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Tau Gamma Phi

Local Council Code

First Edition

POLICY AND APPLICATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3


THE LOCAL COUNCILS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5

CHAPTERS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20


TRISKELIONS ALUMNI ORGANIZATIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26

AND RECOGNITION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27

REVENUES AND DISBURSEMENTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29


RULES ON RECALL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34

COUNCIL CODE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35

SIGNED APPROVAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35
TAU GAMMA PHI National Assembly
Special Session

Begun and held in the City of Legazpi, on Saturday, The Fourteenth day of
September, Two thousand and Two.

[National Assembly Act. No. 001]




SECTION 1. Title. This Act shall be known and cited as the “Local Council
Code of 2002.”

SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy

1. It is hereby declared a policy of the Fraternity that its

jurisdictional subdivisions shall enjoy genuine and meaningful
local autonomy to enable them to attain their fullest
development of their potentials as self-reliant Triskelion
communities and make them more effective partners in the
attainment of fraternal goals. Towards this end, the Fraternity
shall provide for a more responsive and accountable Local
Council structure through a system of decentralization whereby
local councils shall be given more powers, authority,
responsibilities and resources.

2. It is also the policy of the Fraternity to ensure the accountability

of Local Councils through the institution of effective mechanisms
of recall, initiative, and referendum.
SECTION 3. Operative Principles of Decentralization. The formulation and
implementation of policies and measures on local autonomy shall be guided by
the following operative principles:

1. The Fraternity shall ensure the implementation of a Local Council

Code and that the local councils are allocated their powers,
functions, duties, and resources;

2. In all circumstances, the Fraternity shall adhere to the Principle

of Subsidiarity as provided for in Article X of the National
Constitution of the Fraternity;

3. The organizational structure of the Local Councils shall be a

replication of the National Council structure to ensure
effectiveness and efficiency in communication and maximize
their capacity to improve the welfare of their constituents.
However, the titles of the positions shall be changed for greater

4. Local participation shall be ensured and enhanced by providing

the Local Councils with opportunities to actively and effectively
implement national policies and projects;

5. The National Council shall ensure that decentralization

contributes to the continuing improvement of the performance of
Local Councils and the continuous uplifting of the quality of local

6. Supervision of the local councils shall be vested upon the Vice

Premiers who shall in turn be directly accountable to the
Executive Vice-Premier.


SECTION 4. The Fraternity shall adopt the geo-political subdivisions of the

Republic of the Philippines, from the Regional to the Community level, in
accordance with Article IX of the Constitution of the Tau Gamma Phi. However,
the Vice Premiers may recommend its modification upon submission of a signed
resolution by the Local Councils involved.

SECTION 5. A territorial subdivision may be merged, abolished, or given
probationary status by the National Executive Council upon the recommendation
of the Vice Premier of the territory for reasons of inefficiency or violations of this

SECTION 6. In cases where the next jurisdiction organ in the line of command
is not organized, the responsibility shall evolve to the next established higher


SECTION 7. The Regional Councils

1. There shall be created Regional Councils composed of the

various Provincial Councils and patterned after the revised
ordinance adopted by the National Congress of the Republic of
the Philippines.

2. The Regional Council shall be bestowed with the executive,

judicial, and legislative powers of the Fraternity in the
designated area.

3. The Regional Council shall be composed of the Regional

Assembly, the Regional Executive Council, and the Regional
Judicial Council.

4. There shall be at least three (3) Provincial Councils in a

Regional Council.

SECTION 8. The Regional Assembly

1. The Regional Assembly shall be legislative organ of the

Regional Council.

2. The Regional Assembly shall be composed of all incumbent

officers of the various Provincial Councils and all incumbent
Presidents of Federated Provincial Alumni Organizations within
the region with the exception of the Metro Manila Regional
Council, which shall be composed directly of the City and
Municipal Chairmen, and all incumbent Presidents of Federated
City or Municipal Alumni Associations.

3. The Regional Assembly shall act as a collegial body, which shall

be presided over by the Regional Vice Secretary-General. He
shall cast vote only in case of a deadlock.

4. Duties and Powers of the Regional Assembly

a. To elect the Secretary-General and the Vice Secretary-


b. To assist the National Council in the implemention of its

policies, programs, and projects.

c. To formulate and adopt ordinance and measures for the

promotion of the welfare of all the Provincial Councils in
its area.

d. To encourage participation of the general membership in

the administration of the local councils in order to
promote a united and concerted effort for the attainment
of the development goals of the National Council.

e. To give priority to programs designed for the total

development of the Provincial Councils in consonance
with the policies, programs and projects of the National

f. To serve as a forum for crystallizing and expressing

ideas of its constituents seeking the necessary
assistance and provide avenues for mutual cooperation.

g. To confirm or defer the appointments of the Regional

Directors and Staff after a thorough background check.

h. Meetings, Quorum, and Manner of Voting.

i) The Regional Assembly shall hold bi-annual

meetings. The time, date and place shall determined
by its members. Special Regional Meetings may be
called by the Secretary-General or upon petition of at
least one-half (1/2) of its members.

ii) At all Regular or Special Meetings of the Regional

Assembly, three-fourths (3/4) of the total number of
members shall constitute a quorum.

iii) All Officers of recognized Provincial Councils are
qualified to vote and participate in all deliberations
and in decision-making.

