The Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue (BORSTAR) Unit was created in 1998 to respond to injuries among Border Patrol agents and migrant deaths. BORSTAR agents undergo a physically and mentally demanding training course to learn search and rescue techniques, tactical medicine, and how to work as a cohesive unit. Upon completion, BORSTAR agents receive advanced specialized training to conduct emergency response operations, from FEMA missions to national security events. As the only national law enforcement search and rescue entity, BORSTAR provides tactical medical and search and rescue training to government agencies both domestically and abroad.
The Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue (BORSTAR) Unit was created in 1998 to respond to injuries among Border Patrol agents and migrant deaths. BORSTAR agents undergo a physically and mentally demanding training course to learn search and rescue techniques, tactical medicine, and how to work as a cohesive unit. Upon completion, BORSTAR agents receive advanced specialized training to conduct emergency response operations, from FEMA missions to national security events. As the only national law enforcement search and rescue entity, BORSTAR provides tactical medical and search and rescue training to government agencies both domestically and abroad.
The Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue (BORSTAR) Unit was created in 1998 to respond to injuries among Border Patrol agents and migrant deaths. BORSTAR agents undergo a physically and mentally demanding training course to learn search and rescue techniques, tactical medicine, and how to work as a cohesive unit. Upon completion, BORSTAR agents receive advanced specialized training to conduct emergency response operations, from FEMA missions to national security events. As the only national law enforcement search and rescue entity, BORSTAR provides tactical medical and search and rescue training to government agencies both domestically and abroad.
The Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue (BORSTAR) Unit was created in 1998 to respond to injuries among Border Patrol agents and migrant deaths. BORSTAR agents undergo a physically and mentally demanding training course to learn search and rescue techniques, tactical medicine, and how to work as a cohesive unit. Upon completion, BORSTAR agents receive advanced specialized training to conduct emergency response operations, from FEMA missions to national security events. As the only national law enforcement search and rescue entity, BORSTAR provides tactical medical and search and rescue training to government agencies both domestically and abroad.
The BORSTAR STC is a physically and mentally demanding
The Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue course in which candidates are evaluated in various search and (BORSTAR) Unit was created in 1998 in response to the rescue techniques, tactical medicine, technical rescue, land growing number of injuries to Border Patrol agents and navigation, communication, swift-water rescue, air operations, migrant deaths along our nation’s borders. BORSTAR is and the ability to work in a cohesive unit. located at the U.S. Border Patrol’s Special Operations Group (SOG) Headquarters in El Paso, Texas. Upon completion of the BORSTAR STC, BORSTAR agents receive additional advanced specialized training in emergency BORSTAR provides specialized law enforcement, search medical; tactical medicine; technical rope rescue; paramedic; and rescue response from conventional to high-risk austere medic; load planner; helicopter rope suspension Border Patrol Operations, Federal Emergency training; rescue watercraft/boat operator; cold-weather Management Agency (FEMA) mission assignments, operations; personnel recovery; small unit tactics; tactical national search and rescue operations, national special combat casualty care; operations management and planning; security events and specialized training support directed and advanced dive, swift-water, and technical rope rescue by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for both operations. domestic and foreign government agencies.
BORSTAR is the only national law enforcement search and rescue entity with the capability to conduct tactical medical, search and rescue training for Federal, state, local and international government agencies. Since the inception of BORSTAR in 1998, the unit has evolved and enhanced its capabilities to better fulfill the missions of DHS, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and U.S. Border Patrol, both domestically and abroad.
On a national level, BORSTAR is strategically located to
rapidly deploy along the Southwest Border, Northern Border, Coastal Regions, and throughout the United States. As part of Sector Special Operations Detachments, BORSTAR supports the 2012–2016 Border Patrol Strategic Plan by conducting intelligence-driven operations to target transnational criminal organizations, high-risk areas, and cross-border criminal activity.
BORSTAR is comprised of experienced Border Patrol
agents selected from all U.S. Border Patrol sectors to attend and successfully complete the BORSTAR Selection and Training Course (STC). BORSTAR Agents conducting swift‐water rescue training. BORSTAR Operators receive swift‐water training.
For more information, visit the Web site or contact the Office of Public Affairs at 202-344-1770 03/14
Catch Documentation Schemes for Deep-Sea Fisheries in the ABNJ: Their Value, and Options for Implementation: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 629