RetroMagazine 08 Eng
RetroMagazine 08 Eng
RetroMagazine 08 Eng
With equal pride we can say that RetroMagazine World is more ◊ Commodore 264 Series Pag. 6
than just a magazine reserved for a group of enthusiasts. ◊ OLIVETTI, when Italy was Silicon Valley Pag. 10
◊ Olivetti PC128S Pag. 15
With all our initiatives (the site, "Press Play Again", etc.) and the
◊ RetroLiPS project Pag. 19
presence on the most frequented social networks, it proves to be
a community full of life. ◊ Nobility of a humble flowchart Pag. 20
◊ Introduction to Commodore C128 Pag. 26
The Editorial Board has recently seen an increase in the number graphics - part 2
of collaborators, starting with Mike "The biker" Novarina, ◊ Turbo Rascal SE - A complete cross- Pag. 30
Alessandro Albano and continuing with Francesco Coppola, platform framework for 8/16-bit
Beppe Rinella, Christian Miglio (humbly apologizing if we have development
forgotten someone else worthy of being remembered). ◊ ATARI - The origin of the myth Pag. 34
In particular, the young Francesco Coppola will take care of the ◊ Another World: a scary and magnificent Pag. 36
Atari world, while Beppe Rinella will enrich the articles of games
by leaving the patterns of the usual review. ◊ Road Hunter - TI99/4A Pag. 40
◊ Wizard of Wor - Commodore 64 Pag. 42
RetroMagazine World is appreciated because it is made by
◊ F-1 Spirit: the way to Formula-1 (MSX) Pag. 44
putting heart and soul (or "spirit" as Steve Jobs said).
◊ Turbo Sprint (Amiga AGA) Pag. 48
Other projects are underway, because, just as in football, teams ◊ Saint Senya - Il mito [game preview] Pag. 50
must renew themselves and impose increasingly challenging and (PC/Android)
stimulating goals in order to stay on the wave. ◊ Phantom Gear (Sega MD) Pag. 51
As RMW is an all-round project with many collaborators, it would
◊ Earthbound (SNES) Pag. 52
be a shame to keep it confined to the magazine alone.
◊ Battle Axe (PC/NG) Pag. 54
So welcome the RetroLiPS Project of which you will find a ◊ Sokko Seitokai: Sonic Council (Saturn) Pag. 56
detailed explanation within this same issue and especially the
◊ Spearhead (C64) Pag. 58
official YouTube channel of RMW: ◊ Mutants from the Deep (MSX) Pag. 59
◊ Jump Out (C64) Pag. 60
The YouTube channel, born from Nith's intuition, is gradually ◊ Light Force (C64) Pag. 62
enriching itself with interesting video reviews and could, in the
◊ You may play, but then you ought to Pag. 63
long run, become another vehicle of fundamental content for our break everything!
A bit of rarity
(rummaging here and there)
[Aur20a] (2020-09-17) retrieved from
[Aur20b] (2020-09-17) retrieved from
[Aur20c] (2020-09-17) retrieved from
[Aur20d] (2020-09-17) retrieved from
1 – Disk access times and uploads were really long, more
than on Playstation.
2 – Little memory dedicated to saving data. There were
external memory cards but they were expensive and very
3 - The 3D engine could not reach the levels of the
competitor Sony and Nintendo 64, especially with the
titles developed directly for this generation of machines.
4 - Beautiful exclusives, but few! Many third-party
developers preferred to rely on the Sony home system
that impressed the most for its simplicity of development
and lower costs.
Virtua Fighter 2
Guardian Heroes
derived from the 6510 of the C64 but made with a new mode (such as C64) but the peculiarity of this chip was
production process that allowed it to work at a maximum that it could manage the luminance of the 16 base colours,
frequency almost double that of its predecessor, reaching thus obtaining 121 different colours (because black
up to about 1.8 MHz. On the audio/video sector, the new always remained black). However, the sprites were missing,
line of machines echoed the VIC chip philosophy of the which were responsible, together with the sound, for most
VIC-20, that is, a single integrated chip to manage both of the fortunes of C64. Speaking of sound, the chip had
graphics and sound, called TED (which stands for Text only 2 oscillators and could only generate square waves
Editing Device), a name with which these computers were or white noise, lacking all the sophisticated audio
alternately known due to the fact that they shared the management that the C64 SID was capable of. There were
same chipset. also two models of Commodore 264, named 232 and 216,
with respectively 32 and 16 KB of RAM. They were designed
Models of 264 Series to withhold production costs, but they never left the
Let's look at the computers presented to the ESC in 1984. prototype phase at the time of submission to the ESC.
The Commodore 264 had a smaller case size than the The Commodore 364 was similar to the 264 but presented
VIC-20 and C64, and was equipped with 64 KB of RAM more interesting innovations, first of all the presence in
and 32 KB of ROM. This featured an improved version of memory of professional software and the ability to
the Commodore BASIC updated to version 3.5 and enriched synthesize speech. Aesthetically it had an additional
with many new commands for sound, graphics, disk numerical keypad, a “must” for computers intended for
management and also for minimal support for structured professional use (it favoured the insertion of long sequences
programming. The 264 project envisaged the possibility of numbers) while internally the memory was 64 KB of
of supporting an additional 32 KB of ROM via external RAM, with the 7501 and TED as in the other model. The
cartridges to add programs and features to the system. ROM was instead increased to 48 KB, necessary to contain
The TED had the ability to manage a 40x25 character both the BASIC 3.5 and the software used as an integrated
screen of 8x8 pixels in text mode or 320x200 in graphic speech synthesis module with 250 preloaded words as
Olivetti for me, who has always lived in the province of in Turin FIAT was founded only 10 years ago and had 50
Turin, has always had an incredible charm, the company workers. The newborn Olivetti had 4 totally inexperienced
thanks to which we are here to write and you to read: to children to whom Camillo himself taught the basics of
us young boys this name made us think of science fiction mechanical processing and arithmetic.
that arrived in the real world. Olivetti's story makes us
understand what we were like and what Italy represented Adriano Olivetti
worldwide. And it throws us in the face, like an iron fist, The years passed, in that historical period the times to
a sad reality, where the tenacious and constant work of grow a company were very long: there was no obligation
our elders has been squandered by our "yuppies” and by to produce, even before opening, to pay what you already
a global suicide policy. Our journey begins at the beginning have to pay without having opened yet. In 1932 Adriano
of 1900, with an excerpt from what was the company's Olivetti, son of Camillo, became president of the company.
birth contract: "In 1908, on the 29th of October in the Under his guidance the first futuristic machines for the
city of Ivrea and on the spot of Mr. Camillo Olivetti locatedtimes see the light: in 1940 the first addition machine
in the Ventignano e Crosa region, in front of me Gianotti arrived, while in 1945 the Divisumma 14, released in
Cav. Happy royal notary registered at the Ivrea Board of 1948, was the first writer calculator in the world able to
Notaries, resident there, with the intervention of the perform the four operations. I want to emphasize the
witnesses named below... ". 1908: in the computer field concept of "in the world" in the 1940s: we are talking
it is comparable to the precambrian era. Obviously the about something truly epochal, and these two words will
company was not born immediately with the idea of be recurrent in Olivetti's past history. Divisumma 14 was
producing computers. the first writer with a negative balance to automatically
split. Its operation is very similar to that of today's
The capital was 350,000 lire, Camillo participated with calculators, it differs in terms of multiplication and division.
