수특라이트 - 기출 7-12강
수특라이트 - 기출 7-12강
수특라이트 - 기출 7-12강
엠제이 영어
8강 on improvements and on 30 September 1929 gave
the first experimental BBC broadcast.
1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부준 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이
적절하지 않은 것은?1) [수특 라이트 8강 exercises ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
Baird, who was born in Helensburgh, Scotland,
studied electrical engineering at the Royal Technical
College in Glasgow and then went to Glasgow
University. His ⓐpoor health prevented him from
active service during World War I and from
completing various business enterprises in the years
following the war. After a breakdown in 1922 he
ⓑretired to Hastings and engaged in amateur
experiments on the transmission of pictures. Using
ⓒprimitive equipment he succeeded in transmitting
an image over a distance of a couple of feet, and in
1926 he demonstrated his apparatus before a group
of scientists. ⓓConfusion followed, and the next year
he transmitted pictures by telephone wire between
London and Glasgow. In the same year he set up
the Baird Television Development Company. He
ⓔcontinued to work on improvements and on 30
September 1929 gave the first experimental BBC
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
3. 다음 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 문맥에 맞는 Under Roman law there was a time for the coming
낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?3) [수특 라이트 9강 of age of a son. But the age when this took place
exercises 4번] was not fixed as one might assume. Rather, the
We don't only tell stories to remember them. father had the discretion in setting the time of his
Conversely, We fail to create stories in order to son’s maturity. A Roman child became an adult at
forget them. When something (A)[pleasant / the sacred family festival known as the Liberalia,
unpleasant] happens to us, we often say, “I want to held annually on the seventeenth of March. At this
talk about it and share with you. Yet, int the time, the child was formally acknowledged as the
opposite situation, we would say, I'd rather not talk son and heir by his father, and he received the plain
about it," because not talking about it makes it toga adults wore in place of the toga with a narrow
easier to forget. Once you tell what happened to purple band at the foot of it which children wore.
you, you might be able to (B)[forget / remember] He was then conducted by his friends and relations
the parts of the story that you told. In some sense, down to the forum and formally introduced to
telling a story makes it happen again. If the story is public life.
not created in the first place, however, it will only
exist in its original form, for example, in a form ① In Rome, the age for a son's adulthood was
distributed among the mental structures used in the different from each other and it depended on his
initial processing. Thus, in the sense that it can be mother.
reconstructed, the experience remains. When the ② On the specific day every two years, a roman
experience was a bad one, that sense of (C)[exiting / boy officially became an adult through the scared
existing] in memory can have annoying psychological family festival.
consequences. ③ To get and wear the toga having no pattern
meant a roman child was qualified as a son who
(A) (B) (C) could succeed his father.
① pleasant remember existing ④ The style of toga functioned as method to
② pleasant forget existing differentiate the children who could participate in
③ pleasant remember exiting public life from those who couldn't
④ unpleasant forget existing ⑤ A son was guided by his relatives and friends
⑤ unpleasant remember exiting to the square in which the public life occurred
before the ceremony of Liberalia, which showed
his maturity.
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
time and energy than smaller goals. So break down
large goals into smaller, more digestible and
5. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 모두 고르 manageable chunks. As you achieve each smaller
면?5) [수특 라이트 9강 exercises 2번] goal, you’ll feel inspired and motivated to continue
Dramatic play provides a risk-free stage where with what is left to ultimately achieve the larger
children can explore and experiment with ideas, test overall goal. Each smaller success will bring you a
and evaluate their skills, and increase and change great sense of accomplishment and tremendous
the environment in their own ways. In role-play, happiness.
children act as if they are someone else, imagining ↓
and weighing possibilities. This helps them analyze When you want to achieve some big goals, you’d
situations from different perspectives. Pretending to (A)_____________ break down them into (B)_____________
be someone else, with all the gestures, actions, and ones as you will feel (C)_____________ when you do
language that involves, gives children practice that.
thinking divergently as they consider different things
they can pretend to do. After they have decided (A)_____________________
what and how to play, their attention shifts to (B)_____________________
staging the play they have planned. Their thinking (C)_____________________
becomes more convergent. Creativity and innovation
rely heavily on divergent thinking, but to accomplish
goals, convergent thinking is also necessary. It’s no v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [수특 라이트 영
wonder that research shows that young children who 어독해 9강 4번]
spend a good deal of time role-playing have high
Not only do we tell stories to remember them. The
scores on measures of creativity.
opposite side of the coin is also true. We fail to
create stories in order to forget them. When
① It is not risky for children to explore ideas, test
something unpleasant happens to us, we often say,
skills and change the environment in dramatic
“I don't want to talk about it,” because (그것에 대하
여 얘기하지 않는 것은 잊어버리는 것을 더 쉽게 만든
② Imitating others can lead children to have
다) Once you tell what happened to you, you will
different views in analyzing situations and expand
be (A)[more / less] able to remember the parts of
their divergent thinking.
the story that you told. In some sense, telling a
③ Children can think more convergently after their
story makes it happen again. If the story is not
attenion moves form staging what and how to created in the first place, however, it will only exist
play to planning the play.
in its original form, for example, in a form
④ Children should develop both divergent thinking
distributed among the mental structures used in the
and convergent thinking to achieve the goals,
initial processing. Thus, in the sense that it can be
even if creativity and innovation heavily require t (B)[reconstructed / forgotten], the experience remains.
he latter.
When the experience was a bad one, that sense of
⑤ There is a research that proves the direct
being in memory can have annoying (C)[physical /
relationship between the amount of the time
psychological] consequences
spent on role-playing and the measures of
creativity for young children.
7. 위 글의 내용으로 보아 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에 들
어갈 적절한 말로 짝지은 것은?7)
6. 다음 글을 요약할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 적절한 말을 (A) (B) (C)
쓰시오. (주로 지문 속에서 찾되, 단어를 변형할 필 ① less forgotten psychological
요가 있거나 지문에 없는 단어를 써야 할 수 있 ② less reconstructed psychological
음)6) [수특 라이트 영어독해 9강 1번]
③ more reconstructed physical
Unfortunately, setting only big goals can feel ④ more forgotten physical
overwhelming because they often take a lot more ⑤ more reconstructed psychological
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
weighing possibilities. This helps them analyze
8. 위 글의 괄호 속 우리말 부분을 영작하시오. (it을 situations from different perspectives. ⓑPretending to
두 번 사용할 것)8) be someone else, with all the gestures, actions, and
language that involves, gives children practice
그것에 대하여 얘기하지 않는 것은 잊어버리는 것을 더
thinking divergent as they consider different things
쉽게 만든다.
they can pretend to do. After they have decided
what and how to play, ⓒtheir attention shifts to
→ _____________________________________________________
staging the play they have planned. ⓓTheir thinking
becomes more convergent. Creativity and innovation
rely heavily on divergent thinking, but to accomplish
goals, convergent thinking is also necessary. ⓔIt’s no
9. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 wonder that research shows that young children who
적절하지 않은 것은?9) [수능특강 라이트 9강 2번] spend a good deal of time role-playing have high
Dramatic play provides a ⓐrisk-free stage where scores on measures of creativity.
children can explore and experiment with ideas, test
and evaluate their skills, and add to and change the ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
environment in their own ways. In role-play, children
act as if they are someone else, imagining and
weighing possibilities. This helps them analyze 11. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 올바른 순서는?11)
situations from ⓑsimilar perspectives. Pretending to [수특 라이트 영어독해 9강 3번]
be someone else, with all the gestures, actions, and Under Roman law there was a time for the coming
language that ⓒinvolves, gives children practice of age of a son. But the age when this took place
thinking divergently as they consider different things was not fixed as one might assume.
they can pretend to do. After they have decided
what and how to play, their attention shifts to (A) He was then conducted by his friends and
staging the play they have planned. Their thinking relations down to the forum and formally introduced
becomes more convergent. Creativity and innovation to public life.
rely ⓓheavily on divergent thinking, but to
accomplish goals, convergent thinking is also (B) At this time, the child was formally
necessary. It's no wonder that research shows that acknowledged as the son and heir by his father, and
young children who spend a good deal of time he received the plain toga adults wore in place of
role-playing have ⓔhigh scores on measures of the toga with a narrow purple band at the foot of
creativity. it that children wore.
*divergent: 발산하는, 갈라지는
**convergent: 수렴하는, 한 점에 모이는 (C) Rather, the father had the discretion in setting
the time of his son’s maturity. A Roman child
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ became an adult at the sacred family festival known
as the Liberalia, held annually on the seventeenth of
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
2. 아래의 단어·표현을 모두 사용하고(어형 변화 가능),
12. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임 필요한 단어들은 추가할 것
이 적절하지 않은 것은?12) [수특라이트 9강 2번] them / fail / create / order
1. 문맥과 어법에 맞는 문장일 것
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
experience was a bad one, that sense of being in
memory can have annoying psychological
15. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?15) [수능 consequences.
