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Unit Result Sheet

This form is used to record the student assessment Outcome/result for each assessment task in the Unit
of Competency. Student must complete the first section before submitting the assessment.

Students must complete all assessment tasks satisfactorily to be Competent (C) in the Unit of

The results will be updated within twenty-eight (28) days from your final submission date. Please check
your student portal regularly to make sure that your results are updated. If there are any discrepancies,
please discuss with the Trainer/Student Support Officer.

Student Use (Must Complete this section before complete assessment submission)

Student ID No

Student Name

Trainer / Assessor Name

Unit Code SITHCCC026

Unit Title Package prepared foodstuffs

First Re-Assessment/
Assessor Use Only
Submission Late Submission
Assessment Assessment Method Assessment Outcome
Assessment 1 Knowledge Questions S NYS

Assessment 2 Student Logbook S NYS

Final Assessment Result for this unit: C / NYC

Assessor Comments:

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment with this student, and I have
provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name: Signature: Date: / /

For electronic submissions only: By typing your name in the name / signature field, you are confirming the
information as being accurate.

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This cover sheet is to be completed by the assessor and used as a record of outcome of this assessment task.

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Unit Code: SITHCCC026

Unit Title: Package prepared foodstuffs

Assessment Task No: 1

Assessment Type: Knowledge Questions

Date of Submission:

Student Declaration

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have been advised of the assessment requirements, choose to be assessed and
am aware of my rights and responsibilities. The work submitted here is my own and does not include work that has
been copied from another student or plagiarized except where the work has been correctly acknowledged or as per
the specific assessment task instructions.

Student Signature:

Date: / /

For electronic submissions only: By typing your name in the name / signature field, you are confirming the
information as being accurate.

Assessment Outcome


S= Satisfactory |

NYS= Not Yet Satisfactory

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Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions

 This is an individual assessment.

 To ensure your responses are satisfactory, consult a range of learning resources and other
information such as handouts, textbooks, learner resources etc.

 To be assessed as Satisfactory in this assessment task, all questions must be answered correctly.

 Complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions.

 You will be required to answer all the questions correctly.

 Do not start answering questions without understanding what is required. Read the questions
carefully and critically analyse them for a few seconds; this will help you to identify what
information is needed in the answer.

 Your answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of the relevant concepts and
critical thinking.

 Be concise, to the point and write answers within the word-limit given to each question. Do not
provide irrelevant information. Remember, quantity is not quality.

 You must write your responses in your own words.

 Use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean, or exclude
individuals or groups based on attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual
preference or age. Gender-inclusive language should be used.

 When you quote, paraphrase, summarise or copy information from other sources to write your
answers or research your work, always acknowledge the source.

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Provide answers to all of the questions below.

1. What are the quality standards for packaging food for the following:

The portion size should be appropriate for the intended use of the food. For
Portion size
example, a single-serving snack should be packaged in a single-serving container

The food should be packaged in a way that ensures it remains safe and fresh for
its intended shelf life. This may involve using packaging materials that are
impermeable to oxygen or moisture, or that have antimicrobial properties

The food should be packaged in a way that minimizes the loss of freshness. This
may involve using packaging materials that are transparent or translucent, or
that allow the food to breathe

The food should be packaged in a way that is visually appealing to the consumer.
Visual appeal
This may involve using packaging materials that are brightly colored or that have
attractive graphics

2. List three labelling guidelines set for each of the following when packaging food:

Standard 1.2.3 - Labelling and Other Information: This standard sets

The Australia New Zealand
out requirements for the labelling of food, including the name of the
Food Standards Code food, ingredients, allergens, and nutrition information
Standard 2.5.4 - Packaging and Labelling: This standard specifies
requirements for the packaging and labelling of food, including the
use of appropriate materials, legibility, and durability
Standard 4.2.4 - Nutrition Information Requirements: This standard
sets out requirements for providing nutrition information on food
labels, including energy content, macronutrients, and micronutrients
Regulation 67 - Food Safety (Food Labelling) Regulations 2018 (VIC):
Local, state or territory food
This regulation requires that food be labelled with the name and
safety regulations address of the food business that produced it, as well as any
allergenic substances present in the food
Section 9 - Food Act 2006 (NSW): This section requires that food be
labelled with a description of the food, its ingredients, and any
warnings or instructions necessary to ensure its safe consumption
Part 3 - Food Safety Regulations 2016 (QLD): This part sets out
requirements for the labelling of food, including the name and
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address of the food business, ingredients, allergens, and nutrition
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system: This is a
risk management methodology used to identify and control hazards
in the food production process, including labelling
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP): This refers to a set of practices
Organisational food safety
and procedures followed by food manufacturers to ensure the
procedures and labelling quality and safety of their products, including labelling
specifications for packaging ISO 22000:2018 - Food Safety Management Systems: This
food international standard provides a framework for implementing a
food safety management system, including labelling requirements

