SWOT Evaluation Nicolas Torres - Felipe Campi

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SWOT evaluation

1. Prepare a SWOT analysis based on your assessment of the internal and external factors that
influence LVM’s success.
2. Evaluate the usefulness of SWOT to a business such as LVM.
3. Evaluate two potential strategic options available to LVM Ltd by using the SWOT analysis
prepared in question 1.

Strengths weaknesses
Internal  Sales of screen models have exceeded  Lack of factory capacity
expectations  shortages of skilled
 No jobs were lost. labor
 Faster computer model  Mobile phone
 Excellent staff relationships. technology and links
 Profits are holding steady with the internet
 The automation of the screen-assembly remain a concern
section is now complete.
 Continued expansion
 Extend the factory space by 35%
 Hire and train new recruits.
 Faster computer model will soon proceed
into the production stage.

opportunities threats

External  The switch towards laptops is expected to  Inflation rising.

continue  If competitors succeed,
 Asia market has more potential growth than our business will lose
Europe sales on markets
 high unemployment areas for business  cash flow remains a
relocating concern due
 Increase of international competitiveness.  If interest rates increase
business will face
 exchange rate
movements could
generate issues for
2. The SWOT analysis is usefulness for managers to make a strategic plan. Imran Khan said
that they need to undertake some market research in Asia. Also, a company may overcome their
weaknesses in sequence of taking an advantage of an opportunity. In conclusion, SWOT is a way for
manage the future strategics. For example, the operations manager, wants his team to agree with
him to expand the factory space, here, is shown the theory that senior managers have a mutual

3. After doing the necessary market research and locating in Asia an area with high
unemployment and we take advantage of the grants available, relocating the factory with more
space for having more production capacity. LVM could hire and train more recruits for stand against
the growing potential of the Asian market and keep the sells with European companies. When LVM
set the bases in these new areas and profits are holding steady, enlarge the factory and start
producing products under its own name. If these potential strategic continued expanding, LVM could
start resting resources from the production for suppling products for another brand and focusing at
our own name. Every six months in the managers meetings we could decide the percentage of our
capacity is focused on our own brand and if we keep suppling other brands.

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