Gynaecology - Topical Past Papers (2007-2019)
Gynaecology - Topical Past Papers (2007-2019)
Gynaecology - Topical Past Papers (2007-2019)
(Compiled by Shahroze Ahmed, N-66,
Nishtar Medical University)
SR # Unit Page #
1 Development & Anatomy of Female Sexual Organs & Pelvis 2
2 Hormonal Control of Menstrual Cycle & Hormonal Disorders 5
3 Disorders of Menstrual Bleeding 6
4 Implantation & Early Pregnancy 8
5 Contraception & Abortion 11
6 Subfertility 15
7 Genitourinary Problems 17
8 Urogynaecology & Pelvic Floor Problems 20
9 Benign Conditions of Ovary & Pelvis 23
10 Benign Conditions of Uterus, Cervix & Endometrium 25
11 Malignant Disease of the Ovary 28
12 Malignant Disease of the Uterus 28
13 Premalignant & Malignant Disease of the Lower Genital Tract 30
14 Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases 31
15 Gynaecologic Surgery & Therapeutics 32
Development of Female Genitalia
1. Enumerate the structures which take part in the development of vagina.
[Annual 2014]
3. A newborn female baby is born with fused labia minora. Explain the embryological
development of external genitalia of the female. [Annual 2011]
2. A 60-year-old woman has been planned for radical hysterectomy for treatment of
stage 1 carcinoma cervix. Intraoperatively surgeon has to dissect ureter from pelvic
brim till bladder.
a) Write down the course of pelvic ureter.
b) Write down blood supply of pelvic ureter. [Supple 2017 held in 2018]
a) Give the salient features of ureteric course in the pelvis.
b) Name the structures to which lower ureteric part is closely related hence
increasing the risk of ureteric injury during hysterectomy. [Annual 2015]
Pelvic Muscles, Ligaments & Fascia
a) Define pelvic diaphragm.
b) Enumerate the muscles of pelvic diaphragm.
[Annual 2019]
2. Uterus and vagina are supported by pelvic diaphragm.
a) What is the pelvic diaphragm?
b) Describe its origin and insertion.
[Annual 2013]
Blood Supply
a) Write down the course of uterine artery.
b) Name the branches of anterior division of internal iliac artery.
[Supple 2018 held in 2019]
2. A 30-year-old female P2+0 has been planned for myomectomy. During surgery, the
surgeon has to ligate uterine artery due to excessive bleeding.
a) Write down the course of uterine artery.
b) Name the branches of anterior division of internal iliac artery. [Annual 2016]
1. A 40-year-old patient is diagnosed as a case of carcinoma cervix. Outline lymphatic
drainage of cervix. [Annual 2017]
Mullerian Anomalies
1. A 16-year-old girl presented with her mother with complaints of failure to establish
menstruation. On examination, she has normal height and weight, normal
intellectual, normal breast development and fine axillary and pubic hair
development. On perineal examination, there is a short (2 cm) blind ended vagina.
a) What is your differential diagnosis based on history and examination?
b) What further investigations would you request to reach the diagnosis?
c) On what aspects the management should be focused?
[Supple 2019 held in 2020]
2. A 16-year-old girl came with history of primary amenorrhea and cyclic lower
abdominal pain.
a) Name the two most likely causes of her problem.
b) Give the clinical and ultrasonographic findings which can be present in this case.
c) Which other system be investigated for any anomaly?
[Supple 2014 held in 2015]
3. Enlist the congenital abnormalities which can occur in vagina. [Annual 2014]
5. List four common Mullerian duct anomalies. [Supple 2010 held in 2011]
6. A 15-year-old girl presents with primary amenorrhea and cyclical lower abdominal
pain for six months. On examination, there is 16 weeks sized mass arising from pelvis
and bluish membrane bulging at introitus.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) Outline her management. [Annual 2010]
7. A 16-year-old girl comes with complaints of cyclical abdominal pain 1 year and
failure to menstruate. Her secondary sexual characters are well developed. On
examination, a mass is felt in the sub-umbilical region.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you investigate and treat her? [Annual 2008]
8. An 18-year-old tall unmarried girl presents with primary amenorrhea. Secondary sex
characters are developed. On examination, she has a blind vagina.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) How will you treat her? [Supple 2007 held in 2008]
2. A newborn baby was brought by her mother with ambiguous external genitalia.
a) What are the causes of masculinization in a female?
