Hybrid Learning

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The advancement of internet technology has been felt worldwide, and the

changes it has given can be felt in every corner of our lives. It is more so in the

education sector where developments in the internet has provided educators with

the development of web based education where it reaches almost everyone

around us. As technology changes it is more convenient for students and

educators alike to be educated, since the development of web based education

gave way to more flexibility for the learning process.

Online and traditional education share many qualities. Students are still

required to attend class, learn the material, submit assignments, and complete

group projects. While teachers, still have to design curriculums, maximize

instructional quality, answer class questions, motivate students to learn, and

grade assignments. Despite these basic similarities, there are many differences

between the two modalities. Traditionally, classroom instruction is known to be

teacher-centered and requires passive learning by the student, while online

instruction is often student- centered and requires active learning.

In teacher-centered, or passive learning, the instructor usually controls

classroom dynamics. The teacher lectures and comments, while students listen,

take notes, and ask questions. In student-centered, or active learning, the

students usually determine classroom dynamics as they independently analyze

the information, construct questions, and ask the instructor for clarification. In

this scenario, the teacher, not the student, is listening, formulating, and

responding (Salcedo, 2020).

With changes comes questions, although current reports are positive in all

regards in connection to online education many still asks if it really effective.

Studies are being conducted on how effective is the new learning program, cost

analysis, student experience and performance are being considered if it can be

maintained as a substitute for face to face instruction. This decision process will

most probably carry into the future as technology improves and as students

demand better learning experiences.

It is the primary goal of this study to determine the factors affecting the

effectiveness of hybrid learning namely online classes and face to face classes

to the electrical engineering students of La Patria College School Year 2022 –

Theoretical Framework

This study adheres to the Transactional Distance Theory (Moore, n.d.). It

states that distance education is not only the separation or the distance between

the teacher and the learner geographically but as well as the time or space. In

this theory, distance is a pedagogical phenomenon rather than geographical.

Transactional distance is a function of elements namely: (a) dialogue, (b)

learner’s autonomy, and (c) structure. Dialogue is the interaction between the

teacher and the learner. Learners’ autonomy is the capacity or the varying

capacity of learners to learn. The structure is the course design and programs

that can be delivered via various communication media.

Figure: 1 Diagram depicts the interplay of elements of Moore’s theory of transactional distance.

As structure is reduced, dialogue increases. Learners make autonomous decisions to reduce

perceived transactional distance by reducing structure and/or increasing dialogue.

In this study, dialogue represents the means that the teacher uses to

deliver education which is primarily the use of Self Learning Modules. Teacher

intervention will also be considered as the dialogue since teacher-learner

communication happens during the conduct of those activities to support the

learner to become more effective in modular distance learning. The SLM quality

and usability comprise the structure since the SLMs’ are created based on the

MELC which serves as the curriculum in the implementation of modular distance

learning in this time of the pandemic. While teacher and learner dialogue can be

facilitated using different communication media such as the internet that can be

used to facilitate synchronous or real-time interaction between teacher and

learner. Asynchronous activities can be facilitated thru various communication

platforms such as email, text, and instant messaging was used as well as to

provide interventions or instructional support. The implementation of distance

learning in this level, scale, and magnitude requires a combination or a selection

thereof to cater to various learners’ needs and capacities. While learner

autonomy at the elementary level is most likely be significant, teachers will be

the ones who will provide direction to the learning process. While the structure

of the program and delivery is standard and is done thru the use of the SLM, its

implementation will vary from learner to learner depending on their capacity,

resources, and other instructional provisions.

Transactional distance is the collection of perceived psychological,

cognitive, and affective distances between learners and instructors in the

distance learning environment. That distance can affect the learning engagement
as well as the attainment of intended learning outcomes. Since the

implementation of MDL relies heavily on the use of SLM to enable learners to

learn and for teachers to teach. This scenario explains the link that completes

the teaching and learning process is through the use of SLM which ensures the

amount of learning the learner gets. This study will look at the effectiveness of

the SLM in the implementation of modular distance learning focusing on factors

such as the SLM quality of content, usability, and teachers’ interventions.

