Tekla Tedds 2022 User Guide
Tekla Tedds 2022 User Guide
Tekla Tedds 2022 User Guide
User guide
March 2022
Identity Sign In....................................................................................................................... 39
Windows 11............................................................................................................................ 39
Tekla Tedds API...................................................................................................................... 40
Fixes and Other Enhancements...........................................................................................40
5 Introducing the Tedds Application.......................................... 236
5.1 Components of the Tedds Application window.........................................236
5.2 Select a calculation....................................................................................... 237
5.3 Search calculations in the Select Calculation dialog box......................... 238
Find a calculation................................................................................................................. 239
Adjust search options......................................................................................................... 239
5.4 Components of a calculation interface...................................................... 240
5.5 After performing a calculation.................................................................... 241
Re-calculate the document.................................................................................................241
Change the header details................................................................................................. 241
Copy the current document............................................................................................... 242
Create a new calculation document..................................................................................242
Send the contents of the document to another application..........................................242
Open an existing document............................................................................................... 242
Save the document..............................................................................................................242
Save the document as pdf..................................................................................................243
Save the project as pdf....................................................................................................... 243
Print the document............................................................................................................. 243
5.6 Change the locale.......................................................................................... 243
5.7 View hidden text, semicolons, or variables............................................... 244
Use the Variables dialog box ............................................................................................245
5.8 Adjust the zoom level................................................................................... 248
5.9 Adjust calculation sheet details.................................................................. 249
Modify header labels...........................................................................................................251
5.10 Organize projects with the Project Manager ............................................ 252
Create a new project........................................................................................................... 252
Add documents into a project...................................................................................... 253
Reorganize documents within a project......................................................................253
Modify document headers or project headers...............................................................253
Modify the header of an individual document........................................................... 254
Update all headers in a project.................................................................................... 254
Open or close existing projects......................................................................................... 255
Units (SI Metric)....................................................................................................................266
Units (US Imperial)...............................................................................................................267
7.2 Create and modify expressions................................................................... 267
Create expressions..............................................................................................................267
Modify expressions............................................................................................................. 268
7.3 Define results................................................................................................ 268
Define intermediate results............................................................................................... 268
Define final results.............................................................................................................. 269
Define result formats.......................................................................................................... 269
Use a format other than the default for a particular results field........................... 269
Format letters and precision numbers........................................................................269
Define formats for intermediate results..................................................................... 270
Define formats for final results.................................................................................... 271
Define units for results....................................................................................................... 271
Change the units of results................................................................................................ 272
7.4 Show or hide semicolons..............................................................................272
7.5 Use units in calculations.............................................................................. 273
Use units in input.................................................................................................................273
Use units in results.............................................................................................................. 273
Change units in calculations...............................................................................................274
Use constants with units.................................................................................................... 274
Use system units..................................................................................................................275
Use system units in calculations.................................................................................. 275
View all system units......................................................................................................275
Add system units............................................................................................................ 275
Delete system units........................................................................................................276
7.6 Use variables..................................................................................................277
Calc section variables.......................................................................................................... 278
Document variables............................................................................................................ 278
System variables.................................................................................................................. 278
Define variables................................................................................................................... 279
Assign a value to a variable...........................................................................................279
Assign a unit to a variable............................................................................................. 279
Modify variables.................................................................................................................. 280
Modify the value of a variable...................................................................................... 280
Modify the units of a variable....................................................................................... 280
Store variables as expressions...........................................................................................280
Use calc section variables...................................................................................................281
Define calc section variables.........................................................................................281
View calc section variables............................................................................................ 281
Write out calc section variables into a document...................................................... 282
Promote calc section variables into document variables......................................... 283
Delete calc section variables.........................................................................................284
Use document variables..................................................................................................... 285
Define document variables........................................................................................... 285
View document variables.............................................................................................. 285
Add document variables below existing calc sections...............................................285
Write out document variables into a document........................................................ 286
Delete document variables........................................................................................... 287
Use system variables...........................................................................................................287
Use system variables in your calculations.................................................................. 287
View all system variables...............................................................................................288
Insert system variables in your document..................................................................288
7.7 Calc sections.................................................................................................. 289
Add new calc sections......................................................................................................... 289
Change the title of a calc section....................................................................................... 290
Cut, copy and paste calc sections...................................................................................... 290
Delete calc sections............................................................................................................. 291
Delete calc section fields.................................................................................................... 291
Find the next or previous calc section.............................................................................. 291
7.8 Calculate results............................................................................................291
Calculate an expression......................................................................................................292
Calculate a selected area.................................................................................................... 292
Recalculate a previously selected area............................................................................. 292
Calculate a calc section....................................................................................................... 292
Calculate from the beginning of a document to a selected expression....................... 292
Calculate from a selected expression to the end of a document..................................293
Calculate an entire document............................................................................................293
7.9 Introducing calculation errors.....................................................................293
Error alerts............................................................................................................................293
Error categories................................................................................................................... 294
React to errors..................................................................................................................... 296
Fix variable definition errors.........................................................................................296
React to dimensional or non-fatal errors.................................................................... 297
React to fatal errors....................................................................................................... 297
Find errors............................................................................................................................ 297
7.10 Automated calculations .............................................................................. 298
7.11 The Progress Log........................................................................................... 298
Select the items displayed in the Progress Log............................................................... 299
Filter the items displayed in the Progress Log................................................................. 300
Roll up the Progress Log..................................................................................................... 301
Create Excel Link fields....................................................................................................... 323
Create a compatible Excel worksheet............................................................................... 325
8.6 Data list fields................................................................................................ 325
8.7 Data Table fields............................................................................................327
8.8 Data graph fields........................................................................................... 328
8.9 Calc item fields.............................................................................................. 329
Create Calc Item fields........................................................................................................ 329
Create Simple Calc Item fields........................................................................................... 330
Create conditional Calc Item fields....................................................................................331
8.10 Modify Tedds fields....................................................................................... 331
Modify the content of Tedds fields....................................................................................332
Fix Tedds field errors...........................................................................................................332
Enter formatted text in Tedds fields................................................................................. 332
8.11 Use the string function ................................................................................ 334
8.12 Use conditions............................................................................................... 335
Variables............................................................................................................................... 351
9.9 Setup options.................................................................................................353
Application data options.....................................................................................................353
Calc index options............................................................................................................... 353
Index directories.............................................................................................................353
Name............................................................................................................................... 353
Priority............................................................................................................................. 354
Merge all filed into a single set..................................................................................... 354
Calc library options.............................................................................................................354
Calc project options............................................................................................................354
Calc document options...................................................................................................... 355
Excel workbook options.....................................................................................................355
Update service options...................................................................................................... 355
Feedback options............................................................................................................... 356
9.10 Profile options............................................................................................... 357
9.11 Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word only)............................. 357
9.12 Microsoft Word settings (Tedds for Word only).........................................362
Stop automatic capitalization.............................................................................................362
Set up AutoText................................................................................................................... 362
Use hidden text....................................................................................................................363
11 Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word only)........ 374
11.1 Use the Library Access System: Simple mode............................................376
Basic Library Access System procedures: Simple mode.................................................376
Open the index............................................................................................................... 377
Open a set....................................................................................................................... 377
Manipulate the view of a set.........................................................................................377
Preview an item.............................................................................................................. 377
Execute an item.............................................................................................................. 377
Search a set.....................................................................................................................378
Display item or group properties................................................................................. 379
Adjust settings................................................................................................................ 379
Change the Library Access System mode................................................................ 379
11.2 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode...................................... 379
Basic Library Access System procedures: Advanced mode........................................... 380
Open the index............................................................................................................... 381
Open a set....................................................................................................................... 381
Email a set and referenced libraries............................................................................ 381
Import a library...............................................................................................................381
Export a set..................................................................................................................... 381
Manipulate the view of a set.........................................................................................382
Preview an item.............................................................................................................. 382
Undo an action............................................................................................................... 383
Execute an item.............................................................................................................. 383
Search a set.....................................................................................................................384
Display item properties................................................................................................. 384
Adjust settings................................................................................................................ 384
Change the Library Access System mode................................................................... 385
Create new sets................................................................................................................... 385
Add new groups into a set..................................................................................................387
Add new items into a set.................................................................................................... 388
Build new sets based on existing sets.............................................................................. 390
Build new sets based on existing sets......................................................................... 390
Search tips.......................................................................................................................391
Modify groups and items....................................................................................................391
Modify group properties............................................................................................... 391
Modify item properties..................................................................................................392
Modify item contents.....................................................................................................392
Modify sets........................................................................................................................... 393
Enable drag and drop.................................................................................................... 394
Copy an item within the same set using drag and drop........................................... 394
Cut an item......................................................................................................................394
Copy an item................................................................................................................... 394
Paste an item.................................................................................................................. 394
Delete groups and items.................................................................................................... 394
Delete groups and items from a set............................................................................ 395
Delete groups and items from a library...................................................................... 395
Share calculations to other Tedds users.......................................................................... 395
Create calculation packages......................................................................................... 396
Install calculation packages.......................................................................................... 397
13.2 Linked data tables ........................................................................................406
13.3 Select an item in a data table...................................................................... 406
13.4 Interpolate data within a data table.......................................................... 408
Clear an interpolation......................................................................................................... 408
13.5 Search specific information in a data table............................................... 409
Search specific information in a data table......................................................................409
Change the search criteria for a data table......................................................................409
Clear a search.......................................................................................................................410
13.6 Return data table information to your calculations................................ 410
Return data table information to your document..........................................................410
13.7 View the different details of a data table.................................................. 411
13.8 Adjust data table settings............................................................................ 411
13.9 Close the Data Tables window.....................................................................412
Close the Data Tables window and return variables...................................................... 413
Close the Data Tables window without returning variables.......................................... 413
15 2D analysis..................................................................................421
15.1 Start 2D analysis............................................................................................421
Start 2D analysis (the Tedds Application)......................................................................... 421
Start 2D analysis (Tedds for Word)....................................................................................422
15.2 Components of the 2D Analysis dialog box................................................422
15.3 Create a 2D analysis model..........................................................................424
1. Define geometry for the model..................................................................................... 425
2. Define design members for the model........................................................................ 426
3. Define loading for the model......................................................................................... 427
4. View and examine results.............................................................................................. 427
5. Specify output details..................................................................................................... 428
15.4 Modify a 2D analysis model......................................................................... 428
Modify a group of cells........................................................................................................428
Modify expressions............................................................................................................. 429
Sort data............................................................................................................................... 429
15.5 Example 2D analysis model..........................................................................429
Example 2D analysis model (SI Metric)............................................................................. 430
Example 2D analysis model (US Imperial)........................................................................ 431
Creating the example 2D analysis model ........................................................................ 432
Open the 2D analysis dialog box..................................................................................432
Define the geometry (SI Metric)....................................................................................432
Define the geometry (US Imperial).............................................................................. 434
Make the top and bottom chords continuous............................................................437
Define the loading (SI Metric)....................................................................................... 437
Define the loading (US Imperial).................................................................................. 438
Examine the results (SI Metric)..................................................................................... 439
Examine the results (US Imperial)................................................................................ 440
Modify the geometry (SI Metric)................................................................................... 441
Modify the geometry (US Imperial).............................................................................. 443
17.6 Adjust the view of a sketch..........................................................................471
Change the view option...................................................................................................... 472
Change the background color............................................................................................472
Move the sketch...................................................................................................................473
17.7 Copy a sketch to your calculations............................................................. 473
17.8 Close sketch windows...................................................................................473
Close a sketch window........................................................................................................473
Close all sketch windows.................................................................................................... 474
19 Interoperability..........................................................................503
19.1 Tekla Tedds Integrator................................................................................. 503
19.2 Tekla Structural Designer............................................................................ 504
19.3 Trimble Connect............................................................................................ 504
Launch Trimble Connect Project Explorer from the Tedds Application....................... 505
Link or unlink a project....................................................................................................... 506
Create folders, rename folders, rename files.................................................................. 507
Upload the documents from your Tedds project as pdfs.............................................. 507
View the uploaded pdfs in Trimble Connect.................................................................... 508
20 References.................................................................................. 510
20.1 Tedds fields and functions .......................................................................... 510
Syntax conventions............................................................................................................ 510
Major Tedds field syntax.....................................................................................................511
Input field syntax............................................................................................................512
Show field syntax........................................................................................................... 512
Message field syntax......................................................................................................513
Log field syntax...............................................................................................................513
Excel Link field syntax.................................................................................................... 514
Data List field syntax......................................................................................................515
Data Table field syntax.................................................................................................. 516
Data Graph field syntax.................................................................................................517
Calc Item field syntax..................................................................................................... 518
Other Tedds fields............................................................................................................... 518
Evaluate script calc item fields......................................................................................518
Evaluate metafile calc item fields................................................................................. 519
Evaluate RTF calc item fields......................................................................................... 520
Evaluate interface calc item fields................................................................................520
Time fields....................................................................................................................... 521
Date fields....................................................................................................................... 521
Date and time fields.......................................................................................................522
Run macro fields............................................................................................................ 522
Time and date formatting options .................................................................................. 523
Mathematics .......................................................................................................................524
20.2 Expression text format................................................................................. 538
20.3 Mathematical symbols................................................................................. 540
20.4 Dimensional analysis ................................................................................... 541
20.5 Result formats and precision.......................................................................545
20.6 Units................................................................................................................549
20.7 Pre-defined system variables ..................................................................... 562
20.8 System and user libraries.............................................................................564
Naming libraries.................................................................................................................. 565
Library Access System icons..............................................................................................565
Share libraries created for personal use.......................................................................... 566
Create libraries for organizational use............................................................................. 566
Finding items in libraries and sets............................................................................... 566
Tips for creating libraries.............................................................................................. 567
Frequently used procedures in creating system libraries.............................................. 568
Change items to point to a different library type.......................................................569
Change the location of the user libraries directory................................................... 570
Change the location of the system libraries directory...............................................570
Import a library...............................................................................................................571
Create system libraries....................................................................................................... 571
Before creating system libraries.................................................................................. 572
Create system libraries..................................................................................................572
Save system libraries..................................................................................................... 573
After creating system libraries......................................................................................573
Modify system libraries.......................................................................................................573
Before modifying system libraries............................................................................... 574
Modify system libraries................................................................................................. 574
Add items........................................................................................................................ 575
Modify items................................................................................................................... 575
After modifying system libraries.................................................................................. 575
20.9 Error messages.............................................................................................. 576
Tedds error messages........................................................................................................ 578
Library Access System error messages.............................................................................589
Sketch viewer error messages........................................................................................... 591
Data Tables error messages...............................................................................................592
Data Graph error messages............................................................................................... 593
Section Designer error messages......................................................................................594
20.10 Toolbars and buttons....................................................................................597
Tedds ribbon commands (the Tedds Application only) ................................................ 598
Tedds ribbon groups (Tedds for Word only).................................................................... 607
Library group.................................................................................................................. 607
Calculate group.............................................................................................................. 607
Header group..................................................................................................................608
Calc Section group......................................................................................................... 609
Show/Hide group........................................................................................................... 610
Font group.......................................................................................................................610
Insert group.................................................................................................................... 611
Tools group..................................................................................................................... 613
Library Access System toolbars........................................................................................ 616
Simple mode................................................................................................................... 616
Advanced mode..............................................................................................................617
Sketch Viewer toolbar......................................................................................................... 619
Data Tables toolbar ............................................................................................................ 620
Data Graph interpolate bar................................................................................................ 621
Section Designer toolbars.................................................................................................. 622
Standard toolbar............................................................................................................ 622
Drawing toolbar.............................................................................................................624
Section Designer tools toolbar..................................................................................... 625
Nudge toolbar.................................................................................................................626
Structure toolbar........................................................................................................... 626
20.11 Import Tedds documents into Tedds for Word..........................................627
Import Tedds documents into Tedds for Word............................................................... 627
20.12 Shortcut keys................................................................................................. 629
1 Tekla Tedds 2022 Product
Other resources
The Tekla User Assistance services are 24/7 online support channels for fast
self-service, where you can find all the product guides, additional knowledge-
base articles and instructional videos.
The Tekla Discussion Forum is the place to meet other users and discuss
topics related to Tekla products. You can ask questions, contribute to the
community by sharing your knowledge or get answers from support
The Tekla Helpdesks support your daily operations so that our systems
function as expected and any problems are solved as quickly as possible.
Component calculations
Added a new folder to the Engineering Library for "Component calculations". A
component calculation encapsulates a small engineering solution which can
be easily reused by other calculations. They are typically used by calculations
in the Tedds Engineering Library and can also be integrated in your own
custom written calculations.
• Component calculation: Steel section sketch
Creates a drawing of a Steel section profile which can then be used in the
user interface or output of another calculation. Supports section types I, T,
Channel, Pipes, Hollow Rectangle, Angle, 2 Angles, 2 Angles (log leg) and 2
Angles (short leg). The drawing can be customised to include dimensions
and section properties as appropriate. The component is compatible with
the input variables for Eurocode, American, British, Australian, and
Other updates
Other enhancements and corrections have been made to the following
calculations, for detailed information about these changes select the "New and
updated (Tedds 2022)" group in the Tedds Engineering Library and refer to the
preview window.
• 2D analysis - Frame Wizard
• 2D analysis - Truss Wizard
• Bolt group analysis
• Rigid diaphragm force distribution
• Rolling load analysis
Component calculations
Added a new folder to the Engineering Library for "Component calculations". A
component calculation encapsulates a small engineering solution which can
be easily reused by other calculations. They are typically used by calculations
in the Tedds Engineering Library and can also be integrated in your own
custom written calculations.
• Component calculation: Steel section classification (EN1993)
Other updates
Other enhancements and corrections have been made to the following
calculations, for detailed information about these changes select the "New and
updated (Tedds 2022)" group in the Tedds Engineering Library and refer to the
preview window.
• Column base plate design (EN1993)
• Crane gantry girder design (EN1993)
• Foundation analysis & design (EN1992/EN1997)
• Gabion retaining wall analysis & design (EN1997)
• Masonry bearing design (EN1996)
• Masonry column design (EN1996)
See also
Engineering library (All Regions) (page 16)
Other updates
Other enhancements and corrections have been made to the following
calculations, for detailed information about these changes select the "New and
updated (Tedds 2022)" group in the Tedds Engineering Library and refer to the
preview window.
• Anchor bolt design (ACI318)
• Column base plate design (AISC360)
• Footing analysis & design (ACI318)
• Gabion retaining wall analysis & design (ASCE)
• Masonry wall panel design (TMS/MSJC)
• RC 2D analysis & design (ACI318)
• RC beam analysis & design (ACI318)
• RC beam design (ACI318)
• RC wall design (ACI318)
• Seismic forces (ASCE7)
• Wind loading (ASCE7)
• Wood member design (NDS)
• Wood 2D analysis & design (NDS)
• Wood member analysis & design (NDS)
• Wood shear wall design (NDS)
• Wind loading (ASCE7)
See also
Engineering library (All Regions) (page 16)
Other updates
Other enhancements and corrections have been made to the following
calculations, for detailed information about these changes select the "New and
updated (Tedds 2022)" group in the Tedds Engineering Library and refer to the
preview window.
• Concrete specification (BS8500)
• Crane gantry girder design (BS5950)
• Masonry bearing design (BS5628)
• Steel beam torsion design (SCI-P-057)
• Steel sheet piling design (BS8002)
Other Updates
Other enhancements and corrections have been made to the following
calculations, for detailed information about these changes select the "New and
updated (Tedds 2022)" group in the Tedds Engineering Library and refer to the
preview window.
• Aerodynamic shape factor (AS1170)
• Cold formed local wind purlin design (AS1170)
• RC slab design (AS3600)
See also
Engineering library (All Regions) (page 16)
2D analysis
Updated the load combination generator so that the Canadian option includes
all the relevant load combinations applicable to NBC 2015.
Other updates
Other enhancements and corrections have been made to the following
calculations, for detailed information about these changes select the "New and
updated (Tedds 2022)" group in the Tedds Engineering Library and refer to the
preview window.
• Anchor bolt design (CSA-A23.3)
• Footing design (CSA-A23.3)
• RC beam design (CSA-A23.3)
• RC column design (CSA-A23.3)
• RC corbel design (CSA-A23.3)
• RC one way slab design (CSA-A23.3)
• RC pile cap design (CSA-A23.3)
• RC two way slab design (CSA-A23.3)
• RC wall design (CSA-A23.3)
Trimble Connect
Tekla Tedds integrates with Trimble Connect, for construction project
collaboration on desktop, mobile and web. Store your Tedds documents or
publish PDF documentation in the cloud using Trimble Connect for effective
project collaboration on all your projects.
Tedds 2022 includes a new Trimble Connect Project Explorer (page 504)
window which allows you to publish and share your completed documentation
at the click of a button.
Progress Log
New option to indent the items listed in the progress log. The displayed indent
increases as each Calc Item is calculated and decreases when an item has
finished calculating so that you can visually determine which items in the log
relate to which parent calc item.
Debug events for example when using WatchVar and WatchFunction are now
logged using their own Debug Item in the log.
Update the styling and default colour scheme used by the progress log for
improved visual fidelity and overall consistency with the rest of the product.
Identity Sign In
When you are required to sign in to Trimble Identity to use your Tekla Online
License or to access Tekla online services the default web browser is now
used. This means you are signed into all Trimble products and online services
which use the default web browser for sign in, which significantly reduces the
frequency that you are asked to sign in.
Windows 11
When using Tekla Online licensing, Tedds 2022 is compatible with Windows 11.
When using On-premises licensing, Tedds 2022 is not officially compatible
because a version of Sentinel RMS which supports Windows 11 is not yet
To use Tekla Tedds, you need to have a license. The installation steps you need
to take are different depending on the type of license you have: for server
licensing, you need to install additional tools, which are not necessary when
using online licenses.
Click to expand the section relevant to you and follow the links in the text for
detailed instructions.
Installation and licensing workflow 43 If you manage your own installation of Tekla
5. If you have a server license, install the software:
• At the Server - Install the license server software on the server and
activate your licenses.
See also: How can I centrally deploy Tekla software? (page 53)
• At the Client PCs - Run the Tekla Tedds installer and make sure the
installation finishes successfully.
See also: Install and license Tekla Tedds (page 48) if you need more
detailed instructions.
6. Start learning how to use Tekla Tedds:
• For a brief overview, see Get familiar with Tekla Tedds (page 57).
Installation and licensing workflow 44 If someone manages Tekla Tedds for you
Item Requirement
Memory • 2GB
• Memory requirements are
dependent on document content.
OS • Microsoft Windows 11 64bit / 10
32-bit or 64bit / 8.1 32-bit or 64bit
• Operating systems must be
running the latest service packs /
• See Test Environments (below)
for full details of supported
operating systems.
Graphics • 1920 x 1080 resolution
• 1GB or higher of dedicated RAM.
Disk space • 1GB or more of free space for
• Operational disk space
requirements are highly
dependent on document content.
Internet connection • Required for access to Online
Services and some
Microsoft Word • 32-bit or 64-bit version of
Microsoft Word Office 365, 2021,
2019, 2016 or 2013
• Microsoft Word needs to be fully
service packed.
License Service • Tekla Structural License Service
4.0 including Sentinel RMS 9.7
License Server • The latest version of the Tekla
Structural Licence Service, at time
of release, is shipped and installed
with the software. If you have
chosen to have a separate licence
server, it is always our
recommendation that you also
run the latest version of the Tekla
Structural License Service on it to
ensure compatibility.
• Please see 'System requirements'
on this page for specific version
Test environments
The application is tested and supported on the following business versions of
Microsoft Windows with the latest updates applied:
• Windows 11 64-bit
• Windows 10 32-bit & 64-bit
• Windows 8.1 32-bit & 64-bit
NOTE If you do not receive this email in your inbox, check your Spam/
Junk email folder.
4. Log in with your new account, fill in all the required profile information,
and click Save.
5. Join your Tekla Online organization in one of the following ways:
a. Switch to the Organization page on your user profile page, select an
organization that you would like to join, and click Send request. If
there are no organizations listed, it means your email address does
not match with any existing organization's email address.
b. Ask your company's Trimble Identity administrator to invite you, and
accept the invitation when it arrives via email or on your user profile
pages at https://account.tekla.com/.
Your Trimble Identity is now active, and you can install and license
Tekla Structures.
Subscription Licenses
If you have Subscription Licenses they will use the Tekla Online License
Method and the 2022 license(s) should already have been added to your Tekla
Online Organization. Select the “Tekla Online” license method option when
installing as shown in the picture below:
ATTENTION License Server Version - if you are using Sentinel RMS Server
Licenses, the Tekla Structural License Service on your license server
must be updated to version 3.2.x or later (incorporating Sentinel RMS
9.7) to be compatible with this release. The installation for this can be
obtained from Tekla Downloads. Sentinel RMS server licensing will not
function correctly if this update is not performed!
• For more information about this please see the TUA Article Tekla
Structural Design Releases for 2021 & Sentinel RMS Server Licensing
- the License Server must be updated and the associated FAQ
See also
Tedds and Tedds for Word – what’s the difference? (page 60)
NOTE See Tedds and Tedds for Word – what’s the difference? (page 60) for
more information about the choices.
1. Click Tedds.
TIP If necessary, on the New tab, you can also click the calculation
name in the Recently used calculations list. Tedds then creates
a new document containing the selected calculation.
NOTE After launching Tedds for Word, you may want to adjust some
Microsoft Word settings. For further information, see Microsoft
Word settings (page 361).
Tedds is very simple and powerful and completely self-contained. In addition,
Tedds requires no knowledge of any other package. This edition gives you
access to all the major Tedds calculations and to most of the utilities. If you are
new to Tedds and have access to both editions, we recommend that you start
by using the Tedds edition.
NOTE For clarity, the Tedds edition is referred to from this point on as the
Tedds Application.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 60 Tedds and Tedds for Word – what’s the
Tedds for Word
Tedds for Word gives you access to all Tedds calculations (including
component calculations) and all the utilities. However, Tedds for Word is even
more powerful: you can include multiple Tedds calculations in the same
document along with text, pictures, and output from other applications.
Tedds for Word is entirely integrated with and operates within Microsoft Word.
That is why you need to have access to and some knowledge of Microsoft
Word to use Tedds for Word.
In Tedds for Word, you can write and format documents according to your
needs. You also have all the editing features of Microsoft Word at your
disposal to create professional-looking reports.
In addition, Tedds for Word allows you to write your own calculations. You can
simply type the variables and formulae within a Word document, and then use
Tedds for Word commands to automatically resolve the calculations. When the
inevitable design changes occur, modify your calculations and re-calculate the
document, and Tedds for Word calculates the new results for you.
See also
Introducing the Tedds Application (page 236)
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 61 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Using Tedds (US design example)
In this exercise you will design a steel beam in order to learn how to use any of
the calculations in the extensive Tedds Engineering Library.
Design Information
Design Code AISC 360
Dimensions Length 16 ft
Effective length factor 0.80
Design Forces Moment 90 kips ft
Shear 15 kips
Axial compression 10 kips
Proposed section Shape Rectangular HSS
Steel grade A500 Gr C50
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 62 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
3. From the Tedds Start wizard click Tedds (as opposed to Tedds for Word)
as the version to run.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 63 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
NOTE For these exercises, the locale shown above can be set to either
USA or Canada).
