P. Finlandia ENG

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August, 2011.


Official name: Republic of Finlandi, part of European Union since 1995. Area: 131,985 square miles, the fifth-largest country in Western Europe which 10% water y 69% forest. Europe's largest archipelago. Population: 5.3 million, 40.2 inhabitants per square mile. Population of Helsinki, the capital: 576,632; Tampere: 206,000 inhabs. North South Local Government Cooperation Programme between Finland, Tampere & Africa, Mwanza, 2011 2013. Main objectives: Tampere-Mwanza project aims at diminishing the gap between northern and southern municipalities by opening a channel for co-operation between the authorities of these two cities. Capacity building of municipal administrations, Enhancing local democracy, Improving environmental management, Increasing mutual understanding through cultural exchange.

Independence: December 6, 1917. Previously a grand duchy in the Russian empire since 1809, and a part of Sweden for 600 years before that. Finnish Constitution valid since 1st of March of 2000. Form of government: Parliamentary democracy. Parliament: 200 members in one chamber, elected every 4 years in a direct vote. Cabinet: Multiparty coalition cabinet. Head of State: President of the Republic, elected every 6 years, two-term maximum. Constitution, it contains the basic regimen of citizens rights & liberties, as well as the excercise if the power through Democracy and the rule of law, the Parliamentarism and the separation of powers of Finland. Section 2 - Democracy and the rule of law, includeds word habitat. Section 19 - The right to social security, public authorities shall guarantee & promote for everyone, among other things, the right of everyone to housing and the opportunity to arrange their own housing. Section 20 - Responsibility for the environment Nature and its biodiversity, the environment and the national heritage are the responsibility of everyone. The public authorities shall endeavour to guarantee for everyone the right to a healthy environment and for everyone the possibility to influence the decisions that concern their own living environment. Section 22 - Protection of basic rights and liberties The public authorities shall guarantee the observance of basic rights and liberties and human rights.


It contains 4 aspects, mainly: 1.- Environmental protection, 2.- Conservation, 3.- Use of land & Building & 4.Housing. The objective of the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT : 1) to prevent the pollution of the environment and to repair and reduce damage caused by pollution; 2) to safeguard a healthy, pleasant and ecologically diverse and sustainable environment; 3) to prevent the generation and the harmful effects of waste; 4) to improve and integrate assessment of the impact of activities that pollute the environment; 5) to improve citizens' opportunities to influence decisions concerning the environment; 6) to promote sustainable use of natural resources; and 7) to combat climate change and otherwise support sustainable development.

General principles (1) The following principles apply to activities that pose a risk of pollution: 3 a) harmful environmental impact shall be prevented or, when it cannot be prevented completely, reduced to a minimum (principle of pollution prevention and minimizing harmful impact); b) the proper care and caution shall be taken to prevent pollution as entailed by the nature of the activity, and the probability of pollution, risk of accident and opportunities to prevent accidents and limit their effects shall be taken into account (principle of caution and care); c) the best available technique shall be used (principle of best available technique); d) combinations of various methods, such as work methods, shall be used and such raw materials and fuels shall be selected as provide appropriate and cost-efficient means to prevent pollution (principle of best environmental practice). (2) It is the duty of parties engaged in activities that pose a risk of pollution to prevent impact and eliminate or minimize harmful environmental effects (principle of 'polluter pays'). Decrees and regulations.- The Government may, issue necessary provisions by decree for the purpose of preventing and reducing environmental pollution. When decrees are drawn up, the authorities and parties whose activities or interests the relevant issue specially concerns shall be provided with an opportunity to state their opinion (as Mexico, with the Environmental Impact Resolution). Environmental Protection Policies.- The Nature Conservation Act aim is to: 1) maintain biological diversity; 2) conserve the beauty and scenic values of nature; 3) promote the sustainable use of natural resources and the natural environment; 4) promote awareness and general interest in nature; and 5) promote scientific research.


The Ministry of the Environment is responsible for national environmental policy, steering of the administrative sector and strategic planning. The Ministry defines the objectives of environmental protection, prepares and develops environmental legislation, and leads international cooperation. The administrative sectors of other ministries, too, such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Ministry of Transport and Communications, include duties related to environmental protection. The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) produces information and develops methods to promote the protection of waters. Moreover, SYKE contributes its expertise to the preparation of environmental legislation and is responsible for oil spill response in marine areas. SYKE's marine research produces information and new solutions in support of decision-making, concerning the protection of the Baltic Sea and its sustainable use. In addition, SYKE oversees the research vessels Aranda and Muikku, which are used for monitoring and research. Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY centres) Within their areas of operation, the environment and natural resources divisions of the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment are in charge of monitoring the state of the environment, environmental protection, nature conservation, steering of land use and construction, management of the cultural environment, and the use and management of water resources.

Regional State Administrative Agencies (AVI) and municipalities The environmental permits divisions within the Regional State Administrative Agencies resolve permit-related issues in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act and the Water Act. The Environmental Protection Act and Decree, and the Water Act, include provisions on which activities are subject to a permit. These laws also specify which permits are the responsibility of the Agencies' environmental permits division and which are the responsibility of the municipal environmental protection authorities. Municipalities are responsible for promoting environmental protection and ensuring its supervision at the local level. In addition, they handle environmental permits for small facilities. Nature Conservation Decree , principles for the management and use of commercial forests within the confines of a nature conservation programme, a protected habitat type, a landscape conservation area, a site hosting a species under strict protection and sites included in, or proposed by the Council of State for inclusion in, the Natura 2000 network, all the above mentioned according to the EU. Everyman right, means that access to the land is free of charge, and does not require the landowner's permission. s Also allows free right of access to the land and waterways, and the right to collect natural products such as wild berries and mushrooms, no matter who owns the land.

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