SECTION 9. The Regional Executive Council

1. The Regional Executive Council shall be the executive and

implementing arm of the Regional Council.

2. The Regional Executive Council shall have the following powers

and functions:

a. To ensure the smooth implementation of the

programs and policies of the National Council;

b. To endorse to the Vice Premier of the area, the

recognition of newly established provincial, city and
municipal councils and local chapters or the
suspension of the same upon the recommendation
of the lower echelon of the Fraternity.

c. To recommend to the Vice Premier of the area the

recall of erring or non-functioning elected provincial

d. To tap and develop potential sources of regional


e. To implement all regional ordinances and

measures adopted by the Regional Assembly.

f. To mobilize and coordinate the various Provincial

Councils in the area toward the attainment of
regional goals and objectives.

g. To propose to the Regional Assembly amendments

and/or revisions to regional ordinances and
measures in order to streamline existing

3. Officers of the Regional Executive Council

A. The Secretary General :

i. The Secretary-General shall be Chief Executive

Officer of the Regional Council. He shall be

responsible for the proper administration of his
jurisdiction territory.
ii. The Secretary-General shall hold office for a term of
two (2) years and shall be elected by the members of
the Regional Assembly upon consultation with the
lower echelons of the Fraternity under their respective

iii. Powers and Duties of the Secretary-General:

1. To ensure all programs, projects and activities of the Regional

Council are accomplished and in line with national thrusts.

2. To preside in all Regional Executive Council meetings.

3. To appoint and remove the Regional Executive Secretary, the

various Regional Directors, the Regional keeper of the Chest,
the Regional Auditor, and the members of the Regional Judicial

4. To present to the Regional Assembly for consideration the

program of government and proposed ordinances, legislative
measures, and projects deemed necessary for the acquisition of
needs for the general welfare of all provincial councils in his
territory and the efficient implementation of National Council
Resolutions, Policies, Guidelines, Programs and Projects.

5. To prepare and submit to the Vice Premier a comprehensive

and consolidated quarterly report on development in the areas
under his direct supervision including the reports of all the
regional offices and provincial councils.

6. To create and abolish special committees that he deems

necessary to hasten fraternal progress in his area.

7. To subject to disciplinary action all erring or non-functioning

Regional Directors, staff, and Provincial Governor-Generals.

B. The Vice Secretary-General :

1. The Vice Secretary-General shall assist the

Secretary-General in the Administration of the region.

2. He shall represent the Secretary-General in meetings

and other functions when the latter cannot be
physically present.

3. He shall succeed the Secretary-General in case he
resigns, is recalled, dies or becomes physically or
mentally incapable of performing his duties and
responsibilities. He shall serve only for the duration of
the un-expired term.

4. He shall perform other duties and functions, which

may be assigned to him by the Secretary-General. He
may serve on concurrent basis if the situation

5. He shall be elected by the Regional Assembly and

shall serve for a term of two (2) years and will not be
eligible to serve for more than two (2) successive
terms in the same position.

6. He shall be the Presiding Officer of the Regional

Assembly but may only cast his vote in case of a

C. The Regional Executive Secretary :

1. The Regional Executive Secretary shall head the Regional

Secretariat and shall supervise its over-all operations.

2. The Regional Executive Secretary shall be appointed by the

Secretary-General from among the ranks of the Most
Distinguished Order of the Guardians in the area.

3. The Regional Executive Secretary shall keep records of all

fraternal documents, copies of which should be forwarded to the
territorial Vice Premier.

a. The Regional Executive Secretary shall be responsible

for keeping the minutes in all Regional Executive Council
and Regional Assembly meetings.

b. The Regional Executive Secretary shall assign the

specific tasks of the various regional offices.

c. To submit the financial report of the Regional Executive

Council to the Secretary-General and to the territorial

D. The Regional Secretariat :

1. The Regional Secretariat shall administer to the day-to-day

activities of the Regional Executive Council.

2. The Regional Secretariat shall be composed of the following:

a. The Regional Executive Secretary

b. The Regional Director for Budget and Finance

c. The Regional Director for Membership and Organization

d. The Regional Director for Communication and


e. The Regional Director for Special Projects

f. The Regional Director for Alumni Affairs

g. The Regional Director for Interior

E. The Regional Directors :

1. The Regional Directors shall have similar duties and functions

with their counterpart in the National Secretariat as defined in
Article VI of the Constitution of Tau Gamma Phi but the former’s
duties are limited to his jurisdictional area.

2. The Regional Directors must submit quarterly report to Regional

Executive Secretary regarding their accomplishments and

3. The Regional Directors for the Interior shall also serve a

concurrent Regional Wielder of the Whip.

4. The Regional Directors shall be appointed by the Secretary

General from the ranks of the Most Distinguished Order of the

F. The Regional Keeper of the Chest :

1. The Regional Keeper of the Chest shall account for all funds
earned and contributed. He shall disburse the same as ordered
by the Regional Executive Council.

2. The Regional Keeper of the Chest shall receive all dues a fees
collected from the Provincial, City, and Municipal Councils under
the Regional Council’s direct supervision.

3. The Regional Keeper of the Chest shall forward to the Office of

the Vice Premier and to the National Council through the
National Treasurer their allocated share from the above-
mentioned dues and fees.

