Philosophy Notes - B
Philosophy Notes - B
Philosophy Notes - B
➢ Philosophy is reflective and critical thinking about our experiences in important life
matters like: religious issues, social issues, moral issues, political matters, etc.
➢ There are four basic branches of philosophy, namely: metaphys ics, epistemology, logic
and axiology (ethics).
1] Metaphysics
➢ Metaphysics is made of two Greek words: Meta and physics. Meta means ‘beyond’ and
physics means ‘physical’.
➢ Metaphysics therefore, refers to the study what goes beyond physical world.
Metaphysics studies man and the nature of the world in which man lives. It tries to
answer questions like:
-what man really is?
-how man behaves and why man behaves the way he does?
-what place man goes to after death?
Metaphysics also discuss abstract and hidden topics like: existence of God, the nature of soul, the
mind, etc. It tries to answer questions like:
-how does the mind/soul function?
-what happens to mind/soul after death?
-does God exist? If God exists, how can we know about him?
Thus, metaphysics deals with matters which are within both physical and non-physical world. It
deals with issues like:
-existence or non-existence of super humans who control all there is.
-the relationship between human beings and other beings or things.
Metaphysics has four branches: Ontology, Cosmology, Theology and Rational.
A] Ontology is the study of beings, and is concerned with aspect of “to be” or “not to be”.
[Being is a state of existence]. Thus, living things and dead things have a common thing i.e.
B] Cosmology is the study of universe. Philosophers study the universe to explain myths about
phenomena on the universe. [Myth is a traditional story to explain belief concerning some
phenomena experience]. Hence whatever cannot be explained scientifically will find
philosophical explanation. E.g.
C] Theology is the study of supernatural and religious matters. Theology studies God from a
point of reason; it deals with the nature of religious belief and the existence God. It deals with
the being of God, the spirits which cannot be perceived but can be thought of.
D] Rational is also known as philosophy of mind. It is the study of ‘psycho’ which is Greek
word for soul.
Rational starts by being aware that man perceives, imagines, remembers, feels, understands and
Rational tries to find the relationship between body and mind. It tries to answer questions like:
-where is the mind and where is the soul?
-does the mind survive the destruction of the body?
2] Epistemology
➢ Epistemology is made of two Greek words: ‘epistemo’ which means knowledge and
‘logia’ which means study of something.
➢ Thus, epistemology is the philosophical study of knowledge.
➢ Epistemology deals with questions like:
What is to know something?
How do we establish that you know something?
What is the source of knowledge?
What is the nature of knowledge?
How do you distinguish a true statement from false statement?
Do we know the same in all curriculum subjects?
What are the types of knowledge?
➢ Epistemology helps a teacher to understand the following:
- Meaning of knowledge
- Conditions of knowledge
- Sources of knowledge
- How to present knowledge
- Clusters of knowledge e.g. arts, sciences, languages, technical, etc.
Application of epistemology to education.
✓ Helps teacher to know the process of acquiring knowledge.
✓ Helps teacher/learner to know the sources of knowledge e.g. scientific inquiry, perceived
knowledge [gained by our senses of smell, hearing, sight, feel], knowledge gained from
systematic reasoning or logic.
✓ Enables teacher/student to know various types of knowledge such as empirical
knowledge, rational knowledge, sacred knowledge, etc.
✓ Enables teacher to choose appropriate strategies and methods in delivery of knowledge to
learners. E.g. empirical knowledge encourages scientific methods, while rational
knowledge encourages systematic reasoning. [Q & A methods]
3] Axiology
➢ Axiology is made of two Greek words: ‘axia’ which means value and ‘logia’ which
means study of something. Axiology refer to study of values.
➢ There are various values in the society such as:
Moral values.
Political values.
Social values.
Aesthetic values
➢ Axiology deals with questions like:
What is good/bad?
Is the good of individual the good for society?
What makes one beautiful?
What is the origin and nature of moral values?
What is success?
What is the best life for human being?
4] Logic
Logic is science of reasoning, and it studies the forms of thinking involved in concepts,
judgments, inferences and proofs concerning their logical structures.
Logic establishes rules and regulations which should be established while reasoning.
Rules of logic nourishes and guides thoughts; help to avoid confusion when people are arguing.
There are two types of logic: a] deductive reasoning
b] Inductive reasoning.
A] Deductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning makes general statement from reality; then arrives at a specific conclusion
about the reality.
NB the conclusion is drawn from the general statement. E.g.
All human beings are mortal. People from DRC Congo are short.
Mary is a human being. Kope is from DRC Congo.
Therefore, Mary is mortal. Therefore, Kope is short.
B] Inductive reasoning
Inductive reasoning starts with a specific statement about a reality.