220,000 lire consisting of the value of some land and an Multiplication is performed by first setting the first factor
industrial building. Once he had procured the necessary from the classic numeric keyboard. The second factor
machinery for the processes that he had in mind, the must be entered with the red keypad starting from the
good Camillo arranged the headquarters of the company. right and returning to the left. When finished, press the
On the roof of the two-storey factory in red bricks was key with the asterisk, and the result is printed. The
posted a billboard bearing the inscription: ENG. C. OLIVETTI peculiarity is that the first factor is printed horizontally,
& C. PRIMA FABBRICA NAZIONALE MACCHINE PER while the second is printed vertically; instead, it is printed
SCRIVERE (Ed. first national typewriter factory). At the in red. The division needs a special procedure. The dividend
time, the city of Ivrea was an urban hotspot in the middle is normally inserted into the machine, after which the
of cultivated fields. The Canavese was a large rural area addition bar is pressed. At this point the divider is inserted,
and Ivrea seemed light years away from Turin. To understand being careful to add many zeros in order to align the total
the magnitude of the undertaking carried out by Mr. of its digits with that of the dividend. Then you pull the
Camillo, let's take the cold numbers and examine them: sphere of division to the right. The result is printed
vertically, and the rest is printed horizontally. Many other
calculators were born from this revolutionary model in
order to always offer products that kept pace with the
growing demands of the market. The one that was probably
most profitable for Olivetti was Divisumma 24. It was
produced in millions of copies and sold at a price equal
to about 10 times the cost of production. The company
had become a giant not only nationally. In 1955 Olivetti
had about 50,000 employees.
Olivetti PC128S
by Proteus075 and Carlo Concari
Scenario: Italy in 1987, imagine you are parents and have built-in floppy disk) it immediately stands out as a serious
at home a brat who attends middle school. For some time machine, certainly not a toy and even supports peripherals
now, thanks to the various media campaigns and TV, you like printer and mouse!
have been harassed to buy him a computer. What are you
doing? By the 1980s, home computers had reached their He was not as long-lived as other 8-bit home computers
peak and a number of brands and models, all largely but sold relatively well in Italy during the late 1980s,
incompatible with each other, succeeded each other on gaining a small but affectionate array of fans. The problem
the market. was that having been produced at the dawn of the 8-bit
era, the PC128S is one of the most advanced machines
The most widespread and cheap was Commodore 64, but of that time.
word was it was old enough and definitely didn't look like
a serious computer for your kids to study with. The To better understand the history of this glorious PC,
Commodore had also recently introduced Amiga that was however, we must take a step back at the beginning of
spoken of very well, but its cost was the equivalent of an that decade and move to England. In the early 1980s the
average monthly salary (monitor excluded). management of the BBC, British public television, realized
that the digital revolution was beginning and decided
There were also IBM PCs, but they were expensive and that the public television service could not be left behind.
widely used in work and industry. The glorious Olivetti at
home has therefore well thought of filling this market gap In 1981 the BBC Computer Literacy Project was born,
by introducing the Olivetti Prodest PC line. whose backbone would be a series of television broadcasts
aimed to disseminate computer science culture to the
general public. However, there was a fundamental ingredient
missing: a standard machine on which studio guests and
people at home could get their hands to develop programs
and simple games. The BBC, therefore, drew up a series
of minimum specifications that the chosen machine would
have to comply with in terms of graphics, sound and
computing capabilities, and launched a sort of public
tender aimed at computer developers.
at the time. Not even the ambitious Sir Clive Sinclair, a share due to higher costs than their competitors (SINCLAIR
character well above the line, founder of Sinclair Research, and Commodore among all). Risky commercial choices
the manufacturer (among others) of ZX Spectrum. and the failure of the assault on the American market
soon caused serious financial problems. This led Acorn
Among the companies that responded to the BBC call to seek buyers, and on 20 February 1985 Acorn signed
was the semi-known Acorn Computers in Cambridge, an agreement with Olivetti.
which since 1980 had been marketing a home computer
called Acorn Atom. Acorn showed the BBC a prototype In September 1985, Olivetti controlled 79% of Acorn's
of the successor to the Atom, codenamed Proton. Based shares. Thanks to the injection of Italian capital, Acorn
on the MOS 6502 microprocessor and equipped with was able to complete the development of the successor
interfaces for storage on cassettes or 5 1/4" floppy disks, to the BBC Micro, called BBC Master 128, which came out
with a few modifications the computer proposed by Acorn in February 1986 and achieved considerable success in
reached all intents and purposes and exceeded the the United Kingdom, despite the low cost. The Master
specifications dictated. series was soon enriched with other models, including
the Master Compact, a reduced and therefore inexpensive
BBC signed with Acorn the contract for the official supply version of the Master 128. At the same time, Olivetti
of machines for the Computer Literacy Project. That’s the wanted to launch its own line of home computers on the
way BBC Microcomputer was born. Strengthened by BBC Italian market. He chose to market the Master Compact
sponsorship and popularized by television broadcasts by simply changing its name and external livery, leaving
such as "The Computer Programme”, the BBC Micro, or the form and technological content unaltered.
