Thinking and Language

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School of Social Sciences

Indira Gandhi National Open University
Prof. Vimala Veeraraghavan Dr. Anita Kant Prof. Swati Patra
Rtd. Professor Emeritus, Associate Professor, Vivekananda College Professor, Discipline of Psychology,
IGNOU, Maidangarhi, Delhi. (University of Delhi), Vivek Vihar, Delhi. IGNOU, Maidangarhi, Delhi.

Prof. Karuna Nidhi, Dr. Ashima Nehra Dr. Monika Misra

Professor and Head Assistant Professor Asst. Professor, Discipline of Psychology,
Department of Psychology, Dept. of Neuro Psychology, IGNOU, Maidangarhi, Delhi.
University of Madras Chepauk, AIIMS, Delhi
Chennai Dr. Smita Gupta
Dr. S. P. K. Jena Professor Suhas Shetgovekar Asst. Professor, Discipline of Psychology,
Associate Professor Professor, Discipline of Psychology, IGNOU, Maidangarhi, Delhi.
Dept. of Psychology, IGNOU, Maidangarhi, Delhi.
University of Delhi, Delhi.


Block Name Unit Writer
Block 1 Introduction to psychology

Unit 1 Origin of Psychology Prof. Amulya Khurana, School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
IIT Delhi (Adapted from BPC 001, Block 1)
Unit 2 Nature and Scope of Psychology Prof. Amulya Khurana, School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
IIT Delhi (Adapted from BPC 001, Block 1)

Block 2 Perception
Unit 3 Unit 1 Perception: Meaning, Laws, Dr Arti Singh, Consultant
Perceptual Constancies and Factors SOSS, IGNOU
Affecting Perception.
Unit 4 Perception: Types and Errors of Dr Arti Singh, Consultant
Perception SOSS,IGNOU
Block 3 Thinking and language
Unit 5 Thinking and Language Dr Arti Singh, Consultant, SOSS, IGNOU
Block 4 Learning and Memory
Unit 6 Learning
Unit 7 Memory Dr Arti Singh, Consultant, SOSS, IGNOU
Block 5 Motivation and Emotion
Unit 8 Motivation Prof. Suhas Shetgovekar
Unit 9 Emotion SOSS, IGNOU

Brief Guide to Practicum on BPCC-101 Adapted from BPCL-007 and

General Psychology BPCL-008

COURSE COORDINATOR: Dr. Smita Gupta, Discipline of Psychology SOSS, IGNOU

GENERAL EDITOR’S: Dr. Smita Gupta and Dr. Arti Singh, Discipline of Psychology, SOSS, IGNOU
Print Production
Mr. Manjit Singh
Section Officer (Pub.), SOSS, IGNOU, New Delhi
June, 2019
© Indira Gandhi National Open University, 2019
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Course Contents
Unit 1 Origin of Psychology 7
Unit 2 Nature and Scope of Psychology 18

Unit 1 Perception: Meaning, Laws, Perceptual Constancies
and Factors Affecting Perception. 33
Unit 2 Perception: Types and Errors of Perception 50


Unit 1 Thinking and Language 67


Unit 1 Learning 85
Unit 2 Memory 104


Unit 1 Motivation 121
Unit 2 Emotion 133

Brief Guide to Practicum on BPCC-101 General Psychology 149

The Course of Introduction to Psychology is one of the courses of First Semester
of BA (Honours) Psychology. The attempt of this course is to explain you the
meaning and concept of psychology. It also explains the human behavior and
their cognitive processes; biological processes and affective processes that make
them behave differently.

The first block of this course is Introduction to psychology which discusses the
origin of the field of psychology and the emergence of psychology as an
independent Discipline in the world including India. The second block of this
course is- Perception which explains the steps and process of perception. It also
explains how our perception is influenced by other factors.

