A Study of The Effects of Architectural Forms On S
A Study of The Effects of Architectural Forms On S
A Study of The Effects of Architectural Forms On S
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5 authors, including:
Eghosa Ekhaese
Covenant University Ota Ogun State, Nigeria
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All content following this page was uploaded by Eghosa Ekhaese on 17 February 2020.
Ediae O.J.1, Enoma E.P.2,*, Igbogbo O.S.1, Ezema I. C.1 & Ekhaese E.N.1
Department of Architecture, Covenant University, Otta, Nigeria.
Department of Architecture, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
Corresponding Author: *[email protected]
Acoustics in churches design is concerned with the impact of sound on both the worshippers and the
building as well. The aim of this study is to investigate sound audibility and quality with the use of
acoustic materials and most appropriate architectural form. Qualitative and case study approach
were adopted, the qualitative method involves the collection of narrative data in a natural setting,
with a view to gaining insight. While the case study involved an intensive study of specific phenomena
through investigations. These methods were chosen due to the nature of this research, personal
observation and interviews were extensively carried out. Research shows that, architectural forms
are special vaccines necessary to achieve quality of sound in churches and large halls in general.
1.0. Introduction
Christianity has mistakenly been defined and described as a religion in which morality and belief-
system in correspondence to the book are regarded as the basis of the role-playing and problem-solving
of the Christian life (Fowler, 2008). Fowler (2008) also states that Christianity refers to the external,
on-going reality of the life and work of the living Lord Jesus, who by the spirit provides the dynamic
of divine presence and function within receptive Christian individuals and communities.
Taking a cue from the bible, Acts 11:26 states that “the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
This gives a very clear definition of being a Christian. Tracing the history of Christians, Watson (1978)
explains that for the first two centuries, the Church met in small groups in the homes of its members,
apart from special gatherings in public lecture halls or market places, where people could come together
in much larger numbers. Poruciuc (2000) also explains that over time, the need to house this group of
believers became apparent, which gave birth to Church Architecture. Church Architecture is also known
as Religious Architecture. Church buildings were initially small but overtime large church buildings
began to evolve after the acquisition of bigger land and skilled labour. This helped in achieving a better
building that is aesthetically pleasing and large enough for the congregation. Till date, these Church
buildings reflect the character and needs of the members. Often times, the building character helps to
identify the Church denomination such as Anglican, Catholic, or Pentecostal. This is why Bruce (2004)
posits that when designing a Church, these questions were asked and must still be asked today, how
does our faith and worship shape our building? How do we determine our needs? How do we find the
right people to design and build this building? And lastly what kind of resources would be required to
get it built? These above questions if answered correctly reflect the vision of the Church, and also help
in generating the style of the building.
As Churches became large, it became difficult for everyone to hear the preacher clearly. This problem
became partially solved with the use of microphones and speakers. However, this equipment did not
come without its own problem. According to Noxon (2001), this problem usually begins with
complaints like “we just cannot hear what is going on”. This problem has to do with Church acoustics.
Watson (1925) explains that the acoustics of Churches is much of a mystery to most people, he also
stated that, sound is supposed to act in a curious way no one can predict. Noxon (2001) defines acoustics
as the science that studies the waves that are conducted through matter due to the motion of the matter.
Usually air is the material that most people think of when it comes to acoustic waves. But acoustic
waves exist in all matter. Architectural acoustics is the study of acoustics when the air is contained in a
room. Church acoustics is a sub-division of architectural acoustics.
(b) Byzantine style: The byzantine style also evolved in the 4th century (330AD-453AD). The style
was developed in byzantine, the ancient empire of Constantinople (now turkey). Architect Justinian was
responsible for the byzantine movement. Justinian was following in the footstep of Constantine the
Roman emperor who converted to Christianity and elevated it to the level of a state religion. Justinian
was focused on realizing Constantine’s vision of a united Christian empire. He chooses not to unify his
empire by force of arm instead (Gothic Architecture) he began an ambitious building project,
constructing churches all over his empire.
(c) Romanesque style: The Romanesque style reigned during the 800AD and 1100AD. It was
influenced by the previous styles such as byzantine (http://www.medieval-life-and-times.info). The
layout was developed from the rectangular basilica style into a crucifix pattern of a nave, transepts and
the apse. This movement made use of the Semi-circular arch, Barrel vault, Groin vault and the Ribbed
(d) Gothic style: Gothic Architecture evolved as a result of common architectural problems in medieval
times. This period was characterized by grand, tall designs which swept upwards with height and
grandeur, the flying buttress, the pointed arch, the vaulted ceiling, the light and airy interior, the
gargoyles, the emphasis on the decorative style and the ornate.