3. Match the correct meaning.

1. Contaminant Food that has the introduction or occurrence of a contaminant. – 2

2. Contaminate Means foods that they are susceptible to bacterial growth and have
d food to be kept at certain temperatures to minimise the growth of any
pathogenic (disease causing) microorganisms. – 3

3. Potentia Means any biological, chemical agent or foreign matter, or other

lly substances that may compromise food safety or the suitability of
hazardo food. – 1
us foods

4. Explain how to ensure food safety in the following environmental requirements.

Environmental Food safety methods or procedures


Food must be stored and transported at a temperature that prevents

the growth of harmful bacteria. This may involve using refrigeration or
Temperature control

The packaging area must be cleaned and sanitized regularly to prevent

the introduction of contaminants
Cleaning and sanitising of:

 packaging area

Packaging equipment must also be cleaned and sanitized regularly to

prevent the introduction of contaminants
Cleaning and sanitising of:

 packaging equipment

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Environmental Food safety methods or procedures

Recyclable packaging materials must also be cleaned and sanitized

Cleaning and sanitising of: before they are reused

 recyclable packaging

Food must be protected from contaminants, pests, and foreign objects

Protecting food from during all stages of production, processing, storage, and transportation.
contaminants, pests and
foreign objects

5. Briefly describe the following features of packaging materials.

Feature Description

Aseptically treated packaging materials have been sterilized to prevent the

growth of harmful bacteria
Aseptically treated

Packaging materials must be strong enough to protect food from damage

during handling, storage, and transportation
Capable of protecting
food from damage

Packaging materials must not release any substances that could

contaminate the food

Packaging materials must be the right size and shape to fit the food they are
intended to contain
dimensions for food

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Feature Description

Packaging materials must be easy to stack and transport

Stackable and

Packaging materials must be visually appealing and appropriate for the type
of food they are intended to contain
Visually appropriate to
functional need

6. Describe the characteristics and uses of the following packaging materials.

Packaging material Characteristics and uses

Plastic cling wrap is a thin, flexible sheet of plastic that is used to wrap food.
Plastic cling wrap
It is non-contaminating, and can be used to protect food from moisture and

Plastic containers are used to store and transport food. They are available in
Plastic containers
a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be made from a variety of materials,
including polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyvinyl chloride

Foil containers are made from a thin sheet of aluminum foil. They are non-
Foil containers
contaminating and can be used to protect food from oxygen and moisture

Polystyrene foam is a lightweight, rigid material that is used to make food

Polystyrene foam
containers. It is not non-contaminating, but it is inexpensive and easy to use

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Packaging material Characteristics and uses

A Cryovac machine is used to vacuum-seal food. This helps to extend the

Cryovac machine
shelf life of food by preventing the growth of bacteria

Recyclable packaging materials are made from materials that can be

Recyclable packaging
materials including:

 cardboard

 bamboo.

7. List two suitable types of packaging for the following food types.

Food type Suitable packaging

Glass bottles
Plastic bottles


Tetra Pak cartons

Plastic containers
Dairy products

Glass jars

Foil containers

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Food type Suitable packaging

Plastic bags
Dry goods
Cardboard boxes

Metal tins

Glass jars

Plastic bags
Frozen goods
Cardboard boxes

Metal tins

Airtight containers

Plastic bags
Fruit and vegetables
Cardboard boxes

Corrugated boxes

Mesh bags

Plastic trays
Meat, poultry or
seafood Vacuum-sealed bags

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Food type Suitable packaging

Foil containers

Cardboard boxes

8. List five food and safety procedures that need to be followed when packaging food.
Answer -

 Use food-grade packaging materials.

 Clean and sanitize all packaging equipment and surfaces.

 Keep food at safe temperatures.

 Prevent cross-contamination.

 Label food properly.

 Dispose of food waste properly.

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Assessment Task 2: Student Logbook
This cover sheet is to be completed by the assessor and used as a record of outcome of this assessment task.

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Unit Code: SITHCCC026

Unit Title: Package prepared foodstuffs

Assessment Task No: 2

Assessment Type: Student Logbook

Date of Submission:

Student Declaration

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have been advised of the assessment requirements, choose to be assessed and
am aware of my rights and responsibilities. The work submitted here is my own and does not include work that has
been copied from another student or plagiarized except where the work has been correctly acknowledged or as per the
specific assessment task instructions.

