HW5e PreIntermediate TG Unit01 PDF
HW5e PreIntermediate TG Unit01 PDF
HW5e PreIntermediate TG Unit01 PDF
person -s). The input for grammar work in this unit is related
Introduction to the unit
reading and listening texts.
As you begin Headway 5th edition Pre-intermediate, you Students revise a wide range of question words and
may well be starting a new course with a new group of complete questions in all the tenses listed above. They also
students. This is one reason why the theme of this first complete an exercise where they identify which word is
unit is getting to know people. missing in a range of questions and use the questions to
The Grammar section provides the main grammar focus interview a partner.
which is a general revision of key tenses used to talk about
past, present, and future. In addition, students review Vocabulary
their knowledge of question forms, and the exercises in
this unit give you the opportunity to assess your students’ Right word, wrong word
strengths and weaknesses. Making questions is an area In the vocabulary section, students are encouraged to use
that often causes problems for students, so there is ample their dictionaries efficiently in order to choose from two
practice on making questions and question words. This is similar words – play/go, make/do, etc. Other activities in the
done through a text students listen to and read to put the vocabulary section are to practise collocations of adjectives
different aspects of grammar in a natural context. (All the and nouns – important person, delicious meal, etc., commonly
verb forms covered are dealt with in greater depth in later confused prepositions such as to, from, about, at, and words
units of the course.) with two meanings such as train.
The Listening and speaking section is about friends.
Students listen to a woman talking about friends and Everyday English
extract information to complete a chart and answer
questions. As with skills sections throughout the Student’s Social expressions
Book, there is an opportunity for the class to give their This section covers everyday conversations in social
opinions and discuss aspects of the topic. situations. Students match first lines with second lines and
In the Reading and speaking focus, students engage in there is a focus on continuing the conversations. There are
a jigsaw reading activity for specific information, share phrases to use for different levels of formality, e.g. How do
information, and predict what happens next. Students you do?, Thanks a lot, and students are asked to identify this
listen to find out if their predictions were correct. aspect of social English interaction.
Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing from the text are
covered in a separate task. Additional material
The Vocabulary section in this first unit is called Right
word, wrong word and it covers verbs of similar meaning, Workbook
adjectives and nouns that go together, prepositions, and Students complete a number of short texts using present,
words with two meanings. past, and future tenses. There is practice making questions
There is an Everyday English section which introduces in these tenses, and further work on questions with a
everyday social expressions, for meeting people, starting focus on using question words accurately. The difference
and continuing conversations, and saying goodbye. between who's and whose is practised. There is a reading on
Paralympic skiers, with further question and tense practice.
In the Writing section, students learn about form-filling,
There are Vocabulary exercises on verbs of similar meaning,
which is a very practical skill. The section covers the
collocations, prepositions, and words with two meanings.
vocabulary for different fields in a form and students also
The unit provides more work on social English, and there is a
learn common instructions in English for completing
Grammar and Vocabulary review.
forms. Finally, they use their own personal information to
complete an application form, which can then be used as Photocopiable activities
a model for when students may need to complete forms There are photocopiable activities to review grammar
in English in real-life situations. (A game of past, present, future), vocabulary (Find someone
who …), and communication (Can I help you?) at the back
of the Teacher’s Guide as well as on the Teacher’s Resource
Language aims Centre. There is also a worksheet to accompany the video on
the Teacher’s Resource Centre.
Tenses and questions
The tenses reviewed are Present Simple, Present Continuous,
Past Simple, and going to for future plans or intentions.
Students practise using first person singular and then
third person singular, remembering to change the forms
as necessary (e.g. change the auxiliary verbs or add third
Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press Unit 1 • Getting to know you – Overview 17
Notes on the unit Before you begin
Your main aim over the first few lessons together is to
Unit opener page establish a good classroom atmosphere with your new
Choose from these activities to engage your students with students, in which everyone feels comfortable. Hopefully
the topic and target language of this unit: you will not only work hard, but have fun at the same
time. Another of your aims will be to check your students’
• Talk about the title
language abilities. How good are they at using the tense
• Talk about the unit goals (Grammar, Vocabulary, …) system? Can they form questions in English? What’s their
• Talk about the photo vocabulary like? How confident are they in skills work? Do
• Watch the video they panic when listening to a recording? All this information
• Look at the bottom banner will allow you to get a feel for your students’ abilities, and will
• Do the activity also help you to plan your lessons.
Refer students to the photo on p9. Ask the class questions SUGGESTION As this is the first lesson, it’s worth starting out
to draw attention to the unit context and elicit vocabulary: with an icebreaker activity to help students find out and
What can you see in the photo? Where are these people? What memorize each other’s names. You will need a soft ball for
is happening? Do you think they are friends? What do you think this game. Introduce yourself clearly and write your name
the man is showing to the woman on his phone? on the board. Students first say their name and then throw
Refer students to the title, ‘Getting to know you’. Ask students the ball to another student. This continues until all students
what they think the title means. Note that to get to know have said their name. Next, students throw a ball to another
someone is an expression which means to find out more student and say that student’s name as they do so. Finally,
about them by spending time with them. Write an example on if your students are feeling confident, ask them to say, My
the board: I really like you and I would like to get to know you name is … (+ their name), throw the ball and say, His/Her
better. As this is the beginning of term, it would be a good name is … (+ the other student’s name). Include yourself
idea at the start of the lesson to do a getting to know you in the game and encourage students to get faster as they
activity with the students (note that the activities on p10 will go along.
also help students learn more about each other).
If you don’t have time to watch the video introduction to Grammar SB p10
the unit, go through the unit goals below the title: Grammar,
Vocabulary, Everyday English, Reading, Listening, Writing. Give Tenses and questions
examples or use translation for unknown words. The theme of the unit will help students to get to know
Video (2 minutes approximately): The video gives a step- each other, and to get to know you. The Starter and opening
by-step overview of the unit. Play the video, pausing where sections revise tenses and question forms, and will help you
necessary – especially for students to answer any questions, assess students’ strengths and weaknesses in these areas.
e.g. Have you ever been on a blind date? This makes it a more The general revision of past, present, and future verb
interactive experience. Highlight the option of practising forms in this unit is consolidated in greater depth later in
online. the course.
