Lorente Et Al 2016 - Diprotodont Tarsals

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[Palaeontology, Vol. 59, Part 4, 2016, pp.



Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientıficas y Tecnicas (CONICET), Argentina; [email protected], [email protected]
on Paleontologıa Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, B1900FWA, La Plata, Argentina
on Paleontologıa de Vertebrados, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘Bernardino Rivadavia’, Av. Angel Gallardo 470, C1405DRJ, Buenos Aires,
Argentina; [email protected]
Departamento de Ciencias Basicas, Universidad Nacional de Lujan, Ruta Nacional 5 and Av. Constituci
on, 6700, Lujan, Buenos Aires Province Argentina

Typescript received 21 September 2015; accepted in revised form 19 March 2016

Abstract: A diverse assemblage of extinct mammals of tripartite cuboid facet; in the astragalus, a round, very small
early–middle Eocene age (Ypresian–Lutetian boundary) astragalar head in relation to the body; a convex trochlea
come from the Patagonian localities of La Barda and with a half for the tibia and half, in slightly lower position,
Laguna Frıa around Paso del Sapo in northwestern Chubut for the fibula. Their size and other anatomical features sug-
Province (Argentina). Metatherians are well represented, gest that the new tarsals cannot be referred to the Micro-
mostly by dental remains of ‘Didelphimorphia’, Paucituber- biotheria. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the La Barda
culata, Sparassodonta, Microbiotheria, and Polydolopimor- taxon lies within the Australidelphia, and that it is either
phia. Here we analyse three calcanea and one astragalus closely related or belongs to, the Diprotodontia. The exis-
referable to the same, indeterminate taxon, from La Barda, tence of advanced australidelphians in Patagonia adds fur-
showing the fusion of their ectal and sustentacular facets. ther evidence of the close relationship between Patagonia,
This facet arrangement characterizes the Australidelphia, a Antarctica, and Australia during the Late Cretaceous – early
marsupial clade represented by Microbiotheria from South Palaeogene.
America and Antarctica, plus all Australasian lineages.
Other australidelphian features shown by these tarsals Key words: Australidelphia, South America, Paso del Sapo
include: in the calcanea, a reduced peroneal process and a Fauna, Palaeogene, tarsal bones.

O U R knowledge of the radiations and affinities of South Here we describe four australidelphian tarsal bones
American metatherians has significantly improved since the (one astragalus and three calcanea) with features that,
seminal contributions on marsupial tarsal morphology by together with their medium size, preclude their referral to
Szalay (1982a, b, 1994). Most noteworthy was his arguing any microbiotherian so far known from this locality.
in favour of a clade of marsupials that includes the South Moreover, these new specimens show several derived fea-
American (and the extinct Antarctic) Microbiotheria plus tures not present in microbiotherians but seen in the
all the Australasian lineages. This monophyletic group was Australasian Diprotodontia (e.g. small head, more sagittal
regarded as having derived characters in relation to the navicular facet, presence of sustentacular accessory facet,
Didelphimorphia and the Paucituberculata. Tarsal bone lateral and medial orientation of cuboid facets in the cal-
morphology indicative of the more derived condition in canea, etc.). The existence of advanced australidelphians
the Australidelphia includes: in the calcanea, the reduction in Patagonia bears interesting biogeographical corollaries
of the peroneal process (Djarthia being an exception; Beck and provides additional evidence for the close relationship
2008) and a ‘tripartite’ cuboid facet; in the astragalus, between Patagonia, Antarctica and Australia during the
reduction of head and separation of navicular facet and tro- Late Cretaceous and early Palaeogene (Goin et al. 2012a;
chlea; and, in both tarsals, the fusion of ectal and sustentac- Reguero et al. 2013). The description of these specimens
ular facets in a ‘continuous lower ankle joint pattern’ and the discussion of their possible affinities are the main
(CLAJP) (see Szalay 1994; Beck 2012a). purposes of this work.