b) Briefly give the principles of management in a case with adrenal hyperplasia
diagnosed at birth. [Annual 2009]
2. A 30-year-old nulliparous obese lady married for three years having oligomenorrhea
for 5 years. Her ultrasound report shows polycystic ovaries. What is likely cause of
her infertility? How will you treat her? [Annual 2012s]
A 19 years old college student presents in the outpatient department with secondary
amenorrhea and hirsutism. Her BMI is 30.
a) What is most likely diagnosis?
b) What is the accepted criterion of diagnosis? [Annual 2010]
Premenstrual Syndrome
1. A 22 years old unmarried final year medical student complains of severe pre-
menstrual anxiety, lethargy, anorexia and bloating. Outline her management.
[Supple 2007 held in 2008]
3. 43 years old P4+0 came to emergency with excessive menstrual loss. Give the salient
points of her management. [Annual 2018]
4. A 30-year-old P4 comes to OPD with history of heavy vaginal bleeding for the last 6
months. Menstrual cycle is 8/28 days, regular with passage of clots. Pelvic
examination and ultrasound reveal a normal sized uterus with no pathology in
adnexa. Give medical management to the patient. [Annual 2017]
7. A 42-year-old lady presents with a history of irregular heavy bleeding. She is P6+0,
and the couple is using barrier method of contraception.
a) Which investigations will you perform?
b) Enumerate the medical and surgical treatment options.
[Annual 2014]
10. A 36 years old lady comes to you with menorrhagia. Outline the current medical
management of menorrhagia. [Annual 2007]
1. A 32-year-old P4+1 presented with secondary dysmenorrhea for two years.
a) What are the causes of secondary dysmenorrhea?
b) What are the medical treatment options available for her?
[Supple 2017 held in 2018]
2. An 18 years old university student presents in your OPD with history of severe
dysmenorrhea for last two years. The pain is crampy in nature.
a) What is your most likely diagnosis and how will you confirm it?
b) Outline your management. [Annual 2014]
3. A 14-year-old girl with irregular heavy periods presents at your OPD. She went
through menarche at the age of 13 years. No significant features are found after
history and examination.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you confirm your diagnosis? [Supple 2010 held in 2011]
2. A 22-year-old primigravida comes at eight weeks gestation in OPD with the diagnosis
of missed miscarriage. She is not bleeding per vagina. Outline management plan.
[Annual 2017]
4. A 24-year-old recently married girl presents with 8 weeks amenorrhea and brownish
vaginal discharge. An ultrasound shows a gestation sac with fetal pole but no fetal
heart beat identified.
a) What type of miscarriage is she suffering from?
b) What are possible management options for her?
c) What are the complications of surgical management of this patient?
[Annual 2014]
5. A 19-year-old lady presents with 9 weeks amenorrhea along with pain and mild
bleeding. On examination, cervical os is closed. Ultrasound reveals 8 weeks fetus
with no cardiac activity. Her routine investigations are normal. Her blood group is B
a) What is the diagnosis?
b) What is the treatment? [Annual 2013]
7. A 20 years old patient, married for 2 years presents in the OPD with history of three
consecutive 2nd trimester abortions.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you confirm the diagnosis?
c) What is the treatment in next pregnancy? [Supple 2008 held in 2009]
8. A 26-year-old lady comes with 10 weeks pregnancy and bleeding per vaginal. What is
the differential diagnosis? How will you manage missed abortion?
[Supple 2007 held in 2008]
Ectopic Pregnancy
1. A 20-year-old primigravida at five weeks presents with complaints of right lower
abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. Vital signs are stable. On abdominal
examination, the abdomen is tender on right side. On ultrasound scan, the uterus is
empty and there is right adnexal mass. There is no free fluid in peritoneal cavity.
a) What criteria needs to be fulfilled before we decide on medical or surgical
b) How should the patient be followed up after medical management?
[Supple 2019 held in 2020]
2. A 24 years old woman present in emergency department with light vaginal bleeding
after five weeks of amenorrhea. A recent pregnancy test was positive. She also
complains of sharp pain in right iliac fossa.
a) What is your differential diagnosis?
b) What are the key points in her history, examination and investigations?
