Hope 2 3RD Quarterly Exam
Hope 2 3RD Quarterly Exam
Hope 2 3RD Quarterly Exam
I. Multiple Choice: Read and analyze each item carefully. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided before the number.
B. flexibility D. power
_____21. How long should you play badminton to manage stress?
A. 30 minutes C. 60 minutes
B. 90 minutes D. 120 minutes
_____22. Which is the most important thing to keep in mind while playing badminton
to manage stress?
A. Competitive C. Having fun
B. Getting exercise D. Winning
_____23. Which of the following is the role of badminton in managing one's stress?
_____33. A rower who becomes injured and cannot train may lose muscular
endurance. This is an example of which principle of training?
_____34. Working beyond your comfort zone in training to force an adaptation is a
definition of which principle of training?
_____35. If Usain Bolt's trainer ensures that his training targets the anaerobic energy
systems, which principle of training is being applied?
_____36. This principle of training relates to the type of training that you do. It should
be specific to you and your sport.
_____37. You can lose what you've gained if it's not maintained.
_____38. This is all about the need to gradually increase the workload that you put
your body through.
_____39. This is when you eat food simply because it tastes good. It just tastes good in
your mouth.
A. Fog eating C. Joy eating
B. Fun eating D. Storm eating
_____40. Student A likes to eat even if he is not hungry. What type of eating does he
A. Fog eating C. Joy eating
B. Fun eating D.Storm eating
_____41. Mr. A eated a bag of chips while watching our favorite program on television
and not realizing how much until the bag of chips is empty.
A. Fog eating C. Joy eating
B. Fun eating D.Storm eating
_____42. This type of eating happen when you feel a great sense of emotion and feel
out of control.
A. Fog eating C. Joy eating
B. Fun eating D.Storm eating
_____43. Teenagers are recommended to be physically active for at least
A. 6 minutes a day
B. 16 minutes a day
C. 36 minutes a day
D. 60 minutes a day
_____44. According to the World Health Organization in 2010, lack of physical activity
has been identified as the _______ leading risk factor for global mortality.
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
_____45.Among the following physical activities, which is not proven to improve overall
health and fitness?
A. Gentle C. Regular
B. Moderate D. Vigorous
_____46. This is an activity that increases the heart rate and makes you perspire more.
A. Gentle C. Regular
B. Moderate D. Vigorous
_____47. Which common disease can be a result of inactivity from physical activities?
A. dark skin C. short height
B. hair loss D. Diabetes Type 2
_____48. Non-participation in physical activity approximately causes _____ % ischemic
heart disease.
A. 25% C. 29%
B. 27% D. 30%
_____49. An inactive lifestyle causes people to develop _______.
A. Noncommunicable diseases C. Nonchalant
B. Non binary D. Noncommutative
______50. . Helping in and outside the homes is considered as________.
A. Gentle C. Regular
B. Moderate D. Vigorous
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