© The Palaeontological Association doi: 10.1111/pala.12241 533


Institutional abbreviations. FMNH, Field Museum of Natural species and the tarsals presented above. Upper molar
History, Chicago, USA; LIEB-PV, Paleovertebrate Collection, and astragalar length were chosen as independent and
Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Evoluci on y Biodiversidad, dependent variables, respectively. Lower molars were not
Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Argen- used in the correlation models because of their larger
tina; MACN Ma, Mammalogy Collection, Museo Argentino de
error. Natural logarithm transformation of the variables
Ciencias Naturales ‘Bernadino Rivadavia’, Buenos Aires, Argen-
was performed. The normality of the residuals could not
tina; MHNC, Museo de Historia Natural de Cochabamba, Boli-
via; MLP, Museo de La Plata, Argentina; MNHN, Museum
be properly tested, and the regression is considered
national d0 Histoire naturelle, Paris, France; QMF, Queensland approximate. A ‘leave one out’ cross validation method
Museum Palaeontology collection. was used to control the weight of each taxon in the
regression and to have a better understanding of the per
cent prediction error (PE% = ((observed predicted)/
MATERIAL AND METHOD predicted) 9 100). The least squares optimization
method incorporated in the command glm for the pro-
Material gram R-Gui Project was used. A general framework and
discussion on the methodology here employed was
Specimens here described include three calcanea (LIEB- recently detailed by Lorente (2015). Values for linear
PV 4094, 4148 and 4183) and one astragalus (LIEB-PV regression models for the superior molars are shown in
4005), all of them referable to a single, still indeterminate, Table 2.
marsupial taxa from La Barda, Paso del Sapo (Fig. 1).
Besides the metatherians from the Paso del Sapo locali-
ties, specimens of seven additional species were used for Measurements
comparative purposes: Dasyurus hallucatus (MACN Ma
23572), Didelphis albiventris (MACN Ma 24192), Dromi- Tarsal bone and dental measurements (see Table 1) were
ciops gliroides (MACN Ma 23607), Mayulestes ferox taken in mm using digital calipers.
(MHNC 8398), Pucadelphys andinus (MHNC 8266), Den-
drolagus bennettianus (MNHN 1895-74) and Echymipera Anatomical abbreviations. Figure 2 shows the nomenclature of
sp. (FMNH 121679). bones and facets used in this work. AFi, astragalofibular facet;
ah, astragalar head; ampt, astragalar medial plantar tuberosity;
an, astragalar neck; AN, astragalonavicular facet; at, anterior
plantar tubercle; ATi, astragalotibial facet; ATim, medial astraga-
Phylogenetic analysis
lotibial facet; CaA, calcaneoastragalar or ectal facet; CaAd, auxil-
iary facet; CaCua, auxiliary cuboid facet; CaCul, lateral
In order to test the relationships of the taxa represented calcaneocuboid facet; CaCum, medial calcaneocuboid facet;
by the tarsal remains we coded its characters into the CLAJP, continuous lower ankle joint pattern; gtpl, groove for
matrix from Horovitz & Sanchez-Villagra (2003) with tendon of the peroneus longus; pp, peroneal process; Su, susten-
subsequent modifications by Horovitz et al. (2009) and tacular facet; SuAd, distal accesory sustentacular facet; tc, cal-
Beck (2012a) downloaded from MorphoBank (Beck caneal tuber.
2012b), (Lorente et al. 2016). We carried out a TBR anal-
ysis (1000 replications and 10 trees saved per replication) Other abbreviations. SALMA, South American Land-mammal
using the software Tree Analysis Using New Technology Age; TBR, tree bisection and reconnection.
(TNT, v. 1.1).


Correlation models AGE

Correspondence in size between the dentally defined The specimens here described were recovered from early
marsupials and the tarsals from Paso del Sapo associa- middle Eocene levels (Lutetian) at the locality of La
tions was analysed through living analogues and a gener- Barda, Paso del Sapo, in northwestern Chubut Province,
alized linear regression model. Living analogues analysis Argentina (‘Paso del Sapo fauna’, in Tejedor et al. 2009;
refers to direct size comparison with similar and better Woodburne et al. 2014a). The Paso del Sapo fauna
known but not necessary related species. The linear includes two fossil associations belonging to two close
regression was calculated with the program R using a fossiliferous localities: Laguna Frıa and La Barda
sample of seven living and fossil species with known (Fig. 1). The fossil associations found at these localities
postcrania in order to see if there is correspondence in were almost contemporary, with Laguna Frıa being
size between the La Barda dentally defined marsupial approximately 2 m.y. older than La Barda, and no less

FIG. 1. Location map of the La Barda and Laguna Frıa localities near Paso del Sapo. A, Argentina (Chubut Province in grey). B,
Chubut province. C, geology of the Paso del Sapo area. Asterisks indicate the two Paso del Sapo fossil localities mentioned in this

than 10 species of metatherians are shared between (Casamayoran SALMA), as preliminarily discussed by
them. Tejedor et al. (2009) provided an initial descrip- Tejedor et al. (2009).
tion of the overall mammalian diversity in both Paso A preliminary study of both assemblages of the Paso
del Sapo fossil localities and proposed a new biochrono- del Sapo fauna led us to recognize no less than 29
logical unit (the ‘Sapoan’) for the Palaeogene South metatherian species referable to 12 families and five
American SALMA scheme, The Sapoan interval is thus orders (see Tejedor et al. 2009). The La Barda fossil local-
intermediate in time between the (older) Riochican ity bears by far the richer assemblage in terms of taxo-
SALMA and the (younger) Vacan Sub-SALMA nomical diversity, with 21 species. However, no

microbiotherians have yet been recovered from La Barda;







all specimens referable to this order were found at the
Laguna Frıa fossil locality (see Discussion below). The


two localities have provided 247 specimens, mostly iso-


lated teeth.