Conceptual Framework

The research contains the process that the research will follow to

complete its objectives. From the first box where the input of the study will be

set from the demographic information of the respondents to their perception on

the factors that affects the effectiveness of the hybrid learning program. The

process which contains the process where the possible answers to the research

problems will be gathered thru the use of questionnaires and observation of the

respondents. Leading to the output of finding indexes for improvement on the

hybrid learning program namely online classes and face to face instruction.
Research Paradigm

Input Process Output

- Age
- Gender
Assessment of
- Year level Assessment of the
Perception of respondents
Online Learning
on the factor affecting the factors affecting
effectiveness of hybrid
Program and face to
learning program in online and face to
relation to:
face instruction
- Online face classes
- Knowledge on effectiveness thru
applications questionnaires
- Content Improved Hybrid
- Language use
- Evaluation Learning Program


Figure 1.

Paradigm of the Study

IPO Diagram (Input-Process-Output)

Statement of the Problem

This research would like to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the student respondents in terms of their:

a. Age

b. Gender/Sex

c. Year level

2. What is the perception of the respondents in the factors affecting the

hybrid learning program online class or face to face class in relation to:

a. Online Connectivity;

b. Knowledge on online applications;

c. Language Used; and

d. Evaluation Activities.

3. What are the possible ways to improve hybrid learning?

Scope and Delimitation

This research endeavor is delimited in assessing the Factors affecting the

hybrid learning of Electrical Engineering Students of La Patria College, S.Y.

2022-2023. Moreover, it also focused on assessing the perception of the

respondents on the condition of the learning environment and their attitudes and

goals toward learning.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study would provide an in-depth understanding on the

study habits of the respondents, which can be a ground of forming an insight on

the behavior of the respondents towards learning. The researchers as well

believed that the findings of this study is be useful to the following.

School Administrator . The results arrived at in this study will serve as a

basis on what kind of improvement can be done to make the learning process and

environment more conducive for learning especially with the new normal in the

current COVID-19 pandemic.

Faculty Members. The findings of this research endeavor may help the

faculty member in guiding their students towards the development of good

learning habits.

Students . Being the core of the education system, the results obtained in

this study will provide them an idea towards learning, which could serve as

motivating factor on them to develop such attitude which really benefit them

especially in understanding themselves and the world around through the

knowledge or information they acquired.

Parents . Being an integral part of the educational process of the students

in school, it is then essential that parents should be aware on the attitude of

their children for them to provide the most appropriate guidance they really

needed for the development of a productive and better life.

Future Researchers. This study is not expected to provide final and

conclusive findings that is applicable to situation, thus further research may still
be conducted along this line and the idea gained by the researchers can be used

by future researchers as benchmark to further studies.

Definition of Terms

Electrical Engineering - an engineering discipline concerned with the study,

design and application of equipment, devices and systems which use electricity,

electronics and electromagnetism.

Hybrid Learning – is an educational model where some students attend class in

person, while others join the class virtually from home.

Online Learning – education that takes place over the internet

Perception – ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the



Related Literature

Foreign Literature

In recent years, rapid developments in science and technology

have led to many radical changes in education. Educational systems

are also affected by the impact of globalization. In 2017, Peter

Drucker commented that “Schools and universities will change more

drastically than they have since they assumed their present form 300

years ago when they organized themselves around the printed book”.

Particularly, as a result of rapid developments in computer

technology and the Internet, its use in education has produced the

concept of e-learning.

Due to people’s different educational needs in recent years, the

need for e-learning is increasing. As we look at factors in the

development, e-learning approach becomes very important today. The

independence of the e-learning environment from time and space is

an important factor for students (Emir, 2016). E-learning is a great

opportunity for those individuals who have little time to study

because of work or other commitments as well as those who cannot

undertake or continue face to face education because of physical

barriers (Bates, 2015). In Turkey, e-learning undergraduate,

postgraduate and certificate programs are very popular in Turkey.

