Why Lawyers Wear Black Coat in Courts1
Why Lawyers Wear Black Coat in Courts1
Why Lawyers Wear Black Coat in Courts1
In most countries of the world lawyers wear black, or at the very least garments with
some black trim or lining. This tradition is said to have begun in 17th Century
England. In 1694 all of the nation's judges attended the funeral of Queen Mary
dressed in black robes as a sign of mourning. It was believed that gowns and wigs
gave a degree of anonymity to judges and lawyers. The official period of morning
lasted many years, and overlapped with much of Britain's colonial adventures in
other countries. The black robe tradition spread around the world and thus still
persists today. Red is the second-most popular color for judicial robes, which likely
reflects the fact that red has historically been a color associated with royalty, and
judges were originally appointed as servants of the monarch.
The dress code is not merely a status symbol, but brings out discipline among
lawyers and gives them the confidence to fight for justice. The dress code also
differentiates the lawyers from other professionals.
Lawyers wear black coat so that they have to defend the case of each of the side
and black is the colour of defence. To say that law is blind. To say that law is only
based on weight of evidence and not on colours of people.
After independence, in Pakistan, the courts have continued to uphold the pre-
independence (British-Raj traditions) of lawyers wearing white shirt and black coat,
trouser and tie. However, in the 1980s, judges modified their dress to do away with
wig and allowed (optional) the usage of a Black Sherwani, a long traditional Pakistani
coat worn over white Shalwar and Qamiz (trouser and shirt).
In Pakistan, the dress code for lawyers or legal practitioners varies with the season.
During the winter months, a formal black suit and tie are worn. During the hot
summer months, white shirt and trousers and a black tie may be worn. In addition,
judges wear a black robe over their other garments. Wigs are no longer worn. Dress
codes are rigorously enforced within the Superior Courts of the country.
Back Ground
The popular character of Barney Stinson in the TV show “How I met your mother”
religiously wears only suits due to his personal belief (which is actually a widely
prevalent belief in the modern world) that suits are symbolic of professionalism,
power and class. That is why in countries such as the US, the term ‘suits’ is a
commonly used metonym for lawyers or officers of the law.
From a perspective of a common citizen, a visit to the local court can indeed be a
petrifying experience, even after several changes have been introduced. And the
irony is that the court was established with the aim to facilitate and aid the layperson
in seeking justice! The hustling-bustling stretches of the corridors of power emanate
an air of supremacy, establishing a rich contrast between the anxious visitors and
the haughty lawyers adorned in black coats- the robe imparting to them an
unbeatable confidence. Hence, the omniscient lawyers establish their authority over
powerless citizens on account of their knowledge of complicated laws, devious
processes and a complex system which is incomprehensible to the so- called non
cogent minds of ordinary citizens! However, in the sweltering heat in Lahore recently,
when monsoon has also failed to enchant with its aquatic bliss and has cut across to
neighboring area surrounding Lahore while leaving it parched and dry, the visit to the
temple of justice becomes more enigmatic as being surrounded by the professionals
in the Black blazers makes one feel the heat to be more scorching. Firstly, the color
black, scientists claim, absorbs more heat, and secondly, the blazer with full sleeves
in the humid weather doesn’t let the sweat dry exacerbating the effects of the
clammy climate. This article therefore is about my quest as a lawyer and a
researcher to demystify the black coat anomaly as to why one would wear such
dress when climate wise it is unsuitable. Is it an illusion of power or a symbol of
oppression? Nevertheless, when I reflect years back on my personal experience as
an advocate entering the court as a novice, wearing the black coat gave me a feeling
of liberation, autonomy and a sense of independence, but when I sweat profusely in
killing summers of Lahore, I realized that it is a tool for oppression and torture.
A Historical Background
Further probing reveals that the history of the black coat dates back to 1327 when
Edward III formulated the costumes for judges based on the dress code for attending
the Royal court. At the end of the 13th century the structure of the legal profession in
Britain was strictly divided between judges; sergeants who wore a white coiffure wig
on their heads and practiced from St Paul’s Cathedral; and the four Inns of Court,
divided into students, pleaders, benchers (the ruling body of the Inn) and barristers,
who were mostly hail from royal and wealthy families. The attire of these men kept
up with the fashion of those times. Vibrant reds and maroons gowns were
fashionable in the 15th century, spruced with golden fabric and warmed with fur.