4. The Regional Keeper of the Chest shall present a Typewritten

report of the itemized disbursements at all Regional Council

5. The Regional Keeper of the Chest shall submit to the Regional

Executive Secretary a quarterly financial report and an annual
financial report at the end of the fiscal year.

G. The Regional Auditor :

1. The Regional Auditor shall check and balance all disbursements

and procurement of funds at the end of the fiscal year and shall
submit a written report to the Regional Executive Secretary.

SECTION 10. The Regional Judicial Council

1. The Regional Judicial Council shall exercise the same functions

as that of the National Judicial Council but as applied to the
Regional Level.

2. It shall hear and litigate all cases pertaining to constitutional


3. Unresolved cases shall be forwarded to the National Judicial


SECTION 11. The Provincial Councils

1. There shall be created Provincial Councils. It shall be composed

of all the Municipal and City Councils within the province
including the chartered cities.

2. The Provincial Council shall bestowed with the executive

legislative, and judicial powers.

3. The Provincial Council shall be composed of the Provincial
Assembly, the Provincial Executive Council, and the Provincial
Judicial Council.

4. A Provincial Council shall be composed of at least three (3) City

or Municipal Councils.

SECTION 12. The Provincial Assembly

1. The Provincial Assembly shall be the policy making body of The

Provincial Council.

2. All incumbent officers of the City and Municipal Counclls and all
the incumbent Presidents of Triskelion Alumni Associations in
the Provincial shall compose the Provincial Assembly.

3. The Provincial Assembly shall act as a collegial body and Shall

be presided over by the Vice Governor-General.

4. The Provincial Assembly shall have the same functions as the

Regional Assembly as provided for in Section 7 of this Code but
as applied to the provinces.

5. The Provincial Assembly shall hold monthly meetings to assess,

plan, discuss, deliberate and render decisions on urgent
fraternal concerns. Special meetings may be called by the
Governor-General or upon petition of at least 50% of its

6. Three-fourth (3/4) of the total membership of the Provincial

Assembly shall constitute a quorum.

7. The Provincial Assembly shall hold regular quarterly

be determined by the body itself.

SECTION 13. The Provincial Executive Council

1. The Provincial Executive Council shall be the executive and

implementing arm of the Provincial Council.

2. The Provincial Executive Council shall have the same functions

and powers as the Regional Executive Council as provided for
in Section 8 of this Code but as applied to the province

3. The Officers of the Provincial Secretariat are:

a. The Governor-General :

i. The Governor-General shall act as the chief executive

officer of the Provincial Council and shall exercise
general supervision over all City and Municipal
Councils within his jurisdiction.

ii. The Governor-General shall hold office for a term of

two (2) years and shall be elected by the members of
the Provincial Assembly.

iii. The Duties and Powers of the Governor-General are:

1. To direct the supervision of the Provincial

Development Plan with assistance from the Provincial
Regents and the approval of the Regional Assembly.

2. To ensure that all officers of the Provincial Council,

City and Municipal Councils faithfully discharge their
duties and functions as provided by this Code and
cause to be instituted administrative or judicial
proceedings against any officer who has committed
an offense or violation.

3. To enforce all resolutions, policy instructions, and

Memorandum Circulars from the Regional and/or
National Council.

4. To ensure that all dues and fees are properly

collected from the City and Municipal Councils and
that the Provincial Council funds are applied to the
payment of expenses and settlement of obligations.

5. To appoint the Provincial Executive Secretary, the

Provincial Regents, the Provincial Keeper of the
Chest, the Provincial Auditor, and the members of the
Provincial Judicial Council.

6. To submit to the Secretary-General quarterly and

annual accomplishment reports.

b. The Vice Governor-General :

1. The Vice Governor-General shall represent the

Governor-General in all meetings and functions when
the latter cannot be present due to conflict in schedule
or illness.

2. The Vice Governor-General shall assume the office of

the Governor-General in case he resigns, dies, or is
physically or mentally incapacitated. He shall,
however, serve in such a capacity only for the
duration of the un-expired term.

3. The Vice Governor-General shall perform other duties

and functions, which may be assigned to him by the
Governor-General including acting concurrently as a
Provincial Regent.

4. The Vice Governor-General assists the Governor-

General in the performance of his duties.

c. Provincial Executive Secretary, Provincial Keeper of

the Chest and the Provincial Auditor :

Shall have the same functions as the Regional

counterparts as provided for in Section 9C3, 9F and 9G
of this Code but as applied to the Provincial Council.

d. The Provincial Secretariat :

1. The Provincial Secretariat shall administer to the day-to-

day activities of the Provincial Executive Council.

2. The members of the Provincial Secretariat are:

a. The Provincial Executive Secretary

b. The Provincial Regent for Budget and Finance

c. The Provincial Regent for Membership and


d. The Provincial Regent for Communication and


e. The Provincial Regent for Special Projects

f. The Provincial Regent for Alumni Affairs

g. The Provincial Regent for Interior

e. The Provincial Regents :

i. The Provincial Regents shall have similar duties and

functions with their counterpart in the Regional
Secretariat as defined in Section 9E of this Code but
as applied to his provincial jurisdictional area.

ii. The Provincial Regents must submit quarterly reports

to the Provincial Executive Secretary regarding their
accomplishments and performances.

iii. The Provincial Regent for the Interior shall also serve
as concurrent Provincial Wielder of the Whip.

iv. The Provincial Regents shall be appointed by the

Governor-General from the ranks of the Most
Distinguished Order of the Guardians.

