Raz th08 Fishingintherain CLR
Raz th08 Fishingintherain CLR
Raz th08 Fishingintherain CLR
e Hoppers
Fishing in the Rain
Level K Leveled Book
© Learning A–Z
Adapted by Katherine Follett from Correlation
Illustrated by David Cockcroft an original story by Laura Rountree Smith
Illustrated by David Cockcroft
Fountas & Pinnell J
All rights reserved. Reading Recovery 17
www.readinga-z.com www.readinga-z.com
DRA 18
“Won’t the tent get wet?” asked
The Hoppers had one week left Floppy Ears.
before school began. They were
“We won’t be able to build a
supposed to go camping with
campfire,” said Speedy Legs.
Grandpa Grizzly. But it rained and
rained. “Our hot dogs and marshmallows
will get soggy,” said Fluffy Tail.
“Come on, Hoppers. We’ll go
camping, rain or shine,” said “Camping isn’t any fun in the rain,”
Grandpa Grizzly. sniffed Snubby Nose.
Fishing in the Rain • Level K 3 4
“But fish always bite when it rains,”
said Grandpa Grizzly. He pulled
out four new fishing poles for the