Hope 2 3RD Quarterly Exam

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Class Number: __________

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
San Agustin, Sta Ana, Pampanga



Name: _____________________________ Date: ____________________

Grade and Section: __________________ Score

I. Multiple Choice: Read and analyze each item carefully. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided before the number.

______1. What was the original name of badminton?

A. Battledore and shuttlecock C. Paddle and shuttlecock
B. Poona D. Poonah
______2. When was badminton officially recognized as an Olympic sport?
A. 1988 C. 1996
B. 1992 D. 2000
______3. What is the sport’s sole international governing body of badminton?
A. Badminton Asia C. Badminton World Federation
B. Badminton Players Federation D. Badminton Oceana
______4. What does “F” mean in the FITT principle
A. Face C. Freeze
B. Found D. Frequency
_____5. Who presented the game badminton in the Philippines?
A. British and Americans C. Indians and Indonesians
B. Greek and Egyptians D. Japanese and Americans
_____6. What does “I means in the FITT principle?
A. Indoor C. Intensity
B. Inside D. none of the above
_____7. In what badminton event does the two partners with the same sex work
together to retrieve the shuttle?
A. singles C. mixed doubles
B. doubles D. both a and b
_____8. What is the length and the width of the badminton doubles court?
A. 44 ft. x 17 ft. C. 44 ft. x 20 ft.
B. 44 ft. x 18 ft D. 44 ft. x 25 ft.
_____9. What is the height of the net at the center?
A. 1.50 meters C. 1.55 meters
B. 1.52 meters D. 1.58 meters

_____10. What is the required number of feathers in a shuttlecock?

A. 8 or 10 C. 12 or 14
B. 10 or 12 D. 14 or 16
_____11. What does the picture below illustrate?

A. forehand grip C. backhand grip

B. forehand stroke D. backhand stroke
_______12. Which of the following grips is illustrated in the picture below?
A. forehand grip C. backhand grip
B. forehand stroke D. backhand stroke

______13. A badminton match consists of the best of _____ games.

A. 3 C. 7
B. 5 D. 9
______14. Student A wants to develop his ability to change direction or position quickly
when retrieving a shuttlecock. Which among the following fitness
components should he focus?
A. agility C. coordination
B. balance D. flexibility
______15. In the activity shuttle control relay, which among the following fitness
components is being developed?
A. balance C. speed
B. coordination D. all of the above
______16. The following components are under the skill-related fitness, EXCEPT ____.
A. agility C. coordination
B. balance D. progression
______17. Which among these fitness tests measure the agility of a person?
A. 35-meter sprint C. ruler drop test
B. plank D. shuttle run
_____18. Which among the following fitness components is BEST to develop by a
badminton player in a sports training?
A. agility C. coordination
B. body composition D. speed
_____19. What is the fitness test that measures reaction time?
A. juggling C. ruler drop test
B. plank D. shuttle run
_____20. The following components are under the health-related fitness, EXCEPT ___.
A. endurance C. overload

B. flexibility D. power
_____21. How long should you play badminton to manage stress?
A. 30 minutes C. 60 minutes
B. 90 minutes D. 120 minutes
_____22. Which is the most important thing to keep in mind while playing badminton
to manage stress?
A. Competitive C. Having fun
B. Getting exercise D. Winning
_____23. Which of the following is the role of badminton in managing one's stress?