SECTION 14. The Provincial Judicial Council

1. The Provincial Judicial Council shall exercise the same functions as

that of the National Judicial Council but as applied to the Provincial

2. It shall hear and litigate all cases pertaining to constitutional matters.

3. Unresolved cases shall be forwarded to the Regional Judicial Council.

SECTION 15. The City and Municipal Council

1. There shall be created City and Municipal Councils which shall

be composed of all the local school-based, community-based,
Alumni and Junior Triskelion chapters within the area.

2. The City or Municipal Councils shall be bestowed with the

executive, legislative, and judicial powers of the Fraternity within
the city or municipality.

3. The City or Municipal Council shall be composed of the City or
Municipal Assembly, The City or Municipal Executive Council
and the City or Municipal Judicial Council.

4. A City or Municipal Council shall be composed of at least three

(3) local chapters.

SECTION 16. The City or Municipal Assembly

1. The City or Municipal Assembly shall be the policy-making body

of the City or Municipal Council.

2. The City or Municipal Assembly shall be composed of all the

incumbent local chapter officers including Junior Triskelion
Chapters and Alumni Presidents except in Metro Manila and
other areas with numerous chapters. In such cases, the City or
Municipal council may decide to limit the participation to the
minimum so so as to facilitate easier handling.

3. Junior Triskelion Chapters shall, however, be limited to observer


4. The City or Municipal Assembly shall act as a collegial body and

shall be presided over by the City or Municipal Vice-Chairmen.

5. The City or Municipal Assembly shall have the same functions

as the Regional Assembly as provided for in Section 8 of this
Code but as applied to cities and municipalities.

6. The City or Municipal Assembly shall hold monthly meetings to

assess, plan, discuss, deliberate and render decisions on urgent
fraternal concerns. Special meetings may be called by the
Chairmen or upon petition of at least 50% of its members.

7. Three-fourths (3/4) of the total membership of the City or

Municipal Assembly shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 17. The City or Municipal Executive Council

1. The City or Municipal Executive Council shall be the executive

and implementing arm of the City or Municipal Council.

2. The City or Municipal Executive Council shall have the same

functions as the Regional Executive Council as provided for in
Section 9 of the Code but as applied to the cities and

3. Officers of the City or Municipal Council::

A. The Chairman :

1. The Chairman shall be the chief executive of the City or

Municipal Council. He shall have direct supervision over
all the local school-based, community-based, Junior
Triskelion, and alumni associations within his area of

2. The Chairman shall be elected by the members of the

City or Municipal Assembly and shall hold office for a
term of two (2) years.

3. The Duties and Powers of the Chairman are:

i. To supervise the formulation of the city or municipal

Development Plan with assistance from the City or
Municipal Deputies and the approval of the City or
Municipal Assembly and to submit the same to the
office of the Governor-General.

ii. To ensure that all officers of the City or Municipal

Council and chapter Grand Triskelions and Alumni
Presidents in his area faithfully discharge their duties
and functions as provided by this Code and cause to
be instituted administrative or judicial proceedings
against any officer who has committed an offense or

iii. To enforce all local ordinances and measures and

resolutions, policy instructions, and memorandum
Circulars from the Regional, Provincial and/or
National Council.

iv. To ensure that all dues and fees are properly collected
from the various chapters and that the City and
Municipal funds are utilized to the payment of council
expenses and settlement of obligations.

v. To appoint the City or Municipal Executive Secretary,

the City or Municipal Deputies, the City or Municipal
Keeper of the Chest, the City or Municipal Auditor,
and the members of the City or Municipal Judicial

vi. To submit to the Governor-General quarterly

accomplishment reports.

B. The Vice-Chairman :

1. The Vice-Chairman shall assist the Chairman in the

administration of the jurisdictional area and shall
represent the Chairman in meetings and other functions
when the latter cannot be present due to conflict in
schedule or illness.

2. The Vice-Chairman shall assume the chairmanship in

case the Chairman resigns, is recalled, dies or physically
or mentally incapacitated. He shall, however, hold the
position only for the remaining un-expired term.

3. The Vice-Chairman shall perform other duties and

functions as may be assigned to him by the Chairman
including that of being a concurrent City or Municipal

4. The Vice-Chairman shall be the Presiding Officer of the

City or Municipal Council.

5. The Vice-Chairman shall be elected by the City or

Municipal Assembly and shall hold office for two (2) year.

C. City/Municipal Executive Secretary, The city/Minucipal

Keeper of the Chest, and the City Auditor :

Shall have the same functions as their Regional Council

counterpart as provided for in Section 9C3, 9F and 9G of this
Code but as applied to cities and municipalities. They shall be
appointed by the City or Municipal Chairman preferably from the
ranks of the Most Distinguished Order of the Guardians.

D. The City or Municipal Secretariat :

1. The Municipal Secretariat shall administer to the day-to-day

activities of the City or Municipal Executive Council.

