Plus One Agric, Scie & Tech G6 Rev PDF

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Agriculture, Science

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Martin Kunaka
Never Mudzingwa
Phinias T. Bhidhi
Agriculture, Science
and Technology

Grade 6
Revision Guide
(with answers)

Martin Kunaka Never Mudzingwa Phinias Takudzwa Bhidhi

Agriculture Section................................................................................................................................ 1

Topic 1: Introduction to Agriculture........................................................................................................ 2

Topic 2: Climate and land use.................................................................................................................. 4
Topic 3: Soil............................................................................................................................................. 6
Topic 4: Water.......................................................................................................................................... 8
Topic 5: Plants.......................................................................................................................................... 9
Topic 6: Animals...................................................................................................................................... 13
Topic 7: Farm implements and machinery............................................................................................... 16
Topic 8: Agribusiness............................................................................................................................... 17

Science and Technology Section............................................................................................................ 19

Topic 1: Health and safety....................................................................................................................... 19

Topic 2: Materials and structures............................................................................................................. 21
Topic 3: Energy and fuels........................................................................................................................ 22
Topic 4: Electricity and electronics.......................................................................................................... 23
Topic 5: Forces and magnets.................................................................................................................... 23
Topic 6: Design and technology.............................................................................................................. 24
Topic 7: Water.......................................................................................................................................... 24
Topic 8: Weather and climate................................................................................................................... 25
Topic 9: Soil, plants and animals............................................................................................................. 26
Topic 10: Landforms and maps................................................................................................................ 27
Topic 11: Sustainable resource management........................................................................................... 27

Information and Communication Technology Section....................................................................... 28

Topic 1: ICT tools.................................................................................................................................... 28

Topic 2: Creating and publishing............................................................................................................. 29
Topic 3: Computer software..................................................................................................................... 31
Topic 4: Safety and security..................................................................................................................... 33
Topic 5: The world wide web and online collaboration........................................................................... 34
Topic 6: ICT enterprise............................................................................................................................ 36
Topic 7: Programming............................................................................................................................. 37
Topic 8: Communication and networks................................................................................................... 38


Examination Practice 1............................................................................................................................ 43

Examination Practice 2............................................................................................................................ 50
Examination Practice 3............................................................................................................................ 58
Examination Practice 4............................................................................................................................ 65
Examination Practice 5............................................................................................................................ 71
Examination Practice 6............................................................................................................................ 80
Examination Practice 7............................................................................................................................ 87
Examination Practice 8............................................................................................................................ 95
Examination Practice 9............................................................................................................................ 102
Examination Practice 10.......................................................................................................................... 109

Answers................................................................................................................................................... 117
To the grade 6 learner
Congratulations on starting serious revision early with use of the Serious Revision Grade 6 Guide.
Thorough revision is a pre-requisite for a good grade in the final ZIMSEC Agriculture, Science and
Technology examinations next year. Ensure that ALL the eight syllabus topics are covered thoroughly at this
level. Questions in this guide cover the entire grade 6 Agriculture syllabus. You are advised to use this book
alongside other texts like the Plus One Grade 6 textbook and other textbooks as well as other online sources
such as the internet. Make use of online notes, maps, diagrams, educational quizzes, games, videos and many
more. There are songs obtainable from YouTube on the various topics. This book is very valuable in ensuring
that you have comprehensive revision of grade six content. Work closely with your teacher for guidance on
credible sources of information as well as enrichment material.
It is a fact that some of the questions in the final grade seven examinations will certainly be set from your grade
six work. For the 2020 ZIMSEC Grade 7 Paper 2 exam for example more than 1/3 worth of marks in Section
A were directly from grade 6 work.
Structure of Agriculture, Science and Technology exam papers
•• Is a multiple choice paper. (Read and understand the question as well as each given choice). You
should not rush through multiple choice questions.
•• In the 40 questions, the first 20 will be from agriculture.
•• All questions in section A are compulsory (learners should answer all the questions)
•• The first three questions of Section A are from agriculture.
•• Section B has 3 questions of which candidates choose 2. Choose questions that will give you the
most marks.
•• Section C has questions from Science and Technology while Section D has questions from ICT
•• Write answers in the spaces provided – do not repeat questions and be as brief as possible.
•• Take Continuous Assessment Learning Activities (CALA) seriously.
•• These contribute towards your final mark for the grade 7 final exam.
To the teacher
•• Agriculture being a science, most of the content should be treated from a scientific viewpoint thereby
applying concepts learnt in Science and Technology. Develop this skill among your learners. Learners
need to be creative.
•• The learning area should also be treated from a business or commercial standpoint. Agriculture is a
business, so topic 8 needs to be studied very seriously. Cost implications of various practices need to
be considered.

•• For a number of concepts, educational tours are suggested and recommended (educational touring is
mentioned directly NINE TIMES in the grade six competence matrix of the syllabus. Field trips in
the locality are also recommended. These help in mastery of concepts.
•• Practical work is mandatory for success in grade six content mastery.
•• Ensure that you read through your syllabus upside down and inside out!
•• The national philosophy of Unhu/ Ubuntu should always be upheld.


In this topic, you should be able to:
•• name the branches of agriculture.
•• describe the activities involved in each branch.
•• state different ways of maintaining farm tools.
•• list characteristics of good storage facilities for farm tools.
•• model a farm tool rack.
•• describe safe ways of handling agro-chemicals.
Important notes and insights
•• The branches of agriculture are: crop production, animal production, soil science, agricultural
engineering, agricultural economics, horticulture, forestry and wildlife.
•• Each of these branches are dealt with in this course under the eight topics for example concepts on
agricultural economics are dealt with in topic 8 (agribusiness) and agricultural engineering or farm
mechanisation is dealt with under topic 7 (farm implements and machinery) and soil science concepts
are covered in topic 4 (soil).


•• growing field crops.
•• Crop production •• management of field crops.
•• processing of field crops for marketing.
•• breeding of farm animals.
•• Animal production or •• management of farm animals, for example, feeding
animal husbandry and disease or pest control.
•• processing of animal products for sale.