Student Signature:

Date: / /

For electronic submissions only: By typing your name in the name / signature field, you are confirming the
information as being accurate.

Assessment Outcome


S= Satisfactory |

NYS= Not Yet Satisfactory

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Assessment Task 2: Student Logbook
Information for students

Tasks required for this unit

This unit of competency requires that you:
• package and label each of the following foodstuffs:
o beverages
o dairy products
o dry goods o frozen goods
o fruit and vegetables
o meat, poultry or seafood.
• demonstrate procedure to check quality of above foodstuffs against quality criteria
• select and use the following aseptically treated packaging materials for the above foodstuffs:
o plastic cling wrap
o plastic containers
o foil containers o polystyrene foam
o cryovac machine
o recyclable packaging materials.
• package above foodstuffs within commercial time constraints
• maintain packaging work area in line with food safety environmental requirements.

Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this unit requires that you complete a range of activities
to package prepared foodstuffs as listed above. It is important that you provide
evidence that you have successfully completed each task. We have provided a
Student Logbook to help you.

Below is a guide to the skills and knowledge you must demonstrate when you are
completing each task. We have provided a number of documents to assist you and
you will find these in your Student Logbook.

What do I need to demonstrate?

During your practical assessments you will be required to demonstrate a range of
the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These

 check and select food that meets quality requirements for packaging

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 if there is a problem with quality refer to a higher level staff member

 select packaging materials appropriate for specific foods, storage or transport


 package food items using appropriate packaging

 follow organisational specifications and food safety procedures

 label foods according to labelling guidelines and specifications

 ensure that food items are not contaminated during packaging process

 follow food safety environmental requirements for food packaging area

 clean and sanitise work area to original condition

 identify and report on any unsafe or faulty equipment or materials (where


 correct any issues with equipment within your level of responsibility (where

 store surplus food items in appropriate environmental conditions.

How will I provide evidence?

In your Student Logbook you will find some detailed information about providing
evidence, the preparation and planning documents you must complete each time
you package foodstuff, a logbook summary, and a Reflective journal. Each time you
process delivery of stock for assessment of this unit, you will need to:

 complete a Reflective journal (a reflective journal provides an opportunity for

you to think about the processes you undertook – what went well, what you
would do differently next time); it also helps you to provide evidence for your

 ask your supervisor/assessor to sign the Supervisor Declaration section at the

end of your Reflective journal.

Your assessor will also observe you as you package prepared foodstuff and
complete an observation checklist.

As directed in your Student Logbook, you will need to ensure you package and
label each of the following foodstuffs:

 beverages

 dairy products

 dry goods

 frozen goods

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 fruit and vegetables

 meat, poultry or seafood.

Tips for completing your Student Logbook

 Read through this assessment and your Student Logbook before you get
started and make sure you understand what you need to do. If you are
unsure, speak to your assessor and/or supervisor.

 Stay up to date! Complete a logbook entry at the end of each time you cook
and ask your supervisor to do the same. Providing organised, complete
evidence forms part of your assessment.

 Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in,

Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!

2. Select food and packaging materials.

You have been tasked with packaging prepared foodstuffs, so you need to check
the quality of food and select the correct packaging materials. Ensure that you:

 check and select food that meets quality requirements for packaging.

 if there is a problem with quality refer to a higher-level staff member

 select packaging materials appropriate for specific foods, storage, or

transport needs.

3. Package and label foods.

Once you have selected the food and the packaging material you need to package
and label the foodstuff. Ensure that you:

 package food items using appropriate packaging.

 follow organisational specifications and food safety procedures.

 label foods according to labelling guidelines and specifications

 ensure that food items are not contaminated during packaging process.

 follow food safety environmental requirements for food packaging area.

Complete a Reflective journal for each time you package and label foodstuff as
part of your assessment for this unit. Don’t forget to ask your supervisor/assessor
to complete the declaration.

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4. Complete work process.

Now it is time to clean up. Ensure you:

 clean and sanitise work area to original condition.

 identify and report on any unsafe or faulty equipment or materials (where


 correct issues with equipment within your level of responsibility (where


 store surplus food items in appropriate environmental conditions.

5. Submit documents to your assessor.

Finalise your Student Logbook. Ensure all documents are clear and complete. It
should include the following completed document for each time you package
prepared foodstuffs as part of your assessment for this unit.

 Reflective journal (endorsed by your supervisor/assessor).

Send or submit the completed Student Logbook to your assessor.

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