[Annual 2019]
3. A 27-year-old pale looking P2+0 came with 6 weeks amenorrhea with abdominal
pain and slight vaginal bleeding. Her BP 85/60 mm Hg, pulse 125/min and her urine
pregnancy test done four days back was positive. No history of interference.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Name the relevant investigations.
c) What is the role of surgery in this case? [Annual 2018]
5. A 21-year-old girl, who is married for 3 years, conceived after ovulation induction.
She presents at 7 weeks of gestation with ultrasound report showing 2 cm sac in
right adnexa with absent cardiac activity. Her beta HCG is 1600 IU and she is
a) What is the diagnosis?
b) Justify your management. [Annual 2016]
6. A 22-year-old woman married for one year, presents with amenorrhea for six weeks,
lower abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding for one day. Her urine for pregnancy test
is positive & on TVS, uterus is empty and there is right adnexal mass of 2.5x1.5 cm.
a) What is the most probable diagnosis?
b) What are the selection criteria for medical management?
[Supple 2011 held in 2012]
7. A 26-year-old primigravida has presented at six weeks of gestation with mild PV
spotting. A transvaginal ultrasound confirms a right sided tubal pregnancy. Outline
the criteria for expectant management. [Annual 2011]
8. A 26-year-old para 1+0 presents at a gestational age of six weeks with history of
lower abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you confirm your diagnosis? [Supple 2010 held in 2011]
9. A 26-year-old married lady para 1+0 presents in the emergency department with
amenorrhea at 6 weeks, unilateral lower abdominal pain and light vaginal bleeding
arising after the onset of pain.
a) What is most likely diagnosis?
b) What is your differential diagnosis? [Annual 2010]
10. A 26-year-old P2+0 presented with severe abdominal pain and attacks of faintness.
LMP was unsure. Her pulse was 110/min and BP was 90/60 mm Hg.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you manage her? [Annual 2009]
12. A primigravida at 8 weeks gestation presents with the history of mild vaginal
bleeding and fainting attacks. She is pale, with tender abdomen and pulse 120 bpm.
a) What is the likely diagnosis?
b) Give steps of management. [Annual 2007]
2. A patient 30 years of age P2 wants to consult for contraception. What methods you
will tell her? [Supple 2011 held in 2012]
3. A 25-year-old primigravida comes for her postnatal checkup for 6 weeks after her
delivery. She is breastfeeding and wants advice regarding contraception. List the
contraceptive options available for her. [Supple 2010 held in 2011]
3. A 24-year-old P2+0 comes with previous two SVDs, last born child 6 months old. She
has come for contraceptive advice. You suggest her OCP (oral contraceptive pills).
a) How will you start and explain to her the usage?
b) What factors you will rule out in history before starting OCPs? [Annual 2008]
2. A couple comes to you for contraception. You advise them LNG-IUS as a choice of
a) What does it contain?
b) What are its advantages? [Annual 2017]
3. A 32-year-old P3+0 came to you for contraception advice. After evaluation, you have
decided to offer her ‘Progestogen Only Contraception’. Briefly describe the available
current methods of ‘Progestogen Only Contraception’. [Annual 2015]
Intrauterine Contraception
1. A 35-year-old P4+0 came to OPD with her husband. She is diabetic. She wants
effective contraception. Justify which method suits her and why?
[Supple 2018 held in 2019]
2. A P4+0 came after 6 months of insertion of IUCD with the complaint that she cannot
see or feel the thread of the IUCD.
a) What could be the possible causes?
b) How will you manage her? [Annual 2018]
3. An IUCD was inserted in a patient 6 months back, now she came in OPD because she
cannot feel thread of IUCD.
a) What is responsible cause for this?
b) When does perforation likely occur? [Annual 2012]
4. A 32-year-old P3+0 came to you for contraception. After discussion patient opted for
a) Give the mechanism of action of IUCD.
b) What are its complications? [Supple 2014 held in 2015]
2. A 38-year-old P4+3 came to OPD with her husband. Her last-born child has cerebral
palsy. She wants effective contraception.
a) Justify which method suits her best and why?
b) If they opt for vasectomy, what are its failure rate, immediate and late
complications? [Annual 2016]
4. A P6+0 came to seek advice regarding family planning. She agreed for sterilization
after counselling.
