ATS SUE 3000 GB - 01 - 2014
ATS SUE 3000 GB - 01 - 2014
ATS SUE 3000 GB - 01 - 2014
1 General 5
1.1 Switchgear configuration with two circuit-breakers (Variant 1) 5
1.2 Switchgear configuration with two incoming feeders and one busbar sectionalizer (Variant 2) 6
1.3 Switchgear configuration with three incoming feeders and selection function (Two out of three) (Variant 3) 6
1.4 Switchgear configuration with two incoming feeders and one busbar sectionalizer (Variant 4) 6
1.5 Switchgear configuration with three incoming feeders and a selection function (Variant 5) 7
1.6 Prerequisites for the optimum utilization of the SUE 3000 7
2 Integration 7
2.1 Interfaces 7
2.2 Initiation of the SUE 3000 7
3 Design 8
4 Functions 9
4.1 Mode of operation 9
4.2 Permanent determination of the network conditions 9
5 Transfer modes 10
5.1 Fast transfer 10
5.2 Transfer at the 1st phase coincidence 10
5.3 Residual voltage transfer 12
5.4 Time-operated transfer 12
5.5 Summary 12
6 Configuration 13
6.1 Parameters 13
6.2 Changeable functional parameters 14
6.3 Fault recording 15
7 Operation 15
7.1 LCD (Liquid crystal display) 15
7.2 Status indication 15
7.2.1 Operational status 15
7.2.2 Communication status 15
7.2.3 Alarm indication 15
7.2.4 Interlocking status 15
7.3 LED indication 16
7.3.1 Freely programmable LEDs 16
7.3.2 Bar displays 16
7.4 Control push buttons 16
7.5 Function key 16
7.6 Electronic key 16
9 Operational safety 16
SUE 3000 | 3
Content Page
10 Technical data 17
10.1 Response time 17
10.2 Current and voltage transformer 17
10.2.1 Rated values 17
10.2.2 Thermal load capacity 17
10.2.3 Consumption 17
10.3 Binary inputs and outputs 17
10.3.1 Binary I/O module with static relays 17
10.4 Communication interfaces 18
10.4.1 HMI control unit 18
10.4.2 Central unit 18
10.5 Analog input board (optional) 18
10.6 Analog output board (optional) 18
10.7 Communication to a station automation system (optional) 18
10.8 Power supply 18
10.8.1 Central unit 18
10.8.2 HMI control unit 18
10.9 Environmental conditions 18
10.10 Protection degree 18
10.10.1 Central unit 18
10.10.2 HMI control unit 18
11 Housing 19
11.1 Dimensions 19
11.2 Available design 19
12 Type test 20
12.1 Functional tests 20
12.2 EMC 20
12.3 Isolation 20
12.4 Mechanical properties 20
12.5 Environmental conditions 20
12.6 RoHS compliance 20
12.7 IEC 61850-8-1 communication 20
4 | SUE 3000
1 General Corresponding to its multifaceted areas of application, the
SUE 3000 is set up for different switchgear arrangements:
Voltage decreases or complete supply interruptions represent
the most important and critical problems for the quality of 1.1 Switchgear configuration with
energy supply today. It is especially true that voltage distur- two circuit-breakers
bances with electronic control systems and other sensitive (Variant 1)
installations can lead to complete loss of production and long
stoppage time. This arrangement is often used in auxiliary installations serv-
ing thermal power stations. One of the two power supplies
The SUE 3000 High Speed Transfer Device guarantees an op- normally feeds the busbar. One of the two is switched on,
timum safeguarding of energy supply. The device ensures the the other is switched off. A coupled operation of both power
continued supply to the consumer through automatic transfer- supplies is not intended, and due to reasons of rating (short
ring to a stand-by feeder and protects the subsidiary process circuit withstand), it is often also not permissible.
from expensive stoppage time. Furthermore, through the pos-
sibility of manually-initiated transfers – for targeted clearings,
Feeder 1 Feeder 2
for example – the operation of the installation is considerably
simplified. Protection I&C
In doing so, the High Speed Transfer Device has the task of ensu-
ring uninterrupted continuous operation of the connected devices
in case of a power supply breakdown, taking into account diffe-
rent physical factors, through the most rapid possible transfer to a
different feeder kept stand-by.
