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Edleen Marie Golle


Study habits are mainly external factors that facilitate the study process such as sound

study routines that include how often a student engage in studying sessions, review the material,

self- evaluate, rehears explaining the material, and studying in a conducive environment (Crede,

2008). On the other hand, according to Dharma (2005), academic performance is a necessary

evil because one kind of ability is rewarded economically and socially more than others. The

definition revealed that students who exercise good study habits are likely to excel in academics

than those with poor study habits. The development of good study habits is relative and helpful

on having a high academic performance of a student.

Students have various ways of practicing study habits. All often, students perform poorly

simply because they are having lack of good habits. In many cases, students do not know where

to begin but, there are some cases too that whether a student’s undergoes good study habits there

are still low-performing, in contrast, there are students who do not practice but they are the ones

who excel the most; but most commonly, students who practiced good study habits are the ones

who are high-performing in academics. As Baquiran (2011) have stated that a great deal of

research provides evidences that study habits is/are significant variable in determining the

academic performance of a student. This means that study habits played major role on how it

may affect the academic performance of a student. There are cases that high and low-performing

students in academics shared common habits hence, it is important to know what specifically the

habits they both have and how this habits affects their performance, academically.
The quantitative study was conducted to determine the relationship of study habits and

academic performance, specifically how study habits affects the academic performances of

Senior High School students at Dingalan National High School, School Year 2018-2019.


Study habits seem to be an important determinant of academic performance of a student.

However, an individual have various ways of practicing study habits that may affect his/her

performance, academically. The overall objective of this study is to determine the relationship of

study habits and academic performance, specifically how study habits affects the academic

performances of Senior High School students at Dingalan National High School, School Year


The researchers aim to know:

1. What is the profile of the respondents?

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Average

2. How may the study habits of the students be described, in terms of:

A). Note-taking

B).Use of library

C).Use of Internet

D).Time allocation for study

3. How study habits affect academic performance of students?


The scope of the study focuses on the relationship of study habits and academic

performances; specifically how study habits affects Senior High School student’s academic

performances at Dingalan National High School. The study will be delimited on 35 randomly

selected students as the respondents, to achieve the general objective of the study.


This study provides information on the relationship of study habits and academic

performance; specifically how study habits affects student’s academic performance among

Senior High School students at Dingalan National High School.

The findings of the study will merit the following:


The findings of the study will serve as an eye-opener for students to practice good study habits

that is deemed important in achieving high academic performance. This study may also help

those who are low-performing students in academics to improve their study habits.


The study will provide an insight for the teachers to motivate students in practicing good study

habits most especially for low-performing students to achieve high academic performance.

The study will help parents to be aware on the study habits of their children and also, to motivate

them to focus on practicing a good study habits in order to have a high academic performance.

Future Researchers

This study will serve as a basis and/or guide for those whoever is interested to conduct similarly

with this study.



Study habits play a very important role in the life of students. Success or failure of each student

depends upon his own study habits. Of course, study is an art and as such it requires practice.

Some students study more but they fail to achieve more. Others study less but achieve more.

Success of each student definitely depends upon ability, intelligence and effort of students. No

doubt, regular study habits bring their own rewards in the sense of achievement of success. Study

habits and academic performance are bed-fellows. Therefore, the formation of effective study

habits in students is an outcome of home environment and planning of work, reading and note

taking habit and preparation for examination are result oriented and thus perform well in tests

and examinations. The better the study habits, the higher the academic performance of students.

Poor study habits will result in a poor academic performance whereas good study habits will

result in good academic performance. The formation of effective study habits will create the

awareness for regular and steady learning (Gudaganavar1and Halayannavar, 2014).

In addition, study habits is how one studies. That is, the habits which students form during their

school years. Without good study habits, a student cannot succeed. The sooner a student starts

practicing and developing good habits, the better chance he will have that he will continue with

them. Procrastination can be overcome with proper study habits and improving one’s study

habits is the key to better studying. Being organized and having homework routines are the most

important things in helping a child/student develop good study habits for life. Therefore, there is

significant relationship between study habits and students’ academic performance (Ebele U. F.

and Olofu P. A., 2016).

Students who use noting while learning can remember educational materials longer. In addition,

they write down key points, which lead to better understanding. On the other hand, students who

do not take notes, copy their classmates’ notes in order to be prepared for exams, which cause

undesirable academic performances (Looyeh, R. et. Al, 2015). The result of their study showed

that there is a significant relationship between the study habits of students and their academic

performance. In congruency with the study of Kaur, A. and Pathania, R. ( 2015), they concluded

that there exists a significant relationship among various dimensions of study habits and

academic performance which goes in accordance on study habits of secondary school students in

relation to their scholastic achievement.

Learners who had good reading and note taking skills performed better than those without.

(Rugendo, CJ., 2014) recommended that learners should be trained on how to take down notes.

The lecturers should also not rely on the notes that students take down in class but should

provide comprehensive modules and hand-outs for students to read during home study.

Similarly, Sakirudeen, A.O. (2017) also recommended that the teachers should teach the student

on how to take important notes during every lesson. By so doing, the students would develop
good habits of note taking and this could lead to good academic performance in mathematics.

Teaching of study skills to university students can play an important role in the improvement of

students' academic performance (Hassanbeigi, A.et. Al , 2011). Study habits are the ways that

students have molded during the school years and it could either be good of bad ones. Good

study habits are the practices that could improve students’ concentration, remembering,

organizing time, studying, listening and taking notes, taking tests and motivation ( Llavore, D.C.

et. Al, 2015). Study habits are predictors to the performance of students in computer

programming-1 and that only mathematics skill is correlated positively and significantly to the

performance of students.

Improvement of students’ study habit and note taking can be changed for the better. The study

discovered that teachers’ study habit and note taking influence significantly the students’

academic performance in the school. By and large, it was also concluded from the study that

study habit and note taking have great impact on the students’ academic performance. This

means that students’ study habit and note taking will definitely have a negative effect on the

productivity of students. By implication, students’ academic performance can be improved

through effective study habit and note taking in the school system. It was also discovered from

the findings that study habit and note taking affect the students’ academic performance.