a) What type of consent should be taken from the couple?
b) What are the various techniques available for female sterilization? [Annual 2009]
5. What are the various methods of sterilization in females? Comment on merits and
demerits of each. [Annual 2007]
Emergency Contraception
1. A 20-year-old woman presents in the OPD with history of burst condom during
intercourse. Her husband is university student and they cannot afford pregnancy,
a) What will you advise her?
b) What are the treatment options available for her? [Annual 2011]
2. Mrs. JB is a 28 years old lady, married for three years and a mother of 2. Her last
child was born 5 months back by emergency LSCS. She has come to OPD with history
of burst condom one day ago. She does not want to conceive with 2 young kids to
look after.
a) What advice will you give to the patient?
b) What contraception options are suitable for her? Name any two. [Annual 2019]
1. A young lady undergoes an induced abortion at 12 weeks of gestation. What are the
complications of such an event? [Supple 2007 held in 2008]
History & Examination
1. A 35 years old woman came in infertility clinic for history of subfertility for last 4
years. She has irregular cycle. What important part of history you must ask?
[Supple 2018 held in 2019]
2. A 24-year-old married woman attends the infertility clinic with her husband. She has
regular menstrual cycle of 5/28 days. List the relevant points in history taking for
female and male. [Supple 2010 held in 2011]
3. A couple has come with desire of fertility. They are married for last 2 years. What
important questions will you ask in history? [Annual 2008 + Supple 2008]
1. A 28-year-old P0+0 married for past 5 years. Her menstrual cycle is regular and has a
normal pelvic scan. Semen analysis of the husband is normal. Suggest investigations
to evaluate her tubal patency. [Supple 2019 held in 2020]
2. A couple attended the infertility clinic for the first time having been trying to
conceive pregnancy for the last 12 months of unprotected intercourse. If the woman
had an irregular cycle, which tests would you advise and why? [Annual 2019]
3. A 35 years old woman came in infertility clinic for history of subfertility for last 4
years. She has irregular cycle. What investigations would you request? [Supple 2018
held in 2019]
4. A couple consults you three years after marriage for primary infertility at infertility
clinic. Wife has normal menstrual cycle but she has received antituberculosis therapy
before marriage for pulmonary tuberculosis.
a) What investigations you can advise to check tubal patency?
b) Write down normal parameters of semen analysis (WHO criteria)?
[Supple 2017 held in 2018]
5. A young couple comes to you with infertility of 2 years. 25-year-old wife has regular
menstrual cycle of 5/30 days. Coital frequency is 4/week. What investigations will
you advise to the couple? [Annual 2017]
6. A P1+0 came with history of secondary infertility for the last three years. Intimal
evaluation pointed towards tubal problem. How will you assess tubal patency?
[Annual 2015]
7. A couple presents in your infertility clinic after two years of marriage with complaints
of inability to conceive. History and examination of both husband and wife is
a) What should be the first investigation advised to them?
b) What instructions will you give regarding this investigation? [Annual 2012]
8. A 32-year-old obese, nulliparous, married for five years has irregular menstrual cycle
for six years. Her husband’s serum analysis, her thyroid function tests and tubal
patency test are normal.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) What is the cause of infertility and give two important investigations?
[Supple 2011 held in 2012]
9. A couple has come with desire of fertility. They are married for last 2 years. What are
the investigations required? [Annual 2008 + Supple 2008]
10. A 27 years old lady presents with history of primary infertility for 3 years. Semen
analysis is normal and intercourse is unsatisfactory. How will you investigate her?
[Supple 2007 held in 2008]
11. A couple sexually active since marriage for the last five years presents to your clinic.
They have not been able to conceive a child as yet. You order semen analysis. What
are the parameters of normal semen analysis? [Annual 2007]
1. A 28-year-old P0+0 married for past 5 years. Her menstrual cycle is regular and has a
normal pelvic scan. Semen analysis of the husband is normal. What is the treatment
if the tubes are found blocked? [Supple 2019 held in 2020]
2. A 35 years old woman came in infertility clinic for history of subfertility for last 4
years. She has irregular cycle. What treatment will she need? [Supple 2018 held in
3. A 28-year-old nulliparous woman came with problem of primary infertility for the
last five years. After detailed evaluation, ovulation induction with clomiphene was
a) How does clomiphene enhance the chance of ovulation and pregnancy?