SUE 3000 | 5
1.2 Switchgear configuration with two incoming All necessary input signals (e.g. control circuits, position indi-
feeders and one busbar sectionalizer (Variant 2) cation, feeder voltages) are connected to the SUE 3000 trans-
fer controller in a fixed way. So this solution reaches the same
With this configuration, the load is divided between two busbar reliability as two or three-breaker solution. The pre-selection
sections due to reasons of redundancy. The coupling circuit- logic can be combined with additional logical conditions in
breaker usually remains open. Both feeders are in operation. order to provide semi-automated or fully-automated selection
In case of a disturbance of one feeder a transfer from the of the transfer direction.
circuit-breaker of the disturbed feeder to the coupling circuit-
breaker follows: The previously feeding circuit breaker is ope- 1.4 Switchgear configuration with two incoming
ned and the bus coupler is closed. feeders and one busbar sectionalizer (Variant 4)
Figure 1-3 Busbar with three feeders and a two out of three
pre-selection – Variant 3
6 | SUE 3000
1.5 Switchgear configuration with three incoming The enhancement of the installation availability leads to con-
feeders and a selection function (Variant 5) siderable cost savings and to a short-term amortization of the
Variant 5 is a further development of Variant 3.
Even just one single successful transfer, which ensures the
This configuration is used when three incoming feeders are continued operation of an installation, prevents stoppage time
available. Transfer switching can be performed in this configu- and saves on expensive re initialization processes, can mean
ration between any two incoming feeders. a complete amortization of the investment costs for the High
Speed Transfer Device.
Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Feeder 3
2 Integration
Switchgear (circuit-breakers, voltage transformers,
Figure 1-4 Switchgear configuration with three incoming feeders measuring transducers (optional protective current
and a selection function – Variant 5 transformers), overcurrent relays, etc.)
All the necessary input signals (e.g. control circuits, position signals Protection (protection for unit, transformer, differential, cable,
and feeder voltages) are hard wired to the high speed transfer overcurrent, undercurrent, etc.)
device. This configuration thus achieves optimum availability.
Control room or system (remote control, signaling)
The selection logic can additionally be linked with further logical
conditions, for example to facilitate semi-automatic or fully auto- Auxiliary voltage supply (DC feeder)
matic selection of incoming feeders.
2.2 Initiation of the SUE 3000
1.6 Prerequisites for the optimum utilization
of the SUE 3000 Something which continues to be significant for the optimum
fulfillment of all requirements of the High Speed Transfer De-
In order to ensure optimal utilization of the SUE 3000, the vice is the rapid, direct and non- delayed initiation.
following prerequisites should be fulfilled:
- - Existence of at least two synchronous feeders, which This is usually ensured by the connection to the appropri-
are independent of one another during normal operation ate rapid protective relays. The protective triggering which
- - Circuit-breaker with short operating time switches the feeder switch off (and thus interrupts the supply
- - Switchgear assembly/load suitable for network transfers to the busbar) is used in parallel fashion as initiation signal for
- - Fast protective relays for initiation of the High Speed the transfer.
Transfer Device
Control inputs and signals for complete remote control and
In case of disturbance leading to the breakdown of the distri- remote signaling continue to be available.
bution voltage, an interruption is avoided through the automa-
tic intervention of the High Speed Transfer Device.
SUE 3000 | 7
3 Design SUE 3000, as shown in Figure 3-2, consists of two parts, a
Central Unit and a separate Human Machine Interface (HMI).
The SUE 3000 is based on a real-time microprocessor sys- The Central Unit contains the power supply, processor and
tem. The measurement and analog signal processing func- analog and binary Input and Output (I/O) modules, as well as
tions are executed by a Digital Signal Processor (DSP), while optional modules for supplementary functions.
a Micro Controller (MC) is executing the logical processing
and communication with binary input and output device. The The HMI Control Unit is a stand-alone unit with its own power
Communication Processor (CP) is needed for connection to a supply. It can be installed on the Low Voltage (LV) compart-
station automation system. A block diagram of the SUE 3000 ment door or in a dedicated compartment close to the Central
is shown in Figure 3-1. Unit. The HMI is normally used to set the parameters of the
device and to operate it locally. The HMI is connected to the
Analogue Analog Communication
Central Unit by a shielded, isolated twisted pair according to
output board input card card
the RS 485 interface.
0/4…20mA 0/4…20mA RX RX
CP Communication
Processor Figure 3-3 shows an installation of a SUE 3000 in a steel sheet
AI 1
AI 3
AI 4
Phase comparison µC
AI 5
AI 6
AI 7 analog value metering Control
AI 8
input CAN Eth.
module Mainboard
Binary Binary
inputs outputs
Binary I/O-modules
The left half of the LCD display is reserved for the Single Line
diagram. The right half is used to display either measured or
calculated analogue values or the appropriate menu or sub-
menu as determined by the user. Two different electronic keys
with different access rights are available.