•• testing soil for nutrients, pH, aeration and drainage.

•• testing soil for suitability to grow particular crops.
•• Soil science
•• managing soil, for example, prevention of soil
pollution and erosion.

•• Colour codes give the toxicity levels of chemicals. This tells how poisonous a chemical is. The
toxicity levels increase in the following:

Very Extremely
Caution Poisonous poisonous poisonous


In this topic, you should be able to:
•• define climate.
•• distinguish between weather and climate.
•• identify natural farming regions of Zimbabwe.
•• state climatic conditions of each natural farming region.
Important notes and insights
•• Climate is the average weather conditions recorded over a long period of time. The records lead to
discovery of a pattern which helps farmers to make various decisions. Decisions on which crop to
grow are mainly based on climate rather than daily weather.
•• Climate is different from weather in that:
Climate is the average weather conditions over a long time whereas weather is the state of the air at
a particular time and place.
•• Climate is long-term while weather is short-term.
•• Elements of weather and climate are rainfall, temperature, humidity, wind, sunshine, cloud cover and
air pressure.
•• Seasonal variations of the weather cause changes to agricultural activities and crops grown. As such,
weather forecasts are very important for the farmer.
•• Rainfall and temperature are the main climatic conditions considered in placing Zimbabwe into the
five natural farming regions. These elements influence to a great extent agricultural activities done in
an area as well as types of crops or trees grown and animals kept.
•• Region 1 is the wettest (receives the highest annual rainfall) and is the coolest (lowest temperatures).
•• Region 5 is the driest (receives the least annual rainfall) and is the hottest (highest temperatures).
•• The following map shows Zimbabwe’s rainfall distribution. Note that in terms of area, Regions 1 and
5 are very small while regions 3 and 4 are very large.

•• The table below summarises the climatic conditions for each of the five natural farming regions of

REGION (mainly rainfall and IMPORTANT FACTS

Specialised and diversified farming.

Receives the highest annual Crops like tea and coffee as well as bananas and oranges
rainfall of over 1000mm (very are grown.
1 wet) Forestry is also practiced.
Average temperature is about Dairy farming is practised.
200C Main places in region 1 are: (The Eastern Highlands)
Vumba, Chimanimani and Nyanga.

Receives high rainfall of

totals between 750 – 1000mm Intensive farming.
annually Growing of crops like wheat, maize, tobacco and soya
Warm during hot wet season beans.
(average temperatures 180C – Intensive beef production.
220C) Places in the region include Harare, Mazowe, Bindura,
Cool in the cool dry season Marondera, Chinhoyi.
(160C – 18OC)

Important notes and insights

A - Soil air - 25%
D B – Organic maer - 5%
C – Soil water - 25%
C D – Mineral maer - 45%

•• The diagram shows components of soil and their proportions for an ideal soil sample.
•• Each of the components has functions for optimum plant growth and survival of important soil
•• Soil water is important for photosynthesis and helps to dissolve soil nutrients for easy take by the
•• Organic matter provides plants with nutrients, controls soil temperature, improves aeration, and
improves soil water holding capacity and soil drainage. Organic matter binds soil particles together
and improve soil structure.
•• Soil air helps with root respiration and respiration of soil organisms.
•• Mineral matter provides mineral salts.
•• Weathering is the breaking down of rocks into smaller particles to form soil.
•• Agents of weathering can be physical or mechanical, biological or chemical. “Biological” has to do
with plants and animals. The agents are moving animals, running water, growing plants, wind and
acid rain. Find out how each of these cause the breaking down of rocks.
•• The three main types of soils are sand, clay and loam. The properties of each soil type in terms of
particle size (texture), air content, water holding capacity, drainage and nutrient content (carry out
experiments on the characteristics) need to be studied and experimented on.
•• Sand soil for example has large particles, is well aerated (high air content), poor water holding
capacity, excellent drainage and poor nutrient content.
•• Clay soil on the other hand has very fine particles, has poor aeration, has excellent water holding
capacity, is poorly drained and has a high nutrient content.
•• Loam soil is a mixture of clay and sand soil so clay soil brings in nutrients and improves water
holding capacity to the sand while the sand will improve the aeration and drainage. This makes loam
best for plant growth.
•• Compost, fertility trench, liquid manure, green manure and animal manure are sources of organic
NB [ If asked a question like: Name any two organic fertilisers: manure is not be a good answer. Be
specific and give answers like liquid manure, green manure, cattle manure etc. Avoid being too
general or giving umbrella answers – be specific]
•• Eroded areas are found in many areas so learners are advised to tour such places and observe soil
erosion directly for a better understanding of what it is, causes, effects and control.
•• Soil erosion has effects to the farmer (increased costs on land reclamation; reduces yields), to the
environment and to plants and animals. Soil is washed away together with plants, soil nutrients are


The updated curriculum in Zimbabwe has Science and Technology as one of the learning areas. The grade 3
to 7 Science and Technology curriculum has eleven topics which are:
1. Health and Safety
2. Materials and Structures
3. Energy and Fuels
4. Electricity and Electronics
5. Forces and Magnets
6. Design and Technology
7. Water
8. Weather and Climate
9. Soil, Plants and animals
10. Landforms and maps
11. Sustainable Resource Management
Science and Technology as a learning area aims at exposing you to new knowledge and innovations which serves
as a direct source of ideas. Through Science and Technology, scientific approaches to problem solving skills
are exposed and imparted to you. As our environment is facing several challenges, Science and Technology
as a learning area has several tasks through objectives which helps to expose you to scientific approaches
which will help you in solving these challenges through conducting experiments, research and coming up with
technological inventions or modifying existing technology.


