Greek Mythology

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Mythology Hades

means "word" "speech" "tale" "story." King of the Underworld, ruler of the dead.

Etiology Poseidon

The cause or origins of phenomenon. God of the Sea and horses, bad temper, liked "wooing"
Goddesses and women, married to Amphitrite who bore
Etymology Triton (merman), punished mortals when they dishonored
him, known for his trident.
The origins of words of parts of words
King Zeus
Eos & Tithonus
King of the Gods and sky and law and punishment, weapon
Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.
is the thunderbolt, married to Hera, other wives bore him
Tantalus Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes and Dionysus, fooled
mortals and seduced them.
Something you want but you can’t have.
Other Olympians
Gaia & Ouranus
Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Hephaestus, Ares,
Earth and Sky gave birth to 12 Titans, 3 Cyclops and 3 Aphrodite, Dionysus.
Virgin Goddess of war and handicrafts, rational about war,
A titan, cuts of fathers genitals, locks up his brothers in Known for carrying the Gorgons head, born from Zeus's
Tartarus. head.

Cronus & Rhea Apollo

Woman gives birth to 5 children, Man eats them up, Zeus God of Prophecy and divination, music and arts, healing
is born but not eaten by father. and archery, Offensive, Known for holding a lyre and bow.

Young Zeus Artemis

Cronus’s cup bearer poisons his cup, all 5 children emerge Virgin Goddess of Hunting and of women, Protectress of
from Cronus and are unharmed, defeats Cronus and titans. nature, Sister of Apollo, Known for carrying a bow and
arrows and accompanied by animals.
Man carrying the world.
He is the God's messenger, God of travelers, merchants
The First Olympians and thieves, very clever, never married, Known for carrying
Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. a staff and winged sandals and hat.

Hestia Hephaestus

Goddess of hearth and its fire never left olympus. God of the forge, metalworking and fire, Created Pandora's
Jar, armor for Achilles, Heracles and Zeus's thunderbolt,
Demeter Known for carrying and axe or blacksmith tongs.

Goddess of the crops, bore Persephone with Zeus. Ares

Rape of Persephone God of War, stands for blood-lust , delighted about

slaughter, had sons Phobos and Deimos (Horror and Fear),
4 months of every year, she is in the underworld and unpopular, never married.
Demeter refuses to let things grow (winter).
Goddess of erotic love. beauty and sexual desire, married
Goddess of marriage and childbirth, Sister and Wife of to Hephaestus, helped start the Trojan War.
Zeus, Bore Ares and Hephaestus, easily offended, often
portrayed in art carrying a scepter and wearing a crown.
Dionysus Eurydice, but than killed her after breaking a promise to
Hades, died by being ripped apart by women.
God of grape harvest and wine making, ritual madness,
Known for his drinking vessel and ivy wreath. Oedipus

Pandora and her Jar Name means "swollen foot", fulfilled a prophecy that he
would kill his dad and marry his mom, after figuring this
Hephaestus created the first women, all Gods and out he plucked his eyes out, also guessed the Sphinx riddle.
Goddesses gave her a special gift, Zeus gave her a wicked
gift, She got curious and eventually opened her gift from Jason and Medea
Zeus, all sorrows and diseases came out into the world
except for hope. He built the ship Argo, invited many heroes (Heracles,
These,us, Orpheus), arrived back home to a dead family,
Prometheus died from a beam falling on his head, She was a crazy girl
that killed her own family to escape.
A titan that tried to trick Zeus, punishment was being
attacked by an eagle everyday, and his body would regrow Achilles
so the punishment could happen forever.
Was made immortal except for his heels (weakspot),
Age of Gold taught well in fighting and medicine, ate entrails when
young and was the Greeks strongest soldier in the Trojan
Cronus was king, worry free world War, died to Paris, wanted to be known throughout history.
Age of Silver Odysseus
Olympians made the second race of man, short lived era, Recruited Achilles, was very smart and strong, came up
Arrogant. with the idea of the Trojan Horse.
Age of Bronze The Trojan War
Zeus made another race, mighty and terrible, painful, Paris of Troy took Helen from the Greeks, took ten years,
everything was made of that material (in the name) many strong fighters in battle, Troy loses.
including the people, destroyed by themselves.
Age of Heroes
Dionysus grants him a wish, wishes for everything he
Zeus made another race, valiant in war and more just, era touches turns to gold, his daughter into gold, washed it off
of the demi-gods. in a river (Golden sand), ears turned into donkey ears.
Age of Iron The Furies
Zeus made another race, Good and evil combined, little Goddesses that punished for murder and other crimes,
repscet for the gods, Zeus destroys this race. justice, , 3 of them, born from Ouranus's genitals.
Heracles Helios
Choice between "vice" and "virtue", killed his wife and God of the Sun, lets his child drive and it crashes and burns
children because of Hera, served Tiryns king for 12 years, parts of the world (deserts), Clytie loved him and watched
gifts from the gods, his lover kills him using hydra blood. him cross the sky everyday (sunflower).
Perseus Echo
Was born from Zeus, had a prophecy that he would kill the Endlessly chattered, until Hera silenced her, only be able to
king, killed Medusa, accidentally killing the king with speak the last few words spoken by others (echos).
Medusa's head.


Slew the minotaur, helped Ariadne navigate the labyrinth,

died by being pushed off a cliff.


Singer and musician that could tame beasts and move

rocks, known when he went to the underworld to get back

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