ADHD Report Template
ADHD Report Template
ADHD Report Template
Surnames and Names : L.M.
Sex : Female
Birthdate : 23/06/06
Age : 7 years
place of birth : Tarapoto
Degree of instruction : Second of primary
Examiner :
The seven-year-old evaluated in the test applied shows that she has behaviors
that in some other way places her in a moderate risk category in terms of
difficulties with hyperactivity and attention deficit, however, she presents a high
risk in regarding behavioral disorders.
This shows us that the little girl has motor energy, she also has difficulties
maintaining attention, triggering difficulties in learning, inability to follow orders
and complete assigned activities. On the other hand, problems are evident in
interacting with their peers, caused by their inability to control their impulses and
emotions. She also has difficulty making and maintaining friendships without
constantly fighting, creating a negative image of her in her environment.
The evaluated person obtained a score of 11 in the Hyperactivity area,
placing her at a Moderate Risk level.
In the Attention Deficit area he obtained a score of 10 in the Hyperactivity
area, placing him at a Moderate Risk level.
In the Conduct Disorder area he obtained a score of 18 in the
Hyperactivity area, placing him at a High Risk level.
She also has difficulty making and maintaining friendships without
constantly fighting, creating a negative image of her in her environment.
7.1. Recommendations to Teachers