NSTP 2 Riviewer

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Develop conscientization ability

REVIEWER 6. Acquired first hand experiences in dealing community
MODULE ONE: Community Immersion works

Community is a group of living things sharing the same 7. Chance to learn new skills
environment, they usually have shared interests, have WHOM DO YOU IMMERSE WITH IN THE COMMUNITY?
some of the same beliefs and needs, and this affects the Community based service projects must be premised on
identity of the group and the people in it. the principle of people improvement and not the ‘dots
Arlien Johnson - according to him, community refers to cut’ mentality teach people how to fish so that they will
a group of people gathered together in any geographic live for a lifetime.
area, large or small, who have common interest, actual
or potentially recognized in the social welfare. WHAT YOU SHOULD AND SHOULD NOT DO IN
Two Category of Community COMMUNITY IMMERSION?
1. Geographical – people living in same location It is the basic rule that trainees must be well-versed
example village or town with this area, skilled to communicate with community
2. Functional – the aggregate group of people, they not and disciplined to keep yourself.
living in one area but bonded as one community having Before the conduct of community immersion:
common values or fight. 1. Familiarized yourself with the basic information and
Example: Gabriela theories regarding community life.
Elements of Community 2. Secure a waiver from the NSTP Office prior to the visit
1. Demographic and have it signed by your parents.

2. History 3. Always inform your faculty in-charge of your

destination, time able and plan of action.
3. Culture
4. Be armed with background information about the
4. Economy area for immersion.
5. And structure 5. Pay courtesy call to community leaders whether
Community Immersion - Is an essential strategy in formal or informal.
community organizing work that entails better 6. Secure documents like a letter of acceptance from
understanding of the different community concerns, the community.
process, dynamic and lifestyle through exposure and
engaging different activities. 7. Bring your own personal provisions like water, snacks
and extra shirt.
- This gives them the opportunity to reflect on their
assumptions, attitudes and to gain knowledge in
cultural diversity. During the Actual Community immersion period
8. Be courteous to everyone whether to a vendor or a
IMMERSION? 9. Act properly and discreetly.( YOU ARE REPRESENTING
1. Opportunity to comprehend people’s live YOUR SCHOOL AND YOUR FELLOW


3. Enhance experience in conducting survey and
researches 10. Wear proper uniforms and identification card.

4. Establish rapport and relationship with different 11. It is highly advised to keep your valuables secured.
individuals 12. Always document your visit.
13. Always ask for permission from concerned people
when you have to take pictures.

Phase 2: Entering the Community

After community immersion In this phase, it is necessary to have community
14. Validate and evaluate if the programs and activities mapping of the target area. It will help identify
were conducted appropriately and as planned. the geographic coverage of the project and help
15. Provide copies of your final documentation output point out the resource must be used by the
to the NSTP Office and to the community trainees and the relationship of people with
these resources.
Where you conducted your immersion for records
purposes. According to Manalili(1990) ,community
immersion can enter the community thru:
1. Ostentatious entry
Unit Two: The Process of Community Immersion
2. Banking of Peoples weakness
Community immersion refers to the strategy that goes
3. Academic Style of Entry
beyond acquitting us with the community.
4. People-centered approach
Phase 3: Community Integration
6 PHASES of community immersion
Community integration enables participants to
Phase 1: Pre-immersion:
have a direct contact and become involved local
Identification of the community where the students will environment. The involvement of trainees is
be immersed. more personal which help them to more
 Trainess must be prepared physically and concern with the problems/issues.
mentally, must have have waivers from their Integration can be done thru;
parents informing the mandate of undergoing
a. Boarder style (To know their rules)
community immersion.
b. Elitist style (Their belief and capabilities)
 Must submit all necessary requirements
necessary to the community immersion. c. People-centered approach

 The community is also being prepared and Phase 4: Community Assessment

informed. Needs Assessment- is a systematic process of
 Trainees must set a criterion in selection of an identifying and evaluating specific needs of a group or
area for immersion. community. This will help identify what project or
Factor to be considered are: program to be given.

