20-21, 2023 Vienna, Austria: June #Vlgenecell
20-21, 2023 Vienna, Austria: June #Vlgenecell
20-21, 2023 Vienna, Austria: June #Vlgenecell
Eugenio Montini, IT
Sara Mills, US
Group Leader
San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene
Dark Horse Consulting Inc.
Gene and cell therapies breakthroughs are advancing rapidly. • Critical aspects of establishing an efficient, consistent, and flexible
CMC strategy
Autologous and allogenic cell-based therapies, including CAR-T, TCR, NK-cells, • Controlling a product’s CQAs by controlling the process’ CPPs
TIL, viral and non-viral vector mediated therapies, and other ATMPs demonstrate • Emerging technologies improving effectiveness and CGTPs
tremendous progress. manufacturing processes and production
• Major considerations of easing the complexity of vector development
The full extent of their clinical impact, production, processes performance, and production
and efficiency hardly depend on the unique challenges related to CMC, • Crucial components of controlling and scaling manufacturing process
analytical, process development, automation, manufacturing, facility de- and operations for CGTPs
sign, aseptic processing, supply chain and others that developers of gene
and cell therapies must resolve. After the Summit, you will receive a digital certificate of attendance to
highlight the expertise you’ve gained from the event.
At the #VLGeneCell Summit, key experts, advisers, and practitioners will
focus primarily on:
Regulatory life cycle considerations for cell and gene therapy products: Efficient strategies for a time-pressured environment
• Comparability for early- and late-clinical trial phases
10:10 • Development and consistency of analytical procedures over time
• Characterisation studies and the link to process validation
Dr. Christiane Niederlaender, UK | Vice President, Technical | Parexel International
Development of commercially-viable cell and gene therapies: Key considerations from CDMO perspective
• Current hurdles impacting industrialisation of cell and gene therapies
11:00 • Some of the best practices to establish robust and reproducible manufacturing process and analytics for CGT applications
• Moving from clinical to commercial CGT and fundamental steps towards the commercialisation campaign
Dr. Behnam Ahmadian Baghbaderani, US | Executive Director, Global Head of Process Development, Cell and Gene Technologies | Lonza
Controlling manufacturing processes in pre-commercial and commercial autologous cell and gene therapy products
Dr. Amandine Breton, UK | Associate Director of Cell Process MSAT | Orchard Therapeutics
LiBIS-seq for tracking the viral vector integration sites from blood-plasma cell-free DNA
• Genotoxicity associated to gene therapy treatments is an outstanding issue for the whole gene therapy field
• The identification and tracking of genetically-modified cells are fundamental for the assessment of the efficacy and safety of
14:30 gene therapy treatments and are required by regulatory authorities
• Blood plasma-derived cell-free DNA can be used to study and monitor the composition and fate of genetically modified cells
residing in solid tissues without the need to perform invasive solid biopsies
Eugenio Montini, IT | Group Leader | San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy
The differences between in vitro and in vivo gene delivery and the challenges
• Viral and non-viral gene therapy
15:00 • Safety concerns
Dr. Matthias Bozza, DE | Associate Director, Gene Regulation | Vector Biopharma AG
Navigating the CMC path to FIH for an in vivo lentiviral drug product
Dr. Branden Salinas, US | Senior Director, Manufacturing Science and Technology | Umoja Biopharma
cGMP manufacturing process development, risk analysis, CMC and regulatory filings
Sara Mills, US | Principal | Dark Horse Consulting Inc.
Q&A / PANEL DISCUSSION (Dr. Gregory Fiore, US | President & CEO | Exacis Biotherapeutics AND ALL SPEAKERS OF THE DAY ARE
DNA vector
Dr. Richard Harbottle, DE | Head of DNA Vector Research | German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ)
Quality assurance in ATMPs: Approaches to starting material qualification and contamination control
Francesco Cicirello, US | Director, Quality Assurance | Evelo Biosciences
Quality by design process analysis and development of an automated process in a closed system
• Development of an autologous therapeutic product intended for bone regeneration
11:30 • Application of the quality by design methodology to identify unit operations for which an improvement is a high target
• Process optimisation through the development of automated solutions in a closed system
Dr. Carmen Brenner, BE | Director of Quality | NOVADIP Biosciences S.A.
The challenges of maintaining consistent processes and proficiencies in manual cell therapy manufacturing
• Development of effective and implantable procedures
11:55 • Identifying root causes of failure
• When to consider moving from using biological safety cabinets to isolators, etc.
Amnon Eylath, US | VP Head of Global Quality | Minovia Therapeutics Ltd
Scalable manufacture of CAR-NK cells from engineered pluripotent stem cells with 3D bioreactor
• A proprietary scalable 3D iPS-NK manufacture platform with defined, serum-free, and feeder-free conditions
12:20 • Genetically manipulated and engineered with CARs at pluripotent stage
• Development of next-generation 3D bioreactor platform and logistics
Dr. Shi-Jiang (John) Lu, US | President & CEO | HebeCell Corporation
At the this summit experts from the industry will highlight the
requirements to robust aseptic processing, targeted imple-
mentation strategies, recent experience on establishing
aseptic manufacturing processes for ATMPs and vaccines
in particularly, and adoption of innovative aseptic processing
technologies, including robotics.
What People Are Saying
It was a well-prepared, practical review of the This conference brought many opportunities to The success of this summit & exhibition is in the
major issues affecting the cell and gene therapy exchange the contacts and the recent cases in excellent speakers board, emerging and critical
area, with recommendations from the experts in the field. Must attend for those looking to over- topics, and networking opportunities. I will be glad
the field of CGTPs. come the numerous challenges in the process of to attend it again
gene and cell therapies development and manu-