The third block of this course is- Thinking and language which deals with the
process of thinking and concept of creativity. The fourth block of this course is-
Learning and Memory which will deal with the definition, process, stages and
theories of learning and memory. In the last block of Motivation and Emotion,
you will be introduced with the concept and theories related to motivation and
Perception: Types and
Errors of Perception

Block 3
Thinking and Language

Thinking and Language
This block comprises of single unit, which discusses two different processes-
thinking and language. Thinking is a higher mental process. We use mental images,
concepts, and prepositions in the process of thinking. Creativity is a type of
thinking which involves creating original and novel ideas. Studies have suggested
that people, who are high on divergent thinking, are more creative. The process
of creative thinking involves four stages: preparation, incubation, insight, and
verification. The unit also tries to explain the concept of problem-solving
behaviour. The steps as well as types of barriers to problem-solving will also be
discussed in the present unit of the third block. Another psychological process in
which thinking plays an essential role is- decision making. Steps involved in
decision making and errors of decision making will be discussed in this unit.
After this, the focus of the discussion will be language, its nature and component,
and then the development of language will be dealt. At the end, the unit explains
the relationship between language and thought which will be discussed with an
emphasis on Whorfian theory.

Thinking and Language

5.0 Introduction
5.1 Objectives
5.2 Thinking: Concepts and Types
5.3 The Process of Thinking: Mental Imagery, Concepts, and Propositions
5.3.1 Pictures in Your Mind: Mental Imagery
5.3.2 Concept
5.3.3 Proposition
5.4 Concept of Creativity
5.4.1 Stages of Creative Thinking
5.5 Problem Solving: A Concept
5.5.1 Barriers to Problem Solving
5.6 Decision Making: Choosing Among Alternatives
5.6.1 Decision-making Process
5.6.2 Cognitive Errors in Decision Making Heuristics Biases
5.7 Concept, Nature, and Scope of Language
5.7.1 Development of Language
5.7.2 Language in Infants Language in Children
5.7.3 Relationship Between Language and Thought
5.8 Let Us Sum Up
5.9 Unit End Questions
5.10 Glossary
5.11 Answers to Self Assessment Questions (SAQ)
5.12 References and Suggested Readings


The Tragedy of Titanic: Sinking of the Unsinkable Ship

“Titanic is unsinkable”, everyone believed this claim by its maker. With
882.5 feet length, 92.5 feet width and 175 feet in height, Titanic was
considered as the largest ship of its time. When it left Queenstown, Ireland
for its maiden voyage on April 11, 1912, with over 2,200 passengers and
crew members, everyone considered it as the biggest, powerful,
technologically advanced and indestructible ship of all the time.

In spite of all the claims, on April 14, 1912, Titanic broke into two pieces
and sunk in the North Atlantic Ocean after hitting an iceberg. The mystery

* Dr Arti Singh, SOSS, IGNOU 67

Thinking and Language
surrounded sinking of the claimed ‘unsinkable Titanic’, had always been a
topic of interest for many. What exactly had caused Titanic to drown? Of
many theories, according to one, the reason was ‘overconfidence’ of the
captain of Titanic, Captain Edward Smith in the strength of his ship and his
expertise in sailing ships. According to historians, this overconfidence lead
to the wrong decision making in crucial time by Captain Smith.

Fig. 5.1: A rare poster advertising Titanic

Source: Retrieved from

What do you think, why this event has been discussed here? Because it highlights
the irony of our cognitive abilities. On one hand, our cognitive abilities have
extensive capabilities. While, on the other hand, it hinders our effective decision
making. The case of Titanic has been discussed to highlight one such incident of
incorrect decision due to cognitive error. Decision making is a higher mental
process which consists of other cognitive processes like thinking and language.
This unit starts with a discussion on thinking followed by creative thinking,
problem-solving and decision-making process. Then, we will move to understand
the topic of language, and lastly, we will discuss how language and thinking are
related to each other.

After reading this Unit, you will be able to:
Understand the concept and types of thinking;
Comprehend the different processes involved in thinking namely, mental
imagery, concepts, and propositions;
Get an exposure to steps involved in generating creative ideas;
Have an in-depth understanding of the process of problem-solving and
various barriers involved in effective problem-solving behaviour;
Understand the nature of decision making and its process;
Learn the different types of cognitive errors we make in decision making;
Discuss the concept and nature of language; Thinking and Language

Understand the process of language development; and

Learn the debate over the relationship between language and thought.


