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 Isa sa makrong kasanayang dapat
mahubog sa bawat mag-aaral.
 Naisasatitik ang nilalaman ng
isipan, damdamin, paniniwala, at
layunin ng tao sa tulong ng
paggamit ng mga salita.


 Nagsisilbing libangan
 Matugunan ang pangangailangan
sa pag-aaral
 Pagtugon sa trabaho na
ginagampanan sa lipunan
- sanaysay
- artikulo
- posisyong papel
- case studies
- pamahunang papel
- tesis
- pananaliksik

Ayon kay Mabilin (2012), ito ay uri ng

pagsulat na higit na mahalaga kaysa sa
lahat ng uri ng pagsulat.

Itinuturing pinakamataas na intelektwal

na pagsulat.

Pinatataas nito ang intelektuwal ng

magaaral sa iba’t ibang larangan.
 A written language that provides PURPOSE: To inform/ To entertain
information, which contain ideas STRUCTURE: No fixed structure
and concepts that are related to the LANGUAGE: Slang and Colloquial
particular discipline. STYLE: Subjective
 Academic writing, therefore, is SOURCE OF CONTENT: Everyday
generally quite formal, objective Event
(impersonal) and technical.
 A text that can be considered as 1. STRUCTURE
personal, emotional, 2. TONE
impressionistic, or subjective in 3. LANGUAGE
nature. 4. CITATION
 Examines, evaluates, and makes an STRUCTURE OF ACADEMIC
argument about a literary work. TEXTS
 Uses outside information to STRUCTURE
support a thesis or make an  The three-part essay structure is a
argument. basic structure that consists of
DISSERTATION introduction, body and conclusion.
 A book-length summarization of  THE IMRAD STRUCTURE
the doctoral candidate’s research.  Introduction, Methods, Results and
 An account of an experiment and
what was discovered during the FEATURES OF ACADEMIC TEXT
experiment. 1. COMPLEX
AUDIENCE: Scholarly Audience 4. OBJECTIVE
STRUCTURE: Introduction-Body- 6. ACCURATE
Conclusion 7. HEDGING
STYLE: Objective 9. ORGANIZE
- it includes, for example, applications of rhetorical
disciplinespecific vocabulary, grammar conventions and devices that are
and punctuation, and applications of typical for a content area.
rhetorical conventions and devices that  In textbooks, research papers,
are typical for a content area. conferences in spoken/written
- in textbooks, research form.
papers, conferences in  Used in school/work conversations
spoken/written for.  Appropriate for written papers,
- used in school/work classwork
Conversation.  Very formal and sophisticated
- appropriate for written papers,  Uses a variety of terms
classwork  Uses sentences
- very formal and sophisticated  Sentences begin with appropriate
- uses a variety of terms transitions
- uses sentences
- sentences begin with appropriate SOCIAL LANGUAGE
transitions  set of vocabulary that allows us to
 Formal communicate with others in the
- Avoid contractions context of regular daily
• Avoid emotional conversations.
language.  Everyday interactions in
• Use more cautious spoken/written form
evaluations.  For everyday conversation
 OBJECTIVE  Used to write for social purposes
• Avoid evaluative words  Informal language
that are based on nontechnical  Can be repetitive
judgments and  Can use phrases
feelings.  Don’t follow grammar
• Find authoritative sources. conversation
• Be careful on the vocabulary, ❑ CRITICIZE – to judge or to
usage of words and meaning of evaluatesomeone or something
technical terms. ❑ CRITIQUE – the paper or essay
- the product of criticizing
TECHNICAL WRITTEN TEXT  A critique is a careful analysis of
- we use applicable terms only an argument to determine:
depending of the situation. - what is said,
EXAMPLES: - how well the points are made,
Hospital - Patient - what assumptions underlie the
School - Student argument,
- what issues are overlooked, and
ACADEMIC LANGUAGE - what implications are drawn from such
 It includes, for example, observations.
disciplinespecific vocabulary, ❑ CRITIC – the person doing the
grammar and punctuation, and Criticism
 Present ideas or events in the order
CRITICAL APPROACHES IN in which they happen.
I. FORMALIST CRITICISM  Identify problems and pose
 Formalists critic the elements of solutions.
form – Style, Structure, Tone, DESCRIPTION/DEFINITION
Imagery, etc.  Describes a topic by listing
II. GENDER/FEMINIST characteristics, features, attributes,
CRITICISM and examples
 This approach “examines how NARRATIVE
sexual identity influences the  Narrates an event/story with
creation and reception of literary characters, setting, conflict, point
works.” of view, and plot.
 Masculinity Ideology  TRANSITIONS: Descriptive
III. READER-RESPONSE language (adjectives, adverbs,
CRITICISM similes, and metaphors)
 It attempts “to describe what
happens in the reader’s mind while SUMMARY
interpreting a text”  is an academic paper thatcontains a
IV. Marxism thesis statement/main idea and
 Karl Marx(1818–1883) summarized subordinating points
German philosopher and of a text.
economist  is an academic paper that contains
 Concerned with the differences a thesis statement/main idea and
between economic classes. summarized subordinating points
of a text.
TEXT STRUCTURES  outlines the most essential pieces
(1) refer to the way authors organize of information for academic paper
information in text. like resume.
(2) Recognizing the underlying structure BASIC RULES
of texts can help students focus attention  Erase things that do not matter.
on key concepts and relationships,  Erase things that repeat.
anticipate what is  Trade general terms for specific
to come, and monitor their names.
comprehension as  Use your own words to write the
they read. summary
 Discuss two ideas, events, or SCANNING is reading rapidly
phenomena,showing how they are to find specific facts.
different and howthey are similar SKIMMING is reading
CAUSE – EFFECT rapidly to get a general
 Provide explanations or reasons overview of the material.
TECHNIQUE 1:  When someone asks for "the gist"
• SOMEBODY: Who is the story of a story, they want to know what
about? the story is about. In other words,
• WANTED: What does the main they want a summary—not a
character want? retelling of every detail. You can
• BUT: Identify a problem that the main use the gist method as a fun, quick
character encountered. way to practice summarizing on a
• SO: How does the main character regular basis.
solve the problem?
• THEN: Tell how the story ends.