The fossil locality of La Barda, which belongs to the

designated Paso del Sapo Fauna, is placed in Estancia

(farm) ‘26 de Mayo’, 195 km northeast of Esquel and


28 km southwest of Paso del Sapo (Goin et al. 2012b;



Fig. 1). Mammal-bearing levels at the La Barda locality


occur within the Andesitas Huancanche interbedded tuffs.

The Andesitas Huancanche are part of the so-called Mid-


dle Chubut River Volcanic–Pyroclastic Complex, the geol-

ogy and stratigraphy of which was reviewed by Arag on &



– Mazzoni (1997). Additional information on the regional

geology, stratigraphy, geochemistry, petrogenesis and

palaeobotany of this complex has been provided by Peter-



sen (1946), Archangelsky (1974), Volkheimer & Lage


(1981), Lage (1982), Rapela et al. (1984), Arag on &

Romero (1984), Arag on et al. (1987), Mazzoni & Arag


(1985) and Mazzoni et al. (1989). The Andesitas Huan-



cache Upper Member comprises alkali basalts dated



between 47.89 1.21and 43 Ma. A time of deposition


of these levels between 45 and 47 Ma was proposed by



Tejedor et al. (2009).


AL, astragalar length; L, length; m, inferior molar; M, superior molar; tri, trigonid width; W, width.









Because of size and morphology, all specimens are


referred to the same, still indeterminate taxon of aus-



tralidelphian marsupial (see below; Figs 2–3). The astra-

galus fits well in size and facet morphology with that of

Measurements of metatherians used for the regression model.


the calcanea studied here. The three calcanea are broken




at different points (see Figs 2–3); and the tc is lacking in


the three specimens. Among their most distinctive fea-


tures, they show a tripartite kind of cuboid facet and a






CLAJP (Figs 2–3) which are both characteristic of






australidelphian marsupials. The large peroneal process

characteristic of ‘ameridelphians’ is absent (see below).
23 572
23 572
24 192
24 192
23 607
23 607

121 679


LIEB-PV 4005 (Fig. 3A) is a left astragalus with a


CLAJP; the AFi, the ATi and the ATim are almost in the
same dorsal orientation, with the ATil slightly more dor-


sal. The AFi is separated from the ATi by a low ridge.



The AFi is triangular and slightly smaller than the ATil.

The ATim is reduced in comparison with the other tro-
chlear facets. This configuration of the trochlea is similar
Dendrolagus bennettianus

to the one in Thylacinus (Szalay 1994, fig. 7.39F) or Pseu-

Australidelphia indet.
Pucadelphys andinus
Didelphis albiventris
Didelphis albiventris
Dromiciops gliroides
Dromiciops gliroides
Dasyurus hallucatus
Dasyurus hallucatus

docheirus (Szalay 1994, fig. 7.57F). There is no astragalar

Mayulestes ferox
Mayulestes ferox

foramen. Although the medial border is broken, the AN

Echymipera sp.

does not appear to be expanded to the medial side until


the trochlea. There is a distinct and narrow an when


compared to the trochlea and the AN is dorsoplantary-

oriented, which could indicate a more terrestrial mode of

FIG. 2. A, metatherian pes bones.

B, ‘ameridelphian’ left calcaneum.
C, australidelphian left calcaneum
(reconstructed from the three La
Barda calcanea). D, ‘ameridelphian’
left astragalus. E, australidelphian
left astragalus (LIEB-PV 4005). Dor-
sal, plantar and distal views. Abbre-
viations: AFi, astragalofibular facet;
ah, astragalar head; ampt, astragalar
medial plantar tuberosity; an, astra-
galar neck; AN, astragalonavicular
facet; at, anterior plantar tubercle;
ATil, lateral astragalotibial facet;
ATim, medial astragalotibial facet;
CaA, calcaneoastragalar or ectal
facet; CaCua, accessory calca-
neocuboid facet; CaCud, distal cal-
caneocuboid facet; CaCul, lateral
calcaneocuboid facet; CaCum, med-
ial calcaneocuboid facet; CaCup,
proximal calcaneocuboid facet; CaFi,
calcaneofibular facet; CLAJP, con-
tinuous lower ankle joint pattern;
gtpl, groove for tendon of the Pero-
neus longus; pp, peroneal process;
sa, sulcus astragali; sc, sulcus cal-
canea; Su: sustentacular facet. SuAd,
accesory facet; tc, calcaneal tuber.
Modified from Szalay (1994,
p. 190).