2. The members of the Municipal Secretariat are the following to


a) The City or Municipal Secretary

b) The City or Municipal Deputy for Budget and Finance

c) The City or Municipal Deputy for Membership and

d) The City or Municipal Deputy for Communication and


e) The City or Municipal Deputy for Special Projects

f) The City or Municipal Deputy for Alumni Affairs

g) The City or Municipal Deputy for the Interior

E. The City or Municipal Deputies :

1. The City or Municipal Deputies shall have similar duties

and functions with their counterpart in the Regional
Secretariat as defined in Section 9E of this Code, only
that the former’s duties are limited to his city or

2. The City or Municipal Deputies must submit quarterly

reports to the City or Municipal Executive Secretary
regarding their accomplishments and performances.

3. The City or Municipal Deputy for the Interior shall also

serve as concurrent Municipal Wielder of the Whip.

4. The City or municipal Deputies shall be appointed by the

Chairman from the ranks of the Most Distinguished Order
of the Guardians.

SECTION 18. The City or Municipal Judicial Council

1. The City or Municipal Judicial Council shall exercise the

same functions as that of the National Judicial Council
but as applied to the Provincial Level.

2. It shall hear and litigate all cases pertaining to

constitutional matters.

3. In cases, which remain unresolved, it shall be forwarded

to the Provincial Judicial Council.


SECTION 19. Local school-based and community-based chapters must have at

least 15 active members in order to qualify for recognition to the
City or Municipal Council or in its absence to the next higher
jurisdictional office.

SECTION 20. A chapter, which is not eligible for recognition due to lack of
members shall be directly supervised by the City or Municipal
Council until it meets the necessary requirements thereof.

SECTION 21. The chapters shall exercise the right to formulate their own policies
provided that it shall within the bounds of this Code.

SECTION 22. The Chapter General Assembly shall be composed of all the
resident members of a chapter. In all Chapter meetings, three-
fourths (3/4) of the total number of active resident members shall
constitute a quorum.

SECTION 23. The Chapter Grand Council shall act as the policy-making body of
The Chapter. It shall be composed of the Grand Triskelion (GT),
the Deputy Grand Triskelion (DGT), and the seven (7) Masters
(MTs) all of whom shall elected by the General Assembly of the
Chapter. The Grand Triskelion shall be the Presiding Officer of the


A. The Grand Triskelion (GT)

1. The Grand Triskelion is the Chief Executive of the Chapter. He

shall preside over all Chapter and Grand Council meetings.

2. The Grand Triskelion shall be directly responsible to the City or

Municipal Chairman, under whose jurisdiction his chapter is
geographically located, for the proper operation of his Chapter.

3. The Grand Triskelion shall represent his Chapter in all City or
Municipal Assembly meetings.
4. He shall have the right to formulate project proposals and
programs intended for the entire City or Municipal Council
subject to the approval of the City or Municipal Assembly.

5. The Grand Triskelion shall appoint the Master Keeper of the

Chest (MKC), the Master Keeper of the Scroll (MKS), and the
Master Wielder of the Whip or Master Initiator (MWW / MI).

6. The Grand Triskelion shall appoint each of the seven (7) elected
Master Triskelions to hold a specialized committee and shall be
then called the Master Triskelion for:

a. Information and Communication

b. Membership and Organization

c. Budget and Finance

d. Interior

e. Special Projects

f. Alumni Affair

B. The Deputy Grand Triskelion (DGT)

1. The Deputy Grand Triskelion shall assist the Grand Triskelion in

the administration of the Chapter and shall represent the latter
in all meetings and official functions whenever he could not
attend due to conflicts in schedule or illness.

2. The Deputy Grand Triskelion shall assume the position of Grand

Triskelion if the latter resigns, is recalled, or is physically or
mentally incapacitated to perform duties and responsibilities.
However, he shall serve only for the remainder of the un-expired

3. The Deputy Grand Triskelion may be appointed by the Grand

Triskelion to hold a committee or perform other duties, which
may be given to him from time to time.

C. The Seven (7) Master Triskelions (MTs):

1. The Master Triskelions shall formulate the programs, projects,

and policies of the Chapter, which shall be presented to the
Grand Council for deliberation and approval.

2. The Master Triskelions shall supervise the implementation of

the approved programs, projects and policies.

3. The Master Triskelions shall formulate guidelines for the

effective and efficient operation of his committee.

4. The Master Triskelions shall have the same duties and functions
as their National counterpart but as applied to the Chapter.

D. The Master Keeper of the Scrolls (MKS):

1. The Master Keeper of the Scrolls shall be the chapter secretary

and shall keep the minutes of proceedings in all Chapter and
Grand Council meetings.

2. The Master Keeper of the Scrolls shall submit a copy of the

updated list of members of the Chapter to the Master Triskelion
for information and communication.

3. The Master Keeper of the Scrolls shall submit an annual report

to the City/Municipal Executive Secretary.

4. The Master keeper of the Scrolls shall be responsible for the

safekeeping of the following documents and to turn-over the
same to the incoming MKS at the expiration of his term:

a. Master list of members, whether active, inactive,

expelled, transferees or transferred to other chapters,
resident, and alumni complete with the batch date and
name, and updated mailing addresses and contact

b. Application Forms of neophytes and their status.

c. Progress and Development Reports.

d. Correspondences.

e. Memorandum from the higher jurisdictional council.

f. Minutes of Chapter and Grand Council meetings.

g. Chapter resolutions and policies.