특강 Light 영어독해 9강 1번]
① insist on utilizing the initial processing
Unfortunately, setting only big goals can feel
② purposely bury stories to get away from them
overwhelming because they often take a lot more
③ fail to forget stories in order to reconstruct
time and energy than smaller goals. So break down
large goals into smaller, more digestible and
④ experience something through the eyes of the
manageable chunks. As you achieve each smaller
goal, you'll feel inspired and motivated to continue
⑤ manage to remember them even if we never
with what is left to ultimately achieve the larger
tell the stories
overall goal. Each smaller success will bring you a
great sense of accomplishment and tremendous
happiness. Maybe you want to spend more time
with friends. Maybe you want to increase the time 17. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)~(C)의 단어를 어법에 맞
you spend on a favorite hobby. Or maybe you want 는 표현으로 바꾸어 쓰시오.17) [수능특강 라이트
9강 1번]
to increase your time meditating or practicing yoga.
All of these, although seemingly small, are valid and Unfortunately, setting only big goals can feel
worthy goals. Sometimes smaller things in life bring (A)overwhelm because they often take a lot more
us the greatest joy! time and energy than smaller goals. So break down
large goals into smaller, more digestible and
① The Larger Goals, the Greater Motivation manageable chunks. As you achieve each smaller
② How to Inspire Other People to Pour Their Full goal, you'll feel (B)inspire and motivate to continue
Efforts with what is left to ultimately achieve the larger
③ Pursue Life-Work Balance through Your Favorite overall goal. Each smaller success will bring you a
Hobby! great sense of accomplishment and tremendous
④ Practicing Yoga: The Only Way to Calm Down happiness. Maybe you want to spend more time
Your Mind with friends. Maybe you want to increase the time
⑤ Breaking Down the Goals: The Path to you spend on a favorite hobby. Or maybe you want
Accomplishment and Happiness to increase your time (C)meditate or practice yoga.
All of these, although seemingly small, are valid and
worthy goals. Sometimes smaller things in life bring
us the greatest joy!
16. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것
은?16) [수능특강 light 9강 4]
(A): _______________________________
We tell stories to remember them. And the
(B): _______________________________
opposite side of the coin is also true. We
(C): _______________________________
____________________________________. When something
unpleasant happens to us, we often say, ''I'd rather
not talk about it," because not talking about it
makes it easier to forget. Once you tell what
happened to you, you will be less able to forget the
parts of the story that you told. In some sense,
telling a story makes it happen again. If the story is
not created in the first place, however, it will only
exist in its original form, for example, in a form
distributed among the mental structures used in the
initial processing. Thus, in the sense that it can be
reconstructed, the experience remains. When the
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
③ lack problem-solving skills
18. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임 ④ have trouble making decisions
이 적절하지 않은 것은?18) [수특 라이트 9강 ⑤ require participation in cultural events
exercises 1번]
Unfortunately, you must feel ⓐoverwhelmed by 20. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절
setting only big goals because they often take a lot 한 것은?20) [수능특강 light 영어독해 9강 3번]
more time and energy than smaller goals. So break Under Roman law there was a time for the coming
down large goals into smaller, more digestible and of age of a son.
manageable chunks. As you achieve each smaller
goal, you’ll feel inspired and motivated to continue (A) With his permission, the son became an adult at
with what is left to ultimately ⓑgive up achieving the sacred family festival known as the Liberalia,
the larger overall goal. Each smaller success will held annually on the seventeenth of March. At this
bring you a great sense of accomplishment, time, the child was formally acknowledged as the
decreasing tremendous ⓒjoy. Maybe you want to son and heir by his father.
spend more time with friends. Maybe you want to
increase the time you spend on a favorite hobby. Or (B) However, the age when this took place was not
maybe you want to ⓓadd to your time meditating fixed as one might assume. Rather, the father had
or practicing yoga. All of these, although seemingly the discretion in setting the time of his son's
small, are valid and worthy goals. Therefore, maturity.
sometimes bigger things in life ⓔfrustrate us while
the smaller things bring us the greatest happiness! (C) Moreover, he received the plain toga adults wore
in place of the toga with a narrow purple band at
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ the foot of it which children wore. He was then
conducted by his friends and relations down to the
forum and formally introduced to public life.
19. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?19)
[수능특강 light 영어독해 9강 2번] ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
Dramatic play provides a risk-free stage where
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
children can explore and experiment with ideas, test
and evaluate their skills, and add to and change the
environment in their own ways. In role-play, children
act as if they are someone else, imagining and
weighing possibilities. This helps them analyze
situations from different perspectives. Pretending to
be someone else, with all the gestures, actions, and
language that involves, gives children practice
thinking divergently as they consider different things
they can pretend to do. After they have decided
what and how to play, their attention shifts to
staging the play they have planned. Their thinking
becomes more convergent. Creativity and innovation
rely heavily on divergent thinking, but to accomplish
goals, convergent thinking is also necessary. It's no
wonder that young children who spend a good deal
of time role-playing ___________________________________.
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
21. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가 23. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이
기에 가장 적절한 곳은?21) [수능특강 light 영어 적절하지 않은 것은?23) [수능특강 Light 영어독해
독해 9강 gateway] 9-4]
However, there's a problem: we're heading toward Not only do_we tell stories to remember them. The
a world where an extensive trail of information ⓐother side of the coin is also true. We fail to
fragments about us will be forever preserved on the create stories in order to forget them. When
Internet, displayed instantly in a search result. something ⓑdisagreeable happens to us, we often
say, “I’d rather not talk about it,” because not_talking
The Internet allows information to flow more freely about it makes it easier to forget. Once you tell
than ever before. We can communicate and share what happened to you, you will be ⓒmore able to
ideas in unprecedented ways. (A) These forget the parts of the story that you told. In some
developments are revolutionizing our self-expression sense, telling a story makes it happen again. If the
and enhancing our freedom. (B) We will be story is not created in the first place, however, it will
compelled to live with a detailed record beginning only exist in its original form, for example, in a form
with childhood that will stay with us for life ⓓdistributed among the mental structures used in
wherever we go, searchable and accessible from the initial processing. Thus, in the sense that it can
anywhere in the world. (C) This data can often be of be reconstructed, the experience remains. When the
dubious reliability; it can be false; or it can be true experience was a bad one, that sense of being in
but deeply humiliating. (D) It may be increasingly memory can have ⓔirritating psychological
difficult to have a fresh start or a second chance. (E) consequences.
We might find it harder to engage in
self-exploration if every false step and foolish act is ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
preserved forever in a permanent record.
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
① ⓐ, ⓑ ② ⓑ, ⓒ ③ ⓑ, ⓓ
④ ⓒ, ⓓ ⑤ ⓓ, ⓔ
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
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① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
24. 다음 글을 읽고, Role-play를 통해 습득할 수 있
는 (A)와 (B)의 실제적인 근거 하나씩을 지문에서
찾아 그대로 쓰시오.(완전한 문장으로 쓰시오.)24) 26. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가
[수능특강 Light 영어독해 9-2] 기에 가장 적절한 곳은?26) [수특 Light 9과
Dramatic play provides a risk-free stage where Gateway]
children can explore and experiment with ideas, test For example, we may have posted silly photos by
and evaluate their skills, and add to and change the mistakes, but we cannot delete them after it was
environment in their own ways. In role-play, children spread on the internet.
act as if they are someone else, imagining and
weighing possibilities. This helps them analyze The Internet allows information to flow more freely
situations from different perspectives. Pretending to than even before. We can communicate and share
be someone else, with all the gestures, actions, and ideas in unprecedented ways. These developments
language that involves, gives children practice are revolutionizing our self-expression and enhancing
thinking divergently as they consider different things our freedom. (A) But there’s a problem. (B) We’re
they can pretend to do. After they have decided heading toward a world where an extensive trail of
what and how to play, their attention shifts to information fragments about us will be forever
staging the play they have planned. Their thinking preserved on the Internet, displayed instantly in a
becomes more convergent. Creativity and innovation search result. (C) We will be forced to live with a
rely heavily on (A)divergent thinking, but to detailed record beginning with childhood that will
accomplish goals, (B)convergent thinking is also stay with us for life wherever we go, searchable and
necessary. It’s no wonder that research shows that accessible from anywhere in the world. (D) This data
young children who spend a good deal of time sometimes involves the information that we don’t
role-playing have high scores on measures of want to be exposed because it is deeply humiliating.