Appearance wise there was a little difference between lawyers and the rest of
wealthy society. This changed during the 1600s when the glorious displays were
repealed. In 1637, the Privy Council ruled that lawyers need to dress according to
their “place” in society. Lawyers therefore were decked in full length gowns or “noble
robe” modeled on ecclesiastical sensibilities worn both in court and in general public.
It was made from a rough fabric blend of silk, mohair and wool stiffened with gum.
Predictably, personal modifications soon followed by those who liked to display their
“superior” status. Their robes were fanciful adorned with silk tufts. Those in the
higher ranks sported hanging sleeves as an additional adornment2.
The robes adopted in 1685 were the symbolic of mourning for King Charles II. While
there are theories that the passing of Queen Mary II (1694) or Queen Anne (1714)
1 High Court Rules and Orders, General Chapter, under the head Dress of Advocates appearing in
High Courts; and Supreme Court Rules 1980 in Part 1 under Order IV Rule 8 and Supreme Court
(Court Dress and Mode of Dress) Order 1980
2 Haque Emdadul (2012) The Tradition of Lawyer’s Dress Code, July 1, The Daily Star issue 277
was the trigger, historian J.H. Baker attributes it to the death of King Charles II
(1685). These “mourning robe” were designed to have pleated shoulders and bell-
shaped sleeves. Again, the higher ranking lawyers’ robes set them apart with flap
collars and different sleeves. Similar such robes are worn today. The wigs also follow
the fashion of that era. It was believed that gowns and wigs gave a degree of
anonymity to judges and lawyers. Different styles of wig were used depending on the
hierarchy3. Bands, the official neckwear, also originated in UK, where these were
used for legal, official, clerical, priestly and academic use3.
But that is the custom started by British. They did so, because it was the fashion of
that particular era or they probably used it because of the local climatic conditions.
As the rulers, they imposed the same culture and customs on the `colonies’ they
acquired without taking into consideration the local climatic requirements or general
socio-economic conditions. However, many of these `colonies’ continued with the
legacy and adopted the same system, the same culture, the same laws and even the
same dress without any changes even after they freed themselves from the imperial
rule. For example, in Pakistan as well as in its neighboring countries like India, Sri
Lanka and Bangladesh situation remains same after decades of independence.
Though certain amendments were made in laws and the Constitutions, however, the
issue of dress code has been overlooked.
The origins of the modern-day suit can be traced to the 19th century Regency
Britain, an era, characterized by inter alia distinctive trends in British fashion. One of
the trends in fashion was the simplification of the elaborately embroidered and
jeweled formal clothing of the nobility into a much more comfortable formal wear.
This led to the conception of the modern day suit, which eventually became a strictly
followed formality in the subsequent Victorian era. A lot of factors can be taken into
account for this change in fashion such as the decreasing power of the nobility and
the need for a new up and coming industrial elite to be accommodated in the
corridors of power.
Coming back to Pakistan, we find ourselves dutifully following the British tradition left
behind. Pakistan is a country, which has a blazingly hot and prolonged summer and
a brief and mild winter. Lawyers are forced to face the onslaught of soaring
temperatures and suffocating humidity during the summer season at the courts, the
conditions of which are exacerbated by the poor infrastructure and the constant load-
shedding. On top of this, lawyers are forced to wear a black suit (black being the
best absorber of heat). Needless to say, a person of average strength or
perseverance does not last long in these courts.4
“Possible reform of court dress” Archived ,Wayback Machine.
"Lord Chief Justice models new gown for judges". Telegraph.co.uk. 1
"Judges give new robes a dressing-down". Telegraph.co.uk.
. "Objection! Judges reject new robes". Rajan, Amol
Situation in Other Countries
Dress code is a part of dignity and professionalism with little exception. The outfit of
Judges and Advocates with judicial robes seems a mark of dignity and loyalty
towards court and justice. Americans refused to adopt the judicial attire of the British
after independence. Almost all countries in the Indian subcontinent are in debt to the
British for the development of their jurisprudence including dress code. Even, the
British has relaxed wearing judicial costumes but these countries including Pakistan
have slight headache to suit the dress code for lawyers as per climatic conformity
and culture even after the departure of the British. India has modified dress code for
lawyers to a tiny extent but the practice is still like colonized India reminding silent
domination of the British. This article is a venture to explore the historical chronicles
of the judicial attire across the world and theirs recent changing trends and practices
with a view to seek a meaningful transformation in Pakistan.
