Productivity 7 Habits
Productivity 7 Habits
Productivity 7 Habits
7 Habits of Highly
Effective People
Stephen R. Covey
3 techniques
Determine your wishes, Create a mind map
In your relationships,
goals and tools
of where you see yourself seek outcomes that allow
to achieve them at a set time in the future you and others to win
Key insights
The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People
Stephen R. Covey
and cope with things you can’t change. in making life decisions.
the other person has said and ask them Wait for the conversation to lead
to confirm whether you have to the point where the other party
represented their intention correctly. asks for your advice.
Question your habits, hobbies, You bring more power into your life
addictions, and beliefs to ensure that when you learn to take responsibility
they move you toward your goal in life. and work to achieve better outcomes.
Paying more attention to developing Make sure your dream is big enough
qualities like humility, integrity, courage, to inspire you to take action.
and empathy will affect how you relate Remove self-doubt from your life.
with others and how they perceive you.