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 64 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
You will see the Select Calculation dialog box appropriate to your locale:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 65 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
• The instructions about using Tedds are displayed in the right hand
• Every Tedds calculation is listed in the left hand panel.
• When you click on a calculation, notes relating to it are displayed on
the right side.
NOTE If the Show Examples option is checked, you will also see all of
the examples that are included in the library - these demonstrate
the potential scope of each of the calculations, show you the
typical output, and can be used to start your own designs.
To find a calculation – you could simply click on a folder in the list to open
it, then click a heading to select a calculation. However for this example
the Find in list feature will be used instead.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 66 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
8. Type steel member design in the Find in list field.
NOTE Find in list will locate the first item title in the library that
contains the exact text entered. Keywords in the item description
are also considered provided the option to Find in item
descriptions remains checked.
9. The first item in the library matching the entered text is selected - we are
looking for the 'Steel member design (AISC360))' calculation. If necessary
click Next until it is selected as shown below.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 67 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
NOTE Note there is also a 'Steel beam analysis & design (AISC360)'
calculation available which will determine the design forces
before proceeding to the design.
10. Click the Calculate button at the bottom right of the dialog: three things
will happen:
• A new calculation document will open – you will see this in the
• The Interface for the chosen automated calculation will be displayed at
the first page.
• Another window, titled the Progress Log will also be displayed – we will
explain this shortly.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 68 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
The General Automated Calculation Interface Explained
An '(i)' symbol to the left of a variable description shows that there is
more information available about this particular variable. The
information area (at the top of the dialog) displays any information
about the selected variable (if available). You can also see this
information by hovering the cursor over the '(i)' symbol.
Notes - display details about the calculations being performed.
Variables - lists all the current variables. Values can be selected from
here to enter into the current interface.
1. In this calculation all the values for design forces and section details can
be specified on the first page of the interface and the calculation results
are also displayed.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 69 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Note that additional design and output options are available by clicking
the appropriate buttons.
Before we proceed to enter the data take a moment to review the design
information given at the beginning of this exercise.
2. Enter the Design bending moment - major axis as 90 kips ft.
3. Enter the Design shear force - major axis as 15 kips.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 70 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. Finally for the Axial load applied, click No axial strength required,
change to Required compressive strength and enter a value of 10 kips.
NOTE With Preview results selected, as you change the values and
options for your design the calculation results are immediately
5. Now you need to choose a section to check, but you don't need to go off
and find a list of section properties, since all the data required can be
accessed within Tedds. In the Span details area, click the Selected section
'...' button to display the Data List for steel sections.
Data Lists
You are now looking at a Data List: a tool that allows you to choose a section
and see its properties at the click of a button.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 71 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Data Lists Explained
Details - click to see properties of the chosen selection.
In this case, both a HSS 10x6x3/8 and a HSS 12x8x1/4 may prove adequate but
which is the lighter?
1. Click the Rectangular HSS section type - this is known as the Data List
page you require.
2. Select the size and thickness you require.
3. Click on the Details button to see all the properties of the selected section
– (note that the details window updates instantaneously when you click on
another section).
4. Check the properties of both sections. The HSS 12x8x1/4 section is lighter
and may be preferred – choose this section and click Select to continue
with the calculation using this section size.
NOTE You will find Data Lists for all kinds of engineering data
throughout Tedds calculations; there are data lists for bolts,
reinforcing bars, timber sections and much more. However, they
all work in just the same simple and intuitive way.
5. The number next to 'Selected section' allows you to design beams using
two or more sections. In this example a single section is sufficient so no
change is required.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 72 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
6. Set the steel grade to A500 Gr. C.
7. Enter 16 ft for major and minor axis and torsional restraint spacings.
8. Click the Design options... button to view another interface page for
defining equivalent uniform moment factors etc.
9. Leave the default values as shown.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 73 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
11. Click Preview output... and scroll through the output, click Cancel when
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 74 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
12. You can now choose the level of output you require by clicking Output
options... From here you can also give the calculation a title.
13. Click OK
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 75 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
an item in the Library - in fact this calculation has over 150 items. When you
use a calculation like this, Tedds automatically chooses the appropriate items
for your options and input, and puts them together to make up the complete
• To accept the results and continue, click the Finish
NOTE Tedds is not a ‘black box’ where all you can see is the result, and
all you can do is accept it. In Tedds you can see exactly what’s
going on. You can see what checks Tedds does. What design
method does it use? From where did that number come? The
answers to all these questions are right there in front of you! This
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 76 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
is a major reason why Tedds is so popular with engineers the
world over.
Furthermore, if you need an example of how to write your own
calculations, then look no further. That's exactly what you are
looking at - every calculation in the library is an example of how to
write your own. How do I write a math expression in Tedds? How
do I use logic or a math function in Tedds? Look again at the
check shown above and you will see the answers to these
questions. We will look more closely at how to write your own
calculations in the next exercise Writing Tedds Calculations -
Stage 1 (page 83)
Changes are a fact of life for engineers, they always have been, and they
always will be! You need to be able to take account of any changes and update
your calculations quickly. With Tedds this is no problem.
Say that your beam needs to be 1.0 ft longer since the beam which supports it
needs to be moved, to avoid a clash. Is your section still OK?
Hidden text
All the calculations performed by Tedds are available in the output and in
general so they are – but at times some intermediate calculations are hidden
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 77 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
to reduce the amount of output. It is simple to view these and to include them
in your printout.
1. Open the application’s View tab then use the Hidden Text option and
examine the check again. You will see all the hidden text underlined with
dashed lines.
2. In this example there are no hidden calculations but you will see the
names of the Library items used in the output.
3. Select View/ Hidden Text again to hide the Library item names. Now let
us consider how to print calculations.
1. Click the Header button highlighted above – this opens a dialog where
you can enter some project details in your header.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 78 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
2. On the Company page you can define your own company details. Do this
now, if you want to. If you don’t, then remember to do so before you print
your first “proper” set of calculations.
3. On the Template page you will see the Tedds template which your
calculations will use and the logo file which Tedds will add to the template.
You can change the template and logo if necessary – click this tab and
check that its details are correct.
4. Maybe you would like to try a different style of template, there are a
number of standard templates to choose. Click the Select… button to see
these. Choose the template you want to use and you will see a preview of
what calculations produced with that template will look like. When you
have found the template you want to use click OK to use it.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 79 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5. If you have a copy of your company logo in electronic format, and the
template style you select supports a logo, then you can add your logo to
the template. Make sure that the logo is available on your computer,
Browse to find it, and then click OK to add it to the template.
6. Click OK to exit the Header Properties dialog and view your finished
7. If the logo is not the right size open the Header Properties dialog once
more and change the Scale of the logo to make it fit the template
8. Once the template and logo are correct click to display the file
menu. From here you can Print the calculation to obtain a hard copy.
9. Congratulations, you have produced your first piece of work with Tedds!
To finish this example let’s look at a few points about saving and outputting
your results.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 80 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
2. Save your file and give it a name - it’s a good idea to save all the examples
you will produce in the course of completing the guide, for future
3. The output you see in the document can be printed direct to a printer, but
you have other options.
4. Click the drop-down button adjacent to Send To on the file menu to view
5. Choose the option of sending the output to Word and experiment with
the other options if you wish. Once your output is in a Word document,
you can edit it as much as you wish.
6. By clicking the drop-down button adjacent to Save As on the file menu
you can also save the active document, or all documents in the active
project to PDF.
1. Click to display the file menu; then from the menu choose the New
Project button.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 81 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
A new empty project is created in the Project Manager.
2. New or Existing Documents are then added and arranged into folders as
required, either by right-clicking, or via the Project tab.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed the first exercise and now know all you
really need to make use of the wide range of calculations available in the
Tedds Engineering Library and to begin using Tedds productively. Take a look
through the index and try some more. How about:
• carrying out a wind load calculation?
• designing a retaining wall?
• designing an RC footing?
• analyzing and designing a timber rafter, beam or post…
The choice is yours, and all these calculations work in the same
straightforward, intuitive way. Some calculations may also include Data tables
which are designed to look like tables from printed references, so that you
immediately feel at home with them. Indeed we hope you will find yourself
recognizing them.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 82 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
What can you do if the Library does not contain the exact calculation for which
you are looking? You need to perform a number of calculations, and could do
with a calculation to help you out with these. First of all, TELL US:
• if you are running a calculation, then you will see a Feedback button to the
left-hand-side of the interface,
• if you are not running a calculation, then you can choose the Feedback…
option from the Help menu.
We are constantly working to expand our Engineering Library and your input
helps us do this!
But you don’t have to wait until we produce these for you – you can write them
yourself. We will look at this in the next exercise: Writing Tedds Calculations -
Stage 1 (page 83)
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 83 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
can add calculations to your reports; either straight out of the
Tedds Engineering Library, just as you did in the previous
exercise, or create your own.
You will find a Word Document open, which looks very similar to the Tedds
output document.
The document Header can be edited in a similar manner to that in Tedds by
clicking the Edit Header button - this button is highlighted above.
• In this exercise two documents will be required, so open a new blank one
by selecting File/ New Tedds Document
Now we are ready to begin writing our first calculation in Tedds.
The basics
Writing calculations in Tedds for Word is easy. Tedds follows standard
mathematical rules and uses standard mathematical operators. For example 1
+ 2 would add 1 to 2. To write an equation use the = sign, and to specify where
you want to see the answer use the ? symbol. For example:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 84 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
• Type the above anywhere in your document. When you calculate this
equation the ? will be replaced with the answer.
Calc Section - this will calculate the Calc. Section your cursor
is in.
Units in Tedds
Tedds automatically takes units into account, so you don’t need to apply
conversion factors to get the right answer. Tedds will also check that the units
you are using are dimensionally correct and warn you if they aren’t.
1. Type the following in your document using the same case as you see here:
890 mm + 1 ft + 8.5 in = ? m
2. In the Calculate ribbon group, click All to calculate this equation:
890 mm + 1 ft + 8.5 in = 1.411 m
3. You should find the answer displayed in your document as shown above.
if you have an error, take a look at the Errors and troubleshooting
section below.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 85 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Defining and using input variables in Tedds
Defining variables is the key to writing effective Tedds calculations. We will use
the following calculations to demonstrate this. Do not type this yet - we will
show you how to enter the calculation below (in stages).
1. Close the current document, (because two documents were opened at the
beginning of the exercise you should still have an empty one displayed).
2. Type in the following two paragraphs in the empty document.
The first paragraph is just a title for our calculation. The second paragraph
is a standard Variable Definition which uses a superscript in its units.
3. Once you have finished typing, read the notes in the box below for an
explanation of a standard variable definition, and to check you have typed
it correctly.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 86 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
The Standard Variable Definition Explained
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 87 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Mathematical Expressions Explained
8. Your expression has been calculated and the result has replaced the ? as
before. if you have an error, take a look at the Errors and
troubleshooting section below.
9. Here are the next two paragraphs of the calculation. The first paragraph is
a standard variable definition, while the second uses both T and Fa to
determine the minimum section area and creates a variable AMIN with this
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 88 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
10. Type the first paragraph, then follow the steps below to enter the second.
11. The second paragraph contains examples of the use of Subscript (often
used for name suffixes) and Superscript (used for powers).
12. To type the variable name AMIN, first type the A, then click the Subscript
13. Now type MIN, then click the button again to return to normal text.
14. To type the unit in2, first type in, then click the Superscript button.
15. Now type 2, then click the button again to return to normal text.
16. Click Calculate All to calculate these expressions once you have entered
17. You should find the result displayed in the document - if you have an
error, take a look at the Errors and troubleshooting section below.
18. Here are the final three paragraphs of the calculation. Follow the steps
below to create these.
19. Here we define two new variables to be used in the expression in the final
20. Type the first paragraph, entering the subscript for the name Le as you did
21. Follow the steps below to enter the second paragraph.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 89 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
23. First click the button indicated, then type the Roman equivalent of the
Greek letter – (l in this case for lambda).
24. Now click the button again to return to normal text, then enter the
subscript suffix as you did above using the Subscript button.
25. Use Copy and Paste to enter this name in the final expression.
26. Now click Calculate All to calculate these final expressions:
27. You should find the result displayed in the document - if you have an
error, take a look at the Errors and troubleshooting section below.
3. You will note that we do not just store the variable name and value, but
also the dimensions. This is how Tedds handles all the unit conversions
for you.
NOTE You can Delete variables from this list if you wish:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 90 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. Cancel from this dialog, and edit one of the values on the page - say the
tie force to T = 150 kips. Now check back in the stored variables and you
will note the stored value has not changed.
5. Re-calculate the document and check back in the list of variables - the new
value has now been stored.
NOTE If you hover over a variable name in the Variables dialog box a
summary list is displayed showing the value of the variable in all
applicable standard units.
4. Note that our calculation does not include any conversion factors.
NOTE Tedds’ unit handling is a massive help – Tedds comes with a huge
number of defined units and you can add more if needed.
Dimensional Checking - Tedds checks all dimensions in your
calculation and will inform you if these are incorrect. This is why
you should use units consistently throughout your calculations.
Do so, and you can have total confidence that your calculations
are dimensionally correct.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 91 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5. Save the document and give it a name - call it “Exercise 2” - as we wish to
build on it later in the guide.
To complete this exercise, in the next section we will take a brief look at
handling errors in calculations.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 92 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. Make sure that the options above are checked and then click OK. We can
now proceed to create some calculations with errors.
5. Enter the following 2 paragraphs as they appear here - see if you can spot
any errors as you do, but don’t fix them yet!
6. Now click the Calculate All button to calculate the calculations - you
should see the Expression Error dialog:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 93 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Expression Error dialog Explained
This line is the one that Tedds cannot evaluate, so look here to spot
the error.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 94 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
9. Check the rule about delimiters (see The Standard Variable Definition
Explained info box earlier in this topic). There should be a semi-colon
between the expressions to separate them. Add this in and re-calculate
the entire document.
10. Now we will get the next error – the variable WD is not defined. We have
typed WD instead of wD and variable names are case-sensitive.
11. Click the Interrupt button to stop the calculation.
12. Correct the variable name on the page to wD and re-calculate. The
calculations should now complete with no problems. Tedds automatically
deletes all error messages from the page.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed your first Tedds calculation. You can
now begin writing effective calculations in Tedds for Word. There are more
great features that make such calculations even more powerful, and we will
show you these later.
Now we are going to look at using calculations from the Engineering Library in
Tedds for Word: Using Library Calculations in Tedds for Word (page 95)
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 95 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Information required for this exercise
Design Information
Use the following information for the calculation.
Code version ASCE 7-10
Override R value for IBC No
Risk Category II
Site Class D
Short Period 0.2
1 sec Period 0.3
Determine SDC from No
Table 11/6-1 alone
Include vertical load No
Building height 40 ft
Effective seismic wt 5000 kips
Structure is regular and Yes
less than 5 stories
Lateral Force System Steel Frame (eccentrically braced)
System Type Building Frame Systems (selected in Data Table)
Basic seismic-force- Type 1. - Steel (selected in Data Table)
resisting system eccentrically braced
Override approximate No
fundamental period
Long-period transition 8 sec
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 96 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Using Calculation Sections in Tedds for Word
As stated, one of the reasons for running library calculations in Tedds for
Word is so that you can combine a number of calculations in a single
document. In this case, each calculation should be placed in a separate
Calculation Section, so we will start off by introducing one of these. Calculation
Sections will be explained in more detail later in this exercise.
1. Open a new Tedds document.
2. Insert a New Calc Section by clicking the appropriate button.
3. The following dialog will appear - enter a name for the section. This will
form the title for the calculation in the document.
4. Click OK and this will enter a Calculation Section Title in the document. We
place a calculation below this title and thus within the section. You should
note that your cursor is now on the line below the section title.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 97 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Selecting calculations from the library
All the library calculations are available from the Library Access System. To use
a calculation we retrieve it from the Library, place it in our document and
calculate it.
2. Click the Index button if the index is not displayed and ensure you have
the Tedds calculations (US Units) index option selected.
3. To open a folder in the index simply double-click it. Open the Loading
folder, then the Seismic forces (ASCE7) folder, then select (click on) the
Seismic forces (ASCE7) item
4. To place this calculation in the document, click the Execute button in the
library. (You can also double-click on the selected item to do this.) In both
cases you will see the Insert Calc Item dialog.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 98 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5. This dialog allows you to control where the item will be added. Simply
choose the options as above then click OK and the item will be pasted at
the cursor position in the document.
NOTE Note that one of the options in the dialog is to add a new Calc
Section. In this example we have already added one manually, so
as shown above, on this occasion the option should be
7. We can now close the Library - there is no need to have it open while a
calculation is running.
8. Click the Calculate Section button to start the calculation.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 99 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
9. The Interface for the calculation will now be displayed, along with the
Progress Log. You are now in familiar territory as everything from this
point works exactly as you learned in the first exercise – Using Tedds
(page 62)
10. Click the Notes button and briefly look at the notes before proceeding.
11. You will be comfortable with entering information in the interface by now,
so we won't show every input step in detail. The data to be entered is
given at the start of this exercise.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 100 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
12. When you get to enter the Site Class (= D), click on the down arrow at the
side of the information pane (as shown below) to see all the help
information available for this input.
13. When you are ready, click on the up arrow (to which the down arrow has
changed) to reduce the information pane, and continue on to the next
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 101 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
1. When the table displays, note the four tabs at the bottom: Table,
Variables, Notes and Sketches (the latter tab being dimmed because there
are no sketches associated with this particular table).
2. Take a look at the variables for the table by clicking on the Variables tab.
This informs us which variables still need selecting before the design
coefficients and factors can be determined and copied back to the calcs.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 102 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
3. Return to the Table tab and select the required System Type by clicking on
a heading in the first column of the table. Also ensure an appropriate
Basic Seismic-Force Resisting System is selected in the second column.
4. When you are ready to continue the calculation, exit the table by clicking
the Copy to calcs button or hitting Enter on your keyboard. DO NOT close
the table using either of the buttons to the top right of the window -
this will abort the calculation!
5. The Copy to calcs button will enable when you have made a selection.
Click this or hit the enter key to continue when you are ready and the
calculation will be completed.
6. Enter the rest of the design information, then click Finish - the calculation
will be completed.
7. Close the Progress Log and examine the calculations - they are of the
same form as the ones you saw in Tedds, and they show you exactly how
the results have been determined.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 103 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
3. Type a name for the new section – this will be the title of your next
calculation. Then click OK.
4. A new calculation should be placed below this title and thus within the
5. Retrieve another calculation from the library and place it within this
6. To calculate just one section, we place our cursor within the section and
use the Calculate Section button.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed the third exercise of the guide and
learned all you need to run calculations from the Library in Tedds for Word.
You can now save the document and re-use it as appropriate.
In the next section you will learn how you can make your own calculations
even more powerful: Writing Tedds Calculations - Stage 2 (page 104)
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 104 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Buttons used in this exercise
The new commands you will be introduced to in this exercise are located on
the Library and Show/Hide groups of the Tedds tab as shown below:
1. Type the first two paragraphs, which are just text, below the existing
2. Type the third paragraph and note that here we are defining three input
variables which are properties of the section we are checking. Ensure you
separate the text and all the expressions using delimiters (;) as shown.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 105 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
NOTE A math function is always followed directly by its argument(s) in
parentheses as shown here. There are many more such functions
available in Tedds for Word. For full details of this and other
functions, consult the Mathematical functions topic, or refer to
the Writing your own custom calculations Index item in the
Library Access System, where all functions are completely
2. Now type the fifth paragraph - this is a simple expression that determines
and displays the actual stress in the section and assigns the result to the
variable fa.
2. The characters f1 following the ? are the format string. The format string
must immediately follow the ? with no space in between as shown. See
below for a fuller explanation.
3. Once you have finished typing this last expression, check the new
paragraphs carefully. Have you included all the delimiters? Have you used
subscripts correctly? Have you used the correct case for variable names
and units?
4. When you are satisfied that everything is correct, click Calculate All.
5. If you have an Error, then Interrupt and take a look at Errors and
troubleshooting (page 92). Fix any errors until your calculation works fully.
6. Review your results and look at the last paragraph to see how the format
string we used has operated:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 106 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
7. Click the Variables button to examine the list of saved variables and check
the stored value for this variable:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 107 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. Finally, place your cursor as shown at the very end of the heading.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 108 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5. The Library Access System finds the first item containing the find text, this
is not the item we require so click the green down arrow to find the next
item until the required item shown below is located, which is also
highlighted above. Channel section (LRFD 3-US)
6. Now to bring this item into your calculation, either double click the item,
or click the Execute… button. You should find the following has been
entered in your document.
7. This text inserted is a Tedds Data List Field which launches the specified
Data List (further details on Tedds Fields are given below),
8. Close the library once you have retrieved the Tedds Data List Field.
9. Now click Calculate All to calculate the document again.
10. The Data List will now be displayed when the Tedds Data List Field is
11. Select the C9x20 channel section then click on the Details button to
examine the variables defined in the table.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 109 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
NOTE Note that we have used exactly the same names for the
properties in our calculation as those defined by the Data List - A,
rx and ry. This is the key to integrating all Data Functions with your
calculations. Remember that variable names are case-sensitive.
12. Click the Select button to return these variables to your calculations - you
will see that the section's properties from the Data List replace the ? fields
in your document and the Tedds Field displays the choice you made in the
Data List.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 110 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
13. The Data List is now integrated with your calculation. Re-calculate a few
times, each time changing your selection of channel size in the Data List,
to test this.
14. Click the Variables button and you will see that all the variables defined
by the Data List are listed and are thus available to be used in calculations.
15. Save the calculation at this stage, as we will build on it in the final exercise.
NOTE Whilst in this exercise the Data List was inserted into the
calculation via the Tedds Engineering Data button, it could have
been inserted via the Tedds Field button instead. The use of
Tedds Fields is covered in the next exercise Enhancing
Tedds Fields
1. Check the Field Codes box.
2. Look at the Tedds Field in your document and you will see the following:
3. The command that runs the Data List is now revealed. Uncheck the Field
Codes box again to return to the normal view of the document.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed the fourth exercise and learned
everything you really need to write powerful Tedds calculations. Maybe now
would be the time to have a go at writing a calculation of your own. It's a good
idea to start with something simple and build on the complexity as you
become more familiar with Tedds.
The next step in the guide, Enhancing Calculations (page 112) is about making
Tedds calculations still easier to work with, and is especially relevant if you
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 111 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
envisage writing calculations for others to use. Even if your calculations are for
your own use you may find these further features beneficial so we
recommend that you review them. You might like to leave this step until you
have had a go at writing a calculation of your own using what you have
learned so far.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 112 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Tedds Input Field
Prompt tells the user what the variable is and
appears on the page
Name the unique name of the variable
Units if the property has dimensions then
enter a unit here
Default value this value will be displayed initially for
user to edit or accept
Format the format displayed on the page
No. of decimal places the number of decimal places
displayed on the page
4. Enter the details shown to define the input for this variable:
Prompt = Min. yield strength
Name = Fy
Units = ksi
Default value = 36
Format = Fixed
No. of decimal places = 0
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 113 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5. Accept the defaults for other options and click OK when you have
everything entered.
NOTE We do not put a value in this dialog - this is entered when the
statement is calculated.
7. With the Field Codes button on you will see the following Tedds Input
Field preceding the text on the line.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 114 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Insert Tedds Field Properties
Input Tf Le λL
Prompt Tie force Tie effective Slenderness
length limit
Name T Le λL
Units kips ft
Default value 300
Format fixed fixed fixed
No. of decimal places 2 3 0
NOTE To enter Greek characters in the Insert Tedds Field dialog for
variable names like λ simply click the Greek character button
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 115 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
2. These last two values help us assess the utilization of the section for the
two checks. Assigning them to output variables will help us with creating
Tedds Show Fields. Calculate your document once you have written them
to ensure they are working properly before proceeding.
3. Place your cursor beneath these paragraphs and click the Insert Tedds
Field button.
4. Select the Show tab. The Show Field we want to create will test whether
the section is failing stress and output a message to give the status of the
5. Select the Condition type option and input the following information:
6. The output of the Tedds Show Field consists of two text messages known
as output strings. Only one output string is displayed in the document
depending on the status of the condition.
7. Check your input carefully, then click OK to enter the Tedds Show Field in
the document.
8. When you have OK'd the input, click the Field Codes button to view the
resulting Tedds Show Field. It should be as shown below. If your Tedds
Show Field is incorrect, the best thing to do at this stage is to delete it and
run through the Insert Tedds Field dialog again.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 116 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Using logic In Tedds
Take a close look at this Tedds Show field, and you can see how we use a
simple logic statement to output one of two pieces of text using the if logical
if(check_stress > 1, “Section fails stress check” , “Section OK for
NOTE You can use this kind of expression to define variables using a
condition. The outputs can be values, expressions or further logic
For example:
a = if(b > c, 10, 20) = ?
Check the table of Logic Functions in the Mathematics (page 524) topic
for full details.
1. Now calculate your document to calculate the Tedds Show Field. You
should find you have something similar to the following in your Progress
Log and you will also see the output text on the page where you placed
the Tedds Show Field.
2. Change some of your input values and re-calculate a few times to test
your full calculation and both the pass and fail output of the Tedds Show
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 117 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Tedds Data List Fields
In the previous exercise we inserted a Data List Field into the calculation using
the Engineering Data button. However, it could have been inserted more easily
using the Tedds Field button:
1. With the Field Codes button on you will see the following Tedds Data List
2. Delete the entire definition of this field from your page. Leave your cursor
on the empty line.
3. Click the Tedds Field button.
4. Select the Data List option and scroll down to select the same .dls file
name as that shown in the line you just deleted above.
5. Input the Prompt as Select Section.
6. To input the Default page and Default item click the ellipsis button ( ) and
then select the page and section size that you want to appear as the
7. Accept the defaults for other options and click OK when you have
everything entered.
8. Calculate your document to run it once more.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed the final exercise in the guide and are
ready to begin using Tedds to its full potential.
Here are a few things you could try next:
• Create another Tedds Show Field similar to that above for the slenderness
check - following is the logic statement you would use for this:
• Create a Tedds Show Field to give the overall status of the section, checking
both slenderness and stress. Try the following:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 118 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
than in the document. You will see examples of their use in the Tedds
Engineering Library Calculations.
• Try creating Messages using the Value of Variable option to show the
values of the minimum area and radius of gyration in the Log before the
Data List is displayed.
Of course there's much more for you to discover. We wish you an enjoyable
and productive time in using the program in your day-to-day work, and
exploring its capabilities more fully.
If you would like to read up on further information about Tedds, then we
recommend the Tedds Help system, which you can access in the usual way.
Some Tedds dialogs have context sensitive help. To see this simply click the
Help button in the dialog.
We also run training courses in most locales, for further information on
availability contact the Tedds support team in your region, simply click the
Support icon in any of Tedds’ automated calculations.
Design Information
Design Code EN1993
Dimensions Length 5.0 m
Effective length factors 0.85
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 119 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Design Information
Design Forces Moment 135 kNm
Shear 60.0 kN
Axial compression 40.0 kN
Proposed section Shape RHS preferred
Steel grade S275H
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 120 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
NOTE For these exercises, the locale shown above should be set
appropriate to your region ( UK, Europe, or Asia).