Undeniably, the role of the British for the legal development in their former colonies
is much acclaimed except in the USA and there is less scope to criticize their role in
the subcontinent. But the wind of change is blowing all across the globe including the
United Kingdom relating to the dress code. The English judiciary has long been
regarded as a bastion of conservative mores and sartorial continuity (Independent,
2009). Nonetheless, it has revised its judicial costumes. In November 21, 2011 the
President of the UK Supreme Court (UKSC) in a press notice revised the dress code
at the UKSC. According to the new guidance lawyers appearing at the UK's highest
court set up in October, 2009 will no longer have to wear the traditional wigs and
gowns5. The purpose of the new costume in line with the court’s goal is to make the
court as accessible as possible extending the court’s commitment to providing an
appropriate environment for considered discussion of legal issues. Even if all
advocates in a case agree, they may dispense with part or all of court dresses.
Supreme Court justices wear no legal costume. The relaxed dress code would also
apply to advocates appearing before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
(JCPC). Judges and lawyers appearing in criminal courts still wear traditional wigs
and gowns but they can be dispensed in cases involving children. The Supreme
Court move followed a request by the UKSC/JCPC User Group, which represents
professional users of the court, for an extension of the practice already adopted in
family cases where advocates customarily appear unrobed. The official notice
anticipated that some advocates will not wish to take advantage of this dispensation
while others may prefer to reduce their legal dress to a simple gown, or to appear
without legal dress at all. In 2008, Britain’s Lord Chief Justice created a simpler style
of court dress in which judges in civil and family cases in England and Wales were
stopped wearing wigs (Guardian,2008).
During the early history of the United States, the court dress of judges and practicing
lawyers closely mirrored British dress code of the 18th century. After the revolution
many of the founders including Thomas Jefferson wanted to purge their nation of any
symbols of the old English aristocratic order terming it as a rejected system (Glenn
W. 1956). In the then time the judicial wigs were banned but the robes were retained
as part of compromise. The practice fell out of favour and died out by the mid-
5Gordon Cathy (2011) Supreme Court Lawyers Allowed to Dress Down, The Independent November
21 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/supreme-court-lawyers-allowed-to-dress-down-
nineteenth century when the states and feds began to increasingly harmonize and
from then on almost every judge in America has started to wear a standardized black
robe over a formal business suit. Today, generally judges of both state and federal
courts are free to select their own courtroom attire. The most common choice is a
plain black robe which covers the torso and legs, with sleeves. Female judges will
sometimes add to the robe a plain white collar similar to that used in academic
dress. Beneath the robes business attire is standard coupled with a shirt as well as
tie for men and a woman's suit and stockings for women. The USA as a federal
country further left regulation of judicial costume to the jurisdiction of the individual
states. Many states especially in the South shared Jefferson’s original mentality and
had their judges wear no official costume for quite a long period of time. Despite the
standardization there are still some quaint exceptions to the black robe hegemony.
Despite no fixed dress code in the court premises for Attorneys in USA, there are
some peculiar dress codes in some states in the Federal country. In New Mexico,
USA general public are not allowed in the court rooms dressed with shorts, tank or
halter-tops, muscle shirts and T-shirts with indecent words or graphics. Lenore
Nesbitt, the first female judge appointed to the U.S. Southern District of Florida, used
to send women out of her courtroom for wearing open- toed shoes. Allegheny
County Common Pleas Judge David R. Cashman orders attorneys out of his
courtroom if he feels they’re underdressed. Usually when an attorney who wore
casual clothes to the office that day is summoned to court unexpectedly. All
witnesses appearing in United States District Court in the Eastern District of
Washington are asked to dress appropriately avoiding wearing shorts, tank tops and
sandals. An Alabama judge held a defendant in contempt of court for wearing saggy
pants showing butt before the court. The judge also jailed the person for three days
and instructed him to buy pants that fit or at least get a belt to hold up pants so that
underwear doesn’t show.
