2 Go there.
4 Do it then.
6 Come to my party.
7 Come tomorrow.
Textual /
8 Talk to me.
Task 3. Identify how the word from left column relate to the speaker. Match the columns:
bring towards the speaker
2. b.
here away from the speaker
3. c.
go far from the speaker
4. d.
your belonging to the speaker
5. e.
take towards the speaker
6. f.
there before the speaker's present
7. g.
those near the speaker
8. h.
come far from the speaker
9. i.
then belonging to the hearer
10. j.
my away from the speaker
2. b.
Will you have time by then? Textual anaphoric
3. c.
She is out. Personal centred on a third
4. d.
Bring some money with you Temporal centred on the past
5. e.
I'll come to you Temporal centred on the future
6. f.
Do you want to come over? Spatial centred on the speaker
7. g.
Do you want to come tomorrow? Textual cataphoric
8. h.
I won't help for these reasons ... Spatial centred on the
9. i.
... and that's why I am so late. Spatial centred on the speaker