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 121 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
You will see the Select Calculation dialog box appropriate to your locale:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 122 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
7. Click on the All folder.
• The instructions about using Tedds are displayed in the right hand
• Every Tedds calculation is listed in the left hand panel.
• When you click on a calculation, notes relating to it are displayed on
the right side.
NOTE If the Show Examples option is checked, you will also see all of
the examples that are included in the library - these demonstrate
the potential scope of each of the calculations, show you the
typical output, and can be used to start your own designs.
To find a calculation – you could simply click on a folder in the list to open
it, then click a heading to select a calculation. However for this example
the Find in list feature will be used instead.
8. Type steel member design in the Find in list field.
NOTE Find in list will locate the first item title in the library that
contains the exact text entered. Keywords in the item description
are also considered provided the option to Find in item
descriptions remains checked.
9. The first item in the library matching the entered text is selected - we are
looking for the 'Steel member design (EN1993)' calculation. If necessary
click Next until it is selected as shown below.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 123 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
NOTE Note there is also a 'Steel beam analysis & design (EN1993)'
calculation available which will determine the design forces
before proceeding to the design.
10. Click the Calculate button at the bottom right of the dialog: three things
will happen:
• A new calculation document will open – you will see this in the
• The Interface for the chosen automated calculation will be displayed at
the first page.
• Another window, titled the Progress Log will also be displayed – we will
explain this shortly.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 124 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
design options you require and enter values for dimensions, loading etc. all of
which are clearly explained. See the box below for more information.
Variables - lists all the current variables. Values can be selected from
here to enter into the current interface.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 125 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
The General Automated Calculation Interface Explained
Buttons... - allow you to enter more information or select a particular
1. In this calculation all the values for design forces and section details can
be specified on the first page of the interface and the calculation results
are also displayed.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 126 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Note that additional design and output options are available by clicking
the appropriate buttons.
Before we proceed to enter the data take a moment to review the design
information given at the beginning of this exercise.
2. Enter the Design bending moment - major axis as 135 kNm.
3. Enter the Design shear force - major axis as 60 kN.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 127 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. Finally for the Axial load applied, click No applied axial force, change to
Design axial compression force and enter a value of 40 kN.
5. Click Preview results
NOTE With Preview results selected, as you change the values and
options for your design the calculation results are immediately
6. Now you need to choose a section to check, but you don't need to go off
and find a list of section properties, since all the data required can be
accessed within Tedds. In the Span details area, click the Selected section
'...' button to display the Data List for steel sections.
Data Lists
You are now looking at a Data List: a tool that allows you to choose a section
and see its properties at the click of a button.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 128 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Data Lists Explained
Details - click to see properties of the chosen selection.
1. Click the Rectangular Hollow Section section type - this is known as the
Data List page you require.
2. Select the size and thickness you require.
3. Click on the Details button to see all the properties of the selected section
– (note that the details window updates instantaneously when you click on
another section). In this case, both a 250x100x10 RHS and a 300x200x6
RHS may prove adequate but which is the lighter?
NOTE You will find Data Lists for all kinds of engineering data
throughout Tedds calculations; there are data lists for bolts,
reinforcing bars, timber sections and much more. However, they
all work in just the same simple and intuitive way.
5. The number next to 'Selected section' allows you to design beams using
two or more sections. In this example a single section is sufficient so no
change is required.
6. Set the steel grade to S275H.
7. Enter a restraint spacing of 5000 mm for both the major and minor axes.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 129 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
8. Click Design options... to view another interface page for defining
equivalent uniform moment factors etc.
9. Leave the default values as shown.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 130 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
11. Click Preview output... and scroll through the output, click Cancel when
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 131 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
12. You can now choose the level of output you require by clicking Output
options... From here you can also give the calculation a title.
13. Click OK
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 132 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
an item in the Library - in fact this calculation has over 150 items. When you
use a calculation like this, Tedds automatically chooses the appropriate items
for your options and input, and puts them together to make up the complete
• To accept the results and continue, click Finish
NOTE Tedds is not a ‘black box’ where all you can see is the result, and
all you can do is accept it. In Tedds you can see exactly what’s
going on. You can see what checks Tedds does. What design
method does it use? From where did that number come? The
answers to all these questions are right there in front of you! This
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 133 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
is a major reason why Tedds is so popular with engineers the
world over.
Furthermore, if you need an example of how to write your own
calculations, then look no further. That's exactly what you are
looking at - every calculation in the library is an example of how to
write your own. How do I write a math expression in Tedds? How
do I use logic or a math function in Tedds? Look again at the
check shown above and you will see the answers to these
questions. We will look more closely at how to write your own
calculations in the next exercise Writing Tedds Calculations -
Stage 1 (page 140)
Changes are a fact of life for engineers, they always have been, and they
always will be! You need to be able to take account of any changes and update
your calculations quickly. With Tedds this is no problem.
Say that your beam needs to be 0.1 m longer since the beam which supports it
needs to be moved, to avoid a clash. Is your section still OK?
Hidden Text
All the calculations performed by Tedds are available in the output and in
general so they are – but at times some intermediate calculations are hidden
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 134 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
to reduce the amount of output. It is simple to view these and to include them
in your printout.
1. Open the application’s View tab then use the Hidden Text option and
examine the check again. You will see all the hidden text underlined with
dashed lines.
2. In this example there are no hidden calculations but you will see the
names of the Library items used in the output.
3. Select View/ Hidden Text again to hide the Library item names. Now let
us consider how to print calculations.
1. Click the Header button highlighted above – this opens a dialog where
you can enter some project details in your header.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 135 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
2. On the Company page you can define your own company details. Do this
now, if you want to. If you don’t, then remember to do so before you print
your first “proper” set of calculations.
3. On the Template page you will see the Tedds template which your
calculations will use and the logo file which Tedds will add to the template.
You can change the template and logo if necessary – click this tab and
check that its details are correct.
4. Maybe you would like to try a different style of template, there are a
number of standard templates to choose. Click the Select… button to see
these. Choose the template you want to use and you will see a preview of
what calculations produced with that template will look like. When you
have found the template you want to use click OK to use it.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 136 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5. If you have a copy of your company logo in electronic format, and the
template style you select supports a logo, then you can add your logo to
the template. Make sure that the logo is available on your computer,
Browse to find it, and then click OK to add it to the template.
6. Click OK to exit the Header Properties dialog and view your finished
7. If the logo is not the right size open the Header Properties dialog once
more and change the Scale of the logo to make it fit the template
8. Once the template and logo are correct click to display the file
menu. From here you can Print the calculation to obtain a hard copy.
9. Congratulations, you have produced your first piece of work with Tedds!
To finish this example let’s look at a few points about saving and outputting
your results.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 137 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
2. Save your file and give it a name - it’s a good idea to save all the examples
you will produce in the course of completing the guide for future
3. The output you see in the document can be printed direct to a printer, but
you have other options.
4. Click the drop-down button adjacent to Send To on the file menu to view
5. Choose the option of sending the output to Word and experiment with
the other options if you wish. Once your output is in a Word document,
you can edit it as much as you wish.
6. By clicking the drop-down button adjacent to Save As on the file menu
you can also save the active document, or all documents in the active
project to PDF.
1. Click to display the file menu; then from the menu choose the New
Project button.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 138 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
A new empty project is created in the Project Manager.
2. New or Existing Documents can then be added and arranged into folders
as required either by right-clicking, or via the Project tab.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed the first exercise and now know all you
really need to make use of the wide range of calculations available in the
Tedds Engineering Library and to begin using Tedds productively. Take a look
through the index and try some more. How about:
• carrying out a wind load calculation?
• designing a retaining wall?
• designing an RC footing?
• analysing and designing a timber rafter, beam or post…
The choice is yours, and all these calculations work in the same
straightforward, intuitive way. Some calculations may also include Data tables
which are designed to look like tables from printed references, so that you
immediately feel at home with them. Indeed we hope you will find yourself
recognising them.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 139 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
What can you do if the Library does not contain the exact calculation for which
you are looking? You need to perform a number of calculations, and could do
with a calculation to help you out with these. First of all, TELL US:
• if you are running a calculation, then you will see a Feedback button to the
left-hand-side of the interface,
• if you are not running a calculation, then you can choose the Feedback…
option from the Help menu.
We are constantly working to expand our Engineering Library and your input
helps us do this!
But you don’t have to wait until we produce these for you – you can write them
yourself. We will look at this in the next exercise: Writing Tedds Calculations -
Stage 1 (page 140)
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 140 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
can add calculations to your reports; either straight out of the
Tedds Engineering Library, just as you did in the previous
exercise, or create your own.
You will find a Word Document open, which looks very similar to the Tedds
output document.
The document Header can be edited in a similar manner to that in Tedds by
clicking the Edit Header button - this button is highlighted above.
• In this exercise two documents will be required, so open a new blank one
by selecting File/ New Tedds Document
Now we are ready to begin writing our first calculation in Tedds.
The basics
Writing calculations in Tedds for Word is easy. Tedds follows standard
mathematical rules and uses standard mathematical operators. For example 1
+ 2 would add 1 to 2. To write an equation use the = sign, and to specify where
you want to see the answer use the ? symbol. For example:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 141 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
• Type the above anywhere in your document. When you calculate this
equation the ? will be replaced with the answer.
Calc Section - this will calculate the Calc. Section your cursor
is in.
Units in Tedds
Tedds automatically takes units into account, so you don’t need to apply
conversion factors to get the right answer. Tedds will also check that the units
you are using are dimensionally correct and warn you if they aren’t.
1. Type the following in your document using the same case as you see here:
890 mm + 1 ft + 8.5 in = ? m
2. In the Calculate ribbon group, click All to calculate this equation:
890 mm + 1 ft + 8.5 in = 1.411 m
3. You should find the answer displayed in your document as shown above.
if you have an error, take a look at the Errors and Troubleshooting
section below.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 142 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Defining and using input variables in Tedds
Defining variables is the key to writing effective Tedds calculations. We will use
the following calculations to demonstrate this. Do not type this yet - we will
show you how to enter the calculation below (in stages).
1. Close the current document, (because two documents were opened at the
beginning of the exercise you should still have an empty one displayed).
2. Type in the following two paragraphs in the empty document.
The first paragraph is just a title for our calculation. The second paragraph
is a standard Variable Definition which uses a superscript in its units.
3. To type the unit N/mm2, first type N/mm, then click the Superscript
4. Now type 2, then click the button again to return to normal text. Once you
have finished typing, read the notes in the box below for an explanation
of a standard variable definition, and to check you have typed it correctly.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 143 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
The Standard Variable Definition Explained
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 144 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Mathematical Expressions Explained
9. Your expression has been calculated and the result has replaced the ? as
before. if you have an error, take a look at the Errors and
troubleshooting section below.
10. Here are the next two paragraphs of the calculation. The first paragraph is
a standard variable definition, while the second uses both Tf and Fa to
determine the minimum section area and creates a variable AMIN with this
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 145 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
11. Type the first paragraph, then follow the steps below to enter the second.
12. The second paragraph contains examples of the use of Subscript (often
used for name suffixes) and Superscript (used for powers).
13. To type the variable name AMIN, first type the A, then click the Subscript
14. Now type MIN, then click the button again to return to normal text.
15. To type the unit cm2, first type cm, then click the Superscript button.
16. Now type 2, then click the button again to return to normal text.
17. Click Calculate All to calculate these expressions once you have entered
18. You should find the result displayed in the document - if you have an
error, take a look at the Errors and troubleshooting section below.
19. Here are the final three paragraphs of the calculation. Follow the steps
below to create these.
20. Here we define two new variables to be used in the expression in the final
21. Type the first paragraph, entering the subscript for the name Le as you did
22. Follow the steps below to enter the second paragraph.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 146 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
23. Use the Greek text button to enter the name λL
24. First click the button indicated, then type the Roman equivalent of the
Greek letter – (l in this case for lambda).
25. Now click the button again to return to normal text, then enter the
subscript suffix as you did above using the Subscript button.
26. Use Copy and Paste to enter this name in the final expression.
27. Now click Calculate All to calculate these final expressions:
28. You should find the result displayed in the document - if you have an
error, take a look at the Errors and troubleshooting section below.
3. You will note that we do not just store the variable name and value, but
also the dimensions. This is how Tedds handles all the unit conversions
for you.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 147 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
NOTE You can Delete variables from this list if you wish:
4. Cancel from this dialog, and edit one of the values on the page - say the
tie force to Tf = 600 kN. Now check back in the stored variables and you
will note the stored value has not changed.
5. Re-calculate the document and check back in the list of variables - the new
value has now been stored.
NOTE If you hover over a variable name in the Variables dialog box a
summary list is displayed showing the value of the variable in all
applicable standard units.
4. Note that our calculation does not include any conversion factors.
NOTE Tedds' unit handling is a massive help – Tedds comes with a huge
number of defined units and you can add more if needed.
Dimensional Checking - Tedds checks all dimensions in your
calculation and will inform you if these are incorrect. This is why
you should use units consistently throughout your calculations.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 148 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Do so, and you can have total confidence that your calculations
are dimensionally correct.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 149 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. Make sure that the options above are checked and then click OK. We can
now proceed to create some calculations with errors.
5. Enter the following 2 paragraphs as they appear here - see if you can spot
any errors as you do, but don’t fix them yet!
6. Now click the Calculate All button to calculate the calculations - you
should see the Expression Error dialog:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 150 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Expression Error dialog Explained
This line is the one that Tedds cannot evaluate, so look here to spot
the error.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 151 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
9. Check the rule about delimiters (see The Standard Variable Definition
Explained info box earlier in this topic). There should be a semi-colon
between the expressions to separate them. Add this in and re-calculate
the entire document.
10. Now we will get the next error – the variable WD is not defined. We have
typed WD instead of wD and variable names are case-sensitive.
11. Click the Interrupt button to stop the calculation.
12. Correct the variable name on the page to wD and re-calculate. The
calculations should now complete with no problems. Tedds automatically
deletes all error messages from the page.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed your first Tedds calculation. You can
now begin writing effective calculations in Tedds for Word. There are more
great features that make such calculations even more powerful, and we will
show you these later.
Now we are going to look at using calculations from the Engineering Library in
Tedds for Word: Using Library Calculations in Tedds for Word (page 152)
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 152 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Allow about 15 minutes to complete this exercise.
Analysis Information
Use the following information for the calculation.
Beam span Length 3000 mm
Supports: Pinned
Self Weight factor 1
Dead Load Full UDL 2 kN/m
Imposed Load Full UDL 3 kN/m
Load Combination 1 1.35 x Dead + 1.5 x Imposed
Design Information
Use the following information for the calculation.
Type of beam Flitch
Breadth of timber members 44 mm
Depth of timber members 195 mm
Number of timber sections 2
Timber grade stresses C24
Service class of timber 1
Breadth of steel members 8 mm
Depth of steel members 190 mm
Number of steel members 1
Steel design stress 235 N/mm2
Bolt diameter 12 mm
Characteristic tensile strength 400 N/mm2
Length of bearing 100 mm
Compressive edge of beam Restrained
Duration of loading Long term
Maximum allowable deflection 0.004 x span
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 153 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Using Calculation Sections in Tedds for Word
As stated, one of the reasons for running library calculations in Tedds for
Word is so that you can combine a number of calculations in a single
document. In this case, each calculation should be placed in a separate
Calculation Section, so we will start off by introducing one of these. Calculation
Sections will be explained in more detail later in this exercise.
1. Open a new Tedds document.
2. Insert a New Calc Section by clicking the appropriate button.
3. The following dialog will appear - enter a name for the section. This will
form the title for the calculation in the document.
4. Click OK and this will enter a Calculation Section Title in the document. We
place a calculation below this title and thus within the section. You should
note that your cursor is now on the line below the section title.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 154 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Selecting calculations from the library
All the library calculations are available from the Library Access System. To use
a calculation we retrieve it from the Library, place it in our document and
calculate it.
3. To open a folder in the index simply double-click it. Open the Beams
folder, then the Timber member analysis & design (EN1995) folder,
then select (click on) the Timber member analysis & design (EN1995)
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 155 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. To place this calculation in the document, click the Execute button in the
library. (You can also double-click on the selected item to do this.) In both
cases you will see the Insert Calc Item dialog.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 156 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5. This dialog allows you to control where the item will be added. Simply
choose the options as above then click OK and the item will be pasted at
the cursor position in the document.
NOTE Note that one of the options in the dialog is to add a new Calc
Section. In this example we have already added one manually, so
as shown above, on this occasion the option should be
7. We can now close the Library - there is no need to have it open while a
calculation is running.
8. Click the Calculate Section button to start the calculation.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 157 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
9. The Interface for the calculation will now be displayed, along with the
Progress Log. You are now in familiar territory as everything from this
point works exactly as you learned in the first exercise – Using Tedds
(page 119)
10. Click the Notes button and briefly look at the notes before proceeding.
11. You will be comfortable with entering information in the interface by now,
so we won't show every input step in detail. The data to be entered is
given at the start of this exercise.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 158 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
12. Click the Design options... button, enter the bolt diameter and tensile
strength. Take a moment to review the other inputs asked for on this
page, then click OK
13. Click the Geometry... button, enter the span and support data then in the
Section box, click Select...
14. Check the Flitch box, then enter the timber and steel plate properties.
15. In the droplist at the top of the dialog, select Timber (EC5) to display the
timber strength classes datalist, and from there click Softwood species, C24
and Select
16. Click OK to close the Section dialog.
17. Click the Loading tab and then on the right side of the dialog click + Add
to add a Beam member load. Enter this as a Permanent Load Case UDL of
2 kN/m in Global Z.
18. In in the next row enter a second Beam member load, this time an
Imposed Load Case UDL of 3 kN/m in Global Z.
19. Click on the Load Combinations tab - as the factors are the those we
require, simply click OK.
20. Select the nominal yield strength for the steel plates.
21. At this point you can review the force and deflection diagrams if required.
22. Click the Deflection criteria... button, enter choose span/250, enter a
deflection limit of 12mm then click OK
23. Click OK to return to the previous page of the interface and you will see
the calculations have been performed and utilisation ratios determined
while you are still in the interface.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 159 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
24. If the design is not satisfactory it is a simple matter to use the Member
details... button to adjust the section to achieve a satisfactory design. You
should find that the flitch beam passes all the checks so click Finish to
close the interface and place the calculations into the document.
25. Close the Progress Log and examine the calculations - they are of the
same form as the ones you saw in Tedds, and they show you exactly how
the results have been determined.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 160 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Viewing Hidden Text in Tedds for Word
Some calculations are hidden however. There is a slightly different way of
viewing Hidden Text in Tedds for Word.
1. Check the Hidden Calcs box to view any hidden text.
2. Uncheck the button to re-hide.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 161 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Calculation Sections Explained
section in your document, and click the Variables button to view the unique
list for this part of the document.
Tedds for Word also has commands which enable you to manipulate the
calculation sections in your document. You can delete a calculation section,
copy it, paste it into a new location in your document and change it’s name.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed the third exercise of the guide and
learned all you need to run calculations from the Library in Tedds for Word.
You can now save the document and re-use it as appropriate.
In the next section you will learn how you can make your own calculations
even more powerful: Writing Tedds calculations - stage 2 (page 162)
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 162 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
1. Type the first two paragraphs, which are just text, below the existing
2. Type the third paragraph and note that here we are defining three input
variables which are properties of the section we are checking. Ensure you
separate the text and all the expressions using delimiters (;) as shown.
2. Now type the fifth paragraph - this is a simple expression that determines
and displays the actual stress in the section and assigns the result to the
variable fa.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 163 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Result accuracy and formats
It is sufficient to display the slenderness to one decimal place. To do this we
use a format string to override the default result setting of three decimal
1. Now type the last paragraph of the new calculations as follows. Use the
Greek text button for the variable name λ.
2. The characters f1 following the ? are the format string. The format string
must immediately follow the ? with no space in between as shown. See
below for a fuller explanation.
3. Once you have finished typing this last expression, check the new
paragraphs carefully. Have you included all the delimiters? Have you used
subscripts correctly? Have you used the correct case for variable names
and units?
4. When you are satisfied that everything is correct, click the Calculate All
button. A math function is always followed directly by its argument(s) in
parentheses as shown here. There are many more such functions
available in Tedds for Word. For full details of this and other functions,
consult the Tedds Help system topic Mathematics, or refer to the Writing
your own custom calculations Index item in the Library Access System,
where all functions are completely documented.
5. If you have an Error, then Interrupt and see Errors and troubleshooting
(page 149). Fix any errors until your calculation works fully.
6. Review your results and look at the last paragraph to see how the format
string we used has operated:
7. Click the Variables button to examine the list of saved variables and check
the stored value for this variable:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 164 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Result Format Strings Explained
You can override the default result setting, and reduce or increase the
number of decimal places for a displayed result, by using a result format
string after the ? result field. For example typing ?f2 will display the result to
two decimal places. It is important that there is no space between the format
string and the ?. The format string characters signify the following:
f = fixed format, and 2 = result to be displayed to 2 decimal places (can be
from 0-15)
Note that format strings only control the precision of the result displayed in
the document, not any result that is stored by Tedds.
For full details of this and other result formats, consult the topic Result
formats and precision (page 545).
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 165 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. Finally, place your cursor as shown at the very end of the heading.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 166 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
6. Library Access System finds the first item containing steel, this is not the
item we require so click find next until the European steel sections item
shown below is highlighted.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 167 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
7. Now to bring this item into your calculation, either double click the item,
or click the Execute… button. You should find the following has been
entered in your document.
8. This text inserted is a Tedds Data List Field which launches the specified
Data List (further details on Tedds Fields are given below),
9. Close the library once you have retrieved the Tedds Data List Field.
10. Now click Calculate All to calculate the document again.
11. The Data List will now be displayed when the Tedds Data List Field is
12. Select the 152 x 89 x 24 channel section then click on the Details button
to examine the variables defined in the table.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 168 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
NOTE Note that we have used exactly the same names for the
properties in our calculation as those defined by the Data List - A,
rxx and ryy. This is the key to integrating all Data Functions with
your calculations. Remember that variable names are case-
13. Click the Select button to return these variables to your calculations - you
will see that the section's properties from the Data List replace the ? fields
in your document and the Tedds Field displays the choice you made in the
Data List.
14. The Data List is now integrated with your calculation. Re-calculate a few
times, each time changing your selection of channel size in the Data List,
to test this.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 169 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
15. Click the Variables button and you will see that all the variables defined
by the Data List are listed and are thus available to be used in calculations.
16. Save the calculation at this stage, as we will build on it in the final exercise.
NOTE Whilst in this exercise the Data List was inserted into the
calculation via the Tedds Engineering Data button, it could have
been inserted via the Tedds Field button instead. The use of
Tedds Fields is covered in the next exercise Enhancing
Tedds Fields
1. Check the Field Codes box.
2. Look at the Tedds Field in your document and you will see the following:
3. The command that runs the Data List is now revealed. Uncheck the Field
Codes box again to return to the normal view of the document.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed the fourth exercise and learned
everything you really need to write powerful Tedds calculations. Maybe now
would be the time to have a go at writing a calculation of your own. It's a good
idea to start with something simple and build on the complexity as you
become more familiar with Tedds.
The next step in the guide, Enhancing Calculations is about making Tedds
calculations still easier to work with, and is especially relevant if you envisage
writing calculations for others to use. Even if your calculations are for your
own use you may find these further features beneficial so we recommend that
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 170 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
you review them. You might like to leave this step until you have had a go at
writing a calculation of your own using what you have learned so far.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 171 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Tedds Input Field
Prompt tells the user what the variable is and
appears on the page
Name the unique name of the variable
Units if the property has dimensions then
enter a unit here
Default value this value will be displayed initially for
user to edit or accept
Format the format displayed on the page
No. of decimal places the number of decimal places
displayed on the page
4. Enter the details shown to define the input for this variable:
Prompt = Min. yield strength
Name = Fy
Units = N/mm2 (type the main part of the unit, click the superscript button
and then type 2)
Default value = 275
Format = Fixed
No. of decimal places = 0
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 172 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5. Accept the defaults for other options and click OK when you have
everything entered.
NOTE We do not put a value in this dialog - this is entered when the
statement is calculated.
7. With the Field Codes button on you will see the following Tedds Input
Field preceding the text on the line.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 173 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Insert Tedds Field Properties
Input Tf Le λL
Prompt Tie force Tie effective Slenderness
length limit
Name Tf Le λL
Units kN m
Default value 300
Format fixed fixed fixed
No. of decimal places 2 3 0
NOTE To enter Greek characters in the Insert Tedds Field dialog for
variable names like λ simply click the Greek character button
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 174 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
2. These last two values help us assess the utilisation of the section for the
two checks. Assigning them to output variables will help us with creating
Tedds Show Fields. Calculate your document once you have written them
to ensure they are working properly before proceeding.
3. Place your cursor beneath these paragraphs and click the Insert Tedds
Field button.
4. Select the Show tab. The Show Field we want to create will test whether
the section is failing stress and output a message to give the status of the
5. Select the Condition type option and input the following information:
6. The output of the Tedds Show Field consists of two text messages known
as output strings. Only one output string is displayed in the document
depending on the status of the condition.
7. Check your input carefully, then click OK to enter the Tedds Show Field in
the document.
8. When you have OK'd the input, click the Field Codes button to view the
resulting Tedds Show Field. It should be as shown below. If your Tedds
Show Field is incorrect, the best thing to do at this stage is to delete it and
run through the Insert Tedds Field dialog again.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 175 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Using logic in Tedds
Take a close look at this Tedds Show field, and you can see how we use a
simple logic statement to output one of two pieces of text using the if logical
if(check_stress > 1, “Section fails stress check” , “Section OK for
NOTE You can use this kind of expression to define variables using a
condition. The outputs can be values, expressions or further logic
For example:
a = if(b > c, 10, 20) = ?
Check the table of Logic Functions in the Mathematics (page 524) topic
for full details.
1. Now calculate your document to calculate the Tedds Show Field. You
should find you have something similar to the following in your Progress
Log and you will also see the output text on the page where you placed
the Tedds Show Field.
2. Change some of your input values and re-calculate a few times to test
your full calculation and both the pass and fail output of the Tedds Show
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 176 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Tedds Data List Fields
In the previous exercise we inserted a Data List Field into the calculation using
the Engineering Data button. However, it could have been inserted more easily
using the Tedds Field button:
1. With the Field Codes button on you will see the following Tedds Data List
2. Delete the entire definition of this field from your page. Leave your cursor
on the empty line.
3. Click the Tedds Field button.
4. Select the Data List option and scroll down to select the same .dls file
name as that shown in the line you just deleted above.
5. Input the Prompt as Select Section.
6. To input the Default page and Default item click the ellipsis button ( ) and
then select the page and section size that you want to appear as the
7. Accept the defaults for other options and click OK when you have
everything entered.
8. Calculate your document to run it once more.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed the final exercise in the guide and are
ready to begin using Tedds to its full potential.
Here are a few things you could try next:
• Create another Tedds Show Field similar to that above for the slenderness
check - following is the logic statement you would use for this:
• Create a Tedds Show Field to give the overall status of the section, checking
both slenderness and stress. Try the following:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 177 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
• Take a look at Tedds Message Fields. The input for these is the same as
Tedds Show Fields but their output is displayed in a Message box, rather
than in the document. You will see examples of their use in the Tedds
Engineering Library Calculations.