Therefore, these components are to be improved in students for them to have improved academic

achievement. It is recommended that parents and teachers should encourage the students to

inculcate positive attitudes towards study habit (Muraina, M.B.et. al, 2014). Osa-Edoh, G.I. and

Alutu, A.N. G, (2012) concluded on their study that there is significant difference in the study

habits of secondary school students whether male or female. The differences in the study habit

are attributed to the fact that students do not know how to study and those that manage to study
do not adopt effective study methods. Similarly on other studies, there is a high correlation or

relationship between student habits and students academic performance. According to Hills

(2000), students study habit should contribute to their academic performance. Some students do

not attend classes, do not take down notes, do not do their assignments, do not read their books

or make use of the library and these attitudes may negatively affect their academic performances.

Class observations and interview with high-performing students showed that most high and low-

performing students have some habits in common. Hence, it is considered important to know

what habits college students have and, in case of low-performing students, which of those habits

need to be changed in order to improve performance. The importance of improving habits lays in

their relationship with attitudes, which are deemed important for achieving high academic

performance. Study habits seem to be an important determinant of academic performance.

However not bounded by country of origin, it seems that some cultural aspects may affect

determine habits and hence negatively or positively affect academic performance ( Cerna, M.A.

and Pavliushchenko, K.2015). The findings of the study conducted by Rana and Kausar (2011)

titled “Comparison of Study Habits and Academic Performance of Pakistani British and White

British Students” revealed that country of origin and schools had significant interactive effect on

study habits of students but did not have an interactive effect on academic performance of the


Today’s world is moving in a speed which was unheard in the past. Everyone wants to excel.

Individual’s success affects personal and social dimensions of life. In this regard, academic

performance is one of the major factors that influence individual’s success in any educational

setting. It is any body’s guess that good habits and skills will help us to promote efficiency in our

tasks. It could include some skills such as note-taking, observation, asking question, listening,
thinking and presented idea regarding discovering new information. Higher the study habits

better is the academic achievement. Thus, study habit is an important correlate of academic

achievement among students. It implies that in the interest of the students, schools and parents

must pay attention to the study habits of learners. Teachers have a role in guiding students to

understand and develop in them the desirable study habits, while parents have a responsibility in

understanding the significance of good study habits and monitor their children towards that

(Sherafat and Murthy, 2016). Appropriate parental counseling programme needs to be organized

for parents that will educate them on how to motivate their wards to cultivate good study habits

in order to enhance their academic performance (Tope, O. 2011).

Everyone has different study habits. All often, students perform poorly in school simply because

they lack good study habits. In many cases, students do not know where to begin. Those students

in high school who succeed especially well usually study alone and follow a study technique that

has been worked out by them and that incorporates desirable procedures. Good study habits rest

on the attitudes towards work and sense of responsibilities. The study habits need a significant

attention if we are to improve performance (Siahi and Maiyo, 2015).



Research Design

This study utilized a descriptive quantitative design to obtain information concerning the

different study habits of the students in relating to their academic performances. The design

entails the collection and use of data systematically from a given population to describe certain

characteristics features of the population.

Respondents of the study

The study included 100 randomly selected Senior High students at Dingalan National

High School as the respondents of this study. The respondents are big part for gathering

information and data that will use to achieve the objectives of this study.

Research Instrument

This involved a survey questionnaire as the main instruments of this study, for the

researcher to easily gather information regarding the topic.



This chapter presents research findings, interpretation of data and discussion of research

results. The results presented were based on a total of 100 Senior High students selected

randomly that filled in the questionnaires.

Profile of the Respondents

The table below will present the age of the Senior High students, frequency and its percentage.
Table 1. Age of Senior High Students
Age Frequency Percentage
15-17 years old 71 71%
18-20 years old 26 26%

21-23 years old 3 3%

Total 100 100%
This table shows the percentage of the profile of Senior High students in terms of age. This is

shown above that 71% of students are in the 15-17 years of age. However, the total percentage of
students who are in the age of 18-20 years old is 26% and the remaining 3% is between 21-23

years of age.

The table below will present the different tracks where respondents belong, the frequency and its
Table 2. Strand/Track/Class of the Respondents
Strand/ Track Frequency Percentage
HUMSS 35 35%
GAS 35 35%
TVL 30 30%
Total 100 100%

The table above shows the different tracks/strands of all respondents of the study wherein 35%
of the sample population was in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and another 35%
was from General Academic Strand (GAS). However, the remaining 30% were students from
Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL).

The table below will present the sex of the respondents whether male or female, the frequency
and its percentage.

Table 3. Sex of the Respondents

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 54 54%
Female 46 46%
Total 100 100%
This figure shows the percentage of profile of students in terms of gender. This is shown above

that there are 54% of female Senior High students and 46% is male.

The table below will present the different average of the respondents, respondent’s frequency

and its percentage.

Table 4. Average of the Respondents

Average Frequency Percentage

70-75 0 0%
75-80 16 16%
80-85 39 39%
85-90 32 32%
90-95 11 11%
95 and above 2 2%
Total 100 100%

The table above shows the different average of Senior High students as a result of their various

study habits that builds up their academic performance. The total of 39% of average of the

students is within 80-85, 32% is within the average of 85-90. However, the average of students

having 75-80 has the percentage of 16% while the average from 90 to 95 has 11% and lastly, the

remaining 2% has the average of 95 and above. This shows that students’ having the average of

70-75 has 0% therefore, this means that all respondents of the study passed.


The table below will present various items that are related with note-taking. This also entails the

frequency and the percentage of the respondents who strongly agree, agree, in the neutral,

disagree, and strongly disagree.