FIG. 3. Scanning electron micrographs of La Barda australidelphian tarsals. A, LIEB-PV 4005, a left astragalus in dorsal, plantar,
lateral, proximal and distal views. B–D, dorsal, plantar, medial, lateral and distal views of: B, LIEB-PV 4094, a right calcaneum;
C, LIEB-PV 4148, a left calcaneum; D, LIEB-PV 4183, a left calcaneum. Scale bar represents 1 mm. [Correction added on 24 May
2016, after first online publication : Figure 3 replacement]

locomotion. The neck is wider than the head. The dorsal the CaA and the Su halves orientated almost in the same
side of the neck is more constricted, forming a wide ridge plantar plane. The CaA is shallowly concave and the Su is
between the AN and the trochlea. There is a CLAJP with slightly convex. The Su half of the CLAJP extends to the

AN. The specimen preservation does not allow determi- matches well, in size and morphology of its articular
nation of whether this extension is part of the CLAJP, as facets, with the calcanea. Indeed, the calcaneum LIEB-PV
in the extended SuAd of Trichosurus (Szalay 1994, 4094 closely matches the articular facets of the astragalus
fig. 7.59G), or if there is an auxiliary facet CaAd, such as LIEB-PV 4005. Moreover, both show exactly the same
in Dasyurus (Szalay 1994, fig. 7.37G). However, by its preservation features and a similar colour pattern, in such
shape, this extension looks more like that present in Tri- a way that suggests that they could belong to the same
chosurus. The ampt is broken but the first part of it was individual.
plantar. The morphology of the astragalus, LIEB-PV 4005,
is reminiscent of that of the Dasyuromorphia (Szalay
1994; see above). Phylogenetic analysis
LIEB-PV 4094 (Fig. 3B) is a left calcaneum. The tc
preserves only the distal base, with the major axis The analysis results in six equally parsimonious trees with
medioplantar to laterodorsal. The two components of 980 steps. The Consistency Index (CI) is 0.34 and the
the CLAJP have almost the same dorsal orientation, with Retention Index (RI) is 0.64. The Bremer support has val-
CaA half convex and Su slightly concave. The at is a ues from 1 to 8 (Fig. 4).
sharp ridge. The lateral side is slightly broken, but it is The taxon from Paso del Sapo is nested within
preserved enough to indicate than the pp was reduced Diprotodontia and forms a trichotomy with (Phascolarc-
(also the complete pp in LIEB-PV 4148 is small). Only tos Vombatus) and (Dendrolagus (Dorcopsis (Thylogale
the CaCum is preserved: it faces distally and it is cres- Macropus))). This clade (Fig. 4) has an absolute Bremer
cent-shaped more curved than in Dromiciops (Szalay Support of 2 and a relative Bremer Support of 100. It
1994). The size of LIEB-PV 4094 and the morphology is supported by 17 synapomorphies, two of them corre-
of its CLAJP are compatible with those of LIEB-PV sponding to astragalar features: intermediate angle
4005. between: (1) ATim and ATil; and (2) AFi and Atil.
LIEB-PV 4148 (Fig. 3C) is a left calcaneum. It is the
largest of the three, but with a difference of less than one
mm (with a mean of 1% difference in all measures Correlation models
taken); this could represent intraspecific variation. The tc,
the CaCum and the CLAJP are as in LIEB-PV 4094. The Three linear regression models for different measurements
at is wider. The CaCul is continuous with CaCum but at of upper molars were used to evaluate the correlation
an angle of almost 90°. The CaCul is dorsoplantary as between tarsal size and molar size (see Tables 1–3 and
large as the CaCum, and has the same width. The lateral Figs 5–7). As additional evidence, two living analogues
side is broken. were chosen based on the similar size of the tarsals:
LIEB-PV 4183 (Fig. 3D) is a right calcaneum. It is Dasyurus hallucatus and Pseudochirulus cf. canescens
almost the same size as LIEB-PV 4094. The tc, the at, the (Bassarova et al. 2009), both species with a mean body
CaCum and the CLAJP are as in LIEB-PV 4094. The CaCul mass of c. 500 g (Bassarova et al. 2009; Braithwaite &
is narrower than in LIEB-PV 4148. The CaCua is also Begg 1995).
crescent-shaped, smaller than the CaCum, such as in
Dromiciops (Szalay 1994) or the calcaneum assigned to
Djarthia (Beck et al. 2008). The pp is complete, reduced DISCUSSION
and more distal than the CaCum, but not reaching the
CaCua, projecting in a small crest, similar to Murexia Australidelphian-shaped tarsals in the La Barda association
(Szalay 1994, fig. 7.35B, pp not in the figure), more distally
placed and larger than in Dromiciops, but smaller than in The three calcanea and single astragalus here studied,
the calcaneum assigned to Djarthia (Beck et al. 2008). probably belonging to the same taxon, share a unique fea-
ture among the metatherian tarsal bones recovered from
the La Barda locality, namely fused CaA and Su facets;
RESULTS Szalay (1994) called this the ‘continuous lower ankle joint
pattern’ (CLAJP). He considered that the CLAJP evolved
Specimen assignation early within the stem lineage of Australidelphia, the latter
being presently represented by the South American and
We refer all four specimens here studied to the same Antarctic Microbiotheria plus all Australasian lineages.
taxon for the following reasons: (1) the three calcanea This fusion surely had important anatomical, physiologi-
show only minor variation in overall size; (2) all calcanea cal and evolutionary consequences, as blood vessels and
show a common general morphology; (3) the astragalus nerves related to the astragalus are displayed throughout

