Comm Plan - SDG 15 17
Comm Plan - SDG 15 17
Comm Plan - SDG 15 17
Beltran, Charles
Ejan, Ma. Elaine
Mamotos, Euka Mae Sam
Meremilla, Carlos
Moya, Ana Katrina
Navarro, Maegan Jade
The greatest aspirations of humankind have always been to save the world, and
also to save ourselves. Fostering the welfare of every living thing brings prosperity and
development to one nation, as it is vital for our survival. Sustainable Development Goal
No. 15, which tackles Life on Land. “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use
of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and
halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.” People have already
caused severe damage to our planet, through deforestation. With the continuous
environmental challenges that we face today, it really is necessary to take action to
protect these ecosystems and discuss some important key points that could help each
society to resolve these ecological concerns.
1.1 The SDG 15: Life on Land communication plan is organized into the
following sections:
• Section 1.0 - Introduction
• Section 2.0 - Situational analysis
• Section 3.0 - Goals
• Section 4.0 - Objectives
• Section 5.0 - Strategies
• Section 6.0 - Tactics
• Section 7.0 - Target audiences
• Section 8.0 - Key messages
• Section 9.0 - Budget
• Section 10.0 - Action plan/timeline
• Section 11.0 - Evaluation
2.1 Research
A nourishing and thriving life are one of the greatest purposes of living on this
planet. Unfortunately, just like other creations, this gift of life is prone to destruction.
Humans who are part of this life are the ones responsible for it. Human activities towards
the earth’s ecosystem resulted in severe damage to it through deforestation, destruction
of natural ecosystems, and land degradation. One of the numerous problems the
environment experiences is deforestation. According to DGB (2023), Different countries
around the world are no stranger to experiencing deforestation, and the Philippines is one
of them. Although the battle of the Philippines against deforestation is still ongoing, there
is progress and plans implemented already in the hopes of combatting this issue. Several
programs, sustainable forest management, regeneration, and biodiversity preservation
are already being implemented by different organizations and non-governmental
On a daily basis, the Philippines is losing almost 52,000 trees. 47,000 hectares of
forest are being destroyed annually by logging, slash-and-burn farming, and land
conversion—an area three times the size of Quezon City. At this present rate, only 7.1678
million hectares of forest remains, which makes up about 24% of the country’s land area
(Yan, n.d.) Regarding this matter, it is obvious how the Philippines is suffering from
deforestation. As stated by the Institute of Environmental Science for Social Change
(2017) in their recent study about the destruction of the Philippine Forest, they have
analyzed the two possible futures of the Philippines in terms of natural resources. One
predicts that there will be significant efforts made to help lessen the major problems the
Philippines is facing. While the other assumes that there will be no changes and plans
left and as a result, there will be a continuous degradation of resources. Moreover, the
study explores the causes and impacts of deforestation, the history of the decrease, and
new ideals.
Indigenous people, botanists and farmers are the main protectors of the forests in
the Philippines. Even with their care and efforts for the forests, somehow, it is inevitable
for them to not invade the forests due to the lack of jobs, wages, and absence of farm lots
in the lowlands (Tacio, 2013). As a result, the country’s agricultural lands and fisheries
have been declining as forests become continuously degraded and pushed beyond their
capacity to produce. Aside from economic problems, too much harm to the forests also
causes endangerment of species on land. The loss of forests in Mindoro and Palawan
makes Mimaropa considered as the most deforested region in the Philippines. This
makes this region’s economy and environment severely affected.
Even with the implementation of log ban and laws protecting forests in the
Philippines, loss of forests continues (Ilagan, 2021). Hence, deforestation has been a
persistent issue and is costing the Philippines terribly. Due to this, several the country's
most pressing issues can be directly linked to it. A lot of environmental problems in the
Philippines which lead to agricultural problems are rooted from the lack of natural
resources caused by deforestation. Soil erosion results in loss of nutrients and low crop
output which leads to the nation’s food insecurity. According to NASA, Agricultural
expansion, wood extraction (e.g., logging or wood harvest for domestic fuel or charcoal),
infrastructure expansion such as road building and urbanization are the direct causes of
deforestation. Deforestation does not happen overnight; it often happens when multiple
processes work simultaneously. Conversion to cropland and pasture, mostly for
subsistence, or cultivating crops or rearing livestock to meet daily requirements, is the
biggest direct driver of tropical deforestation.
Considering the current situations mentioned above and the rise of different issues
regarding natural resources, the researchers have come into a communication plan with
an aim to lessen the continued loss of nature. This communication plan seeks to address
the environmental problems in the city and come up with doable efforts from the
community to help preserve what we have left.