It ends with a general statement about reality which is inferred or implied, and so it is never
conclusive. e.g.
1] Damaris, Alice and Rose are both good long-distance runners and good long jumpers.
Margaret who is a good long-distance runner is likely to a good long jumper.
2] Tom, John and Joseph are both good in mathematics and all science subjects. David who is
good in mathematics is likely to be good in all science subjects.
Concept of Education
Concept is an idea, thought, perception or impression.
It’s the life long process of acquiring &developing desirable knowledge, attitude & skills.
It’s a process because its a development, procedure, route, course of action &its continuing.
Its acquiring because you obtain, gain ,attain, buy, own.
Its developing because you grow, expand, enlarge, widen, build up on.
Non-formal education
Well organized activities outside the formal structure. The activities are aimed at achieving
specific objectives. The chosen activities are delivered in a more flexible way.
Informal education
Learning takes place unconsciously & its not structured. Much of it is learned from the
No certificate awarded.
Leeds to change in attitude & behavior.
− Process of knowing.
− Memory
− Judgement
− Reasoning
− Remembering
− Conscious mental process
2. Desirability condition
Education must involve the transmission of what is
− Worthwhile
− Valuable
− Desirable
− Originality
− Expressiveness
− Imaginativeness
− Ability to apply knowledge acquired
− Using knowledge to solve problem
• Cognitive dimension
• Normative dimension
• Creative dimension
• Dialogical dimension
1. Cognitive dimension
Deals with all forms of education, formal, informal, non-formal. Deals with learning
& there is no learning without the transmission of knowledge. Knowledge is
transmitted through experiences.
Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience &
Cognitive learning involves concept formation & formal thinking. Its an activity of the
minds & leads to knowing & understanding.
− Help human beings learn to understand, appreciate & respect one another
− Promotes co-existence
− Provides a platform for exchanging ideas
− Fosters interpersonal relationship between students, teachers & parents
− Time consuming
− The issue of content. Both parties need to have content
− Learners with different personalities
− Culture
− Learning is not internalized
− Hostile relationship between teacher and the learner
− Lack of self-awareness
− Kills creativity & innovation
Types of knowledge
1. Divine/ Revealed knowledge
Passed to mankind from a higher power.
It has certain:-
− Behaviors
− Actions
− Philosophies/ doctrines/ knowledge
− People
− Symbols
2. Rational knowledge
Dependent/ appeals to reason.
Specific rules, regulations or laws
Its fact based
Uses logic
Good on science, research, law & medicine.
3. Intuitive knowledge
Ability to acquire knowledge without inference or use of reason.
Acquire knowledge without proof evidence or conscious reasoning.
Obtained within oneself. It comes from unconscious work of mind. Its considered
imaginative or private experiences of the individuals who propose it.
4. Authoritative knowledge
Knowledge from a point of power
Its from an author of a book
From inventors
5. Empirical knowledge
Knowledge from the senses particularly observation & experimentation. It is gained
from experience.
Conditions of knowledge
There are 3 Conditions of knowledge.
• The belief condition
• The truth condition
• The grounds condition
Education Indoctrination
1] Education uses qualifiers. Statements are 1] Indoctrination uses generalization.
supported by specific references and data. “allness” statements. It lacks specific
references and data.
2] Education issue are examined from many 2] Indoctrination is one sided. Different or
points of view. Opposition is fairly opposing views are either ignored, or
represented. misrepresented or degraded.
3] In education there is balance. It presents 3] Indoctrination, data is carefully selected to
representation samples from a wider range of represent only the best or worst possible.
available data on the subject. Language used Language is uses to conceal
to reveal.
4] Education is a process-driven approach to 4] Indoctrination is result-driven, has aim of
engaging in knowledge and ideas of the instilling in people a set of habits and beliefs
world. that align with an ideology or political
5] Education provides tools to dissect, analyze 5] Indoctrination narrows the lens through
and interpret information. which to see world.
2] Curriculum content
A value enriched curriculum is highly recommended to shape the character of learners. A
curriculum based on inherent moral values of the society should be used to address emerging
needs of society. Learners should cover not just knowledge and skills but also behavior, attitude
and values.
3] Methodology
Role play should be used during learning session to emphasis inherent moral values of society.
Role play technique helps learners internalize morals. Learning activities in classroom and
outside classroom can be used to pass moral lesson to students besides mentoring programmes.
4] Teachers
Good teachers play an important role outside classroom by engaging in welfare activities to
improve communities they live. Such teachers serve as change agents for moral development.
The education system obliges teacher to transmit the core values into learning activities. The
teacher should also be a role model of the education core values.
5] School organization
The organization of the school institution should change to be a place where:-
-people continually expand their capacity.
-expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured.
-collective aspiration is set free.
-people continually are learning how to work as a team.