FIG. 4. Strict consensus tree resulting from the phylogenetic analysis (from 6 equally parsimonious trees with 980 steps). Numbers
above branches correspond to the nodes (list of synapomorphies in Lorente et al. (2016)). Numbers below branches correspond to
absolute/relative Bremer supports. CI = 0.34; RI = 0.64.

TABLE 2. Regression models.

Variable X Variable Y N R Slope Intercept PE%

Average Standard Minimum Maximum 2 SD 2 SD


M1 width AL 9 0.89 1.26 0.40 3.31 24.85 34.94 30.04 46.39 53.02
M2 width AL 9 0.94 1.37 0.12 2.26 20.70 24.99 28.93 39.14 43.66
M3 width AL 9 0.92 1.37 0.04 2.44 19.23 21.61 32.92 36.02 40.89

AL, astragalar length.

the space between the sustentacular and ectal facets in Lorente 2015). However, it is extremely rare in other
most mammals (e.g. the artery of the sinus tarsi and groups and not comparable in detail. It has been
artery of the tarsal canal; Kelikian & Sarrafian 2011). Sza- described for hyraxes (Barrow et al. 2010), but only on
lay (1994, p. 347) suggested that this modification of the the basis of an astragalus that is broken where the susten-
sinus tarsi allowed the hyperinversion of the foot, which tacular facet is in extant hyracoids; these also have a
can be regarded as an arboreal specialization. The changes hypertrofied ectal facet. The condition has also been
in the soft anatomy that accompanied this confluence are reported for the the rodent Coendu (Candela & Picasso
not yet studied. The fusion is not an exclusive synapo- 2008, fig. 19: A-II; pers. obs. MLP 1084). However, even
morphy of Australidelphia metatherian, as it also hap- though the astragalus of this species has confluent facets,
pened in other therians (e.g. the ungulate Pyrotherium; there is a clear boundary between the two and there is a

TABLE 3. Results for regression models.

Family Species Collection No Molar Width Predicted PE% Average

Gashterniidae Gashternia ctalehor LIEB-PV 1049 M3 4.06 1.96 4.79 10.01

Gashterniidae Gashternia ctalehor LIEB-PV 1050 M2 4.28 2.11 11.31
Gashterniidae Gashternia ctalehor LIEB-PV 1068 M1 4.06 2.17 13.93
Polydolopidae Polydolops sp. nov. 2 LIEB-PV 1173 M1 2.73 1.67 11.87 23.56
Polydolopidae Polydolops sp. nov. 2 LIEB-PV 1173 M2 2.22 1.21 54.56
Polydolopidae Polydolops sp. nov. 2 LIEB-PV 1174 M1 2.51 1.56 19.45
Polydolopidae Polydolops sp. nov. 2 LIEB-PV 1175 M1 2.48 1.55 20.62
Polydolopidae Polydolops sp. nov. 2 LIEB-PV 1176 M1 2.72 1.66 12.18
Polydolopidae Polydolops sp. nov. 2 LIEB-PV 1177 M1 2.43 1.52 22.66
Polydolopidae Amphidolops sp. nov. 2 LIEB-PV 1181 M2 3.42 1.79 3.81 3.69
Polydolopidae Amphidolops sp. nov. 2 LIEB-PV 1182 M2 3.43 1.8 3.58