I used to listen attentively while taking down 28 62 7 3 0
notes in the class. (28%) (62%) (7%) (3%) (0%)
I always pay attention in the class in order to 19 64 14 1 2
take any important notes. (19%) (64%) (14%) (1%) (2%)
I have developed skills foe effective note taking 26 45 24 3 2
during every lesson. (26%) (45%) (24%) (3%) (2%)
I always take down notes to preserve new 33 38 25 2 2
knowledge. (33%) (38%) (25%) (2%) (2%)
Most times, I use symbols to express what my 8 33 40 15 4
teacher in the class. (8%) (33%) (40%) (15%) (4%)

The first row shows the frequency and the percentage of students who used to listen attentively

while taking down notes in class. 62% of students agree that they are onto listening attentively

while taking down notes each discussion held at the class. Students who strongly agree has 28%

of the sample population, 7% are in the neutral, 3% of students disagree, and 0% of the sample

population strongly disagree. Thus, based on the gathered data, most of the students were

listening attentively yet, do not do taking down notes and vice versa. In an instance, students

possibly do taking down notes while listening attentively but only writing down few of the

lessons. But, the 28% of the population do the habit well. On the other hand, the second row

shows the frequency and the percentage of students who always pay attention in the class in

order to take any important notes. 64% of the respondents agree that they do paying attention in

the class in order to take down any important notes, respondents who strongly agree has the

percentage of 19%. However, 14% of the sample population is in the neutral that means there are

times they usually do the habit and not, 2% of the respondents strongly disagree and the 1%

disagrees. Based on the gathered data, this only means that most of the respondents do paying

attention in the class to take any important notes often yet, 19% do the habit all the time. Thus,

there are still respondents who do not practice the study habit. The importance of improving

habits lays in their relationship with attitudes, which are deemed important for achieving high

academic performance therefore; paying attention in the class would help students take down

important notes for better academic performance.

Additionally, the next row shows the frequency and the percentage of students having developed

skills for effective note-taking during every lesson. This is shown above that 45% of the

respondents agree that they have a developed skill for effective note-taking while 26% of the
respondents strongly agree. Additionally, 24% have answered neutral literally means respondents

have a developed skills yet they do not apply it for note-taking and vice versa, 3% of respondents

disagree and the remaining 2%, strongly disagree. Thus, based on the gathered data, respondents

have a developed skill for effective note-taking yet they do not apply it all the time during every

lesson. Although, there are still respondents who have a developed skill for effective note-taking

and so, they can caught up lessons very well. But, there are students left who still do not have the

skill for effective note-taking skill. Moreover, the next row shows the frequency and the

percentage of the respondents who always take down notes to preserve new knowledge. 38% of

the respondents agree that they always take down notes to preserve new knowledge in every

discussion held at the class greater than the percentage of respondents who answered 33%

strongly agree. However, 25% of the respondents are neutral that literally mean, they do the habit

often and sometimes, not at all while the 2% answered disagree and the remaining 2% of the

respondents strongly disagree. Based on the gathered data, more of the respondents always take

down notes to preserve new knowledge yet there are still who do not practice this habit well. On

the other hand, least of the respondents do not practice taking down notes to preserve new

knowledge ever. It is essential to take down notes to discover new information and preserve it

because it would help students to have a better academic performance. And lastly, the fifth row

shows the frequency and the percentage of respondents who used symbols to express what the

teachers have discussed in the class. 40% of the respondents answered neutral greater than those

who agree having 33% of the sample population. It is also shown above that 15% of the

respondents disagree of using symbols to express what the teachers have discussed, 4% strongly

disagree and the remaining 8% strongly agree. Thus, based on the gathered data, most

respondents do using symbols often but there are times they do not. Only few of the students are
doing it to understand their take down notes more. However, there are still students who do not

practice using symbols to express the lessons a teacher have discussed. Using of symbols in note-

taking can be considered as a technique of every student for better understanding on each lesson

that may lead for a high academic performance.

To sum up, taking down notes can be consider as a study habits of the students based on the

gathered data that is shown above. Most respondents do note-taking often not just they have to

but to preserve new knowledge they had learned the whole class. Taking down notes is essential

for a better understanding of the lesson and will surely result to a good performance in the class

when having recitations, quizzes, activities and exams. Learners who had and note taking skills

performed better than those without (Rugendo, CJ., 2014). The study of (Muraina, M.B.et. al,

2014) concluded that note taking have great impact on the students’ academic performance and

also discovered from the findings that note taking affect the students’ academic performance.

Therefore, it is better that students should always or at least know how to take down notes for

them to have good academic performance. (Rugendo, CJ., 2014) recommended that learners

should be trained on how to take down notes. Similar with the idea of (Rugendo, CJ., 2014),

Sakirudeen, A.O. (2017) also recommended that the teachers should teach the student on how to

take important notes during every lesson. By so doing, the students would develop good habits of

note taking and this could lead to a good academic performance.

The table below will present various items related in the using of library as a study habit. This

also includes the frequency and percentage of the respondents who strongly agree, agree, in the

neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree.



I have devoted interest 9 19 38 27 7

in library resources (9%) (19%) (38%) (27%) (7%)
I study in the library 3 16 24 41 16
every day. (3%) (16%) (24%) (41%) (16%)
I used to do 10 19 16 40 15
assignment in the (10%) (19%) (16%) (40%) (15%)
school library.
My school library 10 24 19 37 11
gives me access to (10%) (24%) (19%) (37%) (11%)
variety of resources.
I make use of the 4 22 28 41 5
library to expand the (4%) (22%) (28%) (41%) (5%)
scope of my study.

The first row shows the frequency and the percentage of the respondents who have devoted

interest in library resources utilization. 38% of the respondents answered neutral greater than

who disagree having a percentage of 27%. However, only 19% of the respondents agree that they

have devoted interest in library resources utilization while 9% strongly agree and lastly, the

remaining 7% strongly disagree on the study habit. This means that most respondents do not

have interest in library resources utilization only if they have to access at the library resources as

asked by the teachers. On the other hand, there are still respondents who have an interest in

library resources as a source of information. Having an interest in library resources is considered

as one of a technique of students and also, a study habit. The devoted interest in library resources

will help respondents to promote efficiency regarding the discovering of new information.