Beeb as it was nicknamed, could only be a success in the
UK. In 1984 it was present in 80% of English schools, an The BBC Master Compact italian version is precisely the
entire generation of English computer scientists and PC128S! While the BBC Master Compact sold few copies
programmers got bones in school in the 80s on Acorn in the UK and proved to be a half-failure, the PC128S was
machines. a success in Italy. It was one of three machines marketed
under the sign Olivetti Prodest, with the unmistakable
It is said, however, that beautiful things do not last, and symbol of the pyramid. The first PC of the Prodest series,
the crunch came in 1985. With the BBC's thrust weakened, released in early 1986, was the Olivetti Prodest PC 128,
Acorn machines were struggling to maintain their market clone of the French Thomson MO6. With a launch price
There are application software such as Font Editor or The original Olivetti games for the PC128S are quite
Music System, alternative programming languages to scarce compared to the amount of titles available for
BASIC such as Logo, Pascal or Prolog, single games such more popular machines such as the Commodore 64, the
as Thrust, Ravenskull, Revs (a very accurate driving ZX Spectrum or the Amiga. But why, if there are at least
simulator for the time, written by Geoff Crammond himself 2,000 games officially released for BBC Micro in the UK,
who will later produce Formula One Grand Prix for PC and and if the PC128S is compatible with its predecessor, are
Amiga) or compilation of old games such as the Super there so few games for the PC128S? The problem stems
Arcade series (five compilations of two games each), The from the fact that, although the two machines are very
Superior Collection (two compilations of eight games), similar, the compatibility between the BBC Micro and the
Blue Ribbon (two compilations of five games), or the Play Master Compact/PC128S is not 100%, so most games
It Again Sam series, released until the first half of the 90s. cannot be transferred directly from one machine to another,
but need more or less complex conversions. The differences
mainly concern the handling of calls to the operating
system, the display of non-standard characters, and the
joystick, which in the BBC Micro is analogue type, while
in the PC128S is digital and is based on an Atari-compatible
RetroLiPS project
by Francesco Fiorentini
Flowcharts represent an intermediate step between Generally, a flowchart has only one beginning and one
developing an algorithm and drafting a program end. The direction of flow should be interpreted from left
[FP83]. They allow you to graphically represent the to right and from top to bottom.
sequence of operations that make up the algorithm
and are characterized by the expressiveness and ease Nowadays, stencils are no longer used (replaced by
with which they can be translated into programs (after appropriate software) and, to briefly describe a procedure,
choosing the programming language). we resort to a kind of pseudo-coding full of keywords
A flowchart consists of appropriate symbols joined together belonging to the language with which the source code
by oriented segments indicating the sequence of operations will actually be written.
(described within the symbols) and does not contain Personally, I've still seen flowcharts used to describe
declarative instructions. chains of complex batch procedures.
The geometric shape of the symbols is coded according One tool that has supported flowcharts for many years
to ISO 5807:1985 and Figure 1 shows the most frequently is the Unified Modeling Language used in the R.U.P.
used symbols with their meaning. I remember that in (Rational Unified Process) design method. U.M.L. was
School in the 80s of the 20th century, owning a plastic developed in 1996 by Grady Booch, Jim Rambaugh and
stencil to draw flowcharts had become a status-symbol Ivar Jacobson. It consists of an organized collection of
among computer science students (Figure 2). related diagrams consisting of graphical elements with
However, there are no constraints on symbol sizes that strongly defined meaning and textual elements. The latest
are large enough to contain the description of the operation version is version 2.5 of 2015 (
(example in Figure 3).
Fig.2 Fig.3
The origins The use of this instrument was later spread by Allan H.
The idea of using symbols and geometric shapes to Mogensen. Art Spinager (Mogensen's pupil) introduced
represent and share human thought dates back to ancient him to the multinational Procter & Gamble while Ben
times (graffiti, hieroglyphics, etc.). Graham made some adjustments when he was a director
More recently (1921), "Process Charts" written by Frank of the Standard Register Corporation [Char11].
and Lillian Gilbreth (Figure 4) was published, with the
purpose of offering a tool to visualize a work process and The BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation, Figure
improve it (Figure 5 shows a part of a diagram and Figure 7, [All16]) can also be considered to belong to the Gilbreth
6 lists the symbols with their meaning [GG21]). family of diagrams.
The transition from "flow diagram" to "flowchart" in the context of electronic calculation can be found in a 1946
nascent IT report written by Haskell Curry and Willa Wyatt (Figure
The first print showing the use of "flow diagram" in the 8). The report describes a method for calculating reverse
interpolation on ENIAC [Ens16].
Fig.8 Fig.9
Frank Bunker Gilbreth was born in Freeport, Maine, United States on July 7, 1868. After finishing high
school, although he had admission to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in his pocket, he decided to
study mechanics in a more practical way and found work as a builder in a construction company. Thanks to
his abilities he quickly made a career, obtaining promotion to superintendent at the age of 27. Looking at the
builders' work, Gilbreth posed the question of how to reduce labor fatigue by reducing the number of
individual movements. Gilbreth's studies of motion optimization were in contrast to F.W. Taylor's studies of
time optimization, and it took mediation by mutual friend Henry Gantt to recognize their complementarity.
During World War I, Gilbreth served as a senior officer in the U.S. Army as an efficiency expert. Following the
death of Taylor (1915) and Gantt (1919), Frank Gilbreth became a prominent figure in the scientific
organization of work but died suddenly of a heart attack on June 14, 1924 in Montelair (New Jersey, United
States) while preparing a conference for the First International Management Congress. His wife Lillian, who
was collaborating in his work, took part in the conference in her place.
Lillian Moller was born in Oakland, California, United States on May 24, 1878. Daughter of an influential
businessman, she graduated in 1903 in English Literature from the University of California at Berkeley with a
thesis on the poet Ben Johnson. After graduation he took a year off where he travelled around Europe and
during that time he met Frank Gilbreth, marrying him in 1904. To help her husband, she later received a PhD
in Psychology from Brown University in Rhode Island. Due to her husband's sudden death in 1924, she had
to take care of the large family alone (12 children, 6 boys and 6 girls). She also had to rebuild her husband's
business network, working as a government consultant because numerous employment contracts had been
cancelled. She served under several Presidents (Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and
Johnson). In the 1960s she was known as the American First Lady of Engineering, continuing to write and
teach. He died in Phoenix, Arizona, United States on July 2, 1972.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbreth represented a remarkable example of an emotional bond combined with a professional
partnership. You can consider the pioneers of what is now called Ergonomics, the science that studies the
work environment by identifying solutions suitable for the needs of workers and for production at the same
time. In the 1920s they had discovered that the arrangement of the work environment influenced human
effort. Also at that time, they had taken care of the reintegration of war-torn maimed people into work. For
Gilbreths , successful management must be human-centred and not work-centred (and in this there is a
divergence from Taylor's thinking). Some studies by Lillian Gilbreth on motivation and performance have
anticipated the work of psychologists Abraham Maslow and Herbert Simon by decades.
Neumann in their treatise "Planning and Coding of Problems Ned Chapin was born on
for an Electronic Computing Instrument” of 1948. By the August 8, 1927 in Port
late 1940s, the use of flow diagrams had been adopted Gamble, Washington,
by the new Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation (soon United States, to M.C.
to become the UNIVAC division of Remington Rand). In Chapin and Rose
1950 Grace Hopper and Betty Holberton introduced what Smallwood, then living in
they called "flow charts" (and then "flowcharts") into different locations
corporate programming courses at the EMCC. between Washington,
Oregon, and California.
