in how decisions are made.
- The United Nations and its member states, like Canada, must continue in keeping the peace, resolving conflicts, and helping
people in need. Collaboration and political solutions are still the best ways to reduce global battles and make peace that lasts.
- Canada's continuing participation in global projects like relief aid, reducing poverty, and protecting the environment will help
the country do more to reach the goals of the United Nations goal on a global scale.