b) What alternatives are available for clomiphene resistant cases? [Annual 2018]
4. A 28-year-old lady presents with her 34-year-old husband. The couple has been
trying for a baby for four years. The couple has been thoroughly investigated and no
cause for their subfertility has been found.
a) What is the name given to this type of subfertility?
b) What are the treatment options for this couple? [Annual 2014]
6. A couple sexually active since marriage for the last five years presents to your clinic.
They have not been able to conceive a child as yet. You order semen analysis. What
are the treatment options in case of poor semen analysis? [Annual 2007]
Bacterial Vaginosis
1. A 23-year-old P2+0 came with complaints of vulvar itching, irritation and vaginal
discharge. Enlist three common causes. [Supple 2014 held in 2015]
2. 30 years old P4 last born child five years back, presented with offensive vaginal
discharge for six months. How will you treat this case? [Supple 2011 held in 2012]
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
1. A 24-year-old P3+1 presented with thick curdy white discharge and itching. On
vaginal examination, there is soreness and excoriation
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you confirm the diagnosis?
c) How will you manage the patient? [Annual 2016]
2. A young woman came to you with history of itching and white curdy discharge.
Vaginal candidiasis was diagnosed.
a) Enlist four predisposing factors.
b) How will you manage her? [Annual 2015]
3. A 23-year-old P2+0 came with complaints of vulvar itching, irritation and vaginal
discharge. Enlist three common causes. [Supple 2014 held in 2015]
5. A 30 years old lady comes to you in OPD with itchy vaginal discharge. On
examination, discharge is curdy white and vaginal soreness is seen.
a) What is diagnosis?
b) What are predisposing factors?
c) What is treatment? [Annual 2013]
6. 34 years old P4+0 comes with itchy vaginal discharge for 1 week. Her LMP was 10
days back. She is using OCPs for contraception.
a) What are the risk factors associated with this infection?
b) How will you treat this? [Annual 2008]
1. A 23-year-old P2+0 came with complaints of vulvar itching, irritation and vaginal
a) Enlist three common causes.
b) How will you diagnose and manage a case of trichomoniasis?
[Supple 2014 held in 2015]
1. A 24-year-old P1A+1 complains of increased vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain
and dyspareunia. Speculum examination revealed endocervical mucopurulent
discharge and pelvic tenderness with cervical excitation.
a) What are diagnostic tests for gonorrhea?
b) What is treatment of this infection? [Supple 2017 held in 2018]
1. A 24 years old South African worker of NGO presented in gynae OPD with C/O
altered vaginal discharge and intermenstrual bleeding. Chlamydia trachomatis is
being suspected as the causative agent.
a) How would you treat her?
b) What are the complications she can develop? [Annual 2019]
2. A 30-year-old P1 patient comes with history of pain lower abdomen and vaginal
discharge. She gives history of fever off and on.
a) What clinical criteria are needed to make a diagnosis of Pelvic Inflammatory
b) What are the long-term complications? [Annual 2017]
3. A 20 years old patient came with signs & symptoms of acute pelvic inflammatory
a) What investigations are required?
b) What treatment is given? [Annual 2012]
4. A 30-year-old P2+0 presents in OPD with history of bilateral lower abdominal pain
and fever accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Pelvic examination reveals adnexal
tenderness, cervical excitation and a sero-purulent discharge.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Outline your management. [Annual 2011]
b) How would you treat her? [Supple 2010 held in 2011]
6. A 27-year-old lady with chronic pelvic pain comes to you. What are the treatment
options if she has got confirmed appearance of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
(PID) on laparoscopy? [Supple 2007 held in 2008]
Genital Herpes
1. A 22 years old woman has been diagnosed to have genital herpes.
a) What are the clinical features of this infection?
b) How will you manage her? [Annual 2018]
3. A 28 years old lady presents in OPD with vaginal discharge and multiple fine ulcers
on the vulva. Examination revealed bilateral inguinal adenopathy.
a) How will you confirm the diagnosis?
b) Outline your management. [Annual 2010]
Genital Warts
1. 31 years old P3+0 presented in outdoor with multiple vulvar warts.
a) Name the causative organism and its subtypes causing majority of the genital
warts & mention their oncogenic potential.
b) Give the management of this condition. [Annual 2009]
2. A 65-year-old lady came with the problem of urinary incontinence.
a) How will you differentiate between stress and urge incontinence while taking
b) Discuss briefly elements of conservative treatment of urinary incontinence.