At present, the only forest park we have is the Arroceros Forest Park located in
Manila. According to Santos (2019), the said park is considered one of the few remaining
green spots in Manila's crowded center. There are more than 3,000 trees, including 60
native species, that can be found in the park, which also acts as a resting place for
migratory birds. Arroceros is frequently referred to as the "lung" of Manila, which has been
proved to reduce the city's air pollution and is crucial in reducing flooding. However,
although the park provides a sanctuary for both its bird and human visitors, Manila's
mayors have insisted repeatedly on having it removed. Manila mayors have tried getting
rid of it. For instance, Lito Atienza endorsed the demolition of a piece of the park to make
way for a new government structure. Another case was Joseph “Erap '' Estrada wanted
to turn the forest park into a gymnasium. Fortunately, when Francisco “Isko Moreno”
Domagoso, became Manila’s mayor, he stated he wanted to keep the forest park. Aside
from this, he also has plans for rehabilitating the forest park as part of his “green city”
project proposal. This sparked hope for environmentalists, and even people who just
appreciated the “lungs” of Manila.
Furthermore, Ancheta et al. (2017), stated that if social actors are well-coordinated,
the role of AFP as a green and social space can be maximized. In a congested city, an
urban forest park offers space and supports the citizens' moral, mental, and physical well-
being. To address the overall observation and issues mentioned, the researchers present
this Communication Plan to further maximize the utilization of the park and hopefully help
in providing a ‘green space’ in Manila.
2.2 SWOT Analysis
of conservation cover loss of
and financial trees.
resources to • New
protect and technology
replant the and jobs may
cover loss of open around
forests in the Metro Manila
• Communication
Plan for SDG
15: Life on
Land will help
the Arroceros
• Communities in
Metro Manila
will be able to
learn forest
and tree
planting which
can serve as
the source of
• The students within Metro Manila will be using the Ero as their main search
engine for their tasks and homework and communities around Arroceros
Forest Park will manage the cleanliness of this forest park for its
• Kilos Para sa Arroceros will be a key initiative to garner attention back to the issue
that is being faced by Arroceros and anything that relates to it
• Within 3 months, 50 percent of the residents near Arroceros are helping the
Manila LGU on management of Arroceros and Ero will start to earn from every
search of students.
Problems encountered:
• Communities around Arroceros are not putting effort for the betterment of
• There are minimal efforts and projects by the communities made for Arroceros
Forest Park
• The connection between Arroceros Forest Park and the people around it is very
Short Description:
This strategy will be held outside the Arroceros Forest Park, on March 21, 2024, in
celebration of the International Forest Day. It is a whole day event consisting of seminars
and proposed activities about the importance of AFP in urban areas and how we can
protect the forest park we have in Manila.
The table below shows the information of the activities for Kilos Para sa Arroceros:
Title The Cycle of Life: A bicycle campaign for Arroceros Forest Park
Rationale This initiative aims to provide social and environmental awareness. This
campaign will serve as an encouragement to commuters to use bicycles
for their transportation and the benefits we can get through cycling. This
campaign also aims to show support for the Protection, Restoration, and
Promotion of Arroceros Forest Park.
Rationale This strategy will strengthen the correlation and communication among
people to build allies in discussing how we will protect, restore, and
promote the AFP. Through a cultural appreciation from our fellow IP
and utilization of science, technology, and research from our
professional botanists and foresters.
Venue Arroceros Forest Park, Manila
Rationale This strategy will help the people to learn how to plant a tree properly.
The purpose of this is for the audience to understand the sustainability
of tree planting and the magic behind it. The audience will be taught
some techniques such as the use of organic fertilizer and finding a good
Topic To make a search engine that aims to fund Arroceros Forest Park
Rationale This proposal aims to fund the Arroceros Forest Park and the profit from
every search will be used in this initiative. Through this initiative, we can
make more efforts and community engagement.
Title Film Fest for the Forest: A Film and Documentary Festival for Arroceros.
Participants College students taking any related Communication course from PLM,
Rationale By the use of film and documentaries, student participants would be able
to feature the essence of protecting, conserving, and promoting the
Arroceros Forest Park. These students would be able to showcase their
artistry, creativity, talents, skills, and knowledge and contribute to the
betterment of the forest, by providing awareness through the
Through the listed strategies above, it is believed that the objectives of the overall
proposal will be achieved. In conducting a seminar, communication may be promulgated
with regards to protecting and restoring the target location. Launching campaigns and
initiatives to attract like-minded people in interesting ways could be an avenue for
intriguing individuals who might not be big on formal talks but would nevertheless wish to
contribute to a cause. Encouraging youth and students to participate through touching
upon their usual, day-to-day activities while also integrating learnings into usual routine
would help in sustaining future problems by fostering awareness in the minds of students.