A. Badminton can help to reduce stress levels through physical activity

B. Badminton can increase stress levels due to the competitive
nature of the sport
C. Badminton can help to manage stress only if played in a group
D. Badminton has no role in managing one's stress
_____24. Can playing badminton outdoors enhance its stress-relieving benefits?
A. Yes, playing outdoors can enhance the stress-relieving benefits
B. No, playing outdoors has no effect on the stress-relieving
benefits of badminton
C. It depends on whom you play with.
D. It depends on the individual's preferences and needs
_____25. How can playing badminton with a partner or team enhance stress
A. By increasing social support and providing a sense of community
B. By increasing competition and adding stress
C. By reducing physical activity levels
D. by reducing physical interaction with others
_____26. How can playing badminton help with stress management?
A. It can distract the mind from stressors
B. It can release endorphins, which can reduce stress levels
C. It can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost self-esteem
D. All of the above
_____27. How should you behave towards your opponents?
A. Be respectful and courteous
B. Be aggressive and confrontational
C. Ignore them and focus on your own game
D. Ignore them and leave the court
_____28. What should you do if you accidentally damage the badminton court or
A. Blame someone else
B. Ignore it and keep playing
C. Ignore it and leave the court
D. Report it to the facility staff
_____29. How should you treat the badminton equipment?
A. Handle it with care to ensure it lasts longer
B. Handle it with care when there only a facilitator
C. Use it roughly to get the best performance
D. Use it without regard for its condition
_____30. How should you behave while waiting for your turn to play?
A. Make loud noises to distract your opponents
B. Stay quiet and focused
C. Talk loudly with your friends
D. Tantrums until they leave
_____31. What should you do if you accidentally hit someone with your racket?
A. Apologize and make sure they are okay
B. Ignore them and continue playing
C. Blame them for getting in the way
D. None of the above
_____31. What is the proper way to grip a badminton racket?
A. With a tight grip
B. With a loose grip
C. With safety and care
D. With a grip that varies depending on the shot
33-38. Training principles are guides in making F.I.T.T goals towards fitness. Analyze
and choose the correct answer in the box.

A. Overload principle C. Reversibility principle

B. Progression principle D. Specificity principle

_____33. A rower who becomes injured and cannot train may lose muscular
endurance. This is an example of which principle of training?
_____34. Working beyond your comfort zone in training to force an adaptation is a
definition of which principle of training?
_____35. If Usain Bolt's trainer ensures that his training targets the anaerobic energy
systems, which principle of training is being applied?
_____36. This principle of training relates to the type of training that you do. It should
be specific to you and your sport.
_____37. You can lose what you've gained if it's not maintained.
_____38. This is all about the need to gradually increase the workload that you put
your body through.
_____39. This is when you eat food simply because it tastes good. It just tastes good in
your mouth.
A. Fog eating C. Joy eating
B. Fun eating D. Storm eating
_____40. Student A likes to eat even if he is not hungry. What type of eating does he
A. Fog eating C. Joy eating
B. Fun eating D.Storm eating
_____41. Mr. A eated a bag of chips while watching our favorite program on television
and not realizing how much until the bag of chips is empty.
A. Fog eating C. Joy eating
B. Fun eating D.Storm eating
_____42. This type of eating happen when you feel a great sense of emotion and feel
out of control.
A. Fog eating C. Joy eating
B. Fun eating D.Storm eating
_____43. Teenagers are recommended to be physically active for at least
A. 6 minutes a day
B. 16 minutes a day
C. 36 minutes a day
D. 60 minutes a day
_____44. According to the World Health Organization in 2010, lack of physical activity
has been identified as the _______ leading risk factor for global mortality.
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
_____45.Among the following physical activities, which is not proven to improve overall
health and fitness?
A. Gentle C. Regular
B. Moderate D. Vigorous
_____46. This is an activity that increases the heart rate and makes you perspire more.
A. Gentle C. Regular
B. Moderate D. Vigorous
_____47. Which common disease can be a result of inactivity from physical activities?
A. dark skin C. short height
B. hair loss D. Diabetes Type 2
_____48. Non-participation in physical activity approximately causes _____ % ischemic
heart disease.
A. 25% C. 29%
B. 27% D. 30%
_____49. An inactive lifestyle causes people to develop _______.
A. Noncommunicable diseases C. Nonchalant
B. Non binary D. Noncommutative
______50. . Helping in and outside the homes is considered as________.
A. Gentle C. Regular
B. Moderate D. Vigorous

“The harder the battle, the sweeter the

--Les Brown
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