[Annual 2018]
3. A 33-year-old P4 A+1, all vaginal births, presents in gynecology clinic with complaints
of urinary incontinence on coughing and sneezing. Urodynamic studies confirmed
stress urinary incontinence.
a) What are the risk factors for stress urinary incontinence?
b) What are different options for treatment in this patient?
[Supple 2017 held in 2018]
6. A 55 years old postmenopausal woman comes with inability to hold urine for long
time. She also gives history of dribbling with cough.
a) What is the diagnosis?
b) How will you investigate? [Annual 2013]
Detrusor Overactivity
1. A 35 years old multiparous lady presents with frequency of micturition, urgency and
incontinence. Her MSU is normal and cystometry demonstrates contractions on
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you treat her? [Annual 2010]
1. A 58 years old postmenopausal woman, P6A2, all home deliveries conducted by
traditional birth attendants, chronic asthmatic came with complaint of something
coming out of vagina for last 7 years. On examination, she has 2nd degree
uterovaginal prolapse.
a) Enumerate risk factors for her problem.
b) Write down treatment options for her. [Supple 2019 held in 2020]
2. An obese 55 years old P5+0, known asthmatic, came with complains of something
coming out of vagina. She has no urinary complaints.
a) What is the likely diagnosis?
b) Enumerate the risk factors for uterovaginal prolapse.
c) What are the management options for her? [Supple 2018 held in 2019]
3. A 28-year-old P2+0 came with first degree uterine prolapse with mild cystocele. How
will you manage her? [Supple 2016 held in 2017]
4. An obese 65-year-old lady P5+0 who is a known asthmatic is brought to you with a
complaint of something coming out of vagina. She denies any significant urinary and
bowel complaints. On examination, cervix is at the level of introitus.
a) What is the likely diagnosis?
b) Enumerate the risk factors for development of uterovaginal prolapse.
c) What are the management options available for her? [Annual 2016]
7. A 58-year-old woman P10+0, menopause for years, presented with second degree
uterovaginal prolapse.
a) What are the risk factors?
b) How will you treat it? [Annual 2012]
8. What are the management options for uterovaginal prolapse? [Supple 2011 held in
10. A 60-year-old woman presents with a six months history of feeling of something
coming out of vagina. There are no associated bladder symptoms. The most likely
diagnosis is uterovaginal problems.
a) Describe the different forms of female genital prolapse.
b) Which treatment option is appropriate for her? [Supple 2010 held in 2011]
11. A 65 years old P+0 comes with c/o something coming out of vagina for 3 years.
Initially it was reducible but now it has become irreducible.
a) What is the diagnosis?
b) What are the associated complications?
c) How will you manage her? [Annual + Supple 2008]
Ovarian Cysts
1. A 29-year-old P3+0 came with an ultrasound report showing presence of a dermoid
a) What can be the various clinical presentations of dermoid cyst?
b) How will you manage her? [Annual 2018]
2. A 30-year-old P3+0 came with pain in lower abdomen. Ultrasound shows dermoid
a) What is dermoid cyst?
b) What clinical features can be attributed to dermoid cyst?
[Supple 2016 held in 2017]
3. A 28-year-old P2+0 came with lower abdominal pain. Right sided ovarian cyst about
10-12 cm was diagnosed on ultrasonography.
a) What are the causes of pain associated with an ovarian cyst?
b) Which ovarian cyst is most common in this age group? What are the features of
this particular cyst? [Supple 2014 held in 2015]
4. A 26-year-old P2+0 comes with M/C of 4/30-40 days with average flow. Her
ultrasound shows a unilocular clear right ovarian cyst 7x8 cm. left ovary is normal.
a) What is diagnosis?
b) What complications can occur?
c) What is the management? [Annual 2013]
5. A 25-year-old girl P1 came with mass in lower abdomen. On ultrasound report, there
is right ovarian cyst 10x12 cm.
a) What investigations should be done?