Thinking is a higher mental process. In the literature it has been defined primarily
in two ways; one category of definition consider thinking as a problem-solving
activity. While the other class of definition considers it as a mechanism of an
internal representation of the external world. According to Garrett (1968),
“Thinking is a behaviour which is often implicit and hidden and in which symbols
(images, ideas, and concepts) are ordinarily employed.” Gilmer (1970) has
defined thinking as a “problem-solving process in which we use ideas or symbols
in lace of overt activity.” Thus, thinking is a goal-directed behaviour. That is, it
occurs in some context only and does not occur randomly. From choosing a
dress to wear to solving a mathematical problem, all activities involve thinking.

Thinking can be categorized into various forms. Some of the most common types
of thinking are as follows:
1) Perceptual or Concrete Thinking: It is the simplest form of thinking, carried
out for the perception of a concrete object. If you are asked to write four
sentences on ‘your favourite book,’ then the thinking you will be using is
perceptual thinking.
2) Conceptual or Abstract Thinking: Superior to perceptual thinking. It involves
using concepts, symbols or language to solve a problem.
3) Reflective Thinking: It is an insight based thinking which uses previous
experiences to solve a problem.
4) Creative Thinking: Thinking involved in creating new and novel ideas or
objects. It involves rearranging the existing stimuli to create something
5) Critical Thinking: This type of thinking involves in making the reasoned
judgment and examining assumptions.


We think either in words or mental images. The thought we “hear” in our mind in
the form of statements or words is known as propositional thought. Sentences
such as “one should not waste water” or “black is a beautiful colour” are proposing
or claiming something. Therefore, it is called as propositional thought. Another
mode of thinking is visual thought or imaginal thought. It is the type of thought
that we “see” in our mind. These (propositional thought and imaginal thought)
are the two primary modes of thinking.

To understand imaginal thought, first, we need to understand “mental images”

and to understand propositional thought, we need to understand “concept.”

Thinking and Language 5.3.1 Pictures in Your Mind: Mental Imagery
Suppose, you were told by your friend that he saw a beautiful yellow bird with
colourless beak in his garden. If you were paying enough attention to his
description, you might form a visual image of that bird. The visual image of the
bird that you formed is known as ‘mental image’ or ‘mental imagery’, it is a
mental representation of stimuli that are not presently perceived by the senses
(Moulton & Kosslyn, 2009).

5.3.2 Concept
“A concept represents an entire class; it is the set of properties that we associate
with a particular class” (Atkinson & Hilgard, 2009, pp. 332). Our concept of a
‘car’, for example, includes the properties of having four wheels, petrol engine,
steering, and seats. Concepts help us in reducing the mental complexity of our
world by categorising it into manageable information. Further, it helps us in
developing prototypes of the concepts. A prototype is the typical example of the
concept or a set of characteristics representing the best example of the concept.
For example, for the concept of ‘car,’ our prototype might include properties like
having four wheels and a petrol engine. We compare a target object with the
prototype and decide by similarity whether the target object belongs to the
category or not.

5.3.3 Propositions
Many researchers proposed that thinking can not be limited to images or words
only, but it is also abstract. A propositional theory was given by some researchers
to support this view. A proposition is a form of mental representation but neither
in the form of words or nor in the images. It refers to the underlying meaning of
the relationship among concepts. In simpler words, it is the smallest statement
which can be judged as true or false. For example, ‘trees are green’. This statement
represents the smallest proposition coded with two arguments (are, trees, green).

Thinking is not a passive act; we keep relating one concept to another to

understand our world in a better way. According to propositional theory, also
called as conceptual-propositional theory, we not only think regarding words or
images only but also concerning meanings. Thus we represent our world in the
form of meanings by relating concepts together. “We may experience our mental
representations as images, but these images are epiphenomena—secondary and
derivative phenomena that occur as a result of other more basic cognitive
processes. According to propositional theory, our mental representations
(sometimes called “mentalese”) more closely resemble the abstract form of a
proposition” (Sternberg, 2012, pp. 281).