As shown in the bottom banner, don’t forget that there Possible problems
are many exercises to consolidate and practise the target 1 The aim of this section is to assess and review students’
language of the unit in the Workbook as well as online. There ability to recognize and use Present Simple and Present
are links to these exercises on the relevant pages of the Continuous, Past Simple, Present Continuous for Future,
Student’s Book and they can be done in class time or you and going to + infinitive.
can set them for homework. 2 Some students may simply not have met all the tenses
Summary: If you’re short of time, use the title and the photo in the unit and you will need to teach them. Others
to help students understand and engage with the topic, will have difficulty with tricky aspects, including which
and then move straight on to the activity so that they can tense to use for future meaning or with state verbs,
discuss the theme in more detail. If you have any more time, remembering all the parts needed in sentences with
try to watch the video together. It is a clear and interesting going to, or knowing when Present Continuous has
introduction to the different parts of the unit. future meaning.
Notes for activity: Common mistakes include:
* I am coming from Ireland. (Correction: I come from
Put students in pairs. Ask them to look at the photo and
discuss their answers to the questions. Ask them to justify
*He is liking coffee. (Correction: He likes coffee.)
their choices where possible.
* She going to study English. (Correction: She's going to
Suggested answers study English.)
1 Probably not; it looks as if they have just met. They probably * Next year I study in Milan. (Correction: Next year I'm going
started talking about their phones; they may have the to study in Milan.)
same one. * Tomorrow we go to the cinema. (Correction: Tomorrow
2 They’re probably talking about a photo the boy has on his we're going to the cinema.)
phone. 3 Question forms in English throw up a lot of problems,
3 They may go for coffee together, or arrange to meet each especially with the choice and use of auxiliary verbs do
other again. and be. Common mistakes might include:
– Omitting auxiliary verbs completely:
18 Unit 1 • Getting to know you Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press
* Where you come from? (Correction: Where do you come My life up to now! SB p10
from?) This section presents Present Simple, Past Simple, and
*What the children doing? (Correction: What are the Present Continuous for future in context.
children doing?)
– Choosing the wrong auxiliary verb: About the text
*Do you married? (Correction: Are you married?) The text is about a ‘busker’. A busker is someone who
– Word order problems: performs in the street for gratuities – usually in the form of
*Why she is here? (Correction: Why is she here?) small change from passers-by who stop to listen or watch
– Question intonation difference in Yes/No questions and the performance. Busking is a common way music or drama
wh- questions: students earn money while practising their skills!
Covent Garden is in the West End of London – a major
Where do you live? theatre, shopping, and dining area, very popular with
tourists. It was once called ‘Convent Garden’ as it was the
place where the monks of Westminster Abbey grew their
Do you like learning English? vegetables. Around St Paul’s Church is another popular place
4 For all of these possible problems with question forms for buskers to perform in the area.
and tenses, consistent correction is key, including The Royal College of Music is one of the top schools for
encouraging students to self-correct whenever possible. Performing Arts in the UK.
There are comprehensive Grammar reference sections
at the back of the Student’s Book which help students 1 e 1.2 Focus students’ attention on the photo of Branna
check their understanding. and ask them to say how old they think she is and to give
you the name of the musical instrument. Ask them to read
STARTER SB p10 the questions and listen to her talking about her life to
The aim of the first exercise is to test students’ ability to try to catch the answers. Play the recording through once
recognize and use basic tenses (Present Simple, Present and elicit answers to the questions. Encourage students
Continuous, and Past Simple). There are also examples of to give you other information about her past, present,
the state verbs need and have. Students should be familiar and future. Drill the pronunciation of the word busker
with the above tenses and verb forms, but they may still /ˈbʌskə(r)/ to make sure they end it in a schwa /ə/ as for
make mistakes. many occupation words.
Lead in to the topic by writing some important numbers
about yourself on the board (e.g. your birthday, number e 1.2 See SB p10.
of children or pets you have, an important year in your
life, when you started teaching, etc.). Ask the students to SUGGESTION It’s a good idea to take opportunities to point
guess what the numbers are and elicit possible responses out pronunciation patterns to students. In this case, you
from the class. The focus here is to get to know you as a could ask for other job words which end in -er to highlight
teacher. If you have time, ask students to do the same in the typical pronunciation /ə/. Examples: teacher, driver, writer,
pairs, then ask a few students to share information about police officer, manager, cleaner, etc.
their partner with the class.
1 Refer students to the Starter section. Elicit the answer to Answers
the first question with the whole class. Students then She comes from Portrush, Northern Ireland. She is in London
now. A ‘busker’ sings or plays a musical instrument on the streets
work in pairs to match the rest of the questions and
and people give them money if they like it.
2 e 1.1 Play the recording for students to check their Possible answer for things in her present, past, and future:
answers. Check and drill pronunciation of born /bɔːn/ She is studying at the Royal College of Music.
and twice /twaɪs/. Play the recording again and She was born in a seaside town in Northern Ireland.
ask students to repeat each question with correct Next year, she is going to study in Milan.
intonation. Put students in pairs to ask and answer the
questions, giving their own answers. 2 Focus attention on the text and make sure students
realize that this is the same as they heard in the recording.
Answers and audioscript Point out the example and ask the students which tense
e 1.1 Getting to know you it is (Present Simple). Focus their attention on the three
1 A Where were you born? boxes containing verbs and give them a moment to find
B In Hamburg, Germany. (c) the correct verb for the second gap (‘m living), but don’t
2 A What do you do? go into an explanation of the difference between Present
B I’m a student. (e) Continuous and Present Simple at this stage – just allow
3 A Are you married? students to work through the task. Let students check
B No, I’m not. (d)
their answers in pairs. Get students to read the questions
4 A Why are you learning English?
before playing the recording again for a final time.
B Because I need it for my job. (f)
5 A When did you start learning English? They should check their answers and then answer the
B Two years ago. (a) questions. Elicit the answers.