b) What will be the treatment? [Annual 2012]
6. A 28-year-old P2+0 comes with C/O pain left iliac fossa on and off. Her menstrual
cycle is normal and LMP was 7 days back. On pelvic examination, you find 6 cm mass
in left adnexa. Her USG shows 6.5 cm cyst with multiple acrogenic shadows. The X-
ray shows a tooth in the cyst.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis and why?
b) How will you manage her? [Annual 2008]
1. A 30-year-old married for 3 years presents with complains of painful menstrual cycle
and inability to conceive. On pelvic examination, there is 5x4 cm right sided
chocolate cyst.
a) What is the likely diagnosis?
b) What management options are available for her? [Supple 2018 held in 2019]
3. A 30-year-old female married for five years presented with complaints of painful
menstrual cycle and inability to conceive. On pelvic scan, there is 5x5 cm right sided
chocolate cyst.
a) What is the likely diagnosis?
b) What management options are available for her? [Annual 2016]
4. A 28-year-old nulliparous came with primary infertility for the last 4 years. She gives
history of severe dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia.
a) What is the most likely underlying cause?
b) How this condition can cause infertility? Give the possible mechanisms?
[Supple 2014 held in 2015]
5. A 20-year-old nulliparous patient comes with inability to conceive for 4 years. Her
menstrual cycle is 6/30 regular with heavy flow. She gives history of deep
dyspareunia and dysmenorrhea. Vaginal examination reveals tenderness, ultrasound
shows bilateral ovarian cyst with multi-loculations of 7x6 cm and 6x5 cm. CA 125 is
30 U/ml.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Justify treatment options. [Annual 2013]
a) What are the conservative options for management of fibroid considering there
are pressure symptoms?
b) Which surgical procedure should be suggested in case conservative management
fails? [Supple 2019 held in 2020]
3. 32 years old P2+1 came with 20 weeks mass abdomen. Ultrasound diagnosis is
fibroid uterus.
a) What signs and symptoms can be attributed to fibroid uterus?
b) What are the management options for her?
[Supple 2018 held in 2019]
5. A 35-year-old P3+0 comes with heavy menstrual bleeding for the last 1 year.
Abdominal examination revealed a 14 cm firm mass. Her hemoglobin is 11g %.
Ultrasound shows a single submucous fibroid uterus measuring 10x10 cm. Outline
management plan of this patient. [Annual 2017]
7. A 30-year-old P3+0 came with 24 weeks size mass abdomen. USG confirmed
diagnosis of fibroid.
a) What signs and symptoms are attributed to fibroid?
b) What management options you can offer her? [Annual 2015]
A patient 30 years of age presented with menorrhagia for two years. On
examination, a 10x8 cm fibroid was identified in her uterus. Discuss different
treatment options. [Supple 2011 held in 2012]
10. A 45-year-old Para 3+0 presents to gynecology OPD with heavy periods and an
abdominopelvic mass of 16 weeks size. An ultrasound scan shows that the uterus
contains fibroids.
a) What are fibroids?
b) How would you manage her? [Supple 2010 held in 2011]
11. A G3P2+0 came at 16 weeks of pregnancy with moderate lower abdominal pain for
the last one week. Ultrasound revealed a fibroid about 5x6 cm in the fundal region.
a) What is the cause of her pain and how she should be managed?
b) How delivery should be planned? [Annual 2009]
12. A 45-year-old P5G1+0 comes with complains of heavy irregular vaginal bleeding for 1
year. On examination, she is pale. Her pelvic examination shows uterus 12-14 weeks.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) What is your management? [Supple 2008 held in 2009]
13. A 45-year-old lady P1+0 has presented with complains of mass lower abdomen,
menorrhagia and dragging sensation.
a) What is most likely diagnosis?
b) How will you investigate her?
[Supple 2007 held in 2008]
2. A 55-year-old woman has been diagnosed with stage II ovarian cancer. Discuss the
role of surgery in this case. [Annual 2015]
3. A 56-year-old female presents with left adnexal mass which after histopathology
confirmed malignant epithelial ovarian tumor.
a) Name the common epithelial tumors.
b) What is the marker for epithelial tumors?
c) What post-operative treatment options you can offer to this patient?