The act of creating an original and novel idea or object is known as creativity.
One needs not to be a scientist or artist to become creative. It can also be found
in all types of day to day activities like cooking, teaching, helping other, acting
etc. According to Guilford, two types of thinking are involved in problem-solving
behaviour namely, convergent thinking and divergent thinking. Problems which
have only one correct solution are known as convergent thinking. Whereas, when
a problem has more than one correct solution then it uses divergent thinking. Thinking and Language
Now, answer the following questions:
When did India get independence?
What are the different uses of a paper clip?
The first question involves convergent thinking while the second involves
divergent thinking. According to Guilford, divergent thinking is responsible for
creativity. Studies have also suggested that people who are higher on divergent
thinking are more creative than others.

5.4.1 Stages of Creative Thinking

Wallas’s (1926) proposed a classification of stages involved in creativity. He
proposed that creativity involve four stages, as described below:

Preparation Incubation Illumination Verification

Evaluation Elaboration

Fig.5.2: Stages of Creativity


Stage I: Preparation
This is the stage of collecting raw material about the problem at hand. One needs
to familiarize oneself with the previous work, gaps, and problems of previous
solutions in order to understand the task at hand. This process motivates to work
more on the problem. In this stage, divergent thinking plays an important role.

Stage II: Incubation

During the process of finding the solution, the person may feel stuck as he is not
able to come up with the solution. During this stage, the person is not thinking
about the problem consciously, but his mental processes are involved in finding
a solution unconsciously. Studies show that many creative ideas come during
the incubation stage when the person is in an idle state and not working actively
on the problem.

Stage III: Illumination

It is the stage of ‘Aha’ or ‘Eureka’ moment. This experience is the result of an
immediate solution or insight into the problem at hand. The famous story of
‘Archimedes and golden crown’ revolves around this illumination stage, where
s/he suddenly understands a previously unsolved puzzle.

Stage IV: Verification: Evaluation and Elaboration

During this last stage, the worth or value of the insight is judged by the person. It
is a fully conscious stage, in which the person evaluates the worth of the solution
he comes across during the illumination stage. The creator banks on his existing
Thinking and Language knowledge to verify the arrived solution. Studies on creativity have suggested
that it is not necessary that the creative insights will always be appealing in
reality, sometimes it may turn out to be bad ideas.


Let’s start this section with famous “The two string problem” by Maier (1931).

Fig.5.3: The two String Problem

Source: Sternberg (2012)

“Imagine that you are the person standing in the middle of this room, in which
two strings are hanging down from the ceiling. Your goal is to tie together the
two strings, but neither string is long enough so that you can reach out and grab
the other string while holding either of the two strings. You have available a few
clean paintbrushes, a can of paint, and a heavy canvas tarpaulin. How will you
tie the two strings together?”(Sternberg, 2012, pp.444).

How can you solve this problem? What steps do you follow to solve it? In general,
how do we solve any problem faced by us? In the first place, what is a problem?
In this section, we will answer these questions and discuss other related
psychological factors.

A problem is a barrier or hindrance towards your goal. Therefore, problem-solving

can be defined as behaviour of overcoming these hindrances to achieve your
goal. A typical problem-solving process follows seven steps:

1) Problem identification: It is a pre-condition for the problem-solving process.

A problem can be solved only when it is identified as a problem.
2) Problem definition: In this stage, a problem’s nature, meaning, and scope
are identified.
3) Strategy formulation: Stage involved in exploring the ways to tackle/
overcome the problem i.e., generating possible solutions.
4) Organization of information: Collecting and organizing all the information Thinking and Language
about the problem and its proposed solution. According to Sternberg (2012),
this stage involves “How do the various pieces of information in the problem
fit together?”(pp.445)
5) Allocation of resources: After deciding which strategy is appropriate and
how to follow the selected strategy, in this stage, a decision is taken regarding
allocating resources (time, money, effort, etc.) appropriately in solving the
problem. That is deciding, how to go about solving the problem?
6) Monitoring: To solve a problem successfully, this stage requires a person to
continuously cross-check or scrutiny the path he/she had chosen.
7) Evaluation: In this last stage of the problem-solving process, judgment about
the success or failure of the attempt to solve the problem is made.