creativity. (E) As a result, once we make mistakes, they are
preserved forever in the Internet and almost
정답: ___________________________________________________ impossible to restore the damaged social image of
25. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은
것은?25) [수특 Light 9과 1번] ① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
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29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임
27. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은?27) 이 적절하지 않은 것은?29) [수특 라이트 9강 2
[수특light 9-3] 번]
Under Roman law there was a time for the coming Dramatic play provides a ⓐharmless stage where
of age of a son. ⓐBut the age when this took place children can explore and experiment with ideas, test
was not fixed as one might assume. ⓑRather, the and evaluate their skills, and add to and change the
father had the discretion in setting the time of his environment in their own ways. In role-play, children
son's maturity. ⓒA Roman child became an adult at act as if they are someone else, imagining and
the sacred family festival known as the Liberalia, weighing possibilities. This helps them analyze
held annually on the seventeenth of March. ⓓThe situations from ⓑsimilar perspectives. Pretending to
celebration on March 17 was related he ancient god, be someone else, with all the gestures, actions, and
Liber Pater, who was responsible for protecting seed. language that involves, gives children practice
ⓔAt this time, the child was formally acknowledged thinking ⓒdivergently as they consider different
as the son and heir by his father, and he received things they can pretend to do. After they have
the plain toga adults wore in place of the toga with decided what and how to play, their attention shifts
a narrow purple band at the foot of it that children to staging the play they have planned. Their thinking
wore. He was then conducted by his friends and becomes more convergent. Creativity and innovation
relations down to the forum and formally introduced rely heavily on divergent thinking, but to accomplish
to public life. goals, ⓓconvergent thinking is also necessary. It’s no
*discretion: 재량권 wonder that research shows that young children who
**toga: 토가(고대 로마 시민이 입던 헐렁한 겉옷) spend a good deal of time role-playing have high
scores on measures of ⓔcreativity.
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
① ⓐ, ⓑ ② ⓑ, ⓓ ③ ⓒ, ⓔ
④ ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓓ ⑤ ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓔ
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
have this sense ⓓconfirm. Yet when scientific
10강 reasoning and more accurate technological methods
for measuring the Earth emerged, the knowledge or
30. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 옳은 것 “fact” that the Earth is flat ⓔwas rewritten.
은?30) [수특 라이트 10강 1번]
I have known several negotiators guilty of hubris. ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
They often dig their own graves because once they
have made a take-it-or-leave-it offer, they can’t
tolerate the thought of ⓐlose face by returning to 32. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은?32)
the table. You may argue that it’s important to [수특 라이트 10강 2번]
display toughness and resolve to the other side.
The sale of street food is a widespread form of
However, ⓑearn a reputation for being tough
self-employment for the poor and otherwise
doesn't serve you well at the negotiation table.
unemployed in cities in developing countries. ⓐIt
Indeed, a reputation as a tough negotiator ⓒlead to
requires relatively basic skills and small amounts of
a number of highly undesirable outcomes—for
capital, and provides the vendor’s families with a
example, counterparties will treat you with greater
reasonable income. ⓑIt also provides food security
suspicion and act ⓓa lot tougher than they normally
to the urban poor, who may not have the assets to
would. In an investigation of how bargaining
prepare their own meal. ⓒIt has been estimated
reputation affects how others treat you, Cathy
that in India alone, there are more than 10 million
Tinsley found that “tough guys finish last,” meaning
street vendors, and some studies say they constitute
that people negotiate more aggressively with those
around 2 percent of the population of the major
who ⓔhas a reputation for toughness.
metropolises. ⓓSelling street food in cities in
developing countries is a landscape that does not
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
disappear. ⓔIn developed countries, food carts and
trucks can be a gateway for trained chefs who do
not have the resources to launch a brick-and-mortar
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
31. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 어색한 것
은?31) [수특 라이트 10강 4번]
One of the persistent myths of mainstream society
is that the knowledge we study in schools ⓐis
factual and neutral. Yet we know that knowledge
evolves over time and is dependent on the
moment in history and the cultural reference point
of the society ⓑwhich accepts it. Thinking critically
involves more than just acquiring new information in
order to determine which facts are true and which
false. It also involves determining the social,
historical, and political meaning ⓒgiven to those
facts. This determination includes assessing the
investment various groups may have in furthering or
challenging those meanings in any particular
historical moment. For example, there was a time
when it was not widely understood that the Earth is
round. Common sense might tell us that it is flat,
and anyone looking out over a vast landscape would
- 11 -
수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
chefs who do not have the resources to launch a
33. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 할 brick-and-mortar restaurant.
때, 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것
은?33) [수특라이트 10강 1번] ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
- 12 -
수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
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metropolises. In developed countries, food carts and
36. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?36) [수능특 trucks can be a gateway for trained chefs who do
강 Light 10강 4번] not have the resources to launch a brick-and-mortar
One of the persistent myths of mainstream society
is that the knowledge we study in schools is factual
① It does not need highly sophisticated skills but
and neutral. However, we know that knowledge
enough education.
evolves over time and is dependent on the moment
② It cannot bring a vendor a satisfying income.
in history and the cultural reference point of the
③ It is more popular in developed countries than
society that accepts it. Thinking critically involves
in developing countries
more than just acquiring new information in order
④ It helps not only poor self-employers but also
to determine which facts are true and which false. It
chefs who don’t have a restaurant in a building.
also involves determining the social, historical, and
⑤ It enhances food security, which means it
political meaning given to those facts. This
guarantees food sanitation.
determination includes assessing the investment
various groups may have in furthering or challenging
those meanings in any particular historical moment.
For instance, there was a time when it was not
widely understood that the Earth is round. Common
sense might tell us that it is flat, and anyone
looking out over a vast landscape would have this
sense confirmed. Yet when scientific reasoning and
more accurate technological methods for measuring
the Earth emerged, the knowledge or "fact" that the
Earth is flat was rewritten.
- 13 -
수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
in the habit of observing closely the play of features
38. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 of their fellow men – either in real life or at the
한 것은?38) [수능특강 light 영어독해 10강 4번] movies. (B) They are satisfied with grasping the
meaning of what they see; they often take in the
One of the persistent myths of mainstream society
overemphasized expression of film actors more easily
is that the knowledge we study in schools is factual
than any that is too naturalistic. (C) To them, artistic
and neutral.
representation is always explaining, refining, and
making clear the object depicted. (D) Things that in
(A) Yet when scientific reasoning and more accurate
real life are imperfectly realized, merely hinted at,
technological methods for measuring the Earth
and entangled with other things appear in a work of
emerged, the knowledge or "fact" that the Earth is
from art complete, entire, and free from irrelevant
flat was rewritten.
matters. (E) This is also true of acting in film.
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엠제이 영어
- 15 -
수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
children is not terminated. The child goes to its
foster parents after weaning, but can return to its
45. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?45) [수특 biological parents at any time if the arrangement
라이트 10강 Gateway] doesn't work out. Biological parents continue to
Why does the "pure” acting of the movies not interact with children they have fostered out and
seem unnatural to the audience, who, after all, are remain concerned about them, but allow another
accustomed in real life to people whose expression family to raise them. In this way, children do not
is more or less indistinct? Most people's perception lose their biological parents and are raised by
in these matters is not very sharp. They are not in individuals who are better able to care for them. ⓑ
the habit of observing closely the play of features of Permanent (A)_______________, with a complete
their fellow men - either in real life or at the separation of the parent-child bond, is rare in these
movies. They are satisfied with grasping the meaning societies.
of what they see. Thus, they often take in the *primate 영장류, **weaning 젖떼기
overemphasized expression of film actors more easily
than any that is too naturalistic. And as far as lovers (1) (A)______________________________
of art are concerned, they do not look at the (2) ⓐ와 ⓑ의 차이점: _________________________________
movies for imitations of nature but for art. They
know that artistic representation is always explaining,
refining, and making clear the object depicted.
Things that in real life are imperfectly realized, 47. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머
merely hinted at, and entangled with other things 지 넷과 다른 것은?47) [수능특강 라이트 10강 3
appear in a work of art complete, entire, and free 번]
from irrelevant matters. This is also true of acting in We have seen many examples of primate societies
film. in which other community members lend parents a
hand with childcare. In many preindustrial societies,
① Sophisticated Technology for Making a Film parents receive even more help when they have too
② Which Is More Important for Art. Reality or many children to raise. Foster care of young, or
Creativity? temporary adoption, is a common solution for
③ Imitating Nature as a Way to Make Films More families in preindustrial societies who have too many
Naturalistic children. Fostering differs from adoption in that the
④ The Role of True Artists In Depicting the World bond between biological parents and children is not
Objectively terminated. ⓐThey go to its foster parents after
⑤ The Power of Artistic Expressions : Why Do weaning, but can return to its biological parents at
People Accept Films Better? any time if the arrangement doesn't work out.
