Experimental Study of Direct Contact Condensation of Steam in Turbulent Duct Flow

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Experimental study of direct contact condensation of steam in turbulent duct ow


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, op gezag van de rector magnicus, prof.dr.ir. C.J. van Duijn, voor een commissie aangewezen door het College voor Promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 7 december 2010 om 16.00 uur


Nicole Clerx

geboren te Roermond

Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotoren:

prof.dr.ir. J.J.H. Brouwers en prof.dr. G.P. Celata

Copromotor: dr. C.W.M. van der Geld

Copyright 2010 by N. Clerx All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author. Cover design: Verspaget & Bruinink, Nuenen ([email protected]). Printed by the Eindhoven University Press.

A catalogue record is available from the Eindhoven University of Technology Library ISBN: 978-90-386-2370-2

To my dear mother


This research was supported by the Dutch Technology Foundation stw, the appliedscience division of nwo (Dutch Organisation for Scientic Research) and the Technology Program of the Ministry of Economic Aairs of the Netherlands. The following companies are acknowledged for their contribution: Campina Friesland, Nestl Nederland, nizo food research, Stork food & dairy systems, Unilever e Nederland.

Summary 1 Introduction 2 Turbulent single-phase duct ow 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Experimental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Set-up and conditions . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Optical set-up and PIV analysis . 2.2.3 Data validation and error analysis 2.3 Concise description of numerical methods 2.4 Results, comparison and discussion . . . . 2.4.1 Flow features . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.2 Mean velocity proles . . . . . . . 2.4.3 Higher order statistical proles . . 2.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9 11 11 12 12 14 17 19 20 21 24 29 36 39 39 40 40 42 44 44 45 46 47 51 52 59 62 62 64 68

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3 Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-ow of water 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Experimental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Experimental set-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Image recording and process conditions . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Experimental results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Selections and accuracies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Steam pocket growth and collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.3 Maximum steam pocket size and growth time . . . . . . . 3.3.4 Initial wall normal pocket velocity and pocket radius . . . 3.3.5 Geometrical criterion for pocket shape at condensation . . 3.3.6 Heat transfer coecient for direct contact condensation . 3.4 Model for intermittent steam condensation . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.1 Steam pocket growth and collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5.2 Eects of steam mass ux, cross-ow and sub-cooling . . 3.5.3 Correlations for intermittent direct contact condensation .

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3.5.4 Comparison of experiments and model predictions . . . . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

74 78 83 83 85 85 86 88 91 94 94 103 108 122 129 133

4 Two-phase velocity measurements 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Experimental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Set-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 Experimental conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3 Optical set-up and PIV analysis . . . . . . . 4.2.4 Data validation and error analysis . . . . . . 4.3 Results and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Velocity elds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Jet centreline trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.3 Lateral distribution of velocities . . . . . . . 4.3.4 Spatial distributions of turbulence intensities 4.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bibliography

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A Measurement section 137 A.1 Optical accessible section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 A.2 Hydraulic development section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 B Steam pocket topology history C Process conditions of two-phase velocity measurements D Velocity contour plots E Standard errors F Centreline ts Dankwoord Curriculum vitae 141 143 145 149 153 155 157

Experimental study of direct contact condensation of steam in turbulent duct ow
This thesis deals with an experimental study on direct injection of steam into a crossow of water. The main goals are to identify the main parameters that inuence direct steam injection in liquids and to quantitatively access their impact on the interaction of the condensation and the liquid cross-ow both in the proximity of the injection nozzle and in the far-eld single-phase ow. The experiments are carried out in a pressurized ow loop consisting of a measurement section with a square inner geometry of dimensions 30 30 mm2 . The measurement section is optical accessible near the steam injection point and also includes a hydraulic development section with a length of 1200 mm (40Dh ). To verify whether the ow is fully developed after passing the hydraulic development section, velocity measurements, using piv, are performed in the centre plane of the duct parallel to the main direction of the ow. For two Reynolds numbers, proles of the mean axial and lateral velocity components as well as distributions of the higher order statistics are measured and compared with dns and les results at corresponding Reynolds numbers. The agreement between the measured and numerical proles is satisfactory, apart from some deviations of the experimental proles in the near-wall wall regions due to measurement inaccuracies. The experimentally observed dependency of the Reynolds stress gradient on the Reynolds number is in close agreement with the trend estimated from Prandtls law of friction for fully developed pipe ow. This indicates that the duct ow has reached its fully developed state at a distance of 43Dh from the inlet of the hydraulic development section. Condensation of steam in the liquid cross-ow has been investigated in the proximity of the steam injection point by means of high speed photography at various steam mass uxes, liquid cross-ow rates and approaching liquid temperatures. The high-speed recordings clearly reveal an intermittent character of steam pocket growth and collapse/condensation. Pocket length typically grows linearly until it reaches a maximum penetration depth. Subsequent disappearance of the pocket occurs either via detachment and collapse or via instantaneous break-up. The initial steam pocket shape predominantly resembles that of a truncated sphere while in later stages of growth either a spherical or ellipsoidal shape is observed, depending on the steam mass ux and temperature of approaching liquid. The main eect of the liquid cross-


ow is a signicant reduction of the steam pockets maximum length and growth time. Heat transfer coecients between water and steam have been determined, based on the smoothed steam pocket interfacial area. The measured trends show an increase of the heat transfer coecient with increasing liquid cross-ow rate. A new correlation to predict the Nusselt number of intermittent steam condensation is presented, using a characteristic steam plume length, as the physically relevant length scale. The eect of cross-ow is incorporated in the Nusselt correlation via an extra Reynolds number based on the liquid cross-ow rate. A model for topology history prediction has been developed to facilitate interpretation of measurement results and to increase our predictive capacity of intermittent steam condensation. With a correction factor on the input value of the heat transfer coecient, both the steam pockets growth time and its maximum penetration depth, are predicted reasonably well. The growth of a steam pocket in intermittent condensation regimes is found to be controlled by uid inertia and injected momentum of steam, while drag is negligible. Velocity measurements in the region upstream the steam injection point have been carried out to investigate the far-eld single-phase jet, induced by the condensation of steam and deected by the liquid cross-ow. The injected steam mass ux, liquid cross-ow rate and the liquid approach temperature are varied to study their inuence on the jet centreline, velocity distributions and turbulence properties. The measured velocity elds show that the ratio of injected steam momentum and crossow momentum is largely governing the ow eld, while eects of the liquid approach temperature are found to be minor. Jet centerlines trajectories, based on the loci of maximum velocity magnitude in the jet appear to collapse onto a single curve if scaled with the product of the nozzle diameter and the eective velocity ratio. This collapse of centerlines is similar to that observed in non-condensing jets in cross-ow. A power-law correlation is proposed to describe the position of the collapsed centreline trajectories for the condensing jet in cross-ow. A similarity analysis has been applied to the lateral distributions of the mean streamwise velocity component by evaluating the velocity components, measured in cartesian coordinates, in a rotated frame of axes. Lateral distributions of the jets mean velocity excess, scaled with the maximum excess, at successive streamwise coordinates collapse onto a single curve when the spanwise coordinate is scaled with the jets half-width. In addition, the centerline velocity excess appears to be inversely proportional to the streamwise coordinate whereas the jets half-width is found to increase linearly in that direction. This demonstrates that the jet ow displays self-similarity properties which resemble those of a free turbulent jet. Turbulence intensity proles have been investigated in the rotated frame, for two momentum ux ratios. The distributions along the spanwise axis show that the streamwise and lateral turbulent uctuations exhibit maximum values at the centreline of the jet and that they rapidly decrease in spanwise direction to the normal turbulence level of the cross-ow. Turbulence intensities appear to increase with increasing momentum ux ratio. Finally, scaling laws are proposed for the centreline decay of the streamwise and lateral rms-uctuations.

Chapter 1

Nowadays, a wide range of dairy products is available with a so-called long shelf life, which can extend up to 6 months as long as the product remains closed in a container. To increase the shelf life, the diary products are heated and maintained at prescribed conditions for a certain amount of time. A well-known example is the sterilization process of milk. Current practice is to heat the milk, with a typical production scale of 30,000 l/h, to 150 C in 0.5 1 second and to maintain this temperature for 4 seconds, after which ash-cooling is applied. This intensive heat treatment ensures the destruction of bacterial spores in the milk and the long lifetime. However, it also leads to a signicant degradation of the taste. Due to this, the consumer acceptance of sterilized milk is rather low. To improve reputation and quality of the product, application of another heat treatment procedure is mandatory. Foodtechnological research has proven the existence of a taste-preserving procedure. Heatresistant spores are inactivated by it, while the structure of important ingredients, proteins and vitamins, for the greater part is preserved. In this new procedure, the sterilization temperature is increased while the residence time is signicantly reduced. With the adapted heat treatment procedure the milk is heated by means of direct steam injection within 0.1 to 0.2 s, typically, to temperatures in the range of 200 C. The success of this procedure has been demonstrated at laboratory scale. Application at commercially interesting scales requires research, in particular of the steam injection process applied. In this context, the research project Rapid Heating with Direct Steam Injection has been formulated, funded by the Dutch Technology Foundation, stw. Modeling and scaling of steam injection is not straightforward and detailed measurements are scarce. The project addresses these topics by a joint approach of modeling and experimentation. The present thesis deals with the obtained results of dedicated experiments performed within the framework of this project. In particular, the main parameters that inuence direct steam injection in liquids have been identied and their impact quantitatively assessed. Conditions for which heating and mixing in the liquid are optimal have been explored. Precise data in a wide range of practically important process conditions not only increase our understanding of relevant mixing and heating phenomena but also provide validation tools for cfd models. New nu-



merical models for phase-transitional ows have been developed in the counterpart of the project, by A. Pecenko [27]. The experimental set-up has been chosen based on the following considerations. All current continuous direct heating applications in the food industry are congurations in which steam is transversely injected into a owing liquid. Usually, a system of multiple nozzles is applied. In the present study, steam is injected transversely into water through a single, circular nozzle. Interaction of multiple nozzle has been postponed until the single injection has been suciently examined. To date, condensing steam jets issuing into a liquid cross-ow have not been studied. This study investigates the interaction of the condensation and the cross-ow of liquid both in the region in the proximity of the injection nozzle, the so-called condensation region, and in the far-eld single-phase ow. In the condensation region, focal points of the study are the interphase topologies and ow patterns. In the far-eld, analogies with well-known single-phase ow regimes will be investigated. In addition, the eect of the condensation on mixing and heating is studied in this area. Studies on steam injection found in the literature deal with superheated steam jets injected in a quiescent pool of liquid. The only velocity eld measurements found in this literature is the experimental study performed in our laboratory, by Van Wissen et al. [43]. In the stagnant water vessels used, close to the injection location a condensation region with a rapid moving gas-liquid interface was found (Weimer et al. [48], Chen et al. [7]). Various two-phase ow patterns were found to occur. Downstream of the condensation area, the region of single-phase ow possesses properties which can only be investigated with the aid of advanced measuring techniques. Following Van Wissen et al. [43], piv will be applied in the present research. Previous research on uid streams in cross-ow dealt with single-phase ows. The resulting ow elds were quite complex, with many vortex structures arising (Kelso et al. [19], Smith et al. [37]) and enhanced mixing rates due to interaction with the cross-ow. The structure of this thesis is as follows: Velocity measurements of the duct ow are carried out to assess single-phase ow characteristics near the steam injection point, for reasons that will become clear in chapter 4. Resulting velocity proles are compared with numerical results from dns and les in chapter 2. Chapter 3 deals with two-phase ow regimes and steam condensation. This chapter describes visualization experiments to investigate the inuences of steam mass ux, liquid crossow rate and liquid temperature on the topology of the gas-liquid interface and on heat transfer. In addition, an analytical model is presented for the predicting of growth times and penetration depths of the steam pocket. The ow characteristics and turbulence properties of the condensing steam jet in cross-ow are presented in chapter 4. Because of the dierent character of their subjects, chapters 2, 3 and 4 have separate literature surveys and conclusions, each. For this reason, no concluding chapter is presented.

Chapter 2

Turbulent single-phase duct ow

2.1 Introduction

Turbulent ow in ducts of non-circular cross-section diers from turbulent pipe ow by the presence of so-called secondary ows in a plane perpendicular to the main direction of the ow. These secondary ows were rst observed by Nikuradze [25] who measured axial velocity distributions in straight ducts with rectangular and square cross-sections. Lines of constant axial velocity appeared to be displaced towards the corners and away from the mid-points of the walls if compared to the velocity contours of laminar ow. Prandtl [31] suggested that this distortion of the velocity contours was caused by a secondary ow transporting high momentum uid from the centre of the duct towards the corners and, to satisfy continuity, a ow of low-momentum uid from the mid-points of the duct walls back to the center. A quantitative analysis of the secondary velocities was not reported until Brundrett & Baines [5] applied a hotwire technique with improved accuracy that enabled the measurement of such small velocity components. Brundrett & Baines [5] measured the three mean velocities as well as the six components of the Reynolds stress tensor. In addition, they were able to deduce the cause of the secondary motion by analyzing the transport equation for the mean axial vorticity. The rst experimental study using a non-intrusive measurement technique in a rectangular duct was carried out by Melling & Whitelaw [23]. They applied lda to measure all three mean velocity components and the Reynolds stresses in a nearly fully developed turbulent ow. The measured contours showed better symmetry than those of previous studies and the laser-Doppler anemometer registered small velocity components better than before due to the absence of an intruding probe. More recent work (Yokosawa et al. [53], Meada et al. [22]) was merely focussed on turbulent ows through square or rectangular ducts with special features like roughened walls. The inuence of those features on, for instance, secondary ow and turbulence intensities was investigated to improve understanding of heat transfer enhancement in such ows. The majority of recent studies use hot-wire probes


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

or laser-Doppler anemometry to quantify ow properties in the plane perpendicular to the main ow direction. Zhang et al. [56] developed a hybrid holographic system and performed 3-dimensional particle image velocimetry measurements in a turbulent ow in a square duct. The measured proles of the mean velocity component and rms-proles showed good agreement with previous experimental studies using lda and hot-wire anemometry, but the results regarding the secondary velocities were less accurate and lacked symmetry. In the present study, piv-measurements are conducted in the centre plane of the square duct, parallel to the main direction of the ow for two dierent bulk Reynolds numbers. The lateral velocity component in this plane is due to secondary ow. The purpose of the measurements is to examine the properties of single-phase turbulent ow in the measurement section of the new experimental set-up. More specically, we want to verify whether the ow is fully developed after passing the hydraulic development section with a length of 40 times the hydraulic diameter. To this end, proles of the mean axial and lateral velocities and those of the higher order statistics are measured and compared with dns and les results for corresponding Reynolds numbers. The comparison enables us to detect the inuence of possible imperfections of the duct geometry. It appears from other experimental studies that even with an increased level of accuracy of todays experimental techniques, it is still not straightforward to resolve the secondary velocity components occurring in duct ow with high precision. The measured results of the lateral velocity component, together with those of the skewness and atness, will demonstrate the accuracy of the piv-measurements performed in the present study. The experiments provide an extensive set of results in a plane parallel to the main ow direction, unlike other experimental studies of turbulent duct ow. The measurements presented here for two Reynolds numbers are therefore complementary to the existing range of experimental studies of square duct ows.


Set-up and conditions

The experimental set-up, shown in Fig. 2.1, is a pressurized ow loop containing approximately 50 liters of demineralized water. The ow is driven (in clockwise direction as indicated by the arrows in Fig. 2.1) by a frequency controlled centrifugal pump. An ultrasonic ow meter (accuracy: 0.25% of the full scale range between 0 9 104 m3 /s ) measures the volumetric ow rate of the water. The closed loop can be pressurized up to 8 bar (absolute) via an expansion vessel whose gas compartment is connected to a pressurized air supply. The pressure inside the ow loop is measured by means of a pressure transducer that is located at the entrance of the measurement section. The water temperature is monitored at various locations in the loop by four calibrated Pt-100 elements (accuracy: 0.1 C). The measured temperature of the Pt100 element at the entrance of the measurement section is used as the reference value for the liquid temperature. The actual measurement section is described in more detail in Appendix A and is indicated in Fig. 2.1 by a grey color. It has a square

2.2 Experimental


inner cross-section of 30x30 mm2 and is optically accessible at the location of the steam injection point. Before entering the optically accessible section, the water ows through a 30x30 mm2 smooth duct with a length of 1200 mm (40 times the hydraulic diameter), which was expected to be sucient to obtain fully developed turbulent ow in the optically accessible part [28, 34]. As pointed out in the introduction, this is to be veried in the present investigation.
2 T T 3
s te a m in je c tio n p o in t C

1 : p u m p

3 : e le c tr ic a l h e a te r

2 : h e a t e x c h a n g e r

4 : p r e s s u r iz e d a ir s u p p ly 5 : e x p a n s io n v e s s e l 6 : b le e d v a lv e 7 : d is c h a r g e

8 : c o n tr o l v a lv e

4 0 ,

p re s s u re tra n s d u c e r P t- 1 0 0 e le m e n t

flo w m e te r


P 5 6 T P T 1 7

Figure 2.1. Schematic of the experimental set-up.

Before the measurements are performed, the experimental set-up is de-aerated for several days to remove the air that is trapped at various locations in the loop during lling. This deaeration is carried out by heating the water to 65 C while letting it circulate at a low velocity trough the loop. Most of the air will accumulate at the highest points of the set-up where it can escape into the ambient via dedicated deaeration valves (Spirotech B.V.). The part of the air that can not be removed appears as small bubbles (estimated maximum diameter of 100 m) in the ow. Instead of being detrimental to the experimental conditions, benet is taken from their presence by using them as tracers for the piv measurements (see section 2.2.2). Their number density is that low, however, that viscosity, heat conductivity and


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

compressibility of the water are practically unaected by their presence. Two series of measurements are carried out near the steam injection point, at a distance of 43Dh from the inlet of the hydraulic development section (see Fig. 2.1). The water temperature, measured at the inlet of the measurement section, is around 24 C. The loop pressure at the same height as the steam injection point is between 5.5 bar and 6.3 bar absolute. These relatively high pressures are chosen to reduce the size and number density of the air bubbles, mentioned above. Each measurement series is performed at a specic volumetric ow rate of water, which is 2.68 104 2106 m3 /s for run A and 7.95104 2106 m3 /s for run B. Corresponding bulk velocities, vb , are 0.297 0.003 m/s and 0.884 0.003 m/s, respectively. The bulk Reynolds numbers, based on vb and the hydraulic diameter Dh , are then 9735 98 for run A and 29230 98 for run B. The values for the dynamic viscosity and density of water are obtained from literature ([26]) at the corresponding pressures and temperatures. The process conditions for both measurement series are summarized in Tab. 2.1. The listed temperatures, pressures and ow rates are averaged values over a time-interval of approximately 5 minutes which corresponds to the time of an experimental run. The actual measuring time for gathering data of each experimental run is 67 seconds and is equivalent to 1000 image pairs recorded at a frequency of 15 Hz. Run A 24.1 5.5 2.68 0.297 997.5 9.09 9,778 Run B 24.3 6.3 7.95 0.884 997.5 9.05 29,230

TL pL QL vb L L Reb

[ C] [bar (abs)] 104 [m3 /s] [m/s] [kg/m3 ] 104 [Pa s] [-]

Table 2.1. Flow conditions of experimental runs.


Optical set-up and PIV analysis

Particle image velocimetry (piv) is used to measure instantaneous velocity elds of the turbulent ow in the centre plane of the duct, as shown in Fig. 2.2. Extensive descriptions of piv can be found in the work of Rael, Willert & Kompenhans [33] and Westerweel [49]. The centre plane is in our case illuminated by a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser (Spectra-Physics PIV-200) that generates two pulses of 200 mJ at 15 Hz. The delay time between the two laser pulses is chosen to be 8.42104 s for run A and 2.3104 s for run B. This results in a maximum average displacement of 10 pixels in the center region of the duct, which exceeds the displacement criterion of 8 pixels (1/4 of the size of an interrogation window of 32x32 pixels [17]) a little, but is still suciently low to obtain optimal cross-correlation of two subsequent PIV-recordings. The laser beam is directed towards the measurement section by an HR 532/45 mirror. First, the beam passes a positive cylindrical lens (f = 500 mm) that is positioned such that its focal point is located on the central axis of the duct. This enables the

2.2 Experimental


L a s e r b e a m

S te a m

in je c tio n p o in t

C a m e ra

Figure 2.2. Optical conguration for piv measurements.

creation of a laser sheet with an thickness of 1 mm and a homogeneous intensity across the width of the duct. The beam is subsequently stretched and parallelized by a negative cylindrical lens (f = -50 mm) and a positive cylindrical lens (f = 200 mm) with a mutual distance of 150 mm. The beam, with an initial diameter of 15 mm, is thus stretched by a factor 4, resulting in a laser sheet with a height of 60 mm, along the axial direction of the duct. Recordings are made with a Kodak Megaplus ES 1.0C ccd camera with a resolution of 1008 x 1018 pixels and a dynamic range of 10 bit. A Nikkor AF 50 mm f /1.4D (Nikkon) lens is used to focus an area of observation of 31.3 x 31.6 mm2 . The triggering of the laser and the cameras is provided by a Stanford Research Systems DG535 pulse generator. Images are stored real-time on a pc using acquisition software VideoSavant. For the experiments, the ow is seeded with spherical uorescent particles (Dantec) with a mean diameter of 30 m. The particles are of a melamine resin based polymer coated with Rhodamine B and have a density of 1500 kg/m3 . The emitted uorescent light from the seeding, with a maximum wavelength of = 575 nm, is ltered from the laser light ( = 532 nm) by a holographic notch lter (0% transmission at = 532 nm and 80% transmission at = 575 nm) that is mounted in front of the camera lens. Avoiding direct exposure of the ccd-sensor to the Nd:YAG light is a necessary measure since the metallic inner surface of the measurement section reects the laser light. Direct exposure would result in a low contrast between the background and the particle images in the piv-recordings. Next to that, small residual air bubbles, see section 2.2.1, cause high-intensity reections of the laser light which would result in locally over-exposed piv-recordings without the use of the holographic notch lter.


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

With the ltering applied, the particles are well identiable in a low background noise environment and the residual air bubbles are no longer detrimental to the quality of the image. These bubbles appear as bright blobs (but not over-exposed) and benet is taken from them by using them as tracers. The uorescent seeding particles are contained as a suspension in water (0.5 g particles per ml water). In total 10 ml of the suspension has been used for the measurements, which corresponds to a concentration of 0.17 g/l and a volume fraction of 1.11104 . This seeding concentration results in at least 20 particle images per interrogation window, which satises the particle density criterion for accurate cross-correlation as dened by Keane & Adrian [17]. Even though the current volume fraction is above the limit of 106 given by Elghobashi [10], we expect that the eect on turbulence properties is minor since the present mass load of particles is only 1.7104 [46]. Besides, lowering the particle concentration to a volume fraction of 106 or less has been shown to be unfeasible with the current type of seeding: the particle image density became too low and an unacceptably high amount of erroneous displacement vectors was found. Ideally, the seeding particles and air bubbles should be able to adapt to even the smallest changes in uid velocity. This can be quantied by the particle relaxation time, as dened by Albrecht [1]: L p 1+ (2.1) p = d 2 p 18L 2p where dp and p are the particle diameter and mass density and L and L the liquid dynamic viscosity and mass density. For TL = 24.1 C (run A), we nd an estimated p of 0.11 ms for the seeding particle and p = 0.31 ms (dp = 100 m, p = 7 kg/m3 ) for the air bubbles. These relaxation times should be smaller than 1 the smallest time scale of turbulence, the Kolmogorov time scale k = (/ ) 2 , with being the local turbulent energy dissipation rate and L = L /L . For the present study, k is estimated from the , from dns and les calculations, averaged over the duct cross-section. The value for obtained from the les might be of less accuracy but nevertheless gives an indication of the order of magnitude of the Kolmogorov time scale for the higher Reynolds number of run B. The estimated k from the dns equals 8.6 ms and is at least one order of magnitude higher than the particle relaxation times of run A. The estimated k resulting from the les is 2.1 ms, hence also for run B particles and bubbles are still able to follow the uid motion well. The conversion of pixel-coordinates to physical coordinates is carried out with the aid of an in-situ calibration. For this purpose a grid with small dots ( = 0.3 mm) at a pitch of 20.01 mm is positioned in the center plane of the duct and photographed. The grid is mounted in a square frame which enables positioning of the grid inside the duct with an accuracy of less than 0.1 mm. The calibration grid is also used to focus the camera lens. The piv-recordings are evaluated with the software package PIVview (version 2.4), developed by PivTec GmbH ([29]). Each image is subdivided into interrogation windows of 32 x 32 pixels. An overlap over 50% is chosen to increase the spatial resolution. This results in a data set of 62 rows of 62 displacement vectors (3844 vectors) per image pair. The mean displacement vector in a interrogation window is estimated by applying a discretised cross-correlation function on the local intensity

2.2 Experimental


patterns. Cross-correlation is carried out by using a multi-pass interrogation method. With this method the interrogation of the image sample (interrogation window) is repeated two times more, using a window oset in the following pass equal to the local integer displacement determined from the preceding pass. This method results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio due to a higher amount of matched particle images and also leads to a reduction of the uncertainty in the displacement, see [51]. The location of the maximum correlation peak is detected with sub-pixel accuracy using a Gaussian peak t.


Data validation and error analysis

Each instantaneous velocity eld contains spurious vectors whose magnitude and direction dier signicantly from their neighboring vectors. In the present case, validation of the raw displacement data is carried out by detecting the spurious vectors by means of local median ltering, as proposed by Westerweel [50]. With our settings, the lter compares a velocity component with the median of its 8 closest neighbors and identies the vectors as spurious if its deviation from the local median is larger than the so-called residual vector length, |v|r , dened as: |v|r = (vlm v)2 + (ulm u)2 (2.2)

with vlm and ulm the local medians of the streamwise and spanwise displacements (in pixels) and v and u the displacement components of the vector under consideration. For experimental run A, all vectors are rejected whose magnitude deviates more than 0.074 m/s (viz 2 pixels) from the local median displacement. This limit is set to 0.22 m/s (viz 2 pixels) for run B. The rejected vectors are replaced by an interpolated value, based on the 24 closest neighbors. The average fractions of detected spurious vectors per displacement eld are 2.2 % and 1.7% for runs A and B respectively. To improve the fourth order ow statistics a second lter step is applied to the velocity uctuations. Filter criterions of 0.055 m/s (viz 1.5 pixels) for run A and 0.11 m/s (viz 1 pixel) for run B proved to be sucient to remove all outliers in the atness proles of the axial and lateral velocity components. This results in an extra average fraction of spurious vectors of 1.5% per displacement eld for run A and 3.8% for run B. Errors in the instantaneously measured velocity components v(t) and u(t) can occur due to timing errors, calibration errors and errors in the estimation of the displacement vectors. Timing errors are typically smaller than 108 seconds and calibration errors are smaller than 0.1 mm absolute and 0.01 mm relative and can be considered negligible. Errors in the estimation of the displacement vectors originate from the cross-correlation procedure. Possible causes are: smoothing of the displacement vector due to the size of the interrogation window, false peak detection due to a high noise level and inaccurate peak detection. In general, the estimation accuracy of the position of the correlation peak is in the order of 0.1 pixel. In some cases, however, it appears that displacements tend to be biased towards integer values which is commonly referred to as peak-locking. In the present case, peak locking is caused by the fact that the particle images are too small with respect to the pixel size, as demonstrated below. The image diameter, d , of a particle with diameter dp


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

is estimated from [33]: d M 2 d2 + d2 p s

with M the image magnication factor and ds the diraction limited image diameter, given by [33]: f ds 2.44(M + 1) D where is the wavelength of the light and f and D are the focal length and diameter of the lens. For the present experiments, values for the relevant quantities are: M = 0.29, dp = 30 m, = 575 nm, f/D = 5.6 and ds = 10.1 m. This results in a particle image diameter of 13.4 m which is only 1.5 times larger than the pixel size (9x9 m2 ). The occurrence of peak-locking is conrmed by the histogram of estimated particle displacements, as shown in Fig. 2.3. Since particles appear as a single pixel on the ccd, the position of the correlation peak can not be determined more accurately than 1 pixel. This results in an absolute error in the measured instantaneous velocity components of 0.5 pixel.