Two fixed and one freely programmable LED bars are provided
Figure 3-2 SUE 3000 (Central Unit and HMI) on the front of the HMI Control Unit. Each LED bar consists
of ten green and two red LEDs. The third bar is user configu-
rable to display any required analogue value. The red LEDs
are used to indicate values above the rated value.
8 | SUE 3000
The functions of the SUE 3000 can be tailored to the system The device compares, on a permanent basis, the voltage
requirements via a user-specific configuration. The user- of the busbar with the voltage of the stand- by feeder. The
specific configuration is loaded during commissioning. For following synchronicity criteria are generated from out of the
that purpose the configuration computer, normally a personal monitoring of the voltage amplitudes as well as the difference
computer running Microsoft Windows XP®, is connected to of the frequency and of the phase angle:
the optical interface on the front side of the HMI Control Unit.
f < fMax Phase angle
The interface of the SUE 3000 to the primary process is as
follows: The phase angle is determined between the voltage of the
busbar and that of the stand-by feeder. The limit values for
building the synchronicity criteria can be adjusted individually
Analog inputs to measure current and voltage signals from for leading and lagging busbars. A typical setting value
instrument transformers or non conventional sensors is ± 20°.
Binary inputs with optical couplers for the galvanic separation Df < DfMax Frequency difference
of the external signals to be processed
The system determines the frequency difference between
Binary outputs with conventional mechanical relays or static busbar voltage and the voltage of the stand-by feeder. In view
outputs for the control of switching devices of the transfer process, the frequency difference provided
permits indications of the running down behavior of the con-
Optional six channel analog inputs nected consumers (e.g. of medium-voltage motors) as well as
0 … 20 mA or 4 … 20 mA their dynamic loads. The usual factory setting is 1 Hz.
Optional four channel analog outputs UStand-by > UMin1 Stand-by feeder voltage
0 … 20 mA or 4 … 20 mA
The monitoring of the voltage level of the stand-by feeder is
Optional connection to ABB or third party station automation an important criterion relevant the transfer: The SUE 3000 is
system only then ready for transfer when an intact stand-by feeder is
U Min1 is set at the factory to 80 % UNominal.
SUE 3000 High speed transfer device integrates all the The value of the busbar voltage plays an important role in the
required functions in a single unit. This multifunctional unit selection of the transfer mode: In case the busbar lies below
also features a permanent self-monitoring function. All func- a preset value (UMin2 - usually set to 70 % UNominal ), no fast
tions are designed as freely configurable software modules. transfer is carried out.
Therefore, a wide range of operation requirements can be met
without any problems. The versatility of the software makes 4.2 Permanent determination
it possible to use the SUE 3000 in nearly every switchboard of the network conditions
independent on the specific application required.
An exceptionally important characteristic of the SUE 3000
4.1 Mode of operation High Speed Transfer Device is that the synchronicity criteria
named are continuously available, e.g. that they are computed
A significant task of the SUE 3000 is to ensure that when on-line by the SUE 3000.
there is an initiation, a minimum short transfer time is
achieved, the transient effects of which represent no danger For that reason, in case of an initiation, the transfer mode
to the connected users during the transfer. which comes under consideration is already determined and
can be immediately initiated. This means that the probability
For this purpose, the SUE 3000 is equipped with a fast of a fast transfer is considerably enhanced. Systems which
processing logic as well as a high-precision analogue signal wait for the instant of initiation to initiate the determination of
processing. the network status have no opportunity, when one considers
the physical givens, to perform a fast transfer with minimum
interruption time.
SUE 3000 | 9
5 Transfer modes few milliseconds with modern circuit-breakers, one can as-
sume an uninterrupted further operation of the installation.
Decisive for the kind of transfer carried out are the network rela-
tionships in the instant of initiation of the High Speed Transfer Figure 5-2 shows an exemplary oscillogram of a fast transfer
Device. Here the corresponding optimum transfer mode is with a current free transfer time (dead time) of approximately
selected, taking the physical interrelationships into consideration. 20 ms.
Fast transfer
Transfer at the 1st phase coincidence
Time-operated transfer
Phase angle
The transfer at the 1st phase coincidence is executed when
Busbar voltage ( % Un )
Phase angle ( degree )
Transfer in
1st phase
First, the previous feeder will be opened without delay. After-
coincidence wards, the connected users are without power supply and run
-360° down in accordance with their specific characteristic curves.
Start 0
A fast transfer takes place when the both the main and the
stand-by feeder are within specified limit values at the mo-
ment of initiation, e.g. that slip and phase angle are limited
between the networks and the stand-by voltage lies above a
minimum value.