The astragalar length of LIEB-PB 4005 was used in every case.

canal below them, such that the passage for blood vessels curtosis of the models is low because of the small sample
and nerves is not modified with respect to the pattern seen size, species should be inside the confidence interval of all
in other mammals. Finally it has been claimed that some regressions to be accepted as possible candidates for La
didelphids have a CLAJP (Hershkovitz 1992), although it Barda tarsals). On the other hand, the Hathliacynidae
should be noted that this contradicts the anatomical gen. et sp. nov. 6 and the Borhyaenidae cf. Nemolestes
descriptions of Szalay (e.g. 1982a, b, 1994). have molar teeth larger than expected.
An additional aspect present in the la Barda calcanea Taxa that fall within the expected prediction error of
merits further discussion: they display a tripartite, aus- the models are: the Gashterniidae Gashternia ctalehor; the
tralidelphian-like cuboid facet (i.e. it is divided into three Protodidelphidae Protodidelphis sp. nov. and Protodidel-
rather that one or two facets; each with a different orienta- phis cf. P. sp. nov.; the Polydolopidae Amphidolops sp.
tion). Szalay (1994) attributed this feature exclusively to nov. 1 and Amphidolops sp. nov. 2; and Peradectidae gen.
the Australidelphia. Nevertheless, while describing the argy- et sp. nov. 3. It should also be noted that there are still
rolagoid pattern, he showed precisely this australidelphian no upper molar teeth recovered from the Paso del Sapo
attribute in them (see Szalay 1994, p. 215 and figs 7.27– associations that are referable to: Borhyaenidae, gen. et
28). Even though he described the argyrolagoid facets as sp. nov. C; Caroloameghiniidae gen. et sp. nov. 2; Palan-
those of didelphimorphians, they have a quite different ori- gania cf. P. brandmayri and Palangania sp.; Sternbergiidae
entation and are noticeably stepped, as in the Australidel- cf. Itaboraidelphys; or Polydolopidae Polydolops sp. nov. 3,
phia (Fig. 6). Actually, he regarded argyrolagids as highly to match the La Barda tarsals in the regression models
derived ameridelphians, describing them as ‘closely paral- (values used in the regressions are from Laguna Frıa). All
leling the structure found in macropodids’ (Szalay, 1994, p. of them show similar values in the lower teeth to the spe-
215). We see no contradiction in this: as discussed below, cies mentioned before; therefore, they can also be
we regard argyrolagoids (and all other polydolopimorphi- regarded as plausible candidates.
ans) as australidelphians (Case et al. 2005). Of this dozen metatherian taxa from the Paso del Sapo
associations that match in overall dimensions their teeth
and tarsals, several of them can be reasonably ruled out
Size correlation of the La Barda tarsals as follows.
The Sparassodonta referred by Tejedor et al. (2009) to
Regression models were used to predict, from size estima- ‘Borhyaenidae, gen. et sp. nov. C’ (LIEB-PV 1093). We
tions, possible relationships between these tarsals and refer here to the smallest of the three sparassodont taxa
dentally defined metatherian taxa (those described by recorded at Laguna Frıa and/or La Barda localities. Regard-
Tejedor et al. 2009; see Figs 5–7). The following groups ing this specimen, it should be noted that an isolated calca-
have molar teeth smaller than those expected for the tar- neum, currently being described elsewhere, can be referred
sals here studied: Microbiotheriidae gen. et sp. indet. ‘D’ to it. This bone is slightly larger than the tarsals here
and Eomicrobiotherium sp.; ?Microbiotheria gen. et sp. described; additionally, it preserves a combination of fea-
indet. ‘F’; Didelphimorphia gen. et sp. indet. A; the tures that relate it to the Sparassodonta (e.g. small peroneal
Derorhynchidae Pauladelphys sp. nov.; Paucituberculata process, extensive fibular contact, nearly vertical orienta-
gen. et sp. nov. 4 and gen. et sp. nov. 5; and the Poly- tion of the sustentacular facet; Szalay 1994). Actually, it is
dolopidae Polydolops sp. nov. 1 and sp. nov. 2 (as the quite similar to that of Arctodictis cf. sinclairi (MLP 85-VII-

FIG. 5. Linear regression models. Dots correspond to the model specimens (see Table 1). The horizontal line represents the logarith-
mic value of LIEB-PV 4005 length; vertical lines represent the logarithmic values of the Paso del Sapo metatherian molars per species
(maximum and minimum values); solid lines are in the confidence interval; broken lines lie outside the confidence interval. A, log(as-
tragalar length) = 1.26 9 log(M1 length) + 0.40. B, log(astragalar length) = 1.37 9 log(M2 length) + 0.12. C, log (astragalar
length) = 1.37 9 log (M3 length) + 0.04.