• STATE: name of the article, book, or
• ASSIGN: the name of the author
• ACTION: what the author is doing
(example: tells, explains)
• COMPLETE: complete the sentence
or summary with keywords and
important details

5 W's, 1 H
• Who is the story about?
• What did they do?
• When did the action take place?
• Where did the story happen?
• Why did the main character do what
he/she did?
• How did the main character do what
he/she did?


• FIRST. What happened first? Include
themain character and main
• THEN. What key details took place
duringthe event/action?
• FINALLY. What were the results of
the event/action?
 It is an understanding intended to
extend knowledge through inquiry
or systematic investigations.
 It is systematic investigation
including research development,
testing and evaluation designed to
develop or contribute to
 is the systematic empirical
investigation of an observed
phenomena through the use of
statistical, mathematical or
computational methods (Given,
 Expressions in numerical form,
objectivity of data and the use of
statistical methods are signs of
quantitative research.
 In doing quantitative research,
your aim is to find out the
relationship between one variable
to another.
 Research comes from the two  Research is a scientific,
words: experimental which execute varied
- French word “recerche” which means thinking acts that range from
to seek out or search again. lower-order to higherorder
- Comes also from the word thinking strategies.
“recerchi’’-- 1. LARGE SAMPLE SIZE
- “re- again and “cerchi”- to search. • To ensure reliability, quantitative
 Systematic process of collecting research deals on a large number of
and analyzing data to find an audiences.
answer to a question or a solution 2. HIGHLY RELIABLE OUTCOME
to theproblem, to validate and • Since participants answer close-ended
testan existing theory (Estonilo, questions, there are few chances of
2019). getting vague information.
STATEMENT 2 (2018) • Standardized instruments guide data
collection, thus, ensuring the accuracy,
reliability and validity of data.
4. NUMERICAL OUTCOME • Data can be very consistent, precise
• The outcome of quantitative and reliable
research is always in numerical WEAKNESSES/ LIMITATIONS
form (can be represented in • Related secondary data is sometimes
percentage, range of numbers, not available or
etc.) that is easy to read and accessing available data is difficult or
understand and to deduce a impossible
conclusion from the numerical • Difficult to understand the
outcome. context of a phenomenon
5. REUSABLE OUTCOME • Data may not be enough to explain
•The data collected for one research complex issues
purpose can be utilized for the prior
study of another research problem or for In addition, advantages and
similar research problems; and the disadvantages of quantitative
outcome of previous research problem research
can be used to could be summarized as follows
support the output of new but related (Church & Rogers, 2012):
research problems.
OUTCOME • It can be used when large
• The outcome of quantitative research quantities of data need to be
can be generalized easily for the whole collected.
population since it is • The data is considered
conducted on a large sample quantifiable and usually
of population. generalizable to a larger
7. PRIOR STUDY population.
• Researchers may study and analyze the DISADVANTAGES
outcome of previous research to • Results need to be calculated
establish their research using Excel, Access, or data
hypothesis or problem. analysis software (such as
SPSS), which may not
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES always be accessible to a
OF country program
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH • The larger the sample, the
more time it takes to
Here are some strengths and analyze the data and
weaknesses of quantitative researchas analyze results.
described by University of
Copenhagen (2020): CLASSIFICATIONS OF
• Findings can be generalized if  Quantitative research can either be
selection process is well-designed and experimental and nonexperimental.
sample is representative of population  An experimental study establishes
• Relatively easy to analyze causality and often used when an
intervention is being studied,
whereas non- experimental only school records (Fraenkel and
establishes the association or Wallen, 2010).
connection between variables. c. OBSERVATIONAL
EXPERIMENTAL  A coding scheme or set of
a. TRUE EXPERIMENTAL categories is usually used by an
 As described byBaraceros (2016), observer to record a frequency of a
it determines who among the person’s or group’s behavior such
participants should compose the as to measure interactions of
experimental group or the control college students drinking alcohol
group using random selection. in a group setting (Fraenkel and
b. QUASI-EXPERIMENTAL Wallen, 2010).
 It often performed in cases where a D. CORRELATIONAL
control group cannot be created or  The objectives of much research
random selection cannot be are met by demonstrating the
performed such as in certain relationship between two or more
medical and psychological studies variables (Howitt and Cramer,
(Iowa State University, 2020). 2010).
 Within-subject or single case  It establishes associations only
experimental designs may provide between variables (Spalding
a scientifically rigorous approach University, 2020)
where each participant provide his F. COMPARATIVE
or her own experimental control.  It is used to determine and quantify
d. PRE-EXPERIMENTAL relationships between two or more
 It means that a single group is variables by observing different
often studied but no comparison groups that either by choice/
between an equivalent non- circumstances; and looks at two or
treatment group is made, such as more similar groups/ individuals or
the one-shot case study. conditions comparing them
(Bukhari, 2011).
 It is a quantitative method that uses RESEARCH
questionnaires and aims to IS OF VALUE?
generalize from representative BARACEROS (2016)…
sample to a larger population of • Effective method to obtain
interest (List, 2010). information.
b. HISTORICAL • Employed reliable instruments.