Human body
Important insights
•• The human body is comprised of reproductive parts. Males and females have different reproductive
•• Male reproductive parts include the sperm duct, prostate, urethra, testicle, testis and penis.
•• Female reproductive organ parts include the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina.
•• Puberty is the stage at which a child develops into an adult.
•• Signs of puberty in boys are, broadening of shoulders, deepening of the voice, growth of facial hair,
pubic and armpit hair.
•• Signs of puberty in girls are broadening of hips, development of breasts, starting of menstruation,
growth of pubic hair around the private parts or in the armpits.
•• There are negative impacts of early pregnancy some which may include dropping out of school, poor
school performance because of responsibilities that come with being a parent, increased financial
responsibilities and birth difficulties due to immature reproductive system of the mother.
•• Gestation is the time taken for a foetus to develop into a human in the womb until birth.
•• The gestation period in human beings is nine months.

•• Tools are designed to make a task easier, to reduce the time taken to complete a task, to reduce the
amount of work human beings have to do, to reduce the cost of production and to produce high
standard products.
Important insights
•• There are many different structures, some are man made while some are natural.
•• A bridge is a man-made structure which enables people to move across landforms that pose a threat
to life when crossed physically.
•• A skyscraper is a man-made structure whose function is to provide maximum space for residential
accommodation and office space where space is limited.
•• A dam is a structure that is built to block water from flowing away to save it for uses that require a lot
of water like irrigation and hydroelectricity projects.
•• Compressional force is the pressure applied by pushing two ends of an object towards each other.
•• Tensional force is pressure applied by pulling an object apart.
•• The Monuments in Zimbabwe which include the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Heroes Acre,
Birchenough Bridge and Great Zimbabwe ruins.


Important insights
•• There are several forms of energy for example heat, light, sound, kinetic and potential energy.
Electrical energy is a form of energy that is used to power up electrical appliances.
•• Electrical energy can be generated by thermal, hydro, nuclear, solar and wind energy.
•• Solar energy is light and heat energy from the sun which is also converted to electrical energy through
a photovoltaic cell.
•• Hydro-energy is generated using flowing water or moving water.
•• Wind energy is energy that comes from wind.
•• Nuclear energy is energy that is generated from nuclear reactions.
•• The uses of electrical energy include heating, cooling, cooking, entertainment and communication.
•• Electrical energy need to be conserved. We can conserve electrical energy through using energy saver
bulbs and switching off any electrical appliance when not in use.
•• Electrical energy can be dangerous if not used carefully. To prevent electrical shock all exposed
electrical wires should be covered. Avoid using electrical appliances with wet hands. Do not insert
metal objects into electrical sockets.
Important insights
•• Fuel is a material that burns to release heat and light.
•• Renewable fuels are fuels that take a short time to be replaced in the environment examples of these
include wood, biogas, biodiesel, ethanol.
•• Non-renewable fuels are fuels that take a long time to be replaced in the environment. Non-renewable
fuels include natural gas, Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG), coal and other fossil fuels.

Important insights
•• All devices and equipment used in capturing, storage, processing and communication of data and
information are called ICT tools.
•• You should be able to maintain ICT tools, run software maintenance tools and schedule antivirus
•• Below is a screen clip showing disk defragmentation and optimisation.

•• ICT tools should be protected from environmental hazards such as heat, water or moisture, lightning
and dust. You should be able to use PC blowers and PC maintenance kits to do hardware maintenance.
•• The roles of dust covers and protective covers must be known. Dust covers protect ICT tools from
dust. Protective covers keep our ICT tools safe in case they come into contact with dangerous objects
or when they fall down or crash with something.
Below are images of protective covers, screen guards and maintenance tools.

Protective cover Screen guard Repair toolkit

Important insights
•• A spreadsheet program is a software program that uses rows and columns to present data and performs
various calculations.

Excel layout
•• You should be able to create spreadsheets. You should also know different types of spreadsheet
•• Basic formulae should be known for example sum, average, count and so on.
•• You should be able to produce graphs from spreadsheet data.







Chakaz Matemera Chimwaza Vanorira

Graph produced in MS Excel

•• You should know the workbook and the worksheet.
•• Row and column naming should be known.
•• Searching, sorting and filtering data should be known and applied.
•• You should be able to install and uninstall software.
•• Installing is adding software to a computer system whereas uninstalling is removing software from a
computer system.
•• Software can be installed from setup file on secondary storage memory or on optical storage disks.
•• You should know the reasons for installing and uninstalling software.

•• You should define and configure a firewall. A firewall is a network security device or software
that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides to allow or block specific traffic
according to set rules.

McAfee Antivirus with firewall

Expected questions
•• Define hacking and give its effects.
•• How is hacking minimised?
•• What is data encryption?
•• What is the use of a firewall and antivirus?


•• You should know the internet and the world wide web and the differences between the two.
•• The internet is the connection of computers and networks around the world whereas the world wide
web is a collection of web pages that can be accessed through the internet.
•• You should know the components of the web page (headers, links, main content and footers).
-- Header - a section of the web page that contains introductory content or navigational links. A
header typically contains;
(a) Headings
(b) Logos or icons
-- Links - clickable areas of a web page that transfer a user to specific content or web pages when
-- Main content - the main content of a web page is the section that contains the most important
information of a given web page. This is usually the content or information that resulted in the
creation of the web page.
-- Footer - the last component of a web page or section. A footer usually contains authorship
information, copyright information, contact information and back to top links.
•• You should be able to open browsers and search for information on the internet. You should also be
able to make refined searches and switch between search engines.

•• You should be able to define programming, software and programs.
•• Programming is the process of writing computer instructions.
•• Software is a set of computer instructions and their associated documentation.
•• A computer program is a set of software instructions that solve a particular user problem.
•• Differences between text-based and graphical-based programming should be known and you should
learn to use each.
•• A graphical or visual language typically uses drag and drop rather than typing.
•• Text based programming involves typing instructions using the keyboard and a text editor.
•• Text based programming allows learners to use real instructions rather than dragging and dropping
code blocks.