10 | SUE 3000
df 2
UBB f 4
Connection window (dependent upon breaker For a transfer at the 1st phase coincidence, project-specific
cosing time and df/dt) details (such as, for example, circuit-breaker operating time,
U Stand-by Stand-by feeder voltage user characteristics, permissible frequency difference, con-
UBusbar Busbar voltage nection window) must be clarified on a case-by-case basis.
f Angel between U Stand-by and UBusbar For this reason, the application of this functionality requires
df/dt Angle speed between U Stand-by and UBusbar very careful engineering and a competent commissioning
(resulting from Df) procedure.
SUE 3000 | 11
5.3 Residual voltage transfer 5.5 Summary
The residual voltage transfer is utilized when a connection in A very important characteristic of the SUE 3000 High Speed
the 1st phase coincidence is not possible. The conditions at Transfer Device is that the selection of the transfer mode
the instant of initiation and the opening of the previously feed- carried out takes place dynamically in connection with the
ing circuit breaker are the same as with the transfer at the 1st respective current network relationships.
phase coincidence. It is solely the connection of the stand-by
feeder which distinguishes itself clearly from the transfer at If one starts from the premise of networks which are usu-
the 1st phase coincidence. ally synchronized, then fast transfers will be carried out as
a general rule. The principle they embody of the simultane-
The connection of the stand-by feeder takes place when the ous issuing of commands makes it possible to have short
voltage of the busbar has subsided to a preset, permissible transfer time with nearly uninterrupted continued supply of
value. the switched-over process. In cases of mechanical failure in
the circuit breaker to be switched off, a short-term coupling
The connection takes place without assessment of the angle occurs between the two (synchronized) feeders, which is
or of the difference frequency, thus in unsynchronized fashion. however detected by the SUE 3000 and automatically can-
Because the voltage of the busbars has however reached a celled again, in order to avoid an impermissible coupling of
sufficiently low residual voltage value, the transient effects the networks (decoupling).
of the connection are manageable (momentary jolt, current
needed for users to run up again, voltage reduction). If the networks are not synchronized at the point of time of
the initiation, then no fast transfer takes place. The current-
1 free interlude time that then arise are different, depending on
the installation involved, whereby the load to be switched over
determines the run-down behavior of the busbar voltage and
2 with it the transfer duration.
12 | SUE 3000
6 Configuration The SUE 3000 High Speed Transfer Device provides a wide
range of logical functions so that each required control
The SUE 3000 has at its disposal comprehensive project plan- schemes can be configured. The range of logical functions
ning and parameterization options for ensuring an optimum includes:
accommodation of assembly- specific situational details.
Each application can easily be configured by software func- AND logic gate
tion modules, which make arbitrary definition of the following
features possible: NAND logic gate
OR logic gate
LED’s (meaning and colors) for local indication
NOR logic gate
Single Line diagram to show the status of
switching devices cooperated XOR logic gate
These can also be flexibly and comfortably included in the The parameters can be changed via the HMI Control Unit
planning by using the “Functional block Programming Lan- without using a personal computer. Additional functions can
guage” (FUPLA) which offers engineers, even those who are be executed with a personal computer running the configura-
not software experts, the opportunity of easily updating the tion software and connected to the optical interface on the
operation of the High Speed Transfer Device. front of the HMI unit.These additional functions are:
Parameterization of the functional scheme
Read-out of the current measurement values
(118) HSTD BLOCK CB COIL FAIL Read-out of the status of the binary inputs and outputs
SUE 3000 | 13
The typical setting options are listed below and explained in 6.2 Changeable functional parameters
Description Setting range
(Default setting)
Transfer types and directions Frequency difference 0.5 – 2.5 Hz
(1 Hz)
The individual transfer modes can be individually activated for release of fast transfers
and/or deactivated, depending on transfer direction. Angle between the networks ± 50°
(± 20°)
for release of fast transfers
Circuit-breaker command delays Voltage value 0.6 – 0.8 x UNominal
of the busbar (0.7 x UNominal )
For optimization (reduction) of transfer interludes with fast
transfers caused by different circuit breaker operating time, for release of fast transfers
the commands can be delayed on an individual basis. Stand-by 0.7 – 0.9 x UNominal
feeder voltage (0.8 x UNominal )
Time settings for various functions
up to which the
The time relationships within the logical control unit can be High Speed Transfer
influenced by means of installation-specific project planning: Device is “ready”
Max. frequency gradient 5 – 40 Hz/s
-- Time-operated transfer
-- Decoupling time up to which the “Transfer at the
-- Delay time for undervoltage initiation etc. 1 st phase coincidence” will be initiated
Residual voltage value 0.2 – 0.55 x UNominal
of the busbar (0.4 x UNominal )
Limit values of analog signal processing
at which the residual voltage-
Determination of the synchronicity criteria (angle, frequency dependent connection takes place
differences, voltage inquiries) Undervoltage value 0.1 – 1.2 x UNominal
of the previous feeder (0.7 x UNominal)
General interventions in the functional processes of the
SUE 3000 at which an undervoltage
initiation will be initiated
All known installation-specific details are taken into account Delay time for 40 – 30,000 ms
within the framework of the installation project planning and a undervoltage initiations (0.1 s)
customer-specific parameter setting is undertaken. Time until 0.1 – 60 s
time-operated close command (2 s)
The configuration is stored in nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM). It Delay time for 0 – 60 ms
could be modified by the customer without difficulty by means circuit-breaker commands (0 ms)
of the configuration tool contained in the scope of supply.