 The computer has made it possible • Statistical methods.
for those historical studies that
involve the study of quantitative HOW CAN YOU OBTAIN THE
records, for a researcher to draw a INFORMATION
representative sample of data from YOU NEED?
large groups of students, teachers • TRADITIONAL METHOD OF
and others who are represented in DATA GATHERING
• DISTANCE TURN- DIGITAL  Variables are “changing
METHOD qualities or
characteristics” of
ACROSS FIELD  like age, gender, intelligence,
1. ENGINEERING ideas, achievement,and confidence.
 Robinson (2016)…  Variables are anything that
 Principles and Methods varies.
 Measurement of variables was  They are anything that takes
describedreliable and valid on different values, typically
 Statistical methods for analyzing numerical values.
quantitative data.  For instance, as years goes by,
2. ECONOMICS your age or intelligence increases.
 Fraser (2020)…  But placed in a situation where you
 How (process) society produces, are afflicted with a disease or have
distributes and consumes goods no means of reading or no access
and services. to any sources of knowledge, your
 Inflation, unemployment, labor, intelligence tend to decrease.
taxes, international trade and social (Suter2013, p. 137)
issues that affect (testing) the BASIC TYPES
 Investigated diverse impacts of VARIABLE).
sustainable agriculture.   x variable are those that cause
 Relies on data such as statistics, changes in the subject, while y
budgets, cost analysis and cost variable are those that bear or
projections. manifest the effect caused by the
3. EDUCATION independent variables.
 University of Minnesota  Hence, in causal relationship, the
(2020)… cause comes from independent and
 Promotes solving problems the effects is on the dependent
(goal) in education. variables.
 It specializes educational IN AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY….
assessments and measurement.  the independent variable are the
4. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE condition or treatment applied to
Education the experimental group is under the
 University of Minnesota control, direction or manipulation
(2020)… of the researcher or the
 Promotes solving problems experimenter.
(goal) in education. VARIABLE RELATIONSHIPS
 It specializes educational   In scientific way of studying
assessments and measurement. cause-effect relationships, these
two variables, independent and
dependent are part and parcel of
the research that you can subject to exist as “nuisance variables”,
any form of measurement. whose potency need to go down to
 However, as you carry out the prevent it from affecting the results
research, it is possible that one, negatively.
two or more variables or extra OTHER TYPES OF VARIABLES
variables crop up to create an  CONSTANT--- do not undergo
impact on the relationship between any changes during the
the independent and dependent experiment.
variables.  ATTRIBUTE--- characteristics of
 Being extra variables, they form people: intelligence, creativity,
this other type of variables called anxiety, learning style, etc.
extraneous variables.  COVARIATE--- included in the
 Such extraneous variables are research study to create
called participant variables if they interactions with independent and
refer to the moods, emotions or dependent variables.
intelligence of the subject.  CONTINUOUS--- Quantitative in
 Situational variables, if they nature and is used in interval or
pertain to the nature of the place: ratio scale of measurement.
smelly, chilly, cold, hot, spacious  DICHOTOMOUS--- has only
and the like. two possible results: one or
VARIABLES  LATENT--- cannot be directly
EXTRANEOUS VARIABLES observed like personality
 are to be controlled by you, the traits.
experimenter.  MANIFEST--- can be directly
 But if they do not give in to your observed to give proofs to latent
control, they become confounding variables.
variables that can strongly  EXOGENOUS--- found outside an
influence your study. identified model.
 Dealing with this type of variable  ENDOGENOUS--- found inside; as
gives you difficulty in determining a part of identified model.
the real cause of changes in the
dependent variables; that is, DESIGNING A RESEARCH TOPIC
whether it is due only to the • Before beginning your paper, it is
independent variable or the important to consider the purpose
combination between the of designing a research.
confounding and the independent • You need to know “what to address”
variable. and “why to address” to come up with
 The involvement of confounding the best one.
variables in the research results in
the production of “mixed up,
confusing or bewildering result.”
 Involved not within the research
situation but outside the research
process, the extraneous variables
 •Own experience and interest
(good source)
 Own professional practice
 Colleagues
 Critical friends (expert in the field,
best source)
 Previous research findings
• The overall strategy, blueprint,  Present political, social or
conceptual structure and the backbone economic issues in society.
of your study that you choose to
integrate the different components of the GUIDELINES IN CHOOSING A
study in a coherent and logical way RESEARCH TOPIC
defines your research design.  Interest in the subject matter
• Its function is to ensure that the  Availability of information
evidence to be obtained enables you to  Timeless and relevance of the topic
effectively address the  Limitations on the subject
research problem as clearly as possible.  Personal resources
 Identify the research problem  Controversial topic
clearly.  Highly technical
 Review previously published  Hard-to-investigate subject
literature associatedwith the  Too broad subject or too narrow
problem area. subjects
 Clearly and explicitly specify  Vague subject
 Effectively describe the data WHAT IS A RESEARCH
(Testing hypothesis and explain PROBLEM?
how such data will be obtained.  A statement about an area of
 Describe the methods and analysis concern.
to be applied.  A condition to be improved.
 A difficulty to be eliminated.
IDENTIFYING THE INQUIRY AND  A troubling question that exists in
STATING THE PROBLEM scholarly literature.


THE FOLLOWING:  Not researchable
 Begins with identifying the topic;  because it is more inclined to
 Reviewing the literature; and explaining or describing people’s
 Deciding on the research design. views, values, attitudes, opinions,
and other subjective traits.
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH that acquaints the reader with the
PROBLEM problem to be dealt with.
 Researchable 1. It must drive an impact to emote
 Because it is not only characterized interest from the reader.
by precision, specificity, or 2. It must be simple, clear, specific, and
stability but also geared toward a related to the topic.
possible result (Matthews 2010: 3. It should clearly state the reason for
Schreiber 2012). conducting the study.
4. It should move from broad to
A 5. It should state the current condition of
PROBLEM Problem.
1. Formulate a research problem that is STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
researchable; meaning, open to  It is a clear statement of an inquiry
empirical investigation. or gap that needs to be addressed
2. See to it that you state your through a systematic approach.
quantitative research problem clearly,  INTERROGATIVE AND
concisely and can stand alone and has a DECLARATIVE
main idea, if under APA referencing The statement of the problem has
style, not beyond 12 words. two parts:
3. Have your research problem focus on 1. General statement of the
a general understanding of your research problem/Objective
topic. 2. Specific research questions
4. Construct research problem that
mirrors the importance of carrying The following must be considered in
out the research for finding answers formulating research problem:
or solutions to problem.  Type of the study
5. Express your research problem  Directional or non-directional
and the research questions either verb
in an interrogative or declarative  Central phenomenon of the
manner, but some research books study
says that the former is more  Participants
effective than the latter form  When (Time)
(Babbies 2013).  Purpose
6. SMART- Specific, Measureable,
Attainable, Realistic or Result-oriented RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS
and Time bound or  A hypothesis is a TENTATIVE
terminal. EXPLANATION or an answer to a
question about variables, their
BACKGROUND OF THE relationships and the other facts
PROBLEM involved in research.
 It is an explanation and  Generally, it means a guess or an
presentation of the context of the EDUCATED GUESS.
study in a very effective manner
 A hypothesis can be tested through  These are the key concepts and
ANALYTICAL terminologies used in the study.
INVESTIGATION to prove how  These are the terms which are:
true or false it is (Cresswell 2014;  unusual
Russel 2013).  acronym
TWO COMMON CATEGORIES OF  not widely known
 It is an alphabetical list of
NULL HYPOTHESIS important terms that you define
 States the absence of relationship that will help readers to avoid
between the independent and confusionn about different terms in
dependent variable. your research.
 It is a statement to DISPROVE  OPERATIONAL AND
THE FACT that the independent CONCEPTUAL
variable (treatment, intervention or
condition) has an EFFECT on the
dependent variable.

 States the relationship between the
independent and dependent


 pinpoints the benefits certain
groups of people will gain from the
findings of the study.
 It must start from the most to the
least benefitted ones.

 A conceptual framework serves as
an outline or a blueprint that you
can follow in doing your research.
 Is a graphical presentation of
concepts oz ideas on the basic
structure or components of your
 It is presented in a flow chart, map,
diagram or narrative form.
 When using a diagram, it is still a
must to include narrative to explain 21st Century Literature from the
the details. Philippines and the World facilitates
the understanding and analysis of
literary texts in various genres across - it collects, organizes, and sums up
cultures. the entire of humanity, occasionally
adding more color to it.
The range of years in 21st century
literature was written from the year ACCORDING TO AMADOR
2001 to the present. DAGUIO
- It is the beautiful expression of
The 2000s saw a steep increase in the man‘s personal interpretations of
acceptability of all types, inspired by the some aspect of human life, or a
coming-of- age of millions of people wording out in a unique, beautiful,
who enjoyed the works of writers such and personal manner of saying what
as C.S Lewis an author thinks is a passionate
and J.R.R Tolkien in their youths. meaning of life. This is saying that
literature not only becomes but is “life
Many famous books like Harry Potter itself”.
series were converted into movies.
Some books were written in simple
English and works of old writers were PRE-SPANISH PERIOD
translated into language that was  it existed before the Spanish
easier to understand. occupation in the 1500s
 it is oral in nature which contains
Mythology was mostly about the life of the
converted into graphic Filipino people in the ancient
novel form to build times.
interest among young  the sources of literature are usually
readers. the native town folks.