• Try creating Messages using the Value of Variable option to show the
values of the minimum area and radius of gyration in the Log before the
Data List is displayed.
Of course there's much more for you to discover. We wish you an enjoyable
and productive time in using the program in your day-to-day work, and
exploring its capabilities more fully.
If you would like to read up on further information about Tedds, then we
recommend the Tedds Help system, which you can access in the usual way.
Some Tedds dialogs have context sensitive help. To see this simply click the
Help button in the dialog.
We also run training courses in most locales, for further information on
availability contact the Tedds support team in your region, simply click the
Support icon in any of Tedds’ automated calculations.
Design Information
Design Code AS 4100
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 178 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Design Information
Dimensions Length 5.0 m
Effective length factors 0.85
Design Forces Moment 135 kNm
Shear 60.0 kN
Axial compression 40.0 kN
Proposed section Shape RHS preferred
Steel grade C450
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 179 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5. First, click the New tab.
6. Then, click New Document:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 180 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
You will see the Select Calculation dialog box:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 181 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
• The instructions about using Tedds are displayed in the right hand
• Every Tedds calculation is listed in the left hand panel.
• When you click on a calculation, notes relating to it are displayed on
the right side.
NOTE If the Show Examples option is checked, you will also see all of
the examples that are included in the library - these demonstrate
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 182 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
the potential scope of each of the calculations, show you the
typical output, and can be used to start your own designs.
To find a calculation – you could simply click on a folder in the list to open
it, then click a heading to select a calculation. However for this example
the Find in list feature will be used instead.
8. Type steel member design in the Find in list field.
NOTE Find in list will locate the first item title in the library that
contains the exact text entered. Keywords in the item description
are also considered provided the option to Find in item
descriptions remains checked.
9. The first item in the library matching the entered text is selected - we are
looking for the 'Steel member design (AS4100)' calculation. If necessary
click Next until it is selected as shown below.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 183 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
NOTE Note there is also a 'Steel beam analysis & design (AS4100)'
calculation available which will determine the design forces
before proceeding to the design.
10. Click the Calculate button at the bottom right of the dialog: three things
will happen:
• A new calculation document will open – you will see this in the
• The Interface for the chosen automated calculation will be displayed at
the first page.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 184 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
• Another window, titled the Progress Log will also be displayed – we will
explain this shortly.
Variables - lists all the current variables. Values can be selected from
here to enter into the current interface.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 185 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
The General Automated Calculation Interface Explained
Support - tells you how to obtain support in your region.
1. In this calculation all the values for design forces and section details can
be specified on the first page of the interface and the calculation results
are also displayed.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 186 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Note that additional design and output options are available by clicking
the appropriate buttons.
Before we proceed to enter the data take a moment to review the design
information given at the beginning of this exercise.
2. Enter the Design bending moment - major axis as 135 kNm.
3. Enter the Design shear force - major axis as 60 kN.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 187 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. Finally for the Axial load applied, click No applied axial force, change to
Design Axial Compression force and enter a value of 40 kN.
NOTE As you change the values and options for your design the
calculation results are immediately updated.
5. Now you need to choose a section to check, but you don't need to go off
and find a list of section properties, since all the data required can be
accessed within Tedds. Click the '...' button in the Span details area to
display the Data List for steel sections.
Data Lists
You are now looking at a Data List: a tool that allows you to choose a section
and see its properties at the click of a button.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 188 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Data Lists Explained
(1) Choose the shape from the left hand pane.
(2) Choose the size from the right hand pane.
(3) Details - click to see properties of the chosen selection.
(4) Select - click to select the chosen selection.
1. Click the Rectangular Hollow Section section type - this is known as the
Data List page you require.
2. Select the size and thickness you require.
3. Click on the Details button to see all the properties of the selected section
– (note that the details window updates instantaneously when you click on
another section).
In this case, both a 250x150x8 RHS and a 300x200x6 RHS may prove
adequate but which is the lighter?
NOTE You will find Data Lists for all kinds of engineering data
throughout Tedds calculations; there are data lists for bolts,
reinforcing bars, timber sections and much more. However, they
all work in just the same simple and intuitive way.
5. The number next to 'Selected section' allows you to design beams using
two or more sections. In this example a single section is sufficient so no
change is required.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 189 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
6. Set the steel grade to C450.
7. Enter a restraint spacing of 5000 mm for both the major and minor axes.
8. Click the Design options... button to view another interface page for
defining equivalent uniform moment factors etc.
9. Leave the default values as shown.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 190 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
11. Then click Preview results
12. You can now choose the level of output you require by clicking Output
options... From here you can also give the calculation a title.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 191 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Automated calculations and library items
You have probably realised by now that this calculation caters for all kinds of
steel sections, dimensions and loading. For each possibility and check, there is
an item in the Library - in fact this calculation has over 150 items. When you
use a calculation like this, Tedds automatically chooses the appropriate items
for your options and input, and puts them together to make up the complete
• Accept the results and continue, click the Finish button when done:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 192 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
2. There’s another really important point to note about the calculations
displayed – they don’t just show you results, but how those results have
been arrived at.
NOTE Tedds is not a ‘black box’ where all you can see is the result, and
all you can do is accept it. In Tedds you can see exactly what’s
going on. You can see what checks Tedds does. What design
method does it use? From where did that number come? The
answers to all these questions are right there in front of you! This
is a major reason why Tedds is so popular with engineers the
world over.
Furthermore, if you need an example of how to write your own
calculations, then look no further. That's exactly what you are
looking at - every calculation in the library is an example of how to
write your own. How do I write a math expression in Tedds? How
do I use logic or a math function in Tedds? Look again at the
check shown above and you will see the answers to these
questions. We will look more closely at how to write your own
calculations beginning with Writing Tedds calculations - stage 1
(Eurocode design example) (page 140)
Changes are a fact of life for engineers, they always have been, and they
always will be! You need to be able to take account of any changes and update
your calculations quickly. With Tedds this is no problem.
Say that your beam needs to be 0.1 m longer since the beam which supports it
needs to be moved, to avoid a clash. Is your section still OK?
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 193 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
3. What is the effect of this change on the design? Check the Calculation
results and/or the output to see.
Tedds makes it easy to update calculations – simply re-calculate and you
can update your design quickly.
Hidden text
All the calculations performed by Tedds are available in the output and in
general so they are – but at times some intermediate calculations are hidden
to reduce the amount of output. It is simple to view these and to include them
in your printout.
1. Open the application’s View tab then use the Hidden Text option and
examine the check again.
If there is any hidden text it will be underlined with dashed lines, however,
in this example there are no hidden calculations.
2. Select View/ Hidden Text again to hide the Library item names. Now let
us consider how to print calculations.
1. Click the Header button highlighted above – this opens a dialog where
you can enter some project details in your header.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 194 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
2. On the Company page you can define your own company details. Do this
now, if you want to. If you don’t, then remember to do so before you print
your first “proper” set of calculations.
3. On the Template page you will see the Tedds template which your
calculations will use and the logo file which Tedds will add to the template.
You can change the template and logo if necessary – click this tab and
check that its details are correct.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 195 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. Maybe you would like to try a different style of template, there are a
number of standard templates to choose. Click the Select… button to see
these. Choose the template you want to use and you will see a preview of
what calculations produced with that template will look like. When you
have found the template you want to use click OK to use it.
5. If you have a copy of your company logo in electronic format, and the
template style you select supports a logo, then you can add your logo to
the template. Make sure that the logo is available on your computer,
Browse to find it, and then click OK to add it to the template.
6. Click OK to exit the Header Properties dialog and view your finished
7. If the logo is not the right size open the Header Properties dialog once
more and change the Scale of the logo to make it fit the template
8. Once the template and logo are correct click to display the file
menu. From here you can Print the calculation to obtain a hard copy.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 196 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
9. Congratulations, you have produced your first piece of work with Tedds!
To finish this example let’s look at a few points about saving and outputting
your results.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 197 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
• calculations can be placed into named groups, making them easier to
To start a new project:
1. Click to display the file menu; then from the menu choose the New
Project button.
2. New or Existing Documents are then added and arranged into folders as
required via the Project tab.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed the first exercise and now know all you
really need to make use of the wide range of calculations available in the
Tedds Engineering Library and to begin using Tedds productively. Take a look
through the index and try some more. How about:
• carrying out a wind load calculation?
• designing a retaining wall?
• designing an RC footing?
• analysing and designing a timber rafter, beam or post…
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 198 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
The choice is yours, and all these calculations work in the same
straightforward, intuitive way. Some calculations may also include Data tables
which are designed to look like tables from printed references, so that you
immediately feel at home with them. Indeed we hope you will find yourself
recognising them.
What can you do if the Library does not contain the exact calculation for which
you are looking? You need to perform a number of calculations, and could do
with a calculation to help you out with these. First of all, TELL US:
• if you are running a calculation, then you will see a Feedback button to the
left-hand-side of the interface,
• if you are not running a calculation, then you can choose the Feedback…
option from the Help menu.
We are constantly working to expand our Engineering Library and your input
helps us do this!
But you don’t have to wait until we produce these for you – you can write them
yourself. We will look at this in the next example: Writing Tedds Calculations -
Stage 1 (page 199)
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 199 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
NOTE It is important to realize that you are looking at Microsoft® Word
with the Tedds capabilities added. We only add to the
functionality of Word, so you can do anything you would normally
do in Word. Treat a Tedds Calculation Document just like you
would any ordinary Word document. You can type reports, import
files and text, embed spreadsheets and so on. And of course you
can add calculations to your reports; either straight out of the
Tedds Engineering Library, just as you did in the previous
exercise, or create your own.
You will find a Word Document open, which looks very similar to the Tedds
output document.
The document Header can be edited in a similar manner to that in Tedds by
clicking the Edit Header button - this button is highlighted above.
• In this exercise two documents will be required, so open a new blank one
by selecting File/ New Tedds Document
Now we are ready to begin writing our first calculation in Tedds.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 200 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
The basics
Writing calculations in Tedds for Word is easy. Tedds follows standard
mathematical rules and uses standard mathematical operators. For example 1
+ 2 would add 1 to 2. To write an equation use the = sign, and to specify where
you want to see the answer use the ? symbol. For example:
• Type the above anywhere in your document. When you calculate this
equation the ? will be replaced with the answer.
Calc Section - this will calculate the Calc. Section your cursor
is in.
Units in Tedds
Tedds automatically takes units into account, so you don’t need to apply
conversion factors to get the right answer. Tedds will also check that the units
you are using are dimensionally correct and warn you if they aren’t.
1. Type the following in your document using the same case as you see here:
890 mm + 1 ft + 8.5 in = ? m
2. In the Calculate ribbon group, click All to calculate this equation:
890 mm + 1 ft + 8.5 in = 1.411 m
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 201 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
3. You should find the answer displayed in your document as shown above.
if you have an error, take a look at the Errors and troubleshooting
section later in this topic.
1. Close the current document, (because two documents were opened at the
beginning of the exercise you should still have an empty one displayed).
2. Type in the following two paragraphs in the empty document.
The first paragraph is just a title for our calculation. The second paragraph
is a standard Variable Definition which uses a superscript in its units.
3. To type the unit N/mm2, first type N/mm, then click the Superscript
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 202 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. Now type 2, then click the button again to return to normal text. Once you
have finished typing, read the notes in the box below for an explanation
of a standard variable definition, and to check you have typed it correctly.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 203 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Mathematical Expressions Explained
9. Your expression has been calculated and the result has replaced the ? as
before. if you have an error, take a look at the Errors and
troubleshooting section later in this topic.
10. Here are the next two paragraphs of the calculation. The first paragraph is
a standard variable definition, while the second uses both N and fy to
determine the minimum section area and creates a variable Amin with this
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 204 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
11. Type the first paragraph, then follow the steps below to enter the second.
12. The second paragraph contains examples of the use of Subscript (often
used for name suffixes) and Superscript (used for powers).
13. To type the variable name Amin, first type the A, then click the Subscript
14. Now type min, then click the button again to return to normal text.
15. To type the unit cm2, first type cm, then click the Superscript button.
16. Now type 2, then click the button again to return to normal text.
17. Click Calculate All to calculate these expressions once you have entered
18. You should find the result displayed in the document - if you have an
error, take a look at the Errors and troubleshooting section later in this
19. Here are the final three paragraphs of the calculation. Follow the steps
below to create these.
20. Here we define two new variables to be used in the expression in the final
21. Type the first paragraph, entering the subscript for the name Le as you did
22. Follow the steps below to enter the second paragraph.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 205 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
23. Use the Greek text button to enter the name λL
24. First click the button indicated, then type the Roman equivalent of the
Greek letter – (l in this case for lambda).
25. Now click the button again to return to normal text, then enter the
subscript suffix as you did above using the Subscript button.
26. Use Copy and Paste to enter this name in the final expression.
27. Now click Calculate All to calculate these final expressions:
28. You should find the result displayed in the document - if you have an
error, take a look at the Errors and troubleshooting section later in this
3. You will note that we do not just store the variable name and value, but
also the dimensions. This is how Tedds handles all the unit conversions
for you.
NOTE You can Delete variables from this list if you wish:
4. Cancel from this dialog, and edit one of the values on the page - say the
tie force to N = 600 kN. Now check back in the stored variables and you
will note the stored value has not changed.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 206 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5. Re-calculate the document and check back in the list of variables - the new
value has now been stored.
NOTE If you hover over a variable name in the Variables dialog box a
summary list is displayed showing the value of the variable in all
applicable standard units.
4. Note that our calculation does not include any conversion factors.
NOTE Tedds’ unit handling is a massive help – Tedds comes with a huge
number of defined units and you can add more if needed.
Dimensional Checking - Tedds checks all dimensions in your
calculation and will inform you if these are incorrect. This is why
you should use units consistently throughout your calculations.
Do so, and you can have total confidence that your calculations
are dimensionally correct.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 207 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5. Save the document and give it a name - call it “Exercise 2” - as we wish to
build on it later in the guide.
To complete this exercise, in the next section we will take a brief look at
handling errors in calculations.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 208 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. Make sure that the options above are checked and then click OK. We can
now proceed to create some calculations with errors.
5. Enter the following 2 paragraphs as they appear here - see if you can spot
any errors as you do, but don’t fix them yet!
6. Now click the Calculate All button to calculate the calculations - you
should see the Expression Error dialog:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 209 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Expression Error dialog Explained
This line is the one that Tedds cannot evaluate, so look here to spot
the error.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 210 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
9. Check the rule about delimiters (see The Standard Variable Definition
Explained info box earlier in this topic). There should be a semi-colon
between the expressions to separate them. Add this in and re-calculate
the entire document.
10. Now we will get the next error – the variable WD is not defined. We have
typed WD instead of wD and variable names are case-sensitive.
11. Click the Interrupt button to stop the calculation.
12. Correct the variable name on the page to wD and re-calculate. The
calculations should now complete with no problems. Tedds automatically
deletes all error messages from the page.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed your first Tedds calculation. You can
now begin writing effective calculations in Tedds for Word. There are more
great features that make such calculations even more powerful, and we will
show you these later.
Now we are going to look at using calculations from the Engineering Library in
Tedds for Word: Using Library Calculations in Tedds for Word
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 211 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
In this exercise we will use the RC circular column design calculation to show
you how to run a typical calculation from the extensive Engineering Library in
Tedds for Word.
Design Information
Use the following information for the calculation.
Column state Braced
Length of column 3000 mm
Diameter of column 300 mm
Effective height factor 1.0
Concrete characteristic compressive 32 MPa
Reinforcement yield stress 500 MPa
Reinforcement bar size 20 mm
Fitments bar size 6 mm
Nominal concrete cover 30 mm
Exposure classification A1
Design axial load 600 kN
Smaller end moment 25 kNm
Larger end moment 55 kNm
Ratio of axial dead load to total axial 0.65
Ratio of axial live load to total axial 0.54
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 212 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Using Calculation Sections in Tedds for Word
As stated, one of the reasons for running library calculations in Tedds for
Word is so that you can combine a number of calculations in a single
document. In this case, each calculation should be placed in a separate
Calculation Section, so we will start off by introducing one of these. Calculation
Sections will be explained in more detail later in this exercise.
1. Open a new Tedds document.
2. Insert a New Calc Section by clicking the appropriate button.
3. The following dialog will appear - enter a name for the section. This will
form the title for the calculation in the document.
4. Click OK and this will enter a Calculation Section Title in the document. We
place a calculation below this title and thus within the section. You should
note that your cursor is now on the line below the section title.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 213 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Selecting calculations from the library
All the library calculations are available from the Library Access System. To use
a calculation we retrieve it from the Library, place it in our document and
calculate it.
3. To open a folder in the index simply double-click it. Open the Columns
folder, then the RC Circular column design (AS3600) folder, then select
(click on) the RC Circular column design (AS3600) item.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 214 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. To place this calculation in the document, click the Execute button in the
library. (You can also double-click on the selected item to do this.) In both
cases you will see the Insert Calc Item dialog.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 215 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5. This dialog allows you to control where the item will be added. Simply
choose the options as above then click OK and the item will be pasted at
the cursor position in the document.
NOTE Note that one of the options in the dialog is to add a new Calc
Section. In this example we have already added one manually, so
as shown above, on this occasion the option should be
7. We can now close the Library - there is no need to have it open while a
calculation is running.
8. Click the Calculate Section button to start the calculation.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 216 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
9. The Interface for the calculation will now be displayed, along with the
Progress Log. You are now in familiar territory as everything from this
point works exactly as you learned in the first exercise – Using Tedds
(page 178)
10. Click the Notes button and briefly look at the notes before proceeding.
11. The data to be entered is given at the start of this exercise. Use this to
enter the data for the first page of the interface. You will be comfortable
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 217 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
with entering information in the interface by now, so we won't show every
input step.
12. Continue to enter the reinforcement information on the second page. At
this point we don’t know how many longitudinal bars will be required so
accept the default of 6
13. When you get to the Exposure classification, note the help information
available for the input displayed in the information pane (as shown
NOTE Note that information about a particular item will also appear
adjacent to your cursor if you hover over the information symbol
associated with that item.
14. Fire resistance and any other data not specifically specified can be left at
the default value.
15. Proceed to the third page and enter the design loads.
16. Click Next to complete the interface and the calculation will be
17. Review the calculation result summary displayed in the interface. The
current configuration is clearly not suitable as there is insufficient
moment resisting capacity.
18. Click Back two times to return to the reinforcement page. Increase the
number of longitudinal bars to 8 and then progress to the result summary
once again. The revised configuration should now be acceptable.
19. The dropdown at the bottom of the page allows you to choose the
amount of output you require. For this example pick the Full option. Also
check the box to include a sketch and then click Finish to close the
interface and generate the report.
20. Close the Progress Log and examine the calculations in the document -
they are of the same form as the ones you saw in Tedds, and they show
you exactly how the results have been determined.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 218 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Viewing hidden text in Tedds for Word
This particular calculation has no hidden text. It is worth pointing out that
some do, and that there is a slightly different way of viewing Hidden Text in
Tedds for Word.
1. Check the Hidden Calcs box to view any hidden text.
2. Uncheck the button to re-hide.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 219 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Calculation Sections Explained
section in your document, and click the Variables button to view the unique
list for this part of the document.
Tedds for Word also has commands which enable you to manipulate the
calculation sections in your document. You can delete a calculation section,
copy it, paste it into a new location in your document and change it’s name.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed the third exercise of the guide and
learned all you need to run calculations from the Library in Tedds for Word.
You can now save the document and re-use it as appropriate.
In the next section you will learn how you can make your own calculations
even more powerful: Writing Tedds Calculations - Stage 2
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 220 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Defining input variables
Here are the new calculations we will add to the document you created in
exercise 2 in order to check the adequacy of an actual section.
1. Type the first two paragraphs, which are just text, below the existing
2. Type the third paragraph and note that here we are defining three input
variables which are properties of the section we are checking. Ensure you
separate the text and all the expressions using delimiters (;) as shown.
2. Now type the fifth paragraph - this is a simple expression that determines
and displays the actual stress in the section and assigns the result to the
variable fa
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 221 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Result accuracy and formats
It is sufficient to display the slenderness to one decimal place. To do this we
use a format string to override the default result setting of three decimal
1. Now type the last paragraph of the new calculations as follows. Use the
Greek text button as you did on page 32 for the variable name λ.
2. The characters f1 following the ? are the format string. The format string
must immediately follow the ? with no space in between as shown. See
below for a fuller explanation.
3. Once you have finished typing this last expression, check the new
paragraphs carefully. Have you included all the delimiters? Have you used
subscripts correctly? Have you used the correct case for variable names
and units?
4. When you are satisfied that everything is correct, click the Calculate All
button. A math function is always followed directly by its argument(s) in
parentheses as shown here. There are many more such functions
available in Tedds for Word. For full details of this and other functions,
consult the Tedds Help system topic Mathematics, or refer to the Writing
your own custom calculations Index item in the Library Access System,
where all functions are completely documented.
5. If you have an Error, then Interrupt and see Errors and troubleshooting
(page 208). Fix any errors until your calculation works fully.
6. Review your results and look at the last paragraph to see how the format
string we used has operated:
7. Click the Variables button to examine the list of saved variables and check
the stored value for this variable:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 222 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Result Format Strings Explained
You can override the default result setting, and reduce or increase the
number of decimal places for a displayed result, by using a result format
string after the ? result field. For example typing ?f2 will display the result to
two decimal places. It is important that there is no space between the format
string and the ?. The format string characters signify the following:
f = fixed format, and 2 = result to be displayed to 2 decimal places (can be
from 0-15)
Note that format strings only control the precision of the result displayed in
the document, not any result that is stored by Tedds.
For full details of this and other result formats, consult the topic Result
formats and precision (page 545).
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 223 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
4. Finally, place your cursor as shown at the very end of the heading.
6. Library Access System finds the AS 4100 group which contains the data
lists which are appropriate for AS 4100 design, click the plus sign to the
left of this group. Pick the Steel sections data list (AU) item which is also
highlighted above.
7. Now to bring this item into your calculation, either double click the item,
or click the Execute… button. You should find the following has been
entered in your document.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 224 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
8. This text inserted is a Tedds Data List Field which launches the specified
Data List (further details on Tedds Fields are given below),
9. Close the library once you have retrieved the Tedds Data List Field.
10. Now click Calculate All to calculate the document again.
11. The Data List will now be displayed when the Tedds Data List Field is
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 225 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
12. Select the 150 channel section then click on the Details button to examine
the variables defined in the table.
NOTE Note that we have used exactly the same names for the
properties in our calculation as those defined by the Data List - A,
rx and ry. This is the key to integrating all Data Functions with your
calculations. Remember that variable names are case-sensitive.
13. Click the Select button to return these variables to your calculations - you
will see that the section's properties from the Data List replace the ? fields
in your document and the Tedds Field displays the choice you made in the
Data List.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 226 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
14. The Data List is now integrated with your calculation. Re-calculate a few
times, each time changing your selection of channel size in the Data List,
to test this.
15. Click the Variables button and you will see that all the variables defined
by the Data List are listed and are thus available to be used in calculations.
16. Save the calculation at this stage, as we will build on it in the final exercise.
NOTE Whilst in this exercise the Data List was inserted into the
calculation via the Tedds Engineering Data button, it could have
been inserted via the Tedds Field button instead. The use of
Tedds Fields is covered in the next exercise Enhancing
Tedds fields
1. Check the Field Codes box.
2. Look at the Tedds Field in your document and you will see the following:
3. The command that runs the Data List is now revealed. Uncheck the Field
Codes box again to return to the normal view of the document.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 227 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed the fourth exercise and learned
everything you really need to write powerful Tedds calculations. Maybe now
would be the time to have a go at writing a calculation of your own. It's a good
idea to start with something simple and build on the complexity as you
become more familiar with Tedds.
The next step in the guide, Enhancing Calculations (page 228) is about making
Tedds calculations still easier to work with, and is especially relevant if you
envisage writing calculations for others to use. Even if your calculations are for
your own use you may find these further features beneficial so we
recommend that you review them. You might like to leave this step until you
have had a go at writing a calculation of your own using what you have
learned so far.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 228 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Tedds Input Fields
The Tedds Input Field speeds up the editing and often the creating of input
variables. We will replace all the existing variable definitions in the calculation:
1. Delete the entire definition for the Yield strength, fu, from your page.
Leave your cursor on the empty line.
2. Click the Tedds Field button.
3. The following dialog will appear.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 229 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Prompt = Yield strength
Name = fu
Units = MPa
Default value = 430
Format = Fixed
No. of decimal places = 0
5. Accept the defaults for other options and click OK when you have
everything entered.
NOTE We do not put a value in this dialog - this is entered when the
statement is calculated.
7. With the Field Codes button on you will see the following Tedds Input
Field preceding the text on the line.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 230 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
10. Delete and replace the 3 remaining variable definitions in the same
manner – the table below shows what you need to enter in the Insert
Tedds Field dialog for each of the three variables in order from left to
right. When you have done this, recalculate your document to ensure that
your definitions are correct.
NOTE To enter Greek characters in the Insert Tedds Field dialog for
variable names like λ simply click the Greek character button
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 231 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Tedds Show Fields
The final thing we would like the calculation to do is automatically assess our
section and report in the document whether our chosen section is passing or
failing and, if it is failing, why. We use a Tedds Show Field to do this.
1. Enter the following two paragraphs after your existing calculations:
2. These last two values help us assess the utilisation of the section for the
two checks. Assigning them to output variables will help us with creating
Tedds Show Fields. Calculate your document once you have written them
to ensure they are working properly before proceeding.
3. Place your cursor beneath these paragraphs and click the Insert Tedds
Field button.
4. Select the Show tab. The Show Field we want to create will test whether
the section is failing stress and output a message to give the status of the
5. Select the Condition type option and input the following information:
6. The output of the Tedds Show Field consists of two text messages known
as output strings. Only one output string is displayed in the document
depending on the status of the condition.
7. Check your input carefully, then click OK to enter the Tedds Show Field in
the document.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 232 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
8. When you have OK'd the input, click the Field Codes button to view the
resulting Tedds Show Field. It should be as shown below. If your Tedds
Show Field is incorrect, the best thing to do at this stage is to delete it and
run through the Insert Tedds Field dialog again.
NOTE You can use this kind of expression to define variables using a
condition. The outputs can be values, expressions or further logic
For example:
a = if(b > c, 10, 20) = ?
Check table of Logic Functions in the Mathematics (page 524) topic for
full details.
1. Now calculate your document to calculate the Tedds Show Field. You
should find you have something similar to the following in your Progress
Log and you will also see the output text on the page where you placed
the Tedds Show Field.
2. Change some of your input values and re-calculate a few times to test
your full calculation and both the pass and fail output of the Tedds Show
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 233 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
Tedds Data List Fields
In the previous exercise we inserted a Data List Field into the calculation using
the Engineering Data button. However, it could have been inserted more easily
using the Tedds Field button:
1. With the Field Codes button on you will see the following Tedds Data List
2. Delete the entire definition of this field from your page. Leave your cursor
on the empty line.