FIG. 6. Argyrolagid tarsals. A, left

calcaneum of an indeterminate
argyrolagoid from Miocene strata of
Gaiman (Chubut Province, Argen-
tina) in dorsal, plantar and distal
views (mirror image). B–C, Argyro-
lagus scagliai; dorsal, plantar and
distal views of: B, right calcaneum;
C, right astragalus. Scale bars repre-
sent 1 mm. Modified from Szalay
(1994, fig. 7.28).

3-1) from the early Miocene (Forasiepi, 2009), implying Polydolopimorphia, as follows: Gashternia, Palangania,
that the tarsal morphology characteristic of this order had Polydolops and Amphidolops. The first two are Gashterni-
evolved at least by the late early Eocene. idae and Glasbiidae respectively, while the latter two are
Two peradectoid taxa (Peradectidae gen. et sp. nov. 3 Polydolopidae.
and Caroloameghinidae gen. et sp. nov. 2) recovered The undoubtedly polydolopimorphian tarsals known
from the Paso del Sapo localities. Peradectians are well up to now are those of Argyrolagus scagliai (Simpson,
known from the Late Cretaceous – Palaeogene of North 1970). Even though they lack the CLAJP pattern charac-
America where they are represented by abundant tarsal teristic of australidelphians, the extremely specialized pat-
remains. Both dental and tarsal morphology are ameridel- tern of the argyrolagid tarsals should be noted (Fig. 6).
phian (Rose et al. 2012). On the peradectoid nature of These tarsals have reduced and very close CaA and Su
Caroloameghinidae, see Goin (2006). facets, hyperthrophied fibular facet, elongated calcaneal
Both protodidelphids and sternbergiids can be reason- tuber, reduced and distally oriented peroneal process,
ably excluded from the Australidelphia because they have and, in the astragalus, a mortar-like ATim facet (as in
been considered ‘Ameridelphia’ on the basis of recent macropodids, see Szalay 1994), and an enlarged trochlea
reviews of the Itaboraian taxa (Oliveira 1998; Oliveira & (see Szalay 1994, figs 7.27–28). This morphology is dis-
Goin 2011, 2012). tinctive among metatherians, closely resembling that of
All other taxa to which the La Barda tarsals could be hopping kangaroos (e.g. Thylogale). Several other features
referred are assignable to representatives of the order are similar to australidelphians other than Diprotodontia.

FIG. 7. Strict consensus tree

resulting from the phylogenetic
analysis and the known record of
major lineages studied in this work.
Note the position of the La Barda
tarsals within the Diprotodontia
clade. Colour online.

For instance, the extended navicular facet of the astra- recent phylogenetic analysis including several extinct
galus is much like those of some peramelemorphians (e.g. polydolopimorphians has demonstrated that argyrolagids
Macrotis, Echymipera). These similarities with australidel- are bonapartheriiform Polydolopimorphia and are related
phian marsupials were noted by Szalay (1994, p. 211– to Glasbius and Microbiotherium (Goin et al. 2009).
215). Although it lacks a CLAJP, Argyrolagus has a tripar- Summarizing, Argyrolagus tarsals differ from those of
tite, ‘stepped’, australidelphian-like calcaneocuboid facet other metatherians and their referral to the ‘Ameridelphia’
(Szalay 1994, p. 215). We suggest that the separation of or Australidelphia is unsupported by the available evidence.
the CaA and Su facets could be a secondarily acquired Apart from the (apparent) lack of CLAJP, we note their
feature, as sometimes occurs in macropodoids and per- many, striking similarities with australidelphians.
amelids (Szalay 1994, p. 257). There are only four possible candidates for the assigna-
The Paucituberculata Palaeothentes also shows a tion of the La Barda tarsals, all of them referable to the
stepped-like australidelphian-like calcaneocuboid facet Polydolopimorphia: one gashterniid (Gashternia), one
(Abello & Candela 2010), but the morphology and the glasbiid (Palangania), and two polydolopids (Polydolops
distribution of the facets are different from those of Argy- and Amphidolops). On the basis of the available evidence
rolagus. Palaeothentes has large and clearly separated CaA we cannot advance further in their designation.
and Su facets, a smaller CaFi facet, and CaCua smaller
than CaCum (we suggest than the traditional description
of calcaneocuboid facets as CaCup and CaCud facets Phylogenetic results and implications
should be abandoned both for Argyrolagus and
Palaeothentes, as these facets do not show those spatial The results of the phylogenetic analysis suggest the pres-
relationships). ence of australidelphians in the South American Palaeo-
An affinity between the Paucituberculata and the Argy- gene (Fig. 7). This was already implicit, as the Paso del
rolagidae has previously been suggested (e.g. Sanchez-Vil- Sapo assemblage (at least that of the Laguna Frıa fossil
lagra & Kay 1997; Sanchez-Villagra 2001). More locality) includes microbiotherian marsupials.