Text based programming Graphical based programming

•• Demonstrate how devices are controlled by instructions and commands. You should create programs
from templates.
•• You should plan on a sequence of instructions to solve a problem and predict the outcome before
creating the program. This can involve the use of algorithms, pseudocodes and flow charts.
•• Know how to create basic shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon and octagon) using text-based
and graphical-based programming.
•• You should be able to modify parameters and know the meaning of commands you use.
•• You should be able to create your own programs.

Parameters modified in Scratch Desktop

Expected questions
•• Define programming, software and programs.
•• Define flowcharts, loops and processes.
•• Identify a loop.
•• Fill gaps in a flow chart.
•• Change parameters in computer programs.

Disadvantages of Bus topology:
•• Management costs can be high.
•• Potential for congestion with network traffic.
In a star topology, every node on the network is connected through a central device.
Advantages of Star topology:
•• Low startup costs
•• Easy to manage
•• Offers opportunities for expansion
Disadvantages of Star:
•• Hub is a single point of failure.
•• Requires more cable than the bus.
All devices are connected to one another in the shape of a closed loop. Each device is connected directly to
two other devices, one on either side of it.
Advantages of topology
•• Easier to manage; easier to locate a defective node or cable problem.
•• Well-suited for transmitting signals over long distances on a LAN.
Disadvantages of topology
•• Expensive
•• Requires more cable and network equipment at the star.

Basic network topologies

•• You should know the networking components (router, switch, hub, cables) and their uses.
-- Router - A router allows connection to multiple networks. It allows sharing a single internet
connection with multiple devices.
-- Switch - A switch allows devices on a network to communicate with each other, as well as with
other networks.





Time: 1 hour 45 minutes

1. Read all the instructions carefully.

2. Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so by the invigilator.

3. Use only an HB pencil for all entries on the answer sheet.

4. When you are told to start choose one correct answer from the suggested answers and
shade it very dark.

5. If you wish to change your answer, erase it completely with a pencil rubber and then
shade the new choice.

6. If more than one letter is shaded for any one answer, that answer will be regarded as

7. If you do not understand the instructions ask the invigilator to explain them to you
before you start.

8. Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet provided.


This specimen paper consists of 14 printed pages and 2 blank pages.

Specimen Paper .

[Turn over


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Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Section A
Answer all questions.

Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper.

Section B
Answer any two questions. FOR EXAMINER’S USE
Section A
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper. 1
Section C 3
Answer any two questions. 4
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper
Section B
Section D
Answer any one question.
Section C
Write your answers in the spaces provided on the question paper.

Section D


This question paper consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.

Specimen Paper .

[Turn over




• When you are told to start choose one correct answer from the suggested answers.
• Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet.

1. What does the branch Agricultural economics deal with?

A. breeding of animals B. breeding of crops
C. repair of farm machinery and equipment D. business side of Agriculture
2. When harvesting bees what is done to make them docile?
A. spraying B. smoking C. blowing D. watering
3. What is the queen bees’ tasks in the hive?
A. lays all the eggs within a hive B. collects nectar
C. makes honey D. eats drones
4. Which season is the best time for harvesting honey?
A. autumn B. Winter C. summer D. spring
5. Which is a by-product of honey?
A. honey bee B. honey wax C. honey syrup D. cough syrup
6. What other name is used in place of apiculture?
A. horticulture B. bee keeping C. aquaculture D. agriculture
7. How is farm machinery protected from bad weather?
A. kept under shed B. in an open space C. under a tree D. in a store room
8. A record used to monitor all farm implements and machinery is
A. a register B. an inventory C. a file D. ledger
9. How is use of farm machinery an advantage?
A. reduces labour B. reduces harvest C. reduces diseases D. reduces pests
10. Why do farmers paint implements and machinery?
A. to prevent breaking B. to prevent rusting
C. to prevent wearing D. to prevent falling
11. What is an estimate of expected income and expenditure?
A. profit and loss account. B. balance sheet
C. budget D. ledger

27. The diagram below shows an example of

A. a pulley. B. a gear. C. a lever. D. an inclined plane.

28. The electric symbol below shows a

A. bulb. B. resistor. C. switch. D. cell.

29. The force that pulls all objects down to the ground is called
A. magnetism. B. gravity. C. energy. D. friction.
30. Which entertainment activity can be done at Lake Kariba?
A. Electricity generation B. Irrigation
C. Boat cruising D. Ice skating
31. One who studies weather by collecting and recording data of weather patterns is called a
A. Meteorologist. B. Botanist. C. Biologist. D. Specialist.
32. The arrows in the food chain below show that the
Grass Zebra Lion
A. lion eats grass. B. zebra is a producer.
C. lion is eaten by the zebra. D. zebra eats grass and the lion eats the zebra.
33. Network components are devices needed when to do what in a network?
A. playing B. configuring C. saving D. editing
34. What is the name of the following device?

A. monitor B. mouse C. keyboard D. camera

35. ________ is a malware that can lead to loss of information.
A. A virus B. An antivirus C. Smadav D. Protection




Answer all questions in this section.
1. (a) State one nutrient required by animals. [1]
(b) Name one wild animal in Zimbabwe. [1]
(c) Define domestic animals. [1]
(d) Give one example of a domestic animal. [1]
(e) Name a domestic animal which is used as transport even without a cart. [1]
2. (a) Give one product of leather. [1]
(b) Name an animal commonly used for racing in Zimbabwe. [1]
(c) Identify the tallest wild animal in Zimbabwe. [1]
(d) State one employment opportunity through wildlife. [1]
(e) Name the animal from which we get pork. [1]
3. (a) State the name that is given processed animal feeds. [1]
(b) Give one example of processed feeds. [1]
(c) Name one type of poultry which entirely feeds on processed food until maturity. [1]
(d) State one small livestock that can be fed on both processed and unprocessed feeds. [1]
(e) Give one crop which produces fibre. [1]
4. (a) Explain how vegetation influence weather and climate. [1]
(b) State the effect of heat wave on human beings. [1]
(c) Give one importance of the ozone layer. [1]
(d) Describe one way in which the ozone layer is destroyed. [1]
(e) List one weather element causes floods. [1]
5. (a) Explain the difference between uploading and downloading. [1]
(b) An e-mail address is made up username, symbol, user domain and root domain. Write
an example of an e-mail address. [1]
(c) Give one example of magnetic disk. [1]
(d) Give one example of optical disk. [2]

Answer any two questions from this section.
6. (a) Give one factor which may affect productivity of layers. [1]
(b) Suggest one way in which a farmer may prevent notifiable diseases in layers. [1]
(c) State what a farmer can do when there are sick birds within a flock. [1]



• When you are told to start choose one correct answer from the suggested answers.
• Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet.