6 A How often do you have English classes?
B Twice a week. (b)
Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press Unit 1 • Getting to know you 19
K Yeah, we’re both nearly 60, but we still feel young, and we didn’t
Answers enjoy teaching any more, … er … teaching teenagers is really
2 ‘m living 9 has tiring …
3 ‘m studying 11 left C So … in just six months we retired from our teaching jobs, rented
4 like 12 didn’t want our house in Portrush.
5 don’t have 13 won K … to a nice young couple.
6 make 14 couldn’t say C … yeah – and we bought a second-hand camper van for £4,000
7 miss 15 ‘m going to continue and set off for France.
8 have 16 ‘m going to study K Last year, we just toured Europe – we went from campsite to
campsite, first in France, then in Spain and Portugal. We loved
She’s working as a busker because it’s very expensive to live in every minute.
London and she doesn’t have a job, so she makes a bit of money C Yes, we had a great time. Next year, we’re going to visit Branna in
from busking. Italy – she’s going to study in Milan. And then we’re going to fly to
She left home because she won a scholarship to study music. Chile, hire a van there, and meet Brady. We’re going to travel with
She’s excited because she’s going to study at the largest music him and his friend for a bit.
academy in Italy next year. K We’re really excited about that. We can’t wait!
20 Unit 1 • Getting to know you Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press
Monitor and note any points for correction and elicit these 1 What unit will talk about present tenses/past tenses/future
from the class in a whole-class stage using the board as a forms?
focus. 2 Find one example of the Present Continuous positive,
SUGGESTION As an extension, ask students to write a short negative, and question form.
description of themselves, using the text about Branna as a 3 Find an example of a negative sentence in the past tense.
model. You could set this for homework or for students who 4 What is a Yes/No question?
are quick finishers. 5 How many question words begin with 'W'?
Students work in pairs to scan the section and write their
answers. Encourage them to ask you questions about
The Grammar spot in each unit aims to get students to the section. Elicit responses in feedback. If students have
think analytically about the language. Ask students to difficulty with Present Continuous for future meaning, point
discuss the grammar questions in pairs before feeding out that this will be practised in Unit 5 of the Student’s Book.
back to the whole class, as this encourages peer teaching
and builds students’ confidence.
Practice SB p12
1 Draw a table labelled Present, Past, Future on the
board and ask students to copy it. Refer students to A student in Canada – asking questions
audioscript 1.3 on p129 of the Student’s Book. Put them This section consolidates the question words students
in pairs to find examples of verb forms with present, covered in the Grammar spot on SB p11.
past, and future meaning in the script about Branna’s
1 Focus attention on the photo of Mehmet. If you have
parents, and add them to the table. Remind students
a map, you could get students to identify Toronto in
to include any negative forms they find. Encourage
Canada, and Turkey. Explain that Mehmet is studying
students to work quickly and don’t go into detail about
English in Canada. Ask students what questions they think
the form and use of past and future tenses here, as
the interviewer will ask Mehmet.
these will be dealt with in later units. Elicit examples
and write them on the board. Pre-teach/Check improve my English, secondary school,
show someone round, Goodness! (= an exclamation
Answers expressing surprise). Ask two students to read the first
Present Past Future three exchanges of the conversation and elicit the first
missing question word in the fourth line (Where). Give
We have two … they both left … we’re going
children … home … to visit Branna in
students time to complete the task, working individually,
Italy. and then compare their answers in pairs.
2 e 1.5 Play the recording for students to check their
2 Ask students to read the example sentences. Elicit the answers. If students query the difference between what
names of the tenses and encourage students to try to and which, explain that which is used when there is a
explain the difference. If absolutely necessary, with a limited choice.
monolingual class they could use L1 to explain.
Elicit some examples of present, past, and future forms,
Answers then let students continue in pairs. Elicit the answers.
Present Simple and Present Continuous. Present Simple is Put students in pairs to practise the conversation. If
used for facts or for things that are true all the time. Present
students have problems with pronunciation or intonation,
Continuous refers to now.
play the recording again as a model and drill key lines
3 Give them a moment to read the example and then chorally and individually.
continue the matching task. Go through the answers with
the class. As an extension, ask students to work in pairs to Answers and audioscript
write the whole question; they can use past, present, or e 1.5 A student in Canada
future tense. Elicit questions and answers from the class. I = Interviewer M = Mehmet
Answers I Hi, nice to meet you Mehmet. Can I ask you one or two
Who … ? My brother. questions?
Where … ? In a seaside town. M Yes, of course.
When … ? Last night. I First of all. Where do you come from?
Why … ? Because I wanted to. M I’m from Istanbul, in Turkey.
How many … ? Four. I And why are you here in Toronto?
How much … ? €10. M Well, I’m here mainly because I want to improve my English.
How long … ? For two weeks. I How much English did you know before you came?
Whose … ? It’s mine. M Not a lot. I studied English at school for two years, but I didn’t
Which … ? The blue one. learn much. Now I’m studying in a language school here.
I Which school?
As this is the first unit in the book, it’s worth ensuring M The Global Village English Centre.
students know about the Grammar reference section. I Oh Global Village – I know it! Your English is very good now.
Ask them to turn to the Grammar reference on p142 of the Who‘s your teacher?
M My teacher’s called Andy. He’s good.
Student’s Book. Do a short scavenger hunt through the
I And what did you do back in Turkey?
section. Write the following on the board:
M Well, actually, I was a teacher, a secondary school teacher.
I taught children from 14 to 18.
Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press Unit 1 • Getting to know you 21
I How many children were in your classes? Answers and audioscript
M Sometimes as many as 40.