for compensation of different
circuit-breaker operating time
14 | SUE 3000
6.3 Fault recording On the LC display, the following can be shown:
- Not used -
SUE 3000 | 15
7.3 LED indication Single-line display of the circuit board configuration
7.5 Function key In addition to the execution of the one-time type tests, every
system is submitted to an isolation testing and a functional
The function key button allows e.g. to start an inside the examination at the factory prior to delivery. Project-specific
FUPLA implementated function or a control command. solutions can be tested using switchgear simulation models.
Two different electronic keys are provided. One key can only During the development of the SUE 3000 High Speed Transfer
be used for the parameterization of the High Speed Transfer Device, special emphasis was placed on the realization of a
Device. The other one is for control modes selection: local, maximum operational safety.
remote or local/remote. By using these two keys a certain
separation between parameterization and control operation A large number of internal monitoring functions, but also of
can be achieved. The sensor for recognizing which electronic diagnostics transcending individual devices, such as perma-
key has been used is located on the front panel of the HMI nent coil monitoring as well as running time monitoring of the
Control. circuit-breakers, ensured the highest degree of safety.
The following displays and operating functions are provided The planning, production and application know-how gathered
on the front of the device: at ABB over the course of decades for High Speed Transfer
Devices has been thoroughly incorporated into the design of
the SUE 3000. The device represents the current state of the
Switching the SUE 3000 On/Off technology of automatic transfer schemes with conventional
Manual initiation
16 | SUE 3000
10 Technical data 10.3.1 Binary I/O board with static relays
Response time is the time between protective initiation of the Number of inputs 14 per board
High Speed Transfer Device SUE 3000 and the command be-
ing issued to the circuit breakers involved. Input voltage 48 … 265 V DC /
110 … 265 V DC
(Threshold 35 V DC or
Response time with solid state 75 V DC)
(Static I/O board) < 2 ms
Number of power outputs 2 per board
Current path 250 I N (peak value) Number of signal outputs 2 per board
100 I N (dyn.) für 1 s
4 I N continuous Operating voltage 48 … 265 V DC
In order to achieve the operations of the primary equipment Total outputs 9 per board
and establish conventional (parallel) communication, the (8 freely configurable)
SUE 3000 is equipped with binary I/O boards.
Number of power outputs 2
The inputs of the binary signals are isolated by an opto- with coil supervision (Coil OK if R Coil < 10 kΩ)
coupler. Each input has a minimum fixed filter time of 1 ms.
SUE 3000 | 17
10.4 Communication interfaces Ethernet interface
Standard RJ45 connector on the core module
10.4.1 HMI control unit
Profibus DP
electrical RS 485 interface (with adapter)
Optical/electrical standard interface RS 232 to the
* IEC 61850 communication hardware and firmware
Notebook PC (at the front) is similar to the REF542plus platform version
0 … 20 mA or 4 … 20 mA (four channels)
operation temperature -10 .. +55°C
10.7 Communication to a
station automation system (optional) Ambient transport and
storage temperature -25 .. +70°C
18 | SUE 3000
11 Housing
11.1 Abmessungen
Figure 11-1 Dimension of the HMI control unit Figure 11-2 Dimension drawing of the central unit
SUE 3000 | 19
12 Type test 12.3 Isolation
The SUE 3000 High Speed Transfer Device fulfils all important 12.4 Mechanical properties
national and international EMC regulations. All relevant tests
are according to the following standard series:
Vibration test according to IEC 60255-21-1
Power frequency magnetic field immunity according to 12.7 IEC 61850-8-1 communication
IEC 61000-4-8, level 5
Pulse magnetic field immunity according to KEMA IEC 61850 Certificate Level A1 - based on REF542plus
IEC 61000-4-9, level 5 Feeder Terminal with IEC 61850 interface (1MRS756326)
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ABB AG Note: