L1 A2 U4 Test Standard
L1 A2 U4 Test Standard
L1 A2 U4 Test Standard
4 Progress test
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. We like going camping so a 4 __________ is
important to carry our things. It’s better than a
dry freezing ice showers thunderstorm wet
suitcase. – Ben
1 Be careful on your bicycle today. It’s very cold and I think a toothbrush is the most important because
the water on the road is solid __________ . you need to have clean teeth. But don’t forget the
2 The desert is hot and very __________ because 5 __________ ! – Ren
there isn’t much rain. I always take a 6 __________ for when it rains.
3 There are __________ in many areas this morning, I don’t want to get wet! – Marie
so take your umbrellas. Score __/6
4 We’re stopping our hockey match because a
4 Choose the correct answers to complete the
__________ is coming. Look, the sky is black!
5 Temperatures are below __________ in many parts
of the country, with snow in some places. Mary What are you doing, Nancy?
6 There’s a lot of rain in the north today. The Nancy I’m 1 __________ , but I can’t find my shoes.
__________ weather is good for plants but not for Mary Do you want your boots? They’re here next to
people who want to go outside. the sofa.
Score __/6
Nancy No, I’m 2 doing __________ this morning. I’m
looking for my 3 __________ . I can’t run
2 Choose the correct option. without them.
The weather in my city Mary Can I come in? Wow! You need to
I live in Toronto, Canada, and from June to September 4 __________ your room! Look, there they are
the weather is warm and 1 sunny/sun. In winter it’s in the corner.
usually very cold and 2 wind/windy, with a lot of snow Nancy Thanks!
and 3 frosty/frost. 4 Ice/Icy on the road can be
dangerous for people travelling by car. Sometimes Mary Are you just wearing a 5 __________ and
there’s 5 fog/foggy in winter, but not often. Toronto is shorts? It’s 6 __________ outside! You need
often 6 cloud/cloudy, and November is the cloudiest to wear something warmer!
month of the year. Sometimes we don’t see the sun for Nancy I’m wearing my trousers on top and a coat.
a whole month! What are you doing this morning?
Score __/6
Mary I’m doing 7 __________ here, inside in a warm
3 Complete the sentences with two words from the
box to make compound nouns. 1 a getting dressed b making my bed c waking up
back book bottle brush hair jacket pack paste 2 a athletics b surfing c football
phrase tooth water waterproof 3 a leggings b sandals c trainers
4 Progress test
Score __/7
4 Progress test
4 Progress test
2 __________
Score __/3
15 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap.
Ann Why 1 ____________ we go to the shopping
4 Progress test
17 You are going on a school trip to an adventure
holiday centre. The centre offers outdoor activities Checklist
including climbing, canoeing, canyoning and a zip
line. Write instructions on how to pack for your trip. Paragraph 1: A general introduction.
You can take a small day bag and a suitcase or Paragraph 2: What to pack in the suitcase/backpack.
backpack. Paragraph 3: What to include in the day bag.
Score __/10
Teacher’s comments:
Vocabulary __ /25
Grammar __ /25
Reading __ /15
Listening __ /15
Speaking __ /10
4 Progress test
Writing __ /10
TOTAL __/100