Biological parents continue to interact with children
ⓑthey have fostered out and remain concerned
46. 다음 글을 읽고, 빈칸 (A)에 공통으로 들어갈 말
about ⓒthem, but allow another family to raise ⓓ
로 가장 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 쓰고, ⓐ
와 ⓑ의 차이점을 우리말로 간략하게 쓰시오.46) them. In this way, children do not lose their
[수특라이트 10강 3번] biological parents and are raised by individuals who
are better able to care for ⓔthem. Permanent
We have seen many examples of primate societies
adoption, with a complete separation of the
in which other community members lend parents a
parent-child bond, is rare in these societies.
hand with childcare. In many preindustrial societies,
*primate: 영장류 **weaning: 젖떼기
parents receive even more help when they have too
many children to raise. Foster care of young, or ⓐ
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
temporary (A)_______________, is a common solution
for families in preindustrial societies who have too
many children. Fostering differs from adoption in
that the bond between biological parents and
- 16 -
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
the table. (B) You may argue that it’s important to
display toughness and resolve to the other side. (C)
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [수특 라이트 10
Indeed, a reputation as a tough negotiator leads to
강 exercises 3번]
a number of highly undesirable outcomes — for
We have seen many examples of primate societies example, counterparties will treat you with greater
ⓐwhere other community members lend parents a suspicion and act much tougher than they normally
hand with childcare. In many preindustrial societies, would. (D) In an investigation of how bargaining
parents who have too many children to raise receive reputation affects how others treat you, Cathy
ⓑvery more help. Foster care of young, or Tinsley found that “tough guys finish last,” meaning
temporary adoption, is a common solution for that people negotiate more aggressively with those
families in preindustrial societies (A)___________________ who have a reputation for toughness. (E)
_______________. Fostering differs from adoption in that
the bond between biological parents and children ① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
ⓒis not terminated. The child goes to its foster
parents after weaning, but can return to its
biological parents at any time if the arrangement
54. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임
이 적절하지 않은 것은?54) [수능특강 10강
doesn’t work out. Biological parents continue to
interact with children ⓓwhat they have fostered out
Why does the "pure" acting of the movies seem
and remain concerned about them, but allow
ⓐnatural to the audience, who, after all, are
another family to raise them. In this way, children
accustomed in real life to people whose expression
are raised by individuals who are ⓔbetter able to
is more or less indistinct? Most people's perception
care for them. Permanent adoption, with a complete
in these matters is not very ⓑacute. They are not in
separation of the parent-child bond, is (B)____________
the habit of observing closely the play of features of
in these societies.
their fellow men ― either in real life or at the
movies. They are satisfied with grasping the meaning
51. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 어색한 것을
of what they see. Thus, they often take in the
모두 고르면?51)
overemphasized expression of film actor more
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ ⓒreluctantly than any that is too naturalistic. And as
far as lovers of art are concerned, they do not look
52. 위 글의 문맥에 맞게 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 알 at the movies for imitations of nature but for are.
맞은 말을 본문에서 각각 찾아 쓰시오. (단, 필요 They know that artistic representation is always
한 경우 주어진 단어의 어형을 변화시킬 수 있 explaining, refining, and making ⓓplain the object
음)52) depicted. Things that in real life are imperfectly
(A)______________________________________ (연속된 7단어) realized, merely hinted at, and ⓔtangled up with
(B)________________________ (1단어) other things appear in a work of art complete,
entire, and free from irrelevant matters. This is also
true of acting in film.
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
53. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가
기에 가장 적절한 곳은?53) [수특 라이트 10강
exercises 1번]
However, earning a reputation for being tough
doesn't serve you well at the negotiation table.
- 18 -
수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
example, counterparties will treat you with greater
55. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)와 관련이 없는 것은?55) suspicion and act much tougher than they normally
[수능특강 Light 영어독해 10-1] would. (D) In an investigation of how bargaining
reputation affects how others treat you, Cathy
I have known (A)several negotiators guilty of hubris.
Tinsley found that "tough guys finish last," meaning
They often dig their own graves because once they
that people negotiate more aggressively with those
have made a take-it-or-leave-it offer, they can’t
who have a reputation for toughness. (E)
tolerate the thought of losing face by returning to
the table. You may argue that it’s important to
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
display toughness and resolve to the other side.
However, earning a reputation for being tough
doesn’t serve you well at the negotiation table.
Indeed, a reputation as a tough negotiator leads to 57. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓕ에 대한 설명으로 옳은
a number of highly undesirable outcomes — for 것은?57) [수능특강 Light 영어독해 10-4]
example, counterparties will treat you with greater One of the persistent myths of mainstream society
suspicion and act much tougher than they normally is that ⓐthe knowledge we study in schools is
would. In an investigation of how bargaining factual and neutral. Yet we know that ⓑknowledge
reputation affects how others treat you, Cathy evolves over time and is dependent on the moment
Tinsley found that “tough guys finish last,” meaning in history and the cultural reference point of the
that people negotiate more aggressively with those society that accepts it. ⓒThinking critically involves
who have a reputation for toughness. more than just acquiring new information in order
to determine which facts are true and which false. It
① They can’t stand being humiliated when the also involves determining the social, historical, and
negotiation didn’t work well. political meaning given to those facts. This
② They might think it important to show firm determination includes assessing the investment
resolution to the to other side when negotiating. various groups may have in ⓓfurthering or
③ They can give the counterparties room to treat challenging those meanings in any particular
them with doubt. historical moment. For example, there was a time
④ They can lead the negotiation promptly in their when it was not widely understood that the Earth is
flavor. round. Common sense might tell us that it is flat,
⑤ Their attitude can get the other party to engage and anyone looking out over a vast landscape would
in negotiations more aggressively. have ⓔthis sense confirmed. Yet when ⓕscientific
reasoning and more accurate technological methods
for measuring the Earth emerged, the knowledge or
“fact” that the Earth is flat was rewritten.
56. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가
기에 가장 적절한 곳은?56) [수능특강 Light 영어 ① The writer thinks ⓐ is a pretty well-founded
독해 10강 1번] argument.
However, earning a reputation for being tough ② ⓑ can change depending on the times in which
doesn't serve you well at the negotiation table. the members of the society live.
③ To perform ⓒ, it is not crucial to figure out the
I have known several negotiators guilty of hubris. social, historical and political meaning given to
(A) They often dig their own graves because once ⓑ.
they have made a take-it-or-leave-it offer, they can't ④ ⓓ has been done easily without any effort by
tolerate the thought of losing face by returning to many people.
the table. (B) You may argue that it's important to ⑤ ⓔ became a definite fact thanks to ⓕ.
display toughness and resolve to the other side. (C)
Indeed, a reputation as a tough negotiator leads to
a number of highly undesirable outcomes – for
- 19 -
수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
movies for imitations of nature representation but
58. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?58) [수능특 for art. They know that artistic representation is
강 Light 영어독해 10-4] always explaining, refining, and making clear the
object ⓓdepicted. Things that in real life are
Unfortunately, setting only big goals can feel
imperfectly realized, merely hinted at, and entangled
overwhelming because they often take a lot more
with other things ⓔappear in a work of art
time and energy than smaller goals. So break down
complete, entire, and free irrelevant matters. This is
large goals into smaller, more digestible and
also true of acting in film.
manageable chunks. As you achieve each smaller
goal, you’ll feel inspired and motivated to continue
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
with what is left to ultimately achieve the larger
overall goal. Each smaller success will bring you a
great sense of accomplishment and tremendous
happiness. Maybe you want to spend more time
with friends. Maybe you want to increase the time 60. 다음 글의 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은
you spend on a favorite hobby. Or maybe you want 것은?60) [수능특강 라이트 영어독해 10-4]
to increase your time meditating or practicing yoga. One of the persistent myths of mainstream society
All of these, although seemingly small, are valid and is that the knowledge we study in schools is factual
worthy goals. Sometimes smaller things in life bring and neutral. Yet we know that knowledge evolves
us the greatest joy! over time and is ⓐreliant on the moment in history
and the cultural reference point of the society that
① Fulfilling smaller goals will bring you a great accepts it. Thinking critically involves more than just
sense of accomplishment. acquiring new information in order to determine
② You should find the way to achieve big goals which facts are true and which false. It also involves
without being overwhelmed. ⓑdetermining the social, historical, and political
③ Achieving large goals in life will bring you the meaning attached to those facts. This determination
greatest joy. includes evaluating the investment various groups
④ Setting small goals can keep you from achieving may have in furthering or challenging those
as many goal as you can. meanings in any particular historical moment. For
⑤ Setting only big goals often take a lot more example, there was a time when it was widely ⓒ
time and energy than smaller goals. unacceptable that the Earth is round. Common sense
might tell us that it is flat, and anyone looking out
over a vast landscape would have this sense ⓓ
conformed. Yet when scientific reasoning and more
accurate technological methods for measuring the
59. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 어색한 것 Earth emerged, the knowledge or "fact" that the
은?59) [수능특강 라이트 영어독해 10-G] Earth is flat was ⓔrevised.
- 20 -
수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
have this sense accepted. (E) Yet when scientific
61. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?61) [수능특 reasoning and more accurate technological methods
강라이트 10-2] for measuring the Earth emerged, the knowledge or
"fact" that the Earth is flat was rewritten.
