"EOP: BSED English 2A Performance and Perception" The Problems and Its Background

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“EOP: BSED English 2A performance and perception”



The English language is the universal language; using this language enhances your speaking skills and
makes you look smarter. All students need to learn how to speak English because this is very important for
their future and because learning English makes your life better. You can find a job easily, and you can talk to
foreigners easily. Learning English is like climbing a ladder; it takes a long process to enhance it, but if you've
already made it to the top, you can express your ideas, beliefs, and learning easily with the use of English. The
BSED English 2A students are using the English language incorrectly; some of the students were forced to take
the course by their families, while others wanted to test their skills and improve their English pronunciation
and vocabulary.

As a future teacher, I thought this program was appropriate for students to improve their English.
Allowing students to use their native language in class may lead to feelings of resentment and frustration. The
teacher takes away the student's ability to communicate, and the student is unable to express themselves. The
goal of an English-only policy is to give students more chances to practice speaking English when they are
required to do so. Due to their limited language skills, the pupils avoided speaking English outside of the

This research study finds out the learning and teaching effects of the English-Only Policy.
based on the accounts of students and teachers' experiences in an English class. The
realization of this study is vital to give a clear understanding of whether the implementation of
is beneficial or detrimental to the students' learning and the teachers' teaching. By that, teachers become
aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the policy, which are the bases to improve guidelines and
implementation. On the other hand, students fully understand the importance of contribution of the policy in
their academic achievement and in learning English as a second language.

Background Study
English is a universal language. That can be heard around the world. It can be used for communication,
business matters, and teaching. The English language is one of the most essential tools for people. It provides
opportunities for fulfillment and success in life. Some people consider English to be the hardest language, but
if you really learn it and give it your attention, it is so easy to talk in English. The English language is also widely
known. It is considered the second language in other countries. Good English can also be the way to enter the
biggest universities around the world. The majority of the films were released in the English language.

According to Nordquist (2019). With 8 billion people, 75% used English as their first and secondary
language. English was first spoken by nomads around 500,000 years ago. He stated that the English language is
divided into three parts: Old English, Middle English, and Modern English.

As stated by Cabigon (2015). The Philippines is known around the world as the country with the highest
use of the English language. English is considered the official language of the Philippines, and it is spoken by
over 14 million Filipinos. According to Dr. Alonzo, "our future teachers should ensure that English is a means of
communication, rather than a set of facts to be learned." The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) focuses
on college students' needs and ensures that they learn the English language carefully.

The teacher's strict rule requires that students exclude the English-only policy in BSED English 2A, so
this study revealed that the implementation of the English-only policy improved students' vocabulary and
enhanced their speaking skills. Developed their self-confidence and enhanced their understanding of English
languages, and also the students got good at speaking English over time, and also the English-only policy
encouraged the students to work on their speaking skills, which are often neglected in many Asian countries.
The students can work on English skills such as reading, writing, listening, and even vocabulary, which provides
students with more opportunities to work through learning the English language and an increased chance of
practice if they are forced to speak English. And also, on the "English only policy in English. Students speaking
another language distract other English learners. The English-only policy is part of effective classroom
management that promotes learning and respect.

The English language should be used in our school because it allows you to broaden your vocabulary
and experiences. It has the ability to connect people with one another. Using the English-only policy has
disadvantages and advantages. One of the advantages is that students can easily communicate globally
through the use of the English language. It gives them many opportunities for professional work in the future.
It helps them to be more realistic, and proud of themselves, but where there are advantages, there are also
disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is that students might forget their first language, which is Filipino,
and English is more difficult to learn than Filipino. You should follow the structure, and your grammar should
be correct. The researchers conclude that the English-only policy is a very crucial program in the Liceo de
Masbate for BSED English 2A students. It is a program that can enhance the performance and perception of
every student and might help them not only in applying for jobs or answering interviews, but it also helps
students to know this language and to improve their speaking English. Since speaking English fluently is the
basis of business worldwide.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance and perceptions of BSED English 2A college
students and one major English teacher in Quezon St. Masbate City's English-only policy. Specifically, this study
seeks to answer the following question:

1. How do students perceive the "English only policy" in the classroom?

2. How is the performance of the students and teachers with the EOP?
3. What are the effects of the English-only policy in BSED English 2A?