I Wow, goodness! That’s a lot. How often do you go back
e 1.6 Who’s or whose
home? 1 Who’s at the door? Is it the postman? 2
M Usually, I go back every two months, but this month my 2 I’m going to the pub. Who’s coming? 2
brother is coming here. I’m very excited. I’m going to show 3 Whose coat is this? It’s not mine. 1
him round. 4 Whose are these car keys? They’re not ours. 1
I Well, I hope your brother has a great visit. Thank you for 5 Who’s going to Tina’s wedding? 2
talking to me. 6 Do you know whose umbrella this is? 1
22 Unit 1 • Getting to know you Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press
5 A What are you doing tonight? Dukey is a new friend – a very new friend. We joined the same
B Nothing much. I want to get an early night before the weekend. advertising company on the same day, just a couple of months ago,
6 A What are you going to do after this lesson? but already I feel as if he’s a best friend. He’s a great guy … great
B I have a bit of shopping to do. Then I’m going home. fun and very talented. Everyone loves Dukey because he makes
7 A How many languages does your teacher speak? us laugh. He’s going to go far, I’m sure. His mum and dad are from
B I think she speaks three – French, German, and a bit of Spanish. Barbados, but he was born here. He talks about holidays there –
8 A What’s your teacher wearing today? we’re all saving like mad so we can go, too. He says his grandparents
B A very pink jumper and red trousers. would love us all! This picture shows the first time Jo met Dukey. You
can see how well they get on – two crazy, fun, kind, clever people.
Ah, and then there’s Raff, short for Rafferty … ‘red-haired Rafferty’ we
Additional material
called him at school, but nobody calls him that now. Well Raff … he’s
For teachers not a new friend. In fact, he was my first boyfriend when I was 14.
Photocopiable activity – Grammar: A game of past, We were really sweet together, so everyone said. But then his family
moved to Dubai, his dad got a job there. We emailed for a bit, but
present, future pp167–8
then lost touch. Years later, I suddenly saw the name Rafferty Lucas
For students on Facebook – it’s an unusual name, so I ‘friended’ him saying ‘are you
Online Practice – Look again the Rafferty Lucas who went to … blah blah blah’. And of course he
was. Jo was as surprised as I was. Anyway, he’s now back in the UK,
Workbook pp6–9, exercises 1–11
working near me. Isn’t that amazing? He had a girlfriend when we first
Online Practice – Practice contacted, but … er … that’s finished now. He’s my ‘friend reunited’
and obviously it’s different from when we were teenagers, but we still
laugh at the same things … Who knows? … maybe we’ll get back
Listening and speaking SB p13 together. You can see why I love this picture so much.
The three types of friends we all need 3 e 1.9 Check students understand the questions in the
Lead in to the topic by writing friend on the board and first column of the chart. Play the recording again, pausing
eliciting a few collocations from your students, e.g. make after each friend so students have time to write their
friends, stay friends, keep a friend, a good friend, best friend, notes in the chart. With weaker students, you may need
oldest friend, close friend, great friend. to play the recording in shorter sections to allow them to
1 Model the activity by writing the names of some of your note the details, or ask them to work in pairs with each
friends on the board and briefly telling the students student answering two of the questions, then sharing the
about them, including answering the two questions. Put information.
students in pairs to do the same task. Let students check their answers in pairs before checking
Encourage some students to report on what their partner with the class. At this stage, you can also ask students if
told them – this is always a good way to practise third there are any words or phrases they heard in the recording
person -s. that they would like to clarify with you. Keep this short,
2 e 1.9 Focus attention on the photo of four friends and though – you can tell them they’ll have a chance to read
check the pronunciation of the names of the people: Jess the script afterwards and ask vocabulary questions then.
/dʒes/, Jo /dʒəʊ/, Dukey /ˈdjuːki/, Rafferty /ˈræfəti/.
Tell students they are going to hear Jess talking about Jo
her three friends shown in the photo. Focus attention on How did they meet? In hospital – they were both born on the
the task. Point out the chart and that they only need to same day and their mums were friends.
complete the top during this listening. Don’t explain the How long ago? The day they were born.
different types of friend as they will work this out from the What do you learn about the friend’s life? She was wild at school
listening. Play the recording and then check the answers. – she wore crazy clothes and changed her hair a lot. After school,
At this point, you could ask students what they remember she went to London to study fashion.
Why does Jess like her? They’re always there for each other,
about the different types of friends.
through good times and bad times. Whenever they meet it’s the
Answers same as ever.
forever friend = Jo Dukey
new friend = Dukey How did they meet? At work – they joined the same advertising
reunited friend = Rafferty. company on the same day.
How long ago? A couple of months ago.
What do you learn about the friend’s life? He’s great fun and
e 1.9 Jess’s three friends talented. His mum and dad are from Barbados, but he was
This is a very special photo for me. It’s me with my three very best born in the UK. He talks about holidays in Barbados and his
friends. Aren’t they fabulous! grandparents still live there.
Jo, on the right, is my oldest friend, my absolutely forever friend. Why does Jess like him? He makes her laugh. He’s crazy, fun, kind
We were both born in the same hospital, on the same day, and Jo’s and clever.
mum and mine became good friends – so Jo and I played together Raff
a lot when we were little kids and we went to the same schools. We
How did they meet? At school.
had other friends of course, but she is the one I can talk to about
How long ago? When Jess was 14 – Raff was her first boyfriend.
anything and everything. She was the wild one. I wasn’t so much,
What do you learn about the friend’s life? His family moved to
but I loved her crazy clothes and the way she changed her hair
colour every week! After school, I went to university in Newcastle
Dubai because his dad got a job there. He’s now back in the
and she went to study fashion in London. There was no need to text UK and working near Jess. He had a girlfriend, but they aren’t
and call daily, but we knew we were always there for each other – together anymore.
good times and bad times – and, of course, whenever we meet it’s Why does Jess like him? They still laugh at the same things as
the same as ever. I love Jo. when they were 14.
Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press Unit 1 • Getting to know you 23
4 Check students understand nickname, laugh, and live matching words in the text, for example: Find an adjective
abroad. Give students plenty of time to answer the that means ‘talks a lot/enjoys conversation’ (chatty).
questions. They could do this task in pairs. Then go
through the answers together.