After graduating from
The first standardisations
Eureka Senior High
Beginning in the 1950s, several institutions attempted
School in 1945, he
to develop their own graphic standards (e.g., the United Fig.10
attended Stanford
States Air Force and the S.H.A.R.E. Committee). Software University (where he was also a percussionist in the
to create flowcharts existed since 1957 and a language Symphony Orchestra). He earned an MBA from the
(Systems Flowchart Language) had also been created. University of Chicago in 1949. During the Korean War
But the diffusion of the standards took place practically he served in the American Army as an engineer. On
thanks to the sale of plastic templates to draw flowcharts. 12 June 1954 she married a fellow university
In the 1960s a new committee attempted to develop a student, June Roediger, with whom she had two
standard through the Business Equipment Association, daughters: Suzanne and Elaine (who in turn became
the American Standard Association, members from a scientist). After his PhD from the Illinois Institute of
computer suppliers and major users. With a compromise, Technology in 1959, he moved to Menlo Park,
it was published in 1963 as American Standard (later California, where he lived for the rest of his life.
Although he worked for 10 years at Stanford
released by the Association for Computing Machinery).
Research Institute (now SRI International), for most
At the same time, this effort was carried out by the
of his career he was an independent consultant at
International Standard Organization (ISO). In 1965 there
Infosci Inc. At the age of 60, he was a professor and
was a major revision followed by some minors in the years later became an Emeritus Professor of Information
1966 and 1968. The revision that led to the ANSI 1970 Systems at California State University.
version was carried out to align as much as possible with
the ISO version and is the one described by Ned Chapin Ned Chapin was a leader in the field of computer
in "Flowcharting With the ANSI Standard: A science, always in particular in the discipline of
Tutorial" [Cha70]. software maintenance. During 61 years of his career,
he published more than 250 articles and conference
Further proof of the brainstorming that characterized the proceedings. He wrote 8 books including "An
1960s, flowcharts can be considered as a variant of Joseph Introduction to Automatic Computers" of 1955 (the
Novak's concept maps proposed as a tool to highlight, second general book on computers published
commercially) and "Computers: A Systems
within a certain topic, the main concepts and their
Approach" of 1971. He founded and edited "Journal
respective links (Novak's ideas were taken up by Tony
of Software Maintenance and Evolution". He
Buzan with the introduction of mind maps)[Sco19]. The
remained active at work until the end of his life. For
different areas of use of a flowchart have led several example, he was a member of the International
authors to propose a classification of flowchart types. Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
in Victoria in October 2014. His hobbies included
Sterneckert classification [Ste03] is based on different reading science fiction novels, listening to jazz vocals
user groups (e.g. managers, system analysts and employees): and looking for mushrooms. He was a supporter of
1) Document flow diagrams, which show the controls on manned Mars missions and was a founding member
a flow of documents through a system, of the Computer History Museum. He died on
2) Data flow diagrams, showing controls on a data flow December 27, 2014. The family asked (instead of
in a system, flowers) donations to the museum [KN75][TA15].
3) System flow chart, showing physical or resource level (see )
4) Program flowchart, which shows the controls in a
program within a system.
Flowcharts were born with the laudable
intent of documenting work processes
in order to improve them and alleviate
Ben Shneiderman and Ike Nassi initially submitted their article to the magazine "Communication of the ACM"
but on October 4, 1972 it was rejected in a bad way with an unsigned letter written on watermarked paper
by Cornell University (a clue fueling suspicion about David Gries, editor at the time for the programming
languages part). They then sent the article to "ACM SIGPLAN Notices" (an informal monthly) which
published it in August 1973.
Meanwhile, some drafts of the article had circulated in academia and publications by others (including Ned
Chapin, "Chapin charts") containing some small variations had appeared. A friend of Shneiderman's was
asking for Chapin to be sued for stealing the idea. Ben Shneiderman feared for years that Chapin's
reputation and frequent seminars would eventually tie his name to the invention. Fortunately over time
"structured flowcharts" became increasingly known as "NS Diagrams".
Still with the words of Shneiderman [Hop19]: "I also hope that the story of the bold rejection of our novel
idea and its eventual international success, is an inspiration for anyone whose new ideas are rejected by
some respected authorities".
[All16] T.Allweyer, "BPMN 2.0: Introduction to the Standard for Business Process Modeling",BoD – Books on Demand, 2016.
[BD09] M.Bullynck, L.De Mol, "Curry’s study of inverse interpolation on the ENIAC", 2009,
[Cha70] N. Chapin, "Flowcharting With the ANSI Standard: A Tutorial",
Computing Surveys, Vol. 2, n. 2, Jun. 1970, pp. 119-146,
[Char11] P.M. Charantimath, "Total Quality Management", Pearson Education India, 2011.
[Ens16] N. Ensmenger, "The Multiple Meaning of a Flowchart",
Information & Culture, Vol. 51, n.3, 2016, pp. 321-351,
[Fil09] H.G.Fill, "Visualisation for Semantic Information Systems Business and Economics",
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009.
[FP83] V.Falzone, G.Pompei, "Elaboratori elettronici e loro applicazione", Vol. 1, Calderini, 1983.
[GG21] F.B.Gilbreth L.M.Gilbreth, "Process Charts", The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1921,
[Hop19] D.Hopkins, "Flowcharts of programming language constructs", consultato il 2019_06_02,
[KN75] C.D.Kinsman, C.Nasso, "Contemporary authors: a bio-bibliographical guide to current authors and their works",
Volumi 21-24, Gale Research Co., 1975.
[MC85] AA.VV., MC Microcomputer ,n. 40, Apr. 1985, pag. 20,
[Rof03] J.T.Roff, "Fondamenti di UML", McGraw-Hill, 2003.
[ISO85] AA.VV., " Information processing – Documentation symbols and conventions for data, program and system flowcharts,
program network charts and system resources charts", ISO 5807:1985.
[SB14] A.Schultz, J.A.Beverly, "Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy", Infobase Publishing, 2014.
[Sco19] A.Scocco, "Costruire mappe per rappresentare e organizzare il proprio pensiero", Franco Angeli, 2019.
[Ste03] A.B. Sterneckert, "Critical Incident Management", CRC Press, 2003.
[TA15] AA.VV., "Dr. Ned Chapin Computer Science Pioneer",
"The Almanac", vol.30, n.22, pag. 8, 2015_04_02,
[Wit03] M. Witzel, "Fifty Key Figures in Management", Psychology Press, 2003.
where "source" has the meaning given in the following table: In the second example, however, we will use the DRAW
statement to create a chart on a Cartesian plane.