Problem 2
Evaluating Problem Identification
Definition of

6 3

Monitoring Constructing a
Problem Solving Strategy for
Problem Solving

Allocation of
resources Organizing information
about a problem

Fig.5.4: Problem Solving Cycle

5.5.1 Barriers to Problem Solving

The process of problem-solving requires overcoming obstacles effectively to
achieve a goal. However, sometimes this goal attaining behaviour is hampered
by some obstacles. In this section, we will talk about those factors that hinder
our problem-solving ability.

Mental Set/Perceptual Set: Our tendency to overuse an already tried mental

strategy in solving a problem is called a mental set. Our previous successful
experience with that particular strategy makes us biased to prefer it every
time. Thus, when we face up with a new problem, we stick to already tried
and tested technique. The mental set is also known as ‘set effect’.

Now, try to solve the following famous ‘the nine-dot problem’. Without lifting
your pen you have to join these nine dots using only three or four straight lines.
Thinking and Language

Fig.5.5: Nine dot problem

Functional Fixedness: Our tendency to see objects in the light of its usual or
typical function only. Thus, posing difficulty in solving those problems which
require the novel use of the objects. If you were not able to solve the Maier’s two
string problem, discussed in the previous section, then you can attribute your
inability to functional fixedness.
Using Incomplete Representation: How do you process initial information
regarding problem also influences your chances to solve a problem successfully.
An incorrect interpretation would lead to incorrect representation, which in turn
lead to the false solution.
Lack of Expertise or Intellect: It means whether you pose the intellectual ability
to solve the given problem or not? If you have sufficient expertise only, then you
will be able to solve it. What do you think, if you give a problem of algebra to a
student of the first standard, will he be able to solve it? No, because he does not
pose sufficient intellect or expertise to solve it.
Lack of Motivation: Even though you possess all the ability to solve a problem,
but lack of motivation can hinder your chances to solve it effectively. Therefore,
it is necessary to maintain your motivational level even after facing failure in the
initial trials.
Emotional Block: Your ability to solve a problem effectively can severely get
hampered by your emotional state. Suppose, if you have stage phobia then there
is a high probability that you will not be able to solve a mathematical problem on
your classroom blackboard effectively. Because stage phobia leads to stress and
anxiety and these emotions will hamper your performance.

Self Assessment Questions (SAQ-I)

State whether the following are ‘True’ or ‘False’:

1) Thinking is not a higher mental process...................
2) Functional Fixedness refers to our tendency to see objects in the light of
its usual or typical function only......................
3) A problem is a barrier or hindrance towards your goal...................
4) A concept is the set of properties that we associate with a particular class.
5) Critical thinking is an insight based thinking which uses previous
experiences to solve a problem. ....................
Thinking and Language
In our day to day life, from choosing what to wear for the party to what novel to
read, we have to make priorities and choose among alternatives. The cognitive
process that you use to evaluate alternatives and make a choice is known as
decision making. Thus, we can say that decision making is a type of problem-
solving behaviour where you are already aware of all the possible solutions and
have to choose between them.

5.6.1 Decision Making Process

What steps typically we follow, when we make a decision? According to
psychologists our decision-making process involves the following six steps:
Identifying the Problem: In order to make a decision, first you need to
have a problem. So, at this stage, a problem is first identified for which
decision have to be made. (For example: What shall I wear at my friend’s
marriage ceremony?)
Generating Alternatives: After identifying the problem, all possible
alternatives are generated. (Either Saari, salwar-suit, or lehanga?)
Evaluating Alternatives: We evaluate all the generated alternatives with
reference to its costs and benefits. (Today’s weather is little chilly than other
days. Even I am also not feeling well. If I wear salwar-suit that would be
best for me as it could protect me more from cold waves better than lehanga
or Saari.)
Choosing an Alternative: In this stage, the best possible alternative is
selected. (Salwaar-suit)
Implementing the Decision: This is an action taking the stage, where you
implement your selected alternative. (Iron clothes and get dressed.)
Evaluating Decision Effectiveness: In this last stage, you evaluate your
decision and modify it according to requirement. (Look in the mirror, decide
it looks good but might need to change sandals.)
Identifying the problem