Furthermore, the second row shows the frequency and the percentage of the respondents who

study in the library every day. 41% of the respondents disagree that they study in the library

everyday greater than those respondents who answered neutral with a percentage of 38%.
Additionally, 16% of the sample population agrees, another 16% for strongly disagree and the

remaining 3% of the respondents strongly agree that they study in the library every day. Based

on the gathered data, this means that most of the respondents do not study in the library everyday

even for their free time yet; there are respondents who often study possibly because it is quietly

needed to do so while, few of the respondents are into studying at the library every day. Thus,

studying in the library everyday would be a great help for the respondents to develop their study

habits build up their academic performance. In addition, the next row shows the frequency and

the percentage of the students who used to do an assignment in the school library. This is shown

above that 40% of the students disagree that they used to do an assignment in the school library

while, only 19% agree. However, 16% of the sample population is in the neutral that actually

means there are times they used to do their assignments in the school library and not at all, 15%

strongly disagree and the remaining 10% strongly agree to the study habit. Thus, most of the

respondents are not used to do an assignment in the school library as based on the gathered data

yet, there is still who are used to do the habit possibly because they needed to do so or a teacher

asked them that only the library resources should be accessed.

The fourth row shows the frequency and the percentage of the respondents who have answered

that their school library gives them an access to a variety of resources. 37% of the sample

population disagrees; the percentage of the respondents who agree is 24% while 19% are in the

neutral. However, 11% of the total respondents strongly disagree that their library gives them an

access to a variety of resources and the 10% left strongly agree. Based on the gathered data, this

means that most of the students do not have an access to a variety of resources their school

library gives. In an instance, this also can possibly mean that the information they have to gather

cannot be found at the school library although they have an access to the various resources it has.
Although, there are still respondents left who have an access to a variety of resources their

school library gives. And the last row shows the frequency and the percentage of the respondents

who make use of the library to expand the scope of their study. 41% of the respondents disagree

for doing the study habit; 28% is in neutral state while 22% of the sample population agrees. On

the other hand, 5% of total respondents strongly disagree and the 4% left strongly agree. Based

on the gathered data, this is shown above that mostly, respondents do not make use of the library

to expand the scope of their study although there are some cases that respondents use it often.

Thus, there are few respondents left that still make use of the school library. Studying at the

library would be a great help to expand the scope of respondent’s study. This may result to a

wider knowledge and better understanding for a particular lesson that will contribute to a high

academic performance.

In conclusion, students do not practice using of library as a study habit unless they have to do so

or only the library is accessible to use. Students nowadays are not into using library to cite

information for an assignment or an activity; they are fond of using internet rather than the

library. Students not just find quickly the information they have to get; they have to set up their

mind first for a read. Therefore, library is not just a source of information but also can develop

student’s reading skills, concentration and memorization. As (Rugendo, CJ., 2014) have said

that, learners who had good reading skills performed better than those without. Similar with the

idea of (Gudaganavar1and Halayannavar, 2014), the formation of effective study habits in

students is an outcome of reading habit and thus perform well in tests and examinations. The

better the study habits, the higher the academic performance of students. Poor study habits will

result in a poor academic performance whereas good study habits will result in good academic
performance. In congruency with Hills (2000), students who do not attend read their books or

make use of the library may negatively affect their academic performances.

The table below will show various items related in using of internet as one of the study habit of

the respondents. This also includes the frequency and the percentage of the respondents who

strongly agree, agree, in the neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree.



I do advance 19 35 35 11 O
reading using (19%) (35%) (35%) (11%) (0%)
I used to research 16 44 31 8 1
the next lesson in (16%) (44%) (31%) (8%) (1%)
our class.
I used to have an 11 43 32 11 3
internet basis in (11%) (43%) (32%) (11%) (3%)
each lessons.

The first row shows the frequency and the percentage of the respondents who do advance

reading using internet. This is shown above that 35% of the sample population agrees that they

do advance reading using internet while another 35% are in the neutral that means, respondents

do the study habit often. On the other hand, 19% of the respondents strongly agree that they do

advance reading for the next lesson using internet, 11% disagree and 0% for respondents who

strongly disagree. Based on the gathered data, this means that most of the respondents of the

study do advance reading using the internet yet, they do it often. Although there are respondents

who considered it already as a study habit but, there are few who do not practice doing so.

Advance reading is an advantage of a student from another because it will develop the good

reading skill one has that may lead to a better performance. On the other hand, the next row
shows the frequency and the percentage of the respondents who used to research the next lesson

in their class. This is shown above that 44% of the respondents agree that they used research the

next lesson in the class while 31% answered neutral. On the other hand, 16% strongly agree that

they also do it, 8% of the respondents disagree and lastly, 1% for strongly disagree. Thus, this

means that most of the respondents are used to research the next lesson in their class so that they

will have a preview and can caught up easily because there are least of information that is

already familiar to them yet, there are some respondents who do it just often. However, there are

also respondents who do not practice such kind of study habit. The last row shows the frequency

and the percentage of the respondents who used to have an internet basis in each lessons. 43% of

the respondents agree that they used to have an internet basis in each lesson while 32% of the

sample population is in the neutral. On the other hand, 11% disagrees that means they do not

have an internet basis in each lesson the teacher discussed in the class or either they are not really

aware and lastly, 3% for those who strongly disagree. Thus, there are still respondents who used

an internet basis for an assurance that the information is a factual one and will serve as a guide to

catch up easily the lesson discussed in the class yet, there are also respondents who are not

steady for doing it. They simply do it often. However, there are still respondents left that do not

do such and never practice doing so. Although not all information found in the internet is reliable

and accurate, there are still sites who offer only facts and students must be aware of it.

All in all, it was clearly stated that students are into using an internet as one of their study habits

although rarely, students do not practice it so. Internet is easier to use than the library yet, the

two are quietly similar with each other; both can be a source of information but, students have to

spend more time in using a library so, they used internet instead. In using an internet, reading

skills, concentration and memorization of students can also be developed similar with using of
library. Through the use of internet, researching the next lesson is a one-step closer technique

for a better understanding that will lead to a good academic performance. According to (Ebele U.

F. and Olofu P. A., 2016), the sooner a student starts practicing and developing good habits, the

better chance he will have that he will continue with them. Having homework routines are the

most important things in helping a child/student develop good study habits for life. Therefore,

the sooner a student starts practicing using of an internet to help him on his studies, the better the

chance he will have a good academic performance. Moreover, in order to find the information

students have to get, they must merely read first, Again, as (Rugendo, CJ., 2014) have said that,

learners who had good reading skills performed better than those without.

The table below will show various items related in time allocation for study, the frequency and

percentage of the respondents who strongly agree, agree, in the neutral, disagree, and strongly




I have a private study 10 23 39 23 5

time table. (10%) (23%) (39%) (23%) (5%)
I schedule my time to 11 30 39 18 2
cover all subjects. (11%) (30%) (39%) (18%) (2%)
I devote extra-time to 13 33 37 15 2
thoroughly learn a (13%) (33%) (37%) (15%) (2%)
certain subject.
I used to clock alarm to 7 23 25 35 10
alert me for night (7%) (23%) (25%) (35%) (10%)
I set up time for other 13 34 41 11 1
social activities so that (13%) (34%) (41%) (11%) (1%)
they won’t interfere with
my studies.
The first row shows the frequency and the percentage of the respondents who have a private

study time table. 39% of the total respondents answered neutral that possibly means they have a

private study time table yet; they do not follow it and vice versa while 23% agree that they really

have a private study time table and do studying often. The other 23% is for respondents who

disagree so that means they do not have a private study time table, 10% of the sample population

strongly agree possibly means that they have one and really do studying well and the remaining

5% is for strongly disagree from the respondents who do not have. Having a private study time

table should be monitored by the parents to guide their children for achieving a good study habit

and academic performance. Additionally, the second row shows the frequency and the

percentage of the respondents who scheduled time to cover all the subjects they have to learn.

39% of the total respondents is in the neutral state possibly means that there are times they

scheduled time to cover all the subjects and there are times they do not, 30% of the total

respondents agrees and 11% strongly agree. However, 18% disagree and the remaining 2% for

those respondents who strongly disagree. Based on the gathered data, this is shown above that

most respondents scheduled time to cover all the subjects they have to learn yet, there are

respondents who do it so often. On the other hand, there are still respondents left who do not

waste time for this kind of study habit and possibly wasting time for other aspects in life.

Exerting an effort is a must to have a good study habit and academic performance therefore,

respondents who wants to have a high academic performance should be doing this. The third row

shows the frequency and the percentage of students who devote an extra-time to thoroughly learn

a certain subject. This is shown above that 37% of the respondents are in the neutral that possibly

means they usually devote an extra-time to thoroughly learn a certain subject and there are times

they do not do such; 33% of the sample population agrees that could mean they do it often while
the 15% disagree. However, 13% of the respondents strongly agree therefore it means that there

are still some who do it to better understand the lesson and the remaining 2% is devoted on

strongly disagree. Based on the gathered data, this only means that most are actually doing the

chore more often than rarely. There are students who still devote an extra-time to thoroughly

learn a certain subject greater than those who do not practice doing so. This will also falls to the

effort of students by willingly devoting time to better understand a certain subject. Through this,

good academic performance could be achieved.

Furthermore, the fourth row shows the frequency and the percentage of the respondents who

used to alarm a clock in alerting them for a night reading. 35% of the population disagree

possibly means that they are not onto doing such kind of thing or could possibly, rarely; 25% are

in the neutral and 23% agree, this means that they used to alarm a clock in alerting them for a

night reading often yet; there are times that do not. Moreover, 10% of the respondents strongly

disagree therefore; those respondents do not really practice to alarm a clock for a night reading

and lastly, respondents who strongly agree has the percentage of 7%. In conclusion, this only

means that more of the respondents do not do such kind of habit although there are still some

who practice it possibly because it is needed to do so or it is a habit already for some. Including

this activity as a routine would be a factor that will contribute to a good study habit and academic

performance. Lastly, the fifth row shows the frequency and the percentage of students who sets

up time for other social activities so that it will not interfere with their studies. 41% of the sample

population is in the neutral that could possibly mean that they used to do it sometimes when

maybe it is actually needed to do so but do not practice it often on the other way around; 34%

agrees that they do setting up time for other social activities so that it will not interfere with their

studies but not all the time while 13% of the total respondents strongly agree that means they
actually do it all the time around. Furthermore, the 11% of the sample population disagree and

the remaining 1% strongly disagrees. In short, most of the respondents set up time for other

social activities so that it will not interfere with their studies but there are respondents left that

they do it so often or rarely. In addition, some respondents do not do setting up time so that their

study time will not be interfered by any social activities. This could possibly mean that

respondents can do both in a particular time or either respondents do not have a sense of

responsibility to do so.

To sum up the data shown above, students do allocate time for studying although there are times

they are not doing so. This study habit includes exerting of effort by the students and their

attitude towards doing such. Good study habits rest on the attitudes towards work and sense of

responsibilities. The study habits need a significant attention if we are to improve performance

(Siahi and Maiyo, 2015). The importance of improving habits lays in their relationship with

attitudes, which are deemed important for achieving high academic performance (Cerna, M.A.

and Pavliushchenko, K.2015). In addition as what (Gudaganavar1and Halayannavar, 2014) have

said that, study habits bring their own rewards in the sense of achievement of success that

depends upon the effort of students. Devoting an extra-time to thoroughly learn a certain subject

could also improve the student’s concentration. In that case, student will understand easily the

lesson because he has a good concentration. Similarly, being organized and having homework

routines are the most important things in helping a child/student develop good study habits for

life (Ebele U. F. and Olofu P. A., 2016). Thus, to allocate time for studying, students have to be

devoted first on doing such, must exert an effort to schedule and follow the exact time, and the

deemed important is having the attitude towards doing the chore. Parents should also guide their

children to strictly follow the schedule for study time so that, they will have sense of
responsibility and will surely do the study habit regularly. Parents must pay attention to the study

habits of learners because study habit is an important correlate of academic achievement among

students (Sherafat and Murthy, 2016). The study habits need a significant attention if we are to

improve performance (Siahi and Maiyo, 2015).

The table below will present various effects of study habit in the academic performance of the

respondents. This also entails the frequency and the percentage of the respondents who strongly

agree, agree, in the neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree.


I recite always. 13 36 38 12 1
(13%) (36%) (38%) (12%) (1%)
I can pass quizzes and exams. 16 52 27 5 0
(16%) (52%) (27%) (5%) (0%)
I can get high scores. 8 41 48 2 1
(8%) (41%) (48%) (2%) (1%)
I perform well in the class. 10 48 36 5 1
(10%) (48%) (36%) (5%) (1%)
I asked relevant questions in 7 40 41 12 0
class discussions. (7%) (40%) (41%) (12%) (0%)
I participate attentively in the 18 45 27 8 2
class. (18%) (45%) (27%) (8%) (2%)
I can share information and/or 6 54 31 7 2
knowledge inside the class. (6%) (54%) (31%) (7%) (2%)
I submit assignments and 20 42 32 6 0
projects on time. (20%) (42%) (32%) (6%) (0%)
The first row shows the frequency and the percentage of the respondents who recite always as a

result of their study habits. This is shown above that 38% of the sample population are in the

neutral possibly means that they do reciting always yet sometimes they do not and vice versa;

36% agrees therefore, there are respondents who recites always when they know what to say and

often when they do not and 13% for strongly agree that means there are few of the respondents

who actually do reciting always. Also, 12% of the respondents disagree and the 1% strongly
disagree this means that few of the respondents do not participate in any recitations held in the

class. Thus, most of the respondents can recite when there is a recitation although least of the

respondents do not speak always possibly because they have fear to do so or either does not

know what the right thing to say is. In addition, there are still respondents left who are mute

when it comes to a recitation and do not participate on the class recitations. This means that the

few respondents who do not participate lack good study habits or just afraid for doing so. On the

other hand, then second row shows the frequency and the percentage of students who can pass

quizzes and exams as a result of their study habit. This is shown above that 52% of the

respondents can pass quizzes and exams through their various study habit yet, there are times

they fail to do so rarely. 16% of the sample population strongly agrees so that means only few

could possibly pass quizzes and exams always while 27% are in the neutral that means they can

pass the quizzes and exams sometimes and there are times cannot and the remaining 5% of the

sample population disagree therefore, they cannot pass quizzes and exams often. The percentage

for strongly disagree has 0% that means no respondents could not pass quizzes and exams ever.

A good study habit contributes on having a high academic performance of a student and this is

considered as a success already for students.

The third row shows the frequency and percentage of the respondents who can get high scores by

doing their preferred study habits. 48% of the respondents answered neutral thus, this means that

there are times they can get high scores yet sometimes do not and vice versa; 41% agree that they

can also get high scores but not all the time unlike the 8% for the respondents who strongly agree

that can get high scores always. However, 2% of the sample population disagrees and 1%

strongly disagrees that means, few of the respondents cannot get high scores often more likely,

always. Having high scores is a warm-feeling for students and truly an achievement but to have a
high score is to have a good study habit first. The next row shows the frequency and the

percentage of students who perform well in the class. This is shown above that 48% of the total

respondents agree that they perform well in class as a result of their study habits while, 36% are

in the neutral that means, there are times they perform well, and there are times they do not and

vice versa. In addition, 10% of the respondents strongly agree thus, this means that they always

perform well; 5% of the sample population disagree and lastly, 1% for those who strongly

disagree that actually means they do not perform well often more likely, always. In short, most

of the respondents performed well in the class yet, there are instances they perform well rarely

and this is just because they lack of a good study habit or either do not have the courage or

confidence to do so. Additionally, there are few left who do not perform well often. The ability

to perform well is interconnected with a good study habit. By doing so, respondents could

possibly have a better academic performance. The fifth row shows the frequency and the

percentage of the respondents who asked relevant questions in the class discussions. This is

shown above that 41% of the total respondents are in the neutral. This means that there are some

class discussions that they asked questions for better understanding yet there are times they are

just listening or taking down notes or just doing nothing. 40% of the respondents agree thus, we

could say that they also asked relevant questions regarding the topic rarely when they do not

understand a particular lesson. 12% disagree and this possibly means that they do not asked

relevant questions in the class discussions often but trying to do so when they have the courage

to do so. Additionally, the 7% are for respondents who answered strongly agree that actually

means there are few who are active in asking questions regarding the topic in a class discussions

for a better understanding and for easily catching up the lesson. Respondents who strongly

disagree have a percentage of 0% so there are no respondents who are not really asking questions
ever in the entire class discussions. Asking questions will help for a better understanding and so,

respondents will catch up the lesson easily as possible and actually may discover new

information. This may also result to a good study habit of a student because asking relevant

questions will add up to the respondent’s prior knowledge about a certain lesson.

Additionally, the sixth row shows the frequency and the percentage of the respondents who

participate attentively in the class. This is shown above that 45% of the total respondents agree

that they participate attentively in the class for an easy way to catch up with the lessons yet; there

are times that respondents do not participate attentively, rarely. 27% of the respondents of the

study are in the neutral state that mean, there are instances that they are participating attentively

and there are times they do not, possibly because they are doing other things; 18% strongly agree

thus, we could say that at least few of the respondents were fully participating attentively in a

class discussions. However, 8% of the respondents disagree and 2% strongly disagree that

possibly means they do not participate attentively in the class often more likely, always.

Participating attentively in the class is within the interest of a student to do so and it rests also on

the attitude towards. If the respondents want to have a good academic performance, he or she

must participate in every class discussions or in any activities. Next row shows the frequency and

the percentage of students who can share information and/or knowledge inside the class. This is

shown above that 54% of the sample population agrees that they share information they knew for

the class be able to also learn yet there are times they do not do this while 31% are in the neutral.

6% of the respondents strongly agree, 7% disagree and the remaining 2% strongly disagree that

means there are still students who do not do sharing information they knew inside the class. To

sum up, most of the respondents are into sharing information they have got for the class be also

knowledgeable too yet, there are times they do not do the activity. Although there are still who
do not share often more possibly, ever. And lastly, the eighth row shows the frequency and the

percentage of the respondents who submit assignments and projects on time. This is shown

above that 42% of the sample population agrees can do passing of an assignment or projects on

time though there are instance that they fail to do so while 20% strongly agree that they really

can. 32% are in the neutral possibly means that they submit their assignments and projects on

time often and do not sometimes. The remaining 6% of the total respondents disagrees that

means there are still who do not submit their projects and assignments on time and possibly

submit it the other day and 0% for strongly disagree so that actually means no respondents who

do not submit ever. Based on the gathered data, large numbers of the respondents submits their

assignments and projects on time although there are still respondents who do not submit on the

time rarely. However, there are respondents left who do not submit any of the assignments and

projects rarely and there are still who do not do it, ever.

Based on the table shown above, it is clearly stated that study habits affect the academic

performance of the students in different ways. Most of the students performed well in the class

but there are times do not although more of them did performed well always. All in all,

respondents have a good academic performance based on the gathered data that is the effect of

practicing their own study habits. Taking down notes, using of library and internet, and time

allocation for a study are least of the study habits students practiced most of the time except

using of library, unless they have to access with it. Students have various study habits and they

have different ways of practicing it, in line with the idea of (Siahi and Maiyo, 2015) that

everyone has different study habits and students perform poorly in school simply because they

lack good study habits. In congruency with (Gudaganavar1and Halayannavar, 2014), the better

the study habits, the higher the academic performance of students. Poor study habits will result in
a poor academic performance whereas good study habits will result in good academic

performance. The formation of effective study habits will create the awareness for regular and

steady learning.

The formation of effective study habits in students is an outcome of home environment and

planning of work, reading and note taking habit and preparation for examination are result

oriented and thus perform well in tests and examinations (Gudaganavar1and Halayannavar,

2014). This means that if students want to improve their performance, they have to practice

various study habits. It is better to start practicing a good study habit sooner so that this will fall

as a lifestyle, a good lifestyle as time passed by. In congruency with (Ebele U. F. and Olofu P.

A., 2016), the sooner a student starts practicing and developing good habits, the better chance he

will have that and he will continue with them. The study habits need a significant attention if we

are to improve performance (Siahi and Maiyo, 2015). Students have to spend time and exert an

effort if they are to improve performance.



This chapter presents the summary of the research, the conclusions drawn and the

recommendations made. The descriptive quantitative study was conducted at Dingalan National

High School, Caragsacan, Dingalan, Aurora with a total of 100 respondents selected randomly in

Senior High School, S.Y. 2018-2019. The study aimed to determine the relationship of study

habits and academic performance specifically, how study habits affect the academic performance

of Senior High School students. This involved a survey questionnaire as the main instrument of

the study and the researcher used tables to clearly present the data.
Summary of the findings

The findings of the study are as follows:

1. What is the profile of the respondents?

A. Age

In 100 randomly selected Senior High students, majority of the respondents were between the

ages of 15-17 years old with a total percentage of 71%, while 3% of the respondents were

between the ages of 21-23 years old.

B. Class

Most respondents were from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and General Academic

Strand (GAS) with a total of 35 respondents each and 30 respondents from the Technical

Vocational & Livelihood (TVL).

C. Sex

Majority of the respondents were female with a total of 54 out of 100 while 46 respondents left

were male.

D. Average

Most respondents have an average of between 80-85 with exactly 39% of the respondents and

0% got an average of between 70-75. This means no respondents failed.

2. How may the study habits be described, in terms of:

A. Note-taking
Note-taking was one of the study habits of the respondents based on the gathered data. Most

students do taking down notes often yet there are still left who do not practice doing so. Majority

of the respondents with a total of 62% agree that they used to listen attentively while taking

down notes in class. On the other hand, 64% respondents pay attention in the class in order to

take any important notes but there is a possibility they do not do the habit always. However, 45%

agree that they have developed skill for effective note-taking during every lesson. Additionally,

38% agree that they used to take down notes to preserve new knowledge. Lastly, 40% are in the

neutral that they do rarely using of symbols to express what the teacher said in the class. It is

clearly stated that note-taking can be considered as one of the study habits of the respondents.

B. Use of Library

Using of library is not one of the study habits of the respondents unless they have to do it and it

is the only source of information they have to access with. 38% are in the neutral which means

there are times they have devoted interest in library resources utilization and there are times they

do not have an interest. 41% disagree in studying at the library everyday and 40% disagree that

they do not used at doing an assignment in the school library. On the other hand, 37% disagree in

the item stated that their school library gives them variety of resources. Lastly, 41% which is the

majority disagree in making use of library to expand the scope of their study. It is clearly shown

that majority of the respondents do not practice using of library as one of their study habit

although there are least who considered it as a study habit, still.

C. Use of Internet

Using of internet is one of the study habits of the respondents based on the gathered data. A total

of 35% agree and another 35% were in the neutral that they do advance reading using internet.
However, majority in the total of 44% agree that they were used to research the next lesson in

our class often. Lastly, most of the respondents agree with a total of 43% often used to have an

internet basis in each lessons. It is clearly stated that majority of the respondents agree and in the

neutral therefore, using of internet is one of the study habits of the respondents yet there are still

respondents left who do not practice the habit.

D. Time Allocation for Study

Having time allocation for study is also one of the study habits of the respondents. Majority of

the respondents answered neutral that they do have a private study time table with a total of 39%.

On the other hand, 39% answered neutral in the item they schedule their time to cover all

subjects. Additionally, majority of the respondents are in the neutral in the item which stated that

they devote extra-time to thoroughly learn a certain subject with a total of 37%. Moreover, 35%

disagree on using an alarm clock to alert them for a night reading which means most of the time

they do not do the habit. Lastly, 41% are in the neutral in setting up time for other social

activities so that they won’t interfere with their study which possibly means they do it sometimes

or when needed. It is clearly stated that having time allocation for study is also a study habit

respondents considered to be doing yet there are still respondents left who do not practice such.