E. The Master Keeper of the Chest (MKC):

1. The Master Keeper of the Chest shall be the Chapter treasurer.

2. The Master Keeper of the Chest shall be responsible in

forwarding the required dues and fees to the City or Municipal
Keeper of the Chest or directly to the next higher jurisdictional
office in case the City or Municipal Council is not yet

3. The Master Keeper of the Chest shall present a written report of

itemized collection and disbursements report at all regular
Chapter meetings and comprehensive annual report. Copies of
which shall be submitted to the City or Municipal Municipal
Keeper of the Chest.

4. The Master Keeper of the Scrolls shall be responsible for the

collection of all Chapter dues and fees.

F. The Master Wielder of the Whip (MWW) or Master Initiator


1. The Master Wielder of the Whip shall be responsible for the

proper implementation of the recruitment and initiation process.

2. The Master Wielder of the Whip shall submit a complete list of

new applicants to the City or Municipal Council and shall closely
coordinate with the Master Triskelion for Membership and
Organization and with the counterpart City or Municipal Deputy
or to the next higher organ in cases where the City or Municipal
Council has not yet been established.

3. The Master Wielder of the Whip shall act as Sergeant-at-Arms

in all Chapter meetings.

4. The Master Wielder of the Whip shall formulate ground rules for
initiation and rituals rites and shall closely monitor its progress.
He may subject violators to disciplinary action.

5. The Master Wielder of the Whip shall administer disciplinary

action to erring members upon orders of the Grand Council.

SECTION 25. There shall be established in all Chapters a Council of Elders
(CE), which shall be composed, by all of the past Chapter Grand
Triskelions who have finished their term of office and have been
elevated to the highest status of he Fraternity-The Most
Distinguished Order of the Guardians (MDG). The Council of
Elders shall act as an advisory body and shall function collegially.
It shall constitute itself into a Committee on Elections during
chapter elections.


SECTION 26. The highest membership status in the Tau Gamma Phi shall be
membership to the Most Distinguished Order of the Guardians
(MDG) as explicitly provided in Article III Section 2, Paragraph C of
the National Constitution of the Fraternity.

SECTION 27. Aims and Purposes of the Order:

1. To protect the highly honorable positions of the elected officers

with special emphasis on the offices of the Grand Triskelion, the
Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, Governor-General, Vice Governor-
General, Secretary-General, Vice Secretary-General, the
Premier, the Executive Vice-Premier, and Vice-Premiers.

2. To provide all Triskelions with the incentive to strive and achieve

the fulfillment of the Triskelions ideals and goals.

3. To boost the morale of members and provide guidance to the

incumbent officers.

4. To bestow honor to Triskelions who have made exemplary

contributions and achievements to the Fraternity.

SECTION 28. The power to accept Triskelions to the Order is bestowed upon the
Order itself.

SECTION 29. Requirements to the Order:

1. He must be a full-pledged senior member of the Fraternity

2. He should have accomplished an outstanding achievement for

the Fraternity relative to its growth, stability, and security.

3. He must be highly recommended by the Grand Council.

4. He must pass an interview and other requirements which the

Order may devise to check his worthiness.

5. He must be an active member.

6. Former Grand Triskelions may be admitted to the Order if he

has finished his full term of office.

SECTION 30. A Most Distinguished Guardians shall affix the abbreviation MDG
after his name in all fraternal documents and shall be addressed as
“Lord” by the applicants.

SECTION 31. A Most Distinguished Guardian may be removed from the Order
for any of the following causes:

1. Culpable violation of the Tenets, Codes of Conduct, and the

National Constitution of the Fraternity and its By-Laws.

2. Commission of acts proven beyond reasonable doubt to be

injurious to the name, honor, prestige and security of the Order.

SECTION 32. Expulsion of a Most Distinguished Guardian may be instituted

upon the unanimous decision of his fellows in the Chapter with the
concurrence of the Chapter Grand Council. The higher
jurisdictional council shall at all times be properly informed.


SECTION 33. The Fraternity encourages the formation of Triskelion Alumni

Associations either by school-based chapter, by office or
corporation or by profession, Municipal, Provincial and Regional

SECTION 34. All established school-based, office or corporation-based and by

profession based alumni associations within a jurisdictional area
shall federate themselves and elect its set of officers. Therefore,
there shall be city, municipal, provincial, and regional groupings of
alumni Associations.

SECTION 35. The presidents of alumni associations shall represent alumni

concerns in all Assembly meetings at the jurisdictional councils
within which the associations are geographically located. They
shall be voting members of the Assemblies.

SECTION 36. Role of the Triskelion Alumni Associations:

1. To ensure that all Triskelion Alumni within a jurisdictional area

shall not be left idle and be encouraged to maintain their active
participation in the lifetime pursuit of the Fraternity’s Supremacy.

2. To serve as venue for crystallizing ideas and make

recommendations beneficial to the Fraternity’s strategic goals.

3. To assist its chapter and council in accomplishing its programs

and projects specially particularly on matters relative to human
and resource development.

4. To accommodate, promote and support the formation of local

institutions to provide logistical support to the local councils.

5. To strengthen brotherhood through the interaction with other

alumni organizations.

6. To promote and support the formation of a Triskelion Chamber

of Commerce and industry and provide technical, financial or
logistical support to all programs and projects of the National
Council through the local councils.

SECTION 37. Triskelion Alumni Associations, whether school-based, of by office
or corporation-based, or by profession and City or Municipal,
Provincial, and Regional Federations in nature, may adopt its own
names and elects its set of officers based on perceived needs.