The sale of street food is a widespread form of
self-employment for the poor and otherwise
① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
unemployed in cities in developing countries. It
requires relatively basic skills and small amounts of
capital, and provides the vendor's families with a
reasonable income. It also provides food security to 63. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 글의 흐름상 들어갈
the urban poor, who may not have the assets to 가장 적절한 단어를 한 단어로 된 영어로 각각
쓰시오. (단, (A)는 t로 시작하고, (B)는 p로 시작
prepare their own meal. It has been estimated that
하는 단어를 쓸 것)63) [수능특강라이트 10-3]
in India alone, there are more than 10 million street
vendors, and some studies say they constitute We have seen many examples of primate societies
around 2 percent of the population of the major in which other community members lend parents a
metropolises. In developed countries, food carts and hand with childcare. In many preindustrial societies,
trucks can be a gateway for trained chefs who do parents receive even more help when they have too
not have the resources to launch a brick-and-mortar many children to raise. Foster care of young, or
restaurant. (A)_______________ adoption, is a common solution for
families in preindustrial societies who have too many
① positive roles of the street food children. In fact, (A)_______________ adoption differs
② fundamental skills for the street food from (B)________________ adoption in that the bond
③ barrier in setting up the street food business between biological parents and children is not
④ importance of the street food in developed terminated. The child goes to its foster parents after
countries weaning, but can return to its biological parents at
⑤ how to start the street food business in the any time if the arrangement doesn't work out.
urban area Biological parents continue to interact with children
they have fostered out and remain concerned about
them, but allow another family to raise them
62. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가
temporarily. In this way, children do not lose their
기에 가장 적절한 곳은?62) [수능특강라이트
biological parents and are raised by individuals who
are better able to care for them. (B)________________
For example, there was a time when it was not
adoption with a complete separation of the
widely understood that the Earth is round.
parent-child bond is uncommon in these societies.
*primate: 영장류 **weaning: 젖떼기
One of the persistent myths of mainstream society
is that the knowledge we study in schools is factual
정답 : (A)t____________________ (B)p____________________
and neutral. Yet we know that knowledge evolves
over time and is dependent on the moment in
history and the cultural reference point of the
society that accepts it. (A) Thinking critically involves
more than just acquiring new information in order
to determine which facts are true and which false.
(B) It also involves determining the social, historical,
and political meaning given to those facts. (C) This
determination includes assessing the investment
various groups may have in furthering or challenging
those meanings in any particular historical moment.
(D) Common sense might tell us that it is flat, and
anyone looking out over a vast landscape would
- 21 -
수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
give it life. Well, he did it. He created it, and these
days we know it by his last name-Frankenstein. What
64. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B), (C)에 글의 흐름상 들어 he didn’t know is that he had created a beast. The
갈 가장 적절한 단어를 <보기>에서 찾아 문맥과 tragedy of (C) Frankenstein is that after he was
어법에 맞게 반드시 고쳐 쓰시오. ((A), (B), (C) created, after he was given life, after he was nothing
순서대로 고치기)64) [수능특강라이트 10-G] and then made into something, he turned on Victor
Why does the "pure" acting of the movies not and made his maker a victim of his own creation.
seem unnatural to the audience, who, after all, are Frankenstein became a monster because he took the
accustomed in real life to people whose expression life that was given him and used it for his own
is more or less indistinct? Most people's perception purpose.
in these matters is not very sharp. They are not in *slaughterhouse: 도축장
the habit of (A)_______________ closely the play of *coroner: (변사자 등의) 검시관
features of their fellow men – either in real life or *entity: 실체
at the movies. They are satisfied with grasping the
meaning of what they see. Thus, they often take in <조건>
the overemphasized expression of film actors more - (A)~(C) : 각각 2가지씩만을 쓸 것.
easily than any that is too naturalistic. And as far as - 2~3단어(관사 포함)로 이루어진 표현 그대로 쓸 것.
lovers of art (B)_______________, they do not look at - 단어 조합 혹은 변형 불가
the movies for imitations of nature but for art. They
know that artistic representation is always explaining, 정답: (A)____________________ , ____________________
refining, and making clear the object depicted. (B)____________________ , ____________________
Things that in real life are (C)_______________ realized, (C)____________________ , ____________________
merely hinted at, and entangled with other things
appear in a work of art complete, entire, and free
from irrelevant matters. This is also true of acting in
*entangle: 얽히게 하다
66. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 어색한 것
<보기> 은?66) [수특라이트 11-3]
deserve / concern / separate / perfect / observe Every time Degas came across one of his paintings
that someone ⓐhad bought, he would want to
정답 : (A)_____________________ (B)_____________________ make changes to it. One pastel owned by his friend
(C)_____________________ Henri Rouart disturbed him. After seeing it again
and again whenever he came to visit, Degas talked
Touart into permitting him ⓑto take it back for
11강 corrections. Rouart was very fond of the pastel, but
finally Degas wore ⓒhimself out with his persistence.
After some time, his friend asked Degas about his
65. 다음 글을 읽고, 밑줄 친 (A)~(C)를 가리키는 다 ⓓbeloved pastel. But the artist always put him off
른 표현을 본문에서 찾아 <조건>에 맞게 쓰시 with one excuse or another. Finally Degas had to
오.65) [수특라이트 11-1] confess that his little retouch had become a disaster,
One day, (A) a young scientist Victor Frankenstein completely ⓔdestroving the pastel. To make up for
decided to take lifeless items and make them come the loss, Degas gave Rouart a new painting titled
alive. He went to slaughterhouses, graveyards, and Dancers at the Bar.
even coroner’s offices to steal what he needed for *persistence: 집요함
his creation. He then put all of (B) his materials
together and brought his creature to life. This ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
lifeless, dead entity did come alive. His goal was to
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67. 다음 글의 Duveen에 관한 내용과 일치하는 것 (C) From that moment, every painting and art object
은?67) [수특라이트 11-4] that J.P. Morgan collected until the day he died, he
bought from the great English salesman.
Lord Duveen was the most famous art dealer of his
time. Finally receiving an audience from J.P. Morgan,
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
Duveen went into the presence of Morgan in his
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
luxurious mansion on Fifth Avenue. Without a
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)
greeting, Morgan pointed to five large vases on his
marble floor and told Duveen that three were
sixteenth-century Ming masterpieces, and the other
two exact copies that had cost him a fortune to 69. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?69) [수능특강
have made. He commanded Duveen to study the 라이트 11-4]
vases and tell him which were the copies and which
Lord Duveen was the most famous art dealer of his
were the invaluable originals. Lord Duveen walked
time. Finally receiving an audience from J.P. Morgan,
up to the vases, hardly glancing at them, raised his
Duveen went into the presence of Morgan in his
pearl-handled cane and, with two violent strokes,
luxurious mansion on Fifth Avenue. Without a
smashed two of them to smithereens. From that
greeting, Morgan pointed to five large vases on his
moment, every painting and art object that J.P.
marble floor and told Duveen that three were
Morgan collected until the day he died, he bought
sixteenth-century Ming masterpieces, and the other
from the great English salesman.
two exact copies that had cost him a fortune to
*smithereens: 작은 파편
have made. He commanded Duveen to study the
vases and tell him which were the copies and which
① 당대 가장 유명한 예술 후원가였다.
were the invaluable originals. Lord Duveen walked
② 5번가에 호화로운 대저택을 소유하고 있었다.
up to the vases, hardly glancing at them, raised his
③ 16세기 명나라 걸작품 다섯 개를 구입했다.
pearl-handled cane and, with two violent strokes,
④ 지팡이로 꽃병을 내리쳐서 박살 내버렸다.
smashed two of them to smithereens. From that
⑤ 죽을 때까지 영국의 회화와 예술품들을 수집했다.
moment, every painting and art object that J.P.
Morgan collected until the day he died, he bought
from the great English salesman.
68. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절
한 것은?68) [수능특강 Light 영어독해 11강 4번] ① Morgan은 Duveen을 성대하게 맞이했다.
Lord Duveen was the most famous art dealer of his ② Morgan은 수집품 중에 가품이 있다는 사실을 몰
time. Finally receiving an audience from J.P. Morgan, 랐다.
Duveen went into the presence of Morgan in his ③ Duveen은 결국 진품과 가품을 구별하는데 실패했
luxurious mansion on Fifth Avenue. 다.
④ Duveen은 Morgan이 수집한 꽃병들을 모두 깨뜨
(A) He commanded Duveen to study the vases and 렸다.
tell him which were the copies and which were the ⑤ Morgan은 Duveen에 대해 신뢰감을 갖게 되었다.
invaluable originals. Lord Duveen walked up to the
vases, hardly glancing at them, raised his
pearl-handled cane and, with two violent strokes,
smashed two of them to smithereens.
