Ερωτηματολόγιο Φυ PDF
Ερωτηματολόγιο Φυ PDF
Ερωτηματολόγιο Φυ PDF
Title: Mr Mrs Ms Dr
Identification details
Number: 751350288 Expiry date (dd/mm/yy):
07.05.2025 Country of issue: Russia
Identity Card
Residential Address
Correspondence Address
Contact Details
Mobile telephone no.: Fax no.:
[email protected]
Email address: Skype id:
01.2017 1
Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd. International Banking, Wealth & Markets
Country of Tax Residence Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or Functional Equivalent * If no TIN available enter
Reason A, B or C **
Type of Document Number
* A high integrity number with an equivalent level of identification as a TIN. E.g. Social Security Number, personal ID number.
** Complete only for CRS countries - If a TIN is not availabale, please provide the appropriate reason A, B or C.
Reason A - The Country where the Account Holder is a tax resident does not issue TINs to its residents.
Reason B - The Account Holder is otherwise unable to obtain a TIN (please explain):
B. I was just relocated to Cyprus, have not received my Cyprus TIN yet
Reason C - No TIN is required (Note: Please select this reason only where the domestic law of the relevant authorities of the country of tax residence
entered above, does not require the collection of the TIN issued by such country of tax residence to be disclosed).
Occupation: Financial
Employer’s Address
Number & street: Capital Center 9th Floor 2-4 Arch. Makarios 3 Ave
Value of Assets:
2022 7000
Expected Annual Cr turnover on account (equivalent in €):
2023 40 000
01.2017 2
Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd. International Banking, Wealth & Markets
Salary 40 000
Pension / Allowance
Minor Savings
Student Allowance
Immovable Property
Movable Property
Purpose/reason of application for opening the account: i.e deposits/savings, commercial payments, card facilities, credit facilities, other
(please specify)
Deposits, savings
Nature of the transactions to be performed: i.e transfers, inward payments, outward payments, cheque deposits, cash deposits, use of
cards, proceeds of credit facilities, letters of credit, other (please specify)
use of cards
01.2017 3
Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd. International Banking, Wealth & Markets
Indication for Politically Exposed Person (PEP):
Please specify whether the applicant (yourself) /any immediate family member / associate hold/held a prominent public function the last
12 months:
Name of the person that holds / held the prominent public function:
From: To:
Please make sure that you enclose the following documents and information and tick the boxes accordingly:
Legible certified true copy of passport(s) (Inclusive of photograph, signature and expiry date)
Bank reference (not older than 6 months)
Proof of residential address, e.g. utility bill (not older than 6 months)
01.2017 4