Generating alternatives Recycle

Evaluating alternatives necessary

Choosing an alternative

Implementing the decision

Evaluating decision effectiveness

Fig.5.6: Decision-making process

Source: Lunenburg (2010) 75
Thinking and Language 5.6.2 Cognitive Errors in Decision Making
As discussed in the previous unit on “Perception,” our brain receives countless
information from the environment every single second, leading to tremendous
cognitive load on mental processes. Studies have suggested that in order to manage
this cognitive load we unconsciously use some mental formulas. On the one
hand, these mental formulas help us making the decision quick whereas, on the
other hand, it also leads to the incorrect conclusion, i.e., cognitive error. The
following read will help you understand the factors responsible for the incorrect
decision. Broadly, there are two sources of cognitive errors: heuristics and biases. Heuristics
It is a mental shortcut that helps us in taking a decision quickly by decreasing
cognitive load. Even though these heuristics are very helpful in making an ev-
eryday decision but, it is always not a flawless process. Sometimes, it leads to an
incorrect decision. Following are some major types of heuristics/ mental short-

1) Representative Heuristic: We use this mental shortcut when we have to

make a judgment about probability. It helps us in deciding whether a stimulus
belongs to a particular category or not based on the degree of similarity in
their characteristics.

2) Availability Heuristic: The availability heuristic suggests that the ease with
which an instance can be recalled or available to our mind is considered as
more prevalent. Thus, this heuristic judges the importance of an event based
on its frequency of availability to our mind.

3) Framing Effects: Out tendency to interpret the same message differently

depending upon how it has been presented or framed.

4) Anchoring and Adjusting Heuristic: According to this heuristic, to take a

decision we start with a reference point which acts like a anchor-and then
we evaluate and adjust our decision with new information. Biases

In this section, we will discuss some common biases that frequently occur while
making decisions:

1) Illusionary correlation: In statistics, correlation implies that two variables

have a statistically significant relationship. Thus, illusionary correlation
refers to the situation in which we unrealistically consider a significant
relationship between two variables. For instance, judging someone from
prevalent stereotypes.

2) Overconfidence: Decision makers have a tendency to overestimate their

skills and ability, thus leading to poor judgment. Why, we tend to be
overconfident in our decision? Because we tend to ignore our previous
actual performance and do not want to be judged as wrong.

3) Hindsight Bias: Also known as “knew-it-all-along” effect, hindsight bias

occurs when retrospectively thinking about a problem situation people claim
that they knew beforehand about the outcome of the problem situation in Thinking and Language
the past.

4) Confirmation Bias: “This is the tendency to search only for information

that will confirm one’s initial hunch or hypothesis, and to overlook or ignore
other information” (Galotti, 2015).


Man is an animal but different from other species of animal. So, what sets man
apart from others? It is an ability to communicate information using language –
which refers to a complicated set of symbols, sounds, gestures and rules of
combining them to communicate one’s views to others. Language is expressed
through gestures, speech, and writing.

According to psycholinguists, a language consists of the following components:

1) Phoneme: It is the smallest or basic unit of spoken language. The word
“pen” has three phonemes viz. ‘p,’ ‘e’ and, ‘n’.
2) Morpheme: Morpheme is the smallest unit of meaning. Phonemes are
combined to make morpheme, such as the word “remake”, consists of two
words “re-” and “make”.
3) Semantics: It refers to the set of rules by which we understand the meaning
of words and sentence. For example, adding “-ed” at the end of the word
refers to past tense.
4) Syntax: These are the grammatical rules which explain how different words
can be combined to make a meaningful sentence.
5) Pragmatics: The societal rules related to language. How one should talk to
older adults, what one can say in public or private, are some of the examples
of pragmatics.