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72. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중, 어법상 옳은 것
70. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가 은?(정답 두 개)72) [수능특강 Light 영어독해
기에 가장 적절한 곳은?70) [수능특강 라이트 11-3]
11-3] Whenever Degas came across one of his paintings
But the artist always put him off with one excuse or that someone had bought, he would want to make
another. changes to it. ⓐOne pastel that disturbed him was
owned by his friend Henri Rouart. After seeing it
Whenever Degas came across one of his paintings again and again whenever he came to visit, Degas
that someone had bought, he would want to make finally persuaded Rouart to let him ⓑtaking it back
changes to it. One pastel that disturbed him was for corrections. Rouart was very fond of the pastel,
owned by his friend Henri Rouart. (A) After seeing it but Degas wore him out with his persistence. After
again and again whenever he came to visit, Degas some time, his friend asked Degas ⓒabout his
finally persuaded Rouart to let him take it back for beloved pastel. But the artist always puts off him
corrections. (B) Rouart was very fond of the pastel, with one excuse or another. Finally Degas had to
but Degas wore him out with his persistence. (C) confess that his little retouch had become a disaster
After some time, his friend asked Degas about his and ⓔthe pastel completely destroyed. To make up
beloved pastel. (D) Finally Degas had to confess that for the loss, Degas gave Rouart a new painting
his little retouch had become a disaster and the titled Dancers at the Bar.
pastel was completely destroyed. (E) To make up for
the loss, Degas gave Rouart a new painting titled ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
Dancers at the Bar.
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
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74. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 friend / was / same / that / copy / had).
한 것은?74) [수능특강 Light 11강 Exercises 3번]
Whenever Degas came across one of his paintings
that someone had bought, he would want to make
changes to it.
(A) Eventually, Degas had to confess that his little 76. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절
retouch had become a disaster and the pastel was 한 것은?76) [수특라이트 11-2]
completely destroyed. To make up for the loss, Samuel Phelps once got into financial trouble, and
Degas. gave Rouart a new painting titled Dancers at he applied to fellow actor William Charles Macready
the Bar. for help. Mr. Macready asked him first why he had
(B) One pastel that disturbed him was owned by his gotten into dept and second how much he owed.
friend Henri Rouart. After seeing it again and again
whenever he came to visit, Degas finally persuaded (A) He did so, and returned with a list of debts
Rouart to let him take it back for corrections. totaling ₤400. Mr. Macready then gave him a check
(C) Rouart was very fond of the pastel, but Degas for ₤450 and his beautiful smile to go with it. The
wore him out with his persistence. After some time, check was timely.
his friend asked Degas about his beloved pastel. But
the artist always put him off with one excuse or (B) Mr. Phelps was arrested for debt almost
another. immediately, and since he had the check in his hand
he was able to tell the bailiff to take him to the
① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C) bank so he could get the money to pay his debts.
③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
⑤ (C) - (B) - (A) (C) The answers to both questions were lacking,
which made Mr. Macready very disappointed. He
75. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A), (B)에 주어진 단어를 문 sent Samuel Phelps away, telling him to return the
맥의 흐름에 맞도록, 알맞은 순서로 배열하시 next day with a full accounting of his debts.
오.75)[수능특강 Light 11강 Gateway] *bailiff: (재산 압류를 집행하는) 집행관
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
ⓓTo solve this problem, a new digital toolkit was
12강 designed to help growers maximise saleable potato
yields and was launched as a commercial service in
Ireland and Poland. ⓔThe iron hand of economics
77. 다음 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 문맥에 맞는 forced the impoverished Irish and Poles to live on
낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?77) [수특라이트 12강 5 potatoes in the old days, but they yearned for bread
번] – and now they can afford bread, and are eating
The idea of starting at the bottom and working fewer potatoes. Potatoes added themselves to the
one’s way up may appear sound, but the major system, but did not destroy it.
(A)[assertion / resistance] to it is this—too many of
those who begin at the bottom never manage to lift ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
their heads high enough to be seen by opportunity,
so they remain at the bottom. It should be
remembered, also, that the outlook from the bottom 79. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A), (B), (C)를 문맥과 어법에
is not so very bright or encouraging. It has a 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.79) [수능특강 Light 12강
tendency to (B)[realize / eliminate] ambition. We call Exercises 4번]
it‘getting into a rut’, which means we accept our Marsiela Gomez, a doctoral student in
fate because we form the habit of daily routine, a pharmacology at Johns Hopkins, is a part Mayan
habit that finally becomes so strong we cease to try who was raised in a culture that taught the value of
to throw it off. And that is another reason why it is waiting for others to speak first. This habit has often
(C)[rewarding / unavailing] to start one or two steps caused problems for her in the United States: "It is
above the bottom. By so doing one forms the habit very (A)frustrate, because people think I have
of looking around, of observing how others get nothing to add. Sometimes I. find that when you
ahead, of seeing opportunity, and of embracing it wait to speak the answers are upcoming. In this
without hesitation. society, it's so important for individuals to own a
point of view (B)which everyone feels the need to
(A) (B) (C) be the first to put a certain opinion forward.
① resistance realize rewarding Oftentimes, if I wait long enough, someone will
② asserting realize unavailing express my point of view." She adds, "Sometimes if
③ resistance eliminate rewarding one waits too long, the subject changes and then
④ assertion eliminate unavailing my response is no longer relevant. The need to
⑤ resistance eliminate unavailing (C)hear first seems to be more important than the
appropriate response."
78. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은?78)
[수능특강 라이트 영어독해 12-3]
Once a staple crop is established, we have what
economists call a "lock-in." A pattern continues
because it is cheap to replicate and would be
expensive, both financially and psychologically, to
change. ⓐThe whole of north European agriculture
is based around a highly complex but very efficient
system of wheat. ⓑFrom the plow types to the
bakeries and pasta factories, everything is set up to
deal with wheat. ⓒSo, although the potato came
early and proved far more productive and well
adapted than wheat, wheat remains the staple food
– except in areas too poor and marginal to afford it.
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
② 주어진 운명을 받아들일 필요가 있다.
③ 밑바닥에서 시작하여 최선을 다해야 한다.
80. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 ④ 매일 좋은 습관을 형성하면 성공할 수 있다.
한 것은?80) [수능특강 라이트 12-1] ⑤ 밑바닥에서부터 시작하는 것은 오히려 해가 된다.
Gestures and speech used similar neural circuits as
they developed in our evolutionary history.
82. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓕ 중, 글의 내용을 고려
(A) We now know that infants do not gain a more 하여 어법상 어색한 곳을 3군데 찾아 어법에 맞
sophisticated vocabulary until their fine-motor finger 게 고치시오.82) [수능특강 light 영어독해 12강 3
control improves. That's a remarkable finding. 번]
Gestures are "windows into thought processes," Once a staple crop is established, we have ⓐwhat
McNeill says. economists call a "lock-in." A pattern continues
(B) University of Chicago psycholinguist David because it is cheap to replicate and would be
McNeill was the first to suggest this. He thought expensive, both ⓑfinancial and psychological,
nonverbal and verbal skills might retain their strong changing. The whole of north European agriculture is
ties even though they've diverged into separate ⓒbased around a highly complex but very efficient
behavioral spheres. He was right. system of wheat and small-grain production. From
(C) Studies confirmed it with a puzzling finding: the plow types to the bakeries and pasta factories,
People who could no longer move their limbs after everything is set up to deal with wheat. So,
a brain injury also increasingly lost their ability to although the potato came early and proved far
communicate verbally. Studies of babies showed the more productive and ⓓwell-adapting to wheat,
same direct association. wheat remains the staple food – except in areas too
poor and marginal to afford it. The iron hand of
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) economics forced the impoverished Irish and Poles
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A) ⓔfrom living on potatoes in the old days, but they
yearned for bread – and now they can afford bread,
and are eating fewer potatoes. Potatoes ⓕadded
81. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 themselves to the system, but did not destroy it.
것은?81) [수능특강 라이트 12-5]
The idea of starting at the bottom and working <조건>
one's way up may appear sound, but the major - 어색한 곳의 번호, 고친 후 밑줄 친 부분의 내용을
objection to it is this – too many of those who 모두 쓸 것.
begin at the bottom never manage to lift their
heads high enough to be seen by opportunity, so 번호 고친 후 밑줄 친 부분의 내용
they remain at the bottom. It should be (1) ___________, _________________________________________
remembered, also, that the outlook from the bottom (2) ___________, _________________________________________
is not so very bright or encouraging. It has a (3) ___________, _________________________________________
tendency to kill off ambition. We call it 'getting into
a rut', which means we accept our fate because we
form the habit of daily routine, a habit that finally
becomes so strong we cease to try to throw it off.
And that is another reason why it pays to start one
or two steps above the bottom. By so doing one
forms the habit of looking around, of observing how
others get ahead, of seeing opportunity, and of
embracing it without hesitation.
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엠제이 영어
are now our friends. Similarly, family feuds are more
bitter and lasting than neighborly disputes.
83. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 *feud: 싸움, 불화
한 것은?83) [수능특강 라이트 12강 Gateway] ↓
Food unites as well as distinguishes eaters because Hobbes wrote specifically about (A)__________ war
what and how one eats forms much of one's emphasizing that (B)___________ gives a greater
emotional tie to a group identity, be it a nation or potential to wound.
an ethnicity.