About the text
Answers A blind date is a meeting with someone you have never met
1 Dukey’s before, in order to find out if you’d like to get to know them
2 Jess and Jo’s
better and have a relationship with them. Some magazines
3 Jess
4 Raff
and newspapers organize blind dates between people,
5 Raff – Raff is one (short for Rafferty) and ‘red-haired Rafferty’ is then interview them to find out about the date, the people’s
another because of his hair colour. impressions of each other, and whether or not they will go
6 Dukey and Raff on another date.
7 Raff – he lived in Dubai because his dad got a job there.
8 Jo – because she wore crazy clothes and changed her hair a lot. 1 e 1.10 With books closed, write the word couple on
the board. Elicit the meaning and that the context it is
What do you think? going to be used in is two people having a romantic
relationship. Elicit different ways in which couples can
Put students into groups for these discussions. Monitor
meet. Refer them to the exercise. Ensure they understand
carefully, and encourage the students to include everyone in
survey, and know how to talk about percentage, e.g. three
their group by asking questions as well as focusing on giving
per cent /pəˈsent/. They work in pairs to match the ways of
their own opinion. This is a fluency activity so make notes of
meeting to the percentages. Elicit an example sentence as
errors, but try not to interrupt to correct.
a model of what they should say. In weaker classes, write
When they’ve had sufficient time in their small groups, an example sentence on the board to help: I think 25%
conduct whole-class feedback, eliciting information from meet at work. What do you think? Do you agree? Check they
each group. Do any necessary error correction together. understand online dating and social media.
SUGGESTION This is a good point to do a freer practice Play the recording. Elicit students’ reactions to the figures
activity with questions. Tell students they are going to and establish what they found most surprising. Give a
interview someone in the class they don’t know very well. short example of a couple you know and how they met,
Ask them to write 10–12 questions. Support weaker students then elicit a few more examples from the class or put
by writing a few examples or question frames on the board them back in pairs to talk about couples they know.
to get them started: Do you have a ‘forever friend’? Who’s your
favourite singer? How often do you go on holiday? Where … ? Answers
Why … ?, etc. Students write the questions, then interview At school or university = 13%
At work = 18%
another student. The main focus is on communication, so
At a bar or club = 6%
don’t interrupt students. Monitor for correct questions, and Online dating = 12%
give general feedback on grammar as a whole class. Social media = 7%
Through friends = 25%
Additional material Through family = 5%
For students A blind date = 3%
None of these = 11%
Online Practice – Practice
24 Unit 1 • Getting to know you Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press
Answers Group B
A blind date is a meeting with someone you have never met 1 Because they both arrived on bikes.
before, where you try to get to know the person and find out if 2 Big smile, crazy clothes, bubbly, a great laugh, funny,
you’d like to have a relationship with them or not. interesting, and very pretty.
The people are Kitty Ferry, 22, a festival organizer, and Ross Mayo, 3 Kitty is, Ross isn’t.
31, a carpenter. 4 He travelled the world when he was 21.
They met in the Oyster Shack restaurant in Bigbury-on-Sea, Devon. 5 Because he embarrassed her.
6 They can’t answer this question.
3 This is a jigsaw reading exercise – half of the class reads 7 Ross’s flatmate; Kitty isn’t going to meet him.
one part of the text, and the other half reads the other. 8 They went down to the beach and he rescued her when a
Students collaborate within their reading group to wave knocked her over.
support each other in answering a set of questions. They
then pair up with someone who read the other text to 4 Pre-teach/Check have something in common. Regroup the
share information about the two texts, thus building up students, making sure there is a student from Group A
the complete picture of what the whole text says. and a student from Group B in each pair. Demonstrate the
activity by getting a pair of students to start talking about
Jigsaw reading has a number of benefits. Primarily,
the person in their text. Students continue exchanging the
students have to articulate/summarize what they have
information about their person in closed pairs, working
read which means they process the information more
their way through the answers 1–8. Remind them to refer
deeply. It gives them a reason to read and understand
to their notes and answer the questions in their own words,
because they will have to talk about it. This also makes
rather than read out sections of the reading text. Monitor
the reading process more social and more engaging.
and check for correct tense use. Note down any common
Finally, it means that everyone has an equal role to
errors, but feed back on them at a later stage. Bring the
play – even weaker students. Sharing information in this
whole class together to check what Kitty and Ross have and
way is an authentic communication task, as students can
don’t have in common. Tell students to read the text they
ask follow-up questions to get more information as well.
didn’t read in class for homework if they wish.
The questions that the students have to answer about
their text are the same for each text, and this scaffolding Answers
supports students in their reading, understanding, and In common: they both ride bikes, like travel, love their jobs
sharing. Some students will want to read the other Not in common: she’s a ‘veggie’ and he isn’t (although they both
text – encourage them to do this for homework. eat fish), he can wink and she can’t
Put students in two groups, Group A and Group B.
(With larger classes, you may need to have multiple sets of What happened next?
the two groups.) Assign a text to each group and remind 5 Give students a few moments to think individually about
students to read only their text: the answers to the questions. Elicit a show of hands from
Group A – Kitty students who think they become boyfriend and girlfriend,
Group B – Ross and then from students who think they won’t. Check the
result of the vote and encourage students to explain their
Get students to read their text quite quickly. Monitor and
opinion. Elicit possible problems from the class.
help with any queries.
Encourage students to use the context to help them Answers
with new vocabulary and to pool knowledge with other Possible problem: Kitty wants to travel in the future, but Ross has
students, or use a dictionary when really necessary. already done his travelling.
Pre-teach/Check some of following vocabulary which is
6 e 1.11 Read the questions as a class. Explain that
taken from both of the jigsaw texts: chatty, to wink, a guy
students are going to hear Kitty and then Ross in a short
(informal = man), go on somewhere (go to another place
recording about their relationship. Play the recording. Let
to continue a date/party), maybe/definitely, veggie, bubbly.
students discuss their answers in pairs before checking
Get students to discuss questions 1–8, working in their with the class. Ask students if they think Kitty and Ross will
groups and noting down the answers. Point out that they continue as boyfriend and girlfriend, and why/why not.
each have one question which they can’t answer from
their text (but they will find out the answer when they Answers
speak to a partner who has read about the other person). Ross made Kitty a wardrobe. He went to Bristol to see her and
The answers are provided here for reference, but don’t they went to a music concert – she liked the music, but he
didn’t much. He met her friends and she met his flatmate, Mark.
check the answers with the whole class at this stage.