Figure 2.3. Histogram of estimated y-displacements of experimental run A for 1000 instantaneous measurements in time.

The measured proles of the mean axial and lateral velocity components v and u, to be presented in section 2.4.2, represent eld-averaged proles that are subsequently averaged over time. An instantaneous eld-average prole is obtained by averaging the velocities over all axial coordinates (y) for each lateral coordinate x within an instantaneous velocity eld. Each instantaneous eld consists of 62 vectors in lateral direction times 62 vectors in axial direction. The velocity data at two consecutive axial coordinates y are not independent since the correlation lengthof the axial velocity component is expected to be much larger than the spatial separation of the grid points in which the velocity data is calculated. The velocity data of two consecutive measurements in time, however, are probably independent since the correlation time of the velocity uctuations is smaller than the time between two measurements (1/15 s). The standard error in the mean velocity components is estimated as the standard error

2.3 Concise description of numerical methods


in the instantaneous eld-averaged proles of v and u. If vi (x) is the instantaneous prole of the axial velocity averaged over the height of the observed domain, i an integer indicating time, then the standard error in v (x) is estimated as: Sv(x) =
1 n n i=1 (vi (x)

v (x))2 (2.3)


with n the number of measurements and v (x) the mean prole of the n measurements. Note that all n instantaneous eld averages {vi }i are independent and that Sv(x) yields an overestimation of the error since the averaging in space does not reduce Sv(x) . The standard error, Su(x) , in the mean lateral velocity component is calculated equivalently. The standard errors in the rms-values, Reynolds stresses and the third and fourth order moments of v and u have to be assessed in a dierent way, since these quantities are not directly measured but are derived from the velocity data. Again, the eld-averaged prole for each measurement in time is used as the instantaneous representation for each of the higher order statistics. An estimate of the standard errors is obtained by dividing the total data set into n subsets of k elements each. The root-mean-square value of the means of each subset yields the standard error in, for instance, the mean prole of the axial rms-component vrms (x):
1 n n i=1

Svrms (x) =

vrms k (x)i vrms (x) n1


where vrms k (x)i is the mean rms-prole of a subset n consisting of k instantaneous eld averaged proles and vrms (x) the mean of the n means vrms k (x)i . Typical values for the standard errors in the mean velocity components u and v will be given in section 2.4.2 and values for the standard errors in the mean higher order statistical proles will be given in section 2.4.3. The number of subsets n has been varied to show that the resulting errors are fairly independent of this number. The procedure (2.4) has been found to reproduce the standard error of Eq. (2.3) if a relatively large number of subsets is applied. For these values the total data set of 1000 instantaneous measurements has been divided into 20 subsets of 50 measurements.


Concise description of numerical methods

The results of experimental run A are compared with the predicted outcome of a dns calculation at a Reynolds number, Reb , of 10000, based the bulk velocity (0.29 m/s) and the duct width (30 mm). The dns is performed on a grid with 128 points in all three directions, uniform in the streamwise direction and with grid renement near the walls of the duct. In the streamwise direction, periodic boundary conditions are applied at the boundaries of a duct length equal to six times the width of the duct. For spatial discretisation, a second-order accurate nite volume method is applied, whereas time integration comprises the second-order accurate Adams-Bashforth method for the convective terms, Euler forward for the viscous terms and Euler backward for the pressure. The Poisson equation for the pressure is solved with the


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

BiCGstab(l) iterative method by Sleijpen & Fokkema [36]. The experimental results of run B are compared with numerical results from a large-eddy simulation for Reb = 30,000. This simulation is performed with the same numerical method and on the same grid as the dns at the lower Reynolds number. In order to take the eects of the unresolved scales on the resolved scales into account the eddy-viscosity subgrid model by Vreman [45] has been adopted. In this model the eddy viscosity is given by: e = c where c = 0.025 and ij = B ij ij ui xj (2.5)


is the rate-of-strain tensor. The quantity B is an invariant of the tensor ij = 2 mi mj m (2.7)

and m is the lter width. This subgrid model has been especially developed for turbulent shear ows. It is not more complicated than the Smagorinsky model, but it satises the correct near-wall behavior [45]. The dns results have been validated by changing the number of grid points in all three directions. A grid with 112 points in all directions gave almost indistinguishable results for the mean velocity and the components of the Reynolds stress. The les has also been performed on a longer duct in order to assess the inuence of the periodic boundary condition in streamwise direction. This turned out to have a negligible inuence. Mean results of the dns and les have been obtained by averaging over the streamwise direction and a very long time until the results did not change anymore. The les results of the components of the Reynolds stress tensor include the subgrid contributions provided by the model.


Results, comparison and discussion

This section deals with the experimental results of experimental runs A and B, see Tab 2.1. These results include the mean proles of the axial and lateral velocity components, v and u respectively, the corresponding rms-values, the Reynolds stress u v and the third and fourth order moments. All presented proles represent timeaverages based on 1000 instantaneous measurements. The mean velocities v and u as well as their rms-values are normalized with the bulk velocity, vb , and the Reynolds 2 stress u v is scaled with vb . The spanwise x -coordinates are divided by 2Dh for plotting, so that the axial centreline of the duct coincides with x/2Dh = 1. Error bars, given at several x -coordinates, indicate the 95% condence intervals of the standard error in the mean, estimated according to Eqs. (2.3) and (2.4). Furthermore, the results of run A are compared with the dns calculations at Reb = 10, 000 and the results of run B are compared with the les data at Reb = 30, 000.

2.4 Results, comparison and discussion


The values of the experimental Reynolds numbers (Tab. 2.1) are not exactly equal to those of the numerical calculations. The dierences are that small, however, that they are expected not to signicantly contribute to the observed deviations between the experimental and numerical outcomes.


Flow features

Turbulent ow through a square duct exhibits, unlike turbulent pipe ow, a threedimensional mean motion. The secondary velocity components are at maximum typically only 1% of the axial velocity, but highly aect the overall and local properties of the ow. These secondary ows appear as two co-rotating cells in each quadrant of the x-z plane. This ow pattern is displayed in Fig. 2.4, which shows a vector plot of the ow resulting from the dns.

Figure 2.4. Vector plot of the velocity in the x-z-plane, perpendicular to the axial ow direction, obtained from the dns data at Reb = 10,000.

The arrows have not been scaled (stretch factor of 1) and are plotted for every third spanwise and axial coordinate (vector spacing of 3x3), which makes them easier to distinguish. It becomes clear that each pair of cells transports uid from the center of the duct towards the corner, subsequently from the corner to the midpoints of the adjacent walls and nally back to the center of the duct. These secondary ows arise because of the fact that the ow in the vicinity of the corners experience more friction, due to the presence of the two adjacent walls, than the ow in the center region of


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

the duct. This higher friction leads to a local deceleration and pressure built-up in the corners of the duct, resulting in secondary ow.

Figure 2.5. Three consecutive instantaneous velocity elds of experimental run A, at a time interval of 1/15 s. The color bars represent the axial velocity component.

The ow in the x-y plane of the duct is of course dominated by the axial velocity component and is inherently two-dimensional in the plane of measurement at z/2Dh = 1, see Fig. 2.4. If the ow is fully developed, the time-averaged proles of both the axial and lateral velocity components are independent of the axial coordinate y. The instantaneous ow elds visualized in gure 2.5 are not time-averaged. The velocity elds at three consecutive measurements in time are shown. The vectors are scaled by a factor 1 and plotted at a vector spacing of 2x2. The contour colors represent

2.4 Results, comparison and discussion


values of the axial velocity v in m/s. It is observed that the width of the core with high velocity uid is varying in streamwise direction and that this core seems to move in transverse direction while progressing downstream. After subtraction of the mean velocity, coherent ow structures could possibly be observed near the wall, since Westerweel et al. [52] reported such structures in similar circumstances. This ow feature is not further investigated since the focus of the present study is elsewhere (see section 2.1).


Turbulent single-phase duct flow


Mean velocity proles

Mean axial velocity The mean proles of the axial velocity v for runs A and B are given in Fig. 2.6(a) and (b), respectively. The bulk Reynolds number in case of run A is 9,778 and Reb = 29,230 for run B. The maximum axial velocity for run A is v /vb = 1.28 occurring at x/2Dh = 1.01. For the experiment at the higher Reynolds number (run B) this maximum value is slightly lower, being v /vb = 1.25 also at x/2Dh = 1.01. Both proles appear to be symmetric with respect to the ducts central axis at x/2Dh = 1.



Figure 2.6. Mean experimental axial velocity proles normalized with bulk velocity vb for (a) Reb = 9, 778 (run A) and (b) Reb = 29, 230 (run B). The solid lines represent the numerically predicted proles of (a) dns at Reb = 10, 000 and (b) les at Reb = 30, 000.

The degree of symmetry of the v -prole of run A is visualized in Fig. 2.7. The proles of both sides of the central axis perfectly coincide for the majority of the spanwise do-

2.4 Results, comparison and discussion


main. The prole on the r.h.s. of the centreline starts to deviate from its counterpart left of central axis for values of x/2Dh < 0.14. A probable cause will be mentioned later.

Figure 2.7. Symmetry properties of the experimentally determined mean axial velocity component at Reb = 9, 778 (run A). The right part of the axial prole is reected with respect to x/2Dh = 1.

Figure 2.6(a) also shows the axial velocity prole of the dns for Reb = 10,000. Comparison with the measured v /vb learns that the agreement is good, apart from the somewhat higher velocity in the center of the duct in case of the experiments. Also some deviations near the walls of the duct are found. A cause might be that with the current settings of the piv-algorithm it is not possible to resolve the velocity accurately in regions with high velocity gradients, like near the walls of the duct. The predicted prole of the les for Reb = 30,000 is compared with the experimental prole of run B in Fig. 2.6(b). Again the agreement is fairly good, with deviations slightly bigger than for Reb = 10,000. The maximum axial velocity for run B was shown to be lower than that of run A, which is in line with the expected trend for increasing values of Reb . Besides, the axial prole at the higher Reynolds number was expected to be more at with higher gradients in the near-wall regions due to a 1/2 thinner wall boundary layer, since Reb [30]. This eect is visible in case of the les data but the velocity distribution of run B has practically the same shape as the prole of run A. This may indicate that our duct ow has not yet reached its fully developed state. Development of turbulent duct ow has extensively been investigated by Melling et al. [23]. The experiments described in this work were performed in a square duct of 40x41 mm2 with a length of 36Dh at a Reynolds number of 42000. They found that the axial mean velocity was increasing up to a distance of 25Dh from the inlet of the duct and that in the nearly developed state the mean axial velocity starts to decrease again, due to redistribution of momentum across the duct induced by the


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

secondary ow. This decrease is in the order of 2% over a length of several hydraulic diameters and it appeared that the ow did not reach its fully developed state within the duct length of 36Dh . If it is assumed that this nearly-developed situation also holds for the ow of the present study, the axial variations of the mean velocity would be too small to be measured over the height of the observed domain. Mean lateral velocity The mean lateral velocity distribution resulting from run A is plotted in Fig. 2.8(a). Note that the maximum values ||/vb are indeed very small if compared to the streamu



Figure 2.8. Mean experimental lateral velocity proles normalized with bulk velocity vb for (a) Reb = 9, 778 (run A) and (b) Reb = 29, 230 (run B). The solid lines represent the numerically predicted proles of (a) dns at Reb = 10, 000 and (b) les at Reb = 30, 000.

wise component, typically less than 0.5% of v /vb . Given the smallness of this velocity component and the high uncertainty in the instantaneous estimation of the displacement, due to peak locking, a large number of measurements is required to measure

2.4 Results, comparison and discussion


a smooth mean prole of u. The measurement uncertainty is reected in the size of the plotted error bars (Fig. 2.8(a)). The measured u-prole is quite smooth, so apparently the data set of 1000 independent measurements in time is large enough. The maxima ||/vb occur at spanwise coordinates x/2Dh = 0.32 and 1.67 with u = 0 u on the central axis of the duct. The mean lateral prole for the high Reb is shown in Fig. 2.8(b). The maximum values of || are about 0.7% of vb and thus higher than u those for the prole for Reb = 9,778, but their spanwise position is identical. For the proles of Figs. 2.6(a) and (b) both holds that although the maxima ||/vb occur at u equal distances from x/2Dh = 1, the shapes of the proles do not seem be exactly symmetrical with respect to the central axis of the duct. The degree of symmetry for the measured u-prole of run A is visualized in Fig. 2.9. The gure is obtained by reecting the right part of the lateral prole with respect to x/2Dh = 1 and subsequently with respect to u/vb = - 1.36104 . It appears that the parts of the prole left and right of x/2Dh = 1 are less identical in shape than those of the axial prole, but good agreement is found for x/2Dh > 0.6. For smaller spanwise coordinates, i.e. close to the wall, the right part of the prole has lower values for u than the left part. This might be the result of a slight deviation in the alignment of the laser sheet, i.e. the laser sheet is not perfectly parallel to the spanwise axis of the duct.

Figure 2.9. Symmetry properties of the experimentally determined mean lateral velocity component at Reb = 9, 778 (run A). The right part of the lateral prole is rst reected with respect to x/2Dh = 1 and subsequently with respect to u/vb = - 1.36104 .

The measured values of ||/vb , mentioned previously, indicate that the maxima of u || are increasing for higher values of Reb . This can be explained by the increasing u axial pressure drop and hence increasing wall-friction for higher Reynolds numbers, resulting in a stronger secondary ow. Melling & Whitelaw [23] reported maximum values of ||/vb of 0.0075 at Reb = 42,000. This conrms the observed trend for ||/vb u u at higher Reynolds numbers.


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

Fig. 2.8(a) shows that the measured distribution of run A follows the trend of the dns data well and that the values in the centre of the duct actually coincide. The maximum measured values are, however, only one half of the maximum predicted values. The reason for this discrepancy is unknown. The eect of a slight misalignment of the laser sheet, mentioned in the above, would be too small to cause such a substantial dierence. The lateral prole resulting from the les is shown in Fig. 2.8(b). It can be noted that the maxima of || of the les are lower than those u of the dns at the lower Reynolds number. This is opposite to the trend observed for the measured values, which makes the predicted u-proles of the les suspicious.

2.4 Results, comparison and discussion



Higher order statistical proles

The higher order moments of the velocity components v and u are obtained from the instantaneous velocity elds by averaging rst over the grid points of constant spanwise coordinates x and then ensemble averaging these line-averages over the data set of 1000 measurements in time. Velocity uctuations Consider the axial root-mean-square proles that are presented in Fig. 2.10. The vrms prole of run A is plotted in sub-gure (a) together with the outcome of the dns.



Figure 2.10. Experimental axial rms-velocity normalized with bulk velocity vb for (a) Reb = 9, 778 (run A) and (b) Reb = 29, 230 (run B). The solid lines represent the numerically predicted proles of (a) dns at Reb = 10, 000 and (b) les at Reb = 30, 000.


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

The axial velocity uctuation is around 5% of the bulk velocity in the centre of the duct and increases up to 18% (at x/2Dh = 1.96 according to the dns data) in the nearwall region, where the production of turbulent kinetic energy is highest, and becomes zero at the wall. The gure shows that the agreement between the experimental and numerical prole is fairly good in the centre region of the duct. The experimental data follow the trend of the numerical data towards the left wall reasonably well up to x/2Dh = 0.05. For spanwise coordinates even closer to the wall it appears that with the current settings the piv-algorithm is unable to resolve vrms accurately in a region where the axial uctuation is very rapidly decreasing to zero. The contour plot

Figure 2.11. Contour plot of the time-averaged axial rms-component across the whole streamwise domain at Reb = 9, 778 (run A). The contour colors represent vrms scaled with vb .

of the time-averaged axial velocity uctuation across the whole streamwise domain, shown in Fig. 2.11, reveals that the iso-levels of vrms on the right side of the duct are wider than on the left side of the duct, indicating a smaller spanwise gradient of vrms . Next to that it appears that the iso-level of vrms /vb 0.01 near the right wall bulges towards the centre from y = 3.5 mm up to y 17 mm. It might be that the ow near the wall on the right (x = 30 mm) is disturbed by an upstream surface irregularity, for instance at the transition of the glass window and the inner duct surface. This transition is not perfectly smooth because the window is not mounted completely ush with the inner surface of the duct. The axial uctuation of the velocity in case of the higher Reynolds number is shown in Fig. 2.10(b) with the predicted prole of the les. It appears that the normalized vrms in the centre of the duct is hardly dependent on the bulk Reynolds number, which was also observed by Walpot [47] for the axial root-mean-square velocity in a turbulent pipe ow. In the work of Walpot [47] is also mentioned that the peak values of vrms are shifted closer to the wall for higher Reb due to a decrease of the viscous scales in the near-wall region for larger values of Reb . The measured

2.4 Results, comparison and discussion




Figure 2.12. Experimental lateral rms-velocity normalized with bulk velocity vb for (a) Reb = 9, 778 (run A) and (b) Reb = 29, 230 (run B). The solid lines represent the numerically predicted proles of (a) dns at Reb = 10, 000 and (b) les at Reb = 30, 000.

prole near the left duct wall indicates that this also holds for the duct ow of the present study. The spanwise distributions of the lateral velocity uctuations are given in Fig. 2.12. The shape of experimental prole of run A is in fair agreement with that of the dns. The measured values of urms are somewhat lower that those predicted by the dns. The experimental ndings for run B are displayed in sub-gure (b) and are typically smaller than those of run A. This dependence of urms on Reb of the experiments is similar to that of the radial velocity uctuation of the turbulent pipe ow measured by Walpot [47].


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

Reynolds stress In the centre plane of the duct where the measurements are performed, u v is the dominant o-diagonal component of the Reynolds stress tensor. The experimentally determined Reynolds stress component u v for run A and B is displayed in Fig. 2.13(a) and (b), respectively.


2 Figure 2.13. Experimental Reynolds stress component u v normalized with vb for a) Reb = 9, 778 (run A) and (b) Reb = 29, 230 (run B). The solid lines represent the numerically predicted proles of (a) dns at Reb = 10, 000 and (b) les at Reb = 30, 000.

The Reynolds stress should be zero along the axial central axis at x/2Dh = 1 because of symmetry, which is satised by both measured proles. In a fully developed turbulent duct ow the total shear stress, which is the sum of the Reynolds stress u v and the viscous stress d/dx, varies linearly across the duct width [30]. Since in the v core region of the ow the shear stress is dominated by u v , it is therefore expected

2.4 Results, comparison and discussion


that the latter varies linearly with the spanwise coordinate x/2Dh . This trend is clearly visible for both run A and B. In the near-wall region viscous stresses become dominant and u v 0 for x/2Dh 2, which is in agreement with the observed near-wall distribution of the Reynolds stress for the experimental prole of run A but less apparent for run B. Sub-gure (b) shows that the spanwise gradient of the Reynolds stress for run B is smaller if compared to that in case of the lower Reynolds number (run A). This can be explained in the following way. In the center region of the duct, the axial pressure gradient is counter-balanced by the spanwise gradient of the Reynolds stress u v , since the viscous stress is negligible in this region. The displayed gradients of u v in Figs. 2.13(a) and (b) are normalized with the square of the bulk velocity. Normalizing the axial pressure gradient with the same term yields a value that represents the friction 2 factor dened as f pD/0.5vb L, where p is the pressure drop over a streamwise distance L and D the pipe diameter [30]. The eect of Reb on the friction factor f, for fully developed ows in smooth pipes, is estimated using Prandtls law of friction, see Pope [30]: 1 = 2.0 log10 ( f Reb ) 0.8 (2.8) f An increase of the Reynolds number from 10,000 to 30,000 results with Eq. (2.8) in a relative decrease of the friction factor of 23.9%. This decrease is almost identical to the observed relative decrease in the gradient of u v displayed in sub-gures (a) and (b), which is 24.4%. In the center region of our duct ow changes in the gradient of the Reynolds stress are counter-balanced by changes in the gradient of the pressure. The fact that the experimentally observed dependency of the Reynolds stress gradient on Reb is in such close agreement with the trend estimated from the friction law (Eq. (2.8)) for fully developed pipe ow, strongly indicates that the duct ow of the present study has reached its fully developed state.

Skewness and atness proles The third and fourth order moments of both the axial and lateral velocities are determined for run A. The third order statistic, also referred to as skewness, is dened as: u3 3i u2 + 23 u i ui S ui = i (2.9) u3 i,rms with ui and ui,rms either the axial or lateral velocity and their rms-values, respectively. The fourth order statistic, denoted as atness F, is given by: Fui = u4 4i u3 + 62 u2 34 u i ui i ui i 4 ui,rms (2.10)

The proles of S and F are shown in Figs. 2.14 and 2.15. These third and fourth order moments of the velocity are expected to be more sensitive to measurement noise than the lower order moments presented above. Measurement noise would reect itself


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

as outliers in the measured proles of S and especially F. Apparently application of the second local median lter step to the velocity uctuations (section 4.2.4) was useful, since the presented proles appear as smooth distributions across the spanwise domain. The skewness prole of the axial velocity is given in Fig. 2.14(a).



Figure 2.14. Higher order statistical moments of axial velocity at Reb = 9, 778 represented by (a) skewness S and (b) atness F. The solid lines correspond to the results of the dns at Reb = 10, 000.

The prole shows a gradually uctuating trend with values between -0.5 and 0. The spanwise distribution of Fv , displayed in sub-gure (b), exhibits a similar trend but now the values are between 2.6 and 4.2. The S u -prole (Fig. 2.15(a)) is fairly symmetrical with respect to the central axis of the duct and is zero at x/2Dh . The lateral atness, in sub-gure (b) is homogeneous in the central area of the duct and shows increasing values in the near-wall regions. The skewness and atness proles for run B are similar to the ones shown for run A. Nevertheless they are not presented here, because the third and fourth order statistics can not be computed for the les,

2.4 Results, comparison and discussion


making a direct comparison not possible.



Figure 2.15. Higher order statistical moments of lateral velocity at Reb = 9, 778 represented by (a) skewness S and (b) atness F. The solid lines correspond to the results of the dns at Reb = 10, 000.

The probability density function of the velocity components in the centre region of a duct is bell-shaped but not exactly Gaussian [47]. The corresponding values of the skewness and atness are close to 0 and 3, respectively, since these are the values for Gaussian processes. The proles resulting from the dns, shown in Figs. 2.14 and 2.15, comply with these values. The measured distributions of S v and Fv follow the same trend as the numerical proles, also shown in Fig. 2.14, although variations in the experimental proles in the centre region are more pronounced. The origin of the gradual variations in the measured S and F is unknown. The measured lateral atness Fu (Fig. 2.15(b)) shows the same constant level of as the dns in the center region of the duct, but is biased towards a value of around 4. This indicates that the tails of the probability density functions are higher than would be the case if the observed values


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

of u would follow a Gaussian distribution. Furthermore, the skewness and atness distributions of the dns demonstrate that the probability density functions of the velocity component show an increasing departure from a Gaussian shape towards the walls of the duct, due to local anisotropy of the ow in the near-wall region [47]. This trend is also clearly visible in the measured distribution of Fu , given in Fig. 2.15(b).



In the present study, piv measurements have been performed in a turbulent singlephase ow through a square duct. The velocity is measured in the center plane of the duct at Reynolds numbers of 9,778 and 29,230, based on the bulk velocity and the hydraulic diameter of the duct. In addition, the measured mean proles of both the axial and lateral velocities and their higher order statistical moments are compared with dns results at Reb = 10,000 and les predictions at Reb = 30,000. The agreement between the measured proles at both Reynolds numbers and the dns and les data is satisfactory. Deviations between the experimental and numerical velocity and rms-proles, observed in the near-wall regions, are the result of measurement inaccuracy. The cause of the dierence between the measured maximum values of the lateral velocity || and the dns is, on the other hand, unknown. The measured u rms-velocities are found to decrease with increasing Reb . This is in line with the observed trends reported in literature. The experimentally observed dependency of the Reynolds stress gradient on Reb is in close agreement with the trend estimated from Prandtls law of friction for fully developed pipe ow. This indicates that the duct ow of the present study has reached its fully developed state at a distance of 43Dh from the inlet of the hydraulic development section. If there would be any streamwise variations in the properties of the ow, they are expected to be small and would remain undetected due to the limited height of the observed domain.

2.5 Conclusions


D Dh F L M Q Reb S S T dp ds d f f /D p p u ulm urms uv v vb vlm |v|r vrms x y Greek k p Subscripts L v v Pipe diameter Hydraulic diameter Flatness Characteristic axial length scale for pressure drop Magnication factor Volumetric ow rate Reynolds number based on vb and Dh Standard error Skewness Temperature Particle diameter Diraction limited image diameter Particle image diameter Friction factor Relative aperture Pressure Axial pressure drop Lateral velocity Lateral local median velocity Lateral root-mean-square velocity Reynolds stress Axial velocity Bulk velocity of liquid cross-ow Axial local median velocity Residual vector length Axial root-mean-square velocity Lateral / spanwise coordinate Axial / streamwise coordinate [m] [m] [] [m] [] [m3 /s] [] [] [] [ C] [m] [m] [m] [] [] [bar] [N/m2 ] [m/s] [pixels] [m/s] [m2 /s2 ] [m/s] [m/s] [pixels] [pixels] [m/s] [mm] [mm]

Wall-boundary layer thickness Turbulent energy dissipation rate Wavelength Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Mass density Kolmogorov time scale Particle relaxation time

[m] [m2 /s3 ] [m] [Pa s] [m2 /s] [kg/m3 ] [ms] [ms]

Liquid Axial velocity Lateral velocity


Turbulent single-phase duct flow

Chapter 3

Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-ow of water

3.1 Introduction

Direct steam injection is a very eective way to rapidly and homogeneously heat uids [43]. A well-known industrial application is the sterilization process of milk. To improve the taste of the milk it is necessary to decrease the heating time and increase the process temperature during sterilization. An experimental study is being conducted in our laboratory to investigate the turbulent mixing and heating phenomena induced by the condensation of steam in a cross-ow of water. The ndings of the experimental work are also used for the validation of a cfd model which is being developed to facilitate scale up from laboratory to commercial production scales. This paper presents results regarding topology changes and heat transfer of the injected steam. When steam is injected into sub-cooled water direct contact condensation occurs. Depending on process conditions like steam mass ux, G, bulk water temperature, TL , and on the injection conguration (direction of injection, nozzle diameter and shape), dierent regimes of direct contact condensation can be found. At high steam mass uxes (near sonic and sonic), the steam forms either an oscillatory or a stable vapor jet that ends at a certain distance from the injector. Stable steam jets require choked injector ow and have been studied extensively. Theoretical expressions for stable vapor jet lengths injected into a stagnant pool of subcooled liquids of the same compound were presented by Weimer et al. [48] and Chen & Faeth [7]. Several experimental studies (Kerney et. al [20], Weimer et. al [48], Chun et al. [9]) were carried out to obtain correlations for the condensing steam jet length and the mean steamwater heat transfer coecient as a function of liquid bath temperature, steam mass ux and injection nozzle diameter. At lower steam mass uxes, the condensing steam


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

forms a vapor pocket that continuously grows and collapses at the steam injection hole. At very low steam uxes and high water sub-cooling, the steam-water interface moves periodically in and out of the injection hole and this regime is indicated as chugging. Both regimes have been investigated by Nariai & Aya [24], Aya & Nariai [2], Youn et al. [54] and Chan & Lee [6]. Pressure and uid oscillations, induced by the unstable condensation, were studied both theoretically and experimentally [24, 2]. Various regimes could be identied in the pressure oscillation patterns. They observed high frequency ( 150 Hz) pressure uctuations of 0.2 to 0.4 bar (gauge) during condensation oscillation, while in the chugging regime pressure spikes of about 0.3 bar (gauge) occur at approximately 10 Hz followed by a ring-out pressure oscillation. A condensation regime map for steam mass uxes less than 200 kg/m2 s was constructed [24, 2]. Chan & Lee [6] presented a regime map for steam mass uxes less than 175 kg/m2 s based on high-speed lms and pressure measurements. Previous studies of unstable steam condensation at low mass uxes of steam merely focused on pressure oscillations and regime transitions, while the interface topology of condensing steam jet and the intermittent character not really were investigated. In the present paper, an experimental study of unstable direct steam condensation is carried out to determine heat transfer coecient histories, growth times and histories of sizes and shapes of injected steam pockets. New features of the experiments, which have never been studied before, are the eects of a liquid cross-ow on heat transfer and interface topology of intermittent direct condensation. A model to predict growth, total time of growth and maximum steam pocket size will be presented. The topology history of steam pockets at low mass uxes of injected steam is reminiscent of that of bubble growth during convective boiling at high heat uxes. For this reason the model has been based on existing knowledge of forces occurring during detachment of boiling bubbles [40, 42]. Model predictions will be compared with experimental results, not only for validation purposes but also to facilitate interpretation of measured trends.