SECTION 38. As a general rule, individual Triskelions, whether resident or

alumni, shall register with his Chapter; a Chapter shall register to
the City or Municipal Council; a City or Municipal Council shall
register with the Provincial Council; the Provincial Council shall
register with the Regional Council; and the Regional Council shall
register with the National Council through the Office of the Vice-
Premier in the area.

SECTION 39. In the absence of an immediate Chapter or Council, the individual

Triskelion or Chapter, or Council shall register to the higher
jurisdictional Council of Office.

SECTION 40. Given the aforementioned circumstances, it is therefore possible

that a direct registration with the Office of the Vice-Premier may
take place. Therefore, in order to accommodate all Triskelions and
provide them the venue to be recognized by the National Council,
this code sets the following requirements:

1. A Regional Council is required to pay a Registration Fee of Php


2. A Provincial Council is required to pay a Registration Fee of Php


3. A City or Municipal Council is required to pay a Registration Fee

of Php 1,000.00;

4. A local Chapter is required to pay a Registration Fee of Php


5. An individual member is required to pay a Registration Fee of
Php 50.00.

SECTION 41. Privileges of Registered Chapter, Council or Individual:

1. Recognition by the National Council and the privilege to be

included in the database;

2. To apply for the Triskelion National Identification Card which

has incorporated health insurance and other privileges;

3. To subscribe to the regular publications, journals, and manuals;

4. To avail of the orientations, seminars, trainings and services

offered by the National Council and its institutions;

5. Information updates regarding the programs, projects, policies

and developmental thrusts of the Fraternity.

SECTION 42. The National Council through the Office of the Vice-Premier shall
provide the necessary Registration Forms to the Councils,
Chapters and individual members. Be it further understood that the
direct registration of individual members, chapters, and council
may be undertaken only if there is the absence of an immediate
higher jurisdictional order.

SECTION 43. All Chapters and Councils are required to submit to the next higher
jurisdictional council the following:

a) Quarterly Progress Reports

b) Quarterly Financial Reports

c) Annual Development Reports

d) Annual Financial Reports

e) Other documents which the National Council may

require from time to time

SECTION 44. The National Executive council shall formulate the implementing
Rules and Regulations to this chapter including Standard Reportorial Formats.


SECTION 45. Mandate to Create Resources and Revenues – The National

Councils is mandated to create its own sources of revenue, to
acquire assets, to levy dues and fees consistent with the basic
policy of uniformity, equitability based on ability to pay, and shall
not be unjust, excessive, oppressive and contrary to national
economic policy of the fraternity; but geared toward the needs of
all Territorial Councils.

SECTION 46. Securing the Revenues and Finances of the Fraternity – All
Collections from financial undertakings, assets acquisition,
collection of dues, fees, donations and other impositions shall not
be in the name of any person but shall be under the name of the
fraternity or to any institutions, initiatives and organization duly
recognized by the territorial councils and accredited
by the National Council.

1. All Territorial Councils shall open a savings account or current

account in order to bring together all financial revenues and
resources for quick interchange and recording purposes for
better monitoring and financial transparency.

2. All assets acquired by the Fraternity, shall be covered by a

Deed describing the assets and shall be turned over to the
trustee bank for safekeeping.

3. All finances of the local chapter, City and Municipal Councils

shall be Subjected by the City or Municipal Auditor to audit
every two (2) months; Regional and Provincial Councils and
Institutions shall be audited by the Regional And Provincial
Auditors on a quarterly basis, the National Executive Council
shall be audited by the National Auditor on a Semi-annual basis.

4. MI cash receipts and disbursement shall be accounted properly

by all the Territorial Council Keeper of the Chest. For
institutions, signatories to the savings account or current shall
be the President, and the Treasurer and/or the officer head for
Finance and Budget. For our Territorial councils, the leader of
the Council and the Keeper of the Chest and/or the officer head
for Finance and Budget.

5. Financial reportorial requirements will be strictly implemented
for monitoring and transparency purposes. The reports will
come from the chapter to the higher councils then the National
Council financial report down to the Territorial Councils.

SECTION 47. Source of Revenues – As to the reality and capacity of the

organization to generate revenues, there are three (3) categories
to describe the sources of revenues that will be defined as follows:

1. Common – Revenues that will have fixed rates and intended for
the maintenance of operations. These are :

a. Application for Membership (Alexis)

b. Triskelion Ritualized Member (Guidance Kit)

c. Annual dues (30)

d. Chapter Recognition dues to city or Municipal Councils.

e. Lower Council recognition dues to the higher Councils

2. Greater Mission – Revenues with either fixed rates or non-fixed

rates but geared and focused towards council formation,
organizational strengthening, membership benefits and values

a. National ID. – Every member is required to have a

National Identification Card to be renewed every 2 years.

b. Amusement fees – Jurisdictional Councils may levy fees

and dues from fund-raising projects from pop or rock
concerts, film showings, recitals, painting & art
exhibitions, flower & plant shows, cockfight matches
done within their jurisdictions. The dues are paid to the
fraternity receipted by the MKC before the gross receipts
are divided among the sponsors or entrepreneurs.

