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Kartilya NG Katipunan

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Name: Geraldine P.

Palces BSHM - 2B
Weekly Activity No. 5: Kartilya ng Katipunan

1. Write a reflection paper on the relevance of the Kartilya ng Katipunan towards the
realization of the nation’s independence. Your answer should be stated in three paragraphs of
not less than three but not more than five sentences per paragraph.

Reflection Paper

The relevance of the Kartilya ng Katipunan towards the realization of the nation’s
independence was that it paved the way for the Katipuneros to achieve their goal by
having a common set of rules and principles in their fought for independence. Katipunan
was a Philippine revolutionary society in which its primary goal was for the country to
gain independence from Spain through a revolution. Kartilya ng Katipunan laid out the
group's rules and principles (consisting14 rules and principles) for their people and
comrades to fully understand and follow their objectives. Through this document, the
Filipinos were encouraged that there were intellectual and moral revolutionaries fighting
for the nation’s Independence.
Even until today, Filipinos could incorporate these morals and values into their
organization in order for the members to have peace and guidelines. The relevance of
Kartilya ng Katipunan is to mold Filipinos' minds to love their nation and assess
themselves. We can see in the text that it is full of principles, but it also makes anybody
who reads it think on themselves. They will be guided in the appropriate direction by this
value. This document helped Filipinos to came together and form a group or community to
fight the Spaniards. This same document also have shaped our morals and values over
The fact is, Filipinos are united, and we will continue to fight the colonizers to
liberate our own land, even if the cost is high. We will fight for independence for the sake
of everyone, including those who have given their lives for our country's freedom. The
Kartilya ng Katipunan depicts self-reflection and qualities that must be embraced by every
katipunero. This indicates that we should live on the correct track. This suggested that we
are all equal, regardless of whether we have light or copper skin. Instead of judging
ourselves we should concentrate on improving ourselves and loving ourselves.
2. Choose two of the teachings of the Katipunan and expound each in one paragraph by
relating personal experiences in life.

“Huag mong sasayangin ang panahun; ang yamang nawala’y

magyayaring magbalik; nguni’t panahong nagdaan na’y di na
muli pang magdadaan. Value of time”

During my younger years, time seems to be running slow. Now that I am in my

young adulthood, times passed by by so quickly. There are a lot of things to do with very
limited time. Along with escalating responsibilities and expectations from the harsh world.
This seventh rule tells us how importance it is to manage our time and give our best like
tomorrow ends because time is as precious as a gold. This helps me focus on things that
add value to my life and give up those things that are taking my precious time.

“Ang taong matalino’y ang may pagiingat sa bawat sasabihin, at

matutong ipaglihim ang dapat ipaglihim.”

This ninth principle is about the significance of trust that everyone must know
how to keep confidential things in order to keep the trust that other people give. People
who tell us their secrets mean that they trust us. I myself know how to limit my words
whenever I talk to someone. I am very talkative but when it comes to secrets, you can trust
me with it. Having known the secrets of someone and telling them to others is not an
action to be proud of.

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