5.7.1 Development of Language

Language development is an essential aspect of cognitive development. Studies
have suggested that individual differences among children can be found in
language development. Some children acquire language more rapidly than others.
Nevertheless, by the age of 5, the language of most children starts resembling to
an adult’s speech. In the following section, we will learn how we acquire a
language. First, we will discuss language development in infants then language
development in the context of children will be discussed. Language in Infants

Speech perception in Infancy
Language acquisition stage begins with the ability to distinguish between
the smallest sound units, i.e., phonemes, of their language. Studies have
suggested that infants are very efficient not only in recognising phonemes
but also in recognising differences among different phonemes.
Thinking and Language Language Comprehension in Infancy
Can infants understand the language? To answer this many studies have
been done suggesting, infants between the age of four to five months can
turn their heads to the location from where their name is spoken, suggesting
they can recognize their name. Further, they can understand “the
correspondence between a speaker’s facial expression and emotional tone
of the speaker’s voice” (Matlin, 2009, pp. 479). Children start to understand
their name, usually by about six months, followed by commonly used words
like “bottle,” “mama,” and “doggie” by 10 to 12 months (Mandel, Jusczyk,
& Pisoni, 1995).

Language Production in Infancy

Language production in infants follows a series of a stage. The intentional
vocalization beings by the age of two months with cooing noises, it is a one
vowel sound (e.g., oo). By the time infant reaches the age of six to eight
months, infants start doing babbling, “a vocalization that uses both
consonants and vowels, often repeating sounds in a series such as dadada”
(Matlin, 2009, pp. 480). Further, infants use different type of gestures to
communicate with adults. Infants shake their head “no” around 6–9 months,
and they respond to verbal requests to do things like “wave bye-bye” or
“blow a kiss” around 9–12 months. Language in Children

According to the various studies, most of the infants start speaking their first
word when they become one year old. In this section, will discuss the
characteristics of the initial words spoken by infants and children, followed by
grammatical rules children use and lastly, we will learn how children learn
pragmatics, i.e., social rules of language.

One of the first words that children speak is related to objects, people or
sometimes to their activities. By the age of one-year in the children can
speak between 12 to 52 words, depending on his/her developmental speed.
A child of 12 or 13 months will frequently use partial words to express their
thoughts such as “ter” for “water” or “flo” in place of “flower”. These partial
words are expressing an idea, which is known as Holophrase speech.

Once a child learns a word, s/he overuses it in expressing all other objects
along with the original reference. This is known as Overextension. Opposite
to this phenomenon, children show under extension, where a learned word
is underused. For instance, if a child has learned that the German shepherd
of his house is a doggie, then all other breeds of dogs cannot be called as

After learning words, children soon start learning about using morphemes
such as –ed, -ing, -s etc. An English speaking child acquires knowledge of
using morphemes appropriately between the age of one-and-half and three-
and-half years. Studies have suggested that they first learn using –ing
followed by –s and then learn to use –ed.
Syntax Thinking and Language

Between the ages of 18 to 24 months, often children begin to combine words.

A topic of interest for psychologists has always been the development of
syntax, i.e., rules of grammar, among children. By the end of the second
birthday, children start combining two words to convey their message. For
instance, “Mummy apple” may refer to “Mummy I want to eat an apple”.
These kinds of speech are known as “Telegraphic speech”, in this kind of
speech words serving grammatical functions are omitted, and the message
is expressed only using two or three words. Further, during the age between
one and two years, children talk to themselves loudly when they are alone.
This kind of speech is known as “Crib speech”, it is produced by children
to refine their linguistic skills.

Pragmatics refers to the social rules of language. As language is a social
tool of interaction, it has some underlying rules, such as, how to behave as
a listener, what one should say in a particular situation, and how to coordinate
in a conversation are some examples of pragmatics. Studies have suggested
that in comparison to adults, children take more time in turn-taking because
of their inability to recognize the completion of a remark. With maturity,
children learn to use the phrase “and then” to signal their listeners that they
wish to continue their speech. Children also learn to adapt their language
according to the listener, i.e., if the listener of a six-year-old child is his
peer, then the language used by him would be different from the language
used for a two-year-old listener.