3. Click the Tedds Field button.
4. Select the Data List option and scroll down to select the same .dls file
name as that shown in the line you just deleted above.
5. Input the Prompt as Select Section.
6. To input the Default page and Default item click the ellipsis button ( ) and
then select the page and section size that you want to appear as the
7. Accept the defaults for other options and click OK when you have
everything entered.
8. Calculate your document to run it once more.
What next?
Congratulations! You have completed the final exercise in the guide and are
ready to begin using Tedds to its full potential.
Here are a few things you could try next:
• Create another Tedds Show Field similar to that above for the slenderness
check - following is the logic statement you would use for this:
• Create a Tedds Show Field to give the overall status of the section, checking
both slenderness and stress. Try the following:
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 234 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
• Take a look at Tedds Message Fields. The input for these is the same as
Tedds Show Fields but their output is displayed in a Message box, rather
than in the document. You will see examples of their use in the Tedds
Engineering Library Calculations.
• Try creating Messages using the Value of Variable option to show the
values of the minimum area and radius of gyration in the Log before the
Data List is displayed.
Of course there's much more for you to discover. We wish you an enjoyable
and productive time in using the program in your day-to-day work, and
exploring its capabilities more fully.
If you would like to read up on further information about Tedds, then we
recommend the Tedds Help system, which you can access in the usual way.
Some Tedds dialogs have context sensitive help. To see this simply click the
Help button in the dialog.
We also run training courses in most locales, for further information on
availability contact the Tedds support team in your region, simply click the
Support icon in any of Tedds’ automated calculations.
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds 235 Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides
5 Introducing the Tedds
Tedds allows you to automate your engineering calculations. Tedds has been
written by structural engineers for structural engineers, and therefore, it
should meet the requirements of your everyday engineering tasks.
To perform calculations in Tedds, you simply need to select the calculation
that you need in the Tedds calculation library. Tedds automatically runs the
calculation, and prompts you for any additional information that is needed.
If the calculation requires information that you would traditionally obtain from
a printed source (such as a book of section properties, safe load tables, or
code graphs), Tedds allows you to select the details in a data list, a data table,
or a data graph.
Once you have completed the input and made the appropriate selections,
Tedds completes the calculations and displays the results.
Once you have performed the calculation, you can save it to disc, send it to a
range of destinations, print it, or recalculate it.
See also
Select a calculation (page 237)
Introducing the Tedds Application 236 Components of the Tedds Application window
1. The file menu: contains file management commands, such as Save, Close,
and Print.
2. The Tedds ribbon: contains the tabs that allow you to access all features
of Tedds.
1. Click the folder for the type of calculation that you need.
The folder opens and displays the calculations within it.
2. Double-click the name of the required calculation.
Tedds performs the calculation, invoking any data lists, data tables, or
other features that the calculation requires.
Introducing the Tedds Application 238 Search calculations in the Select Calculation
dialog box
Find a calculation
1. Type the desired search text in the Find in list field.
If your search text matches a calculation, Tedds opens the relevant group
and views the matching item.
2. If the displayed result is not correct, do one of the following:
• Click Next to see the next item that matches your search text.
• Click Previous to return to the previous item that matched your search
• Adjust the search text.
Introducing the Tedds Application 239 Search calculations in the Select Calculation
dialog box
5.4 Components of a calculation interface
Once you have started calculating, all of the Tedds calculations share a similar
style of interface. See important calculation interface details in the following
TIP Tedds can have more than one document open at once. To view open
documents or to switch between them, click the appropriate document tab
directly above the window that contains the calculation.
See also
Regional settings (page 348)
TIP To hide the intermediate calculations again, clear the Hidden Text
Introducing the Tedds Application 244 View hidden text, semicolons, or variables
TIP To hide the semicolons again, clear the Semicolons option.
View variables
When Tedds performs calculations, it stores the results as variables. Generally,
you see the variables in the calculations, although some of them may be in
hidden text.
To quickly view the final result of a particular variable:
1. On the Home tab, click Variables.
The Variables dialog box opens.
The dialog box contains the following tabs:
• The Manage tab: allows you to delete variables in your calculation.
• The Document tab: allows you to view all the variables in the current
• The System tab: allows you to view all the pre-defined variables that Tedds
Introducing the Tedds Application 245 View hidden text, semicolons, or variables
Dimensions and units
Variables are stored in system base units, rather than the units which you
specified in your calculation. Therefore, the Variables dialog box does not
store units. Instead the Variables dialog box replaces units with the
dimensions of the variable.
The following table illustrates the different dimensions of variables:
Variable dimensions
Symbol Meaning
M Mass
L Length
T Time
D Temperature
Introducing the Tedds Application 246 View hidden text, semicolons, or variables
TIP In order to view the variable in its original units and have it converted
into all equivalent US and SI units, move and hold the cursor over the
Variable attributes
The following table illustrates the different variable attributes. You can see
them in the Attributes column.
Symbol Meaning
e The variable is stored as an
r The value cannot be overwritten.
m The variable has been modified since
the current calculation process
Sort variables
Sorting variables makes it easier to locate variables and values, and allows you
to analyze variable data. You can, for example, verify that similar variables
share the same dimensions and units.
• To change the order in which the variables are displayed, click one of the
The first click arranges the variables in ascending order.
A second click arranges the variables in descending order.
TIP To modify the sorting of variables, in the Options - Default dialog box,
go to Dialogs --> Variables.
Introducing the Tedds Application 247 View hidden text, semicolons, or variables
Group variables
Grouping variables by column allows you to analyze variable data efficiently.
You can, for example, group variables by value to find variables with the exact
same values.
To group variables, see the following instructions.
1. Right-click anywhere in the variable list.
2. In the context menu that appears, select Group by.
3. Select the column by which you want to group the variables.
See also
Pre-defined system variables (page 562)
TIP If necessary, you can copy the document details from one document
to another. Do the following:
a. Ensure that you have opened both the document whose details
you want to copy, and the document to which you want to copy
the details.
b. Go to the document whose details you want to copy and open
the Header Properties dialog box.
c. Click Copy All.
TIP If you want Tedds to use the details which you have defined here as
default company details, select the Save these settings as the
default for new documents option.
NOTE You have two options when adding the company logo. You can
• Create a link to your logo file, so that any changes to the logo
are applied to the header as well.
• Embed the logo, so that the current logo is maintained even if
the source file changes.
9. Click OK.
The changes are applied to the header.
NOTE The fields in the Edit Header Property Labels dialog box depend
on the currently used calculation template. If you change to a
different template, some labels may no longer be appropriate, or
you may have to set new labels.
Introducing the Tedds Application 252 Organize projects with the Project Manager
2. Hover the mouse pointer over the New... button.
3. In the list, select New Project.
An empty project is created. The project appears in the Project Manager
4. In the field next to the project, type a suitable name for the project.
Introducing the Tedds Application 253 Organize projects with the Project Manager
are common to all documents within a project. Modifying the header
information can be particularly useful when you add documents with existing
header information into a project. In order to modify the headers of a
document or a project, see the following instructions.
Introducing the Tedds Application 254 Organize projects with the Project Manager
The changes are applied to the entire project.
NOTE Only the settings that you have modified in the Header
Properties dialog box are overwritten in each document.
Introducing the Tedds Application 255 Organize projects with the Project Manager
6 Introducing Tedds for Word
Tedds for Word is a Microsoft Word add-in that allows you to automate your
engineering calculations and create professional-looking calculation
documents. The following paragraphs introduce Tedds for Word and its main
With Tedds for Word, you can either select and execute an existing calculation
in the Tedds engineering library, or create and modify your own calculations.
You can also combine the two approaches.
In addition, Tedds for Word allows you to:
• Format your documents in the way that you want to arrange them.
• Customize the document headers and footers to match your company
• Include multiple calculations in your document.
• Include output from other applications in your document.
• Access all the standard engineering data which the calculations in the
Tedds engineering library use.
• Link calculations together to copy input data or results from one
calculation to another.
• Save fragments of your document to your own engineering library, so that
you can reuse them later.
• Integrate your spreadsheets with Tedds.
• Share your calculations with other Tedds users.
NOTE These instructions have been written to reflect Microsoft Word 2016. If
you are using a different version of Microsoft Word, some features
may vary.
Introducing Tedds for Word 256 Components of the Tedds for Word window
6.1 Components of the Tedds for Word window
To efficiently use Tedds for Word, see the main components of the Tedds for
Word window in the following image.
1. Tedds tab
allows you to access all features of Tedds for Word.
2. Tedds ribbon
appears when you click the Tedds tab. The Tedds ribbon allows you to
quickly access the most common features of Tedds for Word.
3. Tedds ribbon groups
are toolbars that allow you to use the most common features of Tedds for
Word with a single click.
4. Library Access System
allows you to browse the predefined calculations in the Tedds engineering
library and your own calculations.
See also
Tedds ribbon groups (Tedds for Word only) (page 607)
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word only) (page 374)
Introducing Tedds for Word 257 Components of the Tedds for Word window
7 Introducing Tedds for Word
With Tedds for Word, you can either perform pre-defined structural
calculations, or write and use your own calculations. This section introduces
the basic Tedds for Word calculations and their components.
Using Tedds for Word, you can:
• Define and perform your own calculations in any Microsoft Word
document quickly and simply.
• Access standard calculations by using the Library Access System.
• Access component calculations by using the Library Access System.
• Include engineering data in your calculations by using data lists, data
tables, and data graphs.
• Calculate anything from a single calculation to an entire document.
• Automatically verify the dimensional accuracy of your calculations by
specifying the appropriate units for your variables.
• Define multiple calc sections in your document, so that the same variables
can have different values within your document.
See also
Create and modify expressions (page 267)
NOTE The first three components (1–3) are mandatory key components in all
Tedds calculations. The components 4–7 are optional.
1. An expression
that is the part of the calculation that needs to be evaluated.
2. An equal sign (=)
that tells Tedds for Word that this is a calculation which it should to
3. A results field
that defines the location of the result. If necessary, you can set a format
and precision for the result.
4. An explanation
that helps the user of the calculations to understand a calculation.
5. One or more delimiters
that separate explanatory text from a calculation and calculations from
one another.
6. A variable
that assigns the result of the expression to a variable. You can use the
variable later in your calculations.
NOTE The first three components (1–3) are mandatory key components in all
Tedds calculations. The components 4–7 are optional.
1. An expression
that is the part of the calculation that needs to be evaluated.
2. An equal sign (=)
that tells Tedds for Word that this is a calculation which it should to
3. A results field
that defines the location of the result. If necessary, you can set a format
and precision for the result.
4. An explanation
that helps the user of the calculations to understand a calculation.
5. One or more delimiters
that separate explanatory text from a calculation and calculations from
one another.
6. A variable
that assigns the result of the expression to a variable. You can use the
variable later in your calculations.
(45 x 23)
0.6 x Fy
Equal signs
TIP To insert an equal sign (=) that is not calculated, click the Equals not
Results fields
Results fields tell Tedds for Word where to place the result of an expression.
Tedds for Word calculated all results to a precision of 15 decimal places.
• # indicates that you want to view an intermediate result.
• ? indicates that you want to view a final result.
Explanations are optional elements that can make your calculations easier to
You do not need to mark explanations with any special characters. However, if
you want to add an explanation in the same paragraph as your calculations,
remember to separate the explanation and the calculation with a semicolon
delimiter ;.
Delimiters are special characters which you can use to separate text from a
calculation, or calculations from one another.
Tedds for Word recognizes the following delimiters:
• Paragraph marks (¶)
If you write your calculations in separate paragraphs, you can press Enter
to separate the calculations from each other. When you do so, Word
automatically adds a paragraph mark (¶).
• Semicolons (;)
If you want to place explanatory text in the same paragraph as an
expression, or if you want to place several calculations in the same
paragraphs, use a delimiter to separate the items from each other.
NOTE Line breaks (Shift + Enter) within an expression have no significance in Tedds
for Word. You can therefore use them to improve the layout of long
calculations on the page.
However, if you want to use line breaks and have several calculations within
the same paragraph, you still need to use semicolons to separate the
Delimiters are special characters which you can use to separate text from a
calculation, or calculations from one another.
Tedds for Word recognizes the following delimiters:
• Paragraph marks (¶)
If you write your calculations in separate paragraphs, you can press Enter
to separate the calculations from each other. When you do so,
automatically adds a paragraph mark (¶).
• Semicolons (;)
If you want to place explanatory text in the same paragraph as an
expression, or if you want to place several calculations in the same
paragraphs, use a delimiter to separate the items from each other.
NOTE Line breaks (Shift + Enter) within an expression have no significance in Tedds
for Word. You can therefore use them to improve the layout of long
calculations on the page.
However, if you want to use line breaks and have several calculations within
the same paragraph, you still need to use semicolons to separate the
You can define units as you create your calculations. Tedds for Word allows
you to both use its internal system units, called base units, and add new units
into the system. In addition, Tedds for Word analyses whether the selected
units are dimensionally correct.
You can define the desired units for both the variables that you define, and
the results which you expect, by simply typing the units in your calculations.
The units which Tedds for Word uses as its base units depend on the locale
option that you selected during installation. Some locale options only allow a
single set of units, while others allow you to select the set which you prefer to
use: SI Units or US units. To change the locale, see Regional settings.
See the base units of each set in the following table.
You can define units as you create your calculations. Tedds for Word allows
you to both use its internal system units, called base units, and add new units
into the system. In addition, Tedds for Word analyses whether the selected
units are dimensionally correct.
You can define the desired units for both the variables that you define, and
the results which you expect, by simply typing the units in your calculations.
The units which Tedds for Word uses as its base units depend on the locale
option that you selected during installation. Some locale options only allow a
single set of units, while others allow you to select the set which you prefer to
use: SI Units or US units. To change the locale, see Regional settings.
See the base units of each set in the following table.
Create expressions
1. Type the expressions that you want to calculate.
2. After each expression, type = and one of the following:
• A value
• The intermediate results symbol (#)
Introducing Tedds for Word calculations 267 Create and modify expressions
• The final results symbol (?)
3. Calculate the expressions.
Modify expressions
1. Type over the parts that you want to change in your calculations.
2. Recalculate the changed calculations and any other calculations that are
affected by the changes.
Tedds for Word includes two types of results. The types are:
• Intermediate results
that display the values used within a calculation.
You can use an intermediate result with or without using a specific format.
• Final results
that display the final value of an expression.
You can use a final result with or without using a specific format and with
or without units.
See also
Define result formats (page 269)
Define units for results (page 271)
See also
Result formats (page 545)
Use a format other than the default for a particular results field
1. Type the appropriate results symbol (# or ?).
2. Type a format string that contains the following components:
• A format letter to define the format
• A precision number to define the precision
NOTE If no format string is specified, Tedds for Word uses the default
To define the default format of results:
a. In the Tools ribbon group, click More --> Tedds options.
b. Go to Calculating --> Results.
Letters Meaning
F Fixed format
NOTE Tedds for Word returns all results in a results field. Each results field
has two parts:
1. The result part
which contains the formatted result of a calculation. The result
part is automatically shown when the result has been calculated.
2. The field code part
which contains the format string of the results field.
To view the field code part, in the Show/Hide ribbon group, select
Field Codes.
a = 50.5 mm
b = 60.75 mm
c = a * b = #E3 = ?F2 cm²
With the Field Codes option unselected, Tedds for Word views:
c = a * b = (3.07 * 10 – 3) = 30.68cm²
With the Field Codes selected, Tedds for Word views:
c = a * b = {=CSC|#E3} = {=CSC|?F2} cm²
With the format and precision settings shown, the following equations
a = 150 mm; b = 60 cm; c = 2.5m
a * b = ? F0 cm 2
a * b * c = ? F3 m 3
calculate to give
a = 150 mm; b = 60 cm; c = 2.5m
a * b = 900 cm 2
a * b * c = 0.225m 3
The following expressions have already been calculated as shown:
a = 150 mm; b = 60 cm; c = 2.5m
a * b = 900 cm 2
a * b * c = 2.250 * 10 -1 m 3
We can now replace the units of the second and third results with new ones:
a = 150 mm; b = 60 cm; c = 2.5m
a * b = 900 m 2
a * b * c = 2.250 * 10 -1 cm3
After that, we must recalculate the modified expressions. The updated results
a * b = 90.0 * 10-3 m2
a * b * c = 2.250 * 105 cm3
NOTE When you show or hide semicolons, all of them will be shown or
hidden, whether they are in explanatory text or in calculations.
• In the Show/Hide ribbon group, select or clear the Semicolons check box.
NOTE If nothing happens when you try to hide semicolons, ensure that
you do not have the Show hidden text option enabled in Word
See also
Define result formats (page 269)
See also
Use units in calculations (page 273)
See also
Use units in calculations (page 273)
Dimensional analysis (page 541)
Introducing calculation errors (page 293)
See also
Units (page 548)
NOTE • If you have the right to access the units database file, the new unit
will be permanently added into system units.
Variable definitions
All variable definitions take a similar form. The minimal variable definition
must include:
• A variable name
• An equal sign
• An expression or a constant value
In addition, most variable definitions include:
• An explanation
• A delimiter
• A unit
The components of a variable definition are very similar to the component of
calculations. For more information on each component, see The components
of calculations (page 258).
Variable levels
Tedds for Word recognizes three different levels of variables:
1. Calc section variables
2. Document variables
3. System variables
This is also the order in which Tedds for Word searches values for each
variable that you place in your document. If Tedds for Word cannot find the
value in one of the variable levels, a variable definition error occurs.
NOTE You must define each variable before you recall it later in your
See also
Use calc section variables (page 281)
Use document variables (page 285)
Use system variables (page 287)
Modify variables (page 280)
Pre-defined system variables (page 562)
NOTE • If you define variables within one calc section and want to use the
variables elsewhere in your document, you can select the variables in a
calc section and promote them to document variables.
• If you define a calc section variable with the same name as a document or
system variable, Tedds for Word uses the value that you defined in the
current calc section.
• If you define a variable twice in the same calc section, Tedds for Word
uses the initial value up to the point at which the value is redefined. After
this point, Tedds for Word uses the new value.
Document variables
Any variable that you define in the document but outside of a calc section is
considered a document variable. Usually, you would define document
variables before the first calc section of the document.
After you have defined document variables, they are available throughout the
document and across all calc sections.
TIP To avoid the variables of one set of calculations affecting a different set
of calculations, we recommend using calc sections in all calculation
System variables
System variables are provided with Tedds for Word, and you can use them
anywhere in your calculations. As system variables are pre-defined, you do not
need to define system variables before you use them in your calculations.
To use a system variable, you can simply type the name of the variable in your
TIP If you want to use a system variable name with a different value, you can
redefine the variable, and the modified value will be used in document
variables or calc section variables.
To understand the difference between storing variables as values and
expressions, consider the following calculation:
r = 10 mm
A = pi * r 2 = ? mm 2
The calculation is calculated to give:
r = 10 mm A = pi * r 2 = 314.2 mm 2
When calculated, the variable A above can be stored in two different ways:
• As the value resulting from the calculation:
A = 314.2 mm 2
• As the expression that is used to define the variable:
A = pi * r 2
See also
Modify variables (page 280)
Components of calculations (page 258)
See also
Use the Variables dialog box (page 245)
Calc sections (page 289)
Use document variables (page 285)
NOTE To see the Calc Section tab, the insertion point must be inside a
calc section.
NOTE You can only insert calc section variables within the calc section in
which they are defined.
If you want to use the variables in another calc section, you have to
copy and paste the variables to the other section, or promote the
variables into document variables.
1. Place the insertion point inside the calc section whose variables you wish
to insert in the document.
2. In the Tools ribbon group, click Variables.
The Variables dialog box appears.
3. Click the Calc Section tab to view calc section variables.
NOTE To see the Calc Section tab, the insertion point must be inside a
calc section.
NOTE If you make changes that cause the value of a promoted variable
to change, the value of the promoted variable automatically
changes to the new value.
See also
Use the Variables dialog box (page 245)
See also
Pre-defined system variables (page 562)
Use the Variables dialog box (page 245)
See also
Use calc section variables (page 281)
2. In the Title field, type the title of the new calc section.
3. If necessary, select the Insert page break option.
4. Click OK.
See also
Error messages (page 576)
React to errors (page 296)
Find errors (page 297)
Error alerts
The method in which Tedds for Word informs you about calculation errors
depends on whether you have selected the Prompt on calculation error
option in Tedds options.
Depending on whether the Prompt on calculation error option is selected,
Tedds for Word either:
TIP To make the error fields easy to locate, you can set a specific font and
color for them. To modify the look of error messages, go to More -->
Tedds options --> Calculating --> Errors.
• If you click Continue, Tedds for Word continues calculating until the
calculation process has finished, or until it finds the next calculation
• If you click Abort, the document will be returned to the state where it
was before you started the calculation process.
Error categories
Tedds for Word contains four different error categories:
• Variable definition errors
React to errors
The method with which you should react to errors depends on both the error
category and the settings that you have specified for calculations in Tedds
options. The following paragraphs cover reacting to different types of errors,
which may occur while using Tedds for Word.
See also
Introducing calculation errors (page 293)
Error messages (page 576)
Find errors
In a large calculation document, you can find errors easily by using the Go to
Next/Previous Error button.
1. Depending on whether you want to locate the next or the previous error,
do one of the following.
a. To locate the next error: in the Tools ribbon bar, click Next error.
b. To locate the previous error: in the Tools ribbon bar, click the arrow
on the right side of the Next error button, and select Previous error.
See also
Introducing calculation errors (page 293)
When you insert an automated calculation in your document, you can only see
the title of the calculation in your document. To perform the automated
calculation, you need to select and calculate the title.
When you perform the automated calculation, the details that you have
defined and the results are stored as variables.
See also
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word only) (page 374)
3. In the Log item types list, select the type of item that you want to adjust.
4. To not display a type of item, clear the Log [Item type] items option.
5. If necessary, adjust the colors that are used to show each type of item in
the log.
See also
Filter the items displayed in the Progress Log (page 300)
Roll up the Progress Log (page 301)
Tedds fields are Tedds features that help you create different messages and
dialogs in your calculation document. Therefore, they can aid you in making
your calculations clear and easy to use.
NOTE We recommend that you experiment with advanced Tedds fields before
actually using them in your actual calculations, as using advanced Tedds
fields may require some practice. Experimenting also helps you discover
exactly what each field type can offer you.
See also
Major Tedds field syntax (page 511)
See also
Major Tedds field syntax (page 511)
Modify Tedds fields (page 331)
Use the string function (page 334)
Use conditions (page 335)
See also
Major Tedds field syntax (page 511)
Tedds fields and functions (page 510)
Use the string function (page 334)
Use conditions (page 335)
3. In the Type list, select the type of field which you want to create.
• Select Simple to add fixed text into your calculation.
• Select Value of variable to add text indicating the value of a variable
into your calculation.
• Select Condition to add a different piece of text into your calculation,
depending on whether a condition is met.
• Select Advanced to add a different piece of text into your calculation
depending on whether one or more conditions are met.
1. In the Text field, type the text and the calculation that you want to be
displayed in the field.
2. Select the style in which you want the field to be displayed.
• If you want the text of the field to be identical with the rest of the
paragraph, select Use paragraph style.
• If you want the text to use the format which is defined for a result,
select Use Tedds result style.
3. Click OK.
See also
Major Tedds field syntax (page 511)
Tedds fields and functions (page 510)
Modify Tedds fields (page 331)
Use the string function (page 334)
3. In the Type list, select the type of field which you want to create.
• Select Simple to add a fixed message into your calculations.
• Select Value of variable to add a message indicating the value of a
variable into your calculations.
• Select Condition to add a different message into your calculations
depending on whether a condition is met.
• Select Advanced to add a different message into your calculations
depending on whether one or more conditions are met.
See also
Major Tedds field syntax (page 511)
Tedds fields and functions (page 510)
Modify Tedds fields (page 331)
Use the string function (page 334)
Use conditions (page 335)
3. In the Type list, select the type of field which you want to create.
• Select Simple to add fixed text into the Progress Log.
• Select Value of variable to add text indicating the value of a variable
into the Progress Log.
• Select Condition to add a different piece of text into the Progress Log
depending on whether a condition is met.
• Select Advanced to add a different piece of text into the Progress Log
depending on whether one or more conditions are met.
1. In the Text field, type the text that you want to display in the Progress
2. Click OK.
See also
Modify Tedds fields (page 331)
Major Tedds field syntax (page 511)
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 322 Excel link fields
Tedds fields
Create Excel Link fields
1. In the Insert ribbon group, click Tedds field.
The Insert Tedds field dialog box appears, displaying the Input tab.
2. Click the Excel tab.
The following view appears.
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 323 Excel link fields
Tedds fields
4. In the Output Picture list, select whether you want to return a chart or a
picture of selected table cells from Excel to Tedds for Word.
• If you do not want to include a picture, select None.
• If you want to include a picture of a chart, select Chart.
After that, type the name of the sheet and, if there are more than one
charts in the sheet, the chart name.
• If you want to include a picture of a selected range of cells, select
Table Range.
After that, type the name of the sheet and the range of cells which you
want to include from the selected sheet.
5. In the Options list, adjust the link options according to your needs.
a. If you want to transfer variables from Tedds for Word to Excel, select
Link variables from Tedds to Excel.
b. If you want to transfer variables from Excel to Tedds for Word, select
Link variables from Excel to Tedds.
NOTE If you check both of the link options above, then the order in
which the data is transferred is:
1. From Tedds for Word to Excel
2. From Excel back to Tedds for Word.
If you wish to transfer data in the reverse order, create two
Excel Link fields. In the first link, only select the Link
variables from Excel to Tedds option. In the second link,
only select the Link variables from Excel to Tedds option.
c. If you want to have Excel open when the calculations are performed,
select Show Excel.
d. If you select the Show Excel option, you can also select Wait for
workbook to be closed before linking in finished. If you select the
Wait for workbook to be closed before linking in finished option,
the linking process will pause until you close the Excel worksheet.
e. If you want to save the workbook after performing the calculations,
select Save workbook when linking is finished.
6. If necessary, you can make Excel run up to three macros during the linking
process. Select the macros in the Excel macros to run whilst linking
• If you want to run a macro before the variables are passed to Excel
from Tedds for Word, type its name in the leftmost field.
• If you want to run a macro after the variables have been passed but
before they are returned to Tedds for Word, type its name in the
middle field.
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 324 Excel link fields
Tedds fields
• If you want to run a macro after performing the linking, type its name
in the rightmost field.
7. Click OK.
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 325 Data list fields
Tedds fields
Data List fields is to find the appropriate data list using Library Access
System. To do that, see the following instructions.
1. In the Library ribbon group, click the arrow below the Launch the
Tedds Library Access System button.
2. In the list, select Engineering Data.
The Library Access System window opens.
3. Find and select the data list that you want to insert in your calculations.
4. Perform your calculations.
When Tedds for Word proceeds to calculating the Data List field, the
Data List dialog box opens.
NOTE You can also create a Data List field using the Insert Tedds field
dialog. For further information on the syntax of Data List fields,
see Major Tedds field syntax (page 511).
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 326 Data list fields
Tedds fields
See also
Modify Tedds fields (page 331)
Data lists (page 398)
Components of the Data List dialog box (page 398)
1. In the Library ribbon group, click the arrow below the Launch the
Tedds Library Access System button.