1. Identify a garden fork.

A. B.

C. D.
2. What should farmers do to empty containers of agrochemicals?
A. Burn them and bury the ashes.
B. Store food and seeds in them.
C. Bury the empty containers.
D. Dispose them in rivers.
3. Climate changes cause the weather to be
A. highly predictable.
B. highly unpredictable.
C. favourable for plant growth.
D. fine and conducive for agriculture.

13. In which housing system do livestock enjoy natural foods?
A. intensive B. semi-intensive C. extensive D. brooding
14. Choose an advantage of the battery cage systems in layers production.
A. Many birds are housed in one cage in the battery cage system.
B. The battery cage makes egg collection difficult.
C. In battery cage system, eggs are easier to collect.
D. The battery cage system produces eggs of better quality.
15. What is used to secure a trailer to a tractor?
A. rope B. wire C. wood hitch pin D. safety hitch pin
16. A mould board plough is commonly used by
A. small scale farmers
. B. commercial farmers.
C. ranchers. D. forestry commissioners.
17. Which record should be prepared by a farmer whose farm tools are always missing?
A. Financial B. Profit and loss C. Inventory D. Budget
18. Choose a true statement on farm records from the following.
A. Farm records are for large scale commercial farmers only.
B. Farm records are important for planning and reference.
C. Accuracy does not matter with farm records.
D. Mistakes in records are permissible.
19. Study the financial activities for a flower producer.
Labour costs $ 200.00
Sold flowers to Botswana $1 500.00
Chemicals for disease and pest control $ 200.00
Purchase of seeds $ 50.00
Transport costs $ 500.00
What was the farmer’s total production costs?
A. $2700 B. $2900 C. $950 D. $2500
20. The best tool for loading manure into a wheelbarrow is a
A. spade. B. shovel. C. rake. D. pick.
21. The period in which a foetus grows in the womb is called
A. lactation. B. respiration. C. gestation. D. ovulation.
22. A meal with all nutrients that are needed by the body in right quantities is a
A. high energy diet. B. unbalanced diet. C. vegetarian diet. D. balanced diet.
23. Poles that carry electricity from power generating plants to our homes are called
A. gum poles. B. beams. C. pillars. D. pylons.
24. Fuels should be kept in cool places where temperatures are low because
A. the fuel will release energy. B. high temperatures ignite fuel.
C. they are poisonous. D. low temperatures preserve their state.

36. Which network topology makes use of a backbone?
A. mesh
B. ring
C. star
D. bus
37. Registering by a student in Zimbabwe for a degree program offered in Canada over the internet is
A. e-registration.
B. e-commerce.
C. e-learning.
D. e-governance.
38. The recipient is the one who
A. sends mail.
B. forwards mail.
C. email mail.
D. receives mail.
39. A web page which shows the same information each time they are viewed is
A. bing.
B. static.
C. dynamic.
D. long.
40. __________ cannot be field names.
A. New words
B. Long words
C. Short words
D. Reserved words




Answer all questions in this section.
1. (a) Describe any one way of maintaining farm tools. [1]

(i) Name the facility or structure shown by the pictures. [1]
(ii) Explain why the facility is important. [2]
(c) List down any one characteristics of a good storage facility for farm tools. [1]
2. (a) State one wild animal found in Zimbabwe. [1]
(b) Describe any one uses of wild animals in Zimbabwe. [1]
(c) State how farmers protect plants from damage by wild animals. [1]
(d) Explain what game parks are. [1]
3. (a) State any one cause of climate change. [1]
(b) Suggest any two ways of mitigating climate change. [2]
(c) Give any one effect of climate change. [1]
(d) What can young children do to make people aware of climate change? [1]
4. (a) Name one source of waste. [1]
(b) Give an example of each of the following types of waste. [2]
Bio–degradable waste Non–biodegradable waste

(c) Name one disease that results from the poor management of waste. [1]
(d) Name any one waste management strategy. [1]
5. (a) Give one cause of slow windows. [1]
(b) What do most storage devices use to write or access data? [1]
(c) Altering the brightness, contrast and colours of an image is called _______. [1]
(d) Write e-banking in full. [1]
(e) Symbols that represent computer programs are called ________. [1]

10. (a) Define are soil organism. [1]
(b) State why decomposers are important to the soil. [1]
(c) State the name given to decayed material in the soil. [1]
(d) Explain why legume plants are important to the soil. [1]
(e) Describe a food web. [1]
11. (a) Name any one weather hazard. [1]
(b) How does deforestation contribute to weather hazards? [1]
(c) What is the use of a fireguard? [1]
(d) Describe any measure that can mitigate the effect of weather hazards. [1]
(e) Explain how industrial fumes contribute to the death of aquatic life. [1]

Answer any one question from this section.
12. (a) Modem is short form for _______. [1]
(b) For your computer to function properly, _____ and ____should be run frequently. [1]
(c) The diagram shows a view in Microsoft Access software.

State the view in which the database is in. [1]

(d) Name the data type one uses to enter the name of a city. [1]
(e) Give any one software fault. [1]
13. The picture shows a CPU protected with covers.