1. Community must belong to the deprived,  The immersion in the community is not only
depressed and underprivileged make them realize their issues but make them
act about the issue.
 It is very important that people must realize
2. Willingness and support of the local partners
that they can do something to change their
to the project.
situation for the better.(How to improve
3. Anticipated and demand falls within the themselves to help them to improve their life.)
resources of the students.
 We can only offer effective program if there is
4. Places that is not saturated by other an assessment done on the needs of the
agencies. community, thus, it ensure the right solution in
5. Stable peace and order and accessibility. the problems, issues and concerns of the
community. (When we identified their
problems, what they need, that’s the time that
we have to assess them through the effective
programs) To ensure the success of the NSTP community project
the following are to be considered:
Importance of Needs Assessment  Program must cater the needs of the
a. Gather information about the people’s attitude community
and options  Contribute for the upliftment of economic living
b. Identify the rank of problems, issues and  Maximize the local resources
opportunities according to the urgent or
 Tap the potentials of the client and give due
c. Gather opinion from the people in determining
 Object must be SMART
policies, goals and priorities
 Project undergo step-by-step process
d. Provide to shared owns opinion and thinking
 Documented
e. Provide speculation about what people really
want.  Project is within the capacity of the trainees and
Information to be Included in Assessing Community must have a shared
Needs  Commitment
a. Historical Development
b. Geographic and Transformation Information Phase 6: Termination of Project
c. Political and Legal F unction  The last stage of managing the project, and
d. Demographic and Economic Data occurs after the implementation phase has
Methods in Collecting Data
 Acceptance testing has been carried out, and
a. Focused Group Discussion (FGD)
the project deliverables have been handed over
b. Community Forum/Assembly to the community/client.
c. Public records  The trainees should inform the community on
d. Survey the status of the project and other details in
relation with the project.
Phase 5: Program /Project Implementation
 If the trainees want to continue the project like
 The actual execution of the plan is called
doing voluntary work it will expresses the value
project /program implementation.
of maka-bayan.
 The implementation phase involves putting the
project plan into action.
Unit Three: The Planning and Implementation
 The trainees will coordinate and direct project
resources to meet the client needs. These What is Project Planning?
includes the list of officials involved with the Project is defined as an effort to create or modify a
project, schedule of every events day to day specific service
activities, the needs of the clients, manpower
Plan is defined as “an outline which consists of
needed for the program, conduct of monitoring
strategies and specific actions or steps to be undertaken
and evaluation and the culminating activities. It
in order to reach the goals.”
always focused on the needs of the community
or the client. Insufficient planning will always lead to unsuccessful
project whereas good planning lead to successful
Project goals and achievable activities are more likely project or cite issue in some publication related
to succeed in delivering the project objective. to the problems.
Poor plan will never deliver good results. b. Justification of the Project - Explain the
Project Proposal describe a proposed project and its importance of the project in solving the existing
purposes, objectives and the steps that will be taken to issues, it provides Expected outputs, derived
complete the project. benefits from the project. Consist of 3-5
c. Benefits derived from the Project - The
Purpose of Making Project Proposal in the Light of advantages that the project will bring if
NSTP: implemented.
• Guides the trainer and trainees in designing a program d. Coverage - The area where the project will be
for the community. implemented.
• Facilitates the implementations, monitoring and 7. Methodology - The strategies to be use in order to
evaluation of the project achieve the objectives of the project.
• Serves as a database in making reports as 8. Detailed Budgetary requirements and Detailed
requirement to the course. schedule of Activities - All budgetary requirements of
• Serve as reference for trainees to give the right all activities to be undertaken. Detailed schedule is the
information of the project. date of activities/program to implemented time and
• Serve as data for research work. number person involved.

Parts of Project Proposal for NSTP Immersion Project Unit Four: Documentation, Monitoring and evaluation
of NSTP Community-Based Project
1. The Title. Catchy to the readers and must be
written in capital letter, bold and centered Documentations - is a proof that projects are
2. Project Proponents: Persons involved with the
project. Enumerate the name of person, year A documentation - requires information on the
and level, college. development in the management relevant to the work
and program.
3. Implementing Units/Implementers: It must be
1. Update status report
noted that in writing this part of the proposal,
capital letters must be used to 2. Information on the work methods used and
4. Project Duration: Specify days, weeks and
months needed to complete the project. 3. Serve as references for:
5. Objectives of the Project: Must be written in a. source data for requirements
operational terms on what you intend to b. evidence for rating the performance and
solve.The objective must be specific, growth
measurable, attainable, realistic and time
bound. c. monitoring and evaluation purposes

6. Project Description. The following standard d. evidence for the support extend
must be observed;
a. Background of the Project - At least three List of form required for documentation during
paragraphs that describe a background of the community immersion for trainees.
project describing issue/problems that have 1. waiver
influence the project. Identifying particular
advantages or disadvantages over present 2. letter request to the barangay
3. acceptance letter of barangay
4. Memorandum of Agreement Why we need to evaluate?
5. Narrative report format 1. Provide information on the progress,
For trainers: accomplishment and degree of
1. Copy of all documents for immersion of students
2. Serve as basis for empowerment in carry
2. Grade sheet out activities
3. Accomplishment report 3. Avenue for revision and adjustment
4. Program of instruction 4. Provide opportunity to experience and
Monitoring is the routine process of data collection and develop skills
measurement of progress toward program objectives. What to Evaluate?
 Monitoring involves counting what we are 1. Effort
2. Effect – the outcomes of the effort
 Monitoring involves routinely looking at the
3. Adequacy – effectives of the project
quality of our services
4. Efficiency – the benefits of the project
5. Process – how and why
Monitoring addresses the following questions:
1. To what extent are planned activities actually
realized? Are we making progress toward achieving our
objectives? How the project Evaluated?
2. What services are provided, to whom, when, how 1. The objectives of the project
often, for how long, and in what context?
2. Program of activities and implementation procedures
3. How well are the services provided?
3. Expected outcomes
4. What is the quality of the services provided?
5. What is the cost of service?

Monitoring also assesses the extent to which a

program or project:
1. Is undertaken consistently with each design or
implementation plan
2. Is directed toward the specified target group
Tools for Monitoring
1. Journal or Process recording
2. Gantt chart
3. Summary checklist
Evaluation - is a systematically investigate a programs’
Evaluations are conducted to find out what has
happened as a result of a project or program or a set of
projects and programs. The conduct of evaluation must
be before, during and after the project.

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