[Annual 2014]
4. A 32-year-old P3+0 woman comes with weight loss and abdominal distension for 6
months. She complains of indigestion and urinary frequency. Her abdominal
examination shows firm to hard mass reaching upto umbilicus.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) What are the investigations and management? [Supple 2008 held in 2009]
2. A 60 years old para 1+0 presents in OPD with mass in abdomen and history of weight
loss. On examination, a fixed pelvic mass of 29 weeks size is seen.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Which specific investigations you would advise to confirm diagnosis?
c) What treatment options are available for her? [Supple 2018 held in 2019]
5. A 60-year-old lady P0+0 presented in OPD with mass abdomen and weight loss. On
examination, a fixed pelvic mass of 16 weeks size is seen.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) What specific investigations will you advise to confirm the diagnosis?
c) What treatment options are available for her? [Annual 2016]
A 58-year-old obese and known diabetic woman came with postmenopausal
bleeding and pain lower abdomen. Pelvic examination revealed uterus about 10-12
weeks size, mobile and slightly tender.
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) Name the relevant investigations.
c) Give the staging of this disease. [Supple 2014 held in 2015]
9. A 65 years old woman comes with the complains of postmenopausal bleeding for 6
months. She is nulliparous and obese. Pap smear is normal.
a) How will you investigate here?
b) What is the probable diagnosis?
c) How will you treat her? [Annual 2008]
2. A 65-year-old woman came with irregular vaginal bleeding for the last six months,
pain in lower abdomen and backache.
a) Name four important conditions to be considered in differential diagnoses.
b) How will you manage a case of stage 1b cervical cancer?
[Supple 2016 held in 2017]
3. A 64 years old woman presented with weight loss, anorexia and offensive vaginal
discharge. Examination revealed a tumor involving the cervix and extending into the
upper two-thirds of vagina. The pelvis appears fixed. A biopsy shows squamous cell
a) What is the stage of disease?
b) What is the treatment option? [Supple 2011 held in 2012]
2. A 35-year-old woman in her 6th pregnancy reports vaginal bleeding at 10th week of
gestation. On examination, uterus is enlarged to 14 weeks and ultrasound shows
snow-storm appearance with absence of fetus.
a) What is likely diagnosis?
b) What is the management and follow-up? [Annual 2012]
1. A 50-year-old woman is diagnosed with complex hyperplasia with atypia of
endometrium. Total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) and bilateral salpingo-
oopherectomy (BSO) is advised.
a) What are the three steps of TAH + BSO?
b) At what different sites ureters are likely to be injured while doing this procedure?
[Supple 2019 held in 2020]
a) What are different modes of hysterectomy?
b) What are specific complications of hysterectomy?
c) What are contraindications and benefits of vaginal hysterectomy? [Annual 2014]
5. Mrs. K is admitted through gynecology OPD for total abdominal hysterectomy for
DUB. She is 45 years of age and wants to know about the possible complications of
her surgery. What are the immediate complications of abdominal hysterectomy?
[Supple 2010 held in 2011]
6. You are attending a patient in outdoor who had vaginal hysterectomy with anterior
colporrhaphy two months ago.
a) How will you evaluate and examine her?
b) What problems or complications she may present with? [Annual 2009]
1. A 35-year-old patient came with misplaced thread of IUCD. You plan hysteroscopy.
a) What are the other indications of hysteroscopy?
b) What complications can occur? [Supple 2018 held in 2019]
2. A P4+0 came with history of heavy menstrual loss. You have decided to do
a) Describe the procedure.
b) What are the complications? [Annual 2018]
1. Consent is being obtained from a 24-year-old lady for diagnostic laparoscopy.
a) The patient wishes to know what complications can occur during the procedure?
b) Which gas is used to expand the abdomen and how is it introduced?
[Annual 2019]
a) What is laparoscopy?
b) Enlist the indications of diagnostic laparoscopy.
c) What complications can occur during this procedure? [Supple 2016 held in 2017]
4. A 25 years old lady with primary subfertility of two years duration is due to undergo
a diagnostic laparoscopy and wants to know about possible complications associated
with this procedure. List the complications of diagnostic laparoscopy which you
would tell her. [Annual 2010]
1. Your registrar has ordered you to do hysterosalpingography of an infertile patient
whose tubal patency has to be checked. How will you perform this procedure?
[Annual 2012]
2. A 45 years old lady presents with irregular vaginal bleeding. She has been advised
diagnostic dilation and curettage (D&C) by her doctor. How will you perform the
procedure? [Annual 2008]