Studying, strengthening, and protecting the forest from external and internal threats is the
goal of the program, so in order to intensify the efforts of reaching out to as much people
as possible, the tactics to be used for this strategy shall be:
• Websites
The overall project would be posted on a single website that contains all the vital
information from in the works to the current and ongoing which can be accessed by any
interested party. It is easy for websites to be found through simple key searches in the
internet, and more so associated with certain concepts and movements which could
expose related and concerned individuals towards the project should they even be a little
inclined towards the issue it is currently tackling. The website should contain all key
information regarding the projects to be conducted and the problems it strives to address,
along with the collection of future and on-going strategies all collated and found in a single
• Posters, Flyers and Pamphlets
Each medium could be done physically and digitally. The Arroceros Forest Park is still an
open area where people from all walks of life and places can come and go as they please
so it could be a conducive environment to hand out pamphlets, flyers and put up posters
around designated areas where it could catch the attention of visitors. They would contain
key information that could give all the needed details for possible attendants.
Alternatively, posters, flyers and pamphlets could also be posted and distributed digitally,
whether it would be spread through social media or posted in the project’s official website.
This would allow for further coverage as it would not be restricted strictly to visitors of
Arroceros Forest Park.
• Posters
• Flyers
• Pamphlets
• Sign-up sheets and emailing systems
Physically, there could be sign-up sheets manned by staff within the park for interested
visitors to approach and sign their names with their contact numbers so they could be
contacted with details for any of the upcoming projects and events. Through such close
contact, information could be distributed easily even through simple automated messages
as reminders, for instance, on the date, time, and place of each project. Likewise, this
could be done online. Forms are easily spread and accessed in social media
announcement posts wherein prospective attendees could easily click on a link and
register themselves with their preferred email address as people willing to participate in
the cause and the activities that accompany it. The team responsible for the projects to
be launched would then be able to contact prospective participants, send them updates
and reminders, and perhaps even a survey regarding their experience in the activities
and events after the fact for future endeavors polishing previous attempts to better it.
The project aims to have a tree planting activity and a seminar to hopefully change
the mindset of the people regarding the removal and the care of the Arroceros forest park.
In doing so, the target audience would be:
In attempting to help the state of the Arroceros forest park through preservation,
conservation, and restoration, the group needs to communicate with the staff and
governing body of the venue first and foremost. Doing so would give a better idea about
the current state of the park, how it is being managed, what futures surround it, the harms
and dangers it could and currently is facing and work from there. Conducting the proposed
programs at any capacity also needs procedural guidance from the staff and management
involved in every step of the process.
• Related and Partner Organizations
Partnering with related organizations widens the scope of the project and fosters the
support behind it. In communicating with them, we gain more participants and fulfill more
causes by different groups of people fighting for the same thing in various ways. It also
fosters camaraderie among like-minded organizations whose ultimate goal is the
preservation and “saving” of the nature housed within the Arroceros Forest Park.
Communication and partnerships with such organizations with similar paths coinciding
with the proposal allows for more insight, help and manpower and resources to be
available. Communication is also vital for the targeted partner organizations for the
intended programs and projects under the proposal, for better coordination and better
overall fulfillment of the objectives and goals set for by every party involved in the
We seek to convince the legislators of the value and importance of keeping the forest
park as naturally protected as it should be. To conduct any programs at any capacity, we
would also need to work with authorities and gain their express approval beforehand.
Partnerships with related local government units, policy makers and legislators would
ultimately benefit the project by garnering support and conducting a wider-spread
campaign for sustainable development in this area going forward. Garnering the support
and partnership from relevant policy makers and LGUs would be a vital step in remedying
the problem at hand, firstly by getting them to cooperate with the proposed plans, activities
and projects, and thereby allowing it to ultimately happen. There is also the fact that to
keep the continued preservation as envisioned by the project, there is a need to convince
relevant legislators of its importance and value, without tampering or threatening to get
rid of it for any reason.
As there is no one who knows more about the subject matter than the professionals and
experts, it is vital to the project to get them to lend their knowledge and expertise for the
betterment of the issue. Laying out plans hinges on the fact that it would be beneficial to
the cause, and to determine this, it needs the input of people who know about the matter
better than most people. After all, the first step to offering a solution is to firstly know the
extent of the problem first. Related strategies also require their expertise for inputs in
order to get people to open their eyes to the reality of the state of the problem past the
surface level information which is the extent of common knowledge.