Significance of the study

The study of EOP will have an impact on the students' communication skills as well as their learning.
They can apply it to themselves. Some of the students struggle to communicate in English. Teachers can also
assist students in expanding their vocabulary. The English-only policy governs the use of the student's second
language as a tool of communication in the classroom. It has the greatest impact on students' speaking
abilities. As a result, while it improves students' speaking skills, it also demotivates them from using the English

The students' speaking abilities are most impacted by the English-only policy since it deals with the
enforcement of using the students' second language as a means of communication in the classroom. As a
result, despite its propensity to improve the learner’ speaking abilities, it also discourages them from using the
English language.

The teachers will need to decide whether students can only speak English in class or if they can also
speak their native languages. It is natural to believe that immersing students in an English-only environment
will benefit not only the students' acquisition of the new language, but also the teacher.
This study, on the other hand, will reflect on their performance and perception. It will also boost their
self-esteem to be able to communicate properly in English. It will also assist them in overcoming their fear of
making grammatical errors and in expressing themselves in English. As a result, the researchers conclude that
both students and teachers must collaborate. Furthermore, this research will assist students in improving their
grammatical abilities.

Local of the Study

The researcher conducted the study at the Liceo de Masbate (LDEM) For college students majoring in
BSED English 2A. A private Catholic school called Liceo de Masbate (LDM) is located on Quezon Street in Bapor
Masbate City. It was established in 1948 and now provides both lower-division and higher-division courses.
The most well-known school in Masbate City is Liceo de Masbate. The Liceo de Masbate is the ideal place for
the interview because it will enable the researchers to gather a wealth of important data, contrasting
viewpoints, and distinct ideas from the real experiences of the college freshmen that are required for the

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the performance and perceptions of BSED English 2A college students and
teachers of the English-only policy in the classroom. To learn about their thoughts and opinions on English
policy. This study wants to help the students talk and speak in English. It determines the benefits of using
English in school. It involves BSED English 2A college students at Quezon Street, Masbate City, identifying their
perceptions of the English-only policy at school. Also, the teacher should evaluate the opinions about using
this policy. The overall assessment of this study will use an interview and survey questionnaire. However, the
researcher should include and state the importance of implementing an English-only policy in a school.
Conceptual Framework



Teachers Teachers
performance perception

Figure 1. The performance and perception of the students and teachers on English only policy

In this diagram, the independent variable is the English-only policy, and the dependent variable is the
performance and perception of the students and the teachers.

The researchers state that the English-only policy is the independent variable because both teachers
and students have the freedom to express their opinions and knowledge about the policy. If they agree or
disagree. As a result of measuring and including both students' and teachers' performances and perceptions in
our research, they serve as the dependent variables. The performance and perception of the students and
teachers, which is the dependent variable, are affected by the English-only policy, which is the independent
variable. The performance and perceptions of the students and teachers are used as a dependent variable
because it will be difficult for them to understand and communicate using the English language if they both
lack English language proficiency. Teachers and students will learn more and improve their English skills with
the help of the English-only policy. Their prior knowledge will be expanded and increased.
Theoretical Framework

Socio-cultural theory

This study states that there was an interaction between two people. It also helped to improve a
person's social life. In addition, society is the one who
Contribute to the development of a person's cultural values, ideas, and language.
Lev Vygotsky is a sociocultural theorist and educator. This theory was proposed by him. This theory, he
claims, is a process of developing a person's relationship with society. 2019 (Cherry).