Experimental set-up

Figure 3.1 schematically shows the experimental set-up with the steam supply system on the left and the test section in the center. The steam generator delivers saturated steam at a maximum pressure of 10 bar (absolute) and a maximum ow rate of 0.33 kg/s. A reduction valve enables control of the pressure downstream the main supply line. Before injection into the test section the steam is fed to a condenser, to heat up the supply lines and prevent condensation during actual injection. Only a small amount of steam (at max. 0.8 kg/h) is needed in the test section during an experimental run. At a distance of two meters upstream of the steam injection point, the diameter of the steam supply line gradually decreases from DN 40 ( 40 mm) to DN 4 ( 4 mm). The steam ow rate after this convergence is measured by a Coriolis mass ow meter (accuracy: 1% of measured value) and controlled by a pid-actuated pneumatic valve. Further downstream, 150 mm upstream of the injection point, a

3.2 Experimental


pressure transducer (accuracy: 0.1% full scale range which is between 0 and 10 bar (absolute)) and Pt-100 element monitor the injection conditions of the steam. This DN 4 section of the steam line as well as the mass ow controller are covered with an electrical heating wire and insulation to avoid condensation.
H e a t e x c h a n g e r
6 6

C o n d e n s a te d r a in C o n d e n s o r P re s s u re r e d u c tio n v a lv e
2 2 6

P n e u m a tic c o n tr o l v a lv e
. 2 6

E le c tr ic a l h e a te r H ig h s p e e d c a m e ra

S te a m S te a m g e n e ra to r 2 6 .

in je c tio n p o in t

P r e s s u r iz e d a ir s u p p ly

P re s s u re tra n s d u c e r P t- 1 0 0 e le m e n t F lo w m e te r

E x p a n s io n v e s s e l D is c h a r g e

P u m p
Figure 3.1. Experimental set-up

The measurement loop (the right hand side of Fig. 3.1) is a closed circuit containing approximately 50 liters of demineralized water. The ow is upward in the test section and is provided by a frequency controlled centrifugal pump. The volumetric ow rate of the water is measured with an ultrasonic ow meter (accuracy: 0.25% full scale which is 0-9104 m3 /s ). The closed loop can be pressurized up to 8 bar (absolute) via an expansion vessel whose upper half is connected to a pressurized air supply. The expansion vessel also minimizes pressure uctuations. Four Pt-100 elements monitor the water temperature at various locations in the loop. The system pressure and the water temperature are constant during the measurements despite the injection of steam. A pid-actuated bleed valve that is connected to a pressure


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

transducer (accuracy: 0.1% full scale which is 0-7 bar (absolute)), located at the inlet of the measurement section, is used to control pressure. If the pressure in the loop exceeds set point, the bleed valve opens and it closes again when the pressure again reaches a set value. Water temperature is kept constant during steam injection, by using a heat exchanger and a 17 kW electrical heater downstream of the test section whose output power is controlled by a pid controller. The electrical heater heats the water to a desired value with a maximum of 100 C. The actual measurement section (see Appendix A), indicated in Fig. 3.1 with a grey color, has a square inner cross-section of 30x30 mm2 and is optically accessible at the location where steam is injected. Before entering the optically accessible section, the water ows through a 30x30 mm2 channel with a length of 1200 mm (40 times the hydraulic diameter) to obtain fully developed turbulent ow at the steam injection point. The steam is injected at saturated conditions (in some cases slightly superheated), through a ush mounted wall injector with a circular hole with a diameter of 2 mm. The steam injection point is located 10 cm downstream of the entrance of the optically accessible section. The whole set-up is thermally insulated with a 20 mm thick foam layer.


Image recording and process conditions

The injected steam topology is observed with a 10 bit high speed camera (PCO 1200 hs) at frame rates between 839.25 and 949.58 Hz and with exposure times and resolutions as summarized in Tab. 3.1. A 250 Watt halogen lamp illuminates the pocket from the front in such a way that reections at the gas-liquid interface are minimized. The signals of all measuring equipment are monitored and logged by means of a data acquisition system consisting of a A/D converter and a PC. Run no. 1 - 21 22 - 24 25 - 32 Frame rate [Hz] 949.58 839.25 935.75 Exposure time [ms] 0.3 0.3 0.3 Sensor size [pixels x pixels] 700x536 600x607 870x544

Table 3.1. Applied frame rates, exposure times and sensor resolutions.

Contours of the steam topology will be measured in the centre plane of the duct. To transform pixel sizes to physical dimensions an in-situ calibration is carried out. To is end, a grid with small dots ( = 0.3 mm) at a pitch of 20.01 mm is positioned in the center plane of the duct and photographed before the measurements. The grid is mounted in a square frame which enables positioning of the grid inside the duct with an accuracy of less than 0.1 mm. No images distortions were present in the calibration images, which allows linear scaling for transforming pixel coordinates to physical coordinates. In total 32 experimental runs have been performed at various steam mass uxes ,
Mach numbers corresponding to the mass uxes G listed in Tab. 3.2, the nozzle area and the speed of sound in steam are between 0.04 and 0.11

3.2 Experimental


liquid cross-ow rates and water temperatures measured at the inlet of the measurement section. A complete overview of the process conditions is given in Tab. 3.2. The listed process conditions represent values time-averaged over a period of 1 minute. Within this period, 500 images of the injected steam topology are captured which corresponds to a recording time of about 0.6 s. Two minutes after adapting the process conditions the image recording was started, to ensure that steam injection and the conditions inside the measurement loop had reached steady state. It should be noted that the reference height at which the values of pL in Tab. 3.2 are given equals that of the steam injection point. These values are obtained by correcting the actual readings from the pressure transducer at the inlet of the measurement set-up with the corresponding hydrostatic pressure dierence.

Run no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32

G [kg/m2 s] 70.1 42.5 53.1 36.0 37.2 44.8 52.6 34.7 44.1 53.2 69.1 35.2 44.5 52.8 35.0 43.4 52.6 36.1 43.9 55.2 38.0 45.0 53.6 35.2 44.4 55.2 71.2 53.5 70.0

Tv [ C] 134.2 135.0 135.7 136.0 135.2 133.6 133.7 130.5 130.5 130.9 131.6 131.0 131.1 131.3 130.9 131.1 131.3 131.9 132.1 132.4 139.2 138.7 139.1 124.0 126.6 124.0 125.8 128.4 126.9

pv [bar a] 3.01 3.06 3.12 3.16 3.09 2.94 2.96 2.74 2.74 2.77 2.83 2.78 2.79 2.81 2.77 2.79 2.81 2.80 2.82 2.84 3.53 3.48 3.52 2.25 2.44 2.25 2.38 2.57 2.46

TL [ C] 64.4 64.5 64.4 65.0 64.4 64.1 64.4 45.6 45.8 45.6 45.1 45.3 45.1 45.1 26.0 25.9 25.9 25.6 25.5 25.5 64.2 64.3 64.4 74.1 74.2 74.2 74.1 74.2 74.1

pL [bar a] 2.98 3.06 3.12 3.16 3.09 2.94 2.96 2.74 2.74 2.77 2.80 2.78 2.79 2.81 2.77 2.79 2.80 2.80 2.82 2.84 3.53 3.48 3.52 2.25 2.44 2.24 2.36 2.57 2.44

QL [104 m3 /s] 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 0 0 0 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 0 0 0 1.75 1.75 1.75 0 0 0 3.47 3.47 3.47 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 0 0

Table 3.2. Process conditions of experimental runs.


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water


Experimental results
Selections and accuracies

This section shows results of the high-speed visualization of the injected steam topology. First, the growth and collapse of steam pockets is presented for experimental runs 4 and 15, see Tab. 3.2. These runs possess steam mass uxes of 36 kg/m2 s and 35 kg/m2 s, a water ow rate of 1.75104 m3 /s and water temperatures of 65 C and 25 C, respectively. Since their results are typical, they are presented via: Image sequences of typical condensation cycles. Histories of the steam pocket penetration depth. The following results will be presented for all experimental runs with steam mass uxes in the range of 34.7 kg/m2 s to 71.2 kg/m2 s, water ow rates of 0 m3 /s, 1.75104 m3 /s and 3.47104 m3 /s and water temperatures between 25.4 C and 74.2 C: Time-averaged maximum penetration depths of the steam pocket. Time-averaged growth times of the steam pocket. Initial velocity of the center of the steam pocket away from the wall. Characterizations of steam pocket shapes at the instant of total condensation/collapse. Total heat transfer coecients for heat transferred from the injected steam to the approaching bulk water. Initial radius of the steam pocket. These results are obtained by analyzing 500 images that are captured for each set of process conditions. For each series of 500 images, typically 40 to 50 condensation cycles (see section 3.3.2) were identied. The results listed above are presented as values averaged over the number of identied condensation cycles. The errors of these experimentally determined quantities are dened as the standard error in the mean values. For directly determined quantities the standard error is given by / (N 1) with the measured standard deviation of the quantity and N the number of observed condensation cycles. For results that are calculated from a multitude of quantities, like the heat transfer coecient, the standard error is based on the combination of standard errors of each quantity and is calculated by error propagation rules as given in [38]. The standard errors are valid on a 68% condence interval and are represented by the vertical error bars in the gures. The (horizontal) error bars on the steam mass ux represent the standard deviations of the measured uxes. The accuracy of the Coriolis meter as given by the manufacturer amounts to 1% of the measured value which is less than the measured standard deviation. The latter ranges from 3% to 9% for the highest and lowest mass uxes, respectively, and is used for representation in gures. The experimentally determined quantities are presented in series of points at almost equal water temperatures but varying steam mass uxes. Dashed lines that

3.3 Experimental results


connect the points of a series are plotted to guide the eye. The water temperatures given in the legends of the gures represent setpoint values and can therefore dier slightly from the temperatures shown in Tab. 3.2.


Steam pocket growth and collapse

Figure 3.2 shows a sequence of 12 images of a condensing steam pocket typically observed at low steam mass ux and a water temperature of 65 C (run 4), see Tab. 3.2. The time between consecutive images is 1.05 ms and the width of each image corresponds to 10.8 mm. The horizontal position of the front of the steam pocket with respect to the injection hole is dened as the penetration depth, L. The rst image shown in Fig. 3.2 represents a steam pocket at the initial size and minimum L measured, that is growing in the subsequent images. The steam pocket reaches the maximum size measured in the second last image, and this size is denotes as the maximum penetration depth, Lf . The temporal resolution and deceleration of the bubble front just before total condensation cause an approximate relative error in Lf of 1 % to 2%. Partial detachment of the steam pocket is displayed in the last image. Note the formation of a neck in the last image of the second row of Fig. 3.2.

1 0 .8 m m

Figure 3.2. Topology history of a typical condensation cycle at Tv = 136.0 C, G = 36.0 kg/m2 s, QL = 1.75104 m3 /s and TL = 65 C (run 4). The time interval between consecutive images is 1.05 ms. The order of the images that corresponds to the growth sequence of the pocket is in horizontal direction from the left to the right.

Figure 3.3 shows a sequence of 6 images of a typical condensation cycle observed at a low mass ux of steam and low water temperature (run 15), see Tab. 3.2. The


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

1 0 .8 m m

Figure 3.3. Topology history of a typical condensation cycle at Tv = 130.9 C, G = 35.0 kg/m2 s, QL = 1.75104 m3 /s and TL = 26 C (run 15). The time interval between consecutive images is 1.05 ms. The order of the images that corresponds to the growth sequence of the pocket is in horizontal direction from the left to the right.

time between consecutive images and the image width are equal to those of run 4. The growing steam jet has at its maximum penetration depth in the second last image followed by a sudden collapse of the entire pocket in the last image. Figure 3.4 shows two penetration depth histories during subsequent condensation cycles of run 4 in the upper history and for run 15 in the lower history. The penetration depth, L has been determined by tracking the horizontal pixel positions of the front of the pocket for 41 subsequent images. Both histories clearly show a more or less periodic growth of the steam pocket. Arrows in the gures indicate the moment of condensation/collapse. The time elapse between the minimum penetration depth and the maximum penetration depth is dened as the growth time, tf . It is noted that in the history at TL = 26 C not only periodes of growth but also periods during which no steam pocket was present in the images are observed. This is indicated as waiting time in Fig. 3.4.


Maximum steam pocket size and growth time

The results presented in the following have been obtained by identifying the condensation cycles and waiting times for each experimental run, from 500 images per run. The measured maximum penetration depths, Lf , and growth times, tf , of the steam pocket have subsequently been averaged over the total number of condensation cycles of each run. Figure 3.5 shows the maximum penetration depths of the steam. The standard error in the mean value of Lf ranges from 2% to 6%. It appears from Figs. 3.5(a) and 3.5(b) that the maximum penetration depths become higher when TL increases, or Tv TL decreases, for both cases of zero cross-ow and nonzero cross-ow. Comparison of Figs. 3.5(a), 3.5(b) and 3.5(c) also learns that Lf decreases with increasing water ow rate, for constant TL , and that this eect becomes stronger with

3.3 Experimental results


Figure 3.4. Penetration depth histories of the steam pocket during consecutive condensation cycles of run 4 (Tv = 136.0 C, G = 36.0 kg/m2 s, QL = 1.75104 m3 /s and TL = 65 C) and run 15 (Tv = 130.9 C, G = 35.0 kg/m2 s, QL = 1.75104 m3 /s and TL = 26 C). The arrows indicate the instant of total condensation/collapse.

increasing TL . The maximum penetration depth does not show a strong dependency on the steam mass ux, G, but is however for most series rst slightly increasing and subsequently decreasing with increasing G (at constant TL and QL ). The growth time of a steam pocket of a single condensation cycle is calculated from multiplication of the number of images of which the cycle consists by the inverse of the frame rate of the camera. The mean growth time of an experimental run is then obtained by averaging over all condensation cycles occurring in that run, see Fig. 3.6. The standard errors in the mean values of tf , represented by the vertical error bars, are at maximum 7% for runs 4, 5 and 25 and around 4% for the other runs. Figure 3.6 clearly shows that the growth time is decreasing with increasing steam mass ux for all water temperatures and water ow rates. It appears that the growth time is longest for the no ow case at TL = 75 C (Fig. 3.6(a)) and is shortest at TL = 25 C with QL = 1.75104 m3 /s (Fig. 3.6(b)).


Initial wall normal pocket velocity and pocket radius

This section deals with two results that will be used as initial conditions in the model, described in section 3.4. First, the initial wall-normal pocket velocity is presented and subsequently the initial steam pocket radius. The initial wall normal velocity U0 is determined from the high speed recordings according to: L(t1 ) L(t0 ) (3.1) U0 = t Here L(t0 ) is the penetration depth of the steam pocket in the rst image of a con-


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water




Figure 3.5. Experimentally determined maximum penetration depths of the steam pocket for water ow rates of (a) QL = 0 m3 /s, (b) QL = 1.75104 m3 /s and (c) QL = 3.47104 m3 /s.

3.3 Experimental results





Figure 3.6. Experimentally determined growth times of the steam pocket for water ow rates of (a) QL = 0 m3 /s, (b) QL = 1.75104 m3 /s and (c) QL = 3.47 104 m3 /s.


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water



Figure 3.7. Experimentally determined initial wall-normal velocity of the steam pocket for water ow rates of (a) QL = 0 m3 /s, (b) QL = 1.75104 m3 /s.

densation cycle, i.e. in the rst image of the sequence shown in Figs. 3.2 and 3.3; L(t1 ) is the penetration depth in the subsequent image, i.e. the second image of the sequence of Figs. 3.2 and 3.3 and t is the inverse of the frame rate. Like the other results presented in this section, U0 is determined by averaging over the condensation cycles of each experimental run. The error bars on U0 , depicted in gure 3.7, give the standard errors in the mean value of U0 due to the uncertainties in L(t0 )and L(t1 ). The standard error varies between 6% and 11%. Two main trends that can be observed in Fig. 3.7, for both volumetric ow rates, are: U0 increases with increasing G U0 increases with decreasing TL Analysis of the high speed recordings learns that the initial shape of the steam pocket often can be approximated by a truncated sphere. Fitting a smooth contour with the shape of a truncated sphere on the steam-liquid interface of the initial steam pocket yields an estimate of the necessary dimensions, as shown in Fig. 3.8. The wallnormal distance from injection wall to the center of the truncated sphere is dened as h. R0 is the smallest radius of curvature in the highest point of the truncated sphere. The average value of R0 per experimental run and the corresponding error bars, like shown in Figure 3.9, are calculated in the same way as described for U0 in the above. The standard errors in the mean vale of R0 are in the range of 4% to 10%. Fig. 3.9 shows that R0 is slightly decreasing with increasing G. The liquid bulk temperature, TL , has a more distinct inuence on R0 : the lower TL the lower R0 .

3.3 Experimental results



Figure 3.8. Truncated sphere with denition of dimensions


Geometrical criterion for pocket shape at condensation

The model, mentioned in section 3.1, employs a force balance to predict steam pocket growth in time. This force balance holds at each instant during growth of the steam pocket. In addition, a criterion is required for the nal shape of the pocket at the moment it condenses/collapses. This criterion is a geometrical criterion to mark the end of growth and is comparable to shape criteria that mark the end of boiling bubble growth [8, 4]. The high-speed visualizations showed that frequently observed shapes of the steam pocket at its maximum size, i.e. just before total collapse/full condensation, can be approximated by: A cylinder plus a sphere Ellipsoid (prolate and oblate) One or two cylinders plus ellipsoid (prolate and oblate). These shapes and their corresponding smooth contours are shown in Fig. 3.10. To characterize the shape of the steam pocket just before collapsing, the so-called detachment ratio (h/R)f is dened. It is based on the ratio of two length scales h and R, which are obtained from the smooth contours that are tted on the steam pocket. The wall-normal distance h is the horizontal spacing between the injection wall and center of either the ellipsoid or the sphere, analogous to the denition of h for the truncated sphere (section 3.3.4). The radius R is the is the smallest radius of curvature in the highest point of the sphere or ellipsoid. The mean detachment ratio for a given set of process conditions is obtained by averaging the ratios of measured condensation cycles, see Figure 3.11. The standard error in the mean value of (h/R)f varies between 3% and 10%. The ratio is highest at TL = 75 C and is decreasing with decreasing liquid bulk temperature. Comparison of Figs. 3.11(a) and 3.11(b) shows that (h/R)f is higher for the cases with no cross-ow, for given TL .


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water



Figure 3.9. Experimentally determined initial radius of the steam pocket for water ow rates of (a) QL = 0 m3 /s, (b) QL = 1.75104 m3 /s.


Heat transfer coecient for direct contact condensation

The heat transfer coecient in unstable steam condensation is generally dicult to determine since the steam-liquid interface is complex and varying in shape and size and since the interface motion is complicated. The high-speed recordings of the steam pockets and simultaneous measurement of liquid and vapor bulk properties, however, provide data for an estimate of a time-averaged total heat transfer coecient, hcond . Since steam pocket growth is intermittent the heat transfer rate across the interface is not constant. Since only time-averaged values of the bulk temperatures of steam and liquid are known, the heat transfer coecient will be based on the total heat transferred across the interface during a multitude of condensation cycles. The analysis is restricted to a single cycle by averaging and using tf . The derivation of hcond starts with conservation of mass: dv V (t) Q(t) =G dt hf g (3.2)

where V (t) denotes the instantaneous steam pocket volume (m3 ), G the constant steam mass ow rate (kg/s) and Q(t) the instantaneous heat ow rate across the steam pocket interface (J/s). Extraction of Q(t) from Eq. (3.2) and subsequent integration over the steam pocket growth time, tf , yields: Q tf = Ghf g tf hf g v V (tf ) V (t0 ) (3.3)

3.3 Experimental results






Figure 3.10. Most frequently observed steam pocket shapes at the end of a condensation cycle, with h and R dened for each case.

Q is the heat which is on the average transferred across the interface during a condensation cycle. Volumes V (t0 ) and V (tf ) are the volumes of the steam pocket at the beginning and the end of a cycle. Equation (3.3) yields: V (tf ) V (t0 ) Q = hf g G v tf (3.4)

Now, we introduce the instantaneous condensational heat transfer coecient hcond that is a necessary input parameter for the model that will be described in section 3.4. This heat transfer coecient, for a pocket of arbitrary shape, is given by: hcond = Q(t) A(t)T (3.5)

Here T the temperature dierence of the bulk vapor and the bulk liquid. By de nition, the time-averaged value of Q follows from: 1 Q= tf

Q(t)dt =

1 hf g T tf




Equation 3.6 can be written as: 1 Q = T tf

tf 0

dt A(t)hcond (t) = T A hcond = hcond AT



Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water



Figure 3.11. Experimentally determined detachment ratios for water ow rates of (a) QL = 0 m3 /s, (b) QL = 1.75104 m3 /s.

where the latter equality denes hcond . From Eqs. (3.4) and (3.7) it then follows that: hcond = hf g V (tf ) V (t0 ) G v tf T A (3.8)

where A (m2 ) denotes the mean interfacial area of the steam pocket during a condensation cycle. With the experimentally determined growth times tf (section 3.3.3) and the simultaneous measured values of the vapor and liquid pressures and bulk tempe ratures, it is now possible to estimate hcond , if the mean interfacial area A and the volumes V (tf ) and V (t0 ) are estimated from the recorded pocket shapes at the start and the end of the condensation cycles. A way to obtain these estimates is described below. In sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 was pointed out that the shape of the steam pocket at the start of a condensation cycle often resembles that of a truncated sphere and that the pocket shape just before total condensation/collapse can be approximated by smooth contours of either a single ellipsoid or a multitude of geometrical shapes. This is again demonstrated in Fig. 3.12, which shows a typical example of a condensation cycle of run 1 (process condition see Tab. 3.2). The left image of Fig. 3.12 shows the steam pocket at its initial size and shape, were it can be approximated by a truncated sphere. The image on the rhs of Fig. 3.12 displays the pocket at its maximum size i.e. just before condensation. The contour of the pocket shape can now be represented by a combination of a cylinder and a sphere. The mean interfacial area

3.3 Experimental results


Figure 3.12. Example of condensation cycle of run 1. The approximated initial shape is a truncated sphere (contour in left image). The approximated shape at maximum size is represented by a piece of cylinder and a sphere (contour in right image).

A and volumes V (t0 ) and V (tf ) of the steam pocket are estimated by calculating the areas and volumes of 3-D equivalents. In Fig. 3.12 the initial contour is indicated with yellow and the nal contour in red, hence V (t0 ) is the volume of the truncated sphere and V (tf ) is the sum of the volumes of the cylinder and the sphere. The initial interfacial area of the pocket and its area at t = tf are estimated accordingly. The mean area, A, is then determined from A(t0 ) and A(tf ) according to: A=
0 tf

dtA(t) = 0.5 A(t0 ) + A(tf )


In (3.9) area growth is assumed to be approximately linear in time. Figure 3.13 shows an example of two interfacial area growth histories of a single condensation cycle, from experimental runs 5 and 8 (see Tab. 3.2). The lower bound of the error estimate in this gure is derived from the area of the smallest (yellow) contour enclosing the pocket shape. This yields a minimum value of A(t). Similarly, the largest (red) contour gives a maximum value of A(t), as illustrated in Fig. 3.14. Fig. 3.13 shows that linear area growth is a fair approximation. If the interfacial area of an experimental run is estimated Eq. (3.9) for n conden sation cycles, the overall average interfacial area A for that particular run is dened by: n 1 Ak (3.10) A= n

The value of n is typically 20 whereas the total number of cycles that have been identied from the high speed recordings for a run is typically 50. The total heat transfer coecient, hcond , is calculated with (3.8) for each condensation cycle, i.e. for each combination of Ak , Vk (t0 ) and Vk (tf ), separately. The average value of this coecient, h, of an experimental run is dened similarly as A in Eq. (3.10). for the experimental runs with Q = 0 m3 /s Figure 3.15 shows the values for A L and QL = 1.75104 m3 /s. The vertical error bar gives the standard error, ranging from 5% to 10%, in A and accounts for the uncertainties in the estimations of A(t0 ) and A(tf ) [38]. Figure 3.15 clearly shows that the mean interfacial area of a steam


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

Figure 3.13. Typical interfacial area history for two condensation cycles. The error bars represent the error in the estimation of A(t) on a 95% condence interval.

Figure 3.14. Estimation of error bounds displayed in Fig. 3.13. Yellow contour in left image represents smallest contour (lower error bound of A(t) enclosing the pocket shape and red contour in right image represent largest contour enclosing the pocket shape (upper error bound of A(t).

3.3 Experimental results


Figure 3.15. Mean interfacial area of the steam pocket during a condensation cycle for QL = 0 m3 /s and QL = 1.75104 m3 /s. The dashed lines are plotted to guide the eye. The vertical error bars indicate the standard error in A accounting for the combination of standard errors in the estimations of A(t0 ) and A(tf ).

pocket during a condensation cycle is decreasing with increasing T , for both QL . A is in case of no cross-ow larger than with cross-ow. The gure also demonstrates that this dierence increases with decreasing T . Finally, it is noted that the steam mass ux, G, hardly has an inuence on A. This eect appears from the clustering of the measurement values. The large spread of the data points at T = 52 C in the case of no cross-ow indicates that G then actually becomes important. The results for h are given in Figs. 3.16 and 3.17. The error bars on h dene the standard error in the values of h and account for the uncertainties in the measured steam mass uxes, temperatures and pressures and the standard errors in A, V (t0 ) and V (tf ) [38]. The error ranges between 15% and 30% for QL = 0 m3 /s and QL = 1.75104 m3 /s and is between 30% and 50% for the experimental runs with QL = 3.47104 m3 /s. Figures 3.16(a) and 3.16(b) show that the heat transfer coecient is increasing with growing steam mass ux G and that h is higher for lower bulk water temperatures TL . An exception to the latter observation are the measurements at TL = 65 C and TL = 75 C for QL = 1.75104 m3 /s (Fig. 3.16(b)). The impact of cross-ow on the heat transfer clearly appears from Fig. 3.17, i.e. the higher the volumetric ow rate of the water, the higher h.


