Building Technology 0
Building Technology 0
Building Technology 0
FORMS 5 - 6
2015 - 2022
The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education wishes to acknowledge the following for their valued
contribution in the production of this syllabus:
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Fotms 5 - 6
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.................................................................................... i
CONTENTS.......................................................................................................... ii
1.0 PREAMBLE................................................................................................... 1
3.0 AIMS............................................................................................................... 2
6.0 TOPICS.......................................................................................................... 2
FORM 5................................................................................................................ 6
FORM 6 ..............................................................................................................16
9.0 ASSESSMENT............................................................................................... 23
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Fotms 5 - 6
The syllabus embraces inclusivity in the learning and The syllabus assumes that learners have knowledge of:
teaching of Building Technology and Design. Practical,
Theoretical, Research and Problem-solving approaches • Health and Safety
will be used in the acquisition of competency based • Building drawing and design
skills, knowledge and attitudes which are relevant to the • Material science
requirements of construction industry, commerce, further • Methods of work
studies and enterprise. • Engineering science
• Intellectual property rights
• Use and maintenance of tools and equipment
1.2 Rationale
• Enterprise skills
• Estimations
The syllabus is concerned with the development of
competency-based skills, moral and ethical attributes
to promote Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu as a philosophy. It
1.5 Cross - cutting themes
emphasizes the learner’s role in making and shaping the
Building Technology and Design as a learning area has
environment whilst adding value to it. This encourages
a universal thrust which encompasses the following
the learner to employ problem solving skills to produce
cross-cutting themes:
value added products that are useful in the community,
nation and global markets. The syllabus sets out to
• Gender equity
promote desirable enterprise and life-long learning skills
• Inclusivity
relevant to contemporary society. The syllabus enables
• Teamwork
the learner to explore numerous Building Technology
• Health and safety
and Design materials, Science, Mathematics, ICTs and
• Technology and innovation
other related learning areas in a sustainable manner.
• Environmental management
The Building Technology and Design syllabus enables
• Children’s Rights and Responsibilities
learners to develop skills in:
• Disaster Risk Management
• Heritage studies
• Innovativeness
• Invention
• Creativity and problem solving 2.0 PRESENTATION OF
• Project management
• Value addition and beneficiation
The Building Technology and Design Syllabus is a
1.3 Summary of Content single document covering Forms 5 to 6. It contains the
Preamble, Presentation of syllabus, Aims, Objectives,
This syllabus covers theory, practical and problem Methodology, Topics, Scope and Sequence, Competen-
solving activities in areas such as: cy Matrix and Assessment.
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Fotms 5 - 6
5.1 Methodology
3.1 appreciate the importance of health and safety
in the environment.
The syllabus is based upon interactive, learner centred,
3.2 apply scientific concepts and principles of
multi -sensory and hands-on approaches. Principles
building engineering.
of individualization, team work and research should
3.3 develop skills to carry out site surveying.
influence the use of the suggested methods. Methods
3.4 develop the ability to calculate building materi-
and principles used encourage curiosity and promote
al quantities and estimations.
practical orientated learning whereby learners apply their
3.5 promote appreciation of architecture in building
experiences, knowledge, skills and positive attitudes.
design and construction.
The approaches should also create awareness of the
3.6 appreciate the need for legislation and proper
issues of sustainability by involving learners in environ-
management of building projects.
mental and waste management. The use of ICT (CAD/
3.7 develop a maintenance, value addition and
CAM) is mandatory.
beneficiation culture.
3.8 value and utilize renewable sources of energy.
5.2 Suggested Methods
• Discussion
Learners should be able to: • Project based learning
• Educational tour
4.1 observe health and safety regulations. • E-learning
4.2 select appropriate materials to use during • Experimentation
construction processes. • Individualization
4.3 apply knowledge of science of materials to • Problem solving
building construction. • Research
4.4 demonstrate the correct use of tools and • Demonstration
equipment. • Survey
4.5 calculate building material quantities. • Visual tactile
4.6 apply knowledge of architectural concepts, • Gallery walk
principles and skills in order to solve construc- • Resource person(s)
tion related challenges in their communities. • School on the shop floor
4.7 budget resources for the construction of a • Group work
building project. • Shadowing
4.8 analyze forces that act on building structures.
4.9 demonstrate understanding of principles of
5.3 Time Allocation
maintenance, value addition and beneficiation
in their communities.
Fourteen periods of 40 minutes per week should be
4.10 demonstrate understanding of legislation gov-
allocated to adequately cover the syllabus. Two double
erning construction projects.
theory and two blocks of 5 periods for practical/experi-
4.11 justify the significance of renewable sources of
ments should be allocated. Learners should be engaged
energy as alternatives in buildings.
in at least two educational tours per year, one exhibition
4.12 demonstrate desirable interpersonal dimen-
per year, one seminar per term and attachment of two
sions, attitudes, moral and ethical values un-
weeks of April/May of Form six (6) school vacation.
derlying Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu philosophy.
4.13 demonstrate enterprise skills through plan-
ning, development, implementation and evalu- 6.0 TOPICS
ation of projects.