She really liked his flatmate. He’s hoping this is the beginning
Answers of a special relationship and he can see a future together. She’s
Group A happy at the moment but still wants to travel and maybe work
1 Because Ross saw Kitty on her bike. abroad, so that could be a problem for their relationship.
2 Kind face with a beard, chatty, and funny.
3 Kitty is, Ross isn’t.
e 1.11 What happened next?
4 She’d like to see more of the world.
5 Because it was really hot in the restaurant. Ross texted the day after we met – I was really pleased! I texted him
6 He tried to teach her how to wink. back immediately. We arranged to meet at his workshop to plan my
7 They can’t answer this question. wardrobe – that was a couple of months ago now, and the wardrobe’s
8 They went for a walk by the sea in the rain and she fell into nearly finished. It’s going to be beautiful. Ross is a wonderful
the sea – Ross rescued her.
Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press Unit 1 • Getting to know you 25
carpenter. He came up to Bristol when I was working at a festival VIDEO In this unit students can watch a video about
there, and we had a great time. All my mates loved him. Oh, and I met people moving to another city or country, their reasons for
his flatmate, Mark. He was nice, too, very nice, in fact – we talked a moving, and what they like/don’t like about the country
lot about music. I’m very happy with Ross, but it’s early days and I still
want to travel and perhaps work abroad – that’s a bit of a problem.
they are living in. There’s also an interview with a Chilean
Ross woman who moved to the UK with her British husband, and
I sent Kitty a text the next day, and she texted back immediately. another interview with an American woman who decided
I like that. She doesn’t play games! Pretty soon after that I started to start a new life in Barcelona. You can play the video clip
work building her wardrobe. She has a really nice flat. She’s often on the Classroom Presentation Tool or download it from the
away working – she was at a festival in Bristol two weeks ago. I went Teacher’s Resource Centre together with the video script,
up there to see it and to see her – it’s not far from here. I met some of video worksheet, and accompanying teacher’s notes. These
her friends, and we had a great time, but I didn’t like the music very
notes give full guidance on how to use the worksheets and
much. I really hope this is the beginning of a special relationship – I
can see a future together. Oh, and she finally met Mark. He liked her include a comprehensive answer key to the exercises and
a lot – I just knew he would. activities.
Additional material
For teachers
Possible problems Photocopiable activity – Video worksheet: Another
1 This section introduces the difference in meaning country
between adjectives that end in -ing and -ed. We use For students
adjective + -ed ending to talk about our feelings about
Online Practice – Look again
something, e.g. I am interested in music. We use adjective
+ -ing to describe something outside ourselves: That Online Practice – Practice
music is interesting.
2 Mistakes where students confuse the meaning of the Vocabulary SB p16
two forms are typical. Common mistakes:
*I’m boring. instead of I’m bored. – It’s possible to be Right word, wrong word
boring, of course, but it’s unlikely that students mean to This section provides an introduction to dictionary work, so if
say they are boring! you think your students won’t all have their own dictionaries,
*I’m interesting in football. (Correction: I'm interested in or if you want students to all use the same edition, you
football.) will need to provide a class set for students to work from.
3 Another less common issue can arise when students Students may also work from an online dictionary (e.g.
over-apply the pattern and create adjectives which don’t www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com), using computers or
exist, e.g. stressing rather than stressful. handheld devices such as smartphones or tablets.
*Exams are stressing. (Correction: Exams are stressful.)
Dictionaries are, of course, a useful resource in language
4 Students may make mistakes in spelling the adjectives.
learning, but most students need help and guidance to
Remind them to drop the final -e when they add
get the most out of them. Dictionaries vary greatly in the
-ed or -ing:
amount of detail and accuracy of information. The better
excite excite + ed excited
ones will separate out different meanings, show common
7 This section uses adjectives from the reading text to collocations, and give plenty of example sentences. With
highlight the difference between -ed and -ing endings. bilingual dictionaries, problems can arise when students
Focus attention on the examples and elicit the matching look up a word in the L1 to English section and find perhaps
lines. Explain that -ing adjectives describe a situation, three or four words in English to choose from. They need
person, or thing; -ed adjectives describe how people feel. to look at the information carefully to know which one is
In feedback, draw students’ attention to the collocation correct in context. Ideally, they should start using a good
to be interested in something. learner’s dictionary.
Answers The exercises in this section aim to give students controlled
Kitty was interested in Ross’s job. Kitty was interesting because practice in distinguishing verbs of similar meaning, adjective
she was funny and ‘bubbly’. + noun collocations, preposition use, and words with more
than one meaning.
8 Give students time to complete the adjectives, working
SUGGESTION Even if students are used to looking up
individually. Students check in pairs before checking with
words in dictionaries, it is worth revising the basic skills
the class. As an extension, give students further pairs of
of dictionary use. Write a range of words starting with
-ing/-ed adjectives and ask them to work with a partner to
different letters on the board and get students to say them
write two sentences which show the difference between
in alphabetical order. Also elicit from the class the type of
them. Examples: annoyed/annoying, confused/confusing,
information you can find in a dictionary, e.g. pronunciation,
frightened/frightening, relaxed/relaxing, tired/tiring. Students
part of speech (= the word type), example of use, other
share their sentences with another pair. You could collect
related words, collocations. In a bilingual dictionary, you also
these up for checking.
get the translation, of course. Ask students to look at their
Answers dictionaries and describe the order in which the information
1 excited 4 embarrassed is given: the word itself, the phonetic symbols, the part of
2 surprised 5 interesting speech, the translation, etc. If possible, use a projector to
3 boring show an online dictionary to explain different parts.
26 Unit 1 • Getting to know you Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press
Verbs of similar meaning Words with two meanings
1 Put students in pairs and make sure they have access 4 Ask students if they can think of any words in English with
to at least one good dictionary. Explain that the first two meanings. Elicit a few ideas, then focus attention on
exercise highlights the use of pairs of verbs that are often the examples in the Student’s Book. Elicit the two different
confused. Focus attention on number 1 as an example. meanings of date.