c. Insurance dues – in the absence of the state giving

assurance to the welfare of its members in terms of
accidental death, disability or hospitalization, then the
fraternity will inssure and impose a yearly or two year
insurance dues from the members, not exceeding
P100.00 to assure the members in case of accident and

hospitalization. The insurance shall be renewable every
two (2) years and incorporated in the National ID.

d. Memorabilia Interchange fees – All unsold T-Shirts, pins,

clocks, key chain, and other items that are memorabilia in
nature can be sold by the Territorial Councils or sold in
the National Council. But such will he charged fees when
purchased by our member including that of mailing fees.
Reproductions of such memorabilia will be charged
interchange fees and will be to the account of the

3. Institutional – Revenues from any organized initiatives,

professionals and business organizations that will regularly
support all the council budgetary resources and organization

a. Professional dues – share from the established Triskelion

institutions and alumni associations or organizations

b. Grants and Subsidies

c. Transaction Fees

d. Transferee Clearances Fees

e. Publications


distributed and shared to organized chapters and councils. If
established chapters do not have organized council structures the
percent share shall be held in trust by the bank until there will be
an established council structure. The percentage to be shared
from the revenues produced by the chapters to the higher council
are as follows:

(A) Sharing on all Common Revenues generated

(1) Chapters 50%

(2) City/Municipal Council 20%

(3) Provincial Council 10%

(4) Regional Council 10%

(5) VP 2.5%

(6) Office of EVP 2.5%

(7) National Council 5.0%

TOTAL 100%

(B) Sharing on all Greater Mission revenues generated

(1) National Office 50%

(2) Chapters 20%

(3) City/Municipal Council 10%

(4) Provincial Council 10%

(5) Regional Council 5%

(6) Vice-Premiers 2.5%

(7) Office of EVP 2.5%

TOTAL 100%

(C) Sharing on all Institutional Revenues generated

(1) Institutions or Org. Initiatives 40%

(2) Chapters 10%

(3) City/Municipal 10%

(4) Provincial Council 10%

(5) Regional Council 10%

(6) VP 2.5%

(7) Office of EVP 2.5%

(8) National Office 15%

TOTAL 100%


SECTION 49. Any member of the Fraternity may be meted disciplinary action,
suspension or expulsion on any of the following grounds:

a) Grave violations of the Tenets, Codes of Conduct, the

Constitution and the Local Council Code;

b) Malversation of Funds;

c) Habitual delinquency in the payment of dues and fees;

d) Gross violations of Chapter policies;

e) Gross violations of Council policies;

f) Acts of Immorality.

SECTION 50 All Triskelions shall have the right to due process and the right to
defend himself in a meeting specially convened for the purpose of
determining his guilt and subject to the following:

a. Any member has the right to file a formal complaint

against any officer or member perceived to have
committed a violation;

b. Litigation on the Chapter level shall be done in a General

Assembly meeting. If the is committed against a higher
council, the offended Council shall have the right to
litigate provided that the chapter is properly informed and
the violator subjected to investigation by the City or
Municipal, Provincial or Regional Council as the case
may be.

c. All cases that entail doubt or confusion may be appealed

to the Judicial Council of the area. If no decisive
resolution could be made still, the case may be
forwarded to the Judicial Council of the higher
jurisdictional organ.

d. Rules and policies on discipline shall not be retroactive.

e. All unsettled complaints on disciplinary action and
delinquencies may be forwarded to the National Judicial
Council through the Office of the Vice-Premier of the
territory who shall check on its merits.

f. All decisions regarding discipline must be forwarded to all

levels of the organization. The National Executive
Secretary may forward the same to the National
Secretary for Membership and Organization who shall
record the same in the database and move to revoke the
erring member’s identification card or restrict him from

g. The Local Assembly may enact litigation procedures in

the absence of guidelines from the National Council or
the National Judicial Council provided that such
procedures shall not impair or curtail the rights of the
accused as provided for in the National Constitution and
in this Code.


SECTION 51. Any elected local officer may be recalled for gross violations of the
Constitution, Tenets and Codes of Conduct, and the Local Council
Code of the Fraternity.

SECTION 52. Any Triskelion may propose the recall of any elected officer
through a member of the legislative arm of the Chapter or Council
subject to at least two-thirds (2/3) vote of approval of the total
numbers of members.

SECTION 53. All impeachment proceedings shall be done in a meeting specially

Called for the purpose of recall by the Chapter or Council.

SECTION 54. Impeachment shall not extend to disqualification to run for office in
The next election. However, suspension and expulsion may be
meted to the officer in question depending on the gravity of the

SECTION 55. Any member through the Governor-General of the Secretary-

General who shall present a formal proposal in a National
Assembly meeting may propose amendments and revisions to this

SECTION 56. Amendments and revisions shall be incorporated as part of the

Code after adoption by at least two-third (2/3) of the National
Assembly members who are present and constituting a quorum.

SECTION 57. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. If for any reason any provision of this
Code shall be held unconstitutional, other provisions hereof which
are not affected shall continue to be enforced.

SECTION 58. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE. This Local Council Code shall take effect
immediately upon ratification of the Special National Assembly
on the 14th of September in the year of our Lord 2002.


(Sgd.) Roberto Limbago MDG

Presiding Officer

(Sgd.) Martin Asturias MDG

Group 1 Representative

(Sgd.) Kristoffer Mendoda MDG

Group 2 Representative

(Sgd.) Jovy Jumao-as MDG

Group 3 Representative


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