5.7.2 Relation between Language and Thought

Fig.5.7: Girls of Hopi Tribe


Whether our language control thought or thought to control our language? This
has always been a question of debates among psychologists and linguistics since
many decades. According to linguistic relativity hypothesis or Whorfian theory,
our language shapes our thought. Whorf (1956), proposed that the available words
of the language influences our thinking; therefore people with different languages
Thinking and Language may think differently. For example, the Hopi tribe of America do not have any
past tense in their language. So according to Whorf, they rarely think of the past.

The opposing view on this debate is that our thoughts determine our language.
This debate still has not been resolved successfully. However, recently a modified
version of Whorfian theory has been proposed. According to some researchers,
our language does not determine all aspects of our thinking. It only influences
the way people think about the relationship between objects (Hunt & Agnoli,
1991; Lucy,1992).

Self Assessment Questions (SAQ II)

Fill in the following Blanks:

1) The cognitive process that is used to evaluate alternatives and make a
choice is known as ....................................
2) In order to make a decision, first you need to have a ...........................
3) According to ........................................... theory, our language shapes our
4) After learning words, children soon start learning about using .......................
5) Language development is an essential aspect of .................development.


It can be summed up from the following discussions that, thinking is a higher
mental process. We use mental images, concepts, and prepositions in the process
of thinking. Creativity is a type of thinking which involves creating original and
novel ideas. Studies have suggested that people, who are high on divergent
thinking, are more creative. The process of creative thinking involves four stages:
preparation, incubation, insight, and verification. We also understood the concept
of problem-solving behaviour is a process by which we overcome barriers towards
our goal. The steps as well as types of barriers to problem-solving were also
discussed. Another psychological process in which thinking plays an essential
role is- decision making. Steps involved in decision making and errors of decision
making was also discussed in this unit. After this, the focus of our discussion
was language. First, we discussed the nature and component of the language and
then the development of language was discussed. Lastly, the relationship between
language and thought was discussed with an emphasis on Whorfian theory.


1) Define thinking and describe any three forms of thinking.
2) Discuss the role of mental imagery, concept, and proposition in the process
of thinking briefly.
3) What do you understand by creativity? Discuss how divergent and
convergent thinking plays important roles in creativity.
4) What do you mean by ‘mental set’? Critically discuss its role in the process
of problem-solving.

80 5) What role do heuristics play in problem-solving?

6) Heuristics and biases are the two sources of cognitive error. Explain how? Thinking and Language

7) Write a note on language development.

8) What is the linguistic relativity hypothesis?

Thinking : A higher mental process done with the help of
symbols of one’s language.
Problem Solving : A behavioral attempt to overcome the hurdle
towards achieving a goal.
Decision Making : A type of problem-solving behaviour, in which we
have to choose among available options.
Mental Set : Our tendency to use a previous successfully used
solution in other situations also.
Language : It is a set of symbols, which are combined using
some grammatical rules, to communicate
Functional Fixedness : Our tendency to see objects in the light of its usual
or typical function only. Thus, posing difficulty in
solving those problems which require the novel
use of the objects.
Framing Effects : Our tendency to interpret the same message
differently depending upon how it has been
presented or framed.
Concept : A concept represents an entire class; it is the set of
properties that we associate with a particular class.


1) False
2) True
3) True
4) True
5) False

1) decision making
2) problem
3) linguistic relativity hypothesis or Whorfian
4) morphemes
5) cognitive
Thinking and Language
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choosing an academic major. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(2), 379.
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and Problem-solving. Sage Publications.
Ludden, D. (2015). The Psychology of Language: an Integrated Approach. Sage
Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow. Macmillan.
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References for Images

A rare poster advertising Titanic. Retrieved May 19, 2018, from https://
Stages of Creativity. Retrieved May 19, 2018, from http://www.docente.
useruploads/000430/files/sawyer_r.k._explaning_ creativity_ 2006.pdf
Girls of Hopi Tribe. Retrieved May 19, 2018, from
Solution to Nine-dot problem. Retrieved May 19, 2018, from http://
Solution to Nine-dot problem (asked in section 1.5.1)
As you can see, this problem can be solved by following two ways.


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