Generator Space Heaters

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Generator Space Heaters

Generator space nesters are electrical resistance heaters. They are located
within the generator stator housing. The purpose of space heaters is to keep
generator windings dry during nonuse periods. Moisture is a natural enemy of
generators and all electrical equipment. Space heaters are recommended to
protect generator windings from abnormally nigh humidity conditions when the
generator is idle. They are particularly recommended in outdoor or open
ventilated locations in warm and humid climates, and this recommendation is
even more emphatic when combined with exposure to salt-laden sea air.
Maintaining a temperature within the generator stator housing at least 5°C
(9°F) above the surrounding air temperature during nonoperational periods will
greatly aid in maintaining insulation integrity. Moisture in the atmosphere
will not condense on surfaces which are kept above ambient air temperature.

Moisture is always present in the atmosphere. The amount is expressed by the

relative humidity. Whenever the atmosphere is cooled, it eventually reaches a
temperature where it becomes saturated with moisture. Further cooling results
in condensation of the moisture into liquid. Warm air in contact with cooler
surfaces will be cooled at the immediate surface almost to the temperature of
the surface. Moisture formation can occur on surfaces with relatively little
temperature difference between the surface and the ambient air if the relative
humidity is nigh. These conditions can easily occur in humid areas with
nonoperative equipment subject to day and/or night time ambient air temperature
fluctuations, particularly if equipment is outdoors or in an open ventilated

Moisture in the air can also be absorbed by granulated, porous, or crystalline

substances. Such substances as grain dust, saw dust, rock dust, and salt air
residues will pull moisture from the air in a humid environment and retain it
when cooled. These substances are highly conductive when damp and can result
in a sharp decline in insulation resistance when in contact with the generator

As a further benefit, space nesters provide an excellent method of drying out a

generator after long transit or storage.

Space heaters require availability of a power source separate from the

generator itself since they are required only during nonoperative periods. All
Caterpillar space nesters are designed for single-phase, 115-230 volt operation
(50 or 60 Hz) by making series or parallel connections at the terminal strip.
(See Figure 1.) They may be used satisfactorily with as little as 80% of
normal voltage although some loss in drying effect will be experienced.

Caterpillar, Cat and are Trademarks of Caterpillar Tractor Co


There are two basic methods of heater control:

1. Manual switching by reliable personnel on hand whenever the generator set

is in a nonoperational mode.

2. Automatic switching to energize whenever the generator set is nonoperative

and reenergize whenever operative. Auxiliary contacts on the generator
main circuit breaker are frequently used to energize the heater circuit
whenever the breaker is opened. Automatic switching with thermostatic and
humidistat controls is not recommended. Coordination of proper
temperature setting with humidity and seasonal temperature variations make
this method undesirable unless energy conservation practices dictate

Space heaters are standard equipment on all marine generators and available as
optional installed attachments on all other installed generators at time of
order. Space heater kits may be "field installed" on SR 4 Generators which
fall within the compatibility and adaptability listed in Figure 2:

Generator Frame Size* Kit No. Power Consumption (Watts)

360 7C055 400

440 7C0555 500

580 (3400 Family 4 Pole) 7C0556 600

580 (3400 Family 6 Pole 7W8877 600

And All 3500 Family)
- 3 -

680 (Low Voltage)** 7W9967 900

680 (Medium Voltage)** 7W8710 900

800 (Low Voltage)** 7W9986 1200

800 (Medium Voltage)** 7C2696 1200

*Refer to NPR for generator part number and serial number

**Low voltage is 600 volts and below. Medium voltage is a
Caterpillar Generator above 600 volts.


(Small Frame SR4)


(Large Frame SR4)

Figure 2

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