Give the class time to use a dictionary to check their
answers even if they think they already know the words. Answer
In the first sentence it means a meeting/meet-up. In the second
Ask them to find one more collocation for each word.
sentence it means a dried fruit.
Students complete the task, working in pairs. Check
the answers with the class, and elicit other example 5 e 1.12 Elicit possible examples for left, e.g. Turn left at
collocations for each. the crossroads. / He left early. Students work in pairs and
use their dictionaries to look up the other words in the
table and write sentences to show two meanings of each
1 go, play
word. Monitor and help. Point out that the dictionary will
2 make, do
also tell them the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective,
3 speak, say
etc.) which is a very important aspect of understanding
4 teach, learn
how to use a word. For example left is an adverb when it
5 borrow, lend
is a direction, but the past form of the verb leave in the
second example. Ask students to share their sentences
Adjectives and nouns that go together with another pair, then play the recording so students can
2 Explain that this exercise practises choosing the correct compare their sentences with the example answers. As
adjective + noun collocation. As a demonstration, write an extension, elicit the parts of speech from the students’
the first adjective and three nouns on the board and elicit own sentences or by looking at the audioscript on p129 of
which two nouns can be used with this adjective (person, the Student’s Book. Use dictionaries if needed.
meeting). NB important may be a ‘false friend’ for some of
the students if there is a similar word in their L1 which Answers and audioscript
means high/considerable, so don’t be surprised if they e 1.12 Words with two meanings
mistakenly pair it with price, but be prepared to explain 1 Turn left in the High Street and my house is first on the right.
that it’s not correct in English. She left hurriedly to catch her train.
2 What kind of computer games do you like playing?
Give students time to select the appropriate nouns,
How kind of you to bring me some flowers.
working in their pairs. Encourage them to check their
3 I love travelling by train.
answers by looking in their dictionary. They may find the He’s going to train for the marathon.
collocation in one of the example sentences and they 4 What do you mean? I don’t understand you.
will also be able to check pronunciation of some of the He never even buys me a coffee. He’s very mean.
words – delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/, mountain /ˈmaʊntən/, journey
/ˈdʒɜːni/, busy /ˈbɪzi/ and heavy /ˈhevi/ are commonly
mispronounced. If possible, project these words from an Additional material
online dictionary and play the pronunciation. Check the For teachers
answers with the class, ensuring correct pronunciation. Photocopiable activity – Vocabulary: Find someone
Answers who … pp169–70
1 important person/meeting For students
2 delicious cake/meal Online Practice – Look again
3 high price/mountain
Workbook p10, exercises 1–4
4 long journey/time
5 heavy bag/rain Online Practice – Practice
6 busy street/person
Everyday English SB p17
3 Knowing which preposition to use can cause problems Social expressions
for students. Remind them that the words in the box Possible problems
are prepositions and that they will need to use some of Everyday social expressions are often formulaic, so this
them several times in this exercise. Focus attention on the section is useful in helping students sound more natural in
example. Students complete the task in pairs. Tell them to English. For example, this section contains the formal social
check their answers in the dictionary if they are not sure. expression How do you do? Students often confuse this
Answers with How are you?, so be prepared to point out that the two
2 about, in 6 for, in, for are answered differently. How do you do? is answered with
3 to, at, in 7 of, on, in the same words How do you do?, and it is only exchanged
4 with, in, on 8 from, for once, the first time people meet. It is rather formal. The
5 at answer to How are you? depends on how you are feeling,
e.g. I’m fine./I’m OK./I’m better., etc. It’s also important to
Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press Unit 1 • Getting to know you 27
note that English speakers don’t expect a long response 8 A Bye! Have a good weekend!
to the question, How are you? – it’s a greeting rather than a B Thanks! Same to you.
9 A Sorry I’m late.
question to find out more about how the person is.
B It doesn’t matter. You’re here now.
1 Tell students they are going to practise a range of 10 A Cheers!
expressions used in everyday situations. Focus attention B Cheers! Here’s to your new job!
on the photos and elicit from the class as much
information as possible about the situation and the 4 In their pairs, students take turns to test each other
speakers, e.g. Do you think they are friends? Where are they? on how well they remember the responses. Monitor
Focus their attention on the conversations and word box and ensure they swap roles equally. Ask students how
and do the first example together. Students continue the the exchanges compare to what is said in their own
task individually and then check with a partner. languages.
2 e 1.13 Play the recording for them to check their 5 e 1.15 Focus attention on the list of next lines. Elicit the
answers. Then play it a second time and get students to follow-up for conversation 1 as an example. Students work
repeat. You could mark the main stresses on the sentences in pairs to complete the task. Play the recording and let
to help them. Ask students to practise the conversations students check their answers.
in pairs. Answers and audioscript
Answers and audioscript e 1.15 Conversations
1 A Good morning!
e 1.13 Social expressions
B Good morning! Lovely day again.
a A Hi, Eva. How are you?
A Yes, it’s really warm for the time of year. (b)
B Fine, thanks. How are you?
2 A See you tomorrow!
b A Thank you so much.
B Yeah! About 9.00, in the coffee bar.
B My pleasure. It’s no trouble at all.
A Fine. Nine is good for me, too. (g)
c A Can I help you?
3 A How do you do?
B No, thank you. I’m just looking.
B How do you do. Pleased to meet you.
d A Excuse me! Is that seat free?
A Pleased to meet you, too. (c)
B No, sorry, I’m afraid it isn’t.
4 A Thank you very much indeed.
3 e 1.14 Elicit the matching line for conversation 1 as an B You’re welcome. It's no trouble at all.
example. Students work in pairs to match the remaining A But it was so kind of you to pay! (e)
5 A I’m so sorry. I can’t come tonight.
expressions. Monitor and help as necessary. When they
B Never mind. Perhaps another time.
have finished matching, play the recording for students to A I’m free tomorrow night. What about that? (f)
check their answers. 6 A Can you help me with this exercise?