0 40-column (VIC) background In addition, we will overlay the reference legend with
1 40-column (VIC) foreground CHAR instruction, which allows you to display characters
2 multi-color 1
3 multi-color 2
4 40-column (VIC) border
5 character color (40- or 80-column screen)
6 80-column background color
1 Black 9 Orange
2 White 10 Brown
3 Red 11 Light Red
4 Cyan 12 Dark Gray
Fig. 1 - Output of the first sample program
5 Purple 13 Medium Gray
6 Green 14 LightGreen on the bit-map screen.
7 Blue 15 Light Blue The syntax of the two statements is as follows:
8 Yellow 16 Light Gray DRAW [source number], [X1, Y1][TO X2, Y2] ...
CHAR [source number],X,Y[,string to print][, color inversion]
Then, after drawing a square and filling it with color, we
will create the "cascade" of squares through a FOR-NEXT Note, as we had already highlighted on RMW21 issue,
loop. The parameters of BOX instruction are as follows where the lines intersect involving the presence of more
(note the "angle" parameter used to rotate the figure): than one colour per single square of 8x8 pixels, the last
BOX [source number], X1, Yl[,X2,Y2][,angle][,fill] colour drawn will "dirty" the previous one.
70 SSHAPE A$,166,85,185,115:REM SAVE THE AREA 270 SLEEP 3
THIS (ERASES) TURNS OFF PIXELS So we have come to the end of this tutorial illustrating
90 DRAW 0.165,94 TO 165,106: REM TURN OFF (DRAW the use of some very powerful instructions, such as
IN BKGRND COLOR) PIXELS IN "C=" manipulating images on the bitmap screen using strings.
100 DRAW 1,166,94 TO 166,99 TO 180,99 TO 185,94 On the C128, this method is also an alternative way to
TO 166,94:REM UPPER FLAG create sprites, since you can directly assign the variable
110 DRAW 1,166,106 TO 166,101 TO 180,101 TO that contains the shape created to the memory area that
185,106 TO 166,106: REM LOWER FLAG manages the hardware sprites using the SPRSAV (SPRite
120 PAINT 1,160,110:REM PAINT "C" SAVe) statement.
130 PAINT 1,168.98 :REM UPPER FLAG So goodbye to the next issue with Part 3 of our tutorial
140 SLEEP 5:REM DELAY where we will start experimenting with sprites.
150 SSHAPE B$,137,84,187,116:REM SAVE SHAPE INTO B$
170 SCNCLR C128 Programmer's Reference Guide by Commodore
180 Y=10 Business Machines, Inc.
190 OJ Bantam Computer Books, February 1986
200 X=10
210 OJ
240 LOOP WHILE X<280
software project. Finally, you can easily install a realadopted (essentially Pascal) with the possibility of
integrated, multi-platform IDE based on the use of high-integrating parts of code into the assembly to speed up
level languages. For 8-bit and 16-bit machines, for example,
some routines in which execution speed is particularly
you can choose CC65 (a multi-processor compiler that important. The presence of an IDE featuring error messages,
can be easily integrated into modern IDEs such as Visualsyntax highlighting and automatic code completion,
Studio or Eclipse) or 8-bit Unity, an SDK to develop games
greatly facilitates the development and debugging of
using C and obtain executables for many 8-bit machines. programs and subroutines. Numerous sample projects
are provided for each target platform, as well as tutorials
In the same vein, recently appeared a new software within the framework or available on the official website.
framework of excellent workmanship that goes under the Facebook groups or dedicated forums also help simplify
short name Turbo Rascal SE (whose bizarre full name is: the approach to the use of the framework and break down
"Turbo Rascal Syntax error, ";” expected but “BEGIN”). the learning curve.
The author and current chief programmer of the project,
Nicolaas E. Groeneboom, owned a C64 as a boy but had Installation and configuration
never really approached coding until the 90s, after the Downloading and installing the latest version from the
advent of the first x86 PCs. Born in February 2018 with official TRSE project site is as easy as you can imagine.
the help of Michael Andrew Hewitt and a large team of TRSE is compiled every night from the latest available
expert coders, TRSE is a complete collection of tools sources, so the download always contains the latest
(integrated environment, editor, compiler, programming updates. Supported operating systems are the most
language and resource library) made available to popular for PCs (Windows 64-bit, Linux 64-bit and macOS)
programmers to build mainly games and demos for the and the application runs in stand-alone mode.
old 8/16-bit machines.
The only precaution you need to follow as a user is to get
Particular support was provided for the MOS 6502, the emulators for each 8/16-bit platform you want to
Motorola 68000, Z80 and X86 processors. There are develop. After the compilation process, in fact, you can
many supported target machines: 8-bit Commodore (C64, automatically launch the emulator suitable for your current
VIC-20, C16/Plus4, C128, PET), Atari 800, BBC Micro, project and immediately check whether your code is
NES and Gameboy consoles, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad working properly or not. As an example, for Commodore
CPC464, Atari 2600, MSX, Apple II, Mega65, Amiga 500, 8-bit we recommend the use of the well-known VICE
Atari 520ST, 8086AT and many more. The peculiarity of emulator, FS-UAE or Win-UAE for Amiga, Mednafen for
this framework is the use of the programming language Gameboy/NES, Hatari for Atari ST and so on.
Program ProgramName;
var a, b, c: byte = 0;
Procedure nProc(param:bytes);
var x, y: byte;
// Performs a series of operations
Fig. 3 - Memory map (CTRL+U) end;
Function nCalc(z : integer): integer;
TRSE includes an assembler for 6502, whereas for other
var z1, z2 : integer = 3;
CPU-based systems you can configure suitable assemblers,
var z3: integer = 5;
such as VASM for 68000, NASM for DOS, RGBASM for
Gameboy, Z80-ASM for ZX Spectrum, and so on. Once
// Performs function processing
you configure the settings for emulators and assemblers,
nCalc := z + z1 + z2 + z3
my advice is to start with one of the many projects /
tutorials made available by the framework.
// Main program block
If you're already familiar with Pascal or some other high-
// Performs operations and call userdefined
level programming language, you won't find it hard to
procedures, etc. nProc(4);
understand the basic structure of a program or a game.
// Other instructions
The editor allows you to view and edit some types of files
sum : = nCalc(10);
Just take a look at the Showcases section of the official
website or launch the tutorials or sample projects included
in the installation package to realize the potential of this
programming framework. The production of demos, intros,
small and large games for the dearest platforms of the
80s and 90s, with this tool and after a few days of running-
in, becomes really fast and protected from all those
debugging operations that are normally required for pure-
assembly projects. The programming environment is fast
and comfortable. It’s hard to feel the lack of some function Fig. 5 - MørketId
Amstrad CPC PAL demo (Nov 2020)
compared to other more popular IDEs that are often
adapted to write and assemble code for 8/16 bits. of the time. The learning-by-doing approach will be
particularly appreciated by all those who already have
The use of Pascal as a reference and production language programming experience and do not want to start from
may leave some programmers more nostalgic and more scratch. More than 250 sample files and 40 tutorial
attached to traditions a bit puzzled, but it’s relatively projects are included in the framework and they immediately
quick to get used to the syntax and convenience of using offer material to be analyzed and studied to gain confidence
procedures and functions, as well as more complex data in the development environment and become productive
structures of Pascal. The aim of focusing the programmer's in a short time.
attention on the development of an idea and its
implementation in the form of an algorithm is fully achieved.
