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PHILIPPINE The Cry of Pugad Lawin
HISTORY Aldrin Villanueva No.1/Volume I - November 4, 2022

Regret does not lead to self-destruction.

BY Villanueva Adrin

Rizal signed a document stating that he was a received a catholic devotion book called Acep-
Catholic and retracted all of his writings tacion Dela Muerte, which contained the acts
against the church a few hours before he was of faith, hope, and charity. Before Rizal died,
shot, and the document was dubbed "The he was accompanied by two priests, and
Retraction." Furthermore, Father Manuel Gar- some Catholic Filipinos are accustomed to
cia, C. discovered Rizal's retraction letter. in kissing the crucifix before dying. Before he
the Catholic hierarchy's archive in Manila in died, Rizal did the expected and kissed the
1935 crucifix.
This has been a big question until now be- According to the proofs laid out by Father Vi-
cause historians still don't have an answer; cente Balaguer, when Rizal once approached
even the big universities haven't been able to him to arrange the marriage with Josephine
gather evidence regarding Rizal's Retraction. Bracken, he did not allow it, saying that Jose
Rizal must first repent in order to perform
He despises the church, according to his
writings, because masonry is an enemy of the
church. Furthermore, almost all of his novels Whatever happens, Jose Rizal has made a sig-
Wattpad are about the corruption and abuse of priests nificant investment in our country, and
Life and works of rizal , October 25 2022. during the Spanish occupation of the country. whether he retracts or not, it will not diminish
Rizal's heroism in our country.
Jose Rizal prayed several times in his cell and

The Cry of Pugad Lawin

The country has gone through a lot to be liber- lutionaries led by Andres Bonifacio tore their have enjoyed prosperity.
ated and free, but it appears that the thirst for "cedulas" (residence certificates) in protest.
democracy has been quenched under the lead-
ership of leader Andress Bonifacio. I believe it makes no difference if the country
If the country's liberation occurred during the becomes free during the "cry of the Pugad
cry of the hawk's nest, perhaps the story of the lawin" because we are more subject to others
The event that triggered the Philippine Revo- country's complexities will not be reconciled, and it is more difficult to subjugate ourselves
lution after more than 300 years of Spanish and another thing is if the country is truly free, in ignorance.
occupation is both significant and contentious. but in these times there are still many who are and I believe that acceptance is the key to free-
Sick of foreign rule's oppression and yearning in poverty, there are still many who are falling dom
for freedom and independence, Filipino revo- to the bottom, and why until now only the rich


The ship represents Magellan's first landing in the country, when he brought Ca-
tholicism with him. because when Magellan arrived in the country, he brought
with him the Catholicism that still exists today. The flag represents the Philip-
pines and its people. The thin image of the Limasawa map represents the loca-
tion of the first mass, so that those who see it are not confused. The gift-to-gift
logo represents Christianity's 502 thousand years since it was conquered by the

Even during this bloody period, it appears that the foreigners left a legacy,

despite history's violent and bloody battles.

Even in a bloody time, it appears that the foreigners left a legacy, despite histo-

ry's violent and bloody battles. But we must remember that God will always
remember the time of failure.

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