Solid Waste Generation, Sources, and Composition

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Solid waste

generation, sources,
and composition
Residential: Generated by me and you: Organic
(combustible) and inorganic (noncombustible), food, paper,
garden trimmings, glass, white goods, waste oil, spent cans of
Commercial: stores, restaurants, hotels, car repair: paper,

Sources of Waste

Industrial waste is the waste produced by

Waste generated from farming activities. industrial activity which includes any material
Enormous quantities from planting, that is rendered useless during a manufacturing
manure and other wastes from livestock. process such as chemical waste, paper waste,
industrial by-products, metals, and radioactive
Generation rate of MSW

• Generation refers to the amount of materials and

products in MSW as they enter the waste stream before
any materials recovery, composting or combustion.

• Generation rates for solid waste vary from city to city

(geographic location) and from season to season and
have a strong correlation with levels of economic
development and level of technological advancement.

• The change in rate and pattern of solid waste generation

is also influenced by several crucial factors such as socio-
economic factors, climate and urban lifestyle.
Countries income and the rate of
generated MSW (2015) OECD,2017
Waste generation

In Malaysia, the population reaching 32.8

million in 2021, generating an estimated to be
38,427 metric tonnes per day in 2021. Of
which, equivalent to 1.17 kg/capita/day.
Characteristic of MSW streams
depending on income (UNDESA, 2010)
waste generation, by region
(millions of tonnes/year)
Projected waste generation, by
region (millions of tonnes/year)
Solid Waste Composition

 Characterize the composition of MSW produced
in the study area.
 Develop an understanding of the composition of
MSW is characterized
 Identify treatment technologies for different
composition of the MSW.
Types of Waste
Types of Waste and Their
Type Sources
Organic Food scraps, yard (leaves, grass, brush) waste, wood,
process residues, waste paper which contaminated
by food.
Paper Paper scraps, cardboard, newspapers, magazines,
bags, boxes, wrapping paper, telephone books,
shredded paper, paper beverage cups.
Plastic Bottles, packaging, containers, bags, lids, cups
Glass Bottles, broken glassware, light bulbs, colored glass
Metal Cans, foil, tins, non-hazardous aerosol cans,
appliances (white goods), railings, bicycles
Other Textiles, leather, rubber, multi-laminates, e-waste,
appliances, ash, other inert materials
Global waste composition,
treatment and disposal (percent)
Percentage composition of
MSW in some Asian countries
Quantity of Solid Waste

 The quantity of waste is required to know before

attempting to identify appropriate types of
collection, waste collection routes and vehicles,
material recycling and recovery facilities, and
waste treatment and /or disposal facilities.
 The quantity of waste by source of generation is
important in establishing collection design and
financial strategies.
Generation of MSW in major urban
areas(Agamuthu and Fauziah, 2011)
Composition of Malaysian MSW
Composition Percentage
Gardening Waste
Tetra pack
Waste composition

 The correlation of waste generation rate and

Malaysian lifestyle was reported by Yusof et al. [13] as

 W = 1.120 – 0.125(DO) + 0.191(FS)

W : total daily residential waste (kg/household/day)
DO : frequency of dining out
FS : family size
Waste generated by various
sectors in Kuala Lumpur in 2003
Sectors Waste Generation Percentage (%)
Residential 647.1 33.6
Industry 253.4 13.2
Commercial 244.1 12.7
Office 68.9 3.6
Market 67.8 3.5
Hospital 17.5 0.9
Wood Waste 239.1 12.4
Others 386.2 20.1
Total 1924
Recyclable components of
Kuala Lumpur MSW in 2009
Recyclable Percentage
Solid Waste (%)
Mix paper 16.5
Mix plastic 15.3
Textile 1.3
Rubber and 0.6
Wood 0.4
Yard 4.7
Glass 1.2 Mohd Dinie & Mashitah
Mat Don / Jurnal
Ferrous 2.4 Teknologi (Sciences &
Engineering) 62:1 (2013),
Aluminum 0.1 95–101

 Type of plastic waste in Malaysia Household

and their recyclability

 Type of paper waste in Malaysia Household

and their recyclability
Malaysian Solid Waste Management Compendium Book 2019

Waste Generation Estimation

 Forecasting of generation of municipal solid waste (MSW)

is the first and fundamental step in planning waste
collection systems
 The majority of the national waste legislations require
reliable information on waste quantity and composition,
which is difficult to accomplish since waste generation
cannot be measured directly, to which adds the
existence of several parallel channels in waste disposal
systems and the scarcity of the system to measure the
waste arising on a single household.
 Thus, waste generation cannot be measured on a
detailed basis, which would allow further evaluation of
disposal habits, changes, and trends. T
The method to perform a waste
generation forecast
 Depends on some criteria:
 Amount and quality of available data.
 Type of the data.
 Interactions among waste generation
parameters and socioeconomic indicators.
 Predictable changes in solid waste
management systems
Qualitative approaches

 Time Series (moving average models)

 Linear and Multiple Linear Regression Models (R2)
 Advanced Forecast Models (ANN)

 Forecast the waste generation rate for your

project area, for the next 30 years
Thank You

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