Clean Air Act

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Republic Act No.

Philippine Clean Air
Act of 1999

• Delos Reyes, Donald

• Environmental Law

ü An act providing for a comprehensive air

quality management policy and program
which aims to achieve and maintain healthy
air for all Filipinos
ü Contains 7 chapters and 56 Sections
ü Approved on June 23, 1999 under the
administration of Pres. Joseph Estrada
The law adheres to the
Constitutional right of the
people to
“protect and advance the
right of the people to a
balanced and healthful
ecology in accord with the
rhythm and harmony of
nature.” (Art. II, Sec 16)
It also Believes in the
Principle That
vPromote and protect the global
environment while recognizing the
primary responsibility of local
government units to deal with
environmental problems;
vRecognize that "polluters must pay";
SEC. 3. Declaration of Policies.
The State shall pursue a policy of
balancing development and
environmental protection
Air pollution” means any alteration of the physical,
chemical and biological properties of the atmospheric
air, or any discharge thereto of any liquid, gaseous or
solid substances that will or is likely to create or to
render the air resources of the country harmful,
detrimental, or injurious to public health, safety or
welfare or which will adversely affect their utilization for
domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural,
recreational, or other legitimate purposes
Sources of Air Pollution
All potential sources of air pollution (mobile, point
and area sources) must comply with the provision
of the law.

All emissions must be within the air quality

standards. Mobile sources refers to vehicle like
trucks, cars, buses, jeepneys, motorcyles and vans.
Core function of the Clean Air Act of
the Phil:

ü core function is to protect the

environment by means of IECs
(information, education, and
communication), conduct thorough
studies on problems being faced
and will be faced by the
communities, provide data that will
be crucial for implementing
penalties to violators
Responsibility of the Local Government Unit in
terms of Environmental Problems

ü They must bare in mind that polluters

must pay.
ü They are tasked of cleaning the habitat
and the environment and it should be
the concern of the community.
ü The Local Government Unit is also
accountable of short-term and long term
Section IV of the Republic Act: Recognition of

ü The citizens have the right to know the

mechanism of the company operating in
their community;
ü The Pollution Control Officer [PCO]
must have the complete information of
the company in regard with environment
and health for the sake of accountabily;
ü One can sue the proponent (company)
or demand for compensation of personal
damages resulting from adverse impact.
Prohibited Acts
ü A. Emmission of Fugitive Particulates
ü B. Noise that the plant creates should
also be minimized. It has been noted
that planting of trees reduces the
amount of noise.
ü C. Prohibition/ Standard Incineration
ü D. Citizen's suit- A member of the
community whose health and welfare
had been compromised can file a
lawsuit against the company. If proven,
the company will pay for the damages,
but if not, the person shall be held to
pay for the damages it made. (For a
detailed list of penal provisions, please
check Section 47 for the penal features).
Policy Action
Government actions on air quality are steadily
growing, but implementation and capacity gaps hinder
progress towards clean air

Philippines has met the target:

üClean Production Incentives
üVehicle Emission standard
üFuel Sulphur Content
üIncentives for residential cooking and heating
üAir Quality standard
üSustainable Agricultural Practices
üAir Quality Management Strategies
üAir Quality Monitoring
On track on Solid waste Burning
What are the main causes of air
pollution in Philippines?
According to figures from 2016, 80
percent of the country’s air
pollution comes from motor
vehicles whilst the remaining 20
percent comes from stationary
sources, such as factories and the
open burning of organic matter.
Another contributory factor is the
What can be done to improve the air
quality in Philippines?
Proposals have been put forward
to phase out the use of leaded
gasoline, reduce industrial
emissions through filtration,
encourage recycling and outlaw
vehicles older than 15 years and
ban bonfires where garbage is
It also adheres the international laws that has been ratified
by through treaties. There are the following treaties:
• Vienna Convention for the Protection of Ozone Layer ,
• Montreal Protocol on the Protection of the Ozone Layer ,
• United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
• Kyoto Protocol ,
• Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutant ,
• Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary
Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal
Most polluted city ranking
Ø 1 Mandaluyong
Ø 2 Paranaque
Ø 3 Makati
Ø 4 San Juan
Ø 5 Taguig
Ø 6 Quezon City
Program or activities implemented to achieve
this objective

§ Linis/ligtas hangin Program

§ Bantay Tsimnea and Bantay Sunog

§ Industrial enforcement program for stationary


§ Promotion of clean fuel

§ And strong collaboration between government and

stakeholders on measures to address pollution
Government Agencies that support the Act:

Department of Transportation and Communication


Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

Department of Energy (DOE)

Government Agencies that support the Act:

Department of Education (DepEd)

Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

Department of Interior
and Local Government (DILG)

Philippine Information Agency (PIA)

Government Agencies that support the Act:

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and

Astronomical Services Administration

Local Government Units (LGU)

Philippine Nuclear Research

Institute (PNRI)
“it takes a village to raise a
(African proverb)

Data for policy implementations comes from Actions on Air

Quality: A Global Summary of Policies and Programmes to
Reduce Air Pollution. UNEP, 2021

Mandate/ Functions of Environmental Management Bureau :
Hope you enjoy
the discussion!

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