Discuss as a class where the exchanges might happen B Of course. What’s the problem?
and who might be speaking. Elicit which exchanges are A I don’t know what this word means. (a)
the most formal and encourage students to try to explain 7 A Bye!
why. Similarly, elicit which ones are more informal. B Bye! See you later!
A Yes, let's meet after class. (h)
Put students in pairs to practise the exchanges. If they
8 A Bye! Have a good weekend!
have problems, play the recording again, pausing to get B Thanks! Same to you.
them to repeat chorally. Encourage accurate stress and A Thanks. Are you doing anything special? (i)
intonation, which are important here in sounding natural. 9 A Sorry I’m late.
B It doesn’t matter. You’re here now.
A Yeah, I missed the bus. (j)
1 e 6 b
10 A Cheers!
2 f 7 a
B Cheers! Here’s to your new job!
3 i 8 d
A Thanks. I’m really excited about it, but a bit nervous. (d)
4 h 9 b
5 c 10 j 6 Put students in pairs. Give them time to create their
Conversations 3 and 4 are the most formal.
extended conversations. Get them to decide who their
speakers are and where their conversations take place.
e 1.14 Social expressions This will help them focus on the level of formality, too.
1 A Good morning! Students prepare their short conversations. Monitor and
B Good morning! Lovely day again. assist as necessary. Allow them time to practise and help
2 A See you tomorrow!
B Yeah! About 9.00, in the coffee bar.
them with any pronunciation difficulties. If students are
3 A How do you do? struggling, build up a conversation together on the board
B How do you do. Pleased to meet you. as a model:
4 A Thank you very much indeed. A Bye! Have a good weekend!
B You’re welcome. It's no trouble at all.
5 A I’m so sorry. I can’t come tonight. B Thanks! Same to you.
B Never mind. Perhaps another time. A Thanks. Are you doing anything special?
6 A Can you help me with this exercise?
B Of course. What’s the problem?
B Yes, we’re going to a wedding.
7 A Bye! A Really? Who is getting married?
B Bye! See you later! B My sister. She lives in Paris with her boyfriend.
28 Unit 1 • Getting to know you Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press
A Oh, well have a great time. I hope the weather is good. Answers
B Thanks very much. See you next week. 1 d 7 e
Encourage students to memorize their conversations, 2 h 8 i
though weaker students may need to rely on written 3 g 9 b
prompts. 4 f 10 k
5 j 11 c
Set a challenge – ask students to choose one of the
6 a
conversations and continue it for one minute. Use a timer
or ask students to time themselves. Ask confident pairs to 3 Highlight that forms often instruct you to complete
act out their dialogues for the rest of the class. the information in a specific way – and sometimes it
SUGGESTION Encourage students to use the expressions is a problem if you don’t do it as requested. Pre-teach/
from this lesson whenever appropriate at the beginning and Check capital letters, gender, circle, delete, not applicable,
end of lessons. You could put key phrases on a classroom country code, postcode, signature. This could be done
poster to refer to. Make their use part of class routine. by completing the form for yourself on the board as an
example. Ask students to follow the instructions 1–7.
Additional material Highlight that they answer for themselves. When they
For teachers have finished, they share their answers with a partner.
Photocopiable activity – Communication: Can I help you? 4 Focus attention on the form and elicit what kind of form
pp171–2 it is/what it is for (application for a language school).
Pre-teach/Check: emergency contact, homestay/hostel/
For students
student residence, dietary requirements, and medical
Online Practice – Look again conditions. Check students have noticed the first
Workbook p11 instruction below the title. Give students sufficient time
Online Practice – Practice to complete as much of the form as possible with their
own information. Tell them to leave any sections they
don’t fully understand. Monitor carefully. There are extra
Writing SB p18 fields in this form which were not in exercise 2 or 3, e.g.
First language and level of English. Allow dictionary use if
Filling in forms
needed to encourage autonomy.
This is the first main writing activity in Headway 5th
When students have finished as much as they can, put
edition, Pre-intermediate. It’s a practical task as students
them in pairs to compare their forms. Then conduct
will undoubtedly have to complete forms with personal
whole-class feedback, going through any of the
information, on paper and online, in real life.
trickier sections of the form and confirming the kind of
Students do vocabulary work on the common fields in a information required. Also, make sure they’ve followed the
form and the information required to complete them. conventions of using capital letters consistently, deleting
The final task is to complete an example form with their where necessary and that they’ve signed the form.
personal information.
EXTRA IDEA Using the form as a guide, students could work
1 Focus students’ attention on the form for The Global School in new pairs to conduct a roleplay where one person is the
of English. Elicit that it is a form and ask what you do with receptionist at the language school and the other is the
a form – write the collocations fill in a form and complete a applicant. The receptionist can use questions from exercise 2
form on the board. or simply read out the field names and the applicant should
Brainstorm when, where, and what kind of forms the respond with real information for him/her to write down.
students have experience of completing. Brainstorm some
of the information you might find on a form to elicit/pre- Before doing this, you may wish to do a quick recap of how
teach surname, marital status, etc. to say phone numbers and also how to say email addresses
(. = dot, _ = underscore, @ = at).
Suggested answers
enrolling at a school or university/on a course; applying for a Additional material
passport/credit card, etc.; a job application; joining a club; For students
getting married/divorced/registering a birth; registering for a
Online Practice – Practice
service/account online; setting up a financial/charity transaction;
placing an order; giving feedback/completing a survey Workbook p11, Review, exercises 1–2
Online Practice – Check your progress
2 Pre-teach/Check: occupation, qualifications, degrees,
diplomas, certificates. Do the first couple of headings and
questions together as an example. Students complete the
matching, then compare answers in pairs.
When checking as a class, model and drill the words in the
first column to ensure good pronunciation and to help
students memorize the new vocabulary.
Ask them to take turns in their pairs covering this first
column and asking each other the questions from a–k to
remember the field name as it appears on a form.
Headway 5th edition © Oxford University Press Unit 1 • Getting to know you 29