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water



Figure 3.16. Total heat transfer coecients for water ow rates of (a) QL = 0 m3 /s and (b) QL = 1.75104 m3 /s.

Figure 3.17. Total heat transfer coecients at TL = 65 C for three cross-ow rates.

3.4 Model for intermittent steam condensation



Model for intermittent steam condensation

The main feature of unstable direct condensation ow regimes is the intermittency of vapor pocket penetration into the liquid (Fig. 3.4). There is a resemblance with some conditions of isothermal gas injection through a hole into a vessel of liquid and there is a resemblance with boiling vapor bubble detachment. It is therefore tempting to try to model oscillatory steam pocket penetration during direct condensation steam injection in a similar way as bubble detachment was modeled in the past. The aim of the model is to predict the total time of growth and maximum penetration depth of a vapor pocket created by unstable direct steam condensation. The prediction method follows a mechanistic approach, using expressions for forces derived for smooth bubble interfaces even though the interface of the condensing steam pocket is more often than not wrinkled. The method employs two key elements: a force balance that holds at all times in the direction perpendicular to the injection wall and a geometric steam pocket shape criterion that only holds at detachment, i.e. the moment of collapse of the pocket. Subsequent displacement and growth of the steam pocket will be predicted with the aid of the force balance and mass conservation, as later discussed in this section. The measurement results presented in section 3.3 are used as input parameters for the model. The geometric shape criterion, i.e. the detachment ratio, that marks the moment of steam pocket collapse was presented in section 3.3.5. The initial conditions of bubble growth, U0 and R0 are based on the detailed measurements presented in section 3.3.4. The detachment ratio, (h/R)f , was measured with an accuracy between 3% and 10% and the initial conditions, U0 and R0 , have accuracies of 6% to 11% and 4% to 10%, respectively. In addition, the total time-averaged heat transfer coecient h, discussed in section 3.3.6, is employed as the instantaneous heat transfer coecient needed in the model. To facilitate prediction of the aforementioned input parameters, correlations will be derived based on the measured data. These correlations will be discussed in section 3.5.3.


Figure 3.18. Schematic of the steam pocket

In sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 is was demonstrated that steam pocket shape in the initial phase of growth and just before condensation can be approximated by simplied smooth contours: initially by a truncated sphere and at detachment often by a piece


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

of cylinder with a sphere. The shape of the steam pocket used this model is therefore schematized to be that of a sphere with radius R with its center at distance h from the wall (Fig. 3.18). If h exceeds R, a cylinder with radius Ra is assumed to connect the sphere with the inlet. Although the assumed bubble shape is for some conditions quite accurate a description, for other process conditions it is a crude approximation since the shape of the pocket is then more ellipsoidal. However, Nariai & Aya [24] analyzed dierences between the predicted bubble growth times, tf , of mechanistic models for dierent bubble shapes and found tf to be fairly independent of the shape. We shall show that also the model presented below is able to predict not only tf , but also other prediction outcomes, fairly accurately for various intermittent condensation ow regimes. The model will be validated by comparing the following main outcomes of the model with experiments: the growth time of the bubble, tf the maximum penetration depth, Lf time history of estimated depth L These parameters have all been measured quite accurately, see section 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. Typical accuracies are within 6% for the maximum penetration depth and between 4% and 7% for the growth time. The initial growth rate of radius R, R0 , follows from mass conservation and from R0 , and is controlled by the steam injection mass ux, G, and the condensation rate which involves the heat transfer coecient h. The way to predict condensation heat transfer has been assessed in section 3.3.6. With condensation mainly occurring at the spherical interface with radius R, conservation of mass yields dv V 4R2 h(Tv TL ) 2 = GRa dt hf g (3.11)

since the rst term on the r.h.s is the injected mass of steam while the second term represents the condensed mass. Here, hf g is the enthalpy of condensation and V the 2 volume of the pocket, including the neck if necessary: V = 4R3 /3 + Ra (h R). If h > R, dv V dv dp 2 = 4R2 Rv + Ra U v + V (3.12) dt dp dt and dv V dv dp = 4R2 Rv + V dt dp dt (3.13)

without a neck. The dv /dp-term has for the process conditions of our measurements been found to be negligible, a posteriori. The occurrence of U in the above equation (Eq. (3.12)) couples it to the equation for dU/dt that will given below. Elimination of dv /dt from Eq.s (3.11), (3.12) and 3.13 yields R=R(G, h). The governing equation for the velocity U of a spherical bubble detached from the wall has been derived in a previous study by Van der Geld [40]. Two added mass coecients, Cam,1 and Cam,2 , have been shown to be relevant, with values that depend

3.4 Model for intermittent steam condensation


on distance h to the wall. In the early stage of growth, for h < R, the steam pocket shape often resembles that of a truncated sphere (section 3.3.4). Expressions for the added mass coecients Cam,1 and Cam,2 for truncated spheres are given in Van der Geld [41]. These have been applied to the current model, for shape factors = R/(2h) between 0.5 and 1. For > 1, the applied added mass coecients are obtained by evaluating the aforementioned expressions at = 1, giving Cam,1 ( = 1) = 0.3347 and Cam,2 ( = 1) = 1.253. Further away from the wall, for < 0.5, the coecients are calculated by using relations valid for a spherical bubble moving near a plane wall, as described in Van der Geld [40]: Cam,1 = C33 1.5 1 (1 (0.5R/h)3 )


0.5R = C3 3 h

with C33 and C3 close to 1 and given by Van der Geld [40]. More exact values of the added mass coecients for other than spherical bubble shapes can be computed by using the methods introduced by Van der Geld & Kuerten [42]. In Van der Geld [41] and in Duhar et al. [12], for example, two forces on the bubble in the direction normal to the wall are found to be signicant but counteracting. These are the socalled pressure correction force and the surface tension force. If a bubble is pinned on a wall with the shape of a truncated sphere in the vicinity of the contact line, i.e. with homogeneous contact angle, these forces are found to be precisely compensating. This is found to be the case with the vapor pockets created by intermittent steam injection. These two forces are therefore assumed to be balancing each other. The drag force has in a previous study, Van der Geld [40], been shown to comprise two terms. For a sphere touching a plane wall, the expression: 32L RU + 20L RR (3.14)

for the drag force can be shown to be in line with these published ndings. Note that bubble growth is that fast that vorticity has little time to develop and gather in the downstream wake of the bubble (see Van der Geld [41]). This makes the above expression for the drag to be applicable to the present circumstances. If anything, it is an overestimation of the drag, and since the contribution of this drag expression to the total force on the bubble will be found to be negligible, drag must be negligible altogether in the present circumstances. With the mass density of the liquid, L , constant, the following equation has been derived: (Cam,1 L V ) dR dV dU = (Cam,1 U 0.5Cam,2 R)L 0.5Cam,2 L V dt dt dt 2 (G/Ra )2 32L RU + 20L RR + 2 (v Ra ) 2 R2 h(Tv TL )/hf g v



Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

The last term on the rhs of Eq. (3.15) accounts for the momentum in h-direction, i.e. normal to the wall, which disappears due to condensation. Part of the momentum loss at the half of the sphere closest to the wall is compensated by momentum gain at the other half of the sphere, furthest away from the wall. The area R2 used in Eq. (3.15) is therefore most likely an overestimation of the actual eective area. Since the contribution of this term will be found to be negligible, the error in the estimate of the area is negligible altogether. Equation 3.15 yields an expression for dU/dt, which, together with dh/dt = U and dR/dt = R(G, h) are integrated numerically. This time-integration is the only numerical step in the approach to compute the histories of R(t) and h(t).


Steam pocket growth and collapse

The high speed recordings show that the growth and subsequent condensation of the steam pocket happens in fairly constant cycles. The pocket starts to grow from its initial size until the front of its surface area has reached the maximum penetration depth. Thereafter the steam pocket collapses due to condensation. From the recordings, two types of pocket collapse can be distinguished: 1. Partial detachment of the front part of the steam pocket (far from the steam injection point) from its rear part close to the injection point (last image of Fig. 3.2). 2. Instantaneous break-up and disappearance of the entire steam pocket (last image of Fig. 3.3). The rst type of collapse is mainly observed at the lowest steam mass uxes (between 34.7 kg/m2 s and 45 kg/m2 s,) at TL = 65 C and TL = 75 C, for both the ow and the no ow condition. The point of detachment typically occurs between 2Ra and 3Ra (Ra = 1 mm) from the injection hole. After detachment, the front part of the steam pocket disappears due to condensation. The rear part stays attached to the steam injection hole and subsequently starts to grow again. It should be noted that at TL = 75 C the interface movement and the condensation of the front part of the pocket become noticeably slower, as demonstrated in Fig. B.1. This indicates a transition towards heat transfer dominated steam pocket growth. Further increase of the liquid temperature towards the steam temperature would cause an even slower condensation and eventually a detachment of the entire steam bubble with condensation taking place away from of the steam injection hole. At higher mass uxes of steam also the second type of collapse is observed, although less frequent than the rst one. The instantaneous break up of the total steam pocket becomes the dominant collapse mechanism at the two lowest water temperatures (25 C and 45 C) when sub-cooling of the water is larger and condensation rates are higher. From Fig. 3.2 and 3.3 it can be seen that the pocket collapse is preceded by a wrinkling of the surface area starting at the neck of the pocket. This might be caused by inhomogeneous heat transfer rates at the vapor-liquid interface. As a matter of

3.5 Analysis


Figure 3.19. Schematic of stagnation ow inside steam pocket.

fact, the part of the interface that faces the steam inlet and is farthest away from it, say part A (Fig. 3.19), is usually observed to be relatively smooth, with the neck and parts of the interface in the vicinity of the steam inlet, part B say, more wrinkled and wavy. This is understood to be a consequence of inhomogeneous heat transfer in the following way. The Reynolds number of the incoming steam, based on U0 and 2Ra , is typically in the range 60 - 370. The velocity in the center of the injection mouth is highest and vapor uid elements originating from this center penetrate the pocket in such away that a kind of stagnation ow develops at part A. Convective heat transfer coecients at stagnation points are known to exceed those at other places. This part A is therefore heated well by the hot vapor, which prevents condensation. The gas ow at part B is partly ow returning from part A which is therefore colder, whence condensation sets in earlier at part B. The intermittent character of the steam pocket growth appears clearly from the penetration depth histories shown in Fig. 3.4. The steam pocket seems to grow linearly in time in case of the higher water temperature (top of Fig. 3.4). After reaching its maximum penetration depth the pocket collapses due to detachment of the front part of the pocket. The penetration depth of the rear part, which remains attached to the injection hole during the collapse, is the initial penetration depth of the new condensation cycle. These penetration depths are, for the condensation cycles shown in the upper history of Fig. 3.4, in the range of 2 mm to 4 mm and correspond to the previously mentioned typical detachment distance range of 2Ra to 3Ra . Pocket growth is less linear for the low water temperature, as shown in the lower history of Fig. 3.4. The steam pocket grows until its maximum penetration depth and then total break-up takes place. Total break-up implicates in most cases zero initial size of the steam pocket at the beginning of the new condensation cycle. This is in agreement with the penetration depth path shown in the lower history of Fig. 3.4. Note the occurrence of the waiting time between condensation cycle 4 and 5. During such a period no steam pocket was visible in the high-speed recordings, probably due to water entering the steam injection hole. This phenomenon is referred to as chugging. Waiting times appear more frequently at higher steam mass uxes (runs 11, 16, 17


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

20 and 21). The type of condensation regime in direct contact condensation is mainly dependent on the steam mass ux and the temperature of the bulk liquid. Oscillatory condensation phenomena are known to occur at lower steam mass uxes (< 200 kg/m2 s) and are classied in regime maps presented by f.e. Chan & Lee [6] and Nariai & Aya [24]. According to Nariai & Aya [24] all of the experimental runs presented in this chapter, except for runs 15 and 19, are situated in the condensation oscillation region. The condensation in this region is characterized by the growth and shrink of steam bubbles at the steam injection point. The experimental runs performed at TL = 75 C are according to the regime map of Nariai & Aya [24] close to the bubbling regime in which steam bubbles grow and subsequently detach and condense after detachment, which is in line with the experimental nding of this paper (see Fig. B.1). Runs 15 and 19 would be situated in the small chugging region which is characterized by the movement of a steam-water interface around the injection hole and periodic water entrance in the hole. The classication of condensation regimes according to Nariai & Aya [24] thus seems to match the observations made in this paper quite well. The only dierence is that in our case chugging in combination with intermittent growth and condensation is observed for all steam mass uxes at TL = 25 C for both cross-ow and no ow conditions (runs 15 to 21) and at TL = 45 C for all steam mass uxes with liquid cross-ow (runs 8 to 11). It should be noted that for the aforementioned experimental runs the total waiting times i.e. chugging time, as observed in the high speed recordings, is still a minor part of the total observation time. The condensation regime for these conditions, in the present experimental set-up, may therefore be indicated as transitional from chugging to condensation oscillation. According to the regime map of Chan & Lee [6], only runs 1, 28 and 32 would be situated in the oscillatory bubble regime which corresponds to the regime indicated by Nariai & Aya [24] as condensation oscillation. All other runs would be located in the so-called external chugging with detached bubble and external chugging with encapsulating bubble regimes. The latter is similar to the one that Nariai & Aya [24] refer to as small chugging. The condensation regime map given by Chan & Lee [6] is apparently less in agreement with the observations made in this paper. It should be noted, however, that transitions between dierent condensation regimes are greatly dependent on f.e. shape and orientation of the steam injection nozzle and the presence of a cross-ow of liquid. The regime maps presented by Nariai & Aya [24] and Chan & Lee [6] were designed for dierent geometries than our set-up, which explains dierences found.


Eects of steam mass ux, cross-ow and sub-cooling

This subsection discusses the eects of the three main process parameters G, T and QL the on the experimental results that are presented in sections 3.3.4 to 3.3.6. The set of results presented is quite extended, but some of the eects the aforementioned parameters have can be explained along similar lines of reasoning. To avoid repetition and to improve clarity, the discussions of some results are combined instead of dealing with each result separately. So in the following, we discuss the eect of G, T and QL on the:

3.5 Analysis Pocket size and shape: Lf , A and (h/R)f Initial conditions: U0 and R0 Heat transfer coecient: h Growth time: tf Pocket size and shape


Two experimental parameters measured that are related to the size of the steam pocket are the maximum penetration depth (section 3.3.3) and the mean interfacial area (section 3.3.6). The detachment ratio (3.3.5) denes the shape of the steam pocket at its maximum size and Lf describes how far the front part of the steam pocket enters the square duct just before condensation occurs. Area A corresponds to the area of the 3-D equivalent of a contour that ts on the outer boundaries of the vapor-liquid interface, neglecting any wrinkling of the actual interfacial area. Figures 3.5(a) to 3.5(c) show the measured trends of Lf , each for a dierent liquid cross-ow rate QL . It appears that for constant TL the eect of G is two-fold, with changes in Lf being subtle: for low values of G the maximum penetration depth is increasing while it appears to be decreasing for higher values of G. This can be explained as follows. A higher entering impulse of steam not only enhances pocket growth (more energy available to enlarge the pocket area) but the high speed recordings also reveal more wrinkling of the pocket surface. This implies higher interfacial shear and higher heat transfer rates due to a higher relative velocity of steam in the bubble. This wrinkling makes the interface more unstable and facilitates pocket collapse. So at lower mass uxes of steam, when the surface wrinkling is only mild, the pocket can penetrate further with increasing G while at higher values of G the pocket growth becomes disrupted due to the presence of more wrinkles. Note that the decrease of Lf at higher values of G is more pronounced for the cases of cross ow (Figs. 3.5(b) and 3.5(c)). Here, the water ow may impose an extra disturbing eect (promote the wrinkling) on the pocket surfaces hence facilitating pocket collapse. A decrease of the liquid temperature causes higher heat transfer rates across the interface and promotes the wrinkling of the surface and subsequent collapse of the steam pocket. The results for A are presented in Figure 3.15. The clustering of the measurement data for runs performed at about equal TL (T = constant) learns that an eective enlargement of the steam pocket interfacial area due to an increase of G is not necessarily established by an increase of bubble size but by the formation of wrinkles, especially at higher value of G. This makes the pocket size, just like the penetration depth, hardly dependent on the steam mass ux, except for the no-ow case at T = 52 C. Both trends, for the cross-ow and no-ow conditions, clearly show the effect of sub-cooling: the higher the sub-cooling the smaller the pocket. For degrees of sub-cooling even higher than the ones measured, the bubble size would go towards zero since condensation rates become so high that the steam would condens inside the nozzle. This phenomenon is referred to as chugging [24, 6]. If T goes to zero, bubble sizes are expected to increase because condensation rates become low. This leads to the bubbling regime and nally, if TL Tv , to isothermal gas injection.


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

Trends of the detachment ratio (h/R)f are clear in Figs. 3.11(a) and 3.11(b). At the higher water temperatures, at low mass uxes of steam and at zero cross-ow the pocket shapes before collapse are typically more elongated in horizontal direction. This yields larger wall-normal distances, h, between the injection wall and the centre of the pocket and hence higher detachment ratios. The detachment ratios at the lowest water temperatures are between 1.5 for low mass uxes of steam and 1 for high G, meaning that h is close to R. This represents a more spherical shaped steam pocket. The fact that (h/R)f is decreasing with increasing G at constant TL results from lower values of h and is analogous to the observed decrease of Lf under equal conditions. Comparison of the results for cases of QL = 0 m3 /s and QL = 1.75104 m3 /s at equal TL learns that the cross-ow tends to lower the detachment ratio, due to a lower value of h. The actual shape of the steam pocket is, however, not much aected. The high speed recordings of experimental runs 22 to 24, with cross-ow rate 3.75104 m3 /s, show that the steam pocket at its maximum size is severely tilted in vertical direction (with a typical angle of inclination between 40 and 50 ) under the action of the cross-ow. Only mild tilting of the steam pocket is, on some occasions, observed for the runs with Q = 1.75104 m3 /s and low G at the two highest liquid temperatures. The eects of TL and G on the steam pocket shapes before detachment are also schematically represented in Fig 3.20.

Figure 3.20. Schematic representation of various maximum steam pocket shapes at detachment as a function of G and TL

Initial conditions Both the initial steam pocket radius, R0 , and initial wall-normal velocity of the centre of the steam pocket, U0 , are used as initial input conditions for bubble growth in the model, also mentioned in section 3.4. Fig. 3.9 shows that the initial radius of the steam pocket is decreasing with decreasing liquid temperature. From sections 3.3.2

3.5 Analysis


and 3.5.1 it is known that due to dierent collapse mechanisms the pocket in case of lower TL shrinks back entirely or close to the steam inlet after condensation, resulting in a zero or small size of the steam pocket at the beginning of the next condensation cycle. At higher TL condensation occurs via partially detachment of the front part of the pocket. The point where this detachment happens is shifted further from the steam inlet with increasing TL , resulting in a larger pocket and larger R0 at the beginning of a new condensation cycle. The trends observed for U0 (Fig. 3.7) are explained as follows. Growth of the steam pocket implies that the l.h.s of the equation for mass conservation (Eq. (3.11)) is positive and that the source of mass, G, exceeds mass loss due to condensation. If G is increasing, the loss-term, which is proportional to G via h (Eq. (3.8)), is also increasing. The dierence d(v V )/dt is increasing still, since the mass of injected steam is the the dominant term on the r.h.s of Eq. (3.11). A higher input mass ux of steam, G, for a given steam pocket radius R0 therefore results in more mass transfer across the surface area meaning faster pocket growth, i.e. a higher R0 . Since according to Fig. 3.18: 2 h2 + R a = R 2 (3.16) in the initial phase of growth, the initial wall-normal velocity of the pocket, U0 , follows from: U0 = (R0 /h0 ) R0 (3.17) Hence with increasing G, both R0 and U0 increase, which is in line with the trends of Fig. 3.7. Heat transfer coecient The heat transfer coecient for intermittent steam condensation is determined from experimental data with Eq. (3.8). The results of h for all process conditions are presented in Figs. 3.16 and 3.17. The data plotted in gure 3.16 show that the heat transfer coecient is mainly inuenced by the steam mass ux G for constant TL , for both values of QL . Closer examination of Eq. (3.8) learns that: 1. or each value of TL and QL , G is the dominant part of the term between the brackets, about one order of a magnitude higher than v (V (tf ) V (t0 ))/tf . This means that of the total amount of added latent heat only a small portion is consumed by bubble growth. 2. if TL = constant the term in front of the brackets is constant, since A is in general hardly depending on G (see Fig. 3.15). The combined eects of these two features make h almost proportional to G for TL = constant, which is in line with the plotted trends in Fig. 3.16. Physically, the combined eects of the above features mean that an increase in G merely leads to a higher heat transfer coecient due to the fact that the surface enlargement is not established by a larger steam pocket but by more wrinkling of the interface. The latter makes the relative velocity of the steam bubble an important factor in intermittent condensational heat transfer. The eect of TL on the heat transfer coecient can


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

be explained by considering the term in front of the brackets in Eq. (3.8). With decreasing liquid temperature, T becomes larger while A decreases according to Fig. is dominant, especially for no ow conditions, 3.15. Since the inuence of TL on A the product of T and A, in the denominator of that term, is smaller for higher TL , resulting in a larger heat transfer coecient. In other words, increased liquid sub-cooling results in higher heat transfer rates that when heat is transferred across a smaller surface area results in a higher transfer coecient. The eect of the liquid cross-ow is similar to that of TL and is illustrated by Fig. 3.17, which presents h for three ow rates at a liquid temperature of 65 C. The gure shows that an increase in liquid velocity results in an increase in h via a decrease in A). Heat transfer rates are enhanced, due to additional convective heat transfer. It should be noted that the results presented for the heat transfer coecient in intermittent steam condensation are overestimated since the instantaneous actual interfacial area of the steam pocket is larger than the surface A used in Eq. (3.8), due to the interfacial wrinkling. Values are increasingly overestimated in cases of low TL , since steam pockets then of h exhibit more surface wrinkles. These overestimations allow, however, for a simplied smoothed interface in the model. Growth time Figure 3.6 shows the trends created by cross-ow and sub-cooling of the water on the growth time of the steam pocket. These trends are easily understood from the inuence these parameters have on the heat transfer coecient h. Higher sub-cooling , which yields a faster growth R and a or higher liquid velocity results in a higher h shorter growth time tf (Fig. 3.6).


Correlations for intermittent direct contact condensation

This section presents correlations to facilitate prediction of detachments ratios, initial conditions and heat transfer coecients for intermittent steam condensation that are used as input parameters for the model described in section 3.4. The correlations are obtained from the measurement results presented in sections 3.3.4 to 3.3.6, in a way detailed below. Correlations for steam pocket detachment The detachment ratio is needed, in the model of section 3.4 as a geometrical parameter that accounts for the conditions at which a pocket collapses. This ratio was found to be decreasing with increasing G and decreasing TL , with the eect of the latter parameter on (h/R)f being dominant. If TL is expressed in the form of the dimensionless modied Jacob number Ja = (cp T (L /v ))/hf g , with T the degree of sub-cooling, the trends of (h/R)f with respect to G and Ja collapse. We therefore propose a correlation of the form: (h/R)f = C Ja (3.18)

3.5 Analysis




Figure 3.21. Experimental values of (h/R)f and predicted values from Eq. (3.19) for (a) QL = 0 m3 /s, (b) QL = 1.75104 m3 /s.The dashed lines dene the 95% condence interval for the predicted values of (h/R)f .

C is a constant which is dependent on the liquid volumetric ow rate QL . This results in the following correlations: (h/R)f = (176.1 4.8)/Ja (h/R)f = (136.7 4.4)/Ja (QL = 0 m3 /s) (0 < QL < 3.47 104 m3 /s)


All uncertainties are valid within a 95 % condence interval. The t statistics are r2 = 0.97 and F =67 for the no ow case and r2 = 0.70 and F =39 for the cross-ow condition. The correlation coecient r2 is dened by [35]: r2 =
N y i=1 (i N i=1 (yi

y )2 y )2


where N is the number of measurements with outcome yi , yi the predicted values and y the mean of the set {yi }. The number of parameters used in the t, K, of course inuences the quality of the t. Whereas r2 should preferably be close to unity, the parameter F should at the same time be at maximum: F =
N y 2 i=1 (i y ) N 2 i=1 (yi yi )

(N K) K 1


The experimental ndings and the predicted values of (h/R)f are presented in Fig. 3.21.


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

Correlations for initial conditions of steam pocket growth Correlations are developed that provide values in the condensation oscillation regimes for the initial: wall-normal velocity of the centre of the steam pocket, U0 radius of curvature of the steam pocket R0 wall-normal distance between the injection wall and the center of the steam pocket, h0 To obtain correlations in nondimensionless form R0 is normalized with the injection nozzle radius Ra and U0 with the relative velocity of the steam bubble, estimated as: G (3.22) Urel = v Normalizing U0 with Urel eliminates the steam mass ux G from the correlation, yielding an expression that is only dependent on TL , hence T , which is represented by the Jacob number. The following form is proposed for the non-dimensional initial wall-normal velocity: U0 = C Ja (3.23) U0 = Urel
with U0 the dimensionless initial wall normal velocity and C a constant. Since the value for C is found to be dependent on QL two separate correlations are proposed: one for the no ow case and one for the cross-ow condition: U0 = (2.1 0.15)104 Ja U0 = (2.67 0.11)104 Ja

(QL = 0 m3 /s) (0 < QL < 3.47 104 m3 /s)


All uncertainties are valid within a 95 % condence interval. The t statistics are r2 = 0.51 and F =10.4 for the no ow case and r2 = 0.64 and F =31 for the cross-ow condition. Figure 3.23 shows a comparison of the measured U0 and the predicted values resulting from the proposed correlations. Note that through normalization of U0 with the relative steam pocket velocity Urel the scattered data of Fig. 3.7 are represented in a more compact way. The initial radius R0 is depending on G and TL in the same way as the detachment ratio. The t form is therefore chosen equal to the one dened in Eq. (3.18), yielding the following correlations:
R0 = R0 /Ra = (206.1 5.7)/Ja R0 = R0 /Ra = (162.9 4.3)/Ja

(QL = 0 m3 /s) (0 < QL < 3.47 104 m3 /s) (3.25)

The correlation coecient r2 is 0.87 for the no ow case and 0.76 for the cross-ow conditions, while the F statistics are 65 and 54, respectively. In addition to R0 and U0 , the model also requires an estimate for the initial wallnormal distance of the center of the steam pocket, h0 . This parameter is, although not discussed in section 3.3, determined from the experimental results by subtracting

3.5 Analysis




Figure 3.22. Experimental values of U0 = U0 /Urel and predicted values from Eq. (3.24) 3 4 for (a) QL = 0 m /s, (b) QL = 1.7510 m3 /s.The dashed lines dene the 95% condence interval for the predicted values of U0 .



Figure 3.23. Experimental values of R0 = R0 /Ra and predicted values from Eq. (3.25) for (a) QL = 0 m3 /s, (b) QL = 1.75104 m3 /s.The dashed lines dene the 95% condence interval for the predicted values of R0 .


