Ais VB2K242 23d2acc50701401 C12 N09
Ais VB2K242 23d2acc50701401 C12 N09
Ais VB2K242 23d2acc50701401 C12 N09
1 - i/ Access restricted: To protect intellectual property, a company encrypted the data, stored it
in a very secure facility, and limited its use to five people.
2 - c/ Accurate: Before production reports are accepted, two clerks working independently must
produce the same information.
4 - n/ Reputable: Reluctant to rely on his personal feelings about a decision, a manager sought
the opinion of an outside expert.
6 – a/ Concise: A report was carefully designed so that its data was easily comprehended by the
7 – l/ Consistent: A new manager insisted that monthly reports look the same so she could
compare a new month’s results to previous month.
8 - m/ Current: After making a decision based on outdated data, a new CFO required all
analysis to be conducted with up-to-date data.
9 – e/ Objective: A report was checked by three different people to make sure it was correct.
10 – g/ Relevant: An Accounts receivable aging was received before the credit manager had to
decide whether to extend credit to a customer.
12 – j/ Useable: Tired of keying supplier prices into a databasse, a purchasing manager insisted
the data be sent in machine readable form.
14 – h/ Verifiable: Needing help with a decision, a manager sought the opinion of a highly
regarded expert.
1 – j/ Accounting information system: A system that collects, records, stores, and processes
data to produce information for decision makers
2 – p/ Artificial Intelligence: Computer systems that simulate human intelligence processes such
as learning, reasoning, and self-improvement
3 – y/ Blockchain: Individual digital records linked using cryptography in a single list called a
4 – d/ Business processes: A set of activities and tasks that help accomplish a specific
organizational goal
6 – b/ Data analytics: Use of software and algorithms to find and solve problems and improve
business performance
7 – u/ Data dash board: Dislay of data points and performance indicators in easily understood
charts, tables, or gauges
8 – n/ Expediture cycle: Activities associated with purchasing inventory for resale for cash or for
a promise to pay cash
11 – z/ Goal congruence: A subsystem achieves its goals while contributing to the overall goal
12 – t/ Information: Organized and processed that data that provide meaning and improve
decision making
14 – i/ Primiry activities: Value chain activities that produce, market, and deliver products to
customers and provide post-deliver support
15 – s/ Production cycle: Activities associated with using labor, raw materials, and equipment to
produce finished goods
16 – h/ Revenue cycle: Activities associated with selling goods and services in exchange for
cash or a future promise of cash
17 – m/ Supply chain: An organization's value chain as well as its vendors, distributors, and
18 – l/ Support activities Activities such as firm infrastructure and technology that enable main
activities to be performed efficiently and effectively
19 – q/ System procedures and routines that carry out specific activities, achieve objectives, or
solve problems
21 – k/ Value chain: linking all the primary and support activities in a business
22 – c/ Value of information the benefit provided by information minus the cost of producing it
b/ Production cycle
c/ Financing cycle
d/ Financing cycle
e/ Financing cycle
f/ Expenditure cyle
h/ Production cycle
l/ Expenditure cycle
n/ Production cycle
o/ Revenue cycle
p/ Revenue cycle
q/ Production cycle
r/ Revenue cycle
s/ Revenue cycle
t/ Production cycle
u/ Production cycle
v/ Revenue cycle
w/ Expenditure cycle
Backing up Historical
c source
Historical source
by OCR
documents documents
Updating an
Customer airline reservation Airline resevation's
customer data
Accounts receivable receivable aging
Start master file and the report
cash master file
Paper- based
Start source documents
Biolotrical Biolotrical
database database
Manually custumer
The custumer backing up
database database
Backing up
Supplier database automatic Supplier
Filed in
Acess sales descending
orders for the orders
last month
Đối tượng bên ngoài: Người khiếu nại
Đối tượng bên trong: Bộ phận khiếu nại, bộ phận xử lý dữ liệu, bộ phận kế toán, người điều