For each target platform, specific libraries are used to - Official web site: - https://
exploit graphics, sprites, animations, music and sound
effects, without giving up, if necessary, the possibility of but-begin/
writing assembly code in order to make the most of the - Showcases:
custom chip functions of a given machine. In this context, - Official GitHub Repo:
a real gem is the implementation of a ray-tracer, able to - List of methods and syntax of the functions related to
create entire graphical animation sequences, often seen the various target systems:
in the most advanced demos and intros and an advanced TRSE/blob/master/resources/text/syntax.txt
editor to create sprites, backgrounds, fonts and game levels. - CC65 compiler:
- 8-Bit Unity:
In a nutshell TRSE is a completely free development
environment for games and demos for the old 8/16 bit
systems, written in QT/C++, which has already reached
a certain maturity despite, while I am writing this article,
it has only reached version 0.12.9. The complete suite
includes various tools for designing the main processors
The game in question is "E.T. the Extra-terrestrial", created
in a very short time and tested very few times, since its Considered by many as the first action-adventure game
release had to coincide with the Christmas period. Obviously
of all time, he immersed the player in fearsome labyrinths
before the official release of the game, Warshaw needed populated by dragons to finally find the cup of victory.
the "authorization" of the creator of E.T., Steven Spielberg
This game also became famous because it was the first
who, after trying the game, approved its release, without to feature an Easter Egg: finding the name of the game's
thinking about what would happen next. producer had become a worldwide challenge. An Easter
Egg that Robinett, creator of the game, inserted to highlight
ATARI 2600 VCS - the console how the video game industry hid its talents, in fear that
The Atari 2600 or Atari VCS (Video Computer System) they would be hired by domestic or overseas competition.
was one of first consoles to use cartridges as a game Kaboom
distribution method: sold around 30 million copies Another very famous game that despite being produced
worldwide, it is considered one of the longest lasting by third parties (Activision) sold millions of copies; you
consoles of all time. had to use the console paddle to capture the bombs (using
The console uses a plastic container that has six levers a basket) dropped by a terrorist positioned at the top of
on the top that respectively indicate: the screen. An immersive game that created a certain
1) Turning on the console addiction.
2) Video signal output Asteroids
3) Difficulty for the left player The player had to control a spaceship and shoot as quickly
4) Difficulty for the right player as possible all the asteroids that were heading towards
5) Game choice the ship itself; a totally innovative game mechanic that
6) Reset the game itself. surpassed the static and now dated Space Invaders.
The first cartridges contained only 2kB ROM memory, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
where the code and music and graphics data of the game Hype superlative for this title which proved to be a real
were saved. flop. Dizzy sales (1.5 million copies) for a game characterized
The console was sold with two CX10 joysticks, two paddles by poor playability and extreme difficulty in understanding
and a game, "Combat". the real purpose of the game.
Another 8 titles were available for purchase, for a total It was the straw that broke the camel’s back already full
of 9 games available at launch, for a modest amount of of mediocre titles; in fact the unsold cartridges of E.T.
$15-35 each. were buried in New Mexico, in Alamogordo, in a landfill
and found only a few years ago at 9 meters underground.
These were just some of the 550 titles that the video
game giant put on the market in less than a decade,
causing a real IT revolution.
Atari cartridges were sold in packs containing
an instruction booklet that told the story of the game For the first time in history, TV, considered by everyone
itself in 6 different languages; among the best sellers who to be a merely passive object, became active and addictive
have sold millions of copies we find: thanks to the Atari 2600 VCS.
Space Invaders
Game that doesn't need introductions. The classic arcade
created in the Land of the Rising Sun caused a shortage
of 200 yen coins in Japan due to the extraordinary sales
boom found inside the arcades.
that is obvious.
We sympathize with him/her, empathize sometimes, in
short, identify with adventure by playing that role.
In Another World all this reached a level that perhaps
had never been seen before.
completed even Chahi did not yet know what would happen was published, also by Delphine Software, a respectable
from then on. game that many considered somehow linked to Another
And so it was throughout the development of the adventure This was probably also due to his graphic style, which in
that he continued browsing on sight, the developer had fact had several aspects in common with Chahi's work,
no idea what would be on the next screen, what events probably also the alien setting contributed.
he was going against and how the story would continue. For many it was a sort of spiritual sequel, but it was not.
There is no link between the two games, except Delphine
We then discover that that sense of bewilderment, confusion Software, but the influence of Another World is undeniable.
and anxiety that the protagonist lives, and we with him,
are the sensations that Chahi also felt during the Several years later Fumito Ueda, creator of the wonderful
development of what we were playing. Ico for Playstation 2, explicitly said how much he was
The loneliness of the protagonist, especially of the first influenced by Chahi's creation. For example, see the total
part of the game, is his loneliness, that slight sense of absence of on-screen indicators in Ico, as in Another World.
anguish due to uncertainty was what he too felt. Hideo Kojima, the father of Metal Gear Solid, cited Another
World as one of the five games that most affected him.
This splendid adventure thus becomes a metaphor for
its very birth and growth. In conclusion, considering Another World a game is really
We're the professor, but we're also a little like Chahi. reductive.
Pure video game poetry. It's a work of art, a swirling set of emotions.
Loss, anguish, fear, excitement, all this and much more
The end of the game is a lesson that many writers of condensed into two beautiful floppies.
movies or video games should learn by heart. More than a video game, it is an experience that must be
Without wishing to spoil anything (dear reader, if you experienced and savoured in every single pixel.
have never played and completed Another World, we Another World cannot simply be played, Another World
cannot be friends), the final sequence leaves us in total must be lived.
uncertainty about what will happen from now on to
Professor Knight and his trusted friend.
You retrogamer fans can try this game using the TI99
Java emulator at the following address:
Wizard of Wor is an endless game (like many of the games Wizard of Wor: Strategies
of the time) where the player controls a warrior armed
with a laser rifle who together with his companion or Minions can become invisible to reappear when on the
alone has to clean a series of fixed-screen mazes full of line of fire, or in the same corridor as our hero.
monsters. In addition, we will also have a beautiful radar at the
Obviously, our heroes won't be able to fire the next shot bottom of the screen to help us win.
unless the previous one hit the target or ended the race A peculiarity of this game is that the laser can kill monsters
against a wall. with one stroke, but consequently also our companion of
The levels are of increasing difficulty, we will juggle through misfortune.
narrow tunnels until we reach the Pit, a completely open It follows, of course, that we too are vulnerable.