In order to ensure the organization and follow up of e-learning

courses, the learning management system software is used (Aydin &

Birogul, 2018). This software provides for student registration,

course registration, course monitoring synchronous, asynchronous

access to teaching resources, assessment and evaluation of activities.

One of the most important issues in e-learning is measurement and

evaluation (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, & Zvacek, 2016).

According to the nature of e-learning, the measurement and

evaluation process are undertaken through computers or Internet via

online exam modules. It is seen that the test results of students in

the Internet environment is almost identical to the test results of the

classroom environment and people prefer taking tests in the Internet

environment. However, problems derived from the user or the system

can occur and online assessments in e-learning have many potential

limitations (Scalise & Gifford, 2016).

Moreover, distance learning is not a new fact phenomenon, its

popularity has increased the interest and visibility in distance

learning as a new method of research and learning to enhance the

audiences (Gasevic, Kovanovic, Joksimovic & Siemens, 2014). In

addition, the line between distance education and traditional

education has become blurred, as many establishments have

incorporated blended learning into their programs and courses. Some

on-campus classes, using a blended approach, also incorporate

opportunities for online discussions so that student conversations

can continue beyond the classroom (Jacobs, Renandya, & Power,

2016). Online learning platforms can potentially increase student

engagement and interactivity, thus contributing toward enhancing

students' satisfaction with distance learning. The issue to be

explored here is the design and structure of online discussion, and

attention also needs to be given to the course design and the

management process of the course, and the construction of activities

and organizational structures that lead to a proper environment for

distance learning. Identifying the extent to which online interactions

demonstrate meaningful student learning becomes crucial to

understanding the learning potential that is afforded through such

things as online discussion forums.

Online course design based on Moodle provides a variety of

tools to students such as email (asynchronous), chat rooms

(synchronous), discussion forums and course content spaces: these

features offer students a range of interactive opportunities,

including student-to-content, student-to-instructor interaction and

student-to-student. As a learning platform, Moodle can enhance the

learning environment (Stanley & Adam 2014). In addition, this

platform has an extended range of criteria along with useful

features, such as offering access to the web-based environment from

any location, a day of 24 hours, a week of 7 days, so that student can

get instructions, submit and compose their assignments, ask their

instructors questions and discuss issues with their fellow students

with the help of internet connections (Gartner, 2014). The purpose

for this research was to highlight the connection between distance

learning and students' achievement, along with their autonomy and

satisfaction in the distance learning field. The research was

conducted at the Applied Science University in Gaza Strip,


While nearly half of community college students have taken at

least one fully online course, most enroll in only one or two online

courses each semester, filling the rest of their schedule with face-to-

face courses (Jaggars 2017; Public Agenda 2018). It is not clear,

however, whether students prefer this “mix-and-match” strategy, or

whether they would prefer to take all their courses online and are

simply thwarted by a lack of available offerings. In order to scale

online learning offerings appropriately, community college

administrators need a stronger understanding of the reasons students

take some courses online and others face to face.

Several previous studies have established that convenience and

flexibility are key factors that entice students to enroll in online

coursework Aslanian and Clinefelter 2013; Benbunan-Fich and Hiltz

2003; Farris, Haskins, and Yemen 2003; Hittelman 2001; Flowers and

Cotton 2003; Kariya 2003; Noel-Levitz 2006). In contrast, few

students choose an online course because they believe it will provide

a superior learning experience (Farris, Haskins, and Yemen 2003;

Aslanian and Clinefelter 2013; Public Agenda 2013). For example, in

a recent survey of community college students, only 3% believed

that students learn more in an online-only class than in a face-to-

face class (Public Agenda 2018).