• It is an imaginative writing. RIDDLE(BUGTONG)

• Most of the themes deal with current  made of one or more measured
themes or situations and reflect lines with rhymes and may consist
technological culture. of four to 12 syllables.
• It often breaks traditional writing or is  showcase the Filipino wit, literary
fragmented because in the old century talent, and keen observation of the
literature, it follows the traditional plot surroundings.
(beginning-middle-end).  involves reference to one or two
images that symbolize the
characteristics of an unknown
LITERATURE object that is to be guessed.
- comes from the Latin word  Riddles are generally poetic in
“litteratura” which form and come in one, two, three
means “writing formed with letters”. or four lines.
- is anything and everything that  During the pre-colonial period,
reproduces life experiences. riddles serve as a form of folk
speech and are about the battle of THE SUN, THE MOON, THE
the wits. STARS
 Riddles use one or more images Myths about the sun, the moon and the
to refer to an object to be guessed. stars explain the following:
 The use of obscure words has 1. why the sun and the moon shine at
been invented for the purposes of different times of the day,
rhyme and meter. 2. why the sun shines more brightly
than the moon,
CHANTS(BULONG) 3. why there are spots on the face of
 used in witchcraft or the moon, and the sun,
enchantments. 4. the origin of the stars.
 Bulong is one kind of Filipino A central motif in many of these myths
Poetry. is the enmity or quarrel of the
 Most of our ancestors believe in sun and the moon.
unseen spirits/supernatural
beings like dwarfs.
 They ask for permission from
them so as not to have bad things
happen to them.

 They describe the experience,
customs, habits and truth in
Filipino life.
 Many are based from the life B. LEGEND
experiences of ancestors and  a traditional story that is
elders. popularly regarded as historical
 They serve as reminders on good but is not proven to be true.
manners and proper decorum in
social interactions. C. FABLES
 They also embody the innate  uses animals as characters
knowledge, aspirations and conveying a moral.
wisdom of the Filipino people.
FOLK NARRATIVES  is a long narrative poem
A. MYTH recounting the deeds of a
 a well- known story which was legendary hero.
made up in the past to explain  The epics come in various names:
natural events or to justify Guman (Subanon);
religious beliefs or customs. Darangen(Maranao); Hudhud
 A myth is "a sacred narrative (Ifugao); and Ulahingan
explaining how the world and (Manobo).
man came to be in their present  These epics revolve around
form" (Dundes, 1984: 1). supernatural events or heroic
deeds and they embody or validate
the beliefs and customs and  work songs that depict the
ideals of a community. livelihood of the people often
 These are sung or chanted to the sung to go with the movement of
accompaniment of indigenous workers such as the kalusan
musical instruments and dancing (Ivatan), soliranin(Tagalog
performed during harvests, rowing song) or the mambayu, a
weddings or funerals by Kalinga rice-pounding song
chanters.  the verbal jousts/games like the
 The chanters who were taught by duplo popular during wakes.
their ancestors are considered  Ambahan of the Mangyans that
“treasures” and/or repositories are about human relationships,
of wisdom in their communities. social entertainment and also
Examples of these epics are: serve as a tool for teaching the
▪ Lam-ang (Ilocano) young
▪ Hinilawod (Sulod)  drinking songs sung during
▪ Kudaman (Palawan) carousals like the tagay (Cebuano
▪ Darangen(Maranao) and Waray).
▪ Ulahingan (Livunganen-Arumanen  dirges and lamentations extolling
Manobo) the deeds of the dead like the
▪ Mangovayt Buhong na Langit (The kanogon (Cebuano) or the
Maiden of the Annako (Bontoc).
Buhong Sky from Tuwaang–Manobo)  Dung-aw is an ancient poetry &
▪ Ag Tobig neg Keboklagan (Subanon) tradition of Ilocanoand chanted
▪ Tudbulol (T’boli). during wakes of the dead.