The participation of the youth and students is also vital in a program’s success. In passing
important information to the minds of the youth, it assures in fostering people that would
continue to fight for the same cause in the future, ensuring the fight for sustainable
solutions for such problems do not die down in previous generations. In certain strategies,
youth and students also play a role in being active participants to lend their hand for the
cause which would require extensive communication by reaching out to them in order to
achieve cooperation between all parties involved–whether it be from the facilitators and
the attendees.
• Concerned Individuals
For people outside of the usual range of environmental problems, casual tourists visiting
Arroceros, to fledgling environmentalists, communication is key to sway them to fully join
the cause for protection and conservation. They may be individuals who don’t know
enough about the importance of the forest and what it contributes as the “lungs of Manila”
which needs to be imbibed with the proper knowledge and values that will continue to
safeguard forests and special areas from demolition further on in the future.
• Community members
Community members would ideally be one of the targets in enlightening for the
preservation and tree planting campaign programs, thus communication with them would
be inevitable. In this case, we seek to convince them to participate, to learn of the cause
and join in the efforts with which we work towards, which is the preservation and
highlighting of the importance of forests and its continued presence even in the busiest
streets in the metro.
[1] Kilos para sa Arroceros combats the continued loss of nature in the city area
through partnerships with people and groups that moves with the same goals in mind to
amplify voices and movements for change
[2] It preserves the bit of nature we have left without carelessly tampering with it
by learning through the example of professionals and seeing it through the lens of people
who fight to protect it.
[3] It changes minds and incites actions through information dissemination and
generating experience that produces and shapes future fighters for the goal.
Communication Plan needs to have a detailed budget plan to foresee the feasibility
of executing and achieving the goals & objectives through its different target strategies.
Listed below are the people, materials, and equipment needed to make a successful and
worthwhile event. This also includes the description, price per unit, quantity, and the total
cost of each category. This budget must be coordinated and approved by the Finance
Team along with their partners which include DENR, LGU of Manila and Forest
Foundation Philippines.
Event Description Price Quantity Total
KPA: Event equipment (Tables & P15,000 Per set of rent P15,000
Seminar chairs, tents, power &
cables, lights and sounds,
visuals, storage)
be given to local research to back up the
barangays, LGU proposed projects
and NGOs
Week 3 KPA Meeting for new To pinpoint target NGOs, Monday - Friday
Program plans LGUs, individual and local
communities that would
maximize the use and benefits
from helping Arroceros.
Present the proposal and
meet halfway on a concrete
plan that all parties agree on
Week 4 KPA Look for sponsors To reach out and connect with Monday - Friday
Program and donations various like-minded
organizations aligned with the
project's objectives to aid
technologically and financially
KPA: Cycle Sign-ups for Film To gather participants through Friday - Monday
of Life, Competition, sign-up dissemination
Week 6 KPA Making and To pick apart the most vital Saturday
Program printing of posters, information, adopt a distinct
Week 8 KPA Purchasing of To secure physical supplies Wednesday -
Program needed materials and materials that will be used Thursday
for the program for the set-up and advertising
of the events, to track
spendings and audit the
remaining expenses in
contrast to the drafted initial
budget allocation
KPA: Click Running the Ero To guarantee a smooth Saturday - Sunday
to Plant search engine progression of the campaign
Week 11 KPA Executing the KPA The official launch of the Kilos Monday
Program Program para sa Arroceros campaigns
and sub events. It strives to
meet goals, objectives and
expectations through
seminars, recreational
activities, and participation of
target audience for maximum
overall effectivity
organic fertilizer to
be used in tree
Launching of a
search engine
website called Ero
as a fund-raising
Amount of profit of
campaign for the ·
the website
preservation and
development of ·
Arroceros Forest
Admin, E. (2017, March 28). Low forest cover in the Philippines: Issues and responses at
the community level. Institute of Environmental Science for Social Change.,
Ancheta, A., Membrebe Jr., Z., Santos, A. J., Valeros, J., & Batac, C. (2016, July
18). Sustainability of Forest Park as space break: A case study of arroceros forest park
in congested city of Manila. SSRN.
Ilagan, K. (2021, May 12). 7M hectares of Philippine land are forested - and that’s Bad
News. Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism.
Santos, R. (2019, October 3). New lease on life beckons for Arroceros, Manila’s hidden
jungle. Mongabay Environmental News.