CHAPTER - 5 FINAL FOR CLASS Color Image Processing

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Color Image Processing

Color Image Processing
 The use of color Image Processing is motivated
by two principal factors:

 Color is a powerful descriptor that often simplifies

object identification and extraction from a scene.

 Humans can distinguish between thousands of color

shades and intensities.

 The colors that humans and some animals perceive in

an object are determined by the nature of light
reflected from the object
Color Spectrum

• 1666 Sir Isaac Newton, 24 year old, discovered white light

• The separation of colors by a prism expose a continuous range of
spectral colors
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Physical Background
 Visible light: a narrow band of
electromagnetic radiation →
380nm (blue) - 780nm

 Wavelength: Each physically

distinct colour corresponds to
at least one wavelength in this
Achromatic vs Chromatic Light

 Achromatic (void of color or without color)

Light: Its only contribute is its ‘Intensity’ or
 Chromatic Light: spans the electromagnetic
spectrum from approximately 400 to 700nm
 Three basic quantities are used to describe the
quantity of a chromatic source of light:
 Radiance
 Luminance
 Brightness
Color Fundamentals (con’t)c
 Basic quantities to describe the quality of light source:
 Radiance: Total amount of energy that flows from the light
source (inW).
 Luminance: A measure of the amount of energy an observer
perceives from the light source (in lm)
 Brightness: A subjective descriptor that embodies the
achromatic notion of intensity and is practical impossible to

H.R. Pourreza
Human Perception

 Detailed experimental evidences has established that the 6

to 7 million cones in the human eye can be divided into
three principal sensing categories, corresponding roughly to
red, green and blue

 Approximately 65% of all cones are sensitive to Red Light,

33% are sensitive to Green Light and about 2% are
sensitive to Blue Light (most sensitive)
Human Perception
 Due to absorption characteristic of Human Eye colors are
seen as variable combinations of the so-called ‘Primary
Colors’ Red, Green and Blue,

 The primary colors can be added to produce secondary

colors of Light

 Magenta (Red+Blue)
 Cyan (Green+Blue)
 Yellow (Red+Green)
Primary Color of Light vs Primary Color of Pigments

 Red, Green and Blue Colors are Primary Colors of Light

 In Primary Color of Pigments a primary color is defined as

the one that subtracts or absorbs a primary color of Light
and reflects or transmits the other two

 Therefore the Primary Colors of Pigments are Magenta,

Cyan and Yellow and secondary colors are Red, Green and

 A proper combination of three pigment primaries or a

secondary with its opposite primary produces Black

 Color Television Reception is an example of the additive

nature of Light Colors
Absorption of Light by red, green and blue cones
in Human Eye
Standard wavelength values for the
primary colors

 Mixing the three primaries or a secondary with its opposite

primary colors in the right intensities produces white light
Color Fundamentals (con’t)
 The characteristics generally used to distinguish one color
from another are Brightness, Hue, and Saturation.
 Hue: Represents dominant color as perceive by an observer.
 Saturation: Relative purity or the amount of white light mixed with
a hue
 Hue and saturation taken together are called Chromaticity,
and therefore, a color may be characterized by its
Brightness and Chromaticity.

H.R. Pourreza
Tri-Stimulus Values
 The amount of Red, Green and Blue needed to form a
particular color (denoted by X, Y and Z)’
 Tri-stimulus values: The amount of Red, Green and Blue needed to form any
particular color
Denoted by: X,Y and Z
 A color is then specified by its “Tri-chromatic
Coefficients”(x,y,z- small letters)

• Thus x+y+z=1
Chromaticity Diagram

 Another approach for specifying colors is to use

chromaticity diagram

 Shows color compositions as a function of x(red) and


 For any x and y the corresponding value of z(blue) can

be obtained as

Color Models
 The purpose of a color model (also called color
space or color system) is to facilitate the
specification of colors in some standard, generally
accept way.
 RGB (red,green,blue) : monitor, video camera.
 CMY(cyan,magenta,yellow),CMYK (CMY, black)
model for color printing.
 and HSI model,which corresponds closely with the
way humans describe and interpret color.
 YIQ (Luminance,In phase, Quadrature)
 YUV (Y' stands for the luma component (the
brightness) and U and V are the chrominance (color)
H.R. Pourreza
components )
RGB Model
 Each color is represented
in its primary color
components Red, Green
and Blue

 This model is based on

Cartesian Coordinate
RGB Model
 In this model, the primary colors are red, green, and blue. It is
an additive model, in which colors are produced by adding
components, with white having all colors present and black
being the absence of any color.

 This is the model used for active displays such as television

and computer screens.

 The RGB model is usually represented by a unit cube with one

corner located at the origin of a three-dimensional color
coordinate system, the axes being labeled R, G, B, and having
a range of values [0, 1]. The origin (0, 0, 0) is considered
black and the diagonally opposite corner (1, 1, 1) is called
white. The line joining black to white represents a gray scale
and has equal components of R, G, B.
The CMY and CMYK Color Models

 Cyan, Magenta and Yellow are the

secondary colors of light
 Most devices that deposit colored pigments
on paper, such as color printers and copiers,
require CMY data input.
 C  1  R 
 M   1  G 
    
 Y  1  B 

H.R. Pourreza
CMY Color Model
CMY Color Model
HSI Color Model

 Hue (dominant colour seen)

 Wavelength of the pure colour observed in the
 Distinguishes red, yellow, green, etc.
 More the 400 hues can be seen by the human eye.

 Saturation (degree of dilution)

 Inverse of the quantity of “white” present in the
signal. A pure colour has 100% saturation, the
white and grey have 0% saturation.
 Distinguishes red from pink, marine blue from royal
blue, etc.
 About 20 saturation levels are visible per hue.

 Intensity
 Distinguishes the gray levels.
HSI Color Model
 Separates out intensity I from the coding

 Two values (Hue & Saturation) encode chromaticity

 Intensity encode monochrome part.

 Hue and saturation of colors respond closely to the

way humans perceive color, and thus this model is
suited for interactive manipulation of color images .
Properties of HSI (HSV)

 Hue H is defined by an angle

 Saturation S models the purity of the color

 I=(R+G+B)/3
The HSI Color Models


H.R. Pourreza

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