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water



Figure 3.24. Experimental values of h = h0 /Ra and predicted values from Eq. (3.26) 0 for (a) QL = 0 m3 /s, (b) QL = 1.75104 m3 /s.The dashed lines dene the 95% condence interval for the predicted values of h . 0

R0 from the initial penetration depth (h + R)(t0 ), as shown in Fig. 3.8. The best ts of h0 , normalized with Ra are: h = h0 /Ra = (64.0 4.8)/Ja 0 h = h0 /Ra = (56.0 2.9)/Ja 0 (QL = 0 m3 /s) (0 < QL < 3.47 104 m3 /s)


with r2 and F being 0.73 and 27 for the no ow condition. For the case of cross-ow, r2 =0.52 and F =18 due to the scatter in h0 . The comparison between the experimental and predicted h0 is shown in Fig. 3.24. Correlation for intermittent condensational heat transfer coecient Empirical correlations for the heat transfer coecient for intermittent steam condensation are rare. One study on interfacial heat transfer in the condensation oscillation regime, conducted by Liang [21], provides a correlation for h in the heat transfer dominated situation (detached bubbling). It can therefore not be applied to the present study. Another correlation for heat transfer in the condensation oscillation region is mentioned by Aya & Nariai [2]. This correlation, developed for vertical injection in a quiescent pool of water, is based on the assumption that the Nusselt number is related to the Reynolds (Re) and Jacob (Ja) numbers: N u = 43.78 Re0.9 Ja (3.27)

with the dimensionless numbers dened by Aya & Nariai [2] as N u = h da /L , the Reynolds number dened as Re = da G/L L and the Jacob number represented by Ja = cp T /hf g . From the denitions of the Nusselt and Reynolds numbers it is

3.5 Analysis


clear that Aya & Nariai [2] adopted the injection nozzle diameter as the characteristic length scale. This is a practical and logical choice since it is a well dened and an easy-to-use parameter. Physically, however, the nozzle diameter is of less relevance in describing the condensational heat transfer, for the following reason. The heat transfer from the injected steam to the bulk water has the following total resistance: 1 1 1 1 = + + h hvi hi hiL (3.28)

Here, h denotes the total heat transfer coecient and corresponds to the measured value h. The term 1/hvi is the resistance at the vapor side and is assumed to be small since the mixing rate inside the steam pocket is high and the temperature is nearly homogeneous there. The heat resistance at the vapor-liquid interface is given by 1/hi , [39]. At ambient pressure, hi would be around 16 MW/m2 K for a condensation coecient =1. Although there is some controversy on the value for , experiments mentioned by ([39]) seem to indicate values close to one, making the value above mentioned for hi high. With hi being so high it naturally follows that 1/hi is negligible in the total resistance to heat transfer. The thermal resistance from the interface to the water, 1/hiL , is the dominant factor. Since the limit on heat transfer is obvious on the water side it necessary to consider the ow around the steam pocket for obtaining the appropriate length scale the heat transfer. A relevant physical length scale is in this case not the steam nozzle diameter but some characteristic length for convection around the intruding steam pocket that is independent of the inlet geometry of the steam. This characteristic steam plume length is dened according to [44] as: A (3.29) Lsp = up where A is the area of the body in the ow and up the perimeter of its projection plane in the direction of the ow. Lsp can then be interpreted as the ow contact area length scale of the body under consideration. Here, Lsp is based on the main part of the pocket, since the area of cylindrical shape near the injector exit is usually small and velocities there are low. The main part of the steam pocket is, as outlined in section 3.3.5, either a sphere or ellipse. For a sphere with diameter d, Lsp = d since A = d2 and up = d. For a prolate ellipse, A = 2(a2 + c2 (/tan())) and up 2c( 1 + 35/72m2 + 2/25m4 )/(1 + m), where a and c denote the halves of the ellipses minor and major axes, =acos(a/c) and m = (c a)/(c + a). In describing the heat transfer in the condensation oscillation regime it it important to account for intermittent behavior of the condensation. This is achieved by expressing the Nusselt number in terms of the modied Jacob number, which accounts for the phase transition, and a Reynolds number based on the relative velocity of the steam bubble: Res = Urel Lsp G L Lsp = L v L (3.30)

Urel is as dened in Eq. (3.22). The additional convective part of the heat transfer induced by the cross-ow is taken into account by adding a second Reynolds number


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

based on the average liquid bulk velocity: ReL = Ub Lsp L (3.31)

2 with Ub = QL /Ra . Based on the aforementioned considerations and the data sets presented in Figs. 3.16 and 3.17, the following dimensionless correlation for the of h heat transfer coecient is proposed:

Nu =

h Lsp (0.720.07) = (2.50.1)105 Ja(1.70.2) Res +(2.260.3)ReL L


The uncertainties in the t coecients of Eq. (3.32) are calculated for a 95% condence interval. The t statistics are r2 = 0.91 and F = 270. Comparison of the predicted values of N u with the experimental ndings can be found in Fig. 3.25.

Figure 3.25. Comparison of experimental h and the heat transfer predicted by the corre lation given by Eq. (3.32)


Comparison of experiments and model predictions

In this section, the experimentally determined growth histories of steam pockets, growth times tf and maximum penetration depths Lf are compared with model pre dictions. The input parameters, h and (h/R)f , together with initial conditions U0 , R0 and h0 , are obtained from the correlations presented in section 3.5.3. The process conditions analyzed are listed in Tab. 3.2. Sensitivity analysis of the model predictions regarding variations in de input parameters and initial conditions has been carried out. This analysis showed that the

3.5 Analysis


predicted tf is sensitive to variations in any input parameter, but that variations in h and (h/R)f have the biggest impact. The maximum penetration depth is merely sensitive to changes in h and (h/R)f , although to a lesser extent than the growth time. Next, a correction factor for the heat transfer coecient is introduced since h should is likely to be overestimated, as outlined section 3.5.2. The extent to which h be corrected for is directly related to the amount of which the mean A deviates from the actual instantaneous interfacial area. As mentioned before, the larger the subcooling and the cross-ow rate of the liquid, the more the interface of the pocket is wrinkled. So for increasing T and QL , A increasingly underestimates of the actual increasingly overestimates the actual heat transfer coecient. interfacial area and h This implies that the correction factor is a function of T and QL . For practical application of the model, the correction factor of h should preferably be determinable straightforwardly for each set of process conditions. This is achieved by correlating the correction factor, f, such that an optimal prediction is obtained for both tf and Lf . This turned out to be possible with: f = (107.3 13.6) Ja(1.310.03) (3.33)

with the modied Jacob number, Ja, dened as Ja = (cp T (L /v ))/hf g . The uncertainties are given within the 95% condence interval and the t statistics are r2 = 0.99 and F = 2878. Correlation (3.33) only holds for Jacob numbers between 71 and 133, since outside this range transition towards other condensation regimes is observed. The t results are shown in gure 3.26. For a known degree of sub-cooling, 50 for a minimum value of Ja, the correction factor follows form Eq. (3.33) and the product f h replaces h in the mass balance, Eq. (3.11), and in the impulse balance, Eq. (3.15).

Figure 3.26. Correction factor in the model input value of h as a function of Ja.


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

Model predictions for the steam pocket growth time, tf , and its maximum penetration depth, Lf , are compared with experimental ndings in Figs. 3.27(a) and 3.27(b), respectively. Figure 3.27(a) shows that the predictions of tf are within 35% of the experimental values. There is, however, still a slight systematic underproduction of tf . This is possible caused by slightly underestimated values of the added-mass coecient Cam,1 applied in the initial stage of pocket growth (section 3.4). Figure 3.27(b) displays the results of the maximum penetration depth. Most of the predictions of Lf dier by less than 25% from the experimental ndings and are systematically slightly overestimated.



Figure 3.27. Comparison of the measured and predicted (a) growth times and (b) maximum penetration depths

Typical predicted steam pocket growth is represented by the histories of h and R shown in Fig. 3.28. The nearly linear increase in time for (h+R) is in good agreement with the histories of the penetration depth depicted in Fig. 3.4. After approximately 3 ms the growth rate R becomes small. This is a result of an increasing pocket surface area (R increases) and consequently increasing condensation (h constant) while the 2 source of incoming mass-momentum (G -term, see Fig. 3.29) remains constant. The corresponding force component histories are shown in Fig. 3.29. The decrease of the inertial forces occurring at 3.4 ms is caused by a jump in Cam,1 when the shape factor is equal to 0.5 and the added-mass coecient calculation switches from the truncated sphere expression to the near wall relation (section 3.4). The typical results displayed in Fig. 3.29 further demonstrate that: drag and momentum loss due to inhomogeneous condensation are negligible momentum gain due to steam injection yields the only positive force component. Vapor pocket growth at the fast rate found in our experiments is clearly controlled by inertia, even with underestimated values of the added-mass coecient Cam,1 .

3.5 Analysis


Figure 3.28. Predicted histories of h and R for G = 36 kg/m2 s, TL = 65 C and QL = 1.75104 m3 /s (run 4). Input values are (h/R)f , U0 , R0 , h0 and h, all taken from correlations (3.19), (3.24), (3.25), (3.26) and (3.32).

Figure 3.29. Predicted force histories for G = 36 kg/m2 s, TL = 65 C and QL = 1.75104 m3 /s (run 4). Input values as in Fig. 3.28. The source of mass momentum () equals 2 G2 /(v Ra ). The momentum loss due to inhomogeneous condensation () is estimated as 2 2 R hcond (Tv TL )/hf g /v . The drag force ( ) is given by 32L RU + 20L RR. The inertia force ( ) is Cam,1 U Cam,2 R/2 L dV /dt + Cam,2 L V R/2, where dV /dt is given by Eq. (3.11). The decrease of the inertial forces occurring at 3.4 ms is caused by a jump in Cam,1 when the added-mass coecient calculation switches from the truncated sphere expression to the near wall relation (section 3.4) [41].


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water



The topology histories of steam pockets at low mass uxes (< 72 kg/m2 s) of injected steam have been investigated by means of high-speed visualization experiments. Steam was transversely injected into a square duct (30x30 mm2 ) at liquid cross-ow rates between 0 m3 /s and 3.47104 m3 /s and liquid temperatures in the range of 25 C and 75 C. Intermittent steam pocket growth and subsequent, sudden, collapse is a key feature of direct contact condensation in water at mass uxes of steam less than < 72 kg/m2 s. Increase of the steam pocket penetration depth is nearly linear in time. Disappearance of the stream pocket is via partial detachment of the main part of the steam pocket, at the front, or due to instantaneous total break-up. The disappearance type depends on the liquid cross-ow temperature, TL , and the injected steam mass ux, G. The condensation regime for the present range of liquid temperatures and steam mass uxes is characterized as condensation oscillation, while a transition towards the chugging regime [24, 6] is observed for TL = 25 C. Growth and collapse of the pocket at TL = 75 C is noticeably slower, indicating a transition from inertia controlled condensation regimes towards diusion controlled condensation regimes. Growth times, sizes and shapes of steam pockets have been determined from highspeed recordings. The size of the steam bubble hardly depends on the steam mass ux. The pocket shape in the initial stage of growth resembles that of a truncated sphere for more or less all process conditions. Further away from the wall, steam plume shapes become predominantly ellipsoidal for values of G lower than 55 kg/m2 s and liquid temperatures of around 65 C and higher. A more spherical bubble is observed at degrees of sub-cooling larger than 80 C. The main eect of liquid cross-ow is a signicant reduction of the growth time and the maximum pocket size, especially for the cases at at TL 65 C. The net heat transfer coecient between steam and approaching bulk liquid, h, has been determined. Since the interfacial heat resistance is arguably negligible, this coecient mainly accounts for convective heat transfer from liquid to steam plume For this reason the condensation cycle averaged steam pocket area, A, and a characteristic steam plume length, Lsp , have been used to de and N u = h Lsp /. With increasing cross-ow rates, QL heat transfer termine h enhances because of increased forced convection. A new correlation for Nu is proposed. A Reynolds number based on the liquid bulk velocity as well as an inlet steam ow Reynolds number are used in this Nusselt correlation which covers the following range of process conditions: 25 C TL 75 C, 0 m3 /s QL 3.47104 m3 /s and 34.7 kg/m2 s G 71.2 kg/m2 s. Since h is per square meter of smoothed interfacial and Nu is for length L , both A and L should be known for heat transfer area, A, sp sp prediction. A model has been developed to predict these parameters; this model is described below. The advantage of using only physical relevant length scales is obviously: it makes heat transfer prediction independent of inlet geometry of the steam and allows for comparison with Nusselt numbers for ow around objects of similar shape. An analytical model has been developed to facilitate interpretation of measured results and to increase our predictive capacity of unstable steam condensation. All

3.6 Conclusions


necessary input parameters of the model are obtained from correlations presented in this chapter valid for process conditions listed in Tab. 3.2. The added-mass coefcients which are essential for the model have been calculated with expressions for truncated spheres ([41]) and spherical bubbles moving near a plane wall ([40]). In order to account for the interfacial area smoothing and other model deciencies, a single correction factor was used for the heat transfer coecient h. Comparison of the model predictions and experimental ndings show that both tf and Lf are predicted reasonably well, given the measurement uncertainties and model approximations. The predicted histories of the forces on the steam pocket reveal that drag is negligible and that the growth of the steam pocket is controlled by the momentum of the injected steam and by uid inertia. This is consistent with what one would expect at such high vapor pocket growth rates and high condensation rates.


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

A A Cam,j F G G Ja L Lf Lsp Nu Q Q R Ra R ReL Res T T U Ub Urel V cp da p h h hcond hf g h/R)f r2 t t tf Average steam pocket area for a single condensation cycle Steam pocket area averaged over a multitude of condensation cycles Added-mass coecients (j = 1, 2) Statistical parameter Steam mass ux Steam mass ow rate Modied Jacob number Penetration depth Maximum penetration depth Characteristic steam plume length Nusselt number Flow rate Heat ow rate Radius of curvature of steam pocket Radius of injection hole Growth rate of steam pocket radius Reynolds number based on Ub and L Reynolds number based on Urel and L Temperature Temperature dierence between steam and water Wall-normal velocity bulk velocity of liquid cross-ow Relative steam pocket velocity Volume of steam pocket Specic heat Diameter of injection hole Absolute pressure Wall-normal distance of pocket center to injection wall Heat transfer coecient averaged over a multitude of condensation cycles Average heat transfer coecient for a single condensation cycle Latent heat of condensation Detachment ratio Correlation coecient Time Inverse of frame rate Growth time of steam pocket [mm2 ] [mm2 ] [] [] [kg/m2 s] [kg/s] [] [mm] [mm] [mm] [] [m3 /s] [J/s] [mm] [mm] [m/s] [] [] [ C] [ C] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m3 ] [J/kgK] [m] [bar] [mm] [W/m2 K] [W/m2 K] [kJ/kg] [[]] [] [s] [s] [ms]

3.6 Conclusions Greek Subscripts 0 L v


Thermal conductivity Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Mass density Condensation coecient

[W/mK] [Pa s] [m2 /s] [kg/m3 ] []

Initial Liquid Steam


Intermittent steam condensation in a cross-flow of water

Chapter 4

Two-phase velocity measurements

4.1 Introduction

Jets in cross-ow can be found in a wide variety of industrial applications, like pipe tee mixers, industrial burners, turbine blade cooling and are stacks. Apart from these single-phase jets, a number of applications use condensing jets, in which a saturated or superheated vapor is injected into a owing liquid. Condensing jets in cross-ow can be applied for heating purposes when also a high mixing rate is needed. A well-known example from food industry is the direct injection of steam applied in the sterilization process of milk. To improve the taste of the milk it is necessary to decrease the heating time and increase the process temperature during sterilization. An experimental study is being conducted in our laboratory to investigate the turbulent mixing and heating phenomena induced by the condensation of steam in a cross-ow of water. The ndings of the experimental work are also used for the validation of a cfd model which is developed by Pecenko [27] to facilitate scale up from laboratory to commercial production scales. This chapter presents results regarding the far-eld velocity and turbulence characteristics of the conned single-phase jet in cross-ow, induced by the injection and condensation of steam. A turbulent jet that is injected normal to a cross-ow is an example of a free turbulent shear ow. It is inherently more complex than jets entering a quiescent medium, also referred to as free turbulent jets. This complex nature is exemplied by the intensive interaction between the jet and the cross-ow and the several vortical structures that arise at various locations in the ow eld. The absence of a solution that fully describes the ow eld of a jet in cross-ow and the relevance of such ows in engineering practice made them subject of numerous experimental studies throughout the years. Many of these researches focus on topological features of the jet. Visualization studies performed by Fric & Roshko [11] and Kelso et al. [19] give a profound insight in the dominant vortical structures and separation regions appearing in the near


Two-phase velocity measurements

and far-eld regions of the jet. Smith & Mungal [37] conducted an extensive set of concentration measurements and related the scalar mixing with the dierent vortex structures arising in the ow eld. Experimental investigations that are of more relevance to the present work deal with velocity and temperature distributions and similarity properties of the jet in cross-ow. The earliest of these studies focussed on the mean centreline trajectories of jets and the evolution of the ow along the mean trajectory (Keer & Baines [18]; Pratte & Baines [32]; Kamotani & Greber [16]). Keer & Baines [18] applied hotwire anemometry to investigate air jets issuing into a windtunnel for various ratios of jet and cross-ow velocities. They found that for dierent velocity ratios, the position of the jet trajectory, when scaled with the ratio of jet to cross-ow momenta, is described by a single function. In addition, Keer & Baines [18] introduced a natural system of axes, with the streamwise axis along the centreline trajectory and the spanwise axis perpendicular to the centreline. They demonstrated that for these unconned air jets, in the natural system of axes, the spanwise distribution of the mean streamwise velocity shows a similarity that is independent of the ratio of jet and cross-ow velocities. Kamotani & Greber [16] conducted similar experimental work, but extended their investigation to further downstream regions and also studied heated jets in cross-ow. Trajectories of the centerline based on the maximum jet temperature appeared to penetrate less far into the cross-ow as trajectories based on the maximum jet velocity. Kamotani & Greber also studied the spanwise temperature proles along the jet centreline, in the same natural system of axis as was used by Keer & Baines [18]. They found that spanwise temperature proles exhibit similarity properties that are identical to that of the velocity proles reported by Keer & Baines [18]. More recent work on similarity of single-phase jets in unconned cross-ow is presented by Hasselbrink & Mungal ([13], [14]). Based on a similarity theory with intermediate asymptotic behavior of the jet, Hasselbrink & Mungal [13] derived scaling laws for the centreline position, centreline velocities and scalar concentration, for both the near-eld and the far-eld region of the jet. The scaling laws were veried by velocity and concentration measurements, using particle image velocimetry and laser induced uorescence [14]. Studies on steam injection found in the literature deal with steam jets injected in a quiescent pool of liquid. The main focus of these studies was to obtain expressions for the condensing steam jet length and the mean steam-water heat transfer coecient (Weimer et al. [48], Kerney et. al [20], Chen & Faeth [7]). The only investigation of far-eld properties of such jets was carried out by Van Wissen et. al [43]. In this work, Van Wissen et al. [43] conducted velocity measurements downstream the condensation zone and found an axisymmetric single-phase jet to appear in that region with self-similarity properties equal to that of a non-condensing free turbulent jet. At present, condensing steam jets issuing into a conned liquid cross-ow were not studied yet. In the present study velocity measurements are carried out using piv in the region downstream the steam injection point. The ow pattern of this singlephase region will be investigated. The injected steam mass ux, liquid cross-ow rate
A jet issuing into a windtunnel can be considered as unconned because the jet is not constrained by the walls.

4.2 Experimental


and the liquid approach temperature have been varied to investigate their inuence on the jet centreline, velocity distributions and turbulence properties. Results will be compared with well-known ows described in the literature to investigate analogies. In addition, the eects of the condensation on the far-eld properties of the ow will be examined to see how heating and mixing in this region are aected. The experimental study described in this chapter provides an extensive set of data which can be used to validate numerical models for phase-transitional ows, as the one developed by Pecenko [27].



The experimental set-up, shown in Fig. 4.1, is a pressurized ow loop containing approximately 50 liters of demineralized water. The ow is driven (in clockwise direction as indicated by the arrows in Fig. 4.1) by a frequency controlled centrifugal pump. An ultrasonic ow meter (accuracy: 0.25% of the full scale range between 0 9 104 m3 /s ) measures the volumetric ow rate of the water. The closed loop can be pressurized up to 8 bar (absolute) via an expansion vessel whose gas compartment is connected to a pressurized air supply. Four calibrated Pt-100 elements (accuracy: 0.1 C) monitor the water temperature at various locations in the loop. The system pressure and the water temperature are constant during the measurements while steam is being injected. A pid-actuated bleed valve that is connected to a pressure transducer (accuracy: 0.1% full scale which is 0-7 bar (absolute)), located at the inlet of the measurement section, is used to control pressure. The water temperature is kept constant during steam injection by using a heat exchanger and a 17 kW electrical heater downstream of the measurement section whose output power is controlled by a pid-actuated solid state relay. The electrical heater also preheats the water if measurements are performed at a higher temperature than the ambient. To prevent heat losses to the environment, the whole set-up is thermally insulated with a 20 mm thick foam layer. The actual measurement section (see Appendix A), indicated in Fig. 4.1 by a grey color, has a square inner cross-section of 30x30 mm2 and is optically accessible at the location where steam is injected. Before entering the optically accessible section, the water ows through a 30x30 mm2 channel with a length of 1200 mm (40 times the hydraulic diameter Dh ) to obtain fully developed turbulent ow at the steam injection point (see Chapter 2). The steam is injected through a ush mounted wall injector with a circular hole with a diameter of 2 mm, which is located 10 cm downstream of the entrance of the optically accessible section. Steam is generated by a boiler that delivers saturated steam at a maximum pressure of 10 bar and a maximum ow rate of 0.33 kg/s. The amount of injected steam is measured by a Coriolis mass ow meter (accuracy: 1% of measured value) and controlled by a pid-actuated pneumatic valve. At 150 mm upstream of the injection point, a pressure transducer (accuracy: 0.1% full scale range between 0 and 10 bar (absolute)) and Pt-100 element monitor the injection conditions of the steam. The steam line as well as the mass ow controller are covered with an electrical heating


Two-phase velocity measurements

2 T T 3
1 : p u m p 2 : h e a t e x c h a n g e r

3 : e le c tr ic a l h e a te r

4 : p r e s s u r iz e d a ir s u p p ly 5 : e x p a n s io n v e s s e l 6 : b le e d v a lv e 7 : d is c h a r g e

s te a m

in je c tio n

F 8


8 : c o n tr o l v a lv e

4 0 D

4 P 5 6


p re s s u re tra n s d u c e r P t- 1 0 0 e le m e n t

flo w m e te r

T T 1

Figure 4.1. Schematic representation of the experimental set-up

wire and insulation to avoid premature condensation.


Experimental conditions

An important experimental variable is the ratio of momentum uxes of injected steam and that of the liquid cross-ow, dened by: J= v u2 v 2 L vb (4.1)

with v and L the mass densities of steam and water, respectively. The steam velocity is denoted by uv , since the steam is injected in horizontal direction and vb is the liquid bulk velocity which is in vertical direction. The calculated injected steam momentum ux v u2 is based on the mass density of steam that corresponds to the v

4.2 Experimental


temperature Tv and pressure pv measured directly upstream of the injection point. The steam velocity uv is calculated from the measured steam mass ux G, the mass density v and the area of the injector ((0.002)2 /4 m2 ). The momentum ux of the 2 liquid cross-ow, dened as L vb , is based on the mass density of water corresponding to the measured loop pressure pL and temperature of the water measured at the inlet of the measurement section. The bulk velocity vb is determined by dividing the measured volumetric ow rate QL by the cross-sectional area of the duct ((0.03)2 m2 ). The approaching cross-ow for all experimental runs is turbulent, with the Reynolds numbers Reb , based on vb and Dh , between 3,000 and 58,000. Previously performed velocity measurements (see chapter 2) indicated that the single-phase duct ow has reached its fully developed state near the steam injection point for Reynolds numbers between 10,000 and 30,000. The ow conditions of all experimental runs are tabulated in Tab. 4.1. Run 25a 25b 25c 25d 25e 25f 25g 25h 25i 65a 65b 65c 65d 65e 65f 65g 65h 65i vb [m/s] 0.29 0.58 0.86 0.15 0.29 0.43 0.10 0.19 0.29 0.29 0.58 0.86 0.15 0.29 0.44 0.10 0.20 0.29 uv [m/s] 26.41 54.70 79.42 26.64 54.83 79.32 27.53 52.94 78.86 28.04 53.78 78.32 28.17 53.82 78.18 27.63 53.38 79.21 J [-] 13.0 14.5 14.3 50.7 57.5 56.3 121.8 125.3 123.5 14.8 14.2 14.3 57.9 56.4 54.6 114.7 121.6 126.3 r [-] 3.6 3.8 3.8 7.1 7.6 7.5 11.0 11.2 11.1 3.9 3.8 3.8 7.6 7.5 7.4 10.7 11.0 11.2 Reb [-] 9816 19529 28945 5005 9854 14587 3338 6446 9818 19815 39371 58086 10062 19805 29692 7014 13376 19780

Table 4.1. Flow conditions of experimental runs.

Two measurement series are carried out, one at a liquid bulk temperature of 25 C and one at 65 C. Each series consists of 9 experimental runs performed at three dierent momentum ux ratios J, with three runs having approximately the same value of J. The loop pressure at the same height as the steam injection point is a little over 2.8 bar (absolute) for all runs. The steam temperature (saturated or slightly superheated) is in the range of 131.8 C and 134.5 C and is constant during each experimental run with a maximum top-top uctuation of 0.15 C. A complete overview of the process conditions is given in Table C.1 in Appendix B. The liquid temperature at the entrance of the measurement section, TL , and the pressure inside


Two-phase velocity measurements

the loop, pL are kept constant during the experimental runs, as outlined in section 4.2.1. The temperature control for the measurements performed at TL = 25 C is established by using only a small cooling ow through the heat exchanger, because the temperature dierence between the water and the ambient is too small for the pidcontrolled system to work properly. At TL = 65 C, the temperature is maintained at a constant value by the pid-controlled output power of the electrical heater. Typical histories of TL and pL , as observed during the measurements, are given in Fig. 4.2. It appears that for a period of at least 15 minutes of steam injection, the uctuations in pL are negligible and that TL varies within 0.2 C.

Figure 4.2. Typical histories of loop pressure, pL and liquid temperature TL , measured at the entrance of the measurement section during the measurements.

The process conditions listed in Tab. C.1 represent values time-averaged over a period of 3 minutes. This period corresponds to the time needed to perform one experimental run. Within each run, four sets of 250 image pairs have been recorded at a frequency of 15 Hz, which is equivalent to an actual measuring time of 67 seconds.


