Instructions 2k23 Final
Instructions 2k23 Final
Instructions 2k23 Final
March 2023
Login credential:
The Producers as defined under the E-Waste (Management) Rules, are required to login
credential on the Portal for which they have to provide following information and
I) Information required for Registration on Portal
2) Legal Name
3) Mobile Number
4) Official e-mail id
8) GST,
12) Postal Address (The address should be the place from where sale in entire
country is being managed – Corporate Office address. Do note that address given
by the applicant in its supporting documents i.e. Self- Declaration, IEC Certificate,
GST Certificate, should be same as the address given in sign up form)
13) Name of the Authorised Person and Postal address with Company E-mail id and
Telephone Numbers
14) List of EEE from the list of notified EEE along with their codes for which
Registration is required
15) Covering letter on the letter head of the company duly signed by the authorised
person of the producer company for seeking Registration on the Portal (Format as
per Annexure – I)
16) An affidavit cum undertaking on Rs. 100/ Stamp Paper duly signed by the
authorized person of the producer company and duly notarized by notary (Format
as per Annexure – II) that PAN India sales data financial year (FY) wise in weight
(metric tonnes) of the selected electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) will be
submitted in 60 days of grant of registration on the portal failing which registration
will be revoked. (Stamp Paper should be from the State where corporate office is
17) A self-declaration on the letter head of the company duly signed by the authorized
person that information provided for registration are true to the best of his
knowledge and belief and that it conceals nothing and that no part of it is false.
(Format as per Annexure – III)
Click on producer
If you have already obtained EPR Authorisation from CPCB select yes.
If you never obtained EPR authorisation from CPCB select No
You are required to fill EPR Authorisation number and click on save and
If you select NO
You are required to verify Mobile number and official email id.
You are required to fill relevant information about the company
You are required to fill relevant information about the authorised person of the company
You are required to create password. After confirming the password you are required to
click on save and next. Form preview will be opened. You are required to recheck all the
information filled for sign up. If you want to edit you are required to press back button till
you reach that page where editing is required. If all the information filled at the time sign
up are correct you are required to submit it for generation login credential.
After submission login credential will be generated. You will receive email regarding the
same on your registered official email id.
Steps required to submit application for seeking registration
certificate as a Producer (Fresh application)
Click on EPR
Click on EPR Form
Auto fetched basic details can be seen.
Click on alternative authorised person. You may skip it.
Click on Table 1
Now select the EEE from the drop down. Select the FY in which the sales of said EEE started.
You are required to upload the documents and click on save & next. Table 2 is non
Now click on next
Fill awareness detail
Now click on save and next.
Check the box against RoHS compliance
An autofill self declaration form will be generated
Upload signature of authorised person
Click on save and next
Click on next. You are required to view application before submission. If you want to edit
any information you may go on that page and edit it. If all the information/documents
required for grant of registration is correct you may submit the application to CPCB.
Now click on submit application. Payment gateway will be opened.
After submitting the processing fee application will be successfully submitted to CPCB.
You are required to view application before submission. If you want to edit any
information you may go on that page and edit it. If all the information/documents
required for grant of registration is correct you may submit the application to CPCB. You
will receive an email regarding the same on your registered official email id.
Case 1-
Producer having expired EPR Authorisation or Producers whose EPR Authorsation is
about to expire
In above two cases producer is required to fill the History. After successful submission
of history, they can click on registration.
Case 2
Producer having valid EPR Authorisation
producer is required to fill the History. After successful submission of history,
You are required to view application before submission. If you want to edit any
information you may go on that page and edit it. If all the information/documents
required for grant of registration is correct you may submit the application to CPCB.
Now click on submit application. Payment gateway will be opened.
After submitting the processing fee application will be successfully submitted to CPCB.
Grant of Registration on the Portal:
Once the producer submits above information on the Portal, WM-III Division of CPCB
will verify the documents submitted in support of information and seek approval from the
Member Secretary for granting registration on Portal and will issue a digital Registration
2.0 Checklist for evaluation of application for Producers as at (A) seeking Registration
and EPR Targets/Obligations
The following check list will be used for evaluation of applications for registration. CPCB will
specify short-comings in remarks column and forward the check-list to applicants through
Portal at their official E-mail id.
S.No Details of information required Remarks
(Yes / No)
Name and full address along with telephone
1. numbers, e-mail and other contact details of
Producer .
Name of the Authorised Person and full
address with e-mail, telephone and fax number
S.No Details of information required Remarks
(Yes / No)
List of electrical and electronic equipment
(EEE) for which registration required
List of documents to be uploaded :
i. GST
4. ii. IEC
iii. CIN/Incorporation Certificate
iv. PAN
Duly signed covering letter on the letter head of
the company duly signed by the authorised
person of the producer company for seeking
Registration on the Portal along with an
undertaking on correctness of the
data/information and taking the responsibility of
the correctness of the data
(Format as per Annexure – I)
Quantity of electrical and electronic equipment
6. (EEE) in terms of weight (metric tonnes) placed
in market year-wise (As per Table-1).