2. In the list, select Engineering Data.
The Library Access System window opens.
3. Find and select the data table that you want to insert in your calculations.
4. Perform your calculations.
When Tedds for Word proceeds to calculating the Data Table field, the
Data Tables window opens.
NOTE You can also create Data Table fields using the Insert Tedds
field dialog. For further information on the syntax of Data Table
fields, see Major Tedds field syntax.
See also
Modify Tedds fields (page 331)
Data tables (page 404)
Components of the Data Tables window (page 404)
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 327 Data Table fields
Tedds fields
8.8 Data graph fields
Using Data Graph fields in your calculations allows you to display engineering
data as graphs in your calculations. To create Data Graph fields, see the
following instructions.
1. In the Library ribbon group, click the arrow below the Launch the
Tedds Library Access System button.
2. In the list, select Engineering Data.
The Library Access System window opens.
3. Find and select the data graph that you want to insert in your calculations.
4. Perform your calculations.
When Tedds for Word proceeds to calculating the Data Graph field, the
Data Graph window opens.
NOTE You can also create a Data Graph field using the Insert Tedds
field dialog. For further information on the syntax of Data Graph
fields, see Major Tedds field syntax.
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 328 Data graph fields
Tedds fields
See also
Modify Tedds fields (page 331)
Data graphs (page 414)
Components of the Data Graph window (page 414)
See also
Major Tedds field syntax (page 511)
Modify Tedds fields (page 331)
3. In the Type list, select the type of field that you want to create.
• Select Simple to insert and calculate any library item in your
• Select Condition to insert one of two possible library items in your
calculations, depending on whether a condition is met.
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 329 Calc item fields
Tedds fields
Create Simple Calc Item fields
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 330 Calc item fields
Tedds fields
Create conditional Calc Item fields
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 331 Modify Tedds fields
Tedds fields
See also
Major Tedds field syntax (page 511)
Expression text format (page 538)
Units (page 548)
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 332 Modify Tedds fields
Tedds fields
A context menu containing all of the formatting options appears.
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 333 Modify Tedds fields
Tedds fields
US Units Shows a list of US unit types, in which you can
and select a unit and add it to the formatted text
If text is selected in the formatted text field, the
selected text is replaced by the selected unit.
Expression text / Formatted text If the formatted text field currently shows
formatted information, then switches the text to
expression text format.
If the field currently shows expression text
format, then switches the text to formatted text.
Message field
Message("The minimum Area of steel required is "+string(A_{s},"F0","mm^(2)")+"
mm^2 ","Note")
In the example, the string function ((A_{s},"F0","mm^(2)")) is used for adding
values within text.
The + signs tell Tedds for Word to add the parts together to create the text
that goes into the dialog.
Input field
Input("Input the bar diameter - minimum "+string(D_{min},"F0","mm")+"
mm","Dia","mm", string(D_{min},"F0","mm"),2)
In the example, the first string function is used for adding values within the
text. The second string function is used on its own without other text, and it
calculates a default value that is set in the input dialog.
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with 334 Use the string function
Tedds fields
See also
Syntax conventions (page 510)
Major Tedds field syntax (page 511)
Condition syntax
The condition syntax for each of the eventual conditional fields is:
• Input($prompt$, $variable name$, $units$, #default value# or $default value$ ,
[#control flag#], (if¡condition¡, $true text$, $false text$))
• Show(if¡condition¡,$true text$, $false text$, ¡control flag¡, ¡format flag¡, #control
• Message(if(¡condition¡, $true text$, $false text$), $message title$, [¡control flag¡])
• LogText(if(¡condition¡,$true text$,$false text$))
The parameters are:
• ¡condition¡ is the condition which controls the field and determines whether
the true text or the false text will appear in your document.
• $true text$ is the text which is displayed if the value of the condition is True.
You can use the string function to add values of variables into the text.
• $false text$ is the text which is displayed if the value of the condition is
False. You can use the string function to add values of variables into the
NOTE If you want to use complex conditions in your calculations, you may find it
useful to create the overall structure of the field, and then divide the field
syntax into pieces.
You must use expression text format for non alphanumeric characters.
See also
Syntax conventions (page 510)
Major Tedds field syntax (page 511)
This section covers a series of options that you can set to configure Tedds
according to your needs. The options are available in the Options - Default
dialog box.
To access the Options - Default dialog box, do one of the following:
NOTE To avoid any damage, do not modify the Load method option unless
you are advised otherwise by the Tedds technical support team.
The Load method option allows you to change the method which is used to
load the Tedds for Word add-in.
WARNING To avoid any damage, do not modify the Always load the Tedds
loader in Word option unless you are advised otherwise by the
Tekla technical support team.
The Always load the Tedds loader in Word option allows you to use all
Tedds commands when you open a Tedds for Word document in Microsoft
Word, even when you do not start Tedds for Word separately.
Recent Files
The option allows you to adjust the number of recent files displayed on the
Tedds Start Page.
Recent Calculations
The option allows you to adjust the number of recent calculations displayed
on the Tedds Start Page.
See also
Calculation templates (page 364)
Create new calculation templates (page 370)
Modify the header or footer of a calculation template (page 367)
Template options
In Template options, you can change the default template and header logo of
a document.
Header options
In Header options, you can change the default company details and the
default date format of your calculation documents.
Date Format
The Date Format option allows you to change the date format that is used in
your calculation documents.
Default to show
Select the options that you want to view in your calculation documents by
default. The available options are:
• Hidden text
• Semicolons
For more information, see View hidden text, semicolons, or variables
(page 244).
Word page
Select how you want to send your calculations to Microsoft Word. The options
• New document: to create a new document for the calculation,
• Append to active document: the calculation is added to the end of the
current document,
• Insert in active document: the calculation is placed within your current
document at the position of the mouse pointer.
NOTE Do not select a Tedds for Word template here, or the sent file will also
require Tedds for Word to run.
If you do want to send a calculation from the Tedds Application to
Tedds for Word, then use the Send To --> Tedds for Word command
NOTE The option is only effective if you have selected the Link to logo file
option in the Document options (page 339).
If you select Embed logo in document, Tedds embeds the logo in the
calculation document before it sends the email.
If you do not select this option, Tedds maintains the current link details. In this
case, the recipient of the email will only see the logo if the logo file already
exists in the same directory location on their computer as on yours.
Bitmap quality
When Convert Enhanced Metafile Plus (vector images) to Bitmaps is
enabled this option will determine the size of the bitmap image which is
generated. The Low setting will create a drawing which is equivalent to 96 dpi.
Good will increase the scale of images by 100%, High will increase the scale of
images by 200%. When images are scaled the improved resolution comes at
the expense of a larger PDF file.
See also
Dimensional analysis (page 541)
Use variables (page 276)
Input fields (page 303)
Data lists (page 398)
Data tables (page 404)
Data graphs (page 414)
General options allow you to select whether Tedds performs dimensional
checks and how Tedds reacts to different variable errors, calculation errors,
and cancelling a calculation process.
If calculating is cancelled
The If calculating is cancelled option allows you to select how you want to
proceed when calculating is cancelled.
Replace 'Display always' and 'Display only if variable not defined' with
this default option
The Replace 'Display always' and 'Display only if variable not defined'
with this default option option allows you to remove the opportunity to use
some of the other display options, and replace the options with the Default
option determined above.
Select the boxes of the data tools that you want to view in your calculations.
The options are:
• Show Data lists
• Show Data tables
• Show Data graphs
Sketch options
Sketch options allow you to adjust the settings that are connected to viewing
and adding sketches in your calculations.
See also
Start the Sketch Viewer (page 468)
Copy a sketch to your calculations (page 473)
The options under Sketches allow you to change the alignment of sketches,
and determine whether transparent fills are allowed in sketches.
The Alignment option allows you to select how sketches in Enhanced Metafile
format should be aligned in your calculation documents.
Transparent fills
Some printer drivers and PDF export tools may have difficulties handling
transparent items, which may lead to poor quality sketches being output. The
You can adjust the maximum output size by typing the appropriate
percentages in the of page width and of page height boxes or by using the
arrows on the right side of each box.
Result options
Result options allow you to change the formatting of both intermediate and
final results.
See also
Result formats and precision (page 545)
Define results (page 268)
In the Results section, you can select how Tedds views your results.
Default format
The Default format option allows you to select the default format in which
you want Tedds to display the intermediate results of your calculations. For
more information on result formats, see Result formats and precision
(page 545).
Default precision
The Default precision option allows you to select the default precision which
you want Tedds to use for your intermediate results. For more information on
result precision, see Result formats and precision (page 545).
Default format
The Default format option allows you to select the default format in which
you want Tedds to view the final results of your calculations.
For more information on result formats, see Result formats and precision
(page 545).
Default precision
The Default precision option allows you to select the default precision which
you want Tedds to use in your final results.
For more information on result precision, see Result formats and precision
(page 545).
Progress options
Progress options allow you to determine how Tedds views the progress of
calculations. See the possible options in the following paragraphs.
If you select the None option, Tedds does not view any information on the
progress of your calculations.
See also
The Progress Log (page 298)
Regional settings
Regional settings allow you to control the locale whose calculation settings,
units, and number and expression formats you want to use.
See also
Units (page 548)
Use units in calculations (page 273)
The Locale list allows you to select the locale whose calculations and data you
want to use.
Base units
Depending on the locale that you have selected, the Base units option may
allow you to select whether you want to use SI units or US units. The selected
units are used in storing your variable values, and as default units for variable
NOTE You can use both SI units and US units in your calculations,
regardless of which units you have selected as base units.
Error options
Error options allow you to determine how Tedds views errors in your
See also
Introducing calculation errors (page 293)
Find errors (page 297)
See also
2D analysis (page 421)
See also
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word only) (page 374)
Debugging options
These tools may be used by our support teams when resolving specific
calculation issues.
Debug mode
Debug mode changes how some functions and calculations behave in order
to assist the diagnosis of errors (bugs) when writing custom calculations. Some
calculations may alter their behaviour when debug mode is enabled, therefore
debug mode should always be disabled when producing final output
Show QuickCalc
When enabled a button is added to the toolbar in calculation user interfaces
which allows you to show the QuickCalc window. The QuickCalc window can
be used to execute expressions whilst the calculations user interface is
running in order to query or modify the processing of the calculation.
The Variables options allow you to select which properties of variables you
want to view.
TIP Having the Show attributes column option selected can be helpful
when you try to find out why a particular calculation is not working
The Values options allow you to define the format and decimal places which
you want to use when defining the values of variables.
The Format option allows you to select the format in which the values are
viewed. For more information on result formats, see Result formats
(page 545).
Decimal places
The Decimal places option allows you to determine to how many decimal
places the values are viewed.
The Sorting options allow you to determine whether Tedds takes into account
the case and formatting of variable names in the Variables dialog box.
Ignore case
The Ignore case option allows you to determine that Tedds considers variable
names such as B and b the same variable.
See more
Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word only) (page 357)
System and user libraries (page 564)
Index directories
The Index directories option allows you to add or delete calc indexes.
The Name field allows you to change the name of the selected calc index.
The Directory field allows you to determine where Tedds saves the user
indexes that you want to use.
To change the directory, type the new directory in the box, or click Browse...
In the User field, you can specify the location of your user libraries. You can
either type the new location in the field, or click Browse... to select the correct
NOTE By having system and user libraries in different locations, you can
easily avoid confusing the two library types. We do not recommend
using the same location for your system and user libraries.
To change the location of system libraries, see Frequently used procedures in
creating system libraries (page 568).
See also
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word only) (page 374)
System and user libraries (page 564)
Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word only) (page 357)
In the User field, you can define the location of your user workbooks. You can
either type the location directly in the User field, or click Browse... to select
the correct directory.
NOTE We do not recommend using the same location for system and user
The System field displays the current location of the system workbook
directory, which has been set automatically when installing Tedds.
See also
Excel link fields (page 322)
Feedback options
Feedback options allow you to define whether you want to participate in
improving Tedds. You can either give us direct feedback or allow us to collect
data on your use of Tedds.
NOTE The Update service option must be enabled so that you can
participate in the Tedds Customer Experience Improvement
Feedback Survey
The Feedback Survey option allows you to determine whether you want to
receive feedback surveys about Tedds or not. By default, we will automatically
send you a feedback survey from time to time.
If you do not wish to receive feedback surveys, you can clear the Don't ask me
again option.
If you have any concerns or suggestions in your mind, you can still click Start
the Tedds feedback survey to give us feedback whenever you want to.
Remember profile
The Remember profile option allows you to select whether Tedds remembers
your user profile, or asks you to select a profile when you start Tedds.
• Select the Remember profile option to always use the same profile when
you start Tedds.
• Clear the Remember profile to select a profile when you start Tedds.
Configuring settings 357 Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word
Environment --> General settings
Setting Effect in Simple Effect in Advanced mode
• New document
Inserts the item into a new Tedds for Word
• Append to active document
Inserts the item at the end of the current Tedds for
Word document.
• Insert in active document
Inserts the item in the current Tedds for Word
document at the position of the insertion point.
• Add new Calc Section
Adds a new calc section where Tedds for Word
inserts the item.
• Insert page break
Adds a page break into your Tedds for Word
document immediately before the new calc section.
Add items in a new When selected, Tedds for Word inserts a paragraph
paragraph break before and after an item that it copies into your
calculation sheet.
Confirm selection None When selected, Tedds for Word
in Word asks you to confirm that you
have highlighted the correct
part of your document when
you are adding items into a
Configuring settings 358 Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word
Environment --> General settings
Setting Effect in Simple Effect in Advanced mode
Remove field None When selected, adding your
results in Word own calculations to a library
before saving item clears any calculation results.
contents Instead, Tedds for Word only
displays the format settings.
Select format and None When selected, adding your
category of item own calculations to a library
contents displays the Paste special
dialog box. In the dialog box,
you can select which format you
want to paste the text in.
Update item When selected, Tedds for Word updates the version of
version from calc an item to the same version as the calculation set that
set version it belongs to.
Configuring settings 359 Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word
Environment --> View settings
Setting Effect in Simple mode Effect in Advanced
Information Tips Allows you to select whether you want to see tips for
the icons used for calculation items, or further
information for a particular item.
Tedds for Word displays information tips when you
hover the mouse pointer over an icon or an item
The setting also allows you to select the item tips that
you want to see.
Colours Allows you to select colors for a specific elements in
the Library Access System window.
The elements are text, background, highlight text, and
highlight. The button on the right of each element
allows you to change the color.
Configuring settings 360 Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word
Setup --> Calculation libraries settings
Setting Effect in Simple mode Effect in Advanced
System library The location of the system libraries, that was set when
directory Tedds for Word was installed.
To change the location of system libraries, see Change
the location of the System libraries directory
(page 570).
Configuring settings 361 Microsoft Word settings (Tedds for Word only)
9.12 Microsoft Word settings (Tedds for Word only)
To simplify creating your own calculations, we recommend that you adjust
some Microsoft Word settings. See the detailed instructions for adjusting
Microsoft Word settings in the following paragraphs.
Set up AutoText
The AutoText feature of Word allows you to store and reuse formatted text
(and graphics), accessing them through a few simple keystrokes. Therefore,
AutoText may be useful when defining variable names and units.
1. Type the text that you want to save, and format it correctly. For example,
2. Highlight the formatted text.
3. Go to Insert --> Text --> Quick parts --> AutoText --> Save selection to
AutoText gallery.
4. In the Name field, type the characters that you want to use to access the
Configuring settings 362 Microsoft Word settings (Tedds for Word only)
5. Click Add.
To use the item, type the item name and press the F3 key.
NOTE For the hidden text paragraphs to function as described, ensure that
the following Word Options settings apply:
• The Display --> Hidden text option is not selected.
• The Display --> Print hidden text option is unselected.
If, at any point, you want to quickly identify all the text with the hidden text
attribute applied:
• In Word Options, click Display and select the Hidden text option.
All hidden text will be displayed, with a dotted underline when the Hidden
Calcs option is selected, and without underline when the Hidden Calcs
option is not selected.
NOTE When you perform your calculations and they contain errors in a line
of calculations that is hidden, you will not be able to find the
erroneous calculations if the Hidden Calcs option is not selected.
If you need so to see hidden calculations, click Show/Hide --> Hidden Calcs,
correct the error, and hide the calculations again.
Configuring settings 363 Microsoft Word settings (Tedds for Word only)
10 Calculation templates
Calculation templates offer a convenient way of standardizing the appearance
of your calculation documents. Tedds for Word contains a number of
calculation templates, which can easily give your calculations a professional
Like other Word templates, the Tedds for Word calculation templates contain
elements connected to:
• Page appearance, such as page size, orientation, and margins
• Paragraph formats, such as font size and line spacing
• Character formats, such as font type
In addition to helping you create professional-looking documents, calculation
templates simplify modifying the information in the header and footer of a
calculation sheet.
NOTE You can also use standard Word templates to adjust the appearance
of your document.
If you use a Word template, Tedds for Word adds the macros that it needs to
If you attempt a calculation in a document that does not have the necessary
macros, Tedds for Word will offer to add them, and convert the Word template
into a Tedds for Word template.
Before converting a Word template into a Tedds for Word template, note that:
• Once you have added the Tedds for Word macros into a template, you can
only use that template if you have Tedds for Word installed. Do not convert
your Word templates into Tedds for Word templates, if you want to use the
template later without Tedds for Word.
• Converting a Word template into a Tedds for Word template only adds the
macros that Tedds for Word needs to function. Therefore, you will need to
create the paragraph styles yourself to format the document correctly.
In addition to using Tedds for Word calculation templates, you can use a
standard Word template.
If you choose to use a Word template, Tedds for Word automatically adds the
macros which it requires in order to work correctly. However, in that case,
Tedds for Word does not add any page layout, paragraph or character styles.
TIP To avoid untidy results and having to define specific paragraph styles for your
calculations, we strongly recommend using calculation templates in your
See also
Create new calculation templates (page 370)
See also
Document options (page 339)
TIP You can easily copy the document details from one document to
another by using the Copy all and Paste all buttons in the Header
properties dialog box.
NOTE The Edit header property labels dialog box may look different
depending on the template that you are using.
See also
Document options (page 339)
NOTE If you want to modify the property labels, click Header --> Edit.
In the Header properties dialog box that appears, click Edit
labels and modify the labels according to your needs. For more
5. To add variable text in the table, insert Property value cells by clicking
Insert --> Property value, and in the list that appears, select a suitable
5. Click Browse... to select the file which you want to use as the logo.
6. To use the logo in all future Tedds for Word documents, select the Save
these settings as the default for new documents option.
7. To save the logo, click OK.
When you use Tedds for Word, you can access the calculations and
engineering data in the Tedds engineering library by using the Library Access
System. The following paragraphs cover the basic components, library types,
and modes of the Library Access System and launching the Library Access
NOTE The Library Access System is only available in Tedds for Word.
Name Description
Entries Actual calculations, sketches, tables,
or other pieces of data that the library
contains, and that you can copy to
your calculations.
Properties Reference information that describes
a particular entry, such as Short Name,
Long Name, or Item Details.
Sets include two types of components: groups and items. See the components
and their functions in the table below.
Name Description
Groups Organize the items in a set into a
logical order to help you find the
items easily.
Groups may contain other groups,
items, or both.
Library types
The Library Access System uses two types of libraries: system libraries and
user libraries.
• System libraries are intended to hold company standard information,
which will not change frequently and which you normally cannot change.
All libraries installed with Tedds for Word are system libraries.
• User libraries contain your own data, and you can modify them.
At installation, Tedds for Word creates a My Libraries directory that contains
an empty MyCalcs.lbr user library file. The MyCalcs.lbr file is the default
saving location of the data that you want to save to the Tedds engineering
• The simple mode allows you to find, preview and execute groups and
items. In addition, you can adjust the Library Access System settings.
• The advanced mode allows you to use more advanced features of the
Library Access System. The features include creating and modifying your
own sets, and sharing your calculations.
• On the Tedds tab, click Launch the Tedds Library Access System.
The Library Access System window opens.
See also
Library Access System icons (page 565)
Library Access System toolbars (page 616)
Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word only) (page 357)
Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode (page 379)
Use the Library Access System: Simple mode (page 376)
Basic Library Access System procedures: Advanced mode (page 380)
Basic Library Access System procedures: Simple mode (page 376)
The following image displays the Library Access System in Simple mode:
See also
Library Access System toolbars (page 616)
Library Access System icons (page 565)
Basic Library Access System procedures: Simple mode (page 376)
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 376 Use the Library Access System: Simple mode
See also
Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word only) (page 357)
Open a set
1. Double-click the set that you want to open.
Preview an item
1. Select the item.
2. Click View --> Preview.
A preview of the item opens.
Execute an item
1. Double-click the item which you want to execute.
If you select a solution item (marked with ) or an example item (marked
with ), the Insert Calc Item dialog box appears.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 377 Use the Library Access System: Simple mode
a. Select where and how you want to insert the item.
• To insert the calc item in a new document, select New document.
• To append the calc item in the end of the current document,
select Append to active document.
• To insert the calc item at the location of your insert point in the
current document, select Insert in active document.
• To insert the calc item in a new calc section, select Add new Calc
• To insert a page break before the new calc section, select
Insert page break.
b. Click OK.
Search a set
1. Click Find.
2. In the Find field, type the search entry.
3. Use the buttons on the right side of the Find field to browse the results of
the search.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 378 Use the Library Access System: Simple mode
NOTE To modify the Find options, click the rightmost button next to the
Find text box.
The list below appears.
If you select Match case, the search will only find a match if both
the letters and their case are identical to your search entry.
If you select Find in item descriptions, the search will search
item descriptions in addition to item names.
Adjust settings
• Click Tools --> Options.
The Options - Default dialog box appears.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 379 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
NOTE The following only applies to Tedds for Word.
NOTE The sets installed with Tedds for Word are protected, and therefore, they
cannot be modified. If you want to modify one of the installed sets, we
recommend saving the set with a new name and modifying the renamed set.
The following image displays Library Access System in the Advanced mode.
See also
Basic Library Access System procedures: Advanced mode (page 380)
Library Access System toolbars (page 616)
Library Access System icons (page 565)
See also
Create new sets (page 385)
Add new items into a set (page 388)
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 380 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
Add new groups into a set (page 387)
Build new sets based on existing sets (page 390)
Modify groups and items (page 391)
Open a set
• Double-click the set that you want to open.
Import a library
1. Click File --> Import....
2. In your user libraries directory, select the library that you want to import.
3. Click Open.
The imported user library opens.
Export a set
1. Click File --> Export...
2. Name the set and select the file type you want to save the set in. You can
• Text file
• XML file
3. Click Save.
If you selected text file as the file type, the Export Options dialog box
a. Adjust the export options and the properties to be included in the
text file.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 381 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
NOTE If you select the Indent groups option, the text file will
appear to have the same structure as your set.
b. Click OK.
Preview an item
• Do one of the following:
• Select the item and click View --> Preview.
• Click Preview.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 382 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
Undo an action
• Click Edit --> Undo.
Execute an item
1. Do one of the following:
• Double-click the item that you want to execute.
• Select the item that you want to execute and click Execute.
If you select a solution item (marked with ) or an example item (marked
with ), the Insert Calc Item dialog appears.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 383 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
NOTE You have to calculate the executed item in order to receive
Search a set
1. Click Find.
2. Type the search entry.
3. Use the buttons on the right side of the Find field to browse the results of
the search.
TIP To modify the Find options, click the rightmost button next to the
Find field.
The following list appears:
If you select Match case, the search will only find a match if both
the letters and their case are identical to your search entry.
If you select Find in item descriptions, the search will search item
descriptions in addition to item names.
Adjust settings
• Click Tools --> Options.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 384 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
Change the Library Access System mode
• Click View --> Simple Menus.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 385 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
3. Type the name of the set in the Name field.
4. If necessary, modify the automatically generated short name and file
5. Click Next. The following view appears.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 386 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
6. Set the default information that Tedds for Word proposes for new items.
You can modify the default information each time you create a new set.
7. Click Next.
TIP To create a new, empty and untitled set, you can also click File -->
New blank set.
See also
Build new sets based on existing sets (page 390)
Modify sets (page 393)
Add new groups into a set (page 387)
Add new items into a set (page 388)
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 387 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
calculations that you need in a certain project or situation. To add new groups
into a set, see the following instructions.
1. Select the item or group above the position where you want to place the
new group.
2. Do one of the following:
• Click Edit --> New Group.
See also
Add new items into a set (page 388)
Create new sets (page 385)
Delete groups and items (page 394)
Modify sets (page 393)
Modify groups and items (page 391)
Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word only) (page 357)
NOTE This must be a set that you have created. The sets installed with
Tedds for Word are protected, and therefore, they cannot be
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 388 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
2. Click Edit --> New Item.
If you have the Confirm selection in Word option selected, follow the
instructions below.
a. The Library Access System asks you to highlight the item in your
Tedds for Word document.
b. Highlight the item and click OK.
If you have the Select format and category of item contents option
selected, follow the instructions below.
a. In the Paste special dialog, select the format in which you want the
information be stored in the library.
3. In the New item properties dialog, type the name of the new item, and
select the library where the item is saved.
4. Click OK.
If you have selected an empty group as the place where you want to add
the new item, the Library Access System asks you whether you want to
create the new group inside the selected group.
a. Click Yes to add the item inside the selected group, or No to add the
item below the selected group.
The Library Access System adds the item into the location which you
See also
Add new groups into a set (page 387)
Create new sets (page 385)
Delete groups and items (page 394)
Modify groups and items (page 391)
Modify sets (page 393)
Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word only) (page 357)
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 389 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
Build new sets based on existing sets
Sometimes, you may want to create a calculation set that contains many items
from another set. In this case, we recommend that you build a new set based
on the existing set, instead of creating a new set and adding the desired items
manually. For detailed instructions, see the following paragraphs.
See also
Create new sets (page 385)
2. Type the search text and select an appropriate search type in the Search
type list and, if necessary, click Select...
3. According to your needs, click Search and Add or Search and Replace.
The search results appear.
4. To remove an item from the set, select the result and click Remove.
5. Repeat steps 2–4 as needed.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 390 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
6. When the result list only displays the items that you want to include in the
set, click Build.
Tedds creates a new untitled set that contains the items on the results list.
Search tips
See some tips for searching items in the following list:
• To search with the exact search text, select Match whole word only.
• To search with the exact search text and the case of the letters that you
type, select Match case.
• To clear the result list, click Remove All.
• To search the set again and add the results to the result list, click Search
and Add.
• To search the source set again and replace the items in the result list, click
Search and Replace.
• To narrow the search results, you can build intermediate sets that match
the current search criteria. Then, you can search the intermediate sets with
new search criteria as many times as necessary, until the set only contains
the items that you need. Once you are finished, remember to delete the
intermediate sets.
See also
Modify sets (page 393)
Add new groups into a set (page 387)
Add new items into a set (page 388)
Delete groups and items (page 394)
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 391 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
3. Modify the long and short name of the group according to your needs.
4. Click OK.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 392 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
a. If you have not selected the Confirm selection in Word option,
highlight the calculations that you want to save for the current item.
b. If you have selected Confirm selection in Word option, Library
Access System allows you to select the calculations while modifying
the item.
6. Click Edit --> Edit Item Contents....
a. If you have selected the Paste special option in the Library Access
System settings, select the type in which you want to save the item
and click OK.