The original arcade game also features primitive speech While the musical section is poor, the discourse is different
synthesis and utters several phrases that represent the as regards the sound effects, rich, beautiful and impactful,
voice-over of the Wizard of Wor. make the idea of being under continuous attack good.
One of these is precisely the sentence that opens this article.
The game for Commodore 64 can also boast "spoken"
phrases, as it is one of the few software that supports
Magic Voice Speech hardware expansion, an expansion
that was inserted into the cartridge port and in turn
provided a cartridge input as pictured.
Wizard of Wor for Commodore 64 is a title that has been
distributed primarily in cartridges.
Genre: Racing Game
Platform: Amiga AGA
» Gameplay 85%
Same as the bar, but better
from a control standpoint.
Plays well in singles, doubles
and even foursomes.
» Longevity 70%
Fun, but like the bar game
suffers from boredom in the
long run.
The work of these months with the archive and launching the
numerous betas released has meant turbo_sprinte.exe file).
that the final product is really well played.
Summing up. A good fun and well
Very fluid and fast graphics in any developed game, listening to the
configuration. It runs on both basic community of players who helped in
and expanded Amiga configurations the development.
and has also given excellent results AMIGA lives!
emulated on WinUae.
by Carlo N. Del Mar Pirazzini
It can be launched directly or uploaded
from Workbench (copying the LHA
Year: 2021
Publisher: Megacat Studio
Developer: Bits Rule
Genre: Platform game/Action
Platform: Sega Megadrive
It is a lateral sliding platform that Beside this there is also the old-
mixes arcade action gameplay from fashioned platform component that
the old school with some dynamics we like so much.
typical of modern MetroidVania. A beautiful adventure.
Year: 1989
Developer: Hal Laboratory/
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Role Playing Game
Platform: Super Nintendo/
Super Nintendo Mini
» Gameplay 95%
A perfect character
management system, well
balanced fights that together
with an immediate learning of
the dynamics put it in the
mount Olympus of role-playing
games for Snes.
» Longevity 90%
You will love its vastness and
its many crazy stories.
all very classic, mah... fact, only thanks to the recent arrival
There is a gigantic mah that has elevated of the Super Nintendo Mini can we enjoy
the game among the most loved of all the English version of the game.
on Nintendo platforms, the concentration
of incredible irony, the comic scenes A very well aged, current and fun game
and the various and absurd situations that will drag you into history. If you
that keep the player glued to his pad love Toriyama nonsense and Japanese
to see what happens in the course of crazy stories, you'll love it.
It also has a really impressive soundtrack
The combat system is beautiful and that is the cherry on the cake of a
deadly: while exploring the various perfect product of its kind. At the top
settings you come across enemies that of the gdr on Snes with Zelda, Chrono
are visible on the screen, touching one Trigger and Secret of Mana.
starts the fight, if the enemy is turned Vast and hilarious!
away you will have an advantage to
attack during the turn regardless of It worths a try, Bardo's word.
the character's speed stat, as well as
having 100% chance of escape. by Roberto “Il Bardo” Pirazzini
Genre: Hack & Slash
Platform: Pc Windows and
console NG
Wait a minute...
RetroMagazine World reviewing new
Shame on us!!!
» Gameplay 90%
Three well-characterized
characters, great control
system and a well-balanced
» Longevity 95%
Every time you turn on your pc/
console, a game will take
place. To improve your game
score, to see new scenarios or
simply to upgrade your
character. Unbelievable.
skilled in hand-to-hand but with an even in these... and you will have fun
excellent firing spell system and finally like crazy!
the dark elf; fast, fast but not very
resistant. by Carlo N. Del Mar Pirazzini
Genre: Beat em up
Platform: Sega Saturn
» Gameplay 80%
Easy to manage and well
featured in the moves and
» Longevity 70%
Strange... You'll quickly learn
the play style and the
opponents are also easy...
except for the final boss.
Year: 2020
Developer: Alf Yngve
Genre: Horizontal Scrolling
Platform: Commodore 64
Whoa! Whoa! If they'd told me in 1982, (no bombs to drop like in other shooters
I wouldn't have believed it. The of this type) and with the aim of
computers that in those years laid achieving the maximum score we will
the foundations for the history of have to fly over a series of islands
computing as we know it, today are where each building will prove to be
even more alive than ever: in our a threat: missile launcher turrets,
hearts, on the machines of thirty years immense range cannons, UFO and
ago (perhaps polished through some more!
wise electronic repair) or more simply
thanks to the emulators that from Our plane will respond surprisingly
arcade games of the 80s to the most well to commands so at first the
recent 3D systems, actually make situation will seem easy to tame.
video gaming history within reach of Proceeding along our path of
all owners of a PC but also of dedicated destruction, however, we will
consoles. understand the need to perfectly
calibrate every single movement both
We can then choose whether to relive to avoid collisions with buildings and
the pearls of the past by retrieving to avoid fragmentation devices capable
the images of the original discs and of taking a considerable slice of our
cassettes or set off to explore the vital space.
present where thousands of fans on
the net enjoy today as they did As mentioned before, our shot can
yesterday in the creation of brand be enhanced by collecting several
new video games made specifically floating power-ups, but just like in
to be played on printed circuits beautiful old games, our skill and
conceived over 30 years ago. precision will allow us to obtain star
scores. Sperhead is therefore, in my
This is the case of this adrenaline opinion, a game created in 2020 for
Spearhead, a horizontal scrolling Commodore 64 that is worth trying
shooter made by Norwegian Alf Yngve, and to do so the options are certainly
a video game made with SSEUCK not lacking.
(sideway shooting 'em up construction
kit) ranked second in the 2020 C64 The author, from the official page of
SEUCK Compo. I remember that the the game, in fact allows you to
SEUCK was software developed by download for free the file to feed to
Sensible Software able to create our favorite emulator and for the hasty
vertical scrolling shooter on C64 but ones has thought well to implement OUR FINAL SCORE
also on Amiga and other systems of the execution of the game also through
the time while the SSEUCK is a modified the browser! What are you waiting for?
version of that software that allows » Gameplay 92%
the development of horizontal scrolling Official site (freeware game) Fast, big sprites, great
games. playability proving that the c64
will never die.
Adrenaline, huge sprites able to get C64 SEUCK Compo 2020 Page
the most out of the hardware of your
breadbin and above all a great Seuck_Compo_2020.html » Longevity 90%
playability with the consequent ability A game that pushes you to do
to keep us glued to the screen of our by Flavio Soldani better and better to achieve
Commodore even today! The higher scores.
spacecraft at our disposal is equipped
with a horizontally boostable shot
Genre: Shoot'em up
Platform: MSX
The dynamic duo! Locomalito and A shooter with a slightly different look
Gryzor98 (with the help of Manuel and an innovative game mood in which
Pazos and Fernando García) have precision is rewarded in the face of
produced a jewel game for the first the desire to end everything that
generation MSX systems. appears on the screen.