(A) (B)
(A) In other words, the destiny of a community ① international indifference
depends on how well it nourishes its members. ② international closeness
(B) Such keen connection between food and national ③ domestic hostility
or ethnic identification clearly indicates the truth that ④ civil intimacy
cuisine and table narrative occupy a significant place ⑤ civil hostility
in the training grounds of a community and its
civilization, and thus, eating, cooking, and talking 85. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)가 가리키는 바를 지문에
about one's cuisine are vital to a community's 서 찾아 쓰시오. (한 단어)85) [수능특강 라이트
wholeness and continuation. 12강 1번]
(C) The famous twentieth-century Chinese poet and
Gestures and speech used similar neural circuits as
scholar Lin Yutang remarks, "Our love for fatherland
they developed in our evolutionary history. University
is largely a matter of recollection of the keen
of Chicago psycholinguist David McNeill was the first
sensual pleasure of our childhood. The loyalty to
to suggest this. He thought nonverbal and verbal
Uncle Sam is the loyalty to American doughnuts,
skills might retain their strong ties even though
and the loyalty to the Vaterland is the loyalty to
they've diverged into separate behavioral spheres. He
Pfannkuchen and Stollen.“
was right. Studies confirmed it with a puzzling
*nourish: 기르다
finding: People who could no longer move their
limbs after a brain injury also increasingly lost their
① (C)-(A)-(B) ② (C)-(B)-(A)
ability to communicate verbally. Studies of babies
③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (B)-(A)-(C)
showed the same direct association. We now know
⑤ (A)-(B)-(C)
that infants do not gain a more sophisticated
vocabulary until (A)their fine-motor finger control
84. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. improves. That's a remarkable finding. Gestures are
빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것 "windows into thought processes," McNeill says.
은?84) [수능특강 라이트 12강 6번]
Hobbes held that if we knew in advance the worst → ______________________________________________________
that war could do to us, that knowledge would be
an effective preventative measure. He was writing
specifically about civil war, as opposed to
international war, because he felt that closeness
gives a greater potential to wound. Consider the
constructive relations the United States developed
with Germany and Japan, beginning immediately
after the terrible events of World War II. Then
compare that with the overheated emotional reaction
you are still bound to get by bringing up the Civil
War just about anywhere in the American South. The
War between the States is still being fought at
home on many levels, almost a century and a half
later, while our foreign enemies of fifty years ago
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정답 : _________________________________________________
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
91. 다음 글의 빈칸을 <보기>에 주어진 단어만 모두 ① Your child has a strong desire for limits.
한번 씩 사용하여 완성하시오.91) [수능특강 라이 ② Without a strict sense of order, your child will
트 12-4] become more troubled.
③ When your child gets more competent, the limit
Marsiela Gomez, a doctoral student in
will broaden.
pharmacology at Johns Hopkins, is a part Mayan
④ Until your child gets ten, you hardly allow your
__________________________________________. This habit has
kids to go to a pajama party.
often caused problems for her in the United States:
⑤ Your child desires for a flexible structure as well
"It is very frustrating, because people think I have
as dominance which boosts independent thinking
nothing to add. Sometimes I find that when you
wait to speak the answers are upcoming. In this
society, it's so important for individuals to own a
point of view that everyone feels the need to be
the first to put a certain opinion forward.
Oftentimes, if I wait long enough, someone will
express my point of view." She adds, "Sometimes if 93. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?93) [수능특강
one waits too long, the subject changes and then Light 영어독해 12-3]
my response is no longer relevant. The need to be Once a staple crop is established, we have what
heard first seems to be more important than the economists call a “lock-in.” A pattern continues
appropriate response." because it is cheap to replicate and would be
expensive, both financially and psychologically, to
<보기> change. The whole of north European agriculture is
others / a culture / the value / in / based around a highly complex but very efficient
raised / speak / waiting for / was / system of wheat and small-grain production. From
taught / who / first / to / that / of the plow types to the bakeries and pasta factories,
everything is set up to deal with wheat. So,
→ ______________________________________________________ although the potato came early and proved far
______________________________________________________ more productive and well adapted than wheat,
wheat remains the staple food—except in areas too
poor and marginal to afford it. The iron hand of
92. 다음 글의 내용과 관련이 없는 것은?(정답 두 economics forced the impoverished Irish and Poles
개)92) [수능특강 Light 영어독해 12-2] to live on potatoes in the old days, but they
yearned for bread—and now they can afford bread,
Believe it or not, your child craves limits. She truly
and are eating fewer potatoes. Potatoes added
needs a flexible sense of order and will grow
themselves to the system, but did not destroy it
anxious without it. Think of limits as an expanding
corral. Limits provide a physical environment in
① When we have a “lock-in” for a specific crop,
which your child can feel safe and can learn. As she
we can easily switch from it to another crop.
grows more capable, the boundaries will expand. She
② Wheat has not been listed in staple crops for
begins in the womb, expands to a bassinet, and
northern Europeans.
then to her bed. You may feel your three-year-old is
③ Because of the high productivity, the potato
too young for an overnight visit to a playmate’s
came to hold a prominent position in place of
home. By the time she is five or six you may
wheat in Europe.
occasionally consider it, and by the time she’s ten
④ The poor Irish have never changed their love of
you may be ready to say yes to a pajama party.
potatoes even when they can afford wheat.
Your child’s readiness determines how the
⑤ Potatoes have never kept wheat from
boundaries expand. Your child does not want control
maintaining its dominant position in the system
or dominance but a structure that encourages her to
of wheat and small-grain production.
think, to make choices, and to take chances.
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
closeness gives a greater potential to wound.
v 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [수능특강 Light (D) The War between the States is still being fought
영어독해 12-1] at home on many levels, almost a century and a
ⓐGestures and speech used similar neural circuits half later, while our foreign enemies of fifty years
as they developed in our evolutionary history. ago are now our friends. Similarly, family feuds are
University of Chicago psycholinguist David McNeill more bitter and lasting than neighborly disputes.
was the first to suggest this. He thought verbal and
ⓑnonverbal skills might retain their strong ties even ① (A) - (C) - (B) - (D) ② (B) - (C) - (A) - (D)
though they’ve diverged into separate behavioral ③ (C) - (A) - (D) - (B) ④ (C) - (B) - (A) - (D)
spheres. He was right. Studies confirmed (A)it with a ⑤ (D) - (B) - (A) - (C)
puzzling finding: People who could no longer move
ⓒtheir limbs after a brain injury also increasingly
lost their ability to communicate verbally. Studies of 97. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓕ 중, 어법상 오류가 있
babies showed the same direct association. We now 는 것들로 바르게 묶인 것은?97) [수능특강 Light
know that infants do not gain a more sophisticated 영어독해 12-5]
vocabulary until their ⓓfine-motor finger control The idea of starting at the bottom and working
improves. That’s a remarkable finding. Gestures are one’s way up may appear ⓐsound, but the major
“windows into ⓔthought processes,” McNeill says. objection to it is this—too many of those who begin
at the bottom never manage to lift their heads high
94. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중, 의미하는 바가 나머 ⓑenough to see by opportunity, so they remain at
지 넷과 다른 하나는?94) the bottom. It should be remembered, also, that the
outlook from the bottom is not so very bright or ⓒ
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
encouraging. It has a tendency to kill off ambition.
We call it‘getting into a rut’, which means we accept
95. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (A)에 해당되는 구체적인 예시 our fate because we form the habit of daily routine,
를 찾아 한글로 쓰시오.95) a habit that finally becomes so ⓓstrongly we cease
정답: ___________________________________________________ to try to throw it off. And that is another reason
why it ⓔpays to start one or two steps above the
bottom. By so doing one forms the habit of looking
96. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절 around, of observing how others get ahead, of
한 것은?96) [수능특강 Light 영어독해 12-6] seeing opportunity, and of ⓕembrace it without
Hobbes held that if we knew in advance the worst
that war could do to us, that knowledge would be
① ⓐ, ⓑ ② ⓒ, ⓔ, ⓕ ③ ⓑ, ⓓ, ⓕ
an effective preventative measure.
④ ⓑ, ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓕ ⑤ ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓓ, ⓔ
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
to suggest this. He thought nonverbal and verbal
v 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [수능특강 Light skills might retain their strong ties. He was right.