(a) State the function of protective covers. [1]

(b) ROM stands for ________. [1]
(c) List one thing that can be done to data in a database. [1]
(d) Give the general term used to refer to various threats to a PC. [1]
(e) Miss Moyo did e-banking transaction using a network that did not have firewall. Her
password was stolen and she lost $200. Identify one software that could have been
used to steal the password. [1]




• When you are told to start choose one correct answer from the suggested answers.
• Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet.

1. Painting protects tools against

A. theft. B. termite attack. C. friction. D. rust.
2. A cutting tool should be stored with the blade
A. facing upwards. B. facing downwards.
C. sharpened. D. removed.
3. Sunshine is important for plants for the process of
A. respiration. B. pollination. C. weathering. D. photosynthesis.
4. Which weather instrument is used to measure rainfall?
A. thermometer B. rain gauge C. hygrometer D. wing vane
5. ____________ is NOT advisable under windy conditions.
A. Starting fires B. Feeding animals
C. Pruning trees D. Winnowing grain
6. Study the diagram.

What is shown in the diagram?

A. The soil profile B. A compost
C. Soil texture D. Soil components

20. The poor subsistence farmer’s field is very dry and hard. The land is really hard to plough. The farmer
A. use more mould board ploughs.
B. harness more animals to pull the plough.
C. leave the land and do animal production instead.
D. hire a tractor to plough the land.
21. The breaking down of food into nutrients is called
A. absorption. B. grinding. C. digestion. D. excretion.
22. Deoxygenated blood is blood that
A. carries oxygen.
B. carries carbon dioxide.
C. has both oxygen and carbon dioxide.
D. does not have both oxygen and carbon dioxide.
23. An organism that lives and feeds on other organisms is called a
A. virus. B. fungus. C. pest. D. parasite.
24. What method can be used to separate iron filings from soil?
A. Magnetism B. Sieving C. Filtration D. Distillation
25. The aesthetic value of a structure to the environment means that it
A. destroys the environment. B. makes the environment inhabitable.
C. makes the environment beautiful. D. makes the environment dangerous.
26. The picture shows a danger warning sign. What does it mean?

A. One may be struck by lightning.

B. There is a dead person.
C. There is a danger of death within the proximity.
D. One may suffer from electric shock.
27. The force that is produced when two surfaces rub against each other is called
A. magnetism. B. friction. C. energy. D. lubrication.
28. Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere and cause temperatures to rise are called
A. inert gases. B. poisonous gases. C. explosive gases. D. greenhouse gases.

29. Shapes and features that result from physical processes on the land surfaces are called
A. rivers. B. mountains. C. landforms. D. minerals.
30. What name is given to the lines labelled X in the diagram below?

A. Lines of latitude B. Lines of longitude

C. Topographic line D. Equator line
31. Fossil fuels are non-renewable because
A. they take many of years to form. B. they are always available.
C. most people prefer to use them. D. they can be used again.
32. Which energy source emits the largest amount of carbon dioxide?
A. Solar B. Wind C. Electricity D. Coal
33. ______ is the odd one out.
A. Router B. Hub C. Flash D. Gateway
34. What is the acronym for Personal Area Network?
35. What does a search engine hold on a website page?
A. chrome B. unix C. information D. internet
36. Microsoft word is used to create
A. documents. B. calculations. C. database. D. presentations.
37. Where are learning computers for pupils found at a school?
A. library B. ECD C. computer lab D. assembly point
38. What action is performed by a mouse?
A. push B. save C. display D. drags.
39. Which of these is a part of a computer?
A. Visual Display Unit B. Compact Disk
C. Uniform Resource Locator D. DVD
40. How many buttons does a mouse have?
A. 7 B. 3 C. 6 D. 2




Answer all questions in this section.
1. (a) Name any type of soil erosion. [1]
(b) Explain how vegetation helps to prevent soil erosion. [1]
(c) A farmer sees signs of soil erosion on his land.
(i) State one poor farming practice which could be the cause of soil erosion. [1]
(ii) Suggest one advice that can be given to the farmer to prevent further erosion. [1]
(d) Name the process which leads to soil formation. [1]
2. (a) Study the diagram.

2 3


(i) Name the part labelled 2. [1]

(ii) Give the function of part 6. [1]
(b) Give one example of a minor plant nutrient. [1]
(c) Complete the table. [1]

Name of plant nutrient Function

(i) __________________________ promoting root development
(ii) __________________________ promoting fruit development

(d) In N, P, K, what does the letter K stands for? [1]

3. (a) Explain what is meant by balanced diet. [1]
(b) Name any one constituent of a balanced diet. [1]
(c) How does providing a balanced diet to animals reduce production costs? [1]

(c) The diagram shows the picture of an atom. Name the part labelled X. [1]

(d) State any one condition necessary for the formation of chemical compounds. [1]
(e) Give one example of a chemical compound. [1]
10. (a) Define the following terms:
(i) sheet erosion [1]
(ii) rill erosion. [1]
(b) Besides water, name any other agent of soil erosion. [1]
(c) Explain any one soil conservation method. [1]
(d) Name any one property of soil. [1]
11. (a) Describe a semiconductor. [1]
(b) Which electronic device component has a semiconductor? [1]
(c) The electronic device component which reduces the flow of current to protect
the device from damage is the ______. [1]
(d) An electronic device that is also known as a reactor is the ______. [1]
(e) Give one example of an electronic device that uses Light Emitting Diodes. [1]

Answer any one question from this section.
12. (a) Define email. [1]
(b) Give the term used to refer to creating and sending an email message. [1]
(c) Name the folder where outgoing email messages are temporarily stored. [1]
(d) Identify the folder in which received messages are stored in email. [1]
(e) State the term given to a computer file sent along with an email address. [1]
13. (a) List one:
(i) good effect of hacking [1]
(ii) bad effect of hacking. [1]
(b) State any one tool used to record video. [1]
(c) Name one video editing software. [1]
(d) List one type of animation. [1]



• When you are told to start choose one correct answer from the suggested answers.
• Answer all the questions on the separate answer sheet.

