Co-Processing Renewables in A Hydrocracker
Co-Processing Renewables in A Hydrocracker
Co-Processing Renewables in A Hydrocracker
Understanding and controlling the impact on catalyst performance, yields, and product
properties is key to renewables co-processing in hydrocracking units
he demand for having part of the product slate renewable feedstock should cause severe performance
from refineries consisting of renewable materials is deficits in the hydrocracker, co-processing in the hydro-
increasing. Hydrotreating units have been the pri- cracker might not be feasible.
mary choice so far, but hydrocracking units are also quite Understanding the impact on the performance of the
suitable and will be unavoidable in the future, especially hydrocracking unit when introducing new feedstock
when processing more demanding second- and third-gen- types, such as first-, second- and third-generation renew-
eration feedstocks. able feedstocks, is therefore of utmost importance for
Extensive pilot plant testing and a fundamental under- this evaluation.
standing of chemistry supported by industrial operation
from several units worldwide have put Topsoe in a position Feedstocks and chemistry
to support refineries in this challenging effort. Topsoe has In recent years, the most applied renewable feedstocks
been collaborating with refineries navigating through the in refinery units have been triglycerides. These typically
energy transition to reduce CO2 emissions originating from originate from what is referred to as virgin oils, more com-
the use of fossil-based feedstocks. monly known as first-generation feedstocks. More recently,
second-generation feedstocks like used cooking oil (UCO),
Renewable feedstock challenges palm oil mill effluent (POME), and others have been con-
The world energy sector is going through an energy transi- sidered. Second-generation renewable feedstocks are typi-
tion and looking for solutions to decarbonise energy produc- cally byproducts from the production of virgin oils. Going
tion. Part of this is facilitated by replacing fossil feedstocks forward, third-generation feedstocks like pyrolysis oils
with renewable resources and treating these in the existing derived from municipal sewage waste, byproducts from the
refinery framework to produce fuels that are fully compat- paper and pulp industry, wood, plastic, or tyres are being
ible with the hydrocarbon fuels in the market today. investigated.
Processing of renewable feedstocks, like first-generation The triglycerides are characterised by consisting of three
feedstocks such as palm oil and other triglyceride-based glycerol chains with a typically even carbon number and
hydrocarbons, has therefore been widely applied in recent a backbone of propane connected by oxygen atoms (see
years. Several projects constructing new standalone units Figure 1). Hydrotreating reactions include saturation of
or revamping existing hydroprocessing units to either double bonds inside chains, breaking of triglyceride into pro-
co-process or solely process renewable feedstocks have pane from the backbone and paraffins from the side chains,
materialised. and the reaction of oxygen atoms with hydrogen, forming
Co-processing renewable feedstocks in hydrotreating water, CO or CO2. They occur readily over hydrotreating
units is now well established, and refineries are looking for catalysts and are well known in several hydroprocessing
more ways to include renewable feedstocks in their exist- units worldwide.
ing units. Furthermore, the increased demand for includ- Many second- and third-generation feeds are more com-
ing renewable feedstocks in the energy system and the plex than the first-generation feeds and hold more complex
availability of renewable feedstocks directs the industry molecules. Consequently, they result in a different boiling
to incorporate second- and third-generation renewable range of the products as well as different properties. Unlike
feedstocks. This introduces new and more demanding the triglycerides that generate straight chained molecules
requirements to convert these challenging feedstocks into boiling in the distillate boiling range, the second- and third-
on-spec fuels. generation feedstocks contain ring structures with different
One way is to co-process renewables in hydrocracking heteroatoms that need more hydrogenation and eventually
units. The hydrocracker has advantages and disadvan- cracking to bring them into the transportation fuel boiling
tages when it comes to co-processing renewables. If the range and to ensure that these products fulfil other product
economic uplift from processing renewable feedstocks is specifications, such as cold flow properties and densities.
lower than that of normal hydrocracker feedstock, or the Hydrotreating of triglycerides requires significant
Backbone – O
Formation of CO, CO2 & H2O
propane Oxygen
HC O Higher H2 consumption
formation O
9 12
H2C O 3
Ole-sat gives higher H2 consumption
Higher heat release
Figure 1 First-generation renewable feedstocks mainly consist of triglycerides that consist of a propane backbone linking
the paraffin chains with oxygen bonds. Breaking of the oxygen bonds will result in yields of paraffins, propane, and
oxygen-containing molecules like water, CO and CO2
amounts of hydrogen, and the reactions are highly exo- therefore be less. Likewise, the associated heat release
thermic. The product will be boiling in the middle distillate originating from these reactions is also more in the same
range and suitable for diesel. If jet fuel is needed, the lon- order of magnitude as in hydrocrackers designed to handle
ger normal paraffin chains need to be converted to lower high temperature rises by having multiple beds.
