India GXI5 M&C Training 135405 - Rev1

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Issue 1
February 3, 2020

SED Systems, a division of Calian Ltd.

18 Innovation Boulevard Saskatoon, Saskatchewan CANADA S7N 3R1
Tel: (306) 931-3425 Fax: (306) 933-1486
Proprietary Notice

The information contained herein is proprietary to SED

Systems, and may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed
to others except as specifically permitted in writing by
SED. The recipient of this information, by its retention
and use, agrees to protect the same and the information
contained herein from loss, theft, and compromise.

135405(1) SED Proprietary 2

 Software Architecture Overview
 Fundamentals
 Mimics
 Device Windows
 Events and Alarms
 System Notes
 Trending
 Macros
 Server Software
 Software Upgrades
 Reference Material

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 Software consists of:
◦ Server software
 Runs as a Windows Service.
 Polls equipment for status, performs measurement requests,
provides remote interfaces to INMS and SCC
 Single server computer, setup to allow for redundancy
 MySQL database is used for persistent data storage
◦ GUI client software
 Runs on the server computers or on a separate client PC

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Main Menu
Tool bar





Status Bar

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 Device and mimic browsers have the following features:
◦ Have a selection bar across the top
◦ Allow multiple tabs to be displayed
◦ Display the summary health on each tab
 The selection bar allows you to:
◦ Select the Server
◦ For the selected Server, select a device (for device browsers)
or a mimic (for mimic browsers)
◦ Enter a filter that reduces the number of choices available
◦ Open a tab for the selected mimic or device by clicking on
◦ Close the currently selected tab by clicking on

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 You must log in to access most capabilities
 Capabilities are made available based on your role
 Available Roles:
◦ Operator
◦ Administrator
 Events are generated when you log in and out
 Who is currently logged in is shown on the status bar

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Overall health of all positions
devices shown

Highlights online
signal paths

Click to open Key device

device window Device overall
health attribute values
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Close Stretch
Overall health of
device Open Resize


Standard tabs

Summary health of
attributes in tab

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 Overall Health
◦ For an entity, the worst health of any of its attributes
 Comm Status – Failed / Established
◦ When communication status is failed, the health for all other
attributes for a device changes to unknown. The last known
value is displayed
 Summary Alarm – Fault / No fault
 Control Mode – Local / Remote
◦ When in local, most devices can only be controlled from their
front panel
 Maintenance Mode – In / Out
◦ When in maintenance, the health of all other attributes is not
computed and no communication with the device
 Test Mode – In / Out
◦ When in test, the health of all other attributes is not computed
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 No comms to device

 No connection to server

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Greyed out – not logged in or not authorized

In sync Last Commanded


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Edit value. New value is colored yellow to show it
has been changed

Press Execute Undo edit. Not undo

previous commands

Command in progress

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Commanded unsuccessful. Out of sync

This could happen if a device is in local control mode for example,

and does not process the command from the M&C system.

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Commanded successful. In sync

Resulting events

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Delete Row Edit Row Table sorted on
this column
Add Row

Edit the values

Click execute

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 Used to compute health of an attribute
 Current value of the attribute is checked against all the
 Violation of a criterion results in a change in the attribute
 Device Type level and instance level

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If not 0, ignore violation until this
Resulting health if many milliseconds have gone by
criterion is violated

You can disable a criterion

Criterion is violated if this

expression is true

Use other attributes to

indicate cause

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 There can be 0 or more criteria
 Attribute’s health is none if there are no criteria
 Attribute’s health is good if none of the criteria are violated
 If multiple criteria are violated, the attribute’s health is the
worst severity

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 To view/edit the health criteria for an attribute:
◦ Select the attribute

 In the drop down list

 Or using the
Change to attribute selection mode

Click on the attribute

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◦ View the health criteria in the health criteria tab

◦ To edit double click a criterion or select and click open

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◦ Edit the criteria Set how long the criteria has to be
violated before the health changes

Change the resulting health

Enable or disable the criterion

This string will be written in

the associated event

Change the expression

used to check for violation

Edit cause relationships

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◦ Fault comparison
 Involves the current value of the attribute
 “this” means the value of the attribute. You can also use the attribute Id,
e.g. CommStatus
 Numeric comparison
 this <= -5.0
 Comparison with a fixed number of values, e.g. Communication Status
 this == "CS_CONN_OPENED“
 Compare with
 == equals
 != not equals
 < less than, <= less than or equal to
 > greater than, >= greater than or equal to
 The comparison can have && (and) and || (or)
 (this <= -5.0) || (this >= 50)

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◦ Fault comparison editor

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◦ Edit the value in the editable text box

Invalid value highlighted in red

Tool tip explains error

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◦ To change a fixed value, you can use the “value” part of the
“Create Expression for Comparison”
Starting expression

Select the new value

Add to the comparison

Fix the comparison

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◦ Cause
 A change in health in one attribute can be caused by the change in
health in another
 If the M&C can’t communicate with an LNA controller, the comm
status of the LNAs will also be failed