Optical set-up and PIV analysis

Particle image velocimetry (piv) is used to measure instantaneous velocity elds of the steam jet injected in the cross-ow. Extensive descriptions of piv can be found in the work of Rael, Willert & Kompenhans [33] and Westerweel [49]. The measurements are carried out in the center plane of the duct, as shown in Fig. 4.3. The center plane is illuminated by a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser (Spectra-Physics PIV-200) that generates two pulses of 200 mJ at 15 Hz. To obtain optimal cross-correlation of two subsequent piv-recordings, the delay time between the two laser pulses is chosen such that the mean displacement of the particles is around 8 pixels, which is one-fourth of the interrogation window size [17]. This limit is applied to the displacements of particles inside the jet, because there the velocity is highest. A HR 532/45 mirror directs the laser beam towards the measurements section. First, the beam passes a

4.2 Experimental


positive cylindrical lens (f = 500 mm) that is positioned such that its focal point is located on the central axis of the duct. This enables the creation of a laser sheet with an thickness of 1 mm and a homogeneous intensity across the width of the duct. The beam is subsequently stretched and parallelized by a negative cylindrical lens (f = -50 mm) and a positive cylindrical lens (f = 200 mm) with a mutual distance of 150 mm. The beam with an initial diameter of 15 mm is thus stretched by a factor 4, resulting in a laser sheet with a height of 60 mm, along the axial direction of the duct. Recordings are made with a Kodak Megaplus ES 1.0 CCD camera with a resolution of 1008 x 1018 pixels and a dynamic range of 10 bit. A Nikkor AF 50 mm f /1.4D (Nikkon) lens is used to focus an area of observation of 38 x 39.9 mm2 . The triggering of the laser and the cameras is provided by a Stanford Research Systems DG535 pulse generator. Images are stored real-time on a pc using acquisition software VideoSavant.

L a s e r b e a m

S te a m

in je c tio n p o in t

C a m e ra

Figure 4.3. Optical conguration for piv measurements.

For the experiments, the ow is seeded with spherical uorescent particles (Dantec) with a mean diameter of 30 m. The particles are of a melamine resin based polymer coated with Rhodamine B and have a mass density of 1500 kg/m3 . The emitted uorescent light from the seeding, with a maximum wavelength of = 575 nm, is ltered from the laser light ( = 532 nm) by a holographic notch lter (0% transmission at = 532 nm and 80% transmission at = 575 nm) that is mounted in front of the camera lens. For these experiments it is necessary to avoid exposure of the CCD-sensor to the Nd:YAG light, because: the metallic inner surface of the measurement section reects the laser light,


Two-phase velocity measurements

which would result in a low contrast between the background and the particle images in the PIV-recordings.

the gas-liquid interfaces of the condensing steam near the injection point and residual air bubbles (with a typical estimated diameter of 100m) cause high intensity refections of the laser light, which would results in locally over-exposed PIV-recordings. With the applied ltering, the particles are well identiable in a low background noise environment and the residual air bubbles are no longer detrimental to the quality of the image. They appear as bright blobs (but not over-exposed) and benet is taken from them by using them as tracers. The uorescent seeding particles are contained as a suspension in water (0.5 g particles per ml water). In total 8 ml of the suspension has been used for the measurements, which corresponds to a concentration of 0.13 g/l and a volume fraction of a little less than 104 . This seeding concentration results in at least 20 particle images per interrogation window, which satises the particle density criterion for accurate cross-correlation as dened by Keane & Adrian [17]. Even though the current volume fraction is above the limit of 106 given by Elghobashi [10], we expect that the eect on turbulence properties is minor since the present mass load of particles is only 1.3104 [46]. Besides, lowering the particle concentration to obtain a volume fraction of 106 or less has shown to be unfeasible with the current type of seeding, because of a too low particle image density and an unacceptably high amount of erroneous displacement vectors. The conversion of pixel-coordinates to physical coordinates is carried out by an in situ calibration. For this purpose a grid with small dots ( = 0.3 mm) at a pitch of 20.01 mm is positioned in the center plane of the duct and photographed before the measurements. The grid is mounted in a square frame which enables positioning of the grid inside the duct with an accuracy of less than 0.1 mm. The calibration grid is also used to focus the camera lens. The piv-recordings are evaluated with the software package PIVview (version 2.4), developed by PivTec GmbH ([29]). Each image is subdivided into interrogation windows of 32 x 32 pixels. An overlap over 50% is chosen to increase the spatial resolution. The recorded images are cropped from 1008 x 1018 pixels to 790 x 1018 pixels, because the area of observation is somewhat wider than the duct. This results in a data set of 62 rows of 48 displacement vectors (2976 vectors) per image pair. The mean displacement vector in a interrogation window is estimated by applying a discretized cross-correlation function on the local intensity patterns. Cross-correlation is carried out by using a multi-pass interrogation method. With this method the interrogation of the image sample (interrogation window) is repeated at least once more, using a window oset in the following pass equal to the local integer displacement determined form the preceding pass. This method results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio due to a higher amount of matched particle images and also leads to a reduction of the uncertainty in the displacement [51]. The location of the maximum correlation peak is detected with sub-pixel accuracy using a Gaussian peak t.

4.2 Experimental



Data validation and error analysis

Each instantaneous velocity eld contains spurious vectors whose magnitude and direction dier signicantly from their neighboring vectors. Validation of the raw displacement data is carried out by detecting the spurious vectors by means of local median ltering, as proposed by Westerweel [50]. With our settings, the lter compares a velocity component with the median of its 8 closest neighbors and identies the vectors as spurious if its deviation from the local median is larger than the so-called residual vector length, |v|r , dened as: |v|r = (vlm v)2 + (ulm u)2 (4.2)

with vlm and ulm the local medians of the streamwise and spanwise displacements (in pixels) and v and u the displacement components of the vector under consideration. The value of |v|r is determined from monitoring its planar distribution for several randomly chosen displacements elds of an experimental run. Figure 4.4 gives typical values of |v|r of an instantaneous displacement eld of run 25a. It appears

Figure 4.4. Typical values of |v|r for an instantaneous vector eld of experimental run 25a

that spurious vectors are not evenly distributed over the displacement eld. They are most likely to occur in the region close to the steam injection point. This is presumably caused by the rapid movement of the gas-liquid interface near the steam injection point, which induces a 3-dimensional motion with locally high accelerations and decelerations in the surrounding liquid. This increases the chance of mismatches in the cross-correlation due to an in-plane loss of pairs and out-of-plane motion of


Two-phase velocity measurements

particles. Next to that, the presence of the gas-liquid interface locally distorts the piv-recordings due to slight over-exposure, hence low contrast between back-ground and particles, and deformation due to the curvature of the interface. Figure 4.4 also shows that spurious data have signicant higher values of |v|r , typically exceeding 5 pixels, which makes them easy to distinguish from correctly estimated displacements. A maximum allowable |v|r of 4 pixels is found to result in proper detection of outliers in the major part of the observed domain. This lter criterion has been applied to all experimental runs with momentum ux ratios of around 14 (25a, b an c and 65a, b and c) and results in an average fraction of spurious vectors per displacement eld of 4% for runs 25a, b and c and around 8% for runs 65a, b and c. For the runs with J in the range of 50.7 - 57.9, the optimal value of |v|r is found to be 8 pixels, giving average fractions of 8% and 5% of spurious vectors per displacement eld for experimental runs 25d to 25e and 65d to 65e, respectively. Runs 25g, 25i and 25j are ltered with a maximum allowable |v|r of 14 pixels, yielding approximately 8% of spurious vectors per displacement eld. For all experimental runs it holds that detected spurious vectors are eliminated from the data set without being replaced by an interpolated vector. Given the large amount of erroneous data and the questionable resolved displacement of the vectors that remain undetected (see Figs. 4.6 and 4.7), it was decided to omit all vectors in that part of the domain from the analysis. The size of this region is determined for each experimental run separately and its boundaries have been dened such that it contains all positions where more than 30% of the time (of the 1000 instantaneous measurements) a spurious vector was detected. This region is indicated by a dashed white line in the contour plots of the average velocity (see Fig. 4.8) and the rms-components, discussed in the next section. Errors in the instantaneously measured velocity components v(t) and u(t) can occur due to timing errors, calibration errors and errors in the estimation of the displacement vectors. Timing errors are typically smaller than 108 seconds and calibration errors are smaller than 0.1 mm absolute and 0.01 mm relative and can be considered negligible. Errors in the estimation of the displacement vectors originate from the cross-correlation procedure. Possible causes are: smoothing of the displacement vector due to the size of the interrogation window, false peak detection due to a high noise level and inaccurate peak detection. In general, the estimation accuracy of the position of the correlation peak is in the order of 0.1 pixel. In some cases, however, it appears that displacements tend to be biased towards integer values which is commonly referred to as peak-locking. In the present case, peak locking is caused by the fact that the particle images are too small with respect to the pixel size, as demonstrated below. The image diameter, d , of a particle with diameter dp is estimated from [33]: d M 2 d2 + d2 p s

with M the image magnication factor and ds the diraction limited image diameter, given by [33]: f ds 2.44(M + 1) D where is the wavelength of the light and f and D are the focal length and diameter of the lens. For the present experiments, values for the relevant quantities are: M

4.2 Experimental


= 0.24, dp = 30 m, = 575 nm, f/D = 5.6 and ds = 9.7 m. This results in a particle image diameter of 12.1 m which in only 1.3 times larger than the pixel size (9x9 m2 ). The occurrence of peak-locking is conrmed by the histogram of estimated particle displacements, as shown in Fig. 4.5. Since particles appear as a single pixel on the CCD, the position of the correlation peak can not be determined more accurately than 1 pixel. This results in an absolute error in the instantaneously measured velocity components of 0.5 pixel.

Figure 4.5. Histogram of estimated y-displacements of experimental run 25a

The results presented in the next section will be primarily based on time-averaged velocities and correlations of their uctuations, instead of instantaneous velocity values. It is expected that the correlation time of the velocity uctuations is small compared to the measurement frequency of 15 Hz, implying that the velocity data of two consecutive measurements in time are independent. The standard error in, for instance, the mean velocity component v can then be calculated as:
1 n n i=1 (vi

v )2 (4.3)

Sv =


with n the number of measurements, vi the instantaneous velocity value and v the mean of the n measurements. The standard error, Su , in the mean lateral velocity component is of course calculated equivalently. The standard errors in correlations of the mean velocity uctuations like u u , v v and u v are more dicult to assess. An estimate of those standard errors is obtained by dividing the total data set into n subsets of x elements each. By considering the root-mean-square value of the means of each subset, the standard error in, for instance, the mean streamwise turbulence


Two-phase velocity measurements

intensity v v is given by:

1 n n i=1 (v

Sv v =

v iv v )



where v v i is the mean turbulence intensity of subset i and v v the mean of the n means v v i . The number of subsets has been varied between 10 and 50 with the number of elements per subset being between 100 and 20 respectively. It appeared that for n > 20, the standard error in the turbulence intensities was not changing anymore. Thus, for the present study n is chosen to be 20, meaning that the total data set of 1000 measurements has been divided into 20 subsets of 50 measurements. Typical values for the standard errors in the mean velocity components u and v are given in section 4.3.1 and values of Su u , Sv v and Su v are mentioned in section 4.3.4 on turbulence properties of the jet in cross-ow.


Results and analysis

Velocity elds

When steam is injected into a cross-ow of water, rapid condensation occurs in a small region near the steam injection point. The condensation regime in the present range of steam mass uxes and liquid temperatures is known to be intermittent (see chapter 3). Intermittent condensation is an oscillatory phenomenon characterized by growing and collapsing steam pockets at the injection point. The liquid surrounding the steam pocket is accelerated during the time the pocket is growing and is decelerated abruptly due the rapid increase of the local density when condensation occurs. This results in a highly uctuating ow in the vicinity of the steam injection point. A turbulent single-phase jet arises further downstream, deected by a combination of conservation of momentum and energy of both the jet ow and the approaching main liquid ow, and by the presence of a wall opposite to the steam injection point. The interaction of both ows depends on process parameters like the momentum ux ratio and liquid temperature and is further investigated below. Observation of the instantaneous velocity data shows that the jet ow, induced by the injection of steam, is of a highly uctuating nature. Figs. 4.6 and 4.7 display two pairs of consecutive velocity elds from experimental run 25a and 25e, respectively, at a time interval of 1/15 s. The displayed elds have 48 rows of vectors with a spatial separation of 0.6 mm along the x-axis and 62 rows of vectors in y-direction at a distance of 0.63 mm. The vectors have been scaled by a factor of 2 (stretch factor of 2). The center of the injection nozzle is located in point (0,0). Note that the appearance of the jet is signicantly dierent for the vector elds in sub-gures (a) and (b), for both experimental runs. This implies that the correlation time of the velocity uctuations is smaller than 1/15 s and that the velocities data of two consecutive measurements in time are independent indeed (see section 4.2.4). For all four vector elds it holds that the main ow surrounding the liquid jet appears to be undisturbed. The instantaneous liquid jets do not appear as a continuous ow with higher velocity

4.3 Results and analysis




Figure 4.6. Two consecutive instantaneous velocity elds of experimental run 25a with J = 13.0, at a time interval of 1/15 s. The empty spots correspond to locations where a spurious vector was detected and removed from the data set.



Figure 4.7. Two consecutive instantaneous velocity elds of experimental run 25e with J = 57.5, at a time interval of 1/15 s. The empty spots correspond to locations where a spurious vector was detected and removed from the data set.


Two-phase velocity measurements

than the surrounding ow eld but have an irregular pattern due to 3-dimensional instability structures inside the jet region and in the shear-layer of the jet and the cross-ow. The ow irregularities for the jets with the lower momentum ux ratio, shown in Fig. 4.6, manifest themselves as a pattern with patches of jet uid and in between uid moving in the main ow. The instantaneous jets for the high momentum ux ratio (run 25e), shown in Fig.4.7, have a more continuous appearance. Moreover, large scale structures can be recognized at the upstream boundary between the jet and the cross-ow, where the cross-ow locally intrudes into the jet. These large scale structures resemble the so-called jet shear-layer vortices that where observed by Fric & Roshko [11] in the bending region of the jet in cross-ow. Jet-cross-ow interaction is shown with the aid of Figs. 4.8 to 4.10. These gures show velocity elds, time-averaged over 1000 instantaneous measurements, for three dierent momentum ux ratios. For all three cases the liquid bulk velocity vb , is 0.29 m/s and the liquid temperature, TL , is 25 C, yielding bulk Reynolds numbers between 9816 and 9854. The contour colors in these gures refer to the local velocity magnitude, ||, scaled with the bulk velocity. The data in the regions enclosed by the v dashed white line is not reliable, as explained in section 4.2.4. These regions contain all positions where more than 30% of the 1000 instantaneous elds a spurious vector was detected. The vectors are plotted for every second spanwise and axial coordinate (vector spacing of 2x2), which makes them easier to distinguish in the vector plots. This results in 24 rows of vectors at a distance of 0.12 mm that have been plotted along the x-axis and 31 rows of vectors at 0.126 mm along the y-axis.The rst gure (4.8) shows the velocity eld of experimental run 25a with a momentum ux ratio of 13.0. The maximum velocity in the liquid core of the jet is about 1.5 times higher than the bulk velocity. The jet seems to penetrate a little further than half the width of the duct and barely disturbs the approaching main ow at the right side of the duct. The ow on the immediate left of the jet exhibits a signicant horizontal velocity component. It appears as if the uid in that region is dragged along with the jet core towards the right side of the duct. The velocity elds for momentum ux ratios of 57.5 (run 25e) and 123.5 (run 25i) are given in Figs. 4.9 and 4.10 respectively. For J = 57.5, the jet penetrates almost across the whole duct width and seems to touch the right wall of the duct in the upper east corner of the ow eld. The liquid core of this jet is very clearly visible in the ow eld and has a velocity that is at maximum 2.2vb , and is decreasing in streamwise direction. The presence of the jet has now a signicant eect on the main ow. The jet is obstructing the main ow causing it to decelerate on the right side of the duct, at least in the part experimentally observed. Another region of deceleration is observed in the downstream wake of the condensation zone, above the steam injection point. The dragging eect of the jet core is now very apparent from the strong lateral velocity component in the ow immediately left of the jet. The ow eld of experimental run 25i (J = 123.5), shown in Fig. 4.10, is similar to that of run 25e. The jet is now really impinging on the opposing duct wall, causing a rapid deection of the jet in vertical direction, parallel to the wall.

4.3 Results and analysis


Figure 4.8. Vector eld for run 25a averaged over 1000 measurements in time. Contour colors represent the velocity magnitude normalized with the bulk velocity (0.29 m/s). The dashed contour encloses the region where velocity data is unreliable. The number 1.5 in white indicates the maximum occurring value of ||/vb . v


Two-phase velocity measurements

Figure 4.9. Vector eld for run 25e averaged over 1000 measurements in time. Contour colors represent the velocity magnitude normalized with the bulk velocity (0.29 m/s). The dashed contour encloses the region where velocity data is unreliable. The number 2.2 in white indicates the maximum occurring value of ||/vb . v

4.3 Results and analysis


Figure 4.10. Vector eld for run 25i averaged over 1000 measurements in time. Contour colors represent the velocity magnitude normalized with the bulk velocity (0.29 m/s). The dashed contour encloses the region where velocity data is unreliable. The number 2.5 in white indicates the maximum occurring value of ||/vb . v


Two-phase velocity measurements

It is clear that the interaction between the jet and the cross-ow is governed by the momentum ux ratio and it is expected that the ow elds of experimental runs with approximate equal values of J are similar. This is conrmed by considering the timeaveraged contour plots of the velocity magnitude for TL = 25 C, shown in Fig. 4.11 for runs 25d, 25e and 25f. Similar gures are given for the other experimental runs in Appendix C. It appears that for dierent combinations of jet momentum and crossow momentum, but equal values of J, the jet-cross-ow interaction is indeed almost identical. A small dierence can be observed in the widths of the jets. Typically the jet with the lowest bulk Reynolds number Reb , displayed in Fig. 4.11(a), has the largest width and jets with the highest Reb , in Fig. 4.11(c), the smallest width. This is probably related to the fact that the shear layer between the jet and the cross-ow becomes thinner with increasing Reb , implying a smaller jet width for higher values of Reb .

Figure 4.11. Contour plots of the time-averaged velocity magnitude normalized with the bulk velocity vb for TL = 25 C and (a) J = 50.7, vb = 0.15 m/s (b) J = 57.5, vb = 0.29 m/s (c) J = 56.3, vb = 0.43 m/s. The white contour encloses the region where velocity data is unreliable.

The eect of the liquid bulk temperature TL on the jet-cross-ow interaction can be seen when comparing the contour plots of the time-averaged velocity magnitude, shown in Fig. 4.12. Sub-gure (a) shows the contour of run 25a with TL = 25 C and J = 13.0 and sub-gure (b) shows the contours of run 65a with TL = 65 C and J = 14.8. The ow elds for both temperatures are similar, but it is noted that the velocity of the liquid in the jet core is higher for the case of TL = 25 C. At this lower temperature, the condensation is more rapid and localized (see chapter 3) resulting also in a more rapid and localized transfer of momentum from the steam to the liquid. This apparently leads to higher gradients and velocity in the core region of the jet.

4.3 Results and analysis


Figure 4.12. Contour plots of the time-averaged velocity magnitude normalized with the bulk velocity vb for (a) run 25a: TL = 25 C, J = 13.0, vb = 0.29 m/s and for (b) run 65a: TL = 65 C, J = 14.5, vb = 0.58 m/s. The steam pockets are plotted on real size and represent the typical pocket shape and length just before condensation. For TL = 25 C condensation occurs approximately every 5 ms and for TL = 65 C every 8 ms.

The uctuations of the u and v velocity components for the time-averaged vector elds shown in Figs. 4.8 to 4.10 are given in Figs. 4.13 to 4.15. The contour plots display the rms-values of both velocity components, scaled with the local velocity magnitude ||. Both rms-components are of the same size outside the jet region for v all three runs, while in the jet region urms is noticeably higher. Typical relative values for urms and vrms outside the jet region are between 0.05 to 0.1 for run 25b (J = 13.0), between 0.1 and 0.2 for run 25e (J = 57.5) and up to 0.3 in case of run 25i (J = 123.5). Inside the liquid jet, urms is at maximum 40% and 55% of || in case v of run 25b and 25e respectively and reaches a maximum of up to 75% for run 25i. It also appears that the relative uctuations inside the jet are decaying in streamwise direction of the jet. Velocity uctuations will be studies further via the turbulent intensities, in section 4.3.4.


Two-phase velocity measurements



Figure 4.13. Contour plots of the root-mean-square values of the u-component (a) urms and the v-component (b) vrms of the velocity, normalized with the local velocity magnitude, || for experimental run 25a. v



Figure 4.14. Contour plots of the root-mean-square values of the u-component (a) urms and the v-component (b) vrms of the velocity, normalized with the local velocity magnitude, || for experimental run 25e. v

4.3 Results and analysis




Figure 4.15. Contour plots of the root-mean-square values of the u-component (a) urms and the v-component (b) vrms of the velocity, normalized with the local velocity magnitude, || for experimental run 25i. v

The standard errors in the means of u and v (Eq. (4.3)) corresponding to the time-averaged velocity elds of Figs. 4.8 to 4.10 are given in Appendix E. For all three experimental runs holds that Su and Sv are lower in the undisturbed portions of the cross-ow if compared to the values in the jet region. Typically, the standard errors in the mean velocities in the ow outside the jet are between 0.2% and 0.3% of the velocity magnitude in case of u and in the range of 0.3% - 0.4% of |v| for v, for experimental run 25a (Fig. E.1). In addition, inside the jet region Su exceeds Sv , analogous to the previously observed trends of the root-mean-square values of u and v. For run 25a values of Su in the jet region are about 1.7% of v close to the injection point and decrease towards 0.5% in the most downstream part of the measurement domain. The corresponding trend for Sv inside the jet is 1.3% of v near the steam injection and about 0.5% in the far-eld. It is concluded that the measurement accuracy is suciently high to permit comparison of various process conditions and comparison with numerical predictions.


Jet centreline trajectories

Experimental observation The contour plots presented in Figs. 4.8 to 4.10 clearly show jet topologies for different J when penetrating into the cross-ow. This is now quantied by dening the trajectory of the jet as the locus of points in which the time-averaged velocity magnitude, ||, is maximum. These jet trajectories, also referred to as jet centrelines, v are presented in Fig. 4.16. The centrelines are plotted from the location of maximum || in the region of reliable data closest to the steam injection point. Note that the v


Two-phase velocity measurements



Figure 4.16. Centreline trajectories of jets based on the loci of maximum || for (a) TL = v 25 C and (b) TL = 65 C.

centerlines for J = 121.8 - 125.3 are only plotted up to y = 22.5 mm where the opposing wall at x = 30 mm is apparently reached. Above this point the positions of maximum || are simply parallel to the y-axis due to the immediate presence of v the wall and are therefore not considered as points of the actual centerline. The results for TL = 25 C, given in sub-gure (a), clearly show that the positions of the centrelines are governed by the momentum ux ratio, which is to be expected since the jet motion is inertially dominated and buoyancy eects are negligible. Lines of approximately equal J collapse with remaining scatter, caused by fact that velocity data is only available in discrete points. The spread of centreline positions is typically 1.8 mm for J = 13.0 - 14.5 and around 1.2 mm for the other two ranges of J. When comparing the positions of the centrelines for TL = 65 C with those of TL = 25 C they all appear to coincide except those for experimental runs 65a and 65d, which are plotted in sub-gure (b) with the triangular markers. The jet centrelines of these experimental runs seem to penetrate deeper into the duct than the centrelines in the same range of J at TL = 25 C. This is possibly related to the fact that at low mass uxes of steam and higher liquid temperatures, like in case of runs 65a and 65e, the penetration depth of the steam pocket is noticeable larger than in case of the other experimental runs (see chapter 3).
The importance of buoyancy is estimated using the Froude number, dened as: F r = Re2 /Gr. b For the range of bulk Reynolds numbers listed in Tab. 4.1 and an estimated temperature dierence between the liquid jet and the cross-ow of 5 C, the Froude number is of the order 101 to 104 .

4.3 Results and analysis


Analysis Scaling of trajectory of jets injected into a cross-ow without a phase-transition has been investigated in numerous works [18, 32, 16, 37, 14]. It was found that the 13, product of the eective velocity ratio r, which equals J, and the nozzle diameter d is the only global length scale in the far-eld of the jet (Broadwell & Breidenthal [3]) and that in most of the cases centreline trajectories coincide when their coordinates are scaled with rd. This scaling has also been applied to the centerlines of the jets resulting from phase-transition of the present study, see Fig. 4.17. Sub-gure (a) gives the scaled centrelines for TL = 25 C and demonstrates that they collapse well. The centrelines for the two highest values of J seem to deect a little less than those for J = 13.0 - 14.5, which is probably caused by the presence of the duct wall. This eect is more pronounced for the centerlines for TL = 65 C, presented in Fig. 4.17(b). The eect of the penetration depth of the steam pocket on the location of the centreline in case of run 65a explains the deviation of the triangular markers in 4.17(b).



Figure 4.17. Centreline trajectory of jets based on the loci of maximum || in rd-normalized v coordinates for (a) TL = 25 C and (b) TL = 65 C.

An often used correlation to describe the collapsed centreline trajectories of Fig. 4.17 is a simple power-law given by x/rd = A(y/rd)b [37, 13, 14]. When applied to the jet centrelines for TL = 25 C and eective velocity ratios between 3.6 and 11.2,


Two-phase velocity measurements

the collapsed centreline trajectory is found to be: x y = (1.310 0.004) rd rd


for 3.6 r 11.2


The t uncertainties are dened for the 95% condence interval and the t statistics are r2 = 0.99 and F = 24939. The resulting predicted trajectory is displayed in Fig. 4.18. The power-law correlation found here (Eq. (4.5)) is compared to that reported by Hasselbrink & Mungal [13] and [14] for an unconned air jet issuing into a windtunnel. They dened the trajectory as the mean centre streamline in the jet for values of r >10. They found A = 2.1 and b = 1/3 and the resulting trajectory, when applied to the present range of r, is also shown in Fig. 4.18.

Figure 4.18. Experimental centreline trajectory in rd-normalized coordinates for TL = 25 C, predicted centreline trajectory from x/rd = 1.310(y/rd)0.440 and the predicted centreline according to x/rd = 2.1(y/rd)1/3 reported by Hasselbrink & Mungal [14], for 3.6 r 11.2. The t uncertainties, mentioned in the legend of the gure, are valid within a 95% condence interval and the t statistics are r2 = 0.99 and F = 24939.

Kamotani & Greber [16] constructed the centrelines in the same way as in the present study for the same range of J, but used the expression x/d = AJ c (y/d)b to collapse the centrelines onto a single curve, with A = 0.89, b = 0.47 and c = 0.36. If this expression is used to collapse the jet centrelines for TL = 25 C, we nd: x y = (1.43 0.02)J (0.2700.002) d d

for 13.0 J 125.3


The t uncertainties are dened for the 95% condence interval and the t statistics are r2 = 0.99 and F = 15685, with r2 and F dened by Eqs. (3.20) and (3.21). The correlations of Eq. (4.6) and Kamotani & Greber [16] are applied to the jet centrelines of runs 25b and 25e and the resulting trajectories are shown in Fig. 4.19.

4.3 Results and analysis


Figure 4.19. Experimental centreline trajectories of runs 25b and 25e in d-normalized coordinates (TL = 25 C), predicted centreline trajectories from x/d = 1.43J 0.270 (y/d)0.420 and the predicted centrelines according to x/d = 0.89J 0.47 (y/d)0.36 reported by Kamotani & Greber [16], for J = 14.5 and J = 57.5. The t uncertainties, mentioned in the legend of the gure, are valid within a 95% condence interval and the t statistics are r2 = 0.99 and F = 15685.