(e) Renaissance style: The word Renaissance literally means “rebirth”. The Renaissance churches were
built in Italy and north of the Alps. This period was characterised by an increase in the belief that
mankind is God’s creation. Similar to Renaissance art, the churches were born of a study of Roman
antiquity, thus they consist of rows of columns, domes, and lucid arcades. The interior and exterior
spaces of the church building were clearly defined, the designs of these areas were carved out and great
emphasis was laid on mathematic geometry, a symbol of man’s reason expressing God’s order.
Figure 8: The façade of Santa Maria Novella, a Renaissance Church building designed by Alberti
(Source: http://jtpennington.com/italy/page/5/ by Italy_JT, 2008)
Figure 10: The first church building in Nigeria, the Cathedral of St. Peter Church in Abeokuta
(Source: http://www.nairaland.com/ by Codedrock 2015)
(b) Traditional Churches: Traditional describes the generally held understanding of the local
church. They are churches that have their design modelled after the styles of Ecclesiastical
architecture listed previously. Churches in this category have great historical precedents; they
tend to be program-oriented, event-oriented or purpose oriented in their identities. Their unique
mode of worship defines and determines their interior design and planning pattern. Their façade
is usually a reflection of the period they were founded. Examples in this category are the modern
version of the gothic cathedrals which belong to the Anglican Communion and the Romanesque
cathedrals, similar to the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Aruosa Cathedral Benin city,
particularly where the Benin Monarch worship God. These modern cathedrals are an expression
of their origin which is usually referred to as their mother church.
Figure 14: The Holy Aruosa Cathedral, Benin City. Built 1849.
(Source: http://www.nairaland.com/2817)
(c) African Christian Churches: These churches are by Africans for Africans. They include the
Celestial Church of Christ, the aladura, the Cherubim and Seraphim. According to Sensagent
dictionary Aladura (Church of the Lord) meaning “owners of prayer” or “prayer fellowship” or
“the praying people” is a Christian movement amongst the Yoruba people. It was founded by
the first primate and late Prophet Dr. Josiah Olunowo Ositelu in 1925, but inaugurated in 1930
in Ogere Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. This doctrine emphasizes power in praying and they
believe in faith healing. The aladura movements in itself consist of various independent groups
with different view point and practices, which distinguish them from each other. The movement
includes churches like the salam church, idapoemimu church (aladura), to mention a few.
The Celestial Church of Christ started on 29th of September 1947 in Porto Novo, the Republic
of Benin through the founder of the church, the Reverend, Pastor, Prophet, Founder Samuel
Bilehou Joseph Oshoffa (1909-1985). They also believe in the power of prayer and bathing in
a pool or stream (as means of healing or getting delivered from demons’ possession, obsession
and oppression). Thus, their churches are mainly large free flowing spaces without sitting
Figure 7: A diagram of Sound Propagation under the condition of an increase of wind with height
(Source: from http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Acoustics+of+Moving+Media)
4.0 Implication/Conclusion
The solution to these problems requires electronic modification of the sound reinforcement system and
acoustical modification of the materials covering the walls, floor and ceiling. When someone mentions
the term "acoustical material", unfortunately, most of us think of sound absorbing substances. These
materials absorb or attenuate sound by converting the acoustical energy into heat. The walls, ceiling
and floor in your worship space are flat or curved surfaces that offer a second type of sound modification
refer to as reflection. Certain acoustic problems often result from improper design or from construction
limitations. If large echoes are to be avoided, focusing of the sound wave must be avoided. Smooth,
curved reflecting surfaces such as domes and curved walls act as focusing elements, creating large
echoes and leading to bad texture. Improper blend results if, sound from one part of the ensemble is
focused to one section of the audience. In addition, parallel walls in an auditorium reflect sound back
and forth, creating a rapid, repetitive pulsing of sound known as flutter echo and even leading to
destructive interference of the sound wave. Resonances at certain frequencies should also be avoided
by use of oblique walls.
Acoustic shadows, regions in which some frequency regions of sound are attenuated, can be caused by
diffraction effects as the sound wave passes around large columns and corners or underneath a low
balcony. Large reflectors called clouds, suspended over the performers, can be of such a size as to reflect
certain frequency regions while allowing others to pass, thus affecting the mixture of the sound. External
noise can be a serious problem for halls in urban areas or near airports or highways. One technique
often used for avoiding external noise is to construct the auditorium as a smaller room within a larger
room. Noise from air blowers or other mechanical vibrations can be reduced using techniques involving
impedance and by isolating air handlers.
Good acoustic design must take account of all these possible problems while emphasizing the desired
acoustic features. One of the problems in a large auditorium involves simply delivering an adequate
amount of sound to the rear of the hall. The intensity of a spherical sound wave decreases at a rate of
six decibels for each factor of two increases in distance from the source, as shown above. If the
auditorium is flat, a hemispherical wave will result. Absorption of the diffracted wave by the floor or
audience near the bottom of the hemisphere will result in even greater absorption, so that the resulting
intensity level will fall off at twice the theoretical rate, at about 12 decibels for each factor of two in
distance. Because of this absorption, the floors of an auditorium should slope upward towards the rear.
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