Year: 2021
Developer: Vector Games
Genre: Puzzle game
Platform: Commodore 64
» Gameplay 80%
Very playable and enjoyable.
The ball moves without
hesitation and the levels are
well designed and attractive.
Once you start playing it, you'll
want to see the end!
» Longevità 60%
Thirty maps... It seems like a
lot, but it takes very little to
master the game and finish it.
Once finished, unfortunately,
you will not pick it up again
immediately. Maybe you will be
- forced direction: Steve will have to for anyone looking for a puzzle like they tempted to play a game every
move in the direction indicated by the used to be. now and then...
These tiles are used on maps to I suggest you try it anyway. Once you
complicate Steve's path. I told you, have started you will want to see and
public finances are collapsing and the complete all 30 maps. Unfortunately,
need to save is high! once you're done, you're hardly going
to play it again, or at least not right away.
Technical implementation: Special mention for the convenient
Steve's movement is fluid and well code system that will allow you to restart
animated and the graphics are well from the last completed level!
designed and functional to the game.
There is no music at stake, just a nice
sound effect to underline the movement
from one tile to another. Those who
know me know that I appreciate this
Year: 1987
Developer: FTL-Faster Than
Genre: Shooter
Platform: Commodore 64
Maybe I'll be repetitive if I say The gameplay should not last long
"newsstand software tapes” (it's not but the desire remains endless and
an incitement to piracy back then!); it will also be fun to play with some
Yes, because one day my mother friends challenging each other to
returned from work with a pile of points( I often challenged my cousins)
cassettes given to her by a colleague, and the excellent soundtrack will not
or rather by the son of the colleague make you easily detach from the
who probably had too many around screen.
the house. I don't remember what
series they were part of and that night It will have taken me twenty years to
I just had time to try the first game find the real name of the game and
of one recorded on both sides. here it is thanks above all to the
passion that has overwhelmed us for
A game of spaceships happened to a few years and made us find it on
me and despite my adversity in the social media, so in addition to reviewing
genre I decided to play it anyway it I can also recommend it to those
since the music was quite relaxing who let it slip away or to those like
and engaging. me who were still looking for it without
knowing the name.
Without using too many words, the
game was Lightforce and as I just This in my opinion will be a worthy
said it had great accompanying music opponent of the well-known converted
as well as good gameplay and a sense arcades and beyond...
of challenge.
by Daniele Brahimi
The sliding is vertical, you always
have the same infinite ammunition » Gameplay 80%
with the double cannon not modifiable Easy and intuitive.
and no upgrades for the spacecraft
except a smart bomb. » Longevity 90%
Many challenges and endless
hits await you!
Levels are subdivided by base, that
is, after facing meteorites, spaceships
You may play, but then you ought
to break everything!
Some time ago I was reading again an old editorial written by the Disclaimer
legendary Italian journalist Alessandro De Simone for the equally
RetroMagazine World as an aperiodic
legendary (at least in Italy) Commodore Computer Club magazine. magazine entirely ad-free is a non-profit
The editorial was entitled "Giocando s'impara" (i.e. “Learning by project and falls off any commercial circuit.
playing”) and, left aside a few considerations based on the historical
All the published material is produced by
the respective authors and published thanks
moment in which that particular issue (for the record, it was no. 20, to their authorization.
May 1985) came out on newsstands all over Italy, one can't help but
find a certain degree of modernity in the central topic addressed in RetroMagazine World is licensed under
the terms of: Attribution-
that piece: playing passively or learning by playing. NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) https://
In 1985, after only 20 issues, the magazine “CCC” needed to present its readers with increasingly
sophisticated software programs, because of the ever-increasing demands by readers. But this
project clashed with the inadequacy of paper as a suitable medium for publishing long sources This is a human-readable summary of
and commented code listings. The alternative, even if more expensive for both the publisher (and not a substitute for) the license. You
and the readers, was to publish/purchase separated magazines (in this case belonging to the
are free to:
same publishing house) equipped with ready-to-use cassettes (i.e. tapes, mind you, not yet Share — copy and redistribute the
floppy disks because drive units were still too expensive and thus not very common). These material in any medium or format
tapes included simple utilities or complete games entirely written in machine language, whose
Adapt — remix, transform, and build
sources were frankly useless to publish in a magazine because they would have taken up dozens upon the material
of pages and would have had to be typed by the readers on the target computer to be saved
and tested. And we know very well that out of hundreds and thousands of lines of code, it would The licensor cannot revoke these
freedoms as long as you follow the
have been easy to introduce even a single error by mistake or inattention, that would have
license terms. Under the following terms:
compromised the very functioning of the program.
Attribution — You must give appropriate
CCC is one of those magazines taken as a model by the RMW editorial staff, both for its educational
credit, provide a link to the license, and
indicate if changes were made. You may
approach and for the balanced distribution of its contents, which we always try to emulate do so in any reasonable manner, but not
selecting game reviews, hardware tests and articles dedicated to software programming. In in any way that suggests the licensor
that editorial, CCC’s manager confirmed the choice of aiming at presenting programs that were endorses you or your use.
short but at the same time useful and understandable, publishing simple but playable games NonCommercial — You may not use the
and showing code able to exploit a certain hardware feature of a system. In short, their idea material for commercial purposes.
was to pursue a substantially didactic editorial line and try to entice readers to "break" the
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or
listings they had just typed in, in order to make improvements and changes, add new game
build upon the material, you must
levels and above all learn by playing with code. distribute your contributions under the
same license as the original.
Since the beginning, we at RMW have been trying to (immodestly) follow the same editorial line,
No additional restrictions — You may
also with the releases of the project called “Press Play Again”. In the last few years, retrocomputing not apply legal terms or technological
is experiencing a certain renewed youth and this leads many young people to approach this measures that legally restrict others from
magical world made up of computers relatively simple to program, but certainly fun to use. doing anything the license permits.
That’s why on every issue of RMW, besides many game reviews that we invite you to play again,
you will always see full listings of games, programs, utilities and small/big hacks, that we
encourage you from now on to "break through", to see (as said in Alessandro's editorial of 36
years ago) what it contains and how it’s done. Sometimes learning how to make games is more
fun than playing them!
RetroMagazine World
Year 2 - Issue 8 - JUNE 2021
Chief Editor
Francesco Fiorentini
Managing Editor
David La Monaca
Editing Manager
Marco Pistorio
Web Manager
Flavio Soldani/Giorgio Balestrieri