Related Studies

Foreign Studies

Students may also be dissuaded from online learning if they or

a peer have had a negative academic experience with an online

course. Negative experiences can arise from technical problems

(Wang 2018; Zavarella 2018), a reduced sense of instructor and peer

presence (Bambara et al. 2019; El Mansour and Mupinga 2017), or

difficulties handling the degree of time-management and self-

directed learning required by many online courses (Bork and Rucks-

Ahidiana 2013). Perhaps due to such factors, community college

students tend to perform more poorly in online than in face-to-face


During the COVID-19 pandemic, e-learning has turned into an

important alternative for reforming the entire traditional education

system. Both teachers and students have had to change their

behaviors, their teaching/learning style, assessment methods, and so

forth. This reform has brought about several benefits, but has caused

tensions and frustrations among both the beneficiaries of the

teaching act and the educational actors. E-learning has shown that it

is necessary to model the behaviors of all parties involved. In order

to streamline the educational process, especially the one carried out

in the university environment, creative and constructive

interventions are required. These would solve specific problems and

could lead to ensuring the sustainability of education.

At this point, some questions arise. If we managed to replace

face-to-face learning with e-learning in a short period of time, will

things return to normal at a certain moment or not? Have the benefits

of e-learning been identified that will lead to innovation in

education? What are the disadvantages of this form of education

compared to the face-to-face one?

Although e-learning has become a topic of discussion in the

late 1990s, only now, during the 2020 pandemic, it seems that the

world has focused almost entirely on e-learning for a longer or

shorter period of time, adapting and re-adapting to the new reality.

More and more studies have begun to emerge in this field of

research, as it has become increasingly exploratory and fertile for

worldwide researchers.

The preference for and/or the necessity of e-learning has

brought into question the dichotomy between this form of education

and the face-to-face one. The first is defined by the specialized

literature as "those specific teaching activities and information

transfer mediated by electronic and digital platforms facilitated by

the Internet". E-learning is part of a broader concept, namely

distance education. Face-to-face learning, on the other hand, is "an

instructional method where course content and learning material are

taught in person to a group of students", and is considered to be the

most traditional type of learning instruction.

The dichotomy of e-learning vs. face-to-face learning and all

that it entails has been given the attention of researchers for a

while. Experts in the fields of education and technology have studied

this topic from various perspectives, such as the differences between

e-learning and face-to-face learning, the advantages and

disadvantages of one over the other, students' attitudes towards one

form and/or the other, their emotions, whether positive or negative,

and their sense of belonging, to mention just a few. For example,

Oye et al. 2015 point out that e-learning is more student-centered,

compared to face-to-face learning, which is more teacher-centered,

as it does not focus exclusively on instructions and guidelines

coming from teachers, but it is individually adjustable to the

student. The difference between e-learning and face-to-face learning

has also been pointed out in relation to the main sources of

information, as well as the evaluation and quality of learning.

Whereas in face-to-face learning, students are evaluated exclusively

by teachers, who represent their main source of information, and the

quality of learning is strongly dependent on them, in e-learning,

students' evaluations can be carried out using tools, they can access

information from various documents uploaded onto the platforms,

and the quality of learning is strongly dependent on both the

teachers' level of digital training and their teaching style.

Most of the studies carried out in the field focus on the

advantages and disadvantages of e-learning vs. face-to-face learning.

Naved et al., 2017 argue that, unlike face- to-face learning, e-

learning has its advantages, such as flexibility, no need to travel to

school, and a low cost, requiring only an Internet connection.

However, this does not mean that e-learning does not have its

shortcomings, such as inequities in accessing technology or learning

computer skills, or even a lack of physical space for this

teaching/learning process. E-learning is dependent on technology,

the Internet, and various devices that not all potential beneficiaries

can access. Students' experience of quality learning is not only

related to the teachers' skills and abilities to capture attention

during the e-learning process but also to their own training,

characteristics, and digital skills. In e-learning, physical space

should foster involvement in interpersonal relationships, thus

encouraging didactic communication. In addition, some studies show

that e-learning does not have the same impact as face-to-face

learning. It seems that online students may lose their focus and miss

deadlines for different tasks. Over time, both teachers and students

may experience various negative effects from e-leaning, such as

sight problems (due to long periods in front of the screen) or back

pain, and, at the same time, they may feel the lack of activities in

open spaces.

Other studies have highlighted results that do not favor one

type of education over another but show a preference for combining

them. Alsaaty et al. point out that a large percentage of students in

the sample analyzed in their study have assimilated information

more from face-to-face learning than from e-learning. However,

they have positively perceived their experience in e-learning, even

though, at first, they encountered difficulties related to usage. The

American researcher Michael Tagoe has concluded that students

prefer blended courses that combine online activities with face-to-

face ones.

Local Studies

Teacher to student interaction may be limited to a phone

call or an email when students have a problem or question

according to (Murphy et al., 2010). (Rasmitadila et al., 2020)

stressed that technological readiness including technical

capacity, whether online use (TV learning, radio, online

applications) or offline (printed teaching materials, modules,

textbooks) was necessary to support the success of distance

learning. UNESCO (2020) stressed that one of the issues for

distance learning effectiveness was conditioned by

preparedness from various perspectives. One of which is the

pedagogical learning support readiness that includes

preparedness of teachers to design and facilitate online

learning, tv or radio-based distance learning, or print

materials-based distance learning or commonly referred to as

modular distance learning. Rasmitadila et al. (2020) stressed

that technological readiness including technical capacity,

whether online use (TV learning, radio, online applications) or

offline (printed teaching materials, modules, textbooks) was

necessary to support the success of distance learning.


Education plays an important role in shaping the lives of

students. In the process, teachers are one of the essential

instruments in delivering quality learning. Due to the

emergence of COVID 19 in the Philippines, a lot of changes

happened in the educational landscape. One of these is the

mode of instruction that was implemented by the Department of

Education. The current COVID 19 crisis has obliged most

education systems to adopt alternatives to face to face teaching

and learning. Many education systems moved activities online,

to allow instruction to continue despite school closures (OECD,

2020). The shift of the teaching learning delivery i n schools to

modular distance learning made more challenging, on the part

of the school personnel, the delivery of basic quality education.

That is why DepEd leaders are always finding avenues to solve

the problems and capacitating its teachers and school heads to

become more effective in the field of modular distance learning

Bagood (2020) also added that identified teaching personnel

together with the Education Program Supervisors prepared

modules starting in May 2020 in all subjects for a ll grade/year

level across four quarters in accordance to the “Most Essential

Learning Competencies”. These self learning modules are

already considered learning packages containing pre test,

discussion, and a series of evaluation/assessment. They are

distributed to all learners with the modular learning class

schedule. Indeed, this kind of instructional modality has been

followed by public school teachers all over the Philippines.

Teachers play a vital role in the continuous delivery of quality

education amid the pandemic. According to the study conducted

by Lapada et al. (2020) teachers were highly aware of the

presence and consequences caused by the COVID 19 pandemic.

Despite the threats of the COVID 19 pandemic, teachers

continue to serve by formulating modules as the learning guide

of students. The teacher thus becomes a facilitator in the

development of the student, both as a member of their

community and a member of their society (Martineau et al.,

2020). However, Malipot (2020) stressed that teachers also air

their problems on modular distance learning. Bagood (2020)

highlighted that as front liners in the educational system, they

have undergone various training and seminars to be more

equipped in delivering better education amid the COVID 19

pandemic as it is a norm of the department to train teachers

not just for professional growth but to become read y for

unexpected circumstances.


This chapter presents the methods and procedures used in

gathering the data needed by the study such as the profile of

the students of Electrical Engineering Department of La Patria

College and their perception on the factors affecting their

hybrid learning: online classes versus face to face classes.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive method of research. The

design seemed appropriate since the purpose of this inquiry

was to describe and analyze the factors affecting the hybrid

learning of Electrical Engineering Students of La Patria College

School Year 2021 - 2022.