Notwithstanding the presence of dentally defined 4. Regardless of their ultimate place of origin, the clado-
microbiotherians among the Paso del Sapo mammals, the genesis of the Australidelphia constitutes an Austral
tarsals here described are larger than those expected for Kingdom event sensu Morrone (2004, 2006). The
the Microbiotheria from these sites. The microbiotherian Austral Kingdom concept implies that South America
body mass generally ranges within a few tens of grams, is not a single biogeographical unit but a composite;
usually less than 100 g (Zimicz 2004, 2012); exceptions Patagonia and the Southern Andes are part of a
are Woodburnodon casei (Woodburnodontidae) and southern, major biogeographical realm together with
Pachybiotherium minor (Microbiotheriidae) with body Antarctica and Australasia. The australidelphian fossil
masses estimated between 1000 and 1300 g and between record accurately agrees with it.
256 and 312 g respectively (Goin et al. 2007). The micro-
biotherian species found at Laguna Frıa have body masses Acknowledgements. Field work at Paso del Sapo localities was
of c. 32 g (Zimicz 2012). developed from 1999 to 2007. We thank Mrs ‘Coca’ San Martın
The calcanea are similar to those of Dromiciops (the only and Mr Rafael Nicolletti for allowing us to work in Estancia
‘San Ram on’ (Laguna Frıa locality), as well as to the late Mr
microbiotherian with known postcrania), but the astragalus
Grenier and family who allowed us to work in Estancia ‘26 de
LIEB-PV 4005 differs in the presence of a well-defined neck
Mayo’ (La Barda locality). We are also grateful to our collabora-
with a small head; Dromiciops has the astragalar head tors in the field and the laboratory: Alejandra Abello, Ariel
expanded on its medial side, a condition similar to that of Humai, Claudia Tambussi, Constanza Koefoed, Viviana Albar-
didelphimorphians (Szalay 1994). Also the pp and gtpl of racın, Marıa Luisa Pemberton, Leonardo Avilla, and Erika
these calcanea is more like that of Diprotodontia. Abrantes. Dr Marcelo Tejedor and students discovered the La
In the La Barda tarsals, the sustentacular half of the Barda locality in 2004. A. Kramarz (MACN), D. Flores (MACN),
CLAJP extends towards and reaches the cuboid facet and S. Lucero (MACN), M. Reguero (MLP), M. Tejedor (LIEB), B.
the navicular facet, which could indicate the presence of a Patterson (FMNH), C. de Muizon (MNHN), S. Ladeveze
SuAd, a secondary contact between calcaneum and astra- (MNHN), G. Veron (MNHN), and C. Bens (MNHN), kindly
galus that appears in terrestrial and hopping macrop- allowed us to handle specimens for their study. We thank Mar-
cela Tomeo for the design and composition of the figures that
odoids (Szalay 1994).
illustrate this work. LC thanks the Agencia Nacional de Pro-
The presence of a tripartite calcaneocuboid facet similar
moci on Cientıfica y Tecnol
ogica (PICT 2012-0340). FJG thanks
to that of other Australidelphians supports the idea of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany), Agencia
this trait already existed in the early Eocene of South (PICTO-Undav 0102, 0105), and CONICET (Argentina, PIPs
America. Beck (2012a) indicated the presence of an inter- 5621 and 0361). We thank the Editor Dr Anjali Goswami and
mediate condition in the early Eocene of Australia in the the reviewers Sally Thomas, Robin Beck and two anonymous
rather ameridelphian-like calcaneum QM F30060. In cal- reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions to
canea associated to Djarthia murgonensis (Beck 2008), improve the quality of the paper.
from the early Eocene of Australia, the peroneal process
is more developed, more like didelphimorphians than
that of the La Barda remains, the latter being more simi-
lar to extant australidelphians. This indicates that aus- DATA ARCHIVING STATEMENT
tralidelphians already exhibited a great diversification and
Data for this study are available in the Dryad Digital Repository:
distribution at least by the late early Eocene (Fig. 7). http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.k3h00
Finally, there are several additional corollaries that can
be drawn from these results; all of them requiring further Editor. Anjali Goswami
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