This theory is relevant to our topic because it helps students improve and communicate in English.
Socialization influences each student's ability to communicate and increases their confidence in speaking
English. Through socialization with others, you can easily express your opinions and thoughts in English.
Students' relationships with teachers also play a role because they can be partners in sharing and learning new
things about English.
The researchers use this theory because it is reliable and relatable. According to this theory, each
student should interact with one of them to improve their understanding of English. In order to broaden the
students' understanding of English, the teacher should converse with them as well.

Definition of Terms

English only policy - A program helps the students to talk using English and is also an effective way to
manage a classroom. Students learn how to speak English by speaking English. (Beare ,2018).

Attribute - An attribute is a property or a characteristic. An attribute is a variable property or

characteristic of a program component that can be set to different values. (Rouse, 2005)

Constitution - A constitution is something that precedes government, and government is only the
creature of a constitution. (Paine, 2016).
CHED – Commission on Higher Education is the Philippines’ premier institution in charge of improving
student access to quality tertiary education.

Evaluate - is said to use only a small percentage of the evaluation reports used by clients. According to
one justification, "when evaluation findings are challenged or utilization has failed, it is because stakeholders
and clients find the influences week or the warrants unconvincing" (Fournier and Smith, 1993).

Innovation - is the multi-stage process by which organizations transform ideas into new or improved
products, services, or processes in order to compete and differentiate themselves successfully in their
marketplace is known as innovation (Eric, 2014).

Socio-cultural theory - Socio-cultural theory seeks the development of an individual with the assistance
of society. (Cherry 2019).
“EOP: BSED English 2A performance and perception”



Related Literature

As stated by Cruz (2014), Parents of elementary school children should know the difference between
using a language and learning a language. Bookstores are selling books labeled or titled "language". You will
see many books on how to use different languages, for example: how to use French, how to use Mandarin, how
to use Spanish, how to use German, how to use Persian, and so on. It is evidence that you can learn a language
without degrading it, and you can learn a language while using different languages.

Another way of learning a language is by going to different places where one language is spoken. Many
OFWs learn the language of the country where they work because people around them are using it. He also
states that we really need English. When the students head to high school and finish college,they will not be
afraid to talk to others in English. To do some oral and written reports. Private schools usually have many
activities outside the classroom, just like the morning ceremonies, which include prayer, exercise, and singing
the national anthem. It should be in English, except for the national anthem. Students are allowed to talk and
communicate with the teachers using the English language to help them correct and give some advice on
speaking fluently in English.
As stated by Flores and Molina (2013). The Department of Education tells and reminds every school
administrator that students can't be expelled for violating and not following the English-only policy at a school.
Tonisito Umali states that "the English-speaking policy is allowed, but the penalty of expulsion because of its
violation is not allowed." On July 31, 2013, at the Savior’s Christian Academy in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte,
Three grade 8 students (Kleinee Bautista, Carl Abidalla, and Samuel Respicio) were advised to look for another
school for violating the policy. After the school’s president, Brian Shah, heard them talking in Ilocano in the
school, Secretary Tonisito Umali said that the Department of Education has been ordered to investigate the
incident that happened at the school. However, the families of the students didn’t complain to the school. He
also states that the expulsion of a student should be approved first by the office of the secretary. The students
voluntarily transferred to another school based on the news reports.
Tonisito Umali also states that Rep. Rodulfo Farinas, who filed a house resolution seeking some
investigation of the Savior’s Christian Academy for expelling the three students after speaking in Ilocano,
teamed up with the Kabataan Party List to start investigating the situation. The parents of three students protest
the harsh penalty against their children with the help of lawyer Jaime Agtang. Jaime Agtang states that
these three boys can go back to their school or look for another one.
According to Portillas (n.d.), the English language is considered the international language of many
countries in the world and their medium of instruction and communication. The English language was
introduced to the Filipinos in 1762 by those British invaders. The implementation of English as the medium of
instruction starts with the language provisions of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines,
which are embodied in Article XIV, Sections 6 and 7. They provide the legal basis for the various language
policies that are being implemented in our country, which is the Philippines. The policy was first implemented
in 1974, when DECS issued Department Order No. 25. 1974 has been titled "Implementing Guidelines for the
Policy on Bilingual Education." The bilingual education policy (BEP) in the Philippines is defined
operationally as the separate use of Filipino and English as the media of instruction in specific subject areas. As
per the DECS order, the Filipino language shall be used as a theme of instruction in social studies and social
science, music, the arts, physical education, home economics, practical arts, and character education. The
English language shall be used in science, mathematics, and technology subjects. The effective use of the
English language by those non-native speaker’s has becomes a global phenomenon. Today, educators are facing
challenges due to the growth of the number of students whose primary language is not English (Gibson, 2003).
Since the Philippines accepted the English language from the British and American colonizers, it is the fifth-
largest English-speaking country in the world and second in Asia.
According to Cruz (2004), even some articles, laws, official notices, bar and board examinations,
and even the constitution mostly in English. However, some educators believe that the use of the English
language in school will only put the poor students at a disadvantage because English will slow their intellectual
development. It will feel embarrassing to a student, and it might also weaken their emotional security and self-
worth. But these possible effects did not affect the beliefs and opinions of those who support EO 210,
particularly when the news from the Kalinga district emerged and spread out that 300 percent of the
improvement of the students is due to the English language. The supporters of EO 210 believe that removing the
English language from the teaching system of a teacher has bad effects like: lower-income students will never
learn how to speak English; there will be a lack of job offers someday. The implementation of the English
language in our country as the medium of instruction doesn’t mean you will forget the native language. Even
though English gives some a longtime focus and priority, Filipino is considered crucial and essential. The
implementation of the English language can be the bridge for every Filipino's communication and understanding
in many cultures and countries.
Related Studies