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 The Command Status information is displayed in the
Additional Information section on the Command Status tab
 Displays status messages with the most recent message at
the top
 When the user executes a command, the software displays
a message indicating whether the command completed
successfully or failed

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 The Attribute Information is displayed in the Attribute Info
 Select an attribute using the drop down list or the pointer
( )
Health Status Reason for health status
Last update time

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 The System Notes for the selected device are displayed in
the System Notes tab
 Displays information on device being monitored and
 Describe a problem with a device or class of devices

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 The Properties tab lists the device configuration
parameters such as IP address

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 The I/O Monitor tab displays the exchange with the device
 This tab is not available for indirect devices
 \x2f means the unprintable character with hex value 2f was
sent or received

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 An event is raised to indicate that something of note has
occurred, e.g. attribute health change
 Event contents
◦ Severity
 A "Normal" information event
 A "Warning" information event
 An event that clears a previous fault or warning event
 An event indicating a Warning condition
 An event indicating a Minor Failure condition
 An event indicating a Major Failure condition
 An event indicating a Critical Failure condition
◦ Date and time the event occurred
◦ Source that identifies the origin, e.g. “BUC 1"
◦ Text describing the event

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 Two types of Event Windows:
◦ Recent Events
 Displays new events as they occur
 From the main menu, choose View | Current Events
◦ Historical Events
 Allows you to query the database for old event data
 From the menu on the Recent Events window, Choose View |
Historical Events

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 Both types of event windows can be filtered
 Can sort on any column. Filters are above the column titles
 Double clicking on an event will open the event detail

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 An alarm is a condition triggered by an event of severity
greater than “information”
 Subsequent events from the same source may upgrade or
downgrade the severity of the alarm, but are considered to
be part of the same alarm until all three of the following
have occurred:
◦ A clear event is received
◦ The alarm is acknowledged by an operator
◦ The user has removed the alarm from view
 The user may only remove an alarm from view when the
alarm has been cleared and acknowledged

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 Alarm contents:
◦ Alarm acknowledgement state:
 Unacknowledged
 Acknowledged
◦ Current severity of the alarm (indicated by the icon)
◦ Maximum severity of the alarm (indicated by the icon)
◦ An indication of whether this alarm caused other alarms or
was caused by another alarm
◦ Date and time of the original triggering event
◦ Date and time that the last event that changed the severity
◦ Source of the event that triggered the alarm
◦ Text description from the most recent event associated with
the alarm

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 Two types of Alarm Windows:
◦ Current Alarms
 Displays alarms that have not been removed
 From the main menu, choose View | CurrentAlarms
◦ Historical Alarms
 Allows you to query the database for alarms that have been
removed from the current alarm window
 From the menu on the Current Alarms window, Choose View |
Historical Alarms

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Total of each severity Filters

Sound on




In minor failure

Remove alarm from Force current severity to

window if acked and cleared – used rarely
cleared Open alarm details Open device window
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 Double click on an alarm to open the alarm detail window
◦ Same info as shown in alarm window
◦ Also shows who acked the alarm and when
◦ Also shows all the associated events

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 System Notes tab on each device window allows a user to
enter a note to be viewed by other users
 System Notes is also available from the main menu View >
System Notes or the toolbar

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 Click the button to add a new system note or select
a cell and click the button to modify an existing
System Note

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 In the search section, select field to compare, type of
comparison to perform and value to compare to. Click the
button to perform the search

 The table displays all system notes that match the search

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 Attributes visible in the device windows are logged to the
database on change
 View the historical data through the Trending Window
(under View | Trending)

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 First select the devices and their attributes

Filter shown devices

if desired

Click to select devices.

Check Select all of same
type to multiselect
devices of the same type

Click to select attributes.

Shift click or Ctrl click to

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 Set the time period

Set an absolute time or

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 Query for the data

Click Query
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 View the data in a plot or a table

List of queried

1 dimension plot of
values (dot for each

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Choose the number of plots
and lines/plot
Filter the list of
queried attributes

Choose which
attributes are

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 Press the left mouse button and move the mouse to scroll
the plot
 Press the right mouse button, drag it (a drag box will be
shown) and release. The plot will zoom in to the drag box

 Press the Ctrl key and click the left mouse button to zoom
 Press the Ctrl key and click the right mouse button to zoom
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 Right click on the table to
◦ Copy selected or all rows to the clipboard
◦ Save selected or all rows to a file
◦ Print selected or all rows

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 A macro is a series of steps that:
◦ Command devices
◦ Get attributes values
◦ Declare variables and assign them values. Variables can be
used in a device command
◦ Wait
◦ Control execution including If statements and While loops
 You edit a macro in the Macro Editor
 You transfer the macro from the GUI to the server using the
Macro Transfer Window
 You schedule the macro to run using the Macro Scheduler

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 Select View | Macro | Editor
 File | New to create a new macro

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 Click on the step’s Name column to set the type of step

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 For command single device step, pick the device name

 And the command name

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 And set the inputs to the command

Click here

And then here

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Select a value

Click set

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Click OK

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 Use the toolbar buttons to:
◦ Delete steps