 a form of folk lyric which  is an imaginative awareness of
expresses the hopes and experience expressed through
aspirations, the people’s lifestyles meaning, sound and rhythmic
as well as their loves. language choices to evoke an
 These are often repetitive and emotional response.
sonorous, didactic and naive as  It has been known to employ meter
in the children’s songs or Ida- and rhyme.
ida(Maguindanao), tulang  The very nature of poetry as an
pambata (Tagalog) or cansiones authentic and individual mode of
para abbing (Ibanag). expression makes it nearly
EXAMPLES: impossible to define.
• lullabyes or Ili-ili (Ilongo) DRAMA
• love songs like the panawagon and  is a composition in prose or verse
balitao (Ilongo) presenting in dialogue or
• harana or serenade (Cebuano) pantomime a story involving
• the bayok (Maranao) conflict more contrast of character,
• Tanaga – seven syllable per line especially on intended to be acted
poem on a stage: a play.
 It may be any situation or series of of the poem that move and
events having vivid, emotional, transform
conflicting or striking interest.  It is usually found online, through
FICTION CD-ROM and diskette versions
 is literature created from the exist. The earliest examples date to
imagination, not presented as fact, no later than the mid-1980’s
though it may be based on a true 4. FLASH FICTION
story or situation.  Is a style of fictional literature of
 types of literature in the fiction extreme brevity
include the novel, short story and  There is no widely accepted
novella. definition of the length and
NON-FICTION category. It could range from a
 is based on facts and the author’s word to a thousand.
opinion about a subject. 5. SIX-WORD FLASH FICTION
 the purpose of non-fiction writing  Six words. So many emotions.
is to inform and sometimes to This is the goal of flash fiction—
persuade. also referred to as micro-fiction,
 its examples are biographies, short short stories, or sudden
articles from textbooks and fiction.
magazines and newspapers 6. DOODLE FICTION
 Literary presentation where the
1. TEXTULA author incorporates doodle writing,
 The term “Textula” is a blend of drawings and handwritten graphics
English word “text” and the in place of the traditional font
Filipino word “tula”. Meaning text  Drawing enhances the story, often
poem, it is a poem written in the adding humorous elements
form of a text message which more 7. DIGI-FICTION
like Tanaga. Usually consisting of  Triple Media Literature
one or two stanzas, it is sent as a  Combines three media: book,
direct communication to a person movie/video and internet website
close to the sender. 8. CREATIVE NON-FICTION
2. TEXT-TALK NOVEL  Also known as literary non-fiction
 Blogs, email and IM format or narrative non-fiction
narratives  A genre of writing that uses
 Stories told almost entirely in literary styles and techniques to
dialogue simulating social network create factually accurate narratives.
exchanges.  Contrasts with other non-fiction,
3. HYPERPOETRY such as technical writing or
 Digital poetry that uses links and journalism, which is also rooted in
hypertext mark-up accurate fact, but is not primarily
 It can either involved set words, written in service to its craft
phrases, lines, etc. that are  As a genre, creative non-fiction is
presented in variable order but sit still relatively young and is only
on the page much as traditional beginning to be scrutinized with
poetry does, or it can contain parts
the same critical analysis given to  Is genre fiction which addresses
fiction and poetry. issues of modern womanhood,
HOW TO CREATE A CREATIVE often humorously and
FICTION? lightheartedly.
 Get your facts straight.  Chick Lit typically features a
 Be objective. female protagonist whose
 Be objective. femininity is heavily thermalizing
 Issue a disclaimer in the plot.
 Pay attention to language. HOW TO WRITE A CHICK
 Consider the repercussions. LITERATURE?
 Know your audience  Choose an urban location for your
 Is a genre of speculative fiction  Introduce a glamorous profession
dealing with imaginative concepts  Include a twist in the plot
such as futuristic science and  Introduce indecorous romance
technology, space travel, time 13. GRAPHIC NOVEL
travel, faster than light travel, a  Narrative in comic book formats
parallel universe and extra- form.
terrestrial life.  Narrative work in which the story
 Often explores the potential is conveyed to the reader using a
consequences of scientific and comic form.
other innovations and has been  he term is employed in broadly
called a “literature of ideas”. manner, encompassing non-fiction
10. MANGA works and thematically linked
 Japanese word for comics short stories as well as fictional
 It is used in the English-speaking stories across a number of genres.
world as a generic term for all 14. ILLUSTRATED NOVEL
comic books and graphic novels  Story through text and illustrated
originally published in Japan. images
 Considered as an artistic and  50% of the narrative is presented
storytelling style. without words