Duly signed affidavit on Rs. 100/- Stamp Paper
by the authorized person of the producer
company and duly notarized by notary
declaring that details of EEE placed on the
market is true
(Format as per Annexure-II)
CA Certificate, certifying the quantity of EEE
placed (sold) on the market financial year (FY)
wise in weight (metric tonnes) and / or Imported
8. in terms of weight (in Metric Tonnes) is correct
and checked by him.
(Hint: On the letter head of the charter
accountant firm)
9. Details of proposed awareness plan.
Self-declaration on compliance of RoHS
2. Enclosure A
Self-declaration on possession of technical
documents on RoHS (as per EN50581).
List of documents to be uploaded:
The following table will provide guidance to applicants in filling on line Application for
Registration and EPR Targets/Obligation
S. Information sought
Guidance for providing information
1. Name and full address along with i) The address should be the place from where
telephone numbers, e-mail and sale in entire country is being managed
other contact details of Producer (Corporate Office address). Do note that
address given by the applicant in its
supporting documents i.e. Self- Declaration,
IEC Certificate, GST Certificate, Incorporation
Certificate should be same as the address
given in sign up form
ii) The contact information i.e phone number,
mobile number, e-mail provided should be
functional and readily accessible by the
2. Name of the Authorised Person i. Provide name of authorised person along with its
and full address with e-mail, full postal address, e-mail id, mobile number,
telephone and fax number landline number.
ii. Producers who wish to import EEE item and sell in the
country have to select EEE items which they intend to
iii. Producers who have not started their sale and intend
to sell after registration have to select EEE items
which they intend to sell.
5. Covering letter for seeking Producers are required to print this letter on their letter
Registration and An head duly signed by the authorised person of the
undertaking for correctness producer company requesting for Registration on
and truthfulness of the the portal. The scan copy (PDF) of signed covering
information. letter has to be upload on the portal.
7. Affidavit on Stamp Paper of An affidavit on Rs. 100 Stamp Paper duly signed by
Rs. 100/- for correctness of the the authorized person of the producer company
quantity of EEE placed (sold) and duly notarized by notary (For Both category
on the market of Producers as at serial no 1 and 2 as above)
declaring that pan India sales data provided is true
S. Information sought
Guidance for providing information
to the best of his knowledge and belief and that it
conceals nothing and that no part of it is false.
(Format as per Annexure-IV)
Stamp paper should be from the State where the
corporate office is located and from where PAN
India business is conducted
8. CA Certificate Certifying the i. Producers have to provide certificate prepared by its
quantity of EEE sold and / or statutory auditor certifying the sales or certificate
prepared by Independent Chartered Accountant
ii. Auditor certificate should have information on sales in
terms of weight and not in number
(On company Letter head)
The Member Secretary
Central Pollution Control Board
Parivesh Bhawan
We, M/s -------- are seeking registration as Producer under E-Waste (Management)
Rules, 2022 in CPCB Portal for E-Waste Management for the following electrical and
electronic equipment (EEE): (Provide the names and codes of EEE)
We are hereby submitting all the information as per the requirement of Portal. We
will fulfil all the responsibilities of a Producer as stipulated under Rule 6 of E-Waste
(Management) Rules, 2022.
We, M/s _________ hereby declare that information provided for registration on the
portal under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022 are true to the best of our knowledge and
belief and that it conceals nothing and that no part of it is false
We, M/s _________ hereby undertake that all the responsibilities of correctness of
information as provided will be ours. In case of any data and information found false or
misleading at any stage, actions as per the rules may be initiated against us.
We request you to kindly register us on the online portal for E-Waste Management
and issue EPR Obligations.
(Rs 100 Stamp Paper)
[Hint: Stamp paper should be from the State where the corporate office is located and from
where PAN India business is conducted]
We, M/s _________ hereby declare that the data and information w.r.t quantity of
EEE items placed (sold) on the market or Imported by us is authentic and true to the best of
our knowledge and belief. Relevant documents in support of our submission are available
with us and will be provided to the officials of CPCB/SPCB as and when required.
We, M/s _________ hereby undertake that all the responsibilities of correctness of
information as provided along with the Registration application will be ours. In case of any
data and information found to be false or misleading at any stage, actions as per the rules
may be initiated against us.
Company Seal
We, M/s _________ hereby declare that technical documents on RoHS (as per EN50581)
are available with us and will be provided for verification to CPCB/SPCBs officials whenever
Company Seal
Annexure V
Table-1: A specimen of sales data to be filled-up
(iv) Electrical and Electronic Tools (With the exception of large- Scale Stationary Industrial Tools)
4 Drills EETEW1
(vi) Medical Devices (With the Exception of All Implanted and Infected Products)
6 Radiotherapy
equipment and MDW1
(vii) Laboratory Instruments
7 Gas analyser LIW1