The t coecients found for the present experiments dier signicantly from the values mentioned in [14] and [16]. Hasselbrink & Mungal [13] point out that such variations can, for instance, arise due to dierences in the denitions of the centrelines, i.e. the trajectories of maximum velocity, maximum scalars like concentration and centre streamlines do not coincide and dierent ranges of considered r. These eects could explain the dierent t results for the present jet trajectory and that of Hasselbrink & Mungal [14] but do not explain the dierences found with respect to the correlation of Kamotani & Greber [16], since they considered the same range of J and used the same denition of the jet trajectory. The dominant source of discrepancy is believed to be related to the fact that the momentum of the injected steam is transferred in a dierent way to the downstream single-phase jet than in case of the jets discussed in [14] and [16]. The high speed recordings of the visualization experiments, described in chapter 3, show that at the instant of condensation a portion of condensed steam is immediately transported in the direction of the cross-ow, causing the jet to deect more strongly than in the case for jets without a phase-transition. This is conrmed by Figs. 4.18 and 4.19, which show that the centreline trajectory of the condensing steam jet penetrates less far into the cross-ow than the predicted trajectories of Hasselbrink & Mungal [14] for the whole range of present momentum ux ratios and for J = 57.5 in case of the centreline correlation of Kamotani & Greber [16].


Two-phase velocity measurements

In conclusion, it appears that dierent ow conditions immediately downstream the injection point result in dierent positions of the jet centreline trajectory: The dierent centreline location of jets at TL = 65 C (low steam mass ux) if compared to those of jets at TL = 25 C is explained by the increased penetration depth of the steam pocket at higher values of TL . The dierent centerline locations of the jets of the present study if compared to those of single-phase jets are caused by the condensation of steam. The power-law using the length scale rd for normalization of centerline coordinates reveals its usefulness for direct comparison of jets with dierent r (see Figs. 4.18 and 4.17) and provides a more universal formulation for the jet trajectory for a range of r. For condensing steam jets in cross-ow we therefore recommend the power-law correlation given by Eq. (4.5) to describe the positions (x,y) of the centreline.


Lateral distribution of velocities

The vector elds and contours of the velocity magnitude of Figs. 4.8 through to 4.10 show that bulk features of the jet in cross-ow resemble those of a free jet. The ow scale in streamwise direction is large compared to spanwise dimension, which makes streamwise gradients small with respect to lateral gradients. When taking crosssections parallel to the jets centreline, the velocity vectors appear to be essentially parallel to that centreline within the boundaries of the jet. Next to that, the mean velocity along the jets central axis decreases in streamwise direction with a prole, along the line perpendicular to the central axis, that seems to retain its shape at successive downstream locations. This makes it interesting to study to what extent these lateral distributions of the mean velocity show similarity in downstream direction and how more detailed properties of the ow, like turbulence intensities (section 4.3.4), correspond to that of a free jet and jets in cross-ow without a phase transition. To study the mean velocity and turbulence intensity distributions in our jets a new coordinate system is introduced. The new coordinate, , is taken streamwise along the centreline of the jet and is the corresponding spanwise coordinate locally perpendicular to the centreline at each point . Since the location from where the centrelines of Fig. 4.16 are calculated varies for experimental runs, it is convenient to keep reference to the steam injection point when dening the streamwise location . A t of the form y = Axb is therefore made through each centerline shown in Fig. 4.16, with = 0 taken to be at (x,y) = (0,0). The t coecients and statistics are summarized in Appendix F. The new streamwise coordinate is dened as:

(x) =

1 + y (x) dx


with y (x) = dy/dx. The -axis at an arbitrary downstream position i is subsequently calculated by rst determining the slope, y (xi ) , of the line tangent to the centerline in point i (see Fig. 4.20). The slope of the line perpendicular to that local tangent is equal to (y (xi ))1 and the equation for the -axis is then given by: (x) = 1 (x xi ) y (xi ) (4.8)

4.3 Results and analysis


J e t c e n tr e lin e : O =

) *N


ta n g e n t


h (N )

(0 ,0 )

Figure 4.20. Construction of the -axis in an arbitrary point i of the jet centreline. The axis, indicated as (x) is perpendicular to the local tangent (grey - - -) in point i .

As mentioned before, the ow inside the jet is essentially parallel to its centerline while the ow in the outer regions is given by vb . Since we want to consider the jet velocity component parallel to the centreline along the -axis across the whole width of the duct, we decompose the velocity vectors, measured in the Cartesian frame of reference, into a streamwise component v and a spanwise component u . The vector transformation reads: cos() sin() sin() cos() u v = u v

with the angle between the x -axis and the -axis at some point along the centerline. This decomposition is elucidated in Fig. 4.21. Since values of v and u are needed on the -axis, which does not necessarily coincide with the locations of the measured velocity vectors, v and u are calculated in the grid points just below and above the -axis and linearly interpolated. Typical lateral distributions of v and u for run 25a are presented in Fig. 4.22. Each sub-gure corresponds to a dierent -axis whose positions in the ow domain are displayed in Fig. 4.23. Note that the markers used to indicate the axes are similar to those of the corresponding proles of Fig. 4.22 and that the -axes have been scaled such that = 0 coincides with the intersection of the centerline and the -axis. Returning to Fig. 4.22 it is noted that the plotted values of both velocity components are normalized with vb and are from now on simply denoted


Two-phase velocity measurements

Figure 4.21. Vector eld of run 25a, averaged over 1000 measurements in time, with the centerline (- - -) and the -axis () in point i on the centerline. The decomposition of vector (u,v ) (blue) into the components v and u (green) is displayed in the enlarged red circle.

as v and u . The error bars, visible in Fig. 4.22(a), represent the standard errors in v and u , according to Eq. 4.3, based on a 95% condence interval. It appears that v has its maximum at = 0 for all streamwise positions . This is as expected, since = 0 is at the intersection with the jet centerline which connects all points of maximum || downstream the steam injection point. At streamwise coordinate = v 10.5 mm (Fig. 4.22(a)) the maximum value of v is 1.6vb and is decreasing to 1.4vb further downstream at = 39.8 mm (Fig. 4.22(d)). The spanwise component u is equal or smaller than zero for all considered -coordinates. This can be explained by considering the orientation of unit vectors and with respect to x and y and velocity vector (u,v ), as shown in Fig. 4.21. Unit vectors and are obtained by clockwise rotation of unit vectors x and y with angle . Decomposition of vector (u,v ) along results in a negative spanwise component u (pointing to the left). This holds and for all vectors (u,v ) along the displayed -axis as well as for all other -axes in coordinates further downstream. The -positions of maximum u values corresponds to the positions on the -axes where vectors (u,v ) are parallel to the local tangent of the centerline. These positions are located on the left of = 0 for all -coordinates due to the fairly high horizontal velocity left of the centerline whereas the velocity vectors on the right of the centreline are mainly orientated in the direction of the bulk ow (see Fig. 4.21).

4.3 Results and analysis






Figure 4.22. Lateral distribution of streamwise velocity v (open markers) and spanwise velocity u (lled markers), both normalized with vb at streamwise coordinates: (a) = 10.5 mm (b) = 20.3 mm (c) = 30.1 mm (d) = 39.8 mm. Shape of markers in each sub-gure corresponds to shape of markers of corresponding -axes shown in Fig. 4.23.

Next, possible similarity of the mean velocity in the jet is investigated. Conditions a ow must meet in order to be self-similar can be found in Pope [30]. It is sucient to mention that similarity can be expected in case the mean velocity distributions can be described in terms of a local length and a velocity scale. Analogous to the case of a free jet entering a quiescent medium, a local velocity scale needs to be that approaches zero for positions: at a large distance downstream the steam injection point along the -axes outside the region bounded by the jet Therefore, the velocity excess of the jet above the cross-ow should be considered. In case of an unconned single-phase jet injected in a cross-ow the velocity excess is simply dened as the jet velocity parallel to the centreline minus the uniform approach velocity of the cross-ow, as discussed by Keer & Baines [18]. For the present study the situation is dierent since the ow outside the jet region is immediately dominated by the presence of the duct walls. A useful denition of the velocity excess is obtained


Two-phase velocity measurements

Figure 4.23. Contour plot of the average absolute velocity of run 25a. The average is based on 1000 measurements in time. The centerline (- - -) of the jet is shown together with 4 -axes perpendicular to the centerline in the points: = 10.5 mm (), = 20.3 mm ( ), = 30.1 mm ( ), = 39.8 mm (). The point = 0 mm coincides with (x,y) = (0,0) and is the center of the steam injection nozzle.

in our case, if the lateral distributions of v of the jet ow of run 25a, shown in Fig. 4.22, are compared with the equivalent velocity component of a single-phase turbulent duct ow. A description of undisturbed single-phase duct ow is given in chapter 2. To obtain v along the -axes depicted in Fig. 4.23, the procedure previously described for the jet in cross-ow measurements is also applied to the velocity eld of singlephase duct ow. The streamwise velocities v for both ows are given in Fig. 4.24. It appears that within the range of downstream positions presented, a large part of the velocity prole outside the jet region is unaected by the presence of the jet. The dierence of both proles thus yields a well-dened velocity excess within the region of the jet that becomes small at positions along the -axis outside the jet. The velocity excess is given by: v = v,jet v,duct ow (4.9) A local length scale, 1/2 is dened as the points along the -axis, both left and right of = 0, where the velocity excess v is one-half of the maximum excess, v,c , at the centreline. Similarity of the v -prole is now investigated with the aid of 1/2 .

4.3 Results and analysis






Figure 4.24. Lateral distribution of streamwise velocity v for the jet in cross-ow measurements (open markers) and of streamwise velocity v for the single-phase turbulent duct ow measurements (lled markers), both normalized with vb at streamwise coordinates:(a) = 10.5 mm (b) = 20.3 mm (c) = 30.1 mm (d) = 39.8 mm. Shape of markers in each subgure corresponds to shape of markers of corresponding -axes shown in Fig. 4.23.

The proles of v normalized with v,c () at successive streamwise coordinates are studied for three experimental runs with a liquid temperature of 25 C. Runs 25a and 25c have a momentum ux ratio, J, of 13.0 and 14.3 and a bulk Reynolds number, Reb of 9,816 and 28,945, respectively. For run 25e, J = 57.5 and Reb = 9,854. The velocity excess of run 25e is obtained by substraction of the corresponding singlephase prole with a bulk Reynolds number of 9,778 and that of run 25c results from subtraction of the single-phase duct ow prole at Reb = 29,230, which is obtained from measurements described in Chapter 2 of this thesis. The resulting proles are plotted in Figs. 4.25, 4.26 and 4.27, for runs 25a, 25c and 25e respectively. The proles of all three experimental runs appear to collapse onto a single curve, indicating that a form similarity exists for the time-averaged lateral velocity excess of the jet in crossow. To check to what extent the similarity holds, Figs. 4.25 to 4.27 need to be analyzed in more detail, which is done below.


Two-phase velocity measurements

Figure 4.25. Lateral distributions of the velocity excess v at 20 successive downstream coordinates ranging from = 10.5 mm to = 39.8 mm for run 25 a. The velocity excess is normalized with its centreline value v,c and the lateral coordinate is normalized with the jet half-width 1/2 .

Figure 4.26. Lateral distributions of the velocity excess v at 15 successive downstream coordinates ranging from = 12.3 mm to = 40.7 mm for run 25 c. The velocity excess is normalized with its centreline value v,c and the lateral coordinate is normalized with the jet half-width 1/2 .

4.3 Results and analysis


Figure 4.27. Lateral distributions of the velocity excess v at 14 successive downstream coordinates ranging from = 10.5 mm to = 23.8 mm for run 25 e. The velocity excess is normalized with its centreline value v,c and the lateral coordinate is normalized with the jet half-width 1/2 .

Let us start by considering the scatter in the proles on the right-hand side of =0 that shows a consistent trend for increasing values of , as indicated in the gures. The scaled velocity excess for runs 25a and 25c appears to increase in streamwise direction for lateral position at which v /v,c < 0.3. This is due to a decreasing distance between the jet centerline and the duct wall in streamwise direction (see Fig. 4.8), resulting in a higher velocity of the passing liquid and a larger dierence between v,jet and v,duct ow . The scatter is larger for run 25c since this eect is obviously stronger for higher velocities of the approaching cross-ow. The observed trend of the scatter in the velocity excess proles on the right side of the ow domain is opposite for run 25e. Fig. 4.9 shows that in case of a higher J the jet penetrates almost across the whole width of the duct. The passage of the approaching ow is therefore blocked at the right side of the duct resulting in a strongly decreasing velocity of the approaching ow in downstream direction (see Fig. 4.9). This causes v to become a growing velocity decit, i.e. v < 0, for higher values of . Apparently the similarity of the velocity excess proles becomes disrupted at places in the outer ow regions due to the presence of the duct wall. A similar eect was observed by van Wissen et. al [43] in a steam-driven turbulent water jet in a vessel, due to a back-ow caused by the connement of the jet. A striking phenomenon in Figs. 4.25 to 4.27 is the lack of mirror-symmetry with respect to = 0. The observed spreading behavior of the jet on the right diers from that on left-hand side of the centreline. This is quantied by considering the gradient


Two-phase velocity measurements

of the jets half-width, 1/2 , in streamwise direction. Estimations of this gradient are given in Tab. 4.2 for runs 25a, 25c and 25e. A free jet exhibits a linear spread in downstream direction due to lateral entrainment of lower momentum liquid from outside the jet. This linear spread implies a positive gradient d1/2 ()/d on the righthand side of the centreline as indeed is observed. The left part of the jet, however, exhibits a small positive d1/2 ()/d which indicates that the jet is not spreading at all on that side of the centerline. It is fair to state that for < 0 the jet exhibits supersimilarity: equality of the velocity prole at each position along the axis of the centreline. The jet ow on the right-hand side of the centreline seemingly exhibits a behavior similar to that of a free jet: only that part of the jet is considered in the remainder of this section. Experimental run 25a 25c 25e
d1/2 d lef t d1/2 d right

0.04 0.03 0.02

0.14 0.13 0.09

Table 4.2. Estimated streamwise gradients of the jet half-widths left and right of the jet centreline for runs 25a, 25c and 25e.

In Pope [30] it is described that self-similarity in the far-eld of a free turbulent jet requires that the centreline velocity is inversely proportional to the streamwise coordinate along the jets central axis:
v,c () ( 0 )1


with 0 the virtual origin of the jet. Furthermore, the jet spreads linearly with spreading rate, S dened by: , d1/2 () S (4.11) d S is a constant. The self-similar mean velocity prole of jet is described by:
v ()/v,c () = f ()


with /( 0 ) the lateral similarity variable. Two expressions for the similarity prole f () of a free turbulent jet are given by Pope [30] and Hussein et al. [15]. Discussion of these expressions and their application to the mean proles of v will be given later in this section. First, the streamwise variations of v,c and 1/2 are studied to check whether the similarity requirements of Eqs. (4.10) and (4.11) are satised by the jets for lateral coordinates > 0. The inverse of the centreline velocity excess, v,c , along the streamwise coordinate is displayed in Fig. 4.28 for experimental runs 25a, 25c and 25e. It appears that for all three cases, (v,c )1 is within good approximation linearly increasing with , hence the requirement of v,c () 1 is satised. Linear functions have been tted through the data points of Fig. 4.28 for the corresponding ranges of . The virtual origins 0 can then be estimated as the intercepts of the linear ts with the abscissa. The resulting values of 0 and the statistics of the linear ts are

4.3 Results and analysis


Figure 4.28. Inverse of the centreline velocity excess v,c along streamwise coordinate for run 25a (), run 25c ( ) and run 25e (). The plotted lines represent linear ts with the t parameters are given in Tab. 4.3. Note that the intercepts of the linear ts with the horizontal axis correspond to the values of the virtual origins 0 .

given in Tab. 4.3. The virtual origins for run 25a and 25e are negative while 0 for run 25c is slightly positive. Similar results were found by Van Wissen et al. [43] for a steam-driven free turbulent water jet in a vessel. Van Wissen et al. [43] mention that the virtual origin of a non-condensing jet is located downstream of the nozzle and that the negative 0 -values for condensing jets can be explained by a compression of the development region of the free jet downstream of the injection point due to the change in mass density during the condensation such that the jet seemingly originates from a source upstream the injection point. Although the development region of a jet in cross-ow probably diers from that of the free jet, something similar is apparently the case in the present experiments. 25a -6.2 0.7 0.98 1552 0.139 0.008 0.95 315 25c 1.87 0.48 0.99 3835 0.127 0.005 0.96 698 25e -15.2 1.1 0.97 593 0.093 0.013 0.84 60.9

0 [mm] r2 F S [-] r2 F

Table 4.3. Fit results and statistics for linear ts given in Figs. 4.28 and 4.29 for the determination of the virtual origins 0 and spreading rates S .

The second requirement for self-similarity of a free jet is that the jets half-width increases linearly with , i.e. the spreading rate S (Eq. (4.11)) is a constant. The experimentally determined values of 1/2 along the centreline of the jet are given in


Two-phase velocity measurements

Fig. 4.29 for lateral coordinates > 0. The jets half-widths increase linearly with increasing indeed. The spreading rate, S is estimated as the slope of a linear t , applied to the data over the corresponding ranges of -coordinates. The resulting ts are displayed in Fig. 4.29 and the values of S together with the t results are given in Tab. 4.3. The spreading rates of run 25a and 25c are found to be 0.139 and 0.127 with uncertainties of 6% and 4% respectively. The quality of the t of run 25e is noticeably lower considering the t statistics and the higher uncertainty in S of about 14% (S = 0.093 0.013). This is caused by the limited amount of considered streamwise coordinates (see discussion Fig. 4.27) and the scatter of the data. The physical interpretation of S is in terms of entrainment, which is the transport of liquid from outside the jet into the jet. For a free turbulent jet this entrainment is mainly due to lateral transport of lower-momentum ambient uid into the jet and results in a spreading rate S of 0.094, for both condensing and non-condensing jets [15, 43]. Entrainment rates for jets in cross-ow are known to be higher due to the occurrence of multiple entrainment mechanisms at dierent locations of the jet, see Yuan & Street [55]. The dominant mechanism enhancing entrainment is the intrusion of cross-ow liquid into the jet interior in the bending region of the jet where the angle of incidence between the jet and the cross-ow is highest [55]. The cross-ow intrusion into the jet could be recognized in the instantaneous velocity elds, shown in Fig. 4.7. These larger entrainment rates would naturally result into larger spreading ratios as long as the jet in cross-ow would be unbounded. This applies to the jets of run 25a and 25c, with values of S being signicantly larger than that of the free turbulent jet. This is not the case for run 25e, which has a spreading rate close to that of the free jet. Apparently for higher momentum ux ratios the jet is prevented to spread due to the immediate presence of the wall. The presence of the wall thus reduces the value of S .

Figure 4.29. Jet half-width 1/2 along streamwise coordinate for run 25a (), run 25c ( ) and run 25e (). The plotted lines represent linear ts with the t parameters are given in Tab. 4.3.

4.3 Results and analysis


The analysis presented in the above demonstrates that the mean streamwise velocity prole, considered in the rotated frame, exhibits similarity properties which resemble that of a free turbulent jet, either condensing or non-condensing. To complete the analysis, comparison is made with similarity properties of non-condensing jets in cross-ow. Keer & Baines [18] investigated an air jet transversely injected in a windtunnel for velocity ratios, R = uj /u0 , between 2 and 10 with uj the initial jet velocity and u0 the uniform cross-wind velocity. They studied the streamwise development of the mean velocity excess of the jet in a frame of axes similar to that of the present study and proved that a more universal representation of the similarity exists, i.e. one that is independent of the velocity ratio. It appeared that the scaled lateral proles of the velocity excess, similar to the ones presented in Figs. 4.25 to 4.27, also collapse onto a single S-shaped curve for dierent velocity ratios R. This requires that the velocity excess scaled with the maximum excess uj u0 and the jets half-width 1/2 are single functions of the distance along the jet, measured from the virtual origin 0 and hence are independent of R. The analysis presented above demonstrates that this independence of R is not found in the present study. It is believed that this is a result of the fact that the direct coupling between the initial jet velocity, uv in our case, and the eective velocity ratio r does not hold anymore in the far-eld of the jet due to the condensation. In addition, matters are even more complicated by the connement of the jet by the duct walls, which also has an eect on the jet spreading and location of the virtual origin. Relations for the self-similar mean velocity prole of a free turbulent jet, given by Eq. (4.12), are found in the work of Hussein et al. [15] and Pope [30]. Hussein et al. performed lda measurements in an unbounded axisymmetric turbulent jet and showed that a Gaussian prole for f () ts the velocity data in the far-eld of the jet with high accuracy: 2 (4.13) f () = exp ln(2) S The self-similar velocity prole given by Pope [30]: f () = 1 (1 + a 2 )2 (4.14)

with a = ( 2 1)/S 2 , is the solution of the boundary-layer equations, with the as sumption of a uniform turbulent viscosity across the width of the jet, i.e. independent of streamwise and lateral coordinates. This assumption is made to overcome the closure problem of the shear stress uv. In Pope [30], comparison is made between both self-similar proles and it is concluded that there is good agreement except at the edge of the jet where the prole of Eq. (4.14) decreases more gradually towards zero than the Gaussian prole given by Eq. (4.13). This is due to the uniform-turbulentviscosity approximation made in Pope [30] while the turbulent viscosity decays to zero at the jet boundary in case of the experiments reported by Hussein et al. [15]. The functional proles of Eqs. (4.13) and (4.14) are tted on the velocity proles, shown in Figs. 4.25 to 4.27, for lateral coordinates /1/2 > 0. The resulting predicted proles and the t results for the two main parameters S and 0 (via = /( 0 ))


Two-phase velocity measurements

are given in Figs. 4.30 to 4.32. Figure 4.30 shows the experimental prole of v /v,c for run 25a together with the velocity prole given by Eq. (4.14) tted to our data over the whole range of lateral coordinates right of the centerline. The velocity prole

Figure 4.30. Lateral distributions of the velocity excess normalized with v,c versus the lateral similarity variable = /( 0 ) for experimental run 25a. The tted functional similarity prole f () is represented by the dashed line and the corresponding t results and statistics are given in the gure legend.

presented by Pope [30] ts the data well and the corresponding values found for the spreading rate S and the virtual origin 0 are in close agreement with the values directly calculated from the experimental data (see Tab. 4.3). The experimental prole of v /v,c of run 25a is gradually decreasing to small but mostly positive values further away from the centreline, for reasons related to the proximity of the wall, as discussed earlier in this section. Since the prole of Pope [30] exhibits a similar gradual decrease in this region, it is no surprise that this prole ts better on the results than that of Hussein et al. [15]. Figure 4.31 displays the experimental data of run 25c together with the predicted prole according to Eq. (4.14). The reason that the prole of Pope [30] matches best in this case is similar to the reason given for run 25a. The scatter of the data prevents the t from being applied to the same range of lateral coordinates as in case of run 25a. Instead, Eq. (4.14) has only been evaluated for v /v,c > 0.3 or equivalently for lateral coordinates = /( 0 ) < 0.19. Although the t statistics, given in the gure legend, are good, it is obvious that the quality of the t is less than of run 25a. This is also reected by the large uncertainty found in the predicted value of 0 . The uncertainty in the predicted spreading rate S is, on the other hand, only 3% and the value of S (0.13) is almost equal to the S (0.127) calculated from Eq. (4.11).

4.3 Results and analysis


Figure 4.31. Lateral distributions of the velocity excess normalized with v,c versus the lateral similarity variable = /( 0 ) for experimental run 25c. The tted functional similarity prole f () is represented by the dashed line and the corresponding t results and statistics are given in the gure legend.

The last experimental velocity prole (run 25e) and the corresponding tted prole are given in Fig. 4.32. Now, the expression of Hussein et al. [15], dened by Eq. (4.13) appears to be the most appropriate. It is seen that the ratio v /v,c of run 25e becomes smaller than zero for = /( 0 ) a little smaller than 0.2, due the far jet penetration causing the passage of the approaching liquid to be almost fully blocked (see the discussion Fig. 4.27). The experimental prole is therefore quite steep and is thus better tted by Eq. (4.13). The t has only been evaluated for v /v,c > 0 and has been plotted accordingly in the gure. The t statistics are good, as is the comparison made in Fig. 4.32. The predicted value of S was found to be 0.096 with an uncertainty of 6% and is in good agreement with the experimental value from Eq. (4.11), giving S = 0.093. The predicted virtual origin 0 = -16.29 mm, with an uncertainty of 14%, also matches the experimental value given in Tab. 4.3. In conclusion, the preceding analysis demonstrates that the self-similar proles f () for free turbulent jets found in the literature t the experimentally determined proles of the jets in cross-ow well for positive values of .


Two-phase velocity measurements

Figure 4.32. Lateral distributions of the velocity excess normalized with v,c versus the lateral similarity variable = /( 0 ) for experimental run 25e. The tted functional similarity prole f () is represented by the dashed line and the corresponding t results and statistics are given in the gure legend.


Spatial distributions of turbulence intensities

The distributions of three turbulent intensity components of in the jet ow are determined by calculating the uctuations of the velocity components v and u in the rotated frame, (, ), as outlined in the previous section. The correlations v v , u u and u v will be represented scaled with the square of the streamwise centreline velocity v,c , analogous to the scaling performed in free turbulent jets ([30, 43]). The lateral proles of the turbulence intensity components at successive streamwise coordinates are presented in Figs. 4.33 and 4.35, for J = 13.0 (run 25a) and J = 57.5 (run 25e), respectively. The standard errors in the mean turbulence intensities, estimated according to Eq. (4.4), are determined relative to the displayed values and are at maximum 10% in case of v v , 25% for u u and 30% in case of u v . Let us rst consider the distributions of the jet with J = 13.0, i.e. run 25a. Fig. 4.33(a) shows the equally shaped proles of v v at four streamwise coordinates . The maximum intensity occurs approximately in the center of the jet and decreases rapidly in spanwise direction to the turbulence level of the cross-ow. This is shown in Fig. 4.34 where the streamwise intensity prole at = 20.3 mm is compared to the equivalent prole of the single-phase turbulent duct ow (see section 4.3.3). The prole of the jet ow clearly approaches that of the duct ow towards the boundaries of the spanwise 2 domain. The centreline value of v v is 0.12 v,c for the -coordinate closest to the 2 injection point and decreases to 0.020 v,c at = 39.8 mm. The turbulence intensity

4.3 Results and analysis





Figure 4.33. Lateral proles of turbulence intensities for run 25a in (a) streamwise and (b) spanwise direction and (c) cross-term of streamwise and spanwise uctuations at four streamwise positions . The dashed lines in sub-gure (c) are plotted to guide the eye.


Two-phase velocity measurements

shows a rapid decrease with increasing which becomes more gradual further downstream. This suggests a negative power-law relation between the turbulence intensity and the streamwise coordinate , which is discussed later in this section. The spanwise distributions of u u are given in sub-gure (b) and are qualitatively showing the same trends as discussed for the streamwise turbulence intensity. The centerline 2 value for the lateral intensity component at the most upstream coordinate is 0.17 v,c 2 and diminishes to 0.04 v,c , which is considerably larger as compared to v v at the same streamwise coordinates. The cross-component u v is shown in Figure 4.33(c). The proles are clearly not symmetrical with respect to the jet centreline ( = 0) and the spanwise coordinate where u v = 0 is shifted a little towards negative -values. The maximum value of this component occurs slightly right of the centreline, i.e. for 2 2 > 0, and is 0.033v,c for = 12.3 mm and decreases to 0.006v,c at the streamwise coordinate furthest away from the steam injection point.

Figure 4.34. Streamwise turbulence intensity at = 20.3 mm of the jet in cross-ow (open markers) compared to that of the single-phase turbulent duct ow (lled markers).