 Ameri-manga- sometimes used to  The reader must interpret the
refer to comics created by images to comprehend the story
American artists in manga style. completely.
11. BLOG  Textual portions are presented in
 A weblog, a website containing traditional form.
short articles called posts that are  Some illustrated novels may
changed regularly. contain no text at all.
 Some blogs are written by one  Span all genres.
person containing his or her own
opinions, interests and experiences,
while others are written by
different people
conquered by another foreign country,
- Philippine Literature in English came
to a halt.
- Except for the Tribune and the
Philippine Review, Pillars, Free
Philippines, and Filipina, almost all
newspapers in English were stopped by
- During this time there was no freedom
of speech and of the press.
- Victoria Abelardo has described
Filipino during this era as being
pessimistic and bitter.
- There were some efforts at escapist
literature, but in general, the literary
output was minor and insignificant.
Because of strict censorship, few
works were printed during war years.
- The weekly Liwayway was
placed under surveillance until
it was managed by a Japanese
named Ishiwara.
- The only contact in the outside
world was done with the
utmost secrecy through the
underground radio program
called “Voice of Freedom”.
- Tagalog was favored by the Japanese
 military authority and English was
consigned to a limbo.
- Japanese were able to influence and
encourage the Filipino in developing the
vernacular literature.
- The only Filipino writers who could
write freely were those who were living
in United States.
- Most writers and authors were lead to
either go underground or write in
DURING - So, Filipino Literature was given a
JAPANESE PERIOD (1941 - 1945) break during this period.
- Philippine Literature was interrupted - Filipino literature also experienced
in its development when we were again
renewed attention because writers in - the field of short story widened during
English turned to writing in Filipino. Japanese occupations.
- some of the writers are:
FILIPINO DRAMAS 1. Brigido Batungbakal
- The drama experienced a lull during 2. Serafin Guinigindo
the Japanese period because movie 3. Narcisco Ramos
houses showing American films were 4. Alicia Lopez Lim
closed. 5. Macario Pineda
- The big movie houses were just made 6. Liwayway Arceo
to show stage shows. Many of the plays 7. Ligaya Perez
were reproductions of English plays to
- The translators were Francisco Soc DURING
Rodrigo, Alberto Concio, and Narcisco POST-WAR PERIOD
Pimintel. They also found the - It is the period in Philippine History
organization of Filipino players named that started in 1945 (the time when the
Dramatic Philippines. Japan surrender to US) until 1970.
- It's also known as Recovering Era.
FEW PLAYWRITERS - It is the period when the Philippines
1. Jose Ma. Hernandez gained independence from the Japanese
2. Francisco Soc Rodrigo and
3. Clodualdo del Mundo Americans.
4. Julian Cruz Balmaceda
FILIPINO POETRY - romanticism
HAIKU - nationalism
- a poem of free verse that the Japanese - independence
liked. It is made up of 17 syllables - nature
divided into 3 lines. The first line has - expression of feelings
five, the second has seven and the third
- Philippine writing in vernacular
TANAGA became popular.
- like the haiku, it is short, but has
measure and rhyme. Each line has 1946- 1960
seventeen syllables and is also - The writers had a better knowledge of
allegorical in meaning. their craft and enjoyed political
- also known as the usual form. 1970 - 1972
- the usual and common form of poetry. (rise of nationalism and students
FILIPINO SHORT STORY - Nationalism was emphasized by
young and aspiring writers.
- Revolutionary form of literature 1. MAYNILA - Sa mga kuku ng
attacked the ills of society. Liwanag written by Edgardo
Reyes and filmed under the direction of
1981 - 1985 Lino Brocka,
- Continues to reflect on social and Bembol Rocco was the lead role.
political realities. 2. MINSA'Y ISANG GAMU-GAMO -
Nora Aunor was the
PHILIPPINE LITERATURE prinicipal performer.
- Filipino writer has become more Cristopher de Leon and Gloria Diaz.
conscious of his art with the 4. INSIANG - by Hilda Koronel
proliferation of writers workshops 5. AGUILA - led by Fernando Poe Jr.,
here and abroad and the bulk of Jay Ilagan and
literature available to him via the Cristopher de Leon.
mass media including the
- Free Press, Morning Sun by Sergio
- Daily Mirror by Joaquin Roces.
- Evening News by Romon Lopez.
- The Bulletin by Menzi Novels and
Short Stories.

- acquired rhyme.
- developed substance and meaning,
- had a better characters and events
based on facts and realities.

- novels became common but where still
read by the people for recreation and

- A yearly Pista ng mga Pelikulang
Pilipino (Yearly Filipino Film Festival)
was held during this time. During the
festival which lasted usually for a
month, only Filipino film were shown in
all theaters in Metro Manila.

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