1. A ____________ is both a cutting and a digging tool.

A. hoe B. spade C. machete D. mattock
2. Which age limit is not allowed to handle agrochemicals?
A. 12 years B. 14 years C. 16 years D. 18 years
3. In a normal season, farmers do not irrigate their crops in the
A. main rainy season. B. post rainy season.
C. cool dry season. D. hot dry season.
4. Which of the following instruments is used to measure air pressure?

A. B.

C. D.
5. The instrument used to measure the hotness or coldness of the air is a
A. barometer. B. thermometer. C. cup anemometer. D. wind vane.

19. Choose a true statement from the following.
A. High quality poultry meat will fetch a low price.
B. Low quality poultry meat will fetch a high price.
C. Well-fed chickens will weigh less.
D. High quality poultry meat is easier to market.
20. The tines on a harrow help to
A. decorate the implement. B. control the harrow.
C. break up lumps. D. kill dangerous snakes in the field.
21. The best way to prevent the spread of Sexually Transmitted Infections is
A. use of condoms. B. abstaining from sexual intercourse.
C. washing the body after sexual intercourse. D. going to the hospital.
22. The diagram shows a natural structure. Name the structure.

A. Cave B. Mountain C. Kopje D. Lion

23. What is an ammeter used for?
A. to measure voltage in a circuit. B. to measure heat resistance in a circuit.
C. to measure the flow of current in a circuit. D. to measure the magnetic force in a circuit.
24. When is the autumn season in Zimbabwe?
A. Mid-May to mid-August B. Mid-November to mid-March
C. Mid-August to mid-November D. Mid-March to mid-May
25. What is produced when photosynthesis takes place?
A. Carbon dioxide and water B. Light and oxygen
C. Oxygen and starch D. Starch and carbon dioxide
26. The following are forms of matter except
A. solids. B. liquids. C. gases. D. oils.
27. When a thin layer of soil is removed, it is called
A. sheet erosion. B. rill erosion. C. gully erosion. D. splash erosion.
28. Which instrument measures wind speed?
A. Wind vane B. Cup anemometer C. Rain gauge D. Thermometer
29. The state of the atmosphere of a particular place at a given time is
A. climate. B. sunshine. C. weather. D. air pressure.



Answer all questions in this section.
1. Study the diagram below.


(a) (i) Label part A. [1]

Label part B. [1]
(b) Name the part which should be greased. [1]
(c) State how the farmer should take care of the tool. [1]
(d) Name a suitable material for making part C. [1]
2. (a) Define the term weather. [1]
(b) Name any one weather element apart from rainfall. [1]
(c) State any one farmer’s decision that can be influenced by weather. [1]
(d) Name one farming activity which farmers are discouraged from doing on a windy
day in the hot dry season. [1]
(e) Give one reason why farmers should not be in fields during stormy weather. [1]
3. Study the vegetable crop rotation.




Answer any two questions from this section.

9. (a) Name the force magnifying system is used in vehicles. [1]
(b) Name any one part of a lever. [1]
(c) Identify the force magnifier illustrated. [1]

and axle

(d) Give an example of a machine that uses a pulley. [1]

(e) State the importance of force magnifiers. [1]
10. (a) Define fertilisation in animal reproduction. [1]
(b) State the difference between internal and external fertilisation. [1]
(c) Give one advantage of internal fertilisation. [1]
(d) Name one animal that reproduces through external fertilisation. [1]
(e) Give one disadvantage of external fertilisation. [1]
11. (a) The ability of a metal to be stretched into thin wire is called ______. [1]
(b) Oxides are formed when metals react with ______. [1]
(c) (i) Which metal is used in electric circuits? [1]
(ii) Explain why it is used in circuits. [1]
(d) Which materials have a low melting point? [1]


Answer any one question from this section.

12. Fill in the missing gaps in the table.

Symbol Name Function/Purpose

(a)________ [1] An oval (ellipse) represents a start or end point.

(b)______ [1] Diamond (Decision) (c) ____________________[1]

A rectangle represents processing that takes

(d)_________ [1]
part in a flow chart.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. D 1. C 1. B 1. C 1. B 1. C 1. D 1. D 1. C 1. D
2. B 2. B 2. B 2. A 2. A 2. B 2. C 2. B 2. B 2. C
3. A 3. B 3. A 3. D 3. C 3. B 3. B 3. D 3. A 3. A
4. A 4. B 4. B 4. B 4. D 4. C 4. A 4. B 4. A 4. D
5. B 5. B 5. B 5. C 5. B 5. D 5. D 5. A 5. B 5. B
6. B 6. C 6. B 6. A 6. A 6. B 6. D 6. B 6. B 6. C
7. A 7. C 7. D 7. C 7. C 7. C 7. C 7. D 7. C 7. A
8. B 8. D 8. A 8. A 8. C 8. C 8. A 8. B 8. C 8. D
9. A 9. D 9. A 9. B 9. D 9. D 9. B 9. C 9. B 9. B
10. B 10. A 10. A 10. B 10. D 10. A 10. B 10. C 10. C 10. C
11. C 11. D 11. D 11. A 11. C 11. B 11. A 11. C 11. B 11. B
12. D 12. A 12. B 12. A 12. A 12. C 12. D 12. A 12. B 12. D
13. C 13. C 13. C 13. D 13. C 13. A 13. C 13. C 13. A 13. C
14. A 14. D 14. D 14. B 14. C 14. D 14. A 14. B 14. C 14. D
15. B 15. D 15. D 15. A 15. B 15. B 15. C 15. D 15. B 15. B
16. D 16. A 16. C 16. C 16. D 16. C 16. B 16. C 16. A 16. B
17. C 17. C 17. D 17. B 17. A 17. B 17. D 17. A 17. D 17. B
18. A 18. B 18. D 18. C 18. D 18. D 18. C 18. C 18. B 18. C
19. A 19. C 19. D 19. D 19. C 19. B 19. A 19. B 19. D 19. D
20. B 20. B 20. A 20. C 20. D 20. A 20. B 20. B 20. A 20. C
21. A 21. C 21. B 21. D 21. D 21. D 21. C 21. C 21. C 21. B
22. B 22. D 22. B 22. A 22. C 22. D 22. D 22. B 22. A 22. C
23. D 23. D 23. A 23. C 23. B 23. A 23. A 23. D 23. A 23. C
24. C 24. B 24. A 24. B 24. A 24. B 24. B 24. A 24. D 24. D
25. A 25. A 25. A 25. C 25. C 25. A 25. A 25. C 25. B 25. C
26. B 26. B 26. B 26. B 26. B 26. C 26. B 26. C 26. C 26. D
27. C 27. C 27. C 27. C 27. D 27. B 27. D 27. B 27. C 27. A
28. C 28. C 28. B 28. A 28. C 28. D 28. C 28. D 28. A 28. B
29. B 29. C 29. C 29. C 29. A 29. A 29. D 29. C 29. B 29. C
30. C 30. A 30. C 30. A 30. C 30. C 30. B 30. B 30. A 30. A
31. A 31. D 31. D 31. C 31. B 31. B 31. A 31. A 31. D 31. A
32. D 32. C 32. A 32. B 32. C 32. D 32. D 32. D 32. C 32. B
33. B 33. D 33. D 33. B 33. B 33. A 33. B 33. C 33. C 33. D
34. B 34. B 34. A 34. A 34. C 34. B 34. B 34. C 34. D 34. A
35. A 35. C 35. D 35. A 35. B 35. C 35. D 35. C 35. C 35. B
36. C 36. D 36. A 36. A 36. A 36. D 36. C 36. A 36. D 36. D
37. A 37. A 37. A 37. C 37. B 37. A 37. A 37. C 37. D 37. B
38. B 38. D 38. D 38. C 38. B 38. A 38. C 38. D 38. A 38. A
39. C 39. B 39. C 39. C 39. A 39. A 39. B 39. A 39. D 39. A
40. A 40. D 40. C 40. D 40. A 40. B 40. B 40. D 40. D 40. D