Like America, Canadian judges do not wear wigs and long robes. Canada used to
wear British styled robes before 2008. Despite its British heritage Canadians have
reconstructed a society based on their own aesthetics rather than copy blindly from
the British. Similarly, justices of the Canadian province of Ontario's Superior Court of
Justice are no longer addressed as "My Lord," or "My Lady," but are now addressed
as "Your Honour." 6
In Australia court dress varies according to jurisdictions of courts from federal to
state levels. Plain black robes have been worn over normal attire since 1988, when
the High Court abandoned the previous court dress of black silk robes, bar jackets,
jabots or bands and full-bottomed wigs and lace cuffs on formal occasions and
bench wigs for ordinary business. Wigs were abolished in Western Australia for both
judges and lawyers in all courts in 2010. Stipendiary Magistrates and justices of the
peace do not robe, other than in New South Wells where they have worn a black
robe over normal business attire since 2005. Prior to 2010, Barristers did not robe
before the Federal Magistrates Court. Barristers are now expected to robe for most
hearings, but not for interlocutory or interim matters. Wigs full-bottomed or otherwise
are not worn on any occasion. Aside from these countries one or two countries have
Probing Further
Nevertheless, to further analyse the mystery behind the black coat, I decided to
discuss the same with a few of lawyers and their clients within the court premises.
My interest and curiosity to dig deeper made me to conduct interviews with 54
lawyers and 52 clients, and almost 20 researchers, professors and other people
associated with the profession; both men and women from different age groups.
Some of the interesting observations are made on both the sides – in favour and
against the use of black coats. Many of the lawyers (almost 40 percent), especially
stalwarts one, prefer wearing black blazers even during killing heat of summer,
however, a few of younger ones (45 percent) do agree that wearing the black coat in
summers do cause rashes and is making a major impact on their health.
7 Narayanan Vivek (2014) Lower Court Lawyers May Avoid Black Coats in Summer, The Hindu July
26, Chennai http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-tamilnadu/lower-court-lawyers-may-
The Indian Express (2013) Soaring Mercury sees Lawyer red over Black Coats March 9th Kochi
Dana India (2006) Order, order, it is summer time March 19 http://www.dnaindia.com/mumbai/report-
9 http://dnasyndication.com/showarticlerss.aspx?nid=lsD7NGlkS9qMKSQyPCenZw==
Soni Nikunj (2009) Just Chill and take off Your Courts, Guj HC tells Lawyers March 27 DNA India
11 Legal Era (2014) Black Courts not Compulsory for Lower Court Lawyers July 28
Tripathi Shishir (2013) HC dressing-down for dist court lawyers: Wear proper dress, The Indian
Express, October 1 http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/hc-dressingdown-for-dist-court-lawyers-
JR Prashar v BCI decision 9th July 2002 AIR 2002 Delhi 482
Kabra Harsh (2010) Black Armour of Law, The Hindu May 30, http://www.thehindu.com/todays-
The Times of India (2009) Black coat gives us Identity, Says Lawyers, Pune edition May 12
Venkadesan S (2011) Sewn to those Black Coats and Robes, The Indian Express, July 7
Advocate Ashok Aggarwal quoted in the Hindu May 30 opcit.
18 Yamini P (2014) Senior Male Advocates in HC chases a Skirt Controversy, DNA Syndication
March 23
Gulati Sumegha (2014) A nun-lawyer’s habit starts a dress code debate in Delhi, The Indian Express
April 18th http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/a-nun-lawyers-habit-starts-court-dress-
Raman Anuradha (2013) Wrap Up the case: Of the Advocate’s Robe, Delhi Heat and a Tweet,
Outlook May 27 http://www.outlookindia.com/printarticle.aspx?285452
Anand Deevakar (2011) Colonial Legacy – In Black and White: Lawyers want respite from the black
robes during summer March 24, Governance Now http://governancenow.com/views/columns/colonial-
The Lawyers’ Opinion
Black coat or the black robe, as per 56 percent of the lawyers lends seriousness to
their identity and provides a unique visual character to their professional image. It
helps to build credibility and command respect from the clients and society, held
three-fourth of the respondents. Wearing a dress creates a sense of discipline
among lawyers and gives them the confidence to fight for justice opined 44 percent
lawyers. “I get a feeling of being an upholder of rights and justice once I put on the
coat. It gives me a sense of power. Also it reflects on my status as a qualified person
who is capable of handling a complicated legal issue”, suggests a young lawyer who
has been practicing for last two years. “It is a uniform that conveys the message of
authority, knowledge, meticulousness and steadiness”, added another lawyer who
has been practicing for six years. “Black colour is a symbol of the dignity, honour,
wisdom and justice and these are the values which any lawyer or the judge has to
keep up with. One cannot wear a tee shirt and a jean and come to this temple of
justice. You need to maintain the grace and the dignity of the profession. The Black
robe or coat has a symbolic value, and today, corporate sector is also promoting the
concept of power dressing for its employee so why not you maintain the same trend
in the courts too”. His colleague remarked, “Appearance plays an important role in
gaining success in today’s world. It is not just about looking good; it’s about looking
the part of this great system”. Around half of the respondents were of the opinion that
the black coat is now the universal symbol of legal profession. “Law is associated
with nobility, justice and peace, and to maintain that one has to take all steps”, says
a senior advocate.