◦ Add a step above

◦ Add a step below

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 You can use variables to get a value for an attribute,
change it and use it in a command
 Use a Command Attribute variable so the type of the
variable will be correct for the command

Set the variable name

Select the device

Select the command

Select the attribute

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 Use the Get Single Device Value to get the current value
for the attribute

Select the device

Select the attribute

Select the variable

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 Modify the value with an Assignment statement

Select the variable

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Edit the expression. The right
hand side of the assignment

Enter the expression. In this case,

increase the attenuation by 2

Click OK

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 Use the Command Single Device to set the attribute to the
new value

Select the device name

Select the command name

Edit the attributes

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Edit the attribute value

Click Add to add the variable to the expression

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Click OK

Click OK
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 IF statements allow conditional execution

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 Upload the macro to the server

Select Upload

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 Schedule the macro

Select Schedule

Click OK

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Execution status

Resulting events

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135405(1) SED Proprietary 81
 Software runs as a Windows Service (SED System Task
Starter) that starts automatically after boot up.
 Software runs on a pair of redundant servers
 They exchange heartbeat messages over a TCP/IP socket
 Standby goes online if:
◦ Commanded to go online by a user
◦ The online server fails and commands it to go online
◦ No message from the online server and it can ping one of the
Ethernet switches

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 Shows the state of the server
software. Only one server for
this system.
 Allows you to:
◦ Shutdown the server software
◦ Start the server software (if it was
shut down from the GUI)

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 The Carrier Measurement Subsystem (CMS) is used to
remotely measure uplink and downlink signals.
 Measurements are performed through the GUI or through
the socket interface

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 Execution Mode:
◦ Manual
◦ Manual (Remote I/F Enabled)
◦ Auto
 Measurement interval is the period between individual
measurements in automatic mode

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 Add/Edit measurement entries on the schedule tab
 Measure flag must be set to yes to measure in auto mode
 In auto mode, measurements are performed in order based
on the index column
 In manual mode, select a row and click execute
 Setup alarm limits for the EIRP and frequency

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 Enter the desired measurement

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 Results for the last measured carrier are displayed on the
schedule tab (auto or manual measurement)

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 Results tab shows the last result for each entry in the
measurement parameters table
 Results history tab shows the last 10 measurements

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 Similar measurement functionality as the Uplink EIRP
measurements, but there are no alarms raised
◦ Measurement parameters are added to the table in the same
◦ Results and results history tab display similar data
 Intended to be used for testing and troubleshooting
 Downlink measurements only

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 The frequency
determines the
measurement point
(Band 1 or 2)

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 The frequency band to be used for CMS measurements is
determined by these settings.
◦ i.e. For uplink RF measurements, the system will measure the
low band if the frequency is <= the ‘Tx BDC Low Band
Frequency Upper Limit’, and high band otherwise.
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 The RF measurement frequency is entered in the CMS
measurement windows, and the Decimator measures the
signal at IF. The translation frequencies for each band are
configured on this screen.

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 Each HPA has a ULPC tab
 Nominal attenuation should be set to the normal operating
attenuation level at clear sky conditions
 Maximum output power level will not be exceeded by
automatic ULPC adjustments
 Automatic ULPC adjustments are only made if ULPC
adjustments are active

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 Configure the mode to auto during ULPC operation
 Measured signal level value feeds back to the ULPC
 Measured signal level comes from the ACU beacon signal

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 Configure the mode
and operational
parameters for ULPC
 Perform a clear sky
 View the current
status for the open
loop solution
 View the current HPA

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 Displays the current readings, clear sky signal level, and
the delta from clear sky
 Higher averaging factor will smooth out the receive signal
level. The higher the number, the longer it will take for
ULPC to respond to rain fade.

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 Allows you to manually change the clear sky signal level
being used as the reference point for adjustments. This
value is normally updated during a clear sky calibration.

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135405(1) SED Proprietary 102
 Installers for software upgrades will be made available on
the SED external file share
 GUI Upgrade Installer:
◦ Update_SED_MNC_GUI_3_29_X.exe
◦ Shutdown the GUI; Run the update GUI installer; Restart the
 Server Upgrade Installer:
◦ Update_SED_MNC_Server_3_29_X.exe
◦ On the standby server computer: Shutdown the SED Systems
Task Starter service and the GUI if it is running on the server;
Run the update server installer; Restart the SED Systems
Task Starter service and wait for the software to go standby;
Switch the upgraded server online through the GUI.
◦ Repeat these steps on the other server computer.

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 Online help is available through the help menu on the GUI
◦ ‘Help contents’ provides general Mon-A-Co information
◦ ‘System specific help contents’ provides details on the India
GXI5 system (i.e. CMS, Uplink Power Control)
 System Administrator’s manuals:
◦ Provide details on activities such as:
 Installing software upgrades
 Re-installing the software on a server computer in the event that a
server computer fails
◦ SED Mon-A-Co System Administrator’s Manual (125097)
◦ Inmarsat India GXI5 Administrator’s Manual (135402)

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