Section A (Answers)
1. (a) protein/ minerals/ vitamins A/BC/D/E/K/ iodine/ iron/ sodium/ phosphorous/ calcium.
(b) lion/ elephant/ zebra/ cheetah/ leopard.
(c) animals which are kept at home.
(d) cattle/ pig/ horse/ goat/ sheep.
(e) donkey.
2. (a) jackets/ belts/ shoes.
(b) horse.
(c) giraffe.
(d) tour guide/ game ranger/ game warden.
(e) pigs.
3. (a) commercial feeds.
(b) starter mash/ rabbit pellets.
(c) broilers.
(d) rabbits/ indigenous chickens.
(e) cotton/ sisal/ jute/ flax/ hemp.
4. (a) it releases oxygen into the atmosphere which helps to cool the earth.
(b) burns/ dehydration.
(c) protects us from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
(d) emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by combustion and use of aerosols.
(e) rainfall.
5. (a) uploading is data being sent from the computer to the internet whereas downloading is computer
receiving data from the internet.
(b) [email protected]
(c) hard disk drive/floppy disk.
(d) compact disk/digital versatile disk.

Section B (Answers)
6. (a) stress due to the following: diseases/ poor feeding/water/ not enough food/ overcrowding/ poor
housing/ poor ventilation/ poor hygiene.
(b) vaccination.
(c) separate the sick/ isolate/ treat/ cull.
(d) Jacaranda/ service berry/ pine.
(e) wheat.
7. (a) debeaking.
(b) to reduce soil acidity/improve soil fertility.
(c) hail.
(d) they are a hardy breed/ resist some diseases/ eggs/ lean meat.
(e) well ventilated.
8. (a) vaccination/ fresh food/ water/ clean housing/ treating/ sheltering according to age.
(b) f uel/ poles/ medicine/ furniture/ paper/ reduce soil erosion/ shelter/ fruits/ windbreaks/
beautification/ oxygen.
(c) farming system where different types of crops are grown on the same piece of land at the same time.
(d) high temperatures/ humid conditions.
(e) spring/ rivers/ streams.

Section C (Answers)
9. (a) to put all ideas down and see if they can be carried out.
(b) (i) shape/ line/ texture.
(ii) shape is important for the strength of the bridge/ line is important to create a neat shaped road
on the bridge/ texture is important for the friction of the vehicle tyres on the road.
(c) the realistic distribution of elements in an object.
(d) to produce the taste and texture of a cake.
10. (a) the strengthening of the immune system through the use of vaccines.
(b) (i) Measles/ Tuberculosis/ Polio/ Diphtheria/ Tetanus/ Whooping cough.
(ii) red blotchy rash/cough/fatigue/sore throat/painful jaws/rapid coughing.
(c) the body’s defence against infections through antibodies called white blood cells.
(d) HIV
11. (a) map
(b) to explain the meaning of symbols.
(c) 0.03
(d) (i) School 3a24
(ii) Church 5a23
Section D (Answers)
12. (a) motherboard.
(b) to supply power to all parts of the computer.
(c) assembling.
(d) you cannot see anything on the screen even if you have powered it.
(e) primary storage devices.
13. (a) application refers to a program that are created by the user for specific tasks. System software are the
set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do.
(b) Microsoft Access.
(c) installing.
(d) system software.
(e) CD, DVD, flash drive, memory card, external hard drive, floppy disk.


Section A (Answers)
1. (a) sharpening/ grinding/ cleaning/ storing in a cool dry place/ repairing or replacing broken parts/
painting/ lubricating/ use them for their proper use/ avoid direct light/ store in a shed.
(b) (i) tool rack.
(ii) tools are stored in a manner safe to people/ enables the farmer to quickly identify missing tools/
reduces damage to tools.
(c) should be secure/ well-ventilated/ roofed/ cool and dry/ size should match number of tools/ safe to
the user.
2. (a) elephant/ crocodile/ lion/ zebra/ accept any correctly named wild animal.


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