영어독해 12강 2번] Studies confirmed it with a puzzling finding: People
Believe it or not, (A)[your child c___________ limits]. who could no longer move their limbs after a brain
She truly needs a flexible sense of order and will injury also increasingly lost their ability to
grow anxious without it. Think of limits as an communicate verbally. Studies of babies showed the
expanding corral. Limits provide a physical same direct association. We now know that infants
environment in which your child can feel safe and do not gain a more sophisticated vocabulary until
can learn. As she grows more capable, the their fine-motor finger control improves. That's a
boundaries will expand. She begins in the womb, remarkable finding. Gestures are "windows into
expands to a bassinet, and then to her bed. You thought processes," McNeill says.
may feel your three-year-old is too young for an
overnight visit to a playmate's home. By the time 정답 : _________________________________________________
she is five or six you may occasionally consider it,
and by the time she's ten you may be ready to say 101. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?101) [수능
yes to a pajama party. Your child's readiness 특강 Light 12강 Exercises 1번]
determines how the boundaries expand. Gestures and speech used similar neural circuits as
(B)______________________________________ that encourages they developed in our evolutionary history. University
her to think, to make choices, and to take chances. of Chicago psycholinguist David McNeill was the first
to suggest this. He thought nonverbal and verbal
98. 위 글의 괄호 (A) 안의 문장이 ‘여러분의 아이는 skills might retain their strong ties even though
제한을 간절히 바란다.’의 의미가 되도록 빈칸에 they've diverged into separate behavioral spheres. He
주어진 철자로 시작하는 한 단어를 어법에 맞게 was right. Studies confirmed it with a puzzling
써서 문장을 완성하시오.98) finding: People who could no longer move their
정답: Your child _______________________________________ limbs after a brain injury also increasingly lost their
ability to communicate verbally. Studies of babies
99. 위 글의 빈칸 (B)의 문장이 ‘여러분의 아이는 통 showed the same direct association. We now know
제나 지배가 아니라 체계를 원한다.’의 뜻이 되도 that infants do not gain a more sophisticated
록 <조건>에 맞게 아래 <보기>의 단어를 모두 vocabulary until their fine-motor finger control
사용하여 영작하시오.99) improves. That's a remarkable finding. Gestures are
<조건> "windows into thought processes," McNeill says.
1. 10~11개의 단어로 문맥과 어법에 맞게 영작하시오.
(‘a structure’은 단어 2개임) ① the relationship between gestures and language
2. 주어진 단어는 한 번씩 모두 사용하시오. abilities
② the importance of gestures in expressing
<보기> opinions
control / want / a structure / dominance / but ③ how to improve communication skills in daily
정답 : _________________________________________________ ④ how to acquire useful body language for infants
⑤ the need of exercises for developing linguistic
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
continuation. In other words, the destiny of a
105. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?105) [수능 community depends on how well it nourishes its
특강 라이트 영어독해 12-4] members.
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
109. 다음 글의 흐름에 맞도록 빈칸 (A)~(D)에 들어
갈 알맞은 말을 보기에서 골라 순서대로 쓰시
오.109) [수능특강 Light 12강 1번]
Gestures and speech used similar neural circuits as
they developed in our evolutionary history. University
of Chicago psycholinguist David McNeill was the first
to suggest this. He thought nonverbal and verbal
skills might (A)________ their strong ties even though
they've (B)________ into separate behavioral spheres.
He was right. Studies confirmed it with a puzzling
finding: People who could no longer move their
limbs after a brain injury also increasingly lost their
ability to communicate (C)________. Studies of babies
showed the same direct association. We now know
that infants do not gain a more sophisticated
vocabulary until their fine-motor finger control is
(D)________. That's a remarkable finding.
deteriorated / enhanced / release / vocally /
maintain / converged / nonverbally / divided
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
③ A Brain Injury: Losing the. Power of Speech
111. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?111) [수능 ④ How to Comprehend Babies Who Can't Yet
특강 라이트 12강 1번] Speak
⑤ Communication Strategies Using Nonverbal
Gestures and speech used similar neural circuits as
they developed in our evolutionary history. University
of Chicago psycholinguist David McNeill was the first
to suggest this. He thought nonverbal and verbal
skills might retain their strong ties even though
they've diverged into separate behavioral spheres. He 113. 다음 글의 괄호 (A), (B), (C) 안에서 문맥에 맞
was right. Studies confirmed it with a puzzling 는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?113) [수능특강
라이트 12-1]
finding: People who could no longer move their
limbs after a brain injury also increasingly lost their Gestures and speech used similar (A)[neutral /
ability to communicate verbally. Studies of babies neural] circuits as they developed in our evolutionary
showed the same direct association. We now know history. University of Chicago psycholinguist David
that infants do not gain a more sophisticated McNeill was the first to suggest this. He thought
vocabulary until their fine-motor finger control nonverbal and verbal skills might retain their strong
improves. That's a remarkable finding. Gestures are ties even though they've diverged into separate
"windows into thought processes," McNeill says. behavioral (B)[spheres / spears]. He was right.
Studies confirmed it with a puzzling finding: People
① the strategies for verbal and nonverbal skills who could no longer move their limbs after a brain
② the conflict between different linguistic features injury also increasingly lost their ability to
③ the diminished capacity due to acquired brain communicate verbally. Studies of babies showed the
injury same direct association. We now know that infants
④ the correlation between gestures and linguistic do not gain a more (C)[sophistical / sophisticated]
ability vocabulary until their fine motor finger control
⑤ the notion that human language grew out of improves. That's a remarkable finding. Gestures are
gestures "windows into thought processes," McNeill says.
*diverge: 갈라지다
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수능특강 라이트 7-12강 기출문제
엠제이 영어
30) ④
정답 31) ④
32) ①
1) ④
33) ④
2) ③
34) ④
3) ①
35) ③
4) ③
36) ④
5) ③, ④
37) ④
6) (A) rather(better)
38) ②
(B) smaller(small digestible manageable)
39) ③
(C) inspired(motivated happy)
40) (A): 위탁양육 (수양)
7) ⑤
(B): 영구적 입양
8) not talking about it makes it easier to forget
차이점: 위탁은 친부모와 아이와의 관계가 단절되
9) ②
지 않는 반면 영구적 입양은 그들의 관계
10) ②
가 중요하다.
11) ⑤
41) ④
12) ③
42) ①
13) we fain to create stories in order to forget
43) ③
44) ③
14) ④
45) ⑤
15) ⑤
46) (1) adoption
16) ②
(2) 위탁은 친부모와 자녀간의 유대가 종결되지
17) (A) overwhelming 않는 반면 영구적 입양은 친부모와 자녀간의 유대
(B) inspired and motivated 관계가 완전히 분리된다.
(C) meditating or practicing
47) ②
18) ③
48) ③
19) ①
49) ①
20) ②
50) ③
21) ②
51) ②, ④
22) ④
52) (A) who have too many children to raise
23) ③ (B) uncommon
24) (A): 다음 중 1개 53) ③
-Children act as if they are someone else,
54) ③
imagining and weighing possibilities.
55) ④
-Analyze situations from different perspectives.
56) ③
-Pretending to be someone else gives children
57) ②
practice things they can pretend to do.
(B): -(After they have decided what and how to 58) ①
play,) their attention shifts to staging the play 59) ②
they have planned. Their thinking becomes more 60) ④
convergent. 61) ①
25) ⑤ 62) ④
26) ⑤ 63) (A) temporary
27) ④ (B) perfect (or permanent)
28) ② 64) (A) observing
29) ② (B) are concerned
(C) imperfectly
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65) *아래 (A)~(C)에서 각각 2가지씩 쓸 것. 94) ⑤
(A) his maker / a victim (of his own creation) 95) 뇌 손상 이후 팔다리를 더 이상 움직이지 못하는
(B) lifeless items / what he needed / lifeless, 사람들이 언어적 소통 능력을 잃는 것 (or)
dead entity 미세한 손가락 조절 능력이 발달 되기 전에는 정
(C) his creation / his creature / a monster / his 교한 어휘를 얻지 못하는 것
own creation 96) ④
66) ③ 97) ③
67) ④ 98) your child craves limits
68) ② 99) Your child does not(doesn’t) want control or
69) ⑤ dominance but a structure
70) ④ 100) nonverbal and verbal skills might retain their
71) ④ strong ties.
72) ①, ③ 101) ①
73) What he didn’t know is that he had created a 102) ④
beast 103) ⑤
74) ③ 104) ③
75) (A) (he) saw a discarded book lying on the 105) ②
seat 106) ⑤
(B) (it) was the very same copy that his friend 107) ②
had mislaid
108) (A) a physical environment in which your child
76) ④ can feel safe and learn
77) ③ (B) too young for an overnight visit to a
78) ④ playmate's home
79) (A) frustrating (C) determines how boundaries expand
(B) that 109) (A) maintain
(C) be heard (B) divided
(C) nonverbally
80) ③ (D) enhanced
81) ⑤ 110) ③
82) (1) ⓑ, financially and psychologically, to change 111) ③
(2) ⓓ, well-adapted than 112) ②
(3) ⓔ, to live on 113) ④
83) ② 114) ④
84) ④
85) gesture(s)
86) ④
87) international
88) closeness gives(has) a greater potential to
89) bitter
90) ⑤
91) who was raised in a culture that taught the
value of waiting for others to speak first
92) ②, ⑤
93) ⑤
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