3. How the study habits affect the academic performance of students?

Students have various study habits they practiced and it has also an impact on their academic

performance differently. Study habits of students affect their academic performance in positive

and negative aspects. Based on the study habits of the respondents, 35% are in the neutral on the

item which stated that they recite always. On the other hand, majority with a total of 52% agree

that they can pass quizzes and exams. However, most of the respondents with a total of 48% are
in the neutral on the item which stated that they can get high scores which possibly means there

are times they can get high scores and there are times they cannot and 48% agree that they

perform well in the class. Majority of the respondents with a total of 41% are in the neutral in the

statement they asked relevant questions in class discussions which means they do it sometimes

and there are times they do not and 45% agree that they can share information and/or knowledge

inside the class. Lastly, majority of the respondents with a total of 42% agree that they submit

assignments and projects on time.


Based on the findings of the study, the researcher concluded the following:

 71 out of 100 respondents were between the ages of 15-17 years old.

 Most of the respondents were from HUMSS and GAS with a total of 35

respondents each of the class.

 54 out of 100 respondents were female and 46 were male.

 39 out of 100 respondents were between the average of 80-85 and 0 out of 100 got

lower than 75.

 Note-taking is one of the study habits of the respondents they do often since

majority of them agreed with all of the statements.

 Using of library is not considered as a study habit of the respondents unless they

needed to do so or it is only a source of information they have to access with.

 Using of internet is also one of the study habits of the respondents.

 Having time allocation for study is one of the study habit respondents do.

 Majority of the respondents have a good academic performance.

 Students have various study habits they practiced and it has also an impact on

their academic performance differently. Study habits of students affect their

academic performance in positive and negative aspects. Therefore, there is a

significant relationship between study habits and academic performance of Senior

High students.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher suggests the following:


 It is better to practice and develop a good study habit sooner so that this will just fall as a


 Maintain practicing the good study habits. On the other hand, help the low-performing

students in the class to improve their study habits.

 Develop more techniques or strategies for a better understanding of the lessons discusses

in the class.

 Guide students to practice a good study habit and motivate them to perform well in the


 The teachers should teach the student on how to take important notes during every lesson.

By so doing, the students would develop good habits of note taking and this could lead to

good academic performance.


 Parents and guardians should encourage their children to set up schedules for study and

they should allow give their children enough time to study at home.

 Parents should guide their children how to practice a good study habit and motivate them

to perform well in the class.

Future Researchers

 Give further information regarding the topic for a better understanding of the readers and

for the information became more reliable.


 Hill, C & Ballow, A.(2000). The Impact of school library. Australia: Australian

Educational Research.

 Hills, C. (2000). Effective Classroom. London: Cassel.

 Sakirudeen, A.O. (2017). Study habits and academic performance of secondary school

students in mathematic: a case study of a selected secondary schools in uyo local

education council.

 Looyeh , R. et. Al (2015). The Relationship between the Study habits and the Academic

performance of Medical Sciences Students.

 Kaur, A. and Pathania, R. ( 2015). Study Habits and Academic Performance among Late


 Gudaganavar, N.V. and Halayannavar, R.B. (2014). Influence of Study Habits on Academic

Performance of Higher Primary School Students.

 Ebele U. F. and Olofu P. A.( 2016). Study habit and its impact on secondary school students’

academic performance in biology in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

 Rugendo, CJ. Et. Al (2014). Influence of study habits and demographic variables on academic

performance: A case of bachelor of education (arts) students, university of Nairobi, Kenya.

 Hassanbeigi, A.et. Al (2011). The relationship between study skills and academic performance of

university students. Elsevier Ltd.

 Muraina, M.B.et. al (2014). Impact of note taking and study habit on academic performance

among selected secondary school students in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

 Lavorre, D.C. et. Al (2015). Study habits and the Performance of BSCS Students in Computer


 Osa-Edoh, G.I. and Alutu, A.N. G, (2012). A Survey of Students Study Habits in Selected

Secondary Schools: Implication for Counselling. Maxwell Scientific Organization.

 Cerna, M.A. and Pavliushchenko, K. (2015). Influence of Study Habits on Academic

Performance of International College Students in Shanghai. Canadian Center of Science and


 Rana and Kausar (2011). Comparison of Study Habits and Academic Performance of Pakistani

British and White British Students.

 Tope, O. (2011). The effects of study habit on the academic performance of students: A case

study of some secondary schools in Ogun State. EgoBooster Books, Ogun State, Nigeria.

 Siahi and Maiyo (2015). Study of the relationship between study habits and academic

achievement of students: A case of Spicer Higher Secondary School, India.


Section A: Student’s Personal Data

Instruction: Please put a check in the boxes as it applies to you.
A). Age
o 15-17 years old
o 18-20 years old
o 21-23 years old and above
B). Gender
o Male
o Female
C). Class/Track/Strand
D). Average
o 70-75
o 75-80
o 80-85
o 85-90
o 90-95
o 95 and above
Section B
Instruction: Please put a check as appropriate to suit your choice of option/level of agreement or
disagreement with the statements.
Strongly Agree – SA
Agree – A
Neutral – N
Disagree – DA
Strongly Disagree- SD

S/N Note-taking SA A N D SD
1. I used to listen attentively while taking down notes in the
2. I always pay attention in the class in order to take any
important notes.
3. I have developed skills foe effective note taking during
every lesson.
4. I always take down notes to preserve new knowledge.
5. Most times, I use symbols to express what my teacher in the
Use of Library
6. I have devoted interest in library resources utilization.
7. I study in the library every day.
8. I used to do assignment in the school library.
9. My school library gives me access to variety of resources.
10. I make use of the library to expand the scope of my study.
Use of Internet
11. I do advance reading using internet.
12. I used to research the next lesson in our class.
13. I used to have an internet basis in each lessons.
Time Allocation to Study
14. I have a private study time table.
15. I schedule my time to cover all subjects.
16. I devote extra-time to thoroughly learn a certain subject.
17. I used to clock alarm to alert me for night reading.
18. I set up time for other social activities so that they won’t
interfere with my studies.

Section C.
Instruction: Please put a check as appropriate to suit your choice of option/level of agreement or
disagreement with the statements.
S/N Effects of study habit in academic SA A N D SD
1. I recite always.
2. I can pass quizzes and exams.
3. I can get high scores.
4. I perform well in the class.
5. I asked relevant questions in class
6. I participate attentively in the class.
7. I can share information and/or
knowledge inside the class.
8. I submit assignments and projects on

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