As stated by Gorgonio (2012). In the field of education, language is one of the important factors that
should be given attention because it is an excellent key to the learning and achievement of students in various
academic subject areas. Alcoberes (2006) stressed the need to preserve the national language, which has been
one of the major problems in the field of language planning in our country for several decades now. This
phenomenon can be attributed to the extension of its use in the controlling domains. Moreover, the depressing
economic situation of the country worsened the acceptability of the Filipino language as a medium of

This is true in multilingual communities like the Philippines, where controlling domains dictate the
preferred language to make people linguistically and communicatively competent and to be at one with the
abilities of those who are in the global village. The issue of the use of language is a worldwide concern that has
a great impact on society. The Philippines is trying to respond to the demands of globalization, which involve
the transmission of culture through language. There is a need for more research that highlights the importance of
using these languages. Effectively in the teaching and learning process, which can possibly enhance the
academic performance of students. The importance of conducting this study would give meaningful
rationalization regarding the use of language in teaching and whether it can promote better academic
performance for the students in learning the social studies subject.


The researchers find suitable and relatable literature and studies. The researchers proved that the
English-only policy is widely known based on those articles, newspapers, etc. In every aspect of life, people
need to talk and communicate. That’s why we conducted this study, or research. It helps the student’s progress,
build up their vocabulary, and learn the English language. It may also affect their socio-cultural values. This
research shows the importance of using an English-only policy in a school that helps grow a student's learning.
Teachers help the students learn new things about the language and the grammar. It helps the students clarify the
same meaning in different languages and understand each statement in English. Using the English language
gives people high hopes of getting a better job and finding a suitable job for them. The English language has a
crucial role for everyone. Every individual has a different perception and set of beliefs about using the English
language and the English-only policy at a school. There are pros and cons to using this. One of the pros of this is
that it can be a way to excel and increase the economic status of students when they have a job. Some of the job
offers need to know the English language, and English is the basis of them. The cons of this are that it may
affect the self-esteem of students and put them under pressure. But if you really take time to study the English
language, it will be easy for you to speak and boost your confidence. The researcher wants to help each student
explore the beauty of the English language. You can do anything with the help of your teachers and your
surroundings. It takes time to master and speak fluent English. But if you really want to pursue it, you can do it.
You don’t need to become a professional just to tell yourself you are good at English.

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