Modify sets
You can modify your sets using two main approaches: drag and drop and the
clipboard. Drag and drop allows you to simply select a group or an item within
the current set, drag it into a second set, and copy the item there by releasing
it. You can also change the location of the item inside a set by dragging and
dropping it. For more information on modifying sets, see the following
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 393 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
NOTE The following only applies to Tedds for Word.
TIP To simplify dragging and dropping groups or items from one set to another, you
can arrange the sets side by side. To do that, click Window --> Tile horizontally.
Copy an item within the same set using drag and drop
• Hold down the Ctrl key while doing the drag and drop.
Cut an item
• Click Edit --> Cut.
Copy an item
• Click Edit --> Copy.
Paste an item
• Click Edit --> Paste.
If you drag and drop or paste a group or an item into an empty group, Library
Access System asks you whether you want the item to be pasted within or
below the selected group.
• To copy the group or item inside the group, click Yes.
• To copy the group or item below the group, click No.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 394 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
See also
Library Access System settings (Tedds for Word only) (page 357)
Modify groups and items (page 391)
Modify sets (page 393)
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 395 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
Create calculation packages
1. Click Tools --> Calc Publishing Wizard.
The Tedds Calc Publishing Wizard opens.
2. To select the appropriate type in the Package Type list, see the options
• If your calculations only use data lists, data tables, and data graphs
provided with Tedds, select Tedds System Calculation.
• If your calculations use your own customized data lists, data tables,
and data graphs, select Tedds System & User Calculation.
3. In the side pane, click the Sets folder.
4. Click Add file.
5. Select the items that you want to add to your project.
6. To prevent other users from overwriting the file, you can select the file
and ensure that the ReadOnly value is set to True.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 396 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
8. Define properties for the installation package.
Title, Author, and Output installation package (the location where the
installation package will be created) are mandatory information.
9. Click Build.
Tedds creates an .MSI file in the location that you defined in Output
installation package.
TIP Consider saving the publishing project, so that you can easily re-
build the package if you have updated the calculations and want to
share the new versions.
TIP You can copy the installation package to an USB flash drive, email it,
or publish it online.
Start the Library Access System (Tedds for Word 397 Use the Library Access System: Advanced mode
12 Data lists
Data lists are lists that contain and allow you to access engineering data.
Tedds allows you to use these lists with the help of the the Data List dialog
box. For more information on the benefits of data lists, see the following
You do not need to open the Data List dialog box separately, since it
automatically opens if the calculation requires any data from it.
The the Data List dialog box allows you to:
• Access data for a wide range of items with the help of a simple interface.
You can access such data as section properties, grade stresses, and design
• Select a specific item in a data list and view its properties on the screen.
• Return and use the properties for a selected item to your calculations.
See also
Data list fields (page 325)
See also
Return an item to your calculations (page 401)
Adjust the view of the Data List dialog box (page 399)
View the details of a selected item (page 400)
Data lists 399 Adjust the view of the Data List dialog box
12.2 Adjust the view of the Data List dialog box
You can adjust the proportions of the Data List dialog box according to your
needs. For more details on how to adjust the view of the Data List dialog box,
see the following paragraphs.
By default, the Data List dialog box remembers the size and position which
you have defined the last time that you used it.
However, Tedds resets the relative proportions of the Page pane and the Item
pane each time that you close the Data List dialog box.
NOTE If you select different items with the Details sheet open, the
dialog box always displays the information for the currently
selected item.
To close the Details sheet, click X at the top right corner of the
Details sheet.
See also
Return an item to your calculations (page 401)
For detailed instructions on how to select the correct page and item, see the
following paragraphs.
See also
Data Table fields (page 327)
1. Table tabs
allow you to view different details of the data table.
a. Table tab
displays a graphical representation of the data table.
b. Variables tab
displays the current variables of a selected item in the data table.
c. Notes tab
displays any notes that apply to the data table.
d. Sketches tab
displays any sketches that relate to the data table.
All data tables do not contain all of the previously mentioned details. That
is why the Notes tab and the Sketches tab may not always be available.
2. Home button
returns the table display to the top left corner of the table.
See also
Select an item in a data table (page 406)
View the different details of a data table (page 411)
See also
Select an item in a data table (page 406)
See also
Linked data tables (page 406)
Search specific information in a data table (page 409)
Interpolate data within a data table (page 407)
View the different details of a data table (page 411)
Return data table information to your calculations (page 410)
Adjust data table settings (page 411)
2. In the Range Item list, select the item that you want to interpolate.
3. Type the desired value in the Value to be added field.
NOTE The value that you add must be greater than the smallest value
and smaller than the greatest value in the Range Values list.
4. Click Interpolate.
Tedds performs the interpolation and updates the table to include the
new value.
5. If necessary, repeat steps 1–4 to receive the desired result.
NOTE If you make selections within a table, the Data Tables window
automatically transfers the existing selection to the interpolated
See also
Clear an interpolation (page 408)
Clear an interpolation
Sometimes, you may want to clear the interpolation that you have made in
order to return a data table to its original condition. To clear an interpolation,
see the following instructions.
• Click Edit --> Clear interpolation.
The last interpolation that you made is cleared.
See also
Select an item in a data table (page 406)
View the different details of a data table (page 411)
Return data table information to your calculations (page 410)
Clear a search
• To clear your search, click Edit --> Clear search.
See also
Close the Data Tables window (page 412)
• Based on which details of the data table you want to display, do one of the
• To view the graphical representation of the table, click the Table tab.
NOTE The Table tab is the initial view when you open the Data
Tables window.
• To view the variables associated with the table, click the Variables tab.
• To view the notes associated with the table, click the Notes tab.
• To view the sketches associated with the table, click the Sketches tab.
See also
Components of the Data Tables window (page 404)
2. Modify the colors that you want to use for the different parts of the Data
Tables window.
a. To change the background color of the Data Tables window, modify
the Page color.
b. To change the color of entries that match your search criteria, modify
the Qualifying value text color.
c. To change the color of selections that you have made on the screen,
modify the Cell selection color.
d. To change the color of entries that do not match you search criteria,
modify the Excluded value text color.
3. Select the zoom level for the table.
4. Click OK.
See also
Components of the Data Tables window (page 404)
Search specific information in a data table (page 409)
See also
Data graph fields (page 328)
NOTE All data graphs do not contain all of the previously mentioned details.
If that is the case, the Notes tab and the Sketches tab may not be
See also
Select a point in a data graph (page 415)
Interpolate data within a data graph (page 417)
Return data graph information to your calculations (page 418)
TIP To see the value of the selected point, rest the mouse pointer over
the point.
To see the properties of the selected point, click the Variables tab.
See also
Components of the Data Graph window (page 414)
Interpolate data within a data graph (page 417)
Return data graph information to your calculations (page 418)
See also
Select a point in a data graph (page 415)
2. Type the new value that you want to insert in the data graph.
The new value must be greater than the smallest existing value and
smaller than the greatest existing value.
3. Click OK.
The new value that you entered appears in the data graph.
Only the values that are relevant to the selected point are stored when
you insert information in your calculations.
Clear an interpolation
1. Click Curve --> Clear Interpolation.
Your latest interpolation is cleared.
See also
Select a point in a data graph (page 415)
Close the Data Graph window (page 419)
2. Select the components that you want to view in the Data Graph window.
• To view the grid lines for the X axis, select the X grid lines option.
• To view the grid lines for the Y axis, select the Y grid lines option.
See also
Components of the 2D Analysis dialog box (page 422)
Create a 2D analysis model (page 424)
Modify a 2D analysis model (page 428)
See also
Start 2D analysis (page 421)
Create a 2D analysis model (page 424)
NOTE When you have entered or modified values for a row, remember to
save the data by pressing Enter, clicking another row, or switching to
another tab.
TIP When you define the components and properties for your model in the
property spreadsheet, some labels specify the units in which they expect
the values to be entered. To use other units, simply type the unit in the
field after the value.
See also
Start 2D analysis (page 421)
NOTE Before creating additional nodes, ensure that the existing node is
NOTE The local x-axis of each element runs from the start node to the
end node. By default, the local major axis is perpendicular to the
local x-axis in the 2D plane of the model with positive values, in
the same sense as the global z-axis. For elements parallel to the
global z-axis, the major axis is rotated anti-clockwise to the local
To use the minor axis section properties instead of major axis,
select the Rotated option.
a. Connect two nodes by defining the start and end nodes for each
b. Select a material for the element.
c. Select a section for the element.
d. Define the releases and rotation of the element according to your
TIP To modify the 2D analysis model later, you can recalculate it.
See also
Create a 2D analysis model (page 424)
Example 2D analysis model (page 429)
1. Hold down the Ctrl key, and select the cells that you want to modify.
2. Still holding down the Ctrl key, change the value in one of the selected
3. Press Enter to update all cells to the new value.
4. Release the Ctrl key.
Sort data
You can easily sort data in any column of the 2D analysis dialog box by
clicking the column header.
• To sort the data in a column in ascending order, click the column header
• To sort the data in a column in descending order, click the column header
NOTE If you modify the value of a cell in a currently sorted column, the
modified cell may move in the list because its value changes the sort
See also
Creating the example 2D analysis model (page 432)
See also
Example 2D analysis model (page 429)
Create a 2D analysis model (page 424)
TIP To generate additional rows for new nodes, ensure the existing row
is valid. Then, click anywhere in the empty row below, marked with
TIP To generate additional rows for new nodes, ensure the existing row
is valid. Then, click anywhere in the empty row below, marked with
3. Add three more node loads as shown below, this time changing the load
case to Live.
3. Add three more node loads as shown below, this time changing the load
case to Live.
Click the Results tab to see that the analysis has been automatically
updated to reflect the increased span.
3. Press Enter.
The value in each highlighted cell is increased by the amount specified.
Click the Results tab to see that the analysis has been automatically
updated to reflect the increased span.
See also
The Section Designer (page 447)
Create sections in the Section Designer (page 448)
The Section Properties calculator 445 Start the Section Properties Calculator
The Section Properties Calculator calculation interface appears, allowing
you to define the properties for your section.
NOTE If you select Custom as the section type, the Section Designer
window will open, allowing you to create the desired section.
4. Select how you want to insert the Section Properties Calculator in the
calculation document.
• To insert the calc item in a new document, select New document.
• To append the calc item in the end of the current document, select
Append to active document.
• To insert the calc item at the location of your insert point in the current
document, select Insert in active document.
• To insert the calc item in a new calc section, select Add new Calc
The Section Properties calculator 446 Start the Section Properties Calculator
• To insert a page break before the new calc section, select Insert
page break.
5. Click OK.
The Section Properties Calculator item appears in your document.
6. Select and calculate the Section Properties Calculator item.
The Section Properties Calculator calculation interface appears, allowing
you to define the properties for your section.
NOTE If you select Custom as the section type, the Section Designer
window will open, allowing you to create the desired section
See also
Section Designer toolbars (page 622)
See also
Modify sections (page 453)
Structure sections (page 454)
Control the position of objects on the canvas (page 455)
Move objects on the canvas (page 456)
Rotate objects (page 458)
Snap objects with respect to each other (page 461)
View section properties (page 465)
Section Designer toolbars (page 622)
Create a rectangle
You can create rectangles either by drawing them on the canvas, or by typing
their properties manually.
Draw the shape on the canvas
Create a circle
You can create circles either by drawing them on the canvas, or by typing their
properties manually.
Draw the shape on the canvas
Create a triangle
You can create triangles either by drawing them on the canvas, or by typing
their properties manually.
Draw the shape on the canvas
Create a hole
NOTE In order for you to understand the way that holes are handled in
the Section Designer, read the following about containment:
• In order to prevent a hole and its parent shape being
separated, a property called containment is switched on for
the parent shape.
This means that any other shape or hole, or group that lies
completely within the shape, will be selected and moved
together with the parent shape. This also includes the
following cases:
• Shapes that you add within the shape that has
containment switched on.
• Shapes that lie within the shape that has containment
switched on.
• If you want containment to be switched off, delete the holes in
the parent shape. You can then select the shape by itself and
move it out of the way before reinstating the holes that you
• If you place shapes (including holes) in a group, the
containment feature is switched off for the entire group.
Therefore, we recommend that when you have finished
creating a shape with holes, you select the shape together
with all its holes and place them in a group.
NOTE The Section Designer converts the pre-defined sections that you
insert into groups of primary shapes. The conversion process may
ignore some features of the section. Therefore, always check whether
using the Section Designer suits your needs.
b. Click Next.
c. In the dialog box that appears, type properties for the section.
d. Click Finish.
e. To place the shape on the canvas, click the left mouse button
where you want to place the section.
• Click the shape which you want to modify with the right mouse button,
and in the context menu which appears, select Edit Shape....
• Select a shape and drag the control handles around the shape to
adjust its size.
2. Modify the shape properties according to your needs.
Structure sections
As you create custom sections, you can define them in many ways. You can,
for example, move shapes back and forward on the canvas, and group shapes.
See also
Control the position of objects on the canvas (page 455)
Move objects on the canvas (page 456)
Rotate objects (page 458)
Snap objects with respect to each other (page 461)
View section properties (page 465)
Section Designer toolbars (page 622)
Select objects
• To select an object, click the shape which you want to select with the left
mouse button.
Any other objects are automatically deselected.
• To add objects to your current selection, hold the Shift key down and click
the objects that you want to add.
• To remove objects from your current selection, hold the Shift key down
and click the objects that you want to remove.
Create groups
Grouping objects allows you to move and rotate the shapes as a single entity.
If necessary, you can create a hierarchy of shapes by adding groups into other
1. Select the objects that you want to group.
2. Do one of the following:
Destroy groups
1. Select the group that you want to destroy.
2. Do one of the following:
See also
Structure sections (page 454)
Move objects on the canvas (page 456)
See also
Structure sections (page 454)
Control the position of objects on the canvas (page 455)
Rotate objects (page 458)
Snap objects with respect to each other (page 461)
Adjust Section Designer settings (page 462)
Section Designer toolbars (page 622)
4. Release the mouse button to drop the objects in their new location.
NOTE If you hold down the Shift key and use the buttons from the
Nudge toolbar to move the selected objects, they move in the
selected direction by one unit.
The unit of movement depends on the size of canvas. For more
details, see the table below.
NOTE You can only move one object at a time by defining the position of
objects in a dialog box.
NOTE The appearance of the dialog box depends on the shape that you
have selected.
4. Click OK.
Rotate objects
When you create a shape, you can specify its rotation from the global axis
system where appropriate. You can apply rotations to all shapes and groups
using the mouse.
See also
Structure sections (page 454)
Control the position of objects on the canvas (page 455)
NOTE When you select multiple objects, the squares that surround the
object that you have last selected are gray.
The squares that surround previously selected objects are white.
The color is important for snapping the items. The object that you want to
move should be surrounded by grey squares, whereas the sqaures around the
other object should be white.
If you select the objects in the wrong order, then you can hold the Shift key
down and click over the object twice (to deselect it and then select it again).
You can also old the Ctrl key down and click the object.
1. Select the two objects that you want to snap to one another.
2. Ensure that the object that you want to move is surrounded by gray
squares, and that the object that should remain stationary is surrounded
by white squares.
3. Do one of the following:
4. Use the Snapping buttons determine the face of the moving object that
you want to snap to the stationary object.
5. To align the objects with each other, select the appropriate alignment
6. To move the object once you have snapped it, type the distance for the
moving object in the fields of the Offset section.
NOTE You can only move the object parallel to the face that been
snapped to the stationary objet. Therefore, the alternate field is
See also
Structure sections (page 454)
Control the position of objects on the canvas (page 455)
Move objects on the canvas (page 456)
Section Designer toolbars (page 622)
NOTE The Input label set and Output label set options are
completely independent. Therefore, you can select different
unit systems for input and output.
• Output sketch
The Output sketch options allow you to control the sketch of the
section. They do not affect returning section properties to Tedds.
• If you select No, no sketch is created.
• If you select To document, a sketch is inserted in your calculation
• If you select To Sketch Viewer, the sketch is created and inserted
in Sketch Viewer. You can then manipulate the sketch and insert it
wherever you like in your document.
• Zoom to fit before copy to calcs
If you select the Zoom to fit before copy to calcs option, Section
Designer zooms the created sketch so that the section fills the sketch.
2. Once you have adjusted the settings according to your needs, click OK.
The options are registered, and the User Options... dialog box closes.
See also
Adjust Section Designer settings (page 462)
Save a section to disk (page 466)
Return section properties to your calculations (page 467)
NOTE The groups that you may have defined in the Section Designer are
not included in the results that are copied to your calculation
If you want to maintain the groups that you have defined, see Save
a section to disk (page 466).
See also
Adjust Section Designer settings (page 462)
Start the Sketch Viewer 468 Open the Sketch Viewer empty
See also
Components of the Sketch Viewer window (page 469)
Adjust the view of a sketch (page 471)
Transfer a sketch to the Sketch Viewer (page 470)
Copy a sketch to your calculations (page 473)
Open a new sketch window (page 470)
Close sketch windows (page 473)
1. File menu
allows you to, among other things, create new sketches, open existing
sketches, and save sketches.
Start the Sketch Viewer 469 Components of the Sketch Viewer window
2. Sketch Viewer toolbar
allows you to access the most common features of the Sketch Viewer
with a single click.
For more information, see Sketch viewer toolbar.
3. Sketch windows
are windows that contain separate sketches.
See also
Start the Sketch Viewer (page 468)
Adjust the view of a sketch (page 471)
Transfer a sketch to the Sketch Viewer (page 470)
Copy a sketch to your calculations (page 473)
Open a new sketch window (page 470)
Close sketch windows (page 473)
See also
Adjust the view of a sketch (page 471)
Transfer a sketch to the Sketch Viewer (page 470)
Close sketch windows (page 473)
2. Click Select...
3. Select the color that you want to use as the background color of sketches.
4. Click OK.
The background color is saved.
See also
Transfer a sketch to the Sketch Viewer (page 470)
2. Select where you want to insert the user interface and click New.
The Tedds Interface Designer window opens, displaying an empty
interface template.
See also
Components of the Interface Designer (page 476)
Close the Interface Designer (page 502)
See also
Pages (page 478)
Controls (page 482)
Groups (page 487)
Page items (page 489)
Data views (page 492)
Pages represent actual pages of the interface. The overall layout of your
interface is also set at page level. A page can contain multiple controls, groups,
page items and data views. In addition, if necessary, you can define
circumstances when a page is enabled and when it is not.
See also
Controls (page 482)
Groups (page 487)
Page items (page 489)
Data views (page 492)
Add pages
1. Do one of the following:
• At the bottom of the window, click the Add new page button.
A name field appears on the left side of the Add new page button.
2. Type a page name in the field.
Page properties
The Page properties property pane allows you to define the page layout of
the selected page.
TIP To access the Page properties property pane, click the name of the
desired page at the bottom of the Interface Designer window.
Delete pages
1. Do one of the following:
• In the Interface Designer toolbar, click Delete.
Controls are the basic parts of an interface. The Interface Designer allows
you to create two types of controls: input controls, which allow the user to
enter information, and output controls, which display additional items in the
Add controls
1. Do one of the following:
• On the Interface Designer toolbar, click the arrow on the right side of
theInput or Output button, depending on which type of control you
want to add.
a. In the list that appears, select the control that you want to add.
Control Description
Input controls
Button A button that allows the user to
perform an operation, such as open a
data list.
Check Box A box that the user can select to
perform an operation, such as include
a sketch with the output.
Drop List A list of standard values that only
allows the user to select values in the
initial list.
Edit An input field where the user can type
the desired value.
Edit Drop List A list of standard values that allows
the user to enter values that are not
in the initial list.
Edit Up Down An input box where the user can
enter a value, and adjust the value by
using up and down buttons.
Label A field that displays a line of text.
List Box A list box of standard values that only
allows the user to select values in the
in the initial list.
Output controls
Blank A blank line used for separating
Data view When using a custom page template,
the control allows you to show a
NOTE The available properties may vary depending on the control type.
The property pane allows you to define and modify the properties of the
selected control. To adjust the control properties, do the following:
• Click the control and go to the property pane.
In the following table, see the properties of controls in the property pane.
Delete controls
1. Select the control that you want to delete.
2. On the Interface Designer toolbar, click Delete.
See also
Controls (page 482)
Pages (page 478)
Add groups
1. At the top of the page, click Add Group.
A new row appears at the top of the current page.
Delete groups
1. Select the group that you want to delete.
2. In the Interface Designer toolbar, click Delete.
Page items
Page items, or page library items, display a calculation library item to assist the
user during the calculation. Page items can be sketches, notes, or even
See also
Pages (page 478)
Data views (page 492)
Data views
Data views display a library item that assists the user during a calculation.
Data views differ from page library items only in that data views can be
displayed on custom templates, whereas page library items can only be
displayed on standard template layouts. For more information on data views,
see the following paragraphs.
See also
Pages (page 478)
Page items (page 489)
See the properties of the Data view properties property pane in the
following table:
See also
Pages (page 478)
NOTE The cells of the Template Designer dialog box represent and are
referred to as control locations.
• Use the Tab order option to define the order in which the Tab key moves
between the controls of the interface.
1. Click Tab order.
2. Click the control locations in the order which the Tab key should move
between the controls.
A number indicating the ordinal number of the control appears on the
right side of the row number.
• In the Columns box, define the number of columns in the layout according
to your needs.
NOTE The blank space must be at least as many columns wide as the
control location that you want to move.
• To delete a control location, select the control location and press Delete.
2. Select where you want to insert the user interface and click New.
The Tedds Interface Designer window opens, displaying an empty
interface template.
US units:
2. To create a check box, in the toolbar, click the arrow on the right side of
3. In the menu that appears, select Check Box.
For US design
Wood members can be designed using Tedds.
Video demonstration:
• Tekla Structural Designer to Tekla Tedds US Wood design
NOTE You need to have a Trimble Identity before you can start using Trimble
NOTE A Tedds project can only be linked to a Trimble Connect project from the
Trimble Connect Project Explorer and not from the web or Windows apps. The
Tedds project must be linked before any information can move between Tekla
Tedds and Trimble Connect.
TIP If a 'Cannot find linked project' message is displayed, this indicates either
that you do not have permission to view the project; or, that the project
to which the model was previously linked has been deleted - in this
situation you would need to click 'Unlink' before you are able to link the
model with another project.
Any folders or files in the Trimble Connect project that you have read
access to are also displayed.
2. To unlink from a project:
NOTE You can only create but not delete folders in Trimble Connect Project
Explorer. Folders can only be deleted in Trimble Connect Web, or
Trimble Connect for Windows.
You can only rename folders and files to which you have write access.
1. To create a folder:
1. Right click in the Trimble Connect Project Explorer window.
2. Select Create folder and enter the folder name.
2. To create a subfolder:
3. Right click on an existing folder.
4. Click Create folder and enter the folder name.
3. To rename a file or folder:
5. Right click on the file/folder.
6. Select Rename
NOTE If the Tedds project is subsequently updated, you can upload a new
revisions of the ifc file. To do this, right-click on the ifc file name and
select Upload new version.
• Trimble Connect Web: This launches the in-browser web app. If the
open Tedds project is associated with a Trimble Connect project, the
project itself is opened, otherwise a default Trimble Connect page is
• Trimble Connect for Window: This launches the Windows
application. Again, if the open Tedds project is associated with a
Trimble Connect project then that project is opened.
2. To open Trimble Connect from Trimble Connect Project Explorer:
4. Right-click on a folder in the Trimble Connect Project Explorer window.
5. Select Open in Trimble Connect Web, or Open in Trimble Connect for
Windows as required.
The in-browser web or Windows app is launched and opened at the
selected folder.
3. To view the uploaded pdfs:
Syntax conventions
The Tedds user guide uses a consistent set of conventions when describing
the syntax of available fields and functions. For more information on syntax
conventions, see the following paragraphs.
Symbols Meaning
$$ The parameter is one of the following:
• A string: $prompt$ “Input the length”
• A string variable: $prompt$Getlength
• A string function:$prompt$“Length (max=” +
## The parameter is one of the following:
• A number: #prompt# 235
• A number variable: #prompt# L_{max}
• An expression: #prompt# 0.75*L_{max}
¡¡ The parameter is one of the following:
• A logical value: ¡prompt¡ 0
• A logical variable: ¡prompt¡ Output
• A logical expression: ¡prompt¡ if (a>b,1,0)
... More variables of the same type can be added to
the function:
median(#number#, ..., ...)
[] The parameter is optional:
[¡control flag¡])
See also
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with Tedds fields (page 302)
See also
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with Tedds fields (page 302)
• waitForClose
is an optional True/False value that determines if the field should wait for
the workbook to be closed by the user before finishing the linking process.
• readPassword
is an optional string that contains the password to open a protected
If the readPassword argument is omitted and the workbook requires a
password, the user is prompted for the password.
• writePassword
is an optional string that contains the password required to write to a
write-reserved workbook.
If the writePassword argument is omitted and the workbook requires a
password, the user is prompted for the password.
TIP To open more than one data table simultaneously, separate each file
name with a comma.
• prefix
is optional text prefixed to the field result.
• suffix
is an optional text appended to all variables names for the selection.
• show
is an optional condition that determines if the data table is shown.
TIP You can access all Tedds fields in the Library Access System. Go to
Writing your own custom calculations --> Calculation writing
documentation --> Tedds fields.
See also
Enhancing Tedds for Word calculations with Tedds fields (page 302)
NOTE • replace1 is the text that will be replaced in the item for the first
occurrence of a replacement field.
• replace[n] is the text that will be replaced in the item for the nth
occurrence of a replacement field.
Time fields
Time fields display the time when the selected fields were last calculated.
To create a Time field, do the following:
1. In the Date and time folder, select Time (field).
2. Modify the template according to the syntax below.
3. Perform your calculations.
The particular syntax for Time fields is the following:
The parameters are:
• format
is the format to output the data in.
{=CSC|CALL Time("HH:mm MMM-d, yy")}
See also
Time and date formatting options (page 523)
Date fields
Date fields display the date when the selected fields were last calculated.
To create a Date field, do the following:
1. In the Date and time folder, select Date (field).
2. Modify the template according to the syntax below.
3. Perform your calculations.
The particular syntax for Date fields is the following:
The parameters are:
See also
Time and date formatting options (page 523)
See also
Time and date formatting options (page 523)
Month M 6
MM 06 NOTE Use capital M to
differentiate months
MMM Jun from minutes (m).
Year yy or YY 13
yyyy or YYYY 2013 NOTE y, Y, yyy and YYY are
not valid formats.
See also
Other Tedds fields (page 518)
In the following paragraphs, we cover the mathematical operators and
functions available in Tedds for Word.
The following mathematical operators are available in Tedds for Word.
TIP You can find the symbol form of most of the following operators in the
Library Access System. Go to Writing your own custom calculations
--> Calculation writing documentation --> Math symbols.
Operator Description
* or
/ or
yx Raises y to the power of x
NOTE The maximum and minimum numbers that Tedds can handle are
10308 and 10-308.
Mathematical functions
The following mathematical functions are available in Tedds for Word.
TIP You can find most of the following functions in the Library Access
System. Go to Writing your own custom calculations --> Calculation
writing documentation --> Maths functions.