boiling material by either cracking or isomerisation. Normal Contaminants present in the renewable feeds pose a
paraffins have low density and high cetane index, but also challenge to the hydrotreaters, and significant amounts
high cloud point. Isomerisation provided by a hydrocrack- of bulk catalysts need to be replaced to manage the con-
ing catalyst is therefore sometimes needed to achieve cloud taminants. In hydrocrackers, the VGOs and HCGOs often
point specifications. processed also have considerable amounts of contami-
Hydrotreating of aromatics and oxygen-containing ring nants, and hydrocrackers are therefore normally designed
structures produce naphthenes with higher density and to include volume for grading catalysts. They may therefore
boiling range than what is suitable for diesel. Selective allow greater quantities of renewables to be processed
hydrocracking reactions involving ring opening will there- without compromising catalyst cycle length.
fore be needed for processing these more demanding Different types of renewable feeds may produce differ-
second- and third-generation feedstocks to produce high ent renewable products, and the fractionation section in
yields of high-quality jet and diesel products. hydrocrackers makes it possible to separate these differ-
ent products. The products from renewables often require
Overcoming operational challenges more than hydrotreating, either to achieve better cold flow
Operational challenges are better overcome in hydrocrack- properties by isomerisation or, in the case of second- and
ers. Considering the high content of oxygen in renewable third-generation feedstocks, hydrogenation of rings and
feeds, the H2 consumption associated with these reactions ring opening. Hydrocracking catalysts are multifunctional
is in the range of 300-500 Nm3/m3, which is orders of mag- and may be selected to include both isomerisation and
nitude greater than what is normally seen in hydrotreaters. selective ring opening activity to ensure the fulfilment of all
However, compared to hydrocrackers, the difference is less, required end-product properties.
and the impact from processing in a hydrocracker would
Real-world examples
Several hydrocrackers worldwide are processing renewable
Vegetable oil, 0% Vegetable oil, 5%
Feed C, Feed C, feedstocks. Some hydrocrackers are part of standalone units
Feed A,
3% Feed A,
36% comprising hydrotreating, isomerisation, and hydrocracking
sections, and others are conventional fossil fuel hydrocrack-
ers co-processing renewable feed batches. Topsoe has
Planned throughput supported refineries in preparing for and conducting test
Planned throughput
during fossil run,
co-processing run, runs, and the following discussion gives examples of the
vol% observations from one of these test runs showing industrial
data supporting the theoretical basis previously discussed,
confirming learnings from pilot plant studies.
Feed B, Feed B,
61% 56% Test run co-processing vegetable oil in a European refinery
The refinery operates a single-stage once-through hydro-
Figure 2 Unit throughput was kept stable during the test cracking unit, designed for 80 wt% gross conversion of
run processing typical feedstock for baseline comparison. various low-value gas oil streams to high-quality products.
5 vol% of the feedstock was slowly replaced with vegetable The primary objective of the unit is to maximise middle dis-
oil and then all unit operational parameters were kept stable tillate yield. In 2021, the refinery considered co-processing
to evaluate performance during co-processing bio-based vegetable oil feedstocks in the hydrocracking unit.
the hydrocracking unit using 5 vol% refined palm oil feed- PTR Bed 3
PTR Bed 2
stock co-processed during normal operation (see Figure 2).
At operating conditions of the hydrocracking unit, the Fossil run Co-processing run
Figure 4 Even at lower catalytic severity during Naphtha Kero Diesel UCO
co-processing test run, higher gross conversion was
recorded, further validating the two factors mentioned in Figure 5 Mass flows recorded during the test run as a
WABT discussion above percentage of fresh feed processed
Fossil run, Co-processing
kero product run, kero product
Fossil carbon,
0.4 98%
Fossil run, Co-processing
diesel product run, diesel product
100 200 300 400
Temp, ˚C
Diesel product - 100% fossil run Diesel product - 5% co-processing run Fossil carbon,
Figure 8 Chromatogram of diesel product sample drawn Figure 9 Result from ASTM D6866 for distinguishing
during the test run carbon isotopes in diesel sample drawn during the test run
0.8 Co-processing
Fossil run,
UCO product run, UCO product