6.1 Health and Safety
6.2 Science of materials
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Fotms 5 - 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
4 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
8.1.2 Work Site plan the layout design Site layout Planning and designing Print media
Management site layouts ICT tools
Work site plans
demonstrate Organizational structure Organizing work sites
organizational of a work site
structure of a work site
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
describe use and care of tools Land survey methods Describing use and
and equipment care of surveying tools
and equipment
describe surveying methods Describing methods of
demonstrate surveying Demonstrating
methods procedures of
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
8.6.2 African identify relationships of Designs and patterns Identifying relationships Print /embossed media
Architecture the designs and patterns of the designs and ICT tools
(Southern used patterns used Resource person
African) Heritage sites
Braille material and equipment
Talking books
8.6.3 Exotic analyze the Roman and Roman architecture Analyzing the Roman Print /embossed media
Architecture Greek architectural Greek architecture and Greek architectural ICT tools
designs designs Resource person
Heritage sites
Braille material and equipment
Talking books
8.6.4 Design and generate design ideas Working drawings of Generating design
Drawing single storey ideas ICT tools
buildings. Print media
produce working
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
8.7.2 Management of discuss construction Project as a concept Discussing construction ICT tools
Construction project management Management project management Resource persons
Projects concepts concepts: concepts Educational tours
- planning
- organizing
- directing
- leading
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
8.8.2 Adaptation of discuss requirements for Change of building Discussing Resource persons
Buildings change of building use use (adaptation) requirements for Educational tours
change of structure use Building By-laws
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
8.1.2 Environmental assess the construction Environmental control Implementing ICT tools
Impact environment environmental impact Print media
Assessment assessment Resource persons
Site visits
Reducing, reusing, Waste matter
recycling By-laws
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Forms 5 - 6
22 26
Forms 5-6 Building Technology and Design is assessed through continuous and summative assessment methods.
The syllabus scheme of assessment is based on the principle of inclusivity. Arrangements, modifications and
provisions for the assessment of candidates with special needs will be made to allow equal opportunities in accurate
performance and measurement of abilities.
Learners are required to design and realize a community based project as continuous assessment by October of
Form 6. They are also required to write 2 exercises based on Building Technology and Design Theory, 2 exercises
based on Design and Drawing and 2 practical exercises that should be submitted as continuous assessment at the
end of each year. The subject teacher will set and mark the exercises, as well as record the marks using ZIMSEC
ZIMSEC will provide a template for the assessment of soft skills. Subject teachers will be required to provide a file for
each learner where each of the exercises and marked scripts will be kept. In addition, subject teachers will also be
required to create a file where exercises / question papers and marking guides for each exercise administered as well
as recorded marks will be kept. ZIMSEC and Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education personnel will monitor the
School heads will submit continuous assessment marks for design projects at the end of the year in Form 6 as
provided for by ZIMSEC.
By the end of the learning phase, learners will be assessed on the ability to:
Continuous and summative assessment will be carried out in the Building Technology and Design Theory, Design and
Drawing, Practical Work and Design Project. The weighting of the components are as follows:
Continuous and summative assessment will be carried out in the Building Technology and Design Theory, Design and Drawing
Project. The weighting of the components are as follows:
Building Technology
Summative and Design Syllabus
Assessment 60% Fotms 5 - 6
Continuous Assessment 40%
There are three papers: Paper 1- Building Technology and Design Theory, 3 hrs; Paper 2- Design and Drawing, 15 hrs
There are three papers: Paper 1- Building Technology and Design Theory, 3 hrs; Paper 2- Design and Drawing, 15 hrs and
and Paper 3 Practical, 6hrs
Paper 1 – Building Technology and Design Theory (3hrs). Three sections will be offered:
Paper 1 – Building Technology and Design Theory (3hrs). Three sections will be offered:
Section A – Ten compulsory questions based on all sections of the syllabus.
Section A – Ten compulsory questions based on all sections of the syllabus.
Section B – Five questions will be offered from Science of Materials, Management of Construction Projects, Architecture, S
Renewable Energy. Candidates to answer any two.
Section B – Five questions will be offered from Science of Materials, Management of Construction Projects, Architec-
ture, Structural C – A problem solving question
and Renewable Energy.based on Design
Candidates and Drawing
to answer any two.principles. It tests design thinking.
Section C – A problem solving question based on Design and Drawing principles. It tests design thinking.
Paper 2 – Design, Drawing and modeling (15 hrs)
Paper 2 – Design, Drawing and modeling (15 hrs)
Three questions will be set based on CAD applications from the following areas – Architecture, Renewable Energy and Structur
Three to will
questions answer one
be set question.
based on CAD applications from the following areas – Architecture, Renewable Energy
and Structural Analysis. Candidates to answer one question.
Paper 3 – Practical (6hrs)
Paper 3 – Practical
Practical question(6hrs)
will be set on the following areas: Quantity Surveying, Land Surveying, Building Constructional processes..
Practical question will be set on the following areas: Quantity Surveying, Land Surveying, Building Constructional
Design Project (Continuous Assessment)
Design Project (Continuous Assessment)
Guidelines for the project will be sent to Centres by November of Form 5.
Guidelines The project will be done during the course of the year
for the project will be sent to Centres by November of Form 5. The project will be done during the course
October of Form 6.
of the year beginning January to October of Form 6.
Building Technology and Design Syllabus Fotms 5 - 6
ile13. ASSESSMENT Project Work Design,
Technology and Design Drawing 10%
Work Work and Design Drawing 20%
20% Drawing &
and Design Theory 10% 20% Theory and modeling
5% 5%
Modelling 20%
Theory Design and Technology
5% Drawing and Design
Profile Theory
5% Continuous Assessment 20%