NOTE All functions that take angle arguments expect them in degrees, and
all functions that return angle arguments return them in degrees.
Tedds functions
The following Tedds functions are available in Tedds for Word.
You can find most of the following functions inLibrary Access System. Go to
Writing your own custom calculations --> Calculation writing
documentation --> Tedds functions.
String functions
Function Description
StrLength("String1") Returns the number of characters in the given
If a string variable is given as the parameter, the
function returns the number of characters in the
StrCompare("String1", Compares two strings to see if they are equal.
The comparison can be case sensitive or case
If the strings are equal, the function returns 0. If
String1 is less than String2, the function returns -1.
If String1 is greater than String2, the function
returns 1.
StrEndsWith("String1", Checks to see if String1 ends with String2,
"String2") returning 1 if it does and 0 if it does not.
The comparison is always case sensitive, and the
function recognizes spaces.
StrInsert("String1", Inserts String2 into String1 at the position specified
"String2", InsertPosition) by the InsertPosition parameter.
Unit functions
Function Description Note
addunit("x", Adds unit x to the unit In order to use this function, you
a,b,c,d,f) database. must be the only one using the units
database file.
a, b, c and d are the
powers of the unit
dimensions (Ma, Lb, Tc,
Dd), and f is the
multiplication factor to
turn the base unit
combination to the unit
to be added.
getunit("x") Lists the dimensions and Not applicable
the multiplication factor
for unit x.
listallunits() Lists all units in the units Not applicable
removeuni Removes unit x from the In order to use this function, you
t("x") units database. must be the only one using the units
database file.
showdims(" Shows the dimensions Not applicable
x") of variable x.
Logic functions
Function Description
If(condition,x,y) If condition is true, the function returns x.
Otherwise, the function returns y.
Variable functions
Function Description
Delete Deletes the variables x, y and z in the current
VarsInSection("x","y","z" calculation section.
If no variables are specified, the function deletes all
variables in the current section.
Delete Deletes the variables x, y and z in the current
VarsInAllSections(("x","y" document.
If no variables are specified, the function deletes all
variables in the document.
Locale functions
Function Description
GetLocale() Returns the current locale to which Tedds is set.
GetCountry() Returns the current country to which Tedds is set.
Version functions
Function Description
GetTeddsVersion() Returns the version number of Tedds for Word.
GetTeddsSPVersion() Returns the service pack version number of Tedds.
GetExcelVersion() Returns the version number of Excel.
Miscellaneous functions
Function Description
subcall("original function Runs any Tedds for Word function in an interface.
name","parameter 1 of
You can use this function to run a data list or a
the original
data table by pressing a button in an interface.
function","parameter 2
of the original function"
GetLanguage() Returns the user interface language identifier as a
two-character string code ("EN" = English, "FR" =
French, "DE" = German, "ES" = Spanish).
GetTeddsAppName() Returns the name of the Tedds application (Tedds
or Tedds for Word) calculating the current
GetTimer() Returns the numeric value of the timer.
Pause( time ) Returns the time of a pause in milliseconds.
Pause( 5000 ) = 1.000 indicates a pause for 5
ProgressText( text ) Sets the status text displayed in the Tedds
progress window.
NOTE Superscript characters are normally only used for units. If used
within a variable name, Tedds interprets it as the variable raised to
the specified superscript value.
• Units
Most units can be entered using subscript and superscript characters as
above. However, the units for angles and temperature require special
See codes for the units in the following table.
sec(x) = z
cot(x) = z
asin(x) = z acos(x) x has to be z is dimensionless asin (1) = 90 °
= z atan(x) = z dimensionless - but may be in
degrees or
radians since they
are dimensionless
Format strings
To define a non-default format of results, after the appropriate results symbol,
1. A letter to define the format
2. A number to define the precision of the results (not applicable to the
Output format)
See the valid letters to define the format in the table below:
Letter Meaning
F Fixed format
S Scientific format
G General format
E Engineering format
O Output format
The number after the letter indicates the precision of the required results, and
should be in the range 15 to -15.
• A positive number indicates the required number of decimal places or
significant figures.
• A negative number indicates that the result is to be rounded to the nearest
value, which depends on the magnitude of the negative number (-1
signifies 10, -2 signifies 100, -3 signifies 1000, and so on).
Example formats
See examples of the different format settings in the tables below.
Large numbers, for example: 1065.1 x 1016
See also
Define result formats (page 269)
NOTE The values shown in the following table are rounded for esthetic
In Tedds, all values are held to an accuracy of 15 decimal places. If you
want to see the full value, place a calculation in your document and
set a precision of 15 decimal places.
Tedds base
Base units of Tedds
Unit US imperial SI metric Dimension
Lengt 1 ft 1m 1L
Mass 1 slugs 1 kg 1M
Time 1s 1s 1T
Temp 1 °C 1 °C 1D
Angle 1°, 1 deg, 1 1°, 1 deg, 1 degs Dimensionless
Angle units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
rad 180/π degs Dimensionless
rads 180/π degs Dimensionless
Length units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
mm 0.0001 m L
cm 0.01 m L
dm 0.1 m L
km 1000 m L
in 0.0254 m L
ft 0.3048 m L
yd 0.9144 m L
mi 1609.344 m L
Mass units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
gm 0.001 kg M
t 1000 kg M
tonne 1000 kg M
Time units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
min 60 s T
hr 3600 s T
day 86400 s T
yr 31556926 s T
Frequency units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
Hz 1 s-1 T-1
kHz 1000 s-1 T-1
MHz 106 s-1 T-1
GHz 109 s-1 T-1
Velocity units
Units Tedds base unit Dimension
kph 0.277777778 m/s LT-1
mph 0.4470398 m/s LT-1
Area units
Units Tedds base unit Dimension
hectare 104 m2 L2
acre 4046.8564 m2 L2
Volume units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
ml 10-6 m3 L3
l 10-3 m3 L3
floz 0.00002841306 m3 L3
gal 0.00454609 m3 L3
gallon 0.00454609 m3 L3
Force units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
N 1 kgm/s2 MLT-2
kN 1000 kgm/s2 MLT-2
MN 10 6 kgm/s2 MLT-2
kgf 9.81 kgm/s2 MLT-2
tf 9810 kgm/s2 MLT-2
dyne 10-5 kgm/s2 MLT-2
lbf 4.4497414 kgm/s2 MLT-2
tonf 9967.4207 kgm/s2 MLT-2
kip 4449.7414 kgm/s2 MLT-2
kips 4449.7414 kgm/s2 MLT-2
Moment units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
Nmm 10-3 kgm2/s2 ML2T-2
kNm 1000 kgm2/s2 ML2T-2
MNm 106 kgm2/s2 ML2T-2
kip_ft 1356.2812 kgm2/s2 ML2T-2
kip_in 113.023430 kgm2/s2 ML2T-2
Energy units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
J 1 kgm2/s2 ML2T-2
kJ 1000 kgm2/s2 ML2T-2
erg 10-7 kgm 2/s2 ML2T-2
MJ 106 kgm2/s2 ML2T-2
GJ 109 kgm2/s2 ML2T-2
Power units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
W 1 kgm 2/s3 ML2T-3
Temperature units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
Cday 86400 s°C T°C
°Cday 86400 s°C T°C
NOTE The units in the Electrical units table are based around a definition of
a coulomb as a dimensionless unit.
For all practical purposes, the following definitions are sufficient to
ensure that calculations and dimensional checking work correctly in
However, in rare cases, combining the following units with other
dimensionless units can mean that the dimensional analysis fails to
detect errors.
Electrical units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
coul Not applicable Dimensionless
Currency units
Unit Tedds base unit Dimension
£ Not applicable Dimensionless
Angle units
Unit US imperial Tedds base unit Dimension
rad 180/π degs 180/π degs Dimensionless
rads 180/π degs 180/π degs Dimensionless
Length units
Unit US imperial Tedds base unit Dimension
in 0.0833333 ft 0.0254 m L
ft 1 ft 0.3048 m L
yd 3 ft 0.9144 m L
mi 5280 ft 1609.344 m L
mm 0.00328084 ft 0.001 m L
cm 0.0328084 ft 0.01 m L
dm 0.328084 ft 0.1 m L
m 3.28084 ft 1m
km 3280.84 ft 1000 m L
Time units
Unit US imperial Tedds base unit Dimension
min 60 s 60 s T
hr 3600 s 3600 s T
day 86400 s 86400 s T
yr 31556926 s 31556926 s T
Frequency units
Unit US imperial Tedds base unit Dimension
Hz 1 s-1 1 s-1 T-1
kHz 1000 s-1 1000 s-1 T-1
MHz 106 s-1 106 s-1 T-1
GHz 109 s-1 109 s-1 T-1
Velocity units
Units US imperial Tedds base unit Dimension
mph 1.46667 ft/s 0.277777778 m/s LT-1
kph 0.911344 ft/s 0.4470398 m/s LT-1
Volume units
Units US imperial Tedds base unit Dimension
floz 0.00104438 ft³ 0.0000295735 m³ L³
US_floz 0.00104438 ft³ 0.0000295735 m³ L³
gal 0.133681 ft³ 0.00378541 m³ L³
gallon 0.133681 ft³ 0.00378541 m³ L³
US_gal 0.133681 ft³ 0.00378541 m³ L³
US_gallon 0.133681 ft³ 0.00378541 m³ L³
UK_floz 0.00100340 ft³ 0.0000284131 m³ L³
UK_gal 0.160544 ft³ 0.004546094 m³ L³
UK_gallon 0.160544 ft³ 0.004546094 m³ L³
ml 0.0000353147 ft³ 0.000001 m³ L³
l 0.0353147 ft³ 0.0017 m³ L³
Force units
Units US imperial Tedds base unit Dimension
oz 0.0625 slugsft/s² 0.278013 kgm/s² MLT-2
ozf 0.0625 slugsft/s² 0.278013 kgm/s² MLT-2
lb 1 slugsft/s² 4.448216 kgm/s² MLT-2
lbs 1 slugsft/s² 4.448216 kgm/s² MLT-2
lbf 1 slugsft/s² 4.448216 kgm/s² MLT-2
kip 1000 slugsft/s² 4448.22 kgm/s² MLT-2
kips 1000 slugsft/s² 4448.22 kgm/s² MLT-2
ton 2000 slugsft/s² 8896.43 kgm/s² MLT-2
tonf 2000 slugsft/s² 8896.43 kgm/s² MLT-2
t 2000 slugsft/s² 8896.43 kgm/s² MLT-2
tf 2000 slugsft/s² 8896.43 kgm/s² MLT-2
dyne 0.00000224809 0.00001 kgm/s² MLT-2
Moment units
Units US imperial Tedds base unit Dimension
lbf_in 0.0833333 0.112985 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
in_lbf 0.0833333 0.112985 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
lb_in 0.0833333 0.112985 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
in_lb 0.0833333 0.112985 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
lbs_in 0.0833333 0.112985 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
in_lbs 0.0833333 0.112985 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
lbf_ft 1 slugsft²/s² 0.112985 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
ft_lbf 1 slugsft²/s² 1.35582 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
lb_ft 1 slugsft²/s² 1.35582 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
ft_lb 1 slugsft²/s² 1.35582 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
lbs_ft 1 slugsft²/s² 1.35582 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
ft_lbs 1 slugsft²/s² 1.35582 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
kip_in 83.3333 slugsft²/s² 112.985 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
in_kip 83.3333 slugsft²/s² 112.985 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
kip_ft 1000 slugsft²/s² 1355.82 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
ft_kip 1000 slugsft²/s² 1355.82 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
ton_ft 2000 slugsft²/s² 2711.63 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
ft_ton 2000 slugsft²/s² 2711.63 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
tons_ft 2000 slugsft²/s² 2711.63 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
ft_tons 2000 slugsft²/s² 2711.63 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
Energy units
Units US imperial Tedds base unit Dimension
cal 3.08803 slugsft²/s² 4.1868 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
kcal 3088.03 slugsft²/s² 4186.8 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
BTU 778.173 slugsft²/s² 1055.06 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
J 0.737563 1 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
kJ 737.563 slugsft²/s² 1000 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
MJ 737563 slugsft²/s² 1000000 kgm²/s² ML2T-2
GJ 737563100 1000000000 ML2T-2
slugsft²/s² kgm²/s²
erg 0.00000007376 0.0000001 ML2T-2
slugsft²/s² kgm²/s²
Power units
Units US imperial Tedds base unit Dimension
w 0.737563 1 kgm²/s³ ML2T-3
kw 737.563 slugsft²/s³ 1000 kgm²/s³ ML2T-3
MW 737563 slugsft²/s³ 1000000 kgm²/s³ ML2T-3
Temperature units
Units US imperial Tedds base unit Dimension
Cday 86400 s°C 86400 s°C T°C
°Cday 86400 s°C 86400 s°C T°C
Currency units
Units US imperial Tedds base unit Dimension
£ Not applicable Not applicable Dimensionless
$ Not applicable Not applicable Dimensionless
NOTE Like all other Tedds units, currency units must be placed after the
numbers to which they apply.
Currency units have been added to facilitate calculations which
require compound units, such as £/year.
See also
Use units in calculations (page 273)
See also
Use system variables (page 287)
See also
Create libraries for organizational use (page 566)
Share libraries created for personal use (page 565)
Naming libraries
Whether you are creating sets and libraries for personal use or for
organizational use, pay attention to the names that you use for your libraries
and the entries in them.
• If you plan on sharing libraries with others, ensure that the name of your
library is not the same as the name of someone else's library. Having two
libraries with the same name creates a risk of overwriting one library by
the other. In consequence, you may lose valuable data.
• Ensure that the names of libraries convey the content of the calculations to
other users.
• Copy the user library and the calculation set from your computer to the
same directories on the other users' computers.
NOTE Creating new libraries and sets requires using the options A and C repeatedly.
NOTE A single set can refer to several libraries and a library can be
referred to by many sets. Therefore, deleting entries from
libraries may have far reaching implications.
See also
Create system libraries (page 571)
Modify system libraries (page 573)
4. In the Current Set list, right-click the libraries whose position you have
5. Click Edit --> Type, and select the type that you want for the library.
6. When you are finished, click Close.
The library type to which the items point has now been changed.
7. Save the set to disk, so that the changed library types are used when you
next open the set.
3. Hold down the Ctrl key and right-click the dialog box twice. You can now
modify the System field and change the location of the system libraries
4. Do one of the following:
• In the System field, type the new location for the system libraries
• Click the Browse... button on the right side of the field to navigate to
and locate the directory.
5. To start using the new directory, click OK.
6. To ensure that Library Access System can still find the items in your sets,
open Library Access System and click View --> Refresh.
Import a library
See Basic Library Access System procedures: Advanced mode (page 380).
See also
Modify system libraries (page 573)
5. Name the item and select the library to which you want to add entries.
At this point, the new library is a user library, and the items in the set
point to it as a user library.
6. According to your needs, determine other details for the new item.
7. Click OK.
8. Click File --> Save as and save the set to your development location.
9. Repeat steps 3 to 6 for each item and entry that you want to add to the
set and library.
NOTE Keep the original copies of the set and library in the original
location, and remember to back them up.
NOTE If your organization uses a central system libraries area, copy the
system library to the central system libraries area, and only
distribute the set.
See also
Create system libraries (page 571)
NOTE Keep the original copies of the set and library in the original
location, and remember to back them up.
Add items
1. Click Edit --> New Item.
a. If you have selected the Select format and category of item
contents setting, select the format in which the item is saved.
The New item properties dialog box appears.
2. Name the item and select the library to which you want to add entries.
At this point, the new library is a user library, and the items in the set
point to it as a user library.
3. According to your needs, determine other details for the new item.
4. Click OK.
Modify items
1. To change the details for an entry in the library, click Edit --> Edit Item
2. Give the new properties for the item.
3. Click OK.
NOTE If your organization uses a central system libraries area, copy the
system library to the central system libraries area, and only
distribute the set.
Fatal errors
Message Description Action
Unable to open unit The unit database file 1. Reinstate the unit
database (in read-only cannot be found, does database.
mode) not exist, or is corrupt.
2. Try again.
Memory error - out of The errors occur for a • Contact your dealer
memory number of reasons. or the Tekla Support
Reassigning floating point However, they are very Department for
error handler unlikely to occur during assistance.
normal use of Tedds.
Unable to add to an
internal list
Unable to create an
internal function object
Unable to create an
internal list
Unable to create an
internal module object
Unable to create an
internal object
Unable to delete an
internal list
Unable to initialize the
Expression Evaluator
Wrong output type
Non-fatal errors
Message Description Action
Argument has incorrect The units of an 1. Check the
dimensions argument are expression for any
incompatible with the unit errors.
expected units.
2. Correct the errors.
3. Try again.
Dimensional analysis is In Tedds options, the 1. In Tedds options,
switched off option to perform switch on
dimensional checks is dimensional
switched off. checking.
2. Try again.
Dimensional equality The dimensions within 1. Check the
expected in expression the expression are not expression for any
correct. errors in the units of
See also
Tedds ribbon commands (the Tedds Application only) (page 597)
Tedds ribbon groups (Tedds for Word only) (page 607)
Library Access System toolbars (page 616)
Sketch Viewer toolbar (page 619)
Data Tables toolbar (page 620)
Data Graph interpolate bar (page 621)
Section Designer toolbars (page 622)
file menu
• save the active calculation
• save the active project
Save All
saves all active documents.
Save All
Save As...
• save the active document
as PDF
Save As... • save all documents in the
active project as PDF
• save the active document
• save the active project
Close All
close all documents
Close All
Close Project
close the active project
View tab
Help tab
Library group
The Library group contains a button that allows you to launch Library Access
Library group
Button Action Further
Launch the Tedds Library Access • Start the
System Library Access
System (Tedds
launches the Library Access System,
for Word only)
so that you can browse the Tedds
(page 374)
library of calculations and
engineering data. • Data lists
(page 398)
• Data tables
(page 404)
• Data graphs
(page 414)
Calculate group
The Calculate group contains buttons that allow you to perform calculations
within the document. See the buttons included of the Calculate group in the
following table:
Calculate group
Button Action Further
All Calculate results
(page 291)
calculates all calculations in the
current document.
calculates all calculations within the
current paragraph or expression.
Header group
The Header group contains a button that allows you to modify the
information and layout of the page header.
Header group
Button Action Further
Edit Modify the header
or footer of a
opens a dialog box that allows you to
modify the text in the document
(page 367)
pastes a calc section, including its
variables, from the clipboard into
your calculations.
Show/Hide group
Check box Action Further
Show field codes None
displays or hides the results, and the
formatting options that have been
used to generate the results.
Show hidden calcs Find errors
(page 297)
displays or hides any calculations in
your document that have been
defined using one of the Hidden
paragraph styles.
Show expression delimiters Show or hide
displays or hides any semicolons in
(page 272)
your document, whether they
separate calculations from one
another or not.
Font group
The Font group contains buttons that allow you to change the font used in the
Font group
Button Action Further
Greek text Expression text
format (page 538)
If you have highlighted a piece of text,
the button changes the highlighted
text to Greek characters.
If no text is highlighted, the button
varies switches between typing in
Greek and Roman characters.
Insert group
The Insert group contains buttons that allow you to insert fields, symbols,
characters, and unit into the document.
Insert group
Button Action Further information
Tedds field Enhancing Tedds for
Word calculations with
adds a desired type of
Tedds fields (page 302)
Tedds field at the
current position in the
Creates a link for full
data transfer between
Tedds for Word and
Insert user interface Start the Interface
designer (page 475)
allows you to create
your own input
Insert multiplication None
adds a multiplication
symbol at the current
position in the
Tools group
Button Action Further
Variables Use variables
(page 276)
displays all variables in the
current document.
Locale None
displays a list of different
locales, and allows you to access
calculations and data of a
particular locale.
Simple mode
Advanced mode
TIP By clicking the right mouse button in the Library Access System view,
you have access to context-sensitive menus and their submenus.
NOTE By right-clicking in the Sketch Viewer window, you have access to context-
sensitive menus and their submenus. Context-sensitive menus give you
instant access to commands that are relevant to the position of the mouse
Standard toolbar
Standard toolbar
Button Action Further
New None
deletes any objects that you may have
defined, and allows you to create a
new section from scratch.
Undo None
undoes the most recent modification
done the selected shape.
removes the selected objects and
their properties from the canvas and
places them on the clipboard.
Drawing toolbar
Drawing toolbar
Button Action Further
Rectangle • Create
sections in the
allows you to add a rectangle on the
Circle (page 448)
allows you to add a circle on the
allows you to add a triangle on the
allows you to add shapes that
represent standard sections on the
You can either select the shape and
serial size that you require in a list, or
select a custom section shape and
modify it manually.
Zoom to Fit
zooms the display so that you can see
the entire section.
Zoom to Selection
zooms the display so that you can see
all currently selected objects.
Rotate • Rotate objects
(page 458)
allows you to rotate the selected
objects around their midpoints.
Snap Shapes • Snap objects
with respect to
allows you to attach two objects to
each other
one another. Snapping shapes allows
(page 461)
you to position the objects with
respect to each other.
Nudge toolbar
Button Action Further
Nudge Up • Move objects
on the canvas
nudges the selected objects upwards.
(page 456)
Nudge Down
nudges the selected objects
Nudge Left
nudges the selected objects to the
Nudge Right
nudges the selected objects to the
Structure toolbar
Structure toolbar
Button Action Further
Group • Structure
allows you to create a group of two or
(page 454)
more objects.
Once the objects are grouped, you
can move and rotate them as a single
allows you to destroy groups.
Once objects are ungrouped, each
object can be handled separately
moves the selected object in front of
all other objects.
moves the selected object behind all
other objects.
4. Select the location where and the method how you want to import the
Tedds document. For help, see the table below.
Option Description
New document Inserts the Tedds document in a new Tedds for
Word document.
Append to active document Inserts the Tedds document at the end of the
current Tedds for Word document.
Insert in active document Inserts the Tedds document in the current Tedds
for Word document at the position of the
insertion point. <clarify!>
Add new Calc Section Inserts the Tedds document in a new calc section
in the current Tedds for Word document.
Insert page break Adds a page break into the Tedds for Word
document before the calc section.
5. Click OK.
Library Access System settings (Tedds for Setup options ............................................. 352
Word only) .................................................. 357 Share calculations to other Tedds users .395
Linked data tables ......................................406 Sharing libraries created for personal use ....
Mathematics ............................................... 524 565
Microsoft Word settings (Tedds for Word Shortcut keys .............................................. 628
only) ............................................................. 361 Show or hide semicolons ..........................272
Modify a 2D Analysis model ..................... 428 Sketch options ............................................344
Modify document headers or project Snap objects with respect to each other 461
headers ....................................................... 253 Start 2D Analysis ........................................ 421
Modify header labels ................................. 251 Start Interface designer .............................475
Modify sections .......................................... 453 Start Library Access System ......................374
Modify sets ................................................. 393 Start the Section properties calculator ... 445
Move objects on the canvas ..................... 456 Startup options .......................................... 337
Open a new sketch window ......................470 Store variables as expressions .................280
Open or close existing projects ................255 Structure sections ...................................... 454
Organize projects with the Project Manager Syntax conventions ....................................510
.......................................................................252 Tedds fields and functions ........................510
Predefined system variables .................... 562 Tedds ribbon commands (the Tedds
Profile options ............................................ 356 Application only) ........................................ 597
Progress options ........................................ 347 Time and date formatting options ...........523
Reacting to calculation errors .................. 296 Units ............................................................ 548
References .................................................. 510 Update service options ............................. 355
Regional settings ........................................348 Use constants with units ...........................274
Reorganize documents within a project . 253 Use the condition function ....................... 335
Result formats and precision ................... 545 Use the Library Access System in Advanced
Result options .............................................345 mode............................................................ 379
Return data graph information to your Use the string function ..............................334
calculations ................................................. 418 Variables dialog box .................................. 245
Return information to your calculations .410 View options ............................................... 340
Return section properties to calculations .... View section properties .............................465
467 View the details of a selected item .......... 400
Review a calculation .................................. 244
Rotate objects .............................................458
Save a section to disk ................................ 466
Save options................................................ 342
Search calculations in the Select Calculation Adjust the view of a sketch........................ 471
dialog ........................................................... 238 Adjusting Section Designer........................462
Search specific information in a data table
Section properties calculator ................... 445 B
Select a calculation .................................... 237 Basic Library access system procedures:
Select a point in a data graph ...................415 Advanced mode.......................................... 380
Select an item in a Data table ...................406
Select the item to return ........................... 401
Select the items displayed in the Progress
log ................................................................ 299 C
Send To options (the Tedds Application Calc Item fields............................................ 329
only) ............................................................. 341 Calc sections................................................ 289
Calculate results .........................................291
Calculation errors....................................... 293 I
Calculation templates.................................364 Import Tedds documents into Tedds for
Close sketch windows................................ 473 Word............................................................. 627
Components of calculations......................258 indexterm...................................37,44,503,504
Components of Interface Designer.......... 476 Input fields................................................... 303
Components of the Data List dialog box 398 Introducing Calculations............................ 258
Components of the Tedds for Word window Introducing Tedds for Word...................... 256
Control the position of objects on the
canvas ..........................................................455
Create a custom page template................494 Launch Tedds................................................ 57
Create a new project.................................. 252 Library access system toolbars................. 616
Create system libraries.............................. 571 Log fields...................................................... 317
Data views....................................................492 Major Tedds fields syntax.......................... 511
Define result formats................................. 269 Mathematical symbols .............................. 540
Define results.............................................. 268 Message fields.............................................311
Define variables.......................................... 279 Modify groups and items........................... 391
Delete groups and items............................394 Modify Tedds fields.....................................331
Dialog options............................................. 351 Modify the header or footer of a calculation
Dialogs options........................................... 351 template.......................................................367
Modify variables..........................................280
Modifying system libraries.........................573
Error messages........................................... 576
Expression text format...............................538
Other Tedds fields...................................... 518
Filter the items displayed in the Progress
Log ............................................................... 300 Page items................................................... 489
Frequently used procedures in creating Pages............................................................ 478
system libraries........................................... 568
G Quick Start Guide - Eurocode design
Get familiar with Tekla Tedds...................... 57 examples......................................................119
Roll up the Progress Log ........................... 301
Section designer..........................................447
Section designer toolbars.......................... 622
Select a calculation template.....................365
Show fields...................................................305
Sketch viewer toolbar.................................619
Start Sketch viewer..................................... 468
System and user libraries.......................... 564
Tedds and Tedds for Word – what’s the
difference? .................................................... 60
Tedds ribbon groups.................................. 607
Tekla Tedds 2021 release notes.................. 33
Tekla Tedds 2021 release notes.................. 34
Tekla Tedds 2021 release notes.................. 16
Tekla Tedds 2022 release notes.................. 16
Tekla Tedds 2022 release notes....... 19,28,30
Tekla Tedds Quick Start Guides...................61
Toolbars and buttons................................. 597
Transfer a sketch........................................ 470
Upgrade Tekla Tedds to a new version...... 55
Use calc section variables.......................... 281
Use document variables............................ 285
Use Library Access System: Simple mode....
Use system units.........................................275
Use system variables..................................287
Use units in calculations............................ 273
Use variables............................................... 276
View the different details of a data table.411