About 20 percent of the lawyers interviewed felt that the uniform helps to mitigate
hierarchical status within the profession. “It acts as a leveler or an equalizer. A junior
lawyer as well as a senior lawyer both need to dress in a similar manner. Also, the
lawyers in these courts come from different backgrounds, in such situations, a junior
with little earnings and no background should not feel threatened by the one who is
experienced and may afford to dress well”, opined a senior lawyer. While responding
in favour of the Black coat, a senior woman lawyer argued, “Wearing nearly identical
black robes is a way of showing that all the judges are bound equally in their duty to
uphold the law and justice. The simplicity of their attire also symbolizes that the
judges' and lawyers’ are neutral and humble people and need to work as servants of
the people”.
About sixty-five percent lawyers were of the view that black represents neutrality. A
senior lawyer was of view that, “Now, you cannot call it as a symbol of slavery
because, the black coat has become a part of Indian practice and tradition after its
prolonged use. Even otherwise we all have been dressing in a foreign style –
wearing suits and boots that are foreign to Pakistani soil, so why are you now raising
the question? Will wearing Shalwar Kamiz makes me more Pakistani? No. It’s a
bigoted outlook. This dress code has become a solid identity of the legal professional
in Pakistan. It is meaningless to change this now”. While arguing further he added,
“You young lawyers are representative of pampered and spoiled generation. Look at
our time, we all have been wearing this for generations and now you think that it is
impractical. You people cannot do without ACs but we have survived and managed
our whole lives without these fancy items”. Another senior lawyer while agreeing to
him pondered, “Have you ever seen any lawyer falling sick in summer because he is
wearing the black coat, I haven’t, though people sometimes whine about heat?”
Another argument in favour of black coat put forward intelligently by a bright young
lawyer is that, “Lawyers wear black coat because they need to defend the case and
black is the colour of defence. It suggests that law is blind, and is only based on
weight of evidence and not on the background of the parties”. On a lighter tone, a
young lawyer adds, “It needs not to be washed every day, when you travel around in
the dusty climate of Lahore, the black colour hides it all”. However, a female lawyer
differs in opinion and argued that wearing such dress leads to hygiene issue as it
cannot be washed daily.
Around 30 percent respondents opined that the practice of wearing black coat in hot
summers is unfeasible and impractical in Pakistan. “It is uncomfortable and makes
me feel sick and dizzy in scorching heat, but one needs to wear it because it is a
professional compulsion”. “It feels like you are baking and roasting yourself in the
oven. And many a times, we have to work in situation where there is no electricity. I
get rid of it immediately as I came out of the court room” shares a woman lawyer.
“But why then the system has not been changed?” I asked. She countered that the
“people who have been following the system for ages or have grown up with the
system do not want to think of any other alternative because they feel insecure and
are not adaptable to new situations”. A senior lawyer who was in favour of changing
the system clarified that, “this denial to think out of the box and adapt to new realities
stems from the psychological over-dependence of lawyers on the black coat”.
Around one fourth respondents opine that this kind of uniform smothers practice
because the hierarchy is maintained through the choice of fabric, the cut and
tailoring besides the knowledge of English language. “Black is a colour of oppression
and an artifact of past that symbolizes nothing”, argued a lawyer.
Like law, the black coat is full of fascination and admiration and somehow there is
also an enormous compassion for this mystical object. Yet, considering different
views shared by different category of people several questions have been raised. Is
there is a need to change the official dress code? Is black coat a tool of oppression
or liberation? Do we need to really overcome our belief regarding the universality,
supremacy and continuity of the imperial legacy in the manner as it has been
continued for the past few decades? Is it mute and unquestioning blind obedience for
rules and traditions imposed by colonial rulers? Is black coat of the lawyers’ uniform
a form of oppression masked under the grand narrative of necessity and
inevitability? Are the lawyers treating themselves with cruelty while knowing and
accepting the situation which is harmful when they dress up in a costume that is not
suitable for the climate and weather of our country? Is it because of false prestige
attached to the black coat that we want to continue with it? Is it a sign of the servile
colonial mentality of our legal system? Is this dress creating a hurdle in formulating a
people’s friendly judiciary and the legal system? Can by not wearing the black coat
will one be able to experience new ideas and practice as vociferously? All these
questions are still boggling my mind. Do you have answers or will you like to give
your creative, out of box suggestions to resolve this mystery!