The proles of the turbulence intensity of the jet with a momentum ux ratio of 57.5 (run 25e) are displayed in Fig. 4.35. It is obvious that the trends are the same as for the jet at the lower value of J, although the levels of turbulence appear to be signicantly increased. Typical values for this increase are 60% for the streamwise centreline uctuation at = 12.3 mm and 50% for u u at the same streamwise coordinate. A second dierence with respect to the jet at the lower momentum ux ratio is that the centerline values of the streamwise and lateral turbulence intensity components are almost of equal size at J = 57.53. This increase was also observed by Kamontani & Greber [16], who measured the rms-uctuation of the streamwise velocity of a non-condensing jet in a plane parallel to the centreline of the jet.

4.3 Results and analysis





Figure 4.35. Lateral proles of turbulence intensities for run 25e in (a) streamwise and (b) spanwise direction and (c) cross-term of streamwise and spanwise uctuations at three streamwise positions . The dashed lines in sub-gure (c) are plotted to guide the eye.


Two-phase velocity measurements

Lateral distributions of turbulence intensity presented as those in Figs. 4.33 and 4.35 have been found in the work of Van Wissen et al. [43] for a steam jet injected in an initially stagnant water vessel. The axial intensity level reported by Van Wissen et al. is around 10% of the square velocity on the central axis of the jet and is slightly decreasing further downstream of the steam injection point. The axial turbulence level of the condensing jet in a quiescent pool is therefore close to that of the streamwise component (Fig. 4.33(a)) of the condensing jet in cross-ow. The radial intensity of turbulence for the condensing jet in a quiescent pool reported by Van Wissen et al. is around 2.5% to 4% of the squared centerline velocity. The corresponding turbulence intensity (lateral) of the present jet is observed to be much larger (Fig. 4.33(b)). This is because of the horizontally injected steam. The level of u v of the jet of the present study is comparable to that of the condensing jet studied by Van Wissen et al. Next to that, the shape of the found proles, given in Fig. 4.33(c) in the (, )-coordinate system, resemble those of the condensing jet in a quiescent water vessel in a cartesian coordinate system. The biggest dierence is the lack of symmetry with respect to the centreline, with the point of u v = 0 being shifted to negative -values in our jet. This is probably due to the fact that for the present jet a signicant lateral velocity component is present inside the jet region which is obviously not symmetrically distributed (with respect to the centreline) along the spanwise axis (see Fig. 4.22). The centreline decrease of both the streamwise and lateral turbulence intensities, shortly addressed in the foregoing, are now compared with the centreline variation of the rms-uctuations for an air jet issuing into a cross-wind, as reported by Hasselbrink & Mungal [14]. In another work of Hasselbrink & Mungal [13] scaling laws have been derived based on a similarity theory with asymptotic behavior for the jet in crossow. The streamwise variation of the lateral rms-uctuation (in x-direction) along the centreline in the near-eld region (for x/rd 1), urms , of the jet was found to be given by: urms cu ,n = uj cej j

x d


with uj the initial jet velocity, cu ,n /cej the ratio of prole and entrainment coecients, j / the density ratio of the jet uid and cross-ow uid and x/d the ratio between the lateral component and the nozzle diameter (see [13, 14]). The corresponding relation for the far-eld region (for x/rd 1) of the jet found by Hasselbrink & Mungal [14], is: rurms cu ,f = uj (9cew )1/3 j

y rd



with cu ,f a prole coecient and ce,w the far-eld entrainment coecient. Typical values reported for the leading coecients in the equations above are 1.35 in case of the near-eld case and 0.4 for the far-eld region [14]. Hasselbrink & Mungal [14] give similar scaling laws for the streamwise rms-uctuations with only the leading coecient being dierent. For the present study, the streamwise and lateral rms-uctuations of v and u at

4.3 Results and analysis


the centreline of the jet are dened as: v v v,c u u v,c

v =

u =

Now, v and u replace urms of the above analysis. The initial jet velocity uj is replaced by v,c , which is the streamwise centreline velocity of the jet in the (, ) coordinate system. It should be noted that v,c = v,c . The initial jet velocity, uj , used by Hasselbrink & Mungal to scale the rms-velocity, is constant along the centreline. The variation of v,c along the centreline is only small, as shown in Fig. 4.22, and can therefore be used to scale the rms-velocities v and u . Application of the aforementioned scaling laws to the rms-uctuations of the condensing jet in cross-ow, projected onto the (, )-axes, shows that both rmscomponents of run 25a (J = 13.0 or r = 3.6) satisfy the centreline decay relation for the far-eld region given by Eq. (4.16): ru = 1.72 0.01 y rd y rv = 1.43 0.01 rd


The experimental values for v and u and the resulting ts are plotted in Fig. 4.36.It appears that the exponents for both components are close to -2/3 but that the leading coecients are larger than those reported by Hasselbrink & Mungal [14]. This dierence can result from scaling the rms-velocities with v,c , dierent entrainment rates in case of our jet, etc. It is noted that the lateral component exceeds the streamwise component, see Figs. 4.33(a) and (c). This is in agreement with the observation made by Hasselbrink & Mungal that vrms c urms , with c equal to 0.7. For the present case c was found to be 0.8. For run 25a, the observed x/rd-range is 1.4 < x/rd < 2.6. According to the denition of the far-eld region given by Hasselbrink & Mungal [14], i.e. x/rd 1, the observed range can be considered to be far-eld indeed. The centreline rms-uctuations of run 25e (J = 57.5 or r = 7.6) is proportional to (x/d)1 , hence obeys the scaling law for the near-eld jet region given by Eq. (4.15): x d y v = 4.31 0.76 d u = 3.63 0.49


The measured values of v and u with the resulting t form are shown in Fig. 4.37. For this case it also holds that the leading coecients are larger than those for the single-phase jet given by Hasselbrink & Mungal [14]. Now, vrms urms , which is in line with the observation made in the foregoing in the analysis of Fig. 4.35. The observed x/rd-range for the jet of run 25e is 0.99 < x/rd < 1.4, which does not


Two-phase velocity measurements

strictly comply with the near-eld criterion x/rd 1 of Hasselbrink & Mungal [14]. Apparently, the near-eld denition of Hasselbrink & Mungal does not apply precisely to the case of a conned condensing jet in cross-ow.

Figure 4.36. Lateral and streamwise rms-uctuations along jet centreline versus y/rd for run 25a together with the far-eld scaling law, presented by Hasselbrink et al. [14], tted to the experimental data. The t uncertainties are valid within a 95% condence interval. The t statistics for ru are r2 = 0.99 and F = 4223 and r2 = 0.99 and F = 4848 for rv .

Figure 4.37. Lateral and streamwise rms-uctuations along jet centreline versus x/d for run 25e together with the near-eld scaling law, presented by Hasselbrink et al. [14], tted to the experimental data. The t uncertainties are valid within a 95% condence interval. The t statistics for u are r2 = 0.95 and F = 247 and r2 = 0.94 and F = 176 for rv .

4.4 Conclusions




When steam is injected in a turbulent duct ow of water with a temperature dierence of at least several decades (here 70 C - 100 C), condensation occurs in a small region near the steam injection point. The intermittent character of the condensation causes the surrounding liquid to alternately accelerate and decelerate, resulting in a highly uctuating ow in the vicinity of the steam injection point. A turbulent single-phase jet arises further downstream that is deected under the action of the cross-ow. The measured velocity elds show that the ratio of injected steam momentum and crossow momentum is largely governing the ow eld, while eects of the liquid approach temperature are found to be minor. Jet centerlines trajectories, based on the loci of maximum velocity magnitude in the jet have been determined for various momentum ux ratios and two approach temperatures. Centerlines appear to collapse onto a single curve if scaled with the product of the nozzle diameter and the eective velocity ratio. This collapse of centerlines is similar to that observed in non-condensing jets in cross-ow [14, 16]. The following power-law is proposed to describe the position of the collapsed centreline trajectories for the condensing jet in cross-ow: y x = (1.310 0.004) rd rd

for 3.6 r 11.2


Furthermore, it is found that jets of the present study deect more rapidly than singlephase jets in cross-ow, probably because inow conditions are signicantly dierent due to the steam condensation. A similarity analysis has been applied to the lateral distributions of the mean streamwise velocity component. To this end, the velocity components measured in cartesian coordinates have been evaluated in a rotated frame of axes. The new streamwise coordinates are located on the centreline of the jet and the spanwise coordinates on an axis () locally perpendicular to the centerline. The velocity excess of the jet above the cross-ow is taken as the local excess velocity to be scaled. A local length scale, 1/2 , is dened as the point along the -axis where the velocity excess, v , is one half of the maximum excess located at the centreline of the jet. Lateral distributions of the mean velocity, scaled with the maximum excess, at successive streamwise coordinates collapse onto a single curve when the spanwise coordinate is scaled with 1/2 . In addition, the centerline velocity excess appears to be inversely proportional to the streamwise coordinate whereas the jets half-width 1/2 is found to increase linearly in that direction. This demonstrates that the jet ow displays self-similarity properties which resemble those of a free turbulent jet. The similarity variables are not independent of the momentum ux ratio, as was found by Keer & Baines [18] for a non-condensing jet in unconned cross-ow. Instead, the direct coupling between the initial jet velocity and the eective velocity ratio, r, is lost, possibly because of the condensation and the connement of the jet by the duct walls. The spreading rate and the virtual origin of the jets are aected by the duct wall opposite of the steam injection point. Turbulence intensity proles have been investigated in the rotated frame, for two momentum ux ratios. The distributions along the -axis show that the streamwise


Two-phase velocity measurements

and lateral turbulent uctuations exhibit maximum values at the centreline of the jet and that they rapidly decrease in spanwise direction to the normal turbulence level of the cross-ow. Turbulence intensities appear to increase with increasing momentum ux ratio. In addition, the centreline decay of the streamwise and lateral rms-uctuations for J = 13.0 and TL = 25 C is found to obey the scaling-laws: ru = 1.72 0.01 y rd y rv = 1.43 0.01 rd


The scaling laws for the centreline decay of the rms-uctuations for J = 57.5 and TL = 25 C are: x d y v = 4.31 0.76 d u = 3.63 0.49


The agreements and dierences with the ndings of Hasselbrink & Mungal [14] for a single-phase unconned jet have been explained. Summarizing, ow properties of a condensing steam jet in a liquid cross-ow in a square duct have been determined, with self-similarity in the far-eld velocity as the main striking feature.

4.4 Conclusions


Dh F Fr G Gr M Q R Reb S S T d dp ds d f f /D p r r2 u uj ulm urms u u urms uv u0 u u u v v vb vlm |v|r vrms v v,c v v v,c v v Hydraulic diameter F-statistic Froude number Steam mass ux Grasho number Magnication factor Volumetric ow rate Velocity ratio for equi-density jet in cross-ow Reynolds number based on vb and Dh Standard error Spreading rate of jet Temperature Steam nozzle diameter Particle diameter Diraction limited image diameter Particle image diameter Focal length of lens Relative aperture Pressure Eective velocity ratio Correlation coecient Lateral velocity (cartesian) Initial jet velocity Lateral local median velocity Lateral rms-velocity (cartesian) Lateral velocity (rotated frame of axes) Lateral rms-velocity Lateral rms-velocity ([14]) Steam velocity Uniform cross-wind velocity Lateral turbulence intensity Cross-component of turbulence intensity Axial velocity (cartesian) Bulk velocity of liquid cross-ow Axial local median velocity Residual vector length Axial rms-velocity (cartesian) Streamwise velocity (rotated frame of axes) Streamwise centerline velocity Streamwise rms-velocity Streamwise velocity excess of jet above cross-ow Streamwise centerline velocity excess Streamwise turbulence intensity [m] [] [] [kg/m2 s] [] [] [m3 /s] [] [] [] [] [ C] [m] [m] [m] [m] [mm] [] [bar] [] [] [m/s] [m/s] [pixels] [m/s] [] [] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m2 /s2 ] [m2 /s2 ] [m/s] [m/s] [pixels] [pixels] [m/s] [] [] [] [] [] [m2 /s2 ]

132 x y Greek 1/2 0 j k p Subscripts L p

Two-phase velocity measurements Lateral / spanwise coordinate Axial / streamwise coordinate [mm] [mm]

Lateral similarity variable Wall-boundary layer thickness Turbulent energy dissipation rate Lateral/spanwise coordinate Jet half-width Wavelength Dynamic viscosity Kinematic viscosity Streamwise coordinate Virtual origin Mass density Jet mass density Liquid cross-ow mass density Kolmogorov time scale Particle relaxation time

[-] [m] [m2 /s3 ] [mm] [mm] [m] [Pa s] [m2 /s] [mm] [mm] [kg/m3 ] [kg/m3 ] [kg/m3 ] [ms] [ms]

Liquid Particle

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Appendix A

Measurement section
In this appendix, the measurement section of the experimental set-up is described in more detail. Figure A.1 shows a photograph of the measurement section without the insulation material. The measurement section is about 2.7 m height and consists of several stainless steel modules. The most signicant modules are the optical accessible section and the hydraulic development section, indicated by the numbers 1 and 3 in Fig. A.1, respectively. Both parts are concisely discussed in the following sections.


Optical accessible section

Figure A.2(a) shows a photographic close-up of the optical accessible part of the measurement section and a cross-sectional view, indicated by A-A, is given in Fig. A.2(b). The base geometry of this section is a stainless steel (aisi 316) square bar with dimensions 60 60 500 mm3 . The inner square cavity of 30 30 mm2 is manufactured by means of electrical discharge machining with a precision of 0.05 mm. The machined surfaces of the inner geometry have a roughness of around 1.6 m and the radii of the corners are about 0.15 mm. The section is optical accessible via 5 windows. The polycarbonate observation windows (item no. 2 in Fig. A.2(b)) cover the whole width of the inner geometry (30 mm) and are clamped onto the section by means of aluminum frames (item no. 5). Sealing is established by silicon o-ring cords (item no. 9). The back window (item no. 4) is also made of polycarbonate and is sealed and mounted onto the optical section in the same way as the observation window. The illumination window (item no. 3) is a conically cut borosilicate glass bar that is glued into a stainless steel frame (item no. 7) that is screwed onto the optical section.


Hydraulic development section

The main function of this part of the experimental set-up is to provide sucient development length for the duct ow to reach its fully turbulent state when it enters the optical accessible part. In this case, it is expected that a length of 1200 mm (40Dh )


Measurement section

2 1

2 : S te a m p o in t

1 : O p tic a l a c c e s s ib le s e c tio n in je c tio n

3 : H y d r a u lic d e v e lo p m e n t s e c tio n

Figure A.1. Photograph of the measurement section of the experimental set-up. Note that the section is shown without the insulation material. The red arrow indicates the direction of the ow.

is sucient to obtain turbulent developed duct ow. The hydraulic development section is displayed in Fig. A.3(a) together with the support system that connects the measurement section to the xed world. This support system is also used for alignment purposes and is designed in such a way that the measurement section can thermally expand freely in vertical direction. Figure A.3(b) shows a photographic close-up of the top view. This top view demonstrates that the hydraulic section consists of a square duct inserted in a circular tube. The square duct is constructed from 4 high precision metal strips (aisi 316, h11 tolerance) with a thickness of 10

A.2 Hydraulic development section




Figure A.2. Photograph of optical accessible section (a) with the white arrow indicating the steam injection point and (b) cross-section A-A. The numbers represent the following items. 1: base frame of optical section, 2: observation window, 3: laser illumination window, 4: back window, 5+6: clamping frames for windows, 7: frame for observation window, 8: screw, 9: o-ring seal.

mm. The metal strips are not welded together over their whole length but only at various points to avoid warping of the duct due thermal stresses induced by the welding. During lling of the set-up, water will leak from the square geometry to the voids between the duct and the circular pipe. When the ow loop is subsequently pressurized, the pressure dierence across the sides of the square geometry is zero and only the circular pipe wall is subjected to stresses. Furthermore, the corners at the exterior of the square are rounded to t into the circular pipe and the duct is xated inside the pipe by welding the ends of the duct to the anges at the top and bottom ends of the pipe. In this way, a seamless straight tube with a sharp cornered smooth square inner geometry is constructed that is able to withstand pressures of over 10 bar without the risk of water leakages and deformation of the square geometry.


Measurement section



Figure A.3. Hydraulic development section with support system (a) and photograph of top view (b).

Appendix B

Steam pocket topology history

This appendix shows a sequence of 20 images of a condensing steam pocket typically observed at a low steam mass ux and a water temperature of TL = 75 C (chapter 2).


Steam pocket topology history

1 0 .8 m m

Figure B.1. Topology history of a typical condensation cycle at Tv = 124 C, G = 35.2 kg/m2 s, QL = 1.75104 m3 /s and TL = 75 C (run 25). The time interval between consecutive images is 1.07 ms. The order of the images that corresponds to the growth sequence of the pocket is in horizontal direction from the left to the right.

Appendix C

Process conditions of two-phase velocity measurements

Table C.1 gives an overview of the process conditions of the velocity measurements described and discussed in chapter 4. It should be noted that the reference height at which the values of pL in Tab. 3.2 are given equals that of the steam injection point. These values are obtained by correcting the actual readings from the pressure transducer at the inlet of the measurement set-up with the corresponding hydrostatic pressure dierence.


Process conditions of two-phase velocity measurements

Run no. 25a 25b 25c 25d 25e 25f 25g 25h 25i 65a 65b 65c 65d 65e 65f 65g 65h 65i

Tv [ C] 132.0 133.2 134.2 132.0 133.2 134.2 132.0 133.2 134.5 131.9 133.0 134.1 131.8 133.0 134.0 131.6 132.9 134.2

pv [bar a] 2.86 2.96 3.05 2.86 2.97 3.06 2.87 2.97 3.08 2.85 2.95 3.05 2.85 2.95 3.05 2.84 2.95 3.06

G [kg/m2 s] 41.73 89.16 133.42 42.09 89.92 133.26 43.50 86.83 133.27 44.10 87.38 131.29 44.32 87.44 131.05 43.47 86.73 132.78

TL [ C] 24.9 24.9 24.9 25.1 24.9 25.1 25.1 25.0 25.0 65.0 65.1 64.9 65.0 65.1 64.9 64.9 65.0 65.1

pL [bar a] 2.83 2.82 2.82 2.83 2.83 2.82 2.83 2.83 2.83 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.82 2.81 2.82 2.82 2.81

QL [104 m3 /s] 2.63 5.23 7.75 1.34 2.64 3.91 8.94 1.73 2.63 2.63 5.22 7.70 1.33 2.63 3.94 9.30 1.77 2.62

Table C.1. Process conditions of experimental runs.

Appendix D

Velocity contour plots

This appendix shows contour plots of the time-averaged velocity magnitude normalized with the bulk velocity for the conned condensing jet in cross-ow, described in chapter 4. Fig. D.1 displays the contours of ||/vb for runs 25a, 25b and 25c, Fig. v D.2 for runs 25d, 25e and 25f and Fig. D.3 for runs 25g, 25h and 25i. Figure D.4 shows the velocity magnitude for run 65a to 65c.


Velocity contour plots

Figure D.1. Contour plots of the time-averaged velocity magnitude normalized with the bulk velocity vb for TL = 25 C and (a) J = 13.0, vb = 0.29 m/s (b) J = 14.5, vb = 0.58 m/s (c) J = 14.3, vb = 0.86 m/s

Figure D.2. Contour plots of the time-averaged velocity magnitude normalized with the bulk velocity vb for TL = 25 C and (a) J = 50.7, vb = 0.15 m/s (b) J = 57.5, vb = 0.29 m/s (c) J = 56.3, vb = 0.43 m/s


Figure D.3. Contour plots of the time-averaged velocity magnitude normalized with the bulk velocity vb for TL = 25 C and (a) J = 121.8, vb = 0.10 m/s (b) J = 125.3, vb = 0.19 m/s (c) J = 123.5, vb = 0.29 m/s

Figure D.4. Contour plots of the time-averaged velocity magnitude normalized with the bulk velocity vb for TL = 65 C and (a) J = 14.8, vb = 0.29 m/s (b) J = 14.2, vb = 0.58 m/s (c) J = 14.3, vb = 0.86 m/s


Velocity contour plots

Appendix E

Standard errors
Relative standard errors in mean streamwise and lateral velocity components, given by Eq. 4.3, for experimental runs 25a, 25e and 25i (chapter 4).


Standard errors



Figure E.1. Standard error in the mean velocity components (a) Su and (b) Sv , normalized with the local velocity magnitude ||, for run 25a v



Figure E.2. Standard error in the mean velocity components (a) Su and (b) Sv , normalized with the local velocity magnitude ||, for run 25e v




Figure E.3. Standard error in the mean velocity components (a) Su and (b) Sv , normalized with the local velocity magnitude ||, for run 25i v


Standard errors

Appendix F

Centreline ts
Fit results and statistics of t form y = Axb made trough the jet centrelines of runs 25a to 25i and 65a to 65f, shown in Fig. 4.16. Run no. 25a 25b 25c 25d 25e 25f 65a 65b 65c 65d 65e 65f Fit coecients A = 0.021 0.005 b = 2.48 0.09 A = 0.039 0.006 b = 2.29 0.06 A = 0.028 0.007 b = 2.41 0.08 A = 0.015 0.003 b = 2.33 0.06 A = 0.026 0.006 b = 2.11 0.07 A = 0.01 0.002 b = 2.49 0.06 A = 0.010 0.004 b = 2.65 0.15 A = 0.014 0.004 b = 2.61 0.12 A = 0.019 0.006 b = 2.50 0.11 A = 0.01 0.004 b = 2.40 0.12 A = 0.014 0.003 b = 2.35 0.06 A = 0.010 0.003 b = 2.48 0.08 Fit statistics r2 = 0.97 F = 1143 r2 = 0.98 F = 2371 r2 = 0.97 F = 1288 r2 = 0.98 F = 2217 r2 = 0.99 F = 4844 r2 = 0.98 F = 2319 r2 = 0.92 F = 495 r2 = 0.96 F = 1041 r2 = 0.95 F = 952 r2 = 0.94 F = 891 r2 = 0.99 F = 3581 r2 = 0.98 F = 2380

Table F.1. Fit coecients and statistics for centreline ts y = Axb for runs 25a to 25f and 65a to 65f. All uncertainties are valid within the 95% condence interval.


Centreline fits

Het zit er op! Vier jaar ouder en wijzer kijk ik met plezier terug op mijn promotie. In de afgelopen jaren heb ik veel geleerd en is er een hoop werk verzet waarvan dit proefschrift het eindresultaat is. Daar mijn promotie alles behalve een solo-onderneming was, wil ik graag iedereen bedanken die op welke wijze dan ook zijn bijdrage heeft geleverd. Allereerst wil ik mijn eerste promotor Bert Brouwers bedanken voor de mogelijkheid mijn promotie te vervullen binnen zijn sectie Process Technology. De werksfeer binnen de groep heb ik zeer gewaardeerd evenals de grote mate van vrijheid die ik had om de inhoud van mijn werk te bepalen. Daarnaast wil ik Bert bedanken voor alle leuke social events zoals de etentjes bij het stamrestaurant The Trafalgar Pub en de studiereizen naar Zwitserland. Natuurlijk ben ik ook veel dank verschuldigd aan mijn co-promoter Cees van der Geld. Ik heb onze samenwerking en zijn enthousiaste supervisie als zeer prettig ervaren. Ondanks zijn soms volle agenda kon ik altijd bij hem terecht voor advies en ondersteuning. Daarnaast wil ik graag Hans Kuerten bedanken voor zijn support en de leuke gesprekken tijdens het vroege rondje koe, waar hij als enig staid altijd aanwezig was. Graag wil ik ook mijn dankwoord richten aan Dick Weijenberg en Chris Smit van Stork Food & Dairy Systems. Ik heb veel baat gehad bij hun constructieve bijdrage tijdens de stw-vergaderingen en hun nuttige adviezen op het gebied van stoominjectie. Bij het ontwerpen en bouwen van mijn experimentele opstelling heb ik veel ondersteuning gehad van Geert-Jan van Hoek, Henri Vliegen en Gerard van Hout van de tfe-werkplaats en van de technici van de gtd. Met name aan Geert-Jan ben ik veel dank verschuldigd. Dankzij zijn creativiteit en vakmanschap stond er na anderhalf jaar een goed werkende opstelling en kon ik voor allerlei bijkomende problemen en aanpassingen altijd bij hem terecht. Verder wil ik Paul Bloemen, Marc Willekens, Jan Hasker en Frank Seegers bedanken voor de prettige samenwerking in het tfe-lab. Hilco van den Bogaart, Raoul Liew en Bente van Deurzen zijn tijdens hun afstudeerproject betrokken geweest bij mijn promotie. Ik heb met ieder van hen prettig samengewerkt en ik wil hen bedanken voor hun inzet, hulp en geleverde resultaten. Daarnaast wil ik mijn waardering uitspreken richting Hjalmar Mulders voor zijn constructieve bijdrage aan de afstudeerwerken van Hilco en Raoul op het gebied van fosforthermometrie.



Met mijn collega-promovendi van de sectie Process Technology heb ik een leuke tijd gehad en ik wil hen bedanken voor de amusante gesprekken over de zin en onzin van het leven tijdens de lunch om klokslag 12:00 uur en de vele koepauzes op meer random tijdstippen. In het bijzonder wil ik Guy, Gagan, Jorge, Arend en Mart bedanken voor alle leuke dingen die we ook buiten werktijd hebben ondernomen, waaronder een onvergetelijke reis naar Brazili. Verder wil ik mijn kamergenoot Mart e bedanken voor de vele humoristische gesprekken, reis-en loopbaanadviezen en voor het feit dat ik nu ook verhandlungssicher ben in de meest exotische varianten van het Limburgs dialect. Tenslotte rest mij nog de mensen te bedanken die er altijd en onvoorwaardelijk voor mij zijn: mijn familie en vrienden. Met name mijn moeder wil ik bedanken voor alle goede zorgen en gezelligheid en ben ik Thijs dankbaar voor alle steun, de leuke verhalen en alle antwoorden waarop ik de vragen niet weet. En dan als allerlaatste is er mijn lieve Bas.... Dankjewel voor alles, voor nu en altijd. Nicole

Curriculum vitae
Nicole Clerx was born in Roermond, the Netherlands, on the 5th of January 1979. From 1991 to 1997 she attended pre-university education (vwo) at the Stedelijke Scholengemeenschap in Roermond. In 1997 she started her higher professional education at the Fontys Hogeschool in Eindhoven where she obtained her Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2001. During this study, Nicole did internships at Vanderlande Industries in Veghel, DSM Italia srl in Bergamo, Italy, and completed her graduate thesis at TNO Industrie en Techniek in Eindhoven. In September 2001 she continued her study at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven where she received her Master degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2005. She performed her graduation project in the Energy Technology Group of prof.dr.ir. A.A. van Steenhoven. The goal of the project was to experimentally investigate instability modes in a at plate boundary layer undergoing bypass transition. From November 2005 to July 2006, Nicole worked as a research assistant at TNO Industrie en Techniek Eindhoven. She was involved in projects that focussed on the development and optimization of printing processes and was responsible for the manufacturing of demonstration products, like copper alloy printed electrical circuits, for customers. In July 2006 she started her PhD project in the Process Technology Group at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the TU/e. She worked under supervision of prof.dr.ir. J.J.H. Brouwers and dr. C.W.M. van der Geld on the research project Rapid Heating with Direct Steam Injection. The project concerned an experimental study of the mixing and heating phenomena induced by the injection of steam in a turbulent cross-ow of water.

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