According to Santiago (2019), descriptive research

concerns the present situation, the prevailing conditions, and

current practices, contemporary events the characteristics of

groups of individuals, their behavioural patterns, attitudes or

opinions. Since the design deals with what information is to be

gathered, data becomes easy. Data collected through this

research method may result in a proposed program of

development for better improvement on the main subject matter

of the study.

Locale of the Study

The research will be conducted at La Patria College

Electrical Engineering Students located at Calao West, Santiago

City. It will be conducted personally and thru online means

depending on what the respondents are having in their hybrid



The study will involve currently enrolled students in the

Electrical Engineering Department who were randomly selected

and who are currently undergoing the hybrid learning program

as implemented by the Department of Education school year

2021 – 2022.

The researcher used a survey questionnaire in gathering

the data needed in the specific problems of the study. The said

instrument is composed of two parts: Respondents demographic

data, and their perception of the factors that affect the hybrid

learning program, online classes versus face to face classes.

The respondents demographic data includes the following

information which the respondents were required to provide

gender, age, and year level.

The second part of the questionnaire required respondents

to assess themselves objectively and their degree of their

preference to a particular behavior or characteristics on the

factors affecting the hybrid learning program implemented by

the Department of Education.

Data Gathering Procedure

 The researcher, to be able to gather the data needed

for the study secured permission from the dean of the

Electrical Engineering Department of La Patria College

school year 2021 –2022 to conduct a survey among the


 The researcher distributed personally the

questionnaires to the participants and explained to

them the objective of the study regarding the


 The result of the survey was summarized by the

researcher by tallying and tabulating the responses of

the subject respondents.

 The researcher also made an observation of the

students and their parents during his home visits to

the residence of the respondents.

Research Instrument

A survey questionnaire will be constructed by the

researcher to collect the necessary information for the

completion of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researcher used statistical measures to properly

conduct a scientific presentation, analysis and interpretation

of the data gathered frequency and percentage count will be

used. Stated below is the formula for frequency and percentage


P=_______________ * 100


P = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Total number of respondents

100 = Constant for percentage

As to evaluate the factors affecting the hybrid learning

program being implemented the respondents and their

perception was subjected to the Five point Likert Scale.

The points, range and descriptive (qualitative)

interpretation used in this study were as follows:

POINTS RANGE Interpretation

5 4.51-5.0 Excellent

4 3.51-4.5 Good

3 2.51-3.5 Average

2 1.51-2.5 Poor

1 1.00-1.5 Very Poor

The formula used to compute Weighed Mean is as follows:


X = ------------------


X = Mean

fx = Sum of the product of the scores

N= Total number of Score


Please provide the following information:


Age: Gender:

Year Level:

DIRECTION: Use the scale of 1-5 to indicate your response to the

following statements are indicative of your preferences. Check your



1 2 3 4 5

Online Connectivity 1 2 3 4 5

Unstable internet connection during

online classes

Availability of mobile phone and laptop

for use on online classes

Reliability of mobile data

Knowledge on online applications 1 2 3 4 5

Ability to use online platforms in file


Use of electronic mail accounts for

registration to different online platforms

Manipulation of links sent for use in

joining online classes

Language Used 1 2 3 4 5

The words used in the online classes are

correctly used.

The vocabulary used is suitable to the

comprehension level of students.

Instructions to students are clear and

easy to follow.

The lessons are presented in

paragraphs/sentences that are

grammatically correct.

The online classes is accompanied by

clear and specific directions for their


Evaluation Activities 1 2 3 4 5

The online quizzes and exams has

provision for pretest, self-assessment and

posttest in each lesson.

The tests/evaluation activities are easy

to score.

The items in the evaluation are congruent

to the specific objectives.

There are test items which measure

higher-order thinking skills (HOTS).

The test items cover the important

competencies to be developed.

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