In modern-day Pakistan, the black and white suit is the well-recognised uniform of
the lawyer. The British Raj introduced this court dress in South Asia and this tradition
has been upheld by the Pakistani legal fraternity, albeit with some minor variations
(such as the doing away with the wig).
The origins of the modern-day suit can be traced to the 19th century Regency
Britain, an era, characterised by inter alia distinctive trends in British fashion. One of
the trends in fashion was the simplification of the elaborately embroidered and
jeweled formal clothing of the nobility into a much more comfortable formal wear.
This led to the conception of the modern day suit, which eventually became a strictly
followed formality in the subsequent Victorian era. A lot of factors can be taken into
account for this change in fashion such as the decreasing power of the nobility and
the need for a new up and coming industrial elite to be accommodated in the
corridors of power.
There is precedent for changing uniforms of a profession. Take the Pakistani police
for example. The government has done overhauling the traditional khaki uniform,
which dated back to pre-independence times. The rationale behind this change was
that the current get-up, along with the khaki fabric, made the existing uniform
uncomfortable for the police, especially during the summer. The government
introduced a new weather-friendly and comfortable uniform.
What I propose is not even that drastic a change that will shake up the country’s
legal framework. The legal community needs to shed the current uniform and adopt
a new weather-appropriate style of formal wear. As explained, the suit’s origins can
be traced to the need for clothing to be more comfortable in a formal environment.
We cannot simply wait for changes to occur in the outside world and then accept
them. We need to start innovating ourselves. I am no designer and to be honest I
have no sense of fashion; however, I do not believe that coming up with a new
uniform will be a problem. We can come up with something that is tethered to our
cultural heritage. For that, we will also need to overcome our deeply ingrained
dichotomy of Western clothing representing progress and our traditional dress (such
as the Shalwar Kameez) representing backwardness. We need to overcome this
national inferiority complex that we suffer at a subconscious level, of not being
capable of innovating or setting a new precedent.
In my opinion, if we are able to achieve that (at least with our lawyers’ uniform) then
we can be at the threshold of reconstructing a new, more culturally connected and
logically sound society. This change can lead to a domino effect that results in the
recapturing of other areas of society and public discourse that are being dominated
by the colonial mindset. But for now, the suit does not suit us.
Dress code expresses sanctity and commitment of the lawyers toward judicial
institutions and enhances their responsibility for the profession. But if the dress code
is compatible with season, customs and cultural spirit and principles then the
commitment, integrity and respect concerning the noble profession may be
expedited. Trend of change of the costume jurisprudence both in the western and
oriental countries is a beckon of hope in the direction of liberalism shifting from
conservatism. Interestingly, in recent years, English reforms sought to project
modernization and simplicity, to ensure that their own citizens maintained respect for
their legal system. It is also important to not overlook simple logistical reasons for
changing attire. Perhaps most importantly, the distinctive black robes can serve as a
reminder to judges of the importance of their responsibility to administer justice and
not perpetuate bias. On the other hand, judges who become less formal by removing
robes or simplifying them might appear less pompous and more human. The
negative consequences of wearing formal attire seem to weigh heavier today. In
Europe or in America power cuts is not a problem and climate is not hot whereas
frequent power cuts is an acute problem in India and Pakistan. Most of the lawyers in
Bangladesh have adapted with the dress code against their intention while some of
them feel embarrassed terming it unsuitable and disgusting but yet to raise any
concern. Most of the colonial countries have changed their dress code but Pakistan
is the glaring exception to this. Even UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India have
shown the pattern as well as way towards change of the judicial costume recently
and USA changed it long ago. So, the change of dress code is inevitable in Pakistan
keeping pace with its climate, heritage and cultural, social and moral values.
i Zafar Iqbal Kalanauri, Mediator & Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan, Adjunct Faculty Law
at SAHSOL, Lahore University of Management Sciences (L.U.M.S.), SAF Center, #3 - 3rd Floor,
8-Fane Road Lahore 54000, Pakistan, Cell: (92) 300-4511823 & 314